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2014 Nimo Problems: Contributors: V Enhance, Vinayak-Kumar, James4L, Jsgandora, Bogtro, Ahaanomegas

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2014 NIMO Problems

NIMO Problems 2014

– Winter Contest

1 Find, with proof, all real numbers x satisfying x = 2 (2 (2 (2 (2x − 1) − 1) − 1) − 1)−

Proposed by Evan Chen

2 Determine, with proof, the smallest positive integer c such that for any positive
integer n, the decimal representation of the number cn + 2014 has digits all less
than 5.
Proposed by Evan Chen

3 The numbers 1, 2, . . . , 10 are written on a board. Every minute,

√ one can select
three numbers a, b, c on the board, erase them, and write a2 + b2 + c2 in their
place. This process continues until no more numbers can be erased. What is
the largest possible number that can remain on the board at this point?
Proposed by Evan Chen

4 Prove that there exist integers a, b, c with 1 ≤ a < b < c ≤ 25 and

S(a6 + 2014) = S(b6 + 2014) = S(c6 + 2014)
where S(n) denotes the sum of the decimal digits of n.
Proposed by Evan Chen

5 Let ABC be an acute triangle with orthocenter H and let M be the midpoint
of BC. (The orthocenter is the point at the intersection of the three altitudes.)
Denote by ωB the circle passing through B, H, and M , and denote by ωC the
circle passing through C, H, and M . Lines AB and AC meet ωB and ωC again
at P and Q, respectively. Rays P H and QH meet ωC and ωB again at R and
S, respectively. Show that △BRS and △CRS have the same area.
Proposed by Aaron Lin

6 Let ϕ(k) denote the numbers of positive integers less than or equal to k and
relatively prime to k. Prove that for some positive integer n,
ϕ(2n − 1) + ϕ(2n + 1) < ϕ(2n).
Proposed by Evan Chen

Contributors: v Enhance, vinayak-kumar, james4l, JSGandora, BOGTRO, ahaanomegas
2014 NIMO Problems

7 Let ABC be a triangle and let Q be a point such that AB ⊥ QB and AC ⊥ QC.
A circle with center I is inscribed in △ABC, and is tangent to BC, CA and
AB at points D, E, and F , respectively. If ray QI intersects EF at P , prove
that DP ⊥ EF .
Proposed by Aaron Lin

8 Define the function ξ : Z2 → Z by ξ(n, k) = 1 when n ≤ k and ξ(n, k) = −1

when n > k, and construct the polynomial
Y 1000
P (x1 , . . . , x1000 ) = ξ(n, k)xk .
n=1 k=1

(a) Determine the coefficient of x1 x2 . . . x1000 in P .

(b) Show that if x1 , x2 , . . . , x1000 ∈ {−1, 1} then P (x1 , x2 , . . . , x1000 ) = 0.
Proposed by Evan Chen

– Monthly Contests

Day 11 January 31st

1 Define Hn = 1 + 12 + · · · + n1 . Let the sum of all Hn that are terminating in

base 10 be S. If S = m/n where m and n are relatively prime positive integers,
find 100m + n.
Proposed by Lewis Chen

2 In the game of Guess the Card, two players each have a 12 chance of winning
and there is exactly one winner. Sixteen competitors stand in a circle, num-
bered 1, 2, . . . , 16 clockwise. They participate in an 4-round single-elimination
tournament of Guess the Card. Each round, the referee randomly chooses one
of the remaining players, and the players pair off going clockwise, starting from
the chosen one; each pair then plays Guess the Card and the losers leave the
circle. If the probability that players 1 and 9 face each other in the last round
is m
n where m, n are positive integers, find 100m + n.
Proposed by Evan Chen

3 Call an integer k debatable if the number of odd factors of k is a power of

two. What is the largest positive integer n such that there exists n consecutive
debatable numbers? (Here, a power of two is defined to be any number of the
form 2m , where m is a nonnegative integer.)

Contributors: v Enhance, vinayak-kumar, james4l, JSGandora, BOGTRO, ahaanomegas
2014 NIMO Problems

Proposed by Lewis Chen

4 Let a, b, c be positive reals for which

(a + b)(a + c) = bc + 2
(b + c)(b + a) = ca + 5
(c + a)(c + b) = ab + 9

If abc = n for relatively prime positive integers m and n, compute 100m + n.
Proposed by Evan Chen

5 In triangle ABC, sin A sin B sin C = 1000 and AB · BC · CA = 1000. What is
the area of triangle ABC?
Proposed by Evan Chen

6 Suppose we wish to pick a random integer between 1 and N inclusive by flipping

a fair coin. One way we can do this is through generating a random binary
decimal between 0 and 1, then multiplying the result by N and taking the
ceiling. However, this would take an infinite amount of time. We therefore
stopping the flipping process after we have enough flips to determine the ceiling
of the number. For instance, if N = 3, we could conclude that the number is 2
after flipping .0112 , but .0102 is inconclusive.
Suppose N = 2014. The expected number of flips for such a process is n where
m, n are relatively prime positive integers, find 100m + n.
Proposed by Lewis Chen

7 Let P (n) be a polynomial of degree m with integer coefficients, where m ≤ 10.

Suppose that P (0) = 0, P (n) has m distinct integer roots, and P (n) + 1 can be
factored as the product of two nonconstant polynomials with integer coefficients.
Find the sum of all possible values of P (2).
Proposed by Evan Chen

8 The side lengths of △ABC are integers with no common factor greater than 1.
Given that ∠B = 2∠C and AB < 600, compute the sum of all possible values
of AB.
Proposed by Eugene Chen

Day 12 February 24th

Contributors: v Enhance, vinayak-kumar, james4l, JSGandora, BOGTRO, ahaanomegas
2014 NIMO Problems

1 You drop a 7 cm long piece of mechanical pencil lead on the oor. A bully takes
the lead and breaks it at a random point into two pieces. A piece of lead is
unusable if it is 2 cm or shorter. If the expected value of the number of usable
pieces afterwards is mn for relatively prime positive integers m and n, compute
100m + n.
Proposed by Aaron Lin

2 Let ABC be an equilateral triangle. Denote by D the midpoint of BC, and

denote the circle with diameter
√ AD by Ω. If the region inside Ω and outside
△ABC has area 800π − 600 3, find the length of AB.
Proposed by Eugene Chen

3 In land of Nyemo, the unit of currency is called a quack. The citizens use coins
that are worth 1, 5, 25, and 125 quacks. How many ways can someone pay o
125 quacks using these coins?
Proposed by Aaron Lin

4 Let S be the set of integers which are both a multiple of 70 and a factor of
630,000. A random element c of S is selected. If the probability that there
exists an integer d with gcd(c, d) = 70 and lcm(c, d) = 630,000 is m
n for some
relatively prime integers m and n, compute 100m + n.
Proposed by Eugene Chen

5 Triangle ABC has sidelengths AB = 14, BC = 15, and CA = 13. We draw

a circle with diameter AB such that it passes BC again at D and passes CA
again at E. If the circumradius of △CDE can be expressed as mn where m, n
are coprime positive integers, determine 100m + n.
Proposed by Lewis Chen

6 Let N = 106 . For which integer a with 0 ≤ a ≤ N − 1 is the value of


a+1 a
Proposed by Lewis Chen

7 Find the sum of all integers n with 2 ≤ n ≤ 999 and the following property: if
x and y are randomly selected without replacement from the set {1, 2, . . . , n},
then x+y is even with probability p, where p is the square of a rational number.

Contributors: v Enhance, vinayak-kumar, james4l, JSGandora, BOGTRO, ahaanomegas
2014 NIMO Problems

Proposed by Ivan Koswara

8 Let a, b, c, d be complex numbers satisfying

125 = (5 − a)4 + (5 − b)4 + (5 − c)4 + (5 − d)4
1205 = (a + b)4 + (b + c)4 + (c + d)4 + (d + a)4 + (a + c)4 + (b + d)4
25 = a4 + b4 + c4 + d4

Compute abcd.
Proposed by Evan Chen

Day 13 March 24th

1 Let η(m) be the product of all positive integers that divide m, including 1 and
m. If η(η(η(10))) = 10n , compute n.
Proposed by Kevin Sun

2 Two points A and B are selected independently and uniformly at random along
the perimeter of a unit square with vertices at (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), and (1, 1). The
probability that the y-coordinate of A is strictly greater than the y-coordinate of
B can be expressed as m n , where m and n are relatively prime positive integers.
Compute 100m + n.
Proposed by Rajiv Movva

3 Find the number of positive integers n with exactly 1974 factors such that no
prime greater than 40 divides n, and n ends in one of the digits 1, 3, 7, 9. (Note
that 1974 = 2 · 3 · 7 · 47.)
Proposed by Yonah Borns-Weil

4 A black bishop and a white king are placed randomly on a 2000 × 2000 chess-
board (in distinct squares). Let p be the probability that the bishop attacks the
king (that is, the bishop and king lie on some common diagonal of the board).
Then p can be expressed in the form m n , where m and n are relatively prime
positive integers. Compute m.
Proposed by Ahaan Rungta

Contributors: v Enhance, vinayak-kumar, james4l, JSGandora, BOGTRO, ahaanomegas
2014 NIMO Problems

5 Let a positive integer n be nice if there exists a positive integer m such that

n3 < 5mn < n3 + 100.

Find the number of nice positive integers.

Proposed by Akshaj

6 Let P (x) be a polynomial with real coefficients such that P (12) = 20 and

(x − 1) · P (16x) = (8x − 1) · P (8x)

holds for all real numbers x. Compute the remainder when P (2014) is divided
by 1000.
Proposed by Alex Gu

7 Let N denote the number of ordered pairs of sets (A, B) such that A ∪ B is a
size-999 subset of {1, 2, . . . , 1997} and (A ∩ B) ∩ {1, 2} = {1}. If m and k are
integers such that 3m 5k divides N , compute the the largest possible value of
m + k.
Proposed by Michael Tang

8 Triangle ABC lies entirely in the first quadrant of the Cartesian plane, and
its sides have slopes 63, 73, 97. Suppose the curve V with equation y = (x +
3)(x2 + 3) passes through the vertices of ABC. Find the sum of the slopes of
the three tangents to V at each of A, B, C.
Proposed by Akshaj

Day 14 May 15th

1 Let A, B, C, D be four points on a line in this order. Suppose that AC = 25,

BD = 40, and AD = 57. Compute AB · CD + AD · BC.
Proposed by Evan Chen

2 In the Generic Math Tournament, 99 people participate. One of the partic-

ipants, Alfred, scores 16th in Algebra, 30th in Combinatorics, and 23rd in
Geometry (and does not tie with anyone). The overall ranking is computed by
adding the scores from all three tests. Given this information, let B be the best
ranking that Alfred could have achieved, and let W be the worst ranking that
he could have achieved. Compute 100B + W .
Proposed by Lewis Chen

Contributors: v Enhance, vinayak-kumar, james4l, JSGandora, BOGTRO, ahaanomegas
2014 NIMO Problems

3 In triangle ABC, we have AB = AC = 20 and BC = 14. Consider points M

on AB and N on AC. If the minimum value of the sum BN + M N + M C is
x, compute 100x.
Proposed by Lewis Chen

4 Define the infinite products

∞   ∞  
Y 1 Y 1
A= 1− 3 and B = 1+ .
n n(n + 1)
i=2 i=1

A m
If B = n where m, n are relatively prime positive integers, determine 100m+n.
Proposed by Lewis Chen

5 Find the largest integer n for which 2n divides

2 4 6 128
... .
1 2 3 64

Proposed by Evan Chen

6 10 students are arranged in a row. Every minute, a new student is inserted

in the row (which can occur in the front and in the back as well, hence 11
possible places) with a uniform 11 probability of each location. Then, either
the frontmost or the backmost student is removed from the row (each with a 21
Suppose you are the eighth in the line from the front. The probability that
you exit the row from the front rather than the back is m
n , where m and n are
relatively prime positive integers. Find 100m + n.
Proposed by Lewis Chen

7 Ana and Banana play a game. First, Ana picks a real number p with 0 ≤ p ≤ 1.
Then, Banana picks an integer h greater than 1 and creates a spaceship with
h hit points. Now every minute, Ana decreases the spaceship’s hit points by
2 with probability 1 − p, and by 3 with probability p. Ana wins if and only if
the number of hit points is reduced to exactly 0 at some point (in particular, if
the spaceship has a negative number of hit points at any time then Ana loses).
Given that Ana and Banana select p and h optimally, compute the integer
closest to 1000p.
Proposed by Lewis Chen

Contributors: v Enhance, vinayak-kumar, james4l, JSGandora, BOGTRO, ahaanomegas
2014 NIMO Problems

8 Let x be a positive real number. Define

∞ ∞ ∞
X x3k X x3k+1 X x3k+2
A= , B= , and C= .
(3k)! (3k + 1)! (3k + 2)!
k=0 k=0 k=0

Given that A3 + B 3 + C 3 + 8ABC = 2014, compute ABC.

Proposed by Evan Chen

Day 15 September 14th

1 Let ABC be a triangle with AB = 13, BC = 14, and CA = 15. Let D be the
point inside triangle ABC with the property that BD ⊥ CD and AD ⊥ BC.

Then the length AD can be expressed in the form m − n, where m and n are
positive integers. Find 100m + n.
Proposed by Michael Ren

2 In the figure below, how many ways are there to select two squares which do
not share an edge?

Proposed by Evan Chen

3 Let S = {1, 2, . . . , 2014}. Suppose that

i|T | = p + qi
T ⊆S

where p and q are integers, i = −1, and the summation runs over all 22014
subsets of S. Find the remainder when |p| + |q| is divided by 1000. (Here |X|
denotes the number of elements in a set X.)
Proposed by David Altizio

Contributors: v Enhance, vinayak-kumar, james4l, JSGandora, BOGTRO, ahaanomegas
2014 NIMO Problems

4 Points A, B, C, and D lie on a circle such that chords AC and BD intersect

at a point E inside the circle. Suppose that ∠ADE = ∠CBE = 75◦ , BE = 4,

and DE = 8. The value of AB 2 can be written in the form a + b c for positive
integers a, b, and c such that c is not divisible by the square of any prime. Find
a + b + c.
Proposed by Tony Kim

5 Let r, s, t be the roots of the polynomial x3 + 2x2 + x − 7. Then

1 1 1 m
1+ 2
1+ 2
1+ 2
(r + 2) (s + 2) (t + 2) n
for relatively prime positive integers m and n. Compute 100m + n.
Proposed by Justin Stevens

6 For all positive integers k, define f (k) = k 2 + k + 1. Compute the largest

positive integer n such that
2015f (12 )f (22 ) · · · f (n2 ) ≥ f (1)f (2) · · · f (n) .

Proposed by David Altizio

7 Find the sum of the prime factors of 67208001, given that 23 is one.
Proposed by Justin Stevens

8 For positive integers a, b, and c, define

f (a, b, c) = .
gcd(a, b, c) · lcm(a, b, c)
We say that a positive integer n is f @ if there exist pairwise distinct positive
integers x, y, z ≤ 60 that satisfy f (x, y, z) = n. How many f @ integers are
Proposed by Michael Ren

Day 16

1 For any interval A in the real number line not containing zero, define its recipro-
cal to be the set of numbers of the form x1 where x is an element in A. Compute
the number of ordered pairs of positive integers (m, n) with m < n such that
the length of the interval [m, n] is 1010 times the length of its reciprocal.
Proposed by David Altizio

Contributors: v Enhance, vinayak-kumar, james4l, JSGandora, BOGTRO, ahaanomegas
2014 NIMO Problems

2 Let 0◦ ≤ α, β, γ ≤ 90◦ be angles such that

sin α − cos β = tan γ

sin β − cos α = cot γ

Compute the sum of all possible values of γ in degrees.

Proposed by Michael Ren

3 Let ABCD be a square with side length 2. Let M and N be the midpoints of
BC and CD respectively, and let X and Y be the feet of the perpendiculars
from A to M D and N B, also respectively. The square of the length of segment
XY can be written in the form pq where p and q are positive relatively prime
integers. What is 100p + q?
Proposed by David Altizio

4 Let a and b be positive real numbers such that ab = 2 and

a b 7
+ 2
= .
a+b b+a 8

Find a6 + b6 .
Proposed by David Altizio

5 A positive integer N greater than 1 is described as special if in its base-8 and

base-9 representations, both the leading and ending digit of N are equal to 1.
What is the smallest special integer in decimal representation?
Proposed by Michael Ren

6 Bob is making partitions of 10, but he hates even numbers, so he splits 10 up in

a special way. He starts with 10, and at each step he takes every even number in
the partition and replaces it with a random pair of two smaller positive integers
that sum to that even integer. For example, 6 could be replaced with 1 + 5,
2 + 4, or 3 + 3 all with equal probability. He terminates this process when all
the numbers in his list are odd. The expected number of integers in his list at
the end can be expressed in the form m n , where m and n are relatively prime
positive integers. Compute 100m + n.
Proposed by Michael Ren

Contributors: v Enhance, vinayak-kumar, james4l, JSGandora, BOGTRO, ahaanomegas
2014 NIMO Problems

7 Let △ABC have AB = 6, BC = 7, and CA = 8, and denote by ω its circum-

circle. Let N be a point on ω such that AN is a diameter of ω. Furthermore,
let the tangent to ω at A intersect BC at T , and let the second intersection
point of N T with ω be X. The length of AX can be written in the form √mn for
positive integers m and n, where n is not divisible by the square of any prime.
Find 100m + n.
Proposed by David Altizio

8 Let p = 216 + 1 be a prime. A sequence of 216 positive integers {an } is mono-

tonically bounded if 1 ≤ ai ≤ i for all 1 ≤ i ≤ 216 . We say that a term ak in the
sequence with 2 ≤ k ≤ 216 − 1 is a mountain if ak is greater than both ak−1
and ak+1 . Evan writes out all possible monotonically bounded sequences. Let
N be the total number of mountain terms over all such sequences he writes.
Find the remainder when N is divided by p.
Proposed by Michael Ren

– April Fool’s

– April 1st

1 How many ways are there to fill the 2 × 2 grid below with 0’s and 1’s such that
no row or column has duplicate entries?

2 I’m thinking of a five-letter word that rhymes with “angry” and “hungry”.
What is it?

3 %%% This problem intentionally left blank. %%%

4 Let n be largest number such that

2014100! − 2011100!
is still an integer. Compute the remainder when 3n is divided by 1000.

Contributors: v Enhance, vinayak-kumar, james4l, JSGandora, BOGTRO, ahaanomegas
2014 NIMO Problems

5 Let ABC be a triangle with AB = 130, BC = 140, CA = 150. Let G, H, I, O,

N , K, L be the centroid, orthocenter, incenter, circumenter, nine-point center,
the symmedian point, and the de Longchamps point. Let D, E, F be the feet
of the altitudes of A, B, C on the sides BC, CA, AB. Let X, Y , Z be the A,
B, C excenters and let U , V , W denote the midpoints of IX, IY , IZ (i.e. the
midpoints of the arcs of (ABC).) Let R, S, T denote the isogonal conjugates
of the midpoints of AD, BE, CF . Let P and Q denote the images of G and H
under an inversion around the circumcircle of ABC followed by a dilation at O
with factor 12 , and denote by M the midpoint of P Q. Then let J be a point
such that JKLM is a parallelogram. Find the perimeter of the convex hull of
the self-intersecting 17-gon LET ST RADEBIT COIN S to the nearest integer.
A diagram has been included but may not be to scale.

Contributors: v Enhance, vinayak-kumar, james4l, JSGandora, BOGTRO, ahaanomegas
2014 NIMO Problems

6 We know Z210 ∼
= Z2 × Z3 × Z5 × Z7 .

53 ≡ 1 (mod 2)
53 ≡ 2 (mod 3)
53 ≡ 3 (mod 5)
53 ≡ 4 (mod 7).

Let  
53 158 53
 
M =  23 93 53  .
 
 
50 170 53

Based on the above, find (M mod 2)(M mod 3)(M mod 5)(M mod 7).

7 Evaluate the following: http://internetolympiad.org/archive/2014/AprilFools/


8 Three of the below entries, with labels a, b, c, are blatantly incorrect (in the
United States).
What is a2 + b2 + c2 ?
041. The Gentleman’s Alliance Cross
042. Glutamine (an amino acid)
051. Grant Nelson and Norris Windross
052. A compact region at the center of a galaxy
061. The value of \verb+’wat’-1+. (See \url{https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/wat}.)
062. Threonine (an amino acid)
071. Nintendo Gamecube
072. Methane and other gases are compressed
081. A prank or trick
082. Three carbons
091. Australia’s second largest local government area
092. Angoon Seaplane Base
101. A compressed archive file format
102. Momordica cochinchinensis
111. Gentaro Takahashi
112. Nat Geo

Contributors: v Enhance, vinayak-kumar, james4l, JSGandora, BOGTRO, ahaanomegas
2014 NIMO Problems

121. Ante Christum Natum

122. The supreme Siberian god of death
131. Gnu C Compiler
132. My TeX Shortcut for ∠.

9 This is an ARML Super Relay! I’m sure you know how this works! You start
from #1 and #15 and meet in the middle.
We are going to require you to solve all 15 problems, though – so for the entire
task, submit the sum of all the answers, rather than just the answer to #8.
Also, uhh, we can’t actually find the slip for #1. Sorry about that. Have fun
Problem 2.
Let T = T N Y W R. Find the number of way to distribute 6 indistinguishable
pieces of candy to T hungry (and distinguishable) schoolchildren, such that
each child gets at most one piece of candy.
Problem 3.
Let T = T N Y W R. If d is the largest proper divisor of T , compute 12 d.
Problem 4.
Let T = T N Y W R and flip 4 fair coins. Suppose the probability that at most
T heads appear is m
n , where m and n are coprime positive integers. Compute
m + n.
Problem 5.
Let T = T N Y W R. Compute the last digit of T T in base 10.
Problem 6.
Let T = T N Y W R and flip 6 fair coins. Suppose the probability that at most
T heads appear is m
n , where m and n are coprime positive integers. Compute
m + n.
Problem 7.
Let T = T N Y W R. Compute the smallest prime p for which nT 6≡ n (mod p)
for some integer n.
Problem 8.
Let M and N be the two answers received, with M ≤ N . Compute the number

of integer quadruples (w, x, y, z) with w + x + y + z = M wxyz and 1 ≤
w, x, y, z ≤ N .
Problem 9.
Let T = T N Y W R. Compute the smallest integer n with n ≥ 2 such that n is
coprime to T + 1, and there exists positive integers a, b, c with a2 + b2 + c2 =
n(ab + bc + ca).

Contributors: v Enhance, vinayak-kumar, james4l, JSGandora, BOGTRO, ahaanomegas
2014 NIMO Problems

Problem 10.
Let T = T N Y W R and flip 10 fair coins. Suppose the probability that at most
T heads appear is m
n , where m and n are coprime positive integers. Compute
m + n.
Problem 11.
Let T = T N Y W R. Compute the last digit of T T in base 10.
Problem 12.
Let T = T N Y W R and flip 12 fair coins. Suppose the probability that at most
T heads appear is m
n , where m and n are coprime positive integers. Compute
m + n.
Problem 13.
Let T = T N Y W R. If d is the largest proper divisor of T , compute 12 d.
Problem 14.
Let T = T N Y W R. Compute the number of way to distribute 6 indistinguish-
able pieces of candy to T hungry (and distinguishable) schoolchildren, such that
each child gets at most one piece of candy.
Also, we can’t find the slip for #15, either. We think the SFBA coaches stole
it to prevent us from winning the Super Relay, but that’s not going to stop us,
is it? We have another #15 slip that produces an equivalent answer. Here you
Problem 15.
Let A, B, C be the answers to #8, #9, #10. Compute gcd(A, C) · B.

– Summer Contest

– August 23rd

1 Compute 1 + 2 · 34 .
Proposed by Evan Chen

2 How many 2×2×2 cubes must be added to a 8×8×8 cube to form a 12×12×12
Proposed by Evan Chen

3 A square
√ and equilateral triangle have the same perimeter. If the triangle has
area 16 3, what is the area of the square?
Proposed by Evan Chen

Contributors: v Enhance, vinayak-kumar, james4l, JSGandora, BOGTRO, ahaanomegas
2014 NIMO Problems

4 Let n be a positive integer. Determine the smallest possible value of 1 − n +

n2 − n3 + · · · + n1000 .
Proposed by Evan Chen

5 We have a five-digit positive integer N

 . We select every pair of digits of N (and
keep them in order) to obtain the 52 = 10 numbers 33, 37, 37, 37, 38, 73, 77,
78, 83, 87. Find N .
Proposed by Lewis Chen

6 Suppose x is a random real number between 1 and 4, and y is a random real

number between 1 and 9. If the expected value of

⌈log2 x⌉ − ⌊log3 y⌋
can be expressed as n where m and n are relatively prime positive integers,
compute 100m + n.
Proposed by Lewis Chen

7 Evaluate
9 9 9
(abc + ab + bc + ca + a + b + c) .
a=1 b=1 c=1

Proposed by Evan Chen

8 Aaron takes a square sheet of paper, with one corner labeled A. Point P is
chosen at random inside of the square and Aaron folds the paper so that points
A and P coincide. He cuts the sheet along the crease and discards the piece
containing A. Let p be the probability that the remaining piece is a pentagon.
Find the integer nearest to 100p.
Proposed by Aaron Lin

9 Two players play a game involving an n × n grid of chocolate. Each turn, a

player may either eat a piece of chocolate (of any size), or split an existing piece
of chocolate into two rectangles along a grid-line. The player who moves last
loses. For how many positive integers n less than 1000 does the second player
(Splitting a piece of chocolate refers to taking an a × b piece, and breaking it
into an (a − c) × b and a c × b piece, or an a × (b − d) and an a × d piece.)
Proposed by Lewis Chen

Contributors: v Enhance, vinayak-kumar, james4l, JSGandora, BOGTRO, ahaanomegas
2014 NIMO Problems

10 Among 100 points in the plane, no three collinear, exactly 4026 pairs are con-
nected by line segments. Each point is then randomly assigned an integer from
1 to 100 inclusive, each equally likely, such that no integer appears more than
once. Find the expected value of the number of segments which join two points
whose labels differ by at least 50.
Proposed by Evan Chen

11 Consider real numbers A, B, \dots, Z such that

5 6 7
EV IL = , LOV E = , and IM O = .
31 29 3
If OM O = n for relatively prime positive integers m and n, find the value of
m + n.
Proposed by Evan Chen

12 Find the sum of all positive integers n such that

2n + 1
n(n − 1)
has a terminating decimal representation.
Proposed by Evan Chen

13 Let α and β be nonnegative integers. Suppose the number of strictly increasing

sequences of integers a0 , a1 , . . . , a2014 satisfying 0 ≤ am ≤ 3m is 2α (2β + 1).
Find α.
Proposed by Lewis Chen

14 Let ABC be a triangle with circumcenter O and let X, Y , Z be the midpoints

of arcs BAC, ABC, ACB on its circumcircle. Let G and I denote the centroid
of △XY Z and the incenter of △ABC.
GO m
Given that AB = 13, BC = 14, CA = 15, and GI = n for relatively prime
positive integers m and n, compute 100m + n.
Proposed by Evan Chen

15 Let A = (0, 0), B = (−1, −1), C = (x, y), and D = (x + 1, y), where x > y
are positive integers. Suppose points A, B, C, D lie on a circle with radius
r. Denote by r1 and r2 the smallest and second smallest possible values of r.
Compute r12 + r22 .
Proposed by Lewis Chen

Contributors: v Enhance, vinayak-kumar, james4l, JSGandora, BOGTRO, ahaanomegas

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