Chapter Six: Cooling Load Calculation
Chapter Six: Cooling Load Calculation
Chapter Six: Cooling Load Calculation
It is important to differentiating between heat gains and cooling load. Heat gain is the
rate at which energy is transferred to or generated within a space. Heat gains usually
occur in the following forms:
b. Heat conduction through boundaries with convection and radiation from the inner
surface into the space.
The heat storage characteristics of the structure and interior objects determine the
thermal lag and therefor the relationship between heat gain and cooling load.
Figure 6.2 shows the relation between the heat gain and cooling load and the effect of
the mass of the structure. The attenuation and delay of the peak load gain is very evident
especially for heavy construction.
----------------------------------- (6.1)
…………………………………. (6.2)
Equations (6.1) and (6.2) can be combined to yield an expression for teo in useful form:
…………………………………………… (6.3)
…………………………………………….. (6.4)
The CLTD method accounts for the thermal response in the heat transfer through the
wall or roof, as well as the response due to radiation of part of the energy from the interior
surface of the wall to objects and surfaces within the space. The CLTD method makes use
of (a) the temperature difference in the case of walls and roofs and (b) the cooling load
factors (CLF) in the case of solar heat gain through windows and internal heat sources,
that is,
Q: is the net room conduction heat gain through roof, wall or glass (W)
CLTD/CLF calculation
To account for the temperature and the solar variations, the concept of cooling load
temperature difference (CLTD) is introduced. The CLTD is a steady-state representation
of the complex heat transfer involving actual temperature difference between indoors and
outdoors, mass and solar radiation by the building materials, and of time of day. Table 6.1
lists the types of the walls according to installation structural, while Table 6.2 gives the
values of CLTDs for different groups of sunlit walls. Table 6.3 lists the CLTDs values for
thirteen type of roofs for the typical cooling design day. The following relation makes
corrections in the CLTDs listed in the Tables 6.2 and 6.3 for walls and roofs respectively
for deviations in design and solar conditions as follows:
To.m: is the average outdoor temperature, computed as the design temperature less half
the daily range.
f: is attic fan factor ( 1.0 for no attic fans; 0.75 for positive attic ventilation).
Example 6.1:
Calculate the CLTDc for a wall of group D facing to the south and located at the
latitude of 32oN, at 2:00 P.M. in the month of October. Assume that the wall is dark color,
and the indoor design temperature is 25.5oC. The maximum outdoor temperature is 35oC
with the daily range of 11.2oC.
From Table 6.2, and for wall of group D, at solar time 14 and south direction;
Example 6.2:
Roof of one of the buildings consists of 102 mm high weight concrete with 50.8 mm
insulation, and a suspended ceiling. The overall heat transfer coefficient of the roof is
0.511 W/m2.oC. The building is located at latitude of 40oN. The outdoor design conditions
are 36oC DBT and 26oC WBT, with daily range of 12oC, and the indoor design conditions
are 24oC DBT and 50% relative humidity. Compute the cooling load per square meter of
the roof at 4:00 P.M. in the month of August.
When solar radiation strikes an unshaded window (Fig.6.3), about 8% of the radiant
energy is typically reflected back outdoors, from 5-50% is absorbed within the glass, and
the remainder is transmitted directly indoors, to become part of the cooling load.
The solar gain is the sum of the transmitted radiation and the portion of the absorbed
radiation the flows inward. Because heat is also conducted through the glass wherever
there is an outdoor- indoor temperature difference, the total of heat admission is
Total heat admission through glass = Radiation transmitted through glass + Inward flow of
absorbed solar radiation + Conduction heat gain
Total heat gain = Solar heat gain + Conduction heat gain ………………. (6.7)
CLTDc: Correct cooling load temperature difference for glass. Table 6.5 gives CLTD.
SC: Shading coefficient from Table 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, and 6.10
CLF: Cooling load factor for glass from Table 6.11 and 6.12
Shading coefficient (SC); is the ratio between the solar heat gain through any given type
of fenestration system and the solar heat gain through unshaded clear glass (reference
SC = (Solar heat gain of fenestration)/ (Solar heat gain of double-strength glass)… (6.11)
Example 6.3:
The wall of Example 6.1 has a 1.2 m x 1.5 m single glass window (U = 4.6
W/m . C). The window has light-colored venetian blinds. Compute the cooling load due to
the window at 5:00 P.M. solar time for August, using the design condition given in
Example 6.1.
The total cooling load for the window can be determined as following;
CLTDc = CLTD + (25.5 – Tr) + (To.m – 29.4) = 7 + (25.5 - 25.5) + (29.4 – 29.4) = 7oC
= 151.5 W
The infiltration load should be considered in the space heat gain calculations. Sensible
and latent heat from infiltration gains can be calculated in the same way that already
explained in Chapter Five with some simple difference.
Sensible infiltration heat gain, qs.i = 1.22 x V.i x (To – Tr) ……………………. (6.12)
Latent infiltration heat gain, ql.i = 3010 x V.i x (Wo – Wi)……………………. (6.13)
Internal heat comprises sensible and latent heat gains from occupants, lights,
appliances and equipment and piping, etc.
- Occupancy
The people who occupy the building give off thermal energy continuously, the rate
of which depends on the level of activity (Table 6.13). For the sensible portion of the heat
released, a cooling load factor (Table 6.14) has been developed to account for the lag in time
Air Conditioning Engineering Prepared by/ Dr.Obaid T. Fadhil 8
Chapter Six
between occupancy and the observed cooling load. The sensible cooling load due to people
is therefore,
N = number of occupants
Gs = sensible heat gain depending on activity and time from entry (W)
qL = N x GL ………………………………………… (6.15)
N: number of occupants
GL: latent heat gain from occupants depending on a activity and time from entry (W)
Example 6.4:
An office suite is designed with 15 people. Estimate the cooling load from the
occupants after 7 hours of their entering the office. Also, assumed that the occupants stay in
the space are 9 hours.
We will assume moderately active, office work, and use data from Table 6.13 and 6.14
qL = 15 x 55 = 825 W
qs = 15 x 75 x 0.825 = 928 W
Lighting is often the major space cooling load component. The rate of heat gain at
any instant, however, is not the same as the heat equivalent of power supplied
instantaneously to these lights. Only part of the energy from lights is transferred to the room
air by convection, and thus becomes the cooling load. The remaining portion is the radiant
heat that affects the conditioned space only after having been absorbed by walls, floors
furniture, etc. and released after a time lag. The instantaneous heat gain for lights may be
expressed as
Fs: special allowance factor for lights, for fluorescent lamp Fs= 1.2
The cooling load factor is a function of the building mass, air-circulation rate, type of
fixture and time. Table 6.15 give the cooling load as a function of time for lights that are on
for 8, 10, 12 and 14 hour. The "a" classification depends on the nature of light fixture, the
return-air system, and the type of furnishings, where the "b" classification depends on the
construction of the building and the type of supply and return air system. Design values of
coefficients "a" and "b" are given in Tables 6.16 and 6.17 respectively.
Example 6.5:
The office suite of example 6.4 has total installed light wattage of 8400 W. The
fluorescent light fixtures are recessed with 40 W lamps. Supply air is through the ceiling
with air returning through the ceiling plenum. The lights are turned on at 8:00 A.M. and
turned off at 6:00 P.M. Estimate the cooling load at 4:00 P.M. The floor is 75 mm concrete.
Assuming that about 15% of the lights are off, the use factor; Fu = 85%, Fs = 1.2
QL = qL x (CLF)L
The (CLF)L from Table 6.15 for 10 hours on and a = 0.55 (Table 6.16), b = B (Table 6.17)
(CLF)L= 0.82
- Miscellaneous Equipment
Most appliances contribute both sensible and latent heats. The latent heat produced
depends on the function the appliances perform, such as drying, cooking, etc. Gas appliances
produce additional moisture as product of combustion.
ΔT = (To – Tr)
Latent heat gain corresponding to the change in moisture content (ΔW) for a given air
flow V. is
ΔW = (Wo – Wr)
The air quantity required to offset simultaneously the room sensible and latent loads
may be calculated using the following equation
Air flow required V.R = room (zone) sensible heat/ 1.22 (Tr – Ts) …………… (6.22)
The problem is how we can calculate or determine the supply air temperature Ts. One
of the two unknown (V.R, Ts) is chosen according to "good practice" (such as costs and job
conditions), and the remaining unknown is then calculated from the equation.
A hair salon shop has a sensible cooling load of 16 kW and latent cooling load of
6.5 kW. The room conditions are to be maintained at 25 oC DBT and 50% RH. If 56 m3/min
of supply air is furnished, determine the required supply air DBT and WBT.
Now from the psychrometric chart at DBT=11 oC and W= 0.00232 kg/kg, we find
(b) Outdoor design conditions: Obtain the outdoor weather data for the building location
and select the outdoor design conditions.
( e) Date and time: Select the time of the day and month to estimate the cooling load.
Several different times of the day and several different months need to be analysed to
determine the peak load time. The particular day and month are often dictated by peak solar
conditions. A calculation form [Table 6.20] is given blow, wherein the calculated values of
the components of cooling load may be entered.
1. A window in a south wall in a building which has a light construction. The dimensions of
the window are (1.5 m x 1.5 m) and the glass is of heat absorbing type (U= 5.91 W/m2.oC)
and thickness of 6 mm. The building is located at latitude of 32 oN. Outdoor design condition
is 42oC, with daily range of 14oC, and the indoor design temperature is 25oC. Calculate the
cooling load from the window at 3:00 P.M. in the month of July.
2. Roof of one of the building consists of 152.4 mm high weight concert with 50.8 mm
insulation, and without suspended ceiling. The overall heat transfer coefficient of the roof is
0.664 W/m2.oC, and the building is located at latitude of 48oN. The outdoor design condition
is 38oC DBT with daily range of 11oC, and the indoor design condition is 25oC DBT and
50% relative humidity. Calculate the cooling load per square meter of the roof at 2:00 P.M.
in the month of July.
3. Hall meetings can accommodate for 100 person located in Mosul city
(a) Choose the appropriate outdoor and indoor design conditions for the summer.
(b) The sensible heat and the latent heat gains from the occupants of the hall.
(c ) The amount of air ventilation required to this hall, and the cooling load of this amount.
4. The west wall in a building in Baghdad (32oN) has a window of the dimensions (1.0 m x
2.0 m). The glass is of heat absorbing type (U= 4.6 W/m2.oC) and thickness of 6 mm.
Curtains type (IIID) was used. Outdoor design condition is 34oC DBT, with daily range of
11oC, and indoor design temperature is 24oC. Calculate the cooling load from the window at
4:00 P.M. in the month of August.
5. A window in a southern west wall in a building which has a medium construction. The
dimensions of the window are (2.0 m x 1.5 m), and the glass is of the clear type (U= 5.91
W/m2.oC) and thickness of 6 mm. The glass was shaded from the outside. The building is
located at latitude of 36oN. Outdoor design conditions are 35oC DBT and 50% RH, with the
daily range of 11.5oC, and the indoor design conditions are 26oC DBT and 18oC WBT.
Compute the cooling load from the window at 5:00 P.M. in the month of September.
Occupant: 25
Sensible heat gain per person: 58 W, Latent heat gain per person: 58 W
If 25% fresh air and 75% recirculate air is mixed and passed through the conditioner coil,
Assume the by –pass factor equal to 0.2. Draw the schematic diagram of the system and
show the system on psychrometric chart and insert the temperature and enthalpy values at
salient points.