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1.1. Meanings and Definitions of Terms

1.1.1 Physical fitness

It is an ability to meet the ordinary, as well as unusual demands of daily life safely and
effectively without being overly fatigued. Simply it is the body‘s ability to function effectively
and efficiently, and contributes the total quality of life.

The totally fit person has a healthy and happy outlook towards life. Fitness is the young man‘s
absolute necessity. It breeds self- reliance and keeps man mentally alert. Physical fitness is
essential for human beings to adjust well with his environment as his mind and body are in
complete harmony.

Through research and scholarly inquiry, it is clear that the multi-dimensional characteristics of
physical fitness can be divided into two areas:

health related physical fitness and

skill related physical fitness

Clarke and Clarke (1989) found that physical fitness is not a static factor and it varies from
individual to individual and in the same person from time to time depending on factors.
Physical fitness is probably the most popular and frequently used term in physical education.
The most important objective of physical educators is to develop physical fitness.

The United States president‘s Council on physical fitness and sports defined the terms
―physical fitness as the ability to carry out daily task with vigor and alertness, without undue
fatigue, with ample energy to enjoy leisure time pursuits and to meet unforeseen emergencies‖
(Clarke, 1971).

General fitness implies the ability of a person to live most effectively with his and her
potentials, which depend upon the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual
components of fitness which are highly interrelated.

1.1.2 Physical Activity

It is bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure. The
term, physical activity, does not require or imply any specific aspect or quality of movement.
The term encompasses all types, intensities, and domains. Although the term ―physical
activity has been used often as a short-hand description for moderate-to-vigorous-intensity
forms of physical activity, given current interest and discussions about physical activity of
intensities less than moderate-intensity, the term ―’’physical activity’’ should be used when
discussing the full range of intensities. More specific descriptors such as sedentary behavior,
light, moderate, vigorous, or moderate-to-vigorous should be used when talking about a
specific range of intensities. Based on predominant physiologic effect, physical activity can be
categorized in to

aerobic physical activity and

anaerobic physical activity.

Aerobic physical activity includes forms of activity that are intense enough and performed
long enough to maintain or improve an individual‘s cardiorespiratory fitness. Aerobic
activities such as walking, basketball, soccer, or dancing, commonly require the use of large
muscle groups. The connection between aerobic activities such as these and cardiorespiratory
fitness is sufficiently close that the term ―

‘’Aerobic capacity is considered equivalent to cardiorespiratory fitness’’.

Technically, aerobic physical activity includes any activity that could be maintained using only
oxygen-supported metabolic energy pathways and could be continued for more than a few

However, in both common and scientific usage, ―aerobic activity has come to mean physical
activity that would be expected to maintain or improve cardiorespiratory fitness or aerobic
capacity. Whereas,

Anaerobic physical activity refers to high-intensity activity that exceeds (more) the capacity of
the cardiovascular system to provide oxygen to muscle cells for the usual oxygen consuming
metabolic pathways.

Anaerobic activity can be maintained for only about 2 to 3 minutes. Sprinting and power lifting
are examples of anaerobic physical activity.

1.1.3 Physical Exercise

The term "exercise" has been used interchangeably with "physical activity", and, in fact, both
have a number of common elements. For example, both physical activity and exercise involve
any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles
expends energy, are measured by kilocalories
ranging continuously from low to high, and are
positively correlated with physical fitness as the intensity, duration, and frequency of
movements increase.

Exercise, however, is not synonymous (not similar) with physical activity: it is a subcategory of
physical activity.

Exercise is physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive, and purposive in the sense
that improvement or maintenance of one or more components of physical fitness is an
objective. The formula relating physical activity and exercise is:

kcalExerclse + kcalNonexercise` = kcalTotal daily Physical activity

Activities such as occupational, household and many daily tasks are typically performed in the
most efficient manner possible. These physical activities are done with little regard (attention)
to physical fitness and are often structured with conservation of energy expenditure as a goal.
However, a worker may plan and structure the performance of some work tasks in a less
efficient manner to develop muscular strength or to "burn up" calories. Similarly, a person may
plan and structure the performance of household or other tasks in a labor producing rather
than a labor-saving manner. Tasks regularly performed in this manner are considered exercise.

Generally, Exercise describes as planned structured and repetitive bodily movement done to
improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness and is subset of physical
activity. Exercise is usually goal related and designed in the sense that the improvement or
maintenance of one or more components of physical fitness (i.e., endurance, strength,
flexibility etc…).

1.1.4 Sport

It is an organized, competitive form of play. Some persons view sport simply as an organized
form of play, which might put it closer to physical education as we have defined it. However,
close consideration will show that sport has traditionally involved competitive activities.

When we refer to sport as ―organized competitive activity, we mean that the activity has been
refined and formalized to some degree- that is, some definite form or process involved. Rules,
whether they are written or not, are involved in this form of activity, and these rules or
procedures cannot be changed during the competition, though new ones may involve from
one episode to the next. Sport is, above all, competitive activity. We cannot think of sport
without thinking of competition, for without the competition, sport becomes simply play or
recreation. Play can at times be sport, but strictly speaking, sport is never simple play; the
competitive aspect is essential to the nature of sport.

1.2 General Principles of Fitness Training

The human body adapts well when exposed to stress. The term stress, within the context of
exercise, is defined as an exertion above the normal, everyday functioning.

The specific activities that result in stress vary for each individual and depend on a person‘s
level of fitness. For example, a secretary who sits at a desk all day may push his/her
cardiorespiratory system to its limits simply by walking up several flights of stairs. For an avid
runner, resistance training may expose the runner‘s muscles to muscular contractions the
athlete is not accustomed to feeling. Although stress is relative to each individual, there are
guiding principles in exercise that can help individuals manage how much stress they
experience to avoid injury and optimize their body‘s capacity to adapt. Knowing a little about
these principles provides valuable insights needed for organizing an effective fitness plan.

1.2.1 Principle of Overload

Consider the old saying, ―’’No pain, No gain.’’ Does exercise really have to be painful, as this
adage implies, to be beneficial? Absolutely not. If that were true, exercise would be a lot less
enjoyable. Perhaps a better way to relay the same message would be to say that improvements
are driven by stress. Physical stress, such as walking at a brisk pace or jogging, places increased
stress on the regulatory systems that manage increased heart rate and blood pressure,
increased energy production, increased breathing, and even increased sweating for
temperature regulation. As these subsequent adaptations occur, the stress previously
experienced during the same activity, feels less stressful in future sessions. As a result of the
adaptation, more stress must be applied to the system in order to stimulate improvements, a
principle known as the overload principle.

For example, a beginning weightlifter performs squats with 10 repetitions at 150 pounds. After
2 weeks of lifting this weight, the lifter notices the 150 pounds feels easier during the lift and
afterwards causes less fatigue.

1.2.2 FITT Principle

In exercise, the amount of stress placed on the body can be controlled by four variables:

Time (duration), and
Type, better known as FITT.

The FITT principle, as outlined by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) falls under
the larger principle of overload.

A. Frequency and Time

Each variable can be used independently or in combination with other variables to impose new
stress and stimulate adaptation. Such is the case for frequency and time.

Frequency relates to how often exercises are performed over a period of time. In most cases,
the number of walking or jogging sessions would be determined over the course of a week. A
beginner may determine that 2–3 exercise sessions a week are sufficient enough to stimulate
improvements. On the other hand, a seasoned veteran may find that 2–3 days is not enough to
adequately stress the system. According to the overload principle, as fitness improves, so must
the stress to ensure continued gains and to avoid plateauing.

The duration of exercise, or time, also contributes to the amount of stress experienced during
a workout. Certainly, a 30-minute brisk walk is less stressful on the body than a 4-hour

Although independent of one another, frequency and time are often combined into the
blanket term, volume. The idea is that volume more accurately reflects the amount of stress
experienced. This can be connected to the progression principle. For example, when
attempting to create a jogging plan, you may organize 2 weeks like this:

Week 1: three days a week at 30 minutes per session

Week 2: four days a week at 45 minutes per session

At first glance, this might appear to be a good progression of frequency and time. However,
when calculated in terms of volume, the aggressive nature of the progression is revealed. In
week 1, three days at 30 minutes per session equals 90 minutes of total exercise. In week two,
this amount was doubled with four days at 45 minutes, equaling 180 minutes of total exercise.
Doing too much, too soon, will almost certainly lead to

severe fatigue

The progression principle relates to an optimal overload of the body by finding an amount that
will drive adaptation without compromising safety.
B. Type of Exercise
Simply put, the type of exercise performed should reflect a person‘s goals. In cardiorespiratory
fitness, the objective of the exercise is to stimulate the cardiorespiratory system. Other
activities that accomplish the same objective include swimming, biking, dancing, cross country
skiing, aerobic classes, and much more. As such, these activities can be used to build lung
capacity and improve cellular and heart function. However, the more specific the exercise, the
better. While vigorous ballroom dancing will certainly help develop the cardiorespiratory
system, it will unlikely improve a person‘s 10k time. To improve performance in a 10k, athletes
spend the majority of their time training by running, as they will have to do in the actual 10k.
Cyclists training for the Tour de France, spend up to six hours a day in the saddle, peddling
feverishly. These athletes know the importance of training the way they want their body to
adapt. This concept, called the principle of specificity, should be taken into consideration when
creating a training plan.

In this discussion of type and the principle of specificity, a few additional items should be
considered. Stress, as it relates to exercise, is very specific. There are multiple types of stress.

The three main stressors are

metabolic stress,
force stress, and
environmental stress.

Keep in mind, the body will adapt based on the type of stress being placed on it.

Metabolic stress results from exercise sessions when the energy systems of the body are
taxed. For example, sprinting short distances requires near maximum intensity and requires
energy (ATP) to be produced primarily through anaerobic pathways, that is, pathways not
requiring oxygen to produce ATP. Anaerobic energy production can only be supported for a
very limited time (10 seconds to 2 minutes). However, distance running at steady paces
requires aerobic energy production, which can last for hours. As a result, the training strategy
for the distance runner must be different than the training plan of a sprinter, so the energy
systems will adequately adapt.

Likewise, force stress accounts for the amount of force required during an activity. In
weightlifting, significant force production is required to lift heavy loads. The type of muscles
being developed, fast-twitch muscle fibers, must be recruited to support the activity. In walking
and jogging, the forces being absorbed come from the body weight combined with forward
momentum. Slow twitch fibers, which are unable to generate as much force as the fast twitch
fibers, are the type of muscle fibers primarily recruited in this activity. Because the force
requirements differ, the training strategies must also vary to develop the right kind of

Environmental stress, such as exercising in the heat, places a tremendous amount of stress on
the thermoregulatory systems. As an adaptation to the heat, the amount of sweating increases
as does plasma volume, making it much easier to keep the body at a normal temperature
during exercise. The only way to adapt is through heat exposure, which can take days to weeks
to properly adapt.

In summary, to improve performance, being specific in your training, or training the way you
want to adapt, is paramount (very important).

C. Intensity

Intensity, the degree of difficulty at which the exercise is carried out, is the most important
variable of FITT. More than any of the other components, intensity drives adaptation. Because
of its importance, it is imperative for those beginning a fitness program to quantify intensity, as
opposed to estimating it as hard, easy, or somewhere in between. Not only will this numeric
value provide a better understanding of the effort level during the exercise session, but it will
also help in designing sessions that accommodate individual goals.

How then can intensity be measured? Heart rate is one of the best ways to measure a
person‘s effort level for cardiorespiratory fitness. Using a percentage of maximum lifting
capacity would be the measure used for resistance training.

1.2.3 Principle of Rest, Recovery, and Periodization

Performance improvements and adequate rest. The principle of rest and recovery (or principle
of recuperation) suggests that rest and recovery from the stress of exercise must take
place in proportionate amounts to avoid too much stress. One systematic approach to rest and
recovery has led exercise scientists and athletes alike to divide the progressive fitness training
phases into blocks, or periods. As a result, optimal rest and recovery can be achieved
without overstressing the athlete. This training principle, called periodization, is especially
important to serious athletes but can be applied to most exercise plans as well. The principle of
phases of stress followed by
periodization suggests that training plans incorporate
phases of rest. Training phases can be organized on a daily, weekly, monthly, and
even multi-annual cycles, called micro-, meso-, and macrocycles, respectively. An
example of this might be:
Table 1.1:- Periodization Example

As table 1.1 shows, the volume and intensity changes from week 1 to week 3. But, in week 4,
the volume and intensity drops significantly to accommodate a designated rest week. If the
chart were continued, weeks 5-7 would be ―stress weeks and week 8 would be another rest
week. This pattern could be followed for several months.

Without periodization, the stress from exercise would continue indefinitely eventually leading
to fatigue, possible injury, and even a condition known as overtraining
syndrome. Overtraining syndrome is not well understood. However, experts agree that a
decline in performance resulting from psychological and physiological factors cannot be fixed
by a few days‘ rest. Instead, weeks, months, and sometimes even years are required to
overcome the symptoms of overtraining syndrome. Symptoms include the following:

weight loss
loss of motivation
inability to concentrate or focus
feelings of depression
lack of enjoyment in activities normally considered enjoyable
sleep disturbances
change in appetite

1.2.4 Principle of Reversibility

Chronic adaptations are not permanent. As the saying goes, ―’’Use it or lose it.’’ The principle
of reversibility suggests that activity must continue at the same level to keep the same level
of adaptation. As activity declines, called detraining, adaptations will recede(less grow).

In cardiorespiratory endurance, key areas, such as VO2max, stroke volume, and cardiac output
all declined with detraining while submaximal heat rate increased. In one study, trained
subjects were given bed rest for 20 days. At the end of the bed rest phase, VO2max had fallen
by 27% and stroke volume and cardiac output had fallen by 25%. The most well-trained subjects
in the study had to train for nearly 40 days following bed rest to get back into pre-rest
condition. In a study of collegiate swimmers, lactic acid in the blood after a 2-minute swim
more than doubled after 4 weeks of detraining, showing the ability to buffer lactic acid was
dramatically affected.

Not only is endurance training affected, but muscular strength, muscular endurance, and
flexibility all show similar results after a period of detraining.

1.2.5 Principle of Individual Differences

While the principles of adaptation to stress can be applied to everyone, not everyone responds
to stress in the same way. In the HERITAGE Family study, families of 5 (father, mother, and 3
children) participated in a training program for 20 weeks. They exercised 3 times per week, at
75% of their VO2max, increasing their time to 50 minutes by the end of week 14. By the end of
the study, a wide variation in responses to the same exercise regimen was seen by individuals
and families. Those who saw the most improvements saw similar percentage improvements
across the family and vice versa. Along with other studies, this has led researchers to believe
individual differences in exercise response are genetic. Some experts estimate genes to
contribute as much as 47% to the outcome of training.

In addition to genes, other factors can affect the degree of adaptation, such as a person‘s age,
gender, and training status at the start of a program. As one might expect, rapid improvement
is experienced by those with a background that includes less training, whereas those who are
well trained improve at a slower rate.

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