Tefal Breadmaker Manual
Tefal Breadmaker Manual
Tefal Breadmaker Manual
www.tefal.com.au - www.tefal.co.nz
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6a 6
2a 2b 2c
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2f J K L
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1 - lid with window 3- bread pan
2 - control panel 4- kneading paddle
a - display screen 5- graduated beaker
b - on/off button 6- a - tablespoon measure
c - weight selection b - teaspoon measure
d - buttons for setting delayed start 7 - hook accessory for lifting
and adjusting the time for programmes 8, 12 out kneading paddles
e - select crust colour
f - choice of programmes
g - operating indicator light
Safety recommendations
Let’s help to protect the environment!
Your appliance contains many materials that can be reused or recycled.
Take it to a collection point so it can be processed.
• Carefully read the instructions before using • Make sure that the power it uses corresponds
your appliance for the first time: the manufac- to your electrical supply system. Any error in
turer does not accept responsibility for use connection will cancel the guarantee.
that does not comply with the instructions.
• It is compulsory to connect your appliance to
• For your safety, this product conforms to all a socket with an earth. Failure to respect this
applicable standards and regulations (Low requirement can cause electric shock and pos-
Voltage Directive, Electromagnetic Compati- sibly lead to serious injury. It is essential for
bility, Food Compliant Materials, Environment, your safety for the earth connection to corre-
…). spond to the standards for electrical installa-
tion applicable in your country. If your
• This appliance is not intended to be operated
installation does not have an outlet con-
by means of an external timer or separate re-
nected to earth, it is essential that before
mote-control system.
making any connection, you have a certified
• This appliance is not intended for use by per- organisation intervene to bring your electrical
sons (including children) with reduced physi- installation into conformance.
cal, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of
• This product has been designed for domestic
experience and knowledge, unless they have
use only.
been given supervision or instruction concern-
ing use of the appliance by an adult respon- • This appliance is intended for domestic
sible for their safety. Children should be household use only. It is not intended to be
supervised to ensure that they do not play used in the following applications, and the
with the appliance. guarantee will not apply for:
- staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and
• Use the appliance on a stable work surface
other working environments;
away from water splashes and under no cir-
- farm houses;
cumstances in a cubby-hole in a built-in
- by clients in hotels, motels and other
residential type environments;
- bed and breakfast type environments.
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• Unplug the appliance when you have finished • Do not use the appliance to cook any other
using it and when you want to clean it. food than breads and jams.
• Do not use the appliance if: • Do not place paper, card or plastic in the ap-
- the supply cord is defective or damaged, pliance and place nothing on it.
- the appliance has fallen to the floor and
• Should any part of the appliance catch fire,
shows visible signs of damage or does not
do not attempt to extinguish it with water.
function correctly.
Unplug the appliance. Smother flames with a
In either case, the appliance must be sent to
damp cloth.
the nearest approved service centre to elimi-
nate any risk. See the guarantee documents. • For your safety, only use accessories and spare
parts designed for your appliance.
• If the power supply cord is damaged, it must
be replaced by the manufacturer or its service • At the end of the programme, always use
agent or a similarly qualified person in order oven gloves to handle the pan or hot parts
to avoid a hazard. of the appliance. The appliance gets very
hot during use.
• All interventions other than cleaning and
everyday maintenance by the customer must • Never obstruct the air vents.
be performed by an authorised service centre.
• Be very careful, steam can be released when
• Do not immerse the appliance, power cord or you open the lid at the end of or during the
plug in water or any other liquid. programme.
• Do not leave the power cord hanging within • When using programme No. 9 (jam, com-
reach of children. potes) watch out for steam and hot spat-
tering when opening the lid.
• The power cord must never be close to or in
contact with the hot parts of your appliance, • Do not exceed the quantities indicated in the
near a source of heat or over a sharp corner. recipes.
Do not exceed a total of 900 g of dough,
• Do not move the appliance when in use.
Do not exceed a total of 500 g of flour and
• Do not touch the viewing window during 6,5 g of yeast.
and just after operation. The window can
• The measured noise level of this product is 64
reach a high temperature.
• Do not pull on the supply cord to unplug the
• Only use an extension cord that is in good
condition, has an earthed socket and is suit-
ably rated.
• Do not place the appliance on other appli-
• Do not use the appliance as a source of
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Practical advice
Preparation Using
1 Please read these instructions carefully: the • Bread preparation is very sensitive to tem-
method for making bread with this appliance perature and humidity conditions. In case
is not the same as for hand-made bread. of high heat, use liquids that are cooler than
usual. Likewise, if it is cold, it may be necessary
2 All ingredients used must be at room temper-
to warm up the water or milk (never exceed-
ature (unless otherwise indicated) and must
ing 35°C).
be weighed exactly. Measure liquids with
the graduated beaker supplied. Use the • It can also sometimes be useful to check • Ful
double doser supplied to measure tea- the state of the dough during the second an
spoons on one side and tablespoons on kneading: it should form an even ball which
the other. All spoon measures are level comes away easily from the walls of the pan. • As
and not heaped. Incorrect measurements - If not all of the flour has been blended into the
give bad results. the dough, add a little more water, • Rem
- if the dough is too wet and sticks to the and
3 For successful bread making using the correct
sides, you may need to add a little flour. wis
ingredients is critical. Use ingredients before
Such corrections should be undertaken very
their use-by date and keep them in a cool, dry • Put
gradually (no more than 1 tablespoon at a
place. ord
time) and wait to see if there is an improve-
4 It is important to measure the quantity of ment before continuing. die
flour precisely. That is why you should weigh • Pla
• A common error is to think that adding
out flour using a kitchen scale. Use packets of hol
flaked dried yeast. Unless otherwise indicated more yeast will make the bread rise more.
Too much yeast makes the structure of the the
in the recipe, do not use baking powder. Once sha
a packet of yeast has been opened, it should bread more fragile and it will rise a lot and
then fall while baking. You can determine the sid
be sealed, stored in a cool place and used wil
within 48 hours. state of the dough just before baking by
touching it lightly with your fingertips: the
5 To avoid spoiling the proving of the dough, we dough should be slightly resistant and the fin-
advise that all ingredients should be put in the gerprint should disappear little by little.
bread pan at the start and that you should
avoid opening the lid during use (unless oth-
erwise indicated). Carefully follow the order of
ingredients and quantities indicated in the
recipes. First the liquids, then the solids. Yeast
should not come into contact with liquids,
sugar or salt.
General order to be followed:
> Liquids (butter, oil, eggs, water, milk)
> Salt
> Sugar
> Flour, first half
> Powdered milk
> Specific solid ingredients
> Flour, second half
> Yeast
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• Fully unwind the power cord and plug it into • Close the lid. After you hear the beep, pro-
an earthed socket. gramme 1 will appear on the display as the de-
fault setting, i.e. 900 g, medium browning -H.
• A slight odour may be given off when used for
the first time. • Press the button. The timer colon flashes.
The operating indicator lights up -I-J.
• Remove the bread pan by lifting the handle
and turning the bread pan slightly anti-clock- • Unplug the breadmaker at the end of the
wise. Then insert the kneading paddle -B-C. cooking or warming cycle. Lift the bread pan
out of the breadmaker. Always use oven
• Put the ingredients in the pan in exactly the
gloves as the pan handle is hot, as is the inside
order recommended. Make sure that all ingre-
of the lid. Turn out the hot bread and place it
dients are weighed with precision -D-E.
on a rack for at least 1 hour to cool -K.
• Place the bread pan in the breadmaker. By
holding the bread pan by handles, insert it in
the breadmaker so that it fits over the drive
shaft (you will need to tilt it slightly to one
side to do this). Turn it gently clockwise and it
will lock into place -F-G.
To get to know your breadmaker, we suggest trying the BASIC WHITE BREAD recipe for
your first loaf.
Prog. 1 - Basic white bread Ingredients - tsp = teaspoon - tbsp = tablespoon
BROWNING = MEDIUM 1. WATER = 320 ml 4. SUGAR = 3 tbsp
WEIGHT = 900 g 2. OIL = 4 tbsp 5. WHITE BREAD FLOUR = 525 g
TIME = 3:00 3. SALT = 11/2 tsp 6. YEAST = 11/3 tsp
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A table (pages 16-17) indicates the breakdown of the various cycles for the programme
Kneading Rising
For forming the dough’s structure so that it Time during which the yeast works to let
can rise better. the bread rise and to develop its aroma.
The dough is in the 1st or 2nd kneading cycle The dough is in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd rising cycle.
or in a stirring period between rising cycles.
During this cycle, and for programmes 1, 2, 3, 4, Baking
5, 6, 7, 10, 11, you can add ingredients: dried
Transforms the dough into bread and gives
fruit or nuts, olives, etc. A beep indicates when
it a golden, crusty crust.
you can intervene. See the summary table for
The bread is in the final baking cycle.
preparation times (pages 16-17) and the
“extra” column. This column indicates the time
that will be displayed on your appliance’s
screen when the beep sounds. Keeps the bread warm after baking. It is rec-
For more precise information on how long be- ommended that the bread should be turned
fore the beep sounds, subtract the “extra” col- out promptly after baking, however.
umn time from the total baking time. For programmes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, you
For example: “extra” = 2:51 and “total time” = can leave your preparation in the appliance. A
3:13, the ingredients can be added after 22 one-hour warming cycle automatically follows
min. baking. During the hour for which the bread is
kept warm, the display shows 0:00 and the dots
Rest on the timer flash.
At the end of the cycle, the appliance stops au-
Allows the dough to rest to improve knead-
tomatically after several sound signals.
ing quality.
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If us
Practical advice flavo
If there is a power cut: if, during the cycle, the > once the loaf is turned out, lay it on its side bread
programme is interrupted by a power cut or mis- while still hot and hold it down with one hand, stitut
handling, the machine has a 10-min protection wearing an oven glove, must
time during which the settings are saved. > with the other hand, insert the hook in the axis Semi
The cycle starts again where it stopped. Beyond of the kneading paddle - M, bread
that time, the settings are lost. > pull gently to release the kneading paddle - M, emul
> turn the loaf upright and stand on a grid to giving
If you plan to run a second programme cool.
bake a second loaf, open the lid and wait 1 Wate
hour before beginning the second preparation. yeast
To turn out your loaf of bread: it may happen total
that the kneading paddle remain stuck in the liquid
loaf when it is turned out. In this case, use the
hook accessory as follows: M Flou
ing o
in atm
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Fats and oils: fats make the bread softer and or losing it. Use “strong flour”, “bread flour” or
tastier. It also stores better and longer. Too “baker’s flour” rather than standard flour.
much fat slows down rising. If you use butter, Adding oats, bran, wheat germ, rye or whole
cut it into tiny pieces so that it is distributed grains to the bread dough will give a smaller,
evenly throughout the preparation, or soften it. heavier loaf of bread.
You can substitute 15 g butter for 1 tablespoon Using either plain bread flour, or baker’s
of oil. Do not add hot butter. Keep the fat from flour. If these flours are unavailable, please
coming into contact with the yeast, as fat can use plain flour instead. If you are using spe-
prevent yeast from rehydrating. Do not use low cial flour blends for bread, brioche or rolls,
fat spreads or butter substitutes. do not exceed 900 g of dough in total.
Sifting the flour also affects the results: the
Eggs: eggs make the dough richer, improve the more the flour is whole (i.e. the more of the
colour of the bread and encourage the develop- outer envelope of the wheat it contains), the
ment of the soft, white part. If you use eggs, re- less the dough will rise and the denser the
duce the quantity of liquid you use bread. You can also find ready-to-use bread
proportionally. Break the egg and top up with preparations on the market. Follow the manu-
the liquid until you reach the quantity of liquid facturer’s instructions when using these prepa-
indicated in the recipe. Recipes are designed for rations. Usually, the choice of the programme
one 50 g size egg; if your eggs are bigger, add will depend on the preparation used. For exam-
a little flour; if they are smaller, use less flour. ple: Wholemeal bread - Programme 3.
Milk: recipes use either fresh or powdered milk. Sugar: use white sugar, brown sugar or honey.
If using powdered milk, add the quantity of Do not use unrefined sugar or lumps. Sugar acts
water stated in the recipe. It enhances the as food for the yeast, gives the bread its good
flavour and improves the keeping qualities of the taste and improves browning of the crust. Arti-
bread. For recipes using fresh milk, you can sub- ficial sweeteners cannot be substituted for
stitute some of it with water but the total volume sugar as the yeast will not react with them.
must equal the quantity stated in the recipe.
Semi-skimmed or skimmed milk is best to avoid Salt: salt gives taste to food and regulates the
bread having a close texture. Milk also has an yeast’s activity. It should not come into contact
emulsifying effect which evens out its airiness, with the yeast. Thanks to salt, the dough is firm,
giving the soft, white part a better aspect. compact and does not rise too quickly. It also
improves the structure of the dough. Use ordi-
Water: water rehydrates and activates the nary table salt. Do not use coarse salt or salt
yeast. It also hydrates the starch in the flour and substitutes.
helps the soft, white part to form. Water can be
totally or partially replaced with milk or other Yeast: baker’s yeast exists in several forms:
liquids. Use liquids at room temperature. fresh in small cubes, dried and active to be re-
hydrated or dried and instant. Fresh yeast may
Flour: the weight of the flour varies significantly be sold in supermarkets (bakery or fresh pro-
depending on the type of flour used. Depend- duce departments), but you can also buy fresh
ing on the quality of the flour, baking results yeast from your local baker’s. In New Zealand,
may also vary. Keep flour in a hermetically we recommend using Edmonds Active Yeast,
sealed container, as flour reacts to fluctuations which is the most readily available yeast prod-
in atmospheric conditions, absorbing moisture uct. If you are using Edmonds Surebake Yeast,
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please ensure you double the quantities of Additives (dried fruit or nuts, olives.): add a
yeast specified in the recipe. In its fresh or in- personal touch to your recipes by adding what-
stant dried form, yeast should be added directly ever ingredients you want, taking care: For e
to the baking pan of your breadmaker with the > to add following the beep for additional ingre- chos
other ingredients. dients, especially those that are fragile such prep
Remember to crumble the fresh yeast with your as dried fruit, tsp =
fingers to make it dissolve more easily. Only ac- > to add the most solid grains (such as linseed
tive dried yeast (in small granules) must be or sesame) at the start of the kneading
mixed with a little tepid water before use. process to facilitate use of the machine (de-
Choose a temperature close to 35°C, less and it layed starting, for example),
will not rise as well, more will make it lose its ris- > to thoroughly drain moist ingredients (olives),
ing power. Keep to the stated amounts and re- > to lightly flour fatty ingredients for better
member to multiply the quantities if you use blending,
fresh yeast (see equivalents chart below). > not to add too large a quantity of additional
ingredients, especially cheese, fresh fruit and
Equivalents in quantity/weight between dried
fresh vegetables, as they can affect the devel-
yeast and fresh yeast:
opment of the dough, respect the quantities
Dried yeast (in tsp.) indicated in the recipes,
1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 > to have no ingredients fallen outside the pan.
Fresh yeast (in g)
9 13 18 22 25 31 36 40 45
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For each recipe, add the ingredients in the exact order indicated. Depending on the recipe
chosen and the corresponding programme, you can take a look at the summary table of
preparation times (pages 16-17) and follow the breakdown for the various cycles.
tsp = teaspoon - tbsp = tablespoon
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Table of cycles
EN Browning Weight Total time Preparing the dough Cooking Keep warm Extra
(g) (h) (Kneading-Rest-Rising)(h) (h) (h) (h)
700 2:53:00 1:53:00 1:00:00 2:15:00
* 900 3:00:00 1:55:00 1:05:00 2:20:00
700 2:53:00 1:53:00 1:00:00 2:15:00
1 ** 1:00:00
900 3:00:00 1:55:00 1:05:00 2:20:00
700 2:53:00 1:53:00 1:00:00 2:15:00
900 3:00:00 1:55:00 1:05:00 2:20:00
700 3:40:00 2:35:00 1:05:00 2:35:00
* 900 3:50:00 2:40:00 1:10:00 2:40:00
700 3:40:00 2:35:00 1:05:00 2:35:00
2 ** 1:00:00
900 3:50:00 2:40:00 1:10:00 2:40:00
700 3:40:00 2:35:00 1:05:00 2:35:00
900 3:50:00 2:40:00 1:10:00 2:40:00
700 3:32:00 2:32:00 1:00:00 2:50:00
* 900 3:40:00 2:35:00 1:05:00 2:55:00
700 3:32:00 2:32:00 1:00:00 2:50:00
3 ** 1:00:00
900 3:40:00 2:35:00 1:05:00 2:55:00
700 3:32:00 2:32:00 1:00:00 2:50:00
900 3:40:00 2:35:00 1:05:00 2:55:00
4 ** - 2:10:00 1:00:00 1:10:00 1:00:00 1:45:00
700 2:50:00 1:50:00 1:00:00 2:25:00
* 900 2:55:00 1:50:00 1:05:00 2:30:00
700 2:50:00 1:50:00 1:00:00 2:25:00
5 ** 1:00:00
900 2:55:00 1:50:00 1:05:00 2:30:00
700 2:50:00 1:50:00 1:00:00 2:25:00
900 2:55:00 1:50:00 1:05:00 2:30:00
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6 900 1:38:00 0:48:00 0:50:00 1:00:00
** 0
7 ** 700 1:28:00 0:43:00 0:45:00 1:00:00 1:18:00
8 - - 1:30:00 - - - -
9 - - 1:20:00 - 0:20:00 - -
10 ** - 1:50:00 0:30:00 1:20:00 1:00:00 1:34:00
700 2:55:00 0:50:00 1:59:00
* 900 3:00:00 0:55:00 2:04:00
700 2:55:00 0:50:00 1:59:00
11 ** 2:05:00 1:00:00
900 3:00:00 0:55:00 2:04:00
700 2:55:00 0:50:00 1:59:00
900 3:00:00 0:55:00 2:04:00
12 ** - 1:00:00 - XX 1:00:00 -
* : LIGHT - ** : MEDIUM - *** : DARK - XX : 10 to 60 mn.
Comment: the total duration does not include warming time.
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www.tefal.com.au - www.tefal.co.nz