Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Nursing Responsibilities Generic Name CV
Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Nursing Responsibilities Generic Name CV
Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Nursing Responsibilities Generic Name CV
Generic Alpha-adrenergic Treat the symptoms of Hypersensitivity to Before
name Alpha-blockers antagonist that benign prostatic doxazosin, prazosin, and CV: Orthostatic
Doxazosin selectively inhibits hypertrophy, which may terazosin; hypotension, Do not breast feed while
alpha-1 adrenergic include urinary syncope. Safe use during
hypotension, edema.
taking this drug.
receptors; Blockages frequency, urgency, and pregnancy (category B) or in Do not drive or engage in
of the alpha-1 nocturia, among other children is not established other potentially hazardous
adrenergic action on symptoms. In addition, CNS: Vertigo, headache,
activities for 12–24 h after
Brand the vascular smooth doxazosin is indicated the first dose or an increase
dizziness, somnolence,
name muscles lead to a alone or in combination in dosage or when
Cardura decrease in vascular with various fatigue, nervousness, medication is restarted after
resistance and antihypertensive agents an interruption in dosage.
antihypertensive for the management of anxiety.
activity. hypertension. Off-label
uses of doxazosin include During
Actual the treatment of pediatric GI: Nausea, abdominal
dosage, hypertension and the Monitor BP with patient lying
route, treatment of ureteric pain. down and standing; doses
frequency calculi. above 4 mg increase the risk
Oral, 1- of postural hypotension.
8mg/day PO Hematologic: Monitor BP 2–6 h after initial
dose or any dose increase.
This is when postural
Leukopenia hypotension is most likely to
Use caution when rising from
Skin: Pruritus, eczema. a sitting or supine position in
order to avoid orthostatic
hypotension and syncope;
make position and
directional changes slowly
and in stages.
Musculoskeletal System:
muscle cramps, muscle weakness
agitation, loss of appetite,
Respiratory System:
difficulty breathing (bronchospas
m) aggravated
Skin Disorders:
hair loss, hives, skin rash,
severe itching
Special Senses:
vision ,intraoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome
Urinary System:
blood in the urine, urinary
disorder, urinary frequency, nighttime
urination, excessive urination
Immune System:
allergic reaction