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Introduction : When a resistor is connected

across the terminals of a battery, a current is t
established in the circuit. The current has a

unique direction, it goes from the positive Square form of ac
terminal to the negative terminal via the external ADVANTAGES OF ALTERNATING
resistor. The magnitude of the current also CURRENT OVER DIRECT
remains almost constant. This is called direct CURRENT
current (dc).
• The cost of generation of ac is less than that of dc.
If the direction of the current in a resistor or in
any other element changes alternately, the • ac can be conveniently converted into dc with the
current is called an alternating current (ac). In help of rectifiers.
this chapter, we shall study the alternating • By supplying ac at high voltages, we can
current that varies sinusoidally with time. minimise transmission losses or line losses.
ALTERNATING CURRENT(A.C.) • ac is available in a wide range of voltages.
• Electric current, which keeps on changing in These volatages can be easily stepped up or
magnitude and direction periodically is defined stepped down with the help of transformers.
as alternating current. DISADVANTAGES OF ALTERNATING
• It obeys Ohm’s law and Joule’s heating law. CURRENT OVER DIRECT CURRENT
It is produced using the principle of • ac is more dangerous than dc.
electromagnetic induction.
• Graphical representations for alternating • ac is transmitted more by the surface of the
quantities can be represented in the form of the conductor. This is called skin effect. Due to
following graphs. this reason that several strands of thin insulated
wire, instead of a single thick wire, need be
• The voltage, which changes in magnitude and • For electrorefining,electro - typing
direction with respect to time is defined as electroplating, only dc can be used but not ac.
alternating voltage.
• The alternating voltage in general use is
sinusoidal voltage. It is produced by rotating a CURRENT OR VOLTAGE (I or E)
coil in a uniform magnetic field with uniform • The value of current or voltage in an ac circuit
angular velocity. at any instant of time is called its instantaneous
I or E
• Instantaneous current,

I  I 0 sin wt (or) I  I 0 sin(w t  f)
• Instantaneous voltage,
E  E0 sin w t (or) E  E 0 sin(wt  f)

sinusoidal form of ac
Where (w t  f) is called phase
I or E

E 0 or I 0
Positive half cycle

+ + +
I or E
  
O T/4 t or 
half cycle
Triangular form of ac


AMPLITUDE OF A.C. ( PEAK (+) Between A and C

I or E or
VALUE) (I0) or ( I m ): A
B C and B
It is the maximum value of A.C. The value of A.C. c) C t Iavg  0
becomes maximum twice in one cycle. (-) Eavg  0

Note: Average value of a function F  t  over a period FREQUENCY OF A.C. (f)

• It is the number of cycles completed by A.C. in
of T is given by
one second.
 F t  dt 1
T • It is the time taken by A.C. to complete one cycle.
 F  t   Favg  0
 F  t dt
T 0
T f = 1/ T
• < I2 > =
2 1  cos 2 t  1
Eg:-  sin t  : 2 R.M.S. VALUE (Irms) or EFFECTIVE
 sin 2t  0 ;  cos 2t  0
It is the square root of the average of squares
AVERAGE VALUE OF A.C. < I > of all the instantaneous values of current over
• The value of current at any instant ‘t’ is given by one complete cycle.
I  I0 sin wt . T T

I  I0 .sin
2 2 2
• The average value of a sinusoidal wave over .dt wt.dt
one complete cycle is given by 2
I rms  0  0
 dt
 I .dt  I 0 sin wt.dt 0

I avg  0
 0
0 T T
I 02 1 cos 2wt  I 2  sin 2wt 
 dt  dt 
T  
 2
 dt  0 t 
 2T 

2w  0
0 0
For half cycle: I02 I0
 ;  I rms   0.707 I 0
2 2 2
 Idt I 0 sin t dt • It is equal to that direct current which produces
0 0 2I 0
I  T  T   0.636 I 0 same heating in a resistance as is produced by
2 2

 dt  dt the A.C. in same resistance during same time.
0 0
I avg  63.7% of I 0 I02
• < I2 > =
2 Eo
• Similarly Eavg   0.637 E0  63.7% E0 FORM FACTOR

rms value
(+) Form factor = average value over half cycle
I or E Between A and B,
B Iavg = 0
Note: a) t Eavg = 0 I rms E
(-) Form factor   rms
I avg Eavg
(+) A
Between A and B, I0 2I 0
I or E Iavg = 0 We know that I rms  and Iave 
b) t Eavg = 0 2 p
(-) B


I0 p p T
 Form factor     1.11 W  E0 I 0 cos  X
2 2I0 2 2 2
Note : Average power over complete cycle,
• ac ammeter and voltmeter read the r.m.s value W E0 I 0
i.e., effective value of alternating current and Pavg   cos 
T 2
voltage respectively.
• ac can be measured by using hot wire ammeters E0 I 0
 cos   Erms I rms cos 
or hot wire voltmeters because the heat generated 2 2
is independent of the direction of current. c) Apparent or virtual power : The product
• ac produces the same heating effects as that of apparent voltage and apparent current in an
electric circuit is called apparent power. This
of dc of magnitude i = irms is always positive.
• ac is more dangerous than dc of same voltage. Papp  E rms I rms  0 0
100V ac means Erms  100V , E0  100 2 V
W.E-1: You have two copper cables of equal length
for carrying current. One of them has a single
100V dc is equivalent to Erms wire of area of across section A, the other has
• ac can be produced by the principle of ten wires each of cross section area A/10.
electromagnetic induction. Judge their suitability for transporting ac and
Sol: For transporting d.c.., both the wires are equally
In dc circuits power is given by P = VI. But in suitable, but for transporting a.c., we prefer wire
ac circuits, since there is some phase angle
of multiple strands.ac is transmitted more by the
between voltage and current, therefore power is
defined as the product of voltage and that surface of the conductor. This is called skin effect
component of the current which is in phase with .Due to this reason that several strands of thin
the voltage. insulated wire, instead of a single thick wire,
need be used.
Thus P = EI cos f , where E and I are r.m.s.
W.E-2: If the voltage in an ac circuit is represented
values of voltage and current.
by the equation.
Power factor:The quantity cos f is called
power factor. V  220 2 sin  314t    volt calculate (a)
a) In stantaneous power : Suppose in a circuit peak and rms value of the voltage, (b) average
voltage, (c) frequency of ac.
E = E0 sin wt and I  I 0 sin wt  f then Sol: (a) As in case of ac,
Pinstantaneous = EI = E0I0 sin wt sin wt  f V  V0 sin  t    ; The peak value
b) Average power (True power) : The average
V0  220 2  311V and as in case of ac.
of instantaneous power in an ac circuit over a
full cycle is called average power. Its unit is V0
watt i.e. Vrms  ;Vrms  220V ; (b) In case of ac

 P.dt  P.dt T
2 2
W 0 0 Vavg  V0   311  198.17V
Pavg     
t T
T ; W   P.dt
 dt
(c) As   2 f , 2 f  314
E0 I 0
T 314
W  E0 I 0 cos   sin 2 tdt  sin   sin 2tdt i.e, f   50 Hz
2 0


W.E-3: A current is made of two components a dc • RESISTANCE (R) It is the opposition offered
component i 1 = 3A and an ac component by a conductor to the flow of direct current.
i 2  4 2 sin t . Find the reading of hot wire • IMPEDANCE (Z) It is the opposition offered
ammeter? by a conductor to the flow of alternating current.
Sol: i  i1 +i2  3  4 2 sin w t | alternating emf |
Z = | alternating current |

 3  4 

peak value of alternating voltage
i dt 2 sin wt dt = peak value of AC
irms  0
 0

T RMS value of alternating voltage

 dt = RMS value of AC

T • ADMITTANCE(Y): Reciprocal of impedance

T 0

i   9  24 2 sin wt 32sin2 wt dt  of a circuit is called admittance of the circuit.
admittance (Y) =
 irms = 5A Z
S.I. Unit:ohm-1 i.e. mho or siemen.
W.E-4: If a direct current of value a ampere is • PHASE: The physical quantity which
superimposed on an alternating current represents both the instantaneous value and
I  b sin t flowing through a wire, what is direction of A.C. at any instant is called its phase.
the effective value of the resulting current in • It is dimensionless quantity and its unit is Radian
the circuit? • Phase Difference: The diffrerence between
the phases of current and voltage is called Phase
I I difference.
a ac • If alternat ing emf and current are
 =? E  E0 sin  t  1  and i  i0 sin  t  2 
t t
then phase difference is   1  2
• The quantity varies sinusoidally with time and
Sol: As current at any instant in the circuit will be, can be represented as projection of a rotating
I  I dc  I ac  a  b sin  t vector, is called as phasor.
• A diagram, representing alternating emf and
current (of same frequency) as rotating
T 2  2

  I dt  T
1 vectors (Phasors) with phase angle between

  1  a  b sin  t  2 dt  2
them is called as phasor diagram.
I eff   0T   
So,   T 0 
  dt 
 0 
1 T 2 2
i.e, eff    a  2b sin t  b  sin t  dt 
2 2
I 
T 0 
But as
1 T 1 T 1
 sin t dt  0 and  sin 2 t dt 
T 0 T 0 2 • In the above figure , OA and OB represent two
1 
1/ 2 rotating vectors having magnitudes E0 and I0 in

So, I eff   a 2  b2  anti clock wise direction with same angular
 2 
velocity ‘ w ’.

• OM and ON are the projections of OA and OB • instantaneous emf is E=E 0 sin t

on Y-axis respectively.
• instantaneous current I  I 0 sin t   
• OM = E and ON = I, represent the instantaneous
values of alternating emf and current.   
where    ; Current leads emf by
• BOA  f represents the phase angle by which  2 2
current I0 leads the alternating emf E0.

E and I
• The phasor diagram, in a simple representation I

 

X X E=E 0 sin t ; I  I 0 sin t    where   2
• Current lags emf by  /2
WE-5: Use a phasor diagram to represent the sine or
waves in the following Figure. emf leads current by  /2
• A pure resistor of resistance R is connected
across an alternating source of emf

Sol:The phasor diagram representing the sine waves ~

is shown in figure.The length of each phasor E=E0 sin t
represents the peak value of the sine wave.
• The instantaneous value of alternating emf is
E = E0 sin t
• The instantaneous value of alternating current
E E0
is I    sint   I 0 sin t
• Peak value of current, I 0 
Note:If e.m.f (or voltage) in A.C. is E = E 0 sin t • Phasor diagrams:
and the current I = I0sin  ωt+φ  Where phase I,E E.m.f
difference φ is Positive if current leads,Negative Current
if current lags and zero if current is inphase with
 2
the emf (or voltage). O t
 3
I 2 2
E and I

t I E

• emf and current will be in phase    0 

• emf and current have same frequency

• Peak emf is more than peak current

E 0  E0
• The value of impedance (Z) is equal to R Where Peak value of current, I 0 
and reactance (X) is zero L X L
• Apart from instantaneous value, current in the • From equation 1 & 2
circuit is independent of frequency and Phase difference between alternating voltage
decreases with increase in R (similar to that in 
dc circuits). and current is
R=constt. f =constt • The alternating current lags behind the
I0 1 
Irms R emf by a phase angle of
2 2
Irms  or f • Phasor diagram
• power factor cos   cos 0  1
 3
• Instantaneous power Pi  Eo I o sin 2  t 2 2 2
O  
• Average power over time ' T ' sec = 2

2 LL
Pavg  Erms I rms cos   Erms . I rms 
A.C THROUGH AN INDUCTOR • The opposition offered by an inductor to the flow
• A pure inductor of inductance L is connected of ac is called an inductive reactance.
across an alternating source of emf E • The quantity  L is analogous to resistance and
is called reactance of Inductor represented by
XL .
• It allows D.C. but offers finite impedance to the
~ flow of A.C.
E=E0 sin t • Its value depends on L and f.
• The instantaneous value of alternating emf • Inductance not only causes the current to lag
is E = E0 sin t ...........(1) behind emf but it also limits the magnitude of
dI current in the circuit.
• The induced emf across the inductor =  L. E0 E
dt I0   L  0  X L ,
which opposes the growth of current in the • L I0
circuit. As there is no potential drop across the
circuit, so  X L   L  2 fL  X L f ; X L  f curve
 dI  dI X L  L curve
E    L.   0 or L.  E
 dt  dt
dI E0
 sin t ; On integrating
dt L
E0  
I  cos t  I 0 sin  t   ..........  2  slope = tan = 2L slope = tan = 2f
L  2 XL XL
 
• The instantaneous value of alternating current X X
is f L
 
 I  I0 sin  t   • For dc, f  0  X L  0
 2


For ac, high frequencies, X L   q=CE=CE0 sin t

 dc can flow easily through inductor.. dq  
• Inductive reactance in terms of RMS value I  C E0 cos t  I 0 sin  t   ............... 2 
dt  2
E • The instantaneous value of alternating current
is X L   L  rms
Irms is
Power supplied to inductor  
I  I 0 sin  t   ...............(2)
• The instantaneous power supplied to the inductor  2
  E0
is PL  iv  i0 sin   t    v0 sin  t  where peak value of current, I0 
 2  1 
 
 C 
i0 v0
 i0v0 cos t  sin t    sin  2 t  • From equation 1 & 2

So, the average power over a complete cycle is current leads the emf by an angle .
Pavg  Erms . I rms cos   0   90 PHASOR DIAGRAM
i0 v0 I,E
 sin  2 t   0 E.m.f
Since the average of sin  2t  over a complete 3
2 /2
 t
cycle is zero. O 

T hus, t he average power supplied to an

inductor over one complete cycle is zero.
• When an alternating emf is applied to a • The resistance offered by a capacitor to the flow
capacitor, then alternating current is constituted of ac is called capacitive reactence.
in the circuit. Due to this, charge on the plates
and electric field between the plates of capacitor • The quantity is analogous to resistance and
vary sinusoidally with time. C
• At any instant the potential difference between is called reactance of capacitor represented by
the plates of a capacitor is equal to applied XC
emf at that time. E0 1 1 E E
I0   XC    0  rms
C  1   C 2 fC I 0 I rms
 
 C 
• It is the part of impedance in which A.C. leads

the A.V. by a phase angle of .
~ 2
E=E0 sin t
1 1
• A capacitor of capacity C is connected across • Its value is Xc   .
C 2fC
an alternating source of emf • Its value depends on C and f.
• The instantaneous value of alternating emf is • It bypasses A.C. but blocks D.C.
E = E0 sin t ...................(1) • It is produced due to pure capacitor or induced
• Let q be the charge on the capacitor at any instant. charge.
Accoding to kirchhoff’s loop rule • X C  f curve
E  0  q  CE0 sin t X C  C curve

C = const  = const WE-8: An inductor of 1 henry is connected across

a 220 v, 50 Hz supply. The peak value of the
XC XC current is approximately.
Sol: Peak value of current
 or f C E 2 Erms 2 Erms 2  220 
Note: Resistance, Impedance and Reactance have the i0  0     0.99 A
same units and Dimensional Formulae. XL L 2 fL 2  50 1
i.e. SI unit is ohm; Dimensional Formula is WE-9: A capacitor of 2 F is connected in a radio
 ML2T 3 A2  circuit. The source frequency is 1000 Hz. If
Power supplied to capacitor: the current through the capacitor branch is
• The instantaneous power supplied to the 2 mA then the voltage across the capacitor is
capacitor is 1 I
Sol: VC  IX C  I  
Pc  iv  i0 cos t  v0 sin t  C 2 fC
 i0 v0 cos t  sin t  ;  0 0 sin  2 t  2 103
2   0.16V
So, the average power over a complete cycle is 2 103  2 106
since  sin  2t   0 over a complete cycle. • LR circuit consists of a resistor of resistance
R and an inductor of inductance L in series
Pavg  Vrms . I rms cos   Vrms . I rms cos 90  0 with a source of alternating emf
 no power is consumed in a purely • The instantaneous value of alternating emf is
capacitive circuit.
E  E 0 sin t
WE-6: An alternating voltage
E  200 2 sin 100t  volt is connected to a
1 F capacitor through an ac ammeter. What VL VR

will be the reading of the ammeter? E

Sol: Comparing E  200 2 sin 100t  with
• The potential difference across the inductor is
E  E0 sin t ; E0  200 2V and   100  rad / s 
given by, VL  IXL .....(1)
1 1 • The potential difference across the resistor,
XC   6
 104 
C 100  10 VR  IR .....(2)
Erms E0 200 2 
I rms     20 mA current I lags the Voltage VL by an angle of ,
Z 2XC 2 104 2
Therefore, the resultant of VL and VR is
WE-7: Find the maximum value of current when
2 2
a coil of inductance 2H is connected to 150V, OC  OA 2  OB2 or E  VR  VL
50 cycles / sec supply.
Sol: Here L  2H, Erms  150 V , f  50 Hz
X L  L  L  2f = 2 2 3.14 50 = 628 ohm B C

RMS value of current through the inductor ,

Erms 150 XL
Irms    0.24A (or) E
XL 628 VL
Maximum value (or peak value) of current is
given by I r m s  
2 x
or I0  2 Irms  1.414 0.24  0.339A VR (or) R A

Using equations ( 1 ) and (2), we get capacitor,
E  I2R 2  I2 X L  I R 2  X L
2 VC  IX C .....(i)
where X L  L is the inductive reactance. 
E • The current leads emf by an angle when ac
or I  2
2 .....(3)
R2  XL flows through capacitor.
I 2 2 2 2 2
Z LR ; Z LR  R  X L  R  L  • The potential difference across the resistor,
The effective opposition offered by LR circuit VR = IR .....(ii)
to ac is called the impedance of LR circuit.
• The emf and current are in phase when ac flows
Let  be the angle made by the resultant of VL through resistor.
and VR with the X-axis, then from figure, we get Phasor diagram.
tan      I
VR (or) R A
X L L 
or tan   
Note: In series LR circuit, emf leads the current or VC E
the current is said to lag behind the emf by an XC
angle 
 Current in L-R series circuit is given by B C
I  0 sin(w t  f )
Z LR Z LR • In figure VC is represented by OB along negative
(or) I  I 0 sin( w t  f ) Y - axis and the current I is represented along
Note: X - axis.
• Z LR  R 2  L2  2  R 2  L2  4  2 f 2 . • VR is represented by OA along X - axis.
Thus Z LR increases with the frequency of ac, so
• The resultant potential difference of VC and VR is
ZLR is low for lower freqeuncy of ac and high
for higher frequency of ac represented by OC.
• The phase angle between voltage and current • Also, the emf and current are in phase when ac
increases with the increase in the frequency of flows through the resistor. So, VR is represented
ac by OA along X-axis.
C-R SERIES CIRCUIT WITH • Therefore, the resultant potential difference of
ALTERNATING VOLTAGE VC and VR is represented by OC and is given
• Let an alternating source of emf E =E0 sin w t is by
connected to a series combination of a pure OC  OA 2  OB2
or E  VR  VC

capacitor of capacitance (C) and a resistor of

Using equations (i) and (ii), we get
resistance (R) as shown in figure (a)
2 2
C R E  I2R 2  I2XC  I R 2  XC
or I  
VC VR 2 2
From the above equations of I and E, we have
 1 
E 2
Z CR  R  XC 2  R 2
 
 
 Cw 
• Let I be the r.m.s value of current flowing through
the circuit. The potential difference across the Where Z CR is the effective opposition offered

by the CR circuit to ac, which is the impedance of • The current I lags VL by an angle  / 2 .
CR circuit.
Let  be the angle made by E with X-axis • The P.D across capacitance is VC  I . X C .
AC VC IX C • The current I leads VC by an angle  / 2 .
tan    
XC I • The voltage VL and VC are represented by OB
or tan   
R CR and OC respecitvely.
In series CR circuit, emf lags behind the current
or in other words, the current is said to lead the Y
emf by an angle  given by the above equation. B
 Current in C-R series circuit is given by VL
I  0 sin( wt  f )
(or) I  I0 .sin(wt  f ) O X
• The resultant potential difference of VC and VR is VC
represented by OC Impedance of CR circuit. -Y
2 1
Z CR  R 2  X C  R 2  2 2
C The resultant P.D of VL and VC is
 R2  2 2 2 V  VL  VC  I  X L  X C 
4 f C
• The resultant potential difference of VC and VR is  1 
 I  L   IZLC
represented by OC For very high frequency (f)  C 
of ac. Z  R and for very low frequency of ac, • From the above equations, Impedance of
Z L -C circuit is
• Phase angle between voltage and current is
 1 
given by Z LC   L  
tan  

1  C 
C  R 2  fC R
As f increases, phase angle  decreases. 1
• If  L  i.e, X L  X C then VL  VC potential
• Let an alternating source of emf E  E0 sin  t is • Now current lags behind voltage by  / 2 .
connected to the series combination of a pure 1
capacitor of capacitance (C) and an inductor of • If  L  then VL  VC resultant potential
inductance (L) is shown in fig.
difference V   VC  VL
Now current leads emf by  / 2 .
1 1
If  L  then Z   L  0
~ C C
• Let I be the rms value of current flowing in the Current I  
circut Z
In L - C, circuit, the phase difference between
• The P.D across ‘L’ is VL  I . X L
voltage and current is always  / 2 .


Power factor cos   cos  / 2  0 . WE-11: When 100 volt dc is applied across a coil,
a current of 1 amp flows through it; when 100
So, power consumed in L - C circuit is V ac of 50 Hz is applied to the same coil, only
P  Vrms  I rms  cos   0 0.5 amp flows. Calculate the resistance and
inductance of the coil.
 In L - C circuit no power is consumed.
Sol: In case of a coil, i.e, L - R circuit,
1 I  with Z  R2  X L 2  R2   L 2
• In L - C, circuit, the impendence Z   L  Z
C So when dc is applied,   0, so Z  R
E V V 100
Current I  . and hence I  , i.e, R    100
Z R I 1
and when ac of 50 Hz is applied.
So, the impedence and current varies with
frequency. V V 100
I  , i,e. Z    200
Z I 0.5
• At a particular angular frequency,  L  but Z  R 2   2 L2 , i.e,  2 L2  Z 2  R 2
E i.e,  2 fL   2002  1002  3  104
and current I  becomes maximum  I 0  and
Z 3  102 3
resonance occurs. L  H  0.55H
2  50 
E WE-12: A 10µF capacitor is in series with a 50
At resonance Z  0 and I 0  0   . resistance and the combination is connected
to a 220V, 50 Hz line. Calculate (i) the
1 capacitive reactance, (ii) the impedance of the
Resonant angular frequency 0  circuit and (iii) the current in the circuit.
Sol: Here, C  10F  10  10 6  10 5 F
1 R  50 ohm, E rms  220V,   50Hz ,
Resonant frequecny f 0  . (i) Capacitive reactance,
2 LC
WE-10: A 0.21 H inductor and a 12 ohm 1 1 1
XC    = 318.5 
resistance are connected in series to a 220 V. C 2C 2  3.14  50  10 5
(ii) Impedance of CR circuit.
50 Hz ac source. Calculate the current in the 2 2
circuit and the phase angle between the ZCR  R 2  X C   50    318.5   322.4
current and the source voltage . E rms 220
Sol: Here (iii) Current, I rms   = 0.68A
Z CR 322.4
X L   L  2 fL  2  50  0.21  21  WE-13: A coil has an inductance of 0.7 H and is
joined in series with a resistance of 220  .
2 2 2 2
Z  R  X L  12   21   144  4348 When an alternating e.m.f of 220 V at 50 cps
is applied to it, then the wattless component
of the current in the circuit is
V 220
Z  4492  67.01 ; I  Z  67.02  3.28 A X  L 2  50  0.7
Sol: tan   L   1
R R 220
X   21 
  tan 1  L   tan 1     45, Z  R 2  X L2  2202  2202
 R   12 
The current will lag the applied voltage by an  220 2
Wattless component of currnet  I v sin 
1  21 
angle tan  . Ev 220 1
 12   sin 45    0.5 A
Z 220 2 2


E 
• A circuit containing pure inductor ofinductance (L),  I  1 
2 ;
R  X L X C 
2 2
pure capacitor of capacitance (C) and resistor R   L 
 C 
of resistance (R), all joined in series, is shown
in figure. • Let  be the phase angle between E and I, then
• Let E be the r.m.s value of the applied alternating
emf to the LCR circuit. from Phasor diagram
V  VC IX L  IX C X  XC
tan   L   L
 1 
I  L  C 
tan    
 Current in L-C- R series circuit is given by
• The potential difference across L, I   0 sin( w t  f )
VL  IX L .....(i) (or) I  I 0 .sin( wt  f )

• The potential difference across C, • If XL and XC are equal then Z = R i.e.,

VC  IX C .....(ii) expression for pure resistance
• The potential difference across R, circuit.
VR  IR .....(iii) If XL = 0 then Z  R 2  X C 2 i.e., expression
PHASOR DIAGRAM for series RC circuit.
Y • Similarly if XC = 0 then Z  R 2  X L 2 i.e.
B expression for series RL circuit.
Also, cos  
(XL-XC) 
Case (i) : If X L  X C then  is +ve. In this case
VR or R A I
the current lags behind the emf by a phase
C XL  XC 
1 
angle   Tan  R

 
Case (ii) : If X L  X C then  is -ve. In this case
• Since VL and VC are in opposite phase, so
the current leads the emf by a phase angle
their resultant (VL –VC) is represented by OD
(Here VL > VC)  X  XL 
  Tan 1  C 
• The resultant of VR and (VL–VC) is given by OL.  R 
The magnitude of OL is given by
Case (iii): If X L  X C then  is 0. In this case
2 2 2 2
OL   OA   OD ;  VR   VL  VC  the current and emf are in phase.
• If X L  X C , then the circuit will be inductive
 I R2   XL  XC 
E 2
• If X L  X C , then the circuit will be
Z  R2   X L  XC  capacitive
 Impedance (Z) of LCR circuit is given by • If X L  X C , then the circuit will be purely
Z  R2   X L  X C 
2 resistive.
• The LCR circuit can be inductive or
capacitive or purely resistive depending on
the value of frequency of alternating source WE-14: In a circuit L, C and R are connected in
of emf. series with an alternating voltage source of
• At some frequency of alternating source, frequency f. The current leads the voltage
X L  X C and for some other frequency, X L  X C .
by 45 . The value of C is :
There exists a particular value of frequency Sol: As current leads the voltage by 45 ,
where X L  X C (This situation is XC  X L
 tan    tan 45  1
explained under resonance of LCR series R
circuit )  X C  X L  R or X C  X L  R
Note:Relation between applied pd & pd’s across 1 1
the components in L - C - R circuit or  L  R  C 
C   L  R 
2 f  2 fL  R 

WE-15: In a series LCR circuit, the voltage across

~ the resistance, capacitance and inductance is
V E 10V each. If the capacitance is short circuited
For ‘dc’ For ‘ac’ then the voltage across the inductance w i l l
V = VR + VL + VC V  IZ Sol: As VR  VL  VC ; R  X L  X C
Z  R ; V  IR  10 volt
(only before steady state) When capacitor is short circuited,
2 2
 I R2   X L  X C  ;   IR  2   IX L  IX C  Z  R 2  X L2  R 2  R 2  R 2
V 2 = VR 2 + VL - VC 
V 10
I New current, I '  V / Z  
where VL  IX L  I  L and VC  IX C  R 2 R 2
C Potential drop across inductance
and VR = IR 10  R 10
 I ' XL  I 'R   volt
Note: Rules to be followed for various R 2 2
combinations of ac circuits 200
WE-16 : An inductance of mH . a capacitance
• Compute effective resistance of the circuit as R 
• Calculate the net reactance of the circuit as 10 3
1 of F and a resistance of 10 are
X  X L  X C where X L   L , X C  . 
C connected in series with an AC source of 220
• Resistance offered by all the circuited elements
V, 50 Hz. The phase angle of the circuit is
to the flow of ac is impedance ( Z )
200 200  103 0.2
 Z  R 2  X 2  R 2  X L  X C 
2 Sol: Here, L  mH  H H
  
E0 103
• Calculate the peak value of current as 0 I  C  F , R  10 ; Ev  220V , n  50 Hz
Z 
• The phase difference between emf & current can 0.2
be known by constructing an ac triangle as X L   L  2 nL  2  50   20 
X 
tan f 
R 1 1 
XC     10
Z sin f 
C 2 nC 2  50 103
co s f 
tan  
 X L  X C   20  10  1   
 Z ;
f R 10 4


WE-17: In a series LCR circuit, R  200 , the 2

voltage and the frequency of the main supply Z  R2   X C  X L 
is 220 V and 50 Hz. respectively. On taking 2
out the capacitance from the circuit, the current  100
2 
 3   90   21.3 
lags behind the voltage by 30 .On taking out  9 
the inductor from the circuit, the current
Power dissipated / cycle  Ev I v cos 
leads the voltage by 30 . The power
dissipated in the LCR circuit is E R E 
 E0  v    v   R
Sol: Here, R  200, Ev  220V  Z Z  Z 
XL  15 
In L -R circuit, tan 30 
R    3  0.744W
 2  21.3 
X WE-19: A 750 Hertz - 20 volt source is connected
In C - R circuit, tan 30  C
R to a resistance of 100 ohm, an inductance of
X X 0.1803 henry and a cpacitance of 10 F , all in
 L  C or X L  X C
R R series. What is the tim e in which the
In L - C - R circuit, if  is the phase difference resistance (Thermal capacity  2 joule/ C )
between voltage and current, then will get heated by 10C ?
X  XC 0 Sol: Here, v  750 Hz , Ev  20V , R  100 
tan   L   0    0
R 200
L  0.1803 H , C  10 F  105 F , t  ?
i.e., current and voltage are in the same
phase.   10C , thermal capacity  2J/C
Ev2 X L   L  2 vL  2  3.14  750  0.1803
 Average power  Ev  Iv cos    0
R 1 1
XC    21.2 
2 C 2  750  105

 220 
 242 W 2
200 Z  R2   X L  X C 
WE-18: An LCR circuit has L = 10 mH. R = 3
ohm and C  1 F connected in series to a  1002   850  21.2   835 
source of 15 cos t volt. What is average
Power dissipated  Ev I v cos 
power dissipated per cycle at a frequecny that
is 10% lower than the resonant requency? 2
 E  R  20  100
 Ev  v      0.0574W
Sol: Here, L  102 H , R  3, C  106 F  Z  Z  835 

Resonant frequency,
Heat produced in resistance  2 10  20J
1 1
0    10 4 rad/s If t is the required time, then
2 6
LC 10  10
20 20
P  t  20  t    348s
Actual frequency,    90%  0 P 0.0574
 9  103 rad/s RESONANT FREQUENCY
Electrical Resonance Series L-C-R Circuit
X L   L  9  103  10 2  90  Electrical resonance is said to take place in a
1 1 1000 series LCR circuit, when the circuit allows
XC   3 6
  maximum current for a given frequency of
 C 9  10  10 9
alternating supply, at which capacitive reactance Note: Series LCR circuit at resonance admit
becomes equal to the inductive reactance. maximum current at particular frequencies, so they
The current (I) in a series LCR circuit is given by can be used to tune the desired frequency or filter
unwanted frequencies. They are used in transmitters
I  and receivers of radio, television and telephone
Z 
1  .....(i)
R  L  carrier equipment etc.
From the above equation (i), it is clear that At resonance ,
current I will be maximum if the impedance (Z) a) Net reactance X = 0
of the circuit is minimum. b) X L  XC
At low frequencies, L   L  2  f is very small c) Impedance Z = 0
1 1 E0
and C   C  2  f is very large. d) peak value of current I0  
1 1
At high frequencies, L is very large and is e) Resonant frequency f 0 
C 2 LC
very small. p
1 f) Voltage and current differ in phase by
For a particular frequency (f0), L   i.e. 2
X L  X C and the impedance (Z) of LCR circuit g) Power factor cos f  0
is minimum and is given by Z = R. RESONANCE IN L - C - R CIRCUIT :
At resonance,
Therefore, at the particular frequency ( f0 ), the a) Net reactance X = 0
current in LCR circuit becomes maximum. The b) X L  XC
frequency ( f0 ) is known as the resonant c) Impedance Z = R ( minimum )
frequency and the phenomenon is called E0 E0
d) peak value of current I0   ( maximum but
electrical resonance. Z R
not infinity )
Again, for electrical resonance (XL–Xc) = 0. 1
i.e. XL = XC e) Resonant frequency f 0 
1 1
2 LC
or L   2  f) Voltage and current will be in phase
C LC g) power factor cos   1
1 1
or     2f 0   h) Resonant frequency is independent of value of R.
LC LC i) A series L - C - R circuit behaves like a pure
1 resistive circuit at resonance.
or f 0  .....(ii)
This is the value of resonant frequency. BAND WIDTH.
The resonant frequency is independent of the • The frequencies at which the power in the circuit
resistanace R in the circuit. However, the is half of the maximum power (The power at
sharpness of resonance decreases with the resonance) are called half power frequencies.
increase in R.
Series LCR circuit is more selective when Pmax
resistance of this circuit is small.

I0 P Pmax
R1 2
O X 1 2 3 V

Table for values of different parameters for different components applied to ac

Parameter R-L circuit R-C circuit L-C circuit L-C-R circuit

1) Input emf E = E0 sin t E = E0 sin t E = E0 sin t E = E0 sin t

2) Resulting current I = I0 sin (t – ) I = I0 sin (t + ) I = I0 sin t  2 I = I0 sin (t  )

3) Resistance R R 0 R

–1 1 1
4) Net reactance X = XL = L X = XC = X = L – X = L –
C C C

2 2 2
5) Impedance Z = R2 + (L)2 1 1 1
Z = R2 + Z = L – Z = R2 + L –
C C C

E0 E0 E0 E0
6) Peak value of current I0 = Z I0 = Z I0 = Z I0 = Z

7) Phase diff. between L –1 XL – XC

 = tan–1  = tan–1  = 90°  = tan–1

8) Lead / lag I lags E by  I lags E by  If XL > XC , I Lags E If XL > XC , I lags E

by 90° by 
If XL < XC , I leads E If XL > XC , I lags E
by 90° by 
If XL = XC , E and I are If XL > XC , I lags E
in phase by 

• The current in the circuit at half power frequecies VL VC 0 L 1
(HPF) is 1 2 or 0.707 or 70.7% of maximum Q  factor  V or V  R or  CR
R R 0
current (current at resonance).
• There are two half power frequencies 1 L
 Q  factor 
1  called lower half power frequency. At this R C
frequency the circuit is capacitive. WATTLESS CURRENT:
3  called upper half power frequency. It is In an ac circuit , R  0  cos   0 so

greater than  2 . At this frequency the circuit is Pav  0, i.e.., in resistanceless circuit the power
inducitve. consumed is zero, Such a circuit is called the
wattless circuit and the current flowing is
• Band width    : The difference of half power called the wattless current.
frequencies 1 and  2 is called band width Or
The component of current which does not
   and   3  1 . contribute to the average power dissipation
• For series resonant circuit it can be proved is called wattless current.
   R / L  wattless current = I rms sin 
• Choke coil (or ballast) is a device having high
inductance and negligible resistance.
• The characteristic of a series resonant circuit is
• It is used to control current in ac circuits and is
determined by the quality factor  Q  factor  of used in fluorescent tubes.
the circuit. • The power loss in a circuit containing choke coil
• It defines sharpness of i  v curve at resonance is least.
when Q  factor is large, the sharpness of • In a dc circuit current is reduced by means of a
rheostat.This resutls in a loss of electrical energy
resonance curve is more and vice - versa.
I 2 R per sec.
Q- factor =infinity Iron core
R = Very low Starter
Q- factor = large
i R = low Coil of Cu wire ~ coil
Q- factor = normal ~ L, R
R = High Choke coil Application of choke coil
Q- factor = low
• It consists of a copper coil wound over a soft
V0 V
Resonance curve iron laminated core. This coil is put in series
with the circuit in which current is to be reduced.
• Q  factor also defined as follows • Soft iron is used to improve inductance (L) of
the circuit.
Maximum energy stored
Q  factor  2  • The inductive reactance or effective opposition
energy dissipation
of the choke coil is given by X L   L  2 vL
2 Maximum energy stored • For an ideal choke coil r  0 , no electric cnergy
 
T Mean power dissipated is wasted, i.e., average power P = 0.
Resonant frequency 0 • In actual practice choke coil is equivalent to a
  R  L circuit.
Band width 


• Choke coil for different frequencies are made by WE-21 :An electric bulb has a rated power of 50
using different substances in their core. W at 100 V. If it is used on an AC source of
• For low frequency L should be large thus iron 200 V, 50 Hz, a choke has to be used in series
core choke coil is used. For high frequency ac circuit, with it. This choke should have an inductance
L Should be small, so air cored choke coil is used. of
• The choke coil can be used only in ac circuits not in Sol: Here, P  50W , V  100volt
dc circuits, because for dc frequency v  0 . Hence
P 50 V 100
X L  2 vL  0. I   0.5 A, R    200
V 100 I 0.5
• Choke coil is based on the principle of wattless Let L be the inductance of the choke coil
E E 200
E  I v  v  or Z  v   400 
• The current in the circuit I  with Z Iv 0.5
2 2 Now X L  Z 2  R 2  4002  200 2
Z   R  r    L  .
• The power loss in the choke  L  100  2 3
pav  Vrms I rms cos   0 200 3 200 3 200 3 2  1.732
L     1.1H
 2 v 100 3.14
as cos   Z  2 
r  L2 2 A capacitor (C) and an inductor (L) are
WE-20: An ideal choke coil takes a current of 8 connected as shown in the figure. Initially the
ampere when connected to an AC supply of charge on the capacitor is Q
100 volt and 50 Hz. A pure resistor under the
same conditions takes a current of 10 ampere.
If the two are connected to an AC supply of
150 volts and 40 Hz. then the current in a
series combination of the above resistor and
inductor is
Sol: For pure inductor,
E0 100 25  Energy stored in the capacitor U E 
XL     2C
Iv 8 2 The energy stored in the inductor, UB = 0.
The capacitor now begins to discharge through
25 25 25 1 the inductor and current begins to flow in the
L  ;L    H
2 2 2  2  50 8 circuit. As the charge on the capacitor decreases,
1 2
V 100 U E decreases but the energy U B  LI in the
R   10 2
I 10 magnetic field of the inductor increases. Energy
For the combination, the supply is 150 v, 40 is thus transferred from capacitor to inductor.
Hz When the whole of the charge on the capacitor
disappears, the total energy stored in the electric
1 field in the capacitor gets converted into
 X L   L  2  40   10
8 magnetic field energy in the inductor. At this
stage, there is maximum current in the inductor.
Z  X L2  R 2  102  10 2  10 2ohm Energy now flows from inductor to the capacitor
except that the capacitor is charged oppositely.
Ev 150 15 This process of energy transfer continues at a
Iv   A A
Z 10 2 2 definite frequency (v). Energy is continuosly
shuttled back and forth between the electric field

in the capacitor and the magnetic field in the
1  V
inductor. * In L - C oscilations  tells us the potential
If no resistance is present in the LC circuit, the C  q 
LC oscillation will continue infinitely as shown. difference required to store a unit charge
 F
+q0 * In a mechanical oscillation K    tells us the
t x
external force requred to produce a unit
displacement of mass
However in an actual LC circuit, some resistance * In L - C oscillations current is the analogous
is always present due to which energy is quantity for velocity of the mass in mechanical
dissipated in the form of heat. So LC oscillation oscillations
will not continue infinitely with same amplitude * In L - C oscillations energy stored in capacitor
as shown. is analagous to potential energy in mechanical
* In L - C oscillations energy stored in inductor is
analogous to kinetic energy of the mass in
-q0 mechanical oscillations
Let q be the charge on the capacitor at any * In L - C oscillations maximum charge on
capacitor q 0 is analogous to amplitude in
di mechanical oscillations
time t and be the rate of change of current.
dt *  As Vmax = A  in mechanical oscillations,
Since no battery is connected in the circuit, I 0  q0 0 in L- C oscillations
q di dq
 L.  0 Analogies between Mechanical and Electrical Quantities
c dt but i   Mecha nical System Electrical System
from the above equations, we get Mass m Inductance L
q d 2q d 2q 1 Force constant k Reciprocal capacitance 1/C
L 2 0 2  q0 Displacement x Charge q
C dt dt LC Velocity v = dx/dt Current I = dq/dt
d2 x Mechnical energy Electromagnetic
The above equation is analogus to 2
 2 x = 0 energy
(differential equation of S.H.M)
Energy of LC Oscillations: Let q0 be the
2 1 1 initial charge on a capacitor. Let the charged
Hence on comparing   
LC LC capacitor be connected to an inductor of
1 1 induct ance L. LC ciruit will sust ain an
2f   f  1
LC 2 LC oscillations with frequency (  2 f  )
The charge therefore oscillates with a frequency LC
1 At an instant t, charge q on the capacitor and the
f  and varies sinusoidally with time. current i are given by; q(t )  q0 cos t ;
2 LC
i   q0 sin t
COMPARISON OF L - C OSCILLATIONS Energy stored in the capacitor at time t is
WITH SHM : The L - C oscillations can be
compared to S.H.M of a block attached to a 1 1 q 2 q02
U E  CV 2   cos2 (t )
spring 2 2 C 2C
1 Energy stored in the inductor at time t is
* In L - C oscillations  0  1
LC U M  Li 2
* In Mechanical oscillations  0  where K 1 2 2 2 q2 1
m  Lq0  sin t   0 sin 2 (t )(  2  )
2 2C LC
is the spring constant
Sum of energies

q02 q2 Pout Vs is
UE UM  (cos 2 t  sin 2  t )  0 \ i.e.,  %  P  100  V i  100
2C 2C in P P

As q0 and C, both are time independent, this • For an ideal transformer Pout  Pin so
sum of energies stored in capacitor and induc   100% (But efficiency of practical transformer
tor is constant in time. Note that it is
lies between 70% - 90 %)
equal to the initial energy of the capacitor.
TRANSFORMER For practical transformer Pin  Pout  Plosses
• A transformer works on the principle of mutual P
induction. So   P  100
•` It is a static device that is used to increase or in

decrease the voltage in an AC circuit. Pout  P  PL  100

• On a laminated iron core two insulated copper   100  in
coils called primary and secondary are wound.  Pout  PL  Pin
• Primary is connected to an alternating source of • In an ideal transformer the input power is equal to
emf, By mutual induction, an emf is induced in the output power. V1I1 = V2 I2
the secondary. The efficiency of an ideal transformer is 100%.
• If V1 and V2 are the primary and secondary • The losses in a transformer are divided in to two
voltages in a transformer, N1 and N2 are the types. They are copper losses and iron losses.
number of turns in the primary and secondary
• The loss of energy that occurs in the copper coils
V1 N1 of the transformer (i.e. primary and secondary coils)
coils of the transformer, then  .
V2 N2 is called ‘copper losses’. These are nothing but joule
• In a transformer the voltage per turn is the same heating losses where electrical energy is converted
in primary and secondary coils. in to heat energy.
• The ratio N2/N1 is called transformation ratio. The loss of energy that occurs in the iron core of
• The voltage ratio is the same as the ratio of the the transformer (i.e. hysteresis loss and eddy current
number of turns on the two coils. loss) is called ‘iron losses’.
• If the primary and secondary currents are I1 and TRANSFORMER:
I 2 respectively, then for ideal transformer • The core of a transformer is laminated and each
V2 I1 N lamination is coated with a paint of insulation to
  2 . reduce the ‘eddy current’ losses.
V1 I 2 N1
• In an ideal transformer the ampere turns are the • By choosing a material with narrow ‘hysteresis
same in primary and secondary coils. loop’ for the core, the hysteresis losses are
• If N s  N P voltage is stepped up, then the Uses of transformer:
transformer is called step - up transformer. • A transformer is used in almost all ac operations,
• If N s  N P voltage is stepped down, then the e.g
transformer is called step - down transformer. • In voltage regulators for TV, refrigerator, computer,
• In step - up transformer, VS  VP and I S  I P air conditioner etc.
• In the induction furnaces.
• In step - down transformer, VS  VP and I S  I P
• Step down transformer is used for welding
• Frequency of input a.c is equal to frequency of purposes.
output a.c • In the transmission of ac over long distnace.
• Transformation of voltage, is not possible with
d.c • Step down and step up transformers are used in
EFFICIENCY OF TRANSFORMER ( ) electical power distribution.
Effeiciency is defined as the ratio of output • Audio Frequency transformers are used in
power and input power. radiography, television, radio, telephone etc.
• Radio frequency transformers are used in radio
output power
Efficiency  communication.
input power
WE- 22: A transformer having efficiency 90% is
working on 100 V and at 2.0 kW power. If the
C. U. Q
current in the secondary coil is 5A, calculate INSTANTANEOUS, PEAK,R.M.S &
(i) the current in the primary coil and (ii) AVERAGE VALUES OF A.C AND A.V
voltage across the secondary coil. 1. In an ac circuit the current
9 1) is in phase with the voltage
Sol: Here   90%  , I s  5A , E p  100V, 2) leads the voltage
3) lags the voltage
(i) E p I p  2kW  2000W 4) any of the above depending on t he
2000 2000 circumstances
Ip  or I p   20A
2. The average e.m.f during the positive half
Ep 100
cycle of an a.c. supply of peak value E0 is
Output power E s I s
(ii)    or E s Is   E p I p 1) E0 /  2) E0 / 2 3) E0 / 2 4) 2 E0 / 
Input power Ep Ip
3. Alternating current is transmitted to distant
  2000  1800W
places at
10 1) high voltage and low current
1800 1800 2) high voltage and high current
 Es    360 volt 3) low voltage and low current
Is 5
4) low voltage and high current
WE-23:A step up transformer operates on a 230 4. In case of a.c circuit, Ohm’s law holds good
V line and a load current of 2 ampere. The for
ratio of the primary and secondary windings a) Peak values of voltage and current
is 1 : 25. What is the current in the primary ? b) Effective values of voltage and current
Sol: Using the relation c) Instantaneous values of voltage and current
1) only a is true 2) only a and b are true
 S ; IP  S S 3) only c is true 4) a, b and c are true
NS IP NP 5. In case of AC circuits the relation V = i Z,
Here N p / Ns  1 / 25 (or) Ns / N p  25 / 1 = 25 where Z is impedance, can directly applied to
and IS = 2A 1) peak values of voltage and current only
2) rms values of voltage and current only
Current in primary, I P  25 2  50A 3) instantaneous values of voltage and current
• A direct current flows uniformly throughout the 4) both 1 and 2 are true
cross section of the conductor. 6. Alternating current can not be measured by
• An alternaitng current, on the other hand, flows direct current meters, because
mainly along the surface of the conductor. This 1) alternating current can not pass through an
effect is known as skin effect.
2) the average value of current for complete cycle
• When alternating current flows through a is zero
conductor, the flux changes in the inner part of 3) some amount of alternating current is
the conductor are higher. destroyed in the ammeter
• Therefore, the inductance of the inner part is 4) peak value of current is zero
higher than that of the outer part. Higher the 7. The r.m.s. value of potential due to
frequency of alternating current, more is the skin superposition of given two alternating
effect. potentials E1 = E0 sin t and E2 = E0 cos t
• The depth upto which ac current flows through a will be
wire is called skin depth   . 1) E0 2) 2E0 3) E 0 2 4) Zero
8. If the instantaneous values of current is
VR2 I  2 cos(t  ) A in a circuit, the r.m.s. value
R  R  VR2
PR of current in ampere will be
VR  rated voltage, PR  rated power  1) 2 2) 2 3) 2 2 4) zero

9. If a capacitor is connected to two different A.C. 16. The phase angle between current and voltage
generators, then the value of capacitive in a purely inductive circuit is
reactance is 1) zero 2)  3)  / 4 4)  / 2
1) directly proportional to frequency 17. Ratio of impedence to capacitive reactance
2) inversely proportional to frequency has
3) independent of frequency 1) no units 2) ohm 3) ampere 4) tesla
4) inversely proportional to the square of 18. An inductor coil having some resistance is
frequency connected to an AC source. Which of the
10. In general in an alternating current circuit following have zero average value over a
1) the average value of current is zero cycle
2) the average value of square of the current is 1) induced emf in the inductor only
zero 2) current only 3) both 1 and 2 4) neither 1 nor 2
3) average power dissipation is zero 19. The current does not rise immediately in a
4) the phase difference between voltage and circuit containing inductance
current is zero 1) because of induced emf
A.C ACROSS R-L,R-C,L-C & 2) because of high voltage drop
L-C-R SERIES CIRCUIT 3) both 1 and 2 4) because of joule heating
11. The magnitude of induced e.m.f in an LR 20. In an AC circuit containing only capacitance
circuit at break of circuit as compared to its the current
value at make of circuit will be 1) leads the voltage by 180º
1) less 2) more 2) lags the voltage by 90º
3) some times less and some times more 3) leads the voltage by 90º
4) nothing can be said 4) remains in phase with the voltage
12. The emf and current in a circuit are such that 21. A bulb is connected first with dc and then ac
of same voltage.Then it will shine brightly with
E = E0 sin  t and I = I0 sin ( t   ) . This AC 1) AC 2) DC 3) Equally with both
circuit contains. 4) Brightness will be in ratio 1/14
1) R and L 2) R and C 3) only R 4) only C 22. A capacitor of capacity C is connected in A.C.
13. The correct graph between the resistance of circuit. If the applied emf is V = V0 sin t ,
a conductor with frequency is then the current is
1) Y 2) Y
V0 V0  
R R 1) I  sin t 2) I
sin  t  
L 
 
f X f X
3) I  V0 C sin t 4) I  V0C sin  t  2 
 
23. At low frequency a condenser offers
Y Y 1) high impedance 2) low impedance
3) 4) 3) zero impedance
R R 4) impedance of condenser is independent of
f X f X 24. Statement ( A ) : The reactance offered by
14. Same current is flowing in two alternating an inductance in A.C. circuit decreases with
circuits. The first circuit contains only increase of AC frequency.
inductance and the other contains only a Statement ( B ) : The reactance offered by a
capacitor. If the frequency of the e.m.f. is capacitor in AC circuit increases with increase
increased, the current will of AC frequency.
1) increase in first circuit and decrease in the 1) A is true but B is false
other 2) Both A and B are true
2) increase in both circuits 3) A is false but B is true
3) decrease in both circuits 4) Both A and B are false
4) decrease in first circuit and increase in the 25. Statement ( A ) : With increase in frequency
other of AC supply inductive reactance increases.
15. When an a.c source is connected across a Statement ( B ) : With increase in frequency
resistor of AC supply capacitive reactance increase
1) The current leads the voltage in phase 1) A is true but B is false
2) The current lags behind the voltage in phase 2) Both A and B are true
3) The current and voltage are in same phase 3) A is false but B is true
4) The current and voltage are out of phase 4) Both A and B are false
26. In an A.C circuit having resistance and 32. In series L - C - R resonant circuit, to increase
capacitance the resonant frequency
1) emf leads the current 1) L will have to be increased
2) current lags behind the emf 2) C will have to be increased
3) both the current and emf are in phase 3) LC will have to be decreased
4) current leads the emf. 4) LC will have to be increased
27. Select the correct options among the 33. If in a series L - C - R ac circuit, the voltages
following: In an R-C circuit across R, L, C are V1 ,V2 ,V3 respectively.
a) instantaneous A.C is given by Then the voltage of applied AC source is
I = I0sin ( wt   ) always equal to
b) the alternating current in the circuit leads 1) V1 +V2 +V3 2) V12  (V2  V3 )2
the emf by a phase angle  .
2 2
3) V1 -V2 -V3 4) V12  (V2  V3 ) 2
c) Its impedance is R  ( c)
34. In non-resonant circuit, the nature of circuit
d) Its capacitive reactance is  c for frequencies greater than the resonant
1) a, b are ture 2) b, c, d are true frequency is
3) c, d are true 4) a, c are true 1) resistive 2) capacitive
28. If the frequency of alternating e.m.f. is f in L- 3) inductive 4) both 1 and 2
C-R circuit, then the value of impedance Z 35. The phase difference between voltage and
will change with log (frequency) as current in an LCR series circuit is
1) increases 1) zero always 2)  / 4 always
2) increases and then becomes equal to 3)  4) between 0 and  / 2
resistance, then it will start decreasing 36. In an LCR a.c circuit at resonance, the
3) decreases and when it becomes minimum current
equal to the resistance then it will start increasing 1) Is always in phase with the voltage
4) go on decreasing 2) Always leads the voltage
29. An inductance and resistance are connected 3) Always lags behind the voltage
in series with an A.C circuit. In this circuit 4) May lead or lag behind the voltage
1) the current and P.d across the resistance lead 37. An inductance L and capacitance C and
P.d across the inductance by  /2 resistance R are connected in series across
2) the current and P.d across the resistance lags an AC source of angular frequency  . If
behind the P.d across the inductance by angle 1
 /2 2  then
3) The current across resistance leads and the 1) emf leads the current
P.d across resistance lags behind the P.d across 2) both the emf and the current are in phase
the inductance by  /2 3) current leads the emf
4) the current across resistance lags behind and 4) emf lags behind the current
the P.d across the resistance leads the P.d across 38. Consider the following two statements A and
the inductance by  /2 B and identify the correct answer.
30. An LCR circuit is connected to a source of A) At resonance of L - C - R series circuit, the
alternating current. At resonance, the applied reactance of circuit is minimum.
voltage and the current flowing through the B) The reactance of a capacitor in an A.C
circuit will have a phase difference of circuit is similar to the resistance of a
1)  / 4 2) zero 3)  4)  / 2 capacitor in a D.C. circuit
31. The incorrect statement for L-R-C series 1) A is true but B is false
circuit is 2) Both A and B are true
1) The potential difference across the resistance 3) A is false but B is true
and the appleid e.m.f. are always in same phase 4) Both A and B are false
2) The phase difference across inductive coil is 39. Choose the wrong statement of the following.
90 0 1) The peak voltage across the inductor can be
3) The phase difference between the potential less than the peak voltage of the source in an
difference across capacitor and potential LCR circuit
difference across inductance is 90 0 2) In a circuit containing a capacitor and an ac
4) The phase difference between potential source the current is zero at the instant source
difference across capacitor and potential voltage is maximum
difference across resistance is 90

3) When an AC source is connected to a 48. A step up transformer is connected on the primary

capacitor,then the rms current in the circuit gets side to a rechargable battery which can deliver a
increased if a dielectric slab is inserted into the large current. If a bulb is connected in the
capacitor. secondary, then
4) In a pure inductive circuit emf will be in phase 1) the bulb will glow very bright
with the current. 2) the bulb will get fused
40. The essential difference between a d.c. 3) the bulb will glow, but with less brightness
4) the bulb will not glow
dynamo and an a.c. dynamo is that
49. The ratio of primary voltage to secondary
1) a.c. has an electromagnet but d.c. has a voltage in a transformer is ‘n’. The ratio of
permanent magnet the primary current to secondary current in
2) a.c. will generate a higher voltage the transformer is
3) a.c.has slip rings but the d.c. has a commutator 1) n 2) 1/n 3) n2 4) 1/n2
4) a.c. dynamo has a coil wound on soft iron, 50. In a step down transformer, the number of
but the d.c. dynamo has a coil wound on copper turns in the primary is always
41. The unit of impedence is 1) greater than the number of turns in the
1) ohm 2) mho 3) ampere 4) volt secondary
42. The power factor of a.c. circuit having L and 2) less than the number of turns in the secondary
R connected in series to an a.c. source of 3) equal to the number of turns in the secondary
angular frequency  is given by 4) either greater than or less than the number of
turns in the secondary
R 2  2L2 R L R 51. The transformer ratio of a step up transformer
1) 2) 3) 4) is
R R 2  2 L2 R L
43. The capacitor offers zero resistance to 1) greater than one 2) less than one
1) D.C. only 2) A.C. & D.C. 3) less than one and some times greater than one
4) greater than one and some times less than one
3) A.C. only 4) neither A.C. nor D.C.
52. A stepup transformer develops 400V in
44. Power factor is defined as secondary coil for an input of 200V A.C. Then
1) apparent power/true power the type of transformer is
2) true power/apparent power 1) Steped down 2) Steped up 3) Same
3) true power (apparent power)2 4) Same but with reversed direction
4) true power x apparent power 53. Assertion(A) : If changing current is flowing
TRANSFORMER through a machine with iron parts, results in
45. The core of a transformer is laminated so that loss of energy.
1) energy loss due to eddy currents may be Reason(R): Changing magnetic flux through
an area of the iron parts causes eddy currents.
1)Both A and R are individually true and R is
2) rusting of the core may be prevented the correct explanation of A
3) change in flux may be increased 2)Both A and R are individually true but R is
4) ratio of voltage in the primary to that in the not the correct explanation of A
secondary may be increased 3)A is true but R is false
46. A step up transformer is used to 4)Both A and R are false
1) increase the current and increase the voltage 54. Transformers are used in
2) decrease the current and increase the voltage 1) d.c circuits only 2) a.c. circuits only
3) increase the current and decrease the voltage 3) Both a.c and d.c circuits 4) Integrated circuits.
4) decrease the current and decrease the voltage 55. The magnitude of the e.m.f. across the
47. A transformer changes the voltage secondary of a transformer does not depend
1) without changing the current and frequency on
2) without changing the current but changes the 1) The number of the turns in the primary
frequency 2) The number of the turns in the secondary
3) without changing the frequency but changes the 3) The magnitude of the e.m.f applied across the
current primary
4)The resistance of the primary and the
4) without changing the frequency as well as the
56. For an ideal transformer ratio of output to the capacitive reactance equals inductive reactance
input power is always 1
1) greater than one 2) equal to one 4) current will be leading voltage if   LC
3) less than one 4) zero 64. The value of current in two series L C R
57. Consider the following two statements A and circuits at resonance is same when connected
B and identify the correct answer. across a sinusoidal voltage source. Then
A) In a transformer a large alternating 1) both circuits must be having same value of
current at low voltage can be transformed into capacitance and inductance
a small alternating current at high voltage 2) in both circuits ratio of L and C will be same
B) Energy in current carrying coil is stored in
the form of magnetic field. 3) for both the circuits X L / X C must be same at
1) A is true but B is false that frequency
2) Both A and B are true 4) both circuits must have same impedance at
3) A is false but B is true all frequencies
4) Both A and B are false 65. When an AC source of emf e  E0 sin 100t 
58. Statement ( A ) : Flux leakage in a
is connected across a circuit, the phase
transformer can be minimized by winding the
difference betwen the emf e and the current
primary and secondary coils one over the
other. 
i in the circuit is observed to be ahead,If
Statement ( B ) : Core of the transformer is 4
made of soft iron the circuit consists possibly of R  C or
59. Statement (A ) : In high current low voltage
windings of a transformer thick wire is used R  L or L  C in series, find the relationship
between the two elements:
to minimize energy loss due to heat produced
Statement ( B ) : The core of any transformer 1) R  1k , C  10  F 2) R  1k , C  1 F
is laminated so as to reduce the energy loss 3) R  1k , L  10 H 4) R  1k , L  1H
due to eddy currents 66. An AC voltage source of variable angular
60. Statement ( A ) : Step up transformer
converts low voltage, high current to high frequency  and fixed amplitude V0 is
voltage, low current connected in series with a capacitance C and
Statement (B) : Transformer works on both an electric bulb of resistance R (inductance
ac and dc zero). When  is increased
61. To reduce the iron losses in a transformer, the 1) the bulb glows dimmer
core must be made of a material having 2) the bulb glows brighter
1) low permeability and high resistivity 3) total impendance of the circuit is unchanged
2) high permeability and high resistivity 4) total impendance of the circuit increases
3) low permeability and low resistivity ASSERTION & REASON
4) high permeability and low resistivity
1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and
62. Maximum efficiency of a transformer depends
on Reason is the correct explanation of
1) the working conditions of technicians. Assertion.
2) weather copper loss =1/2 x iron loss 2) Both Assertion and Reason are true but
3) weather copper loss = iron loss Reason is not the correct explanation of
4) weather copper loss =2 x iron loss Assertion.
63. For a LCR series circuit with an A.C. source 3) Assertion is true but Reason is false
of angular frequency  4) Assertion is false but Reason is true
67. Assertion (A): The average value of
1) circuit will be capacitive if   <sin 2t  is zero.
Reason (R): The average value of function
2) circuit will be inductive if   1 T
LC F  t  over a period T is  F  t    F  t dt
T 0
3) power factor of circuit will be unity if
68. Assertion (A): If current varies sinusoidally C. U. Q - KEY
the average power consumed in a cycle is
zero. 1) 4 2) 4 3) 1 4) 2 5) 4 6) 2 7) 1
Reason (R): If current varies sinusoidally the 8) 2 9) 2 10) 1 11) 2 12) 1 13) 1 14) 4
average power consumed is zero 15) 3 16) 4 17) 1 18) 3 19) 3 20) 3 21) 3
69. Assertion (A) : The power consumed in an 22) 4 23) 1 24) 4 25) 1 26) 4 27) 1 28) 3
electric circuit is never negative 29) 2 30) 2 31) 3 32) 3 33) 4 34) 3 35) 4
Reason (R) : The average power consumed 36) 1 37) 1 38) 1 39) 4 40) 3 41) 1 42) 2
V2 43) 4 44) 2 45) 1 46) 2 47) 3 48) 4 49) 2
in an electric circuit is P = = I2 R 50) 1 51) 1 52) 2 53) 1 54) 2 55) 4 56) 2
70. Assertion (A): The inductive reactance limits 57) 2 58) 4 59) 2 60) 1 61) 2 62) 3 63) 3
the current in a purely inductive circuit in the 64) 3 65) 1 66) 2 67) 4 68) 4 69) 1 70) 2
same way as the resistance circuit. 71) 4 72) 1 73) 1 74) 2 75) 1 76) 1
Reason (R): The inductive reactance is C. U. Q - HINTS
directly proportional to the inductance and to
the frequency of the varying current. 67.  sin 2  t  1/ 2
71. Assertion (A) : An ac emf which oscillates
symmetrically about zero, the current it 1 2
68.  P  im R
sustains also oscillates symmetrically about 2
zero. 69. I is scalar in Joules heating effect is independent
Reason (R): In any circuit element, current is an direction of current.
always in the phase with voltage V V
72. Assertion (A): A lamp is connected in series 70. I  X & i  R X L   L  2 vL
with a capacitor and ac source connected L
across their terminals consequently current 
flow in the circuit and the lamp will shine. 71. In inductor current lags the voltage by
Reaosn(R): capacitor block dc current and 2
allow ac current 
73. Assertion (A): An electric lamp is connected In capcitor current leads the voltage by
in series with a long solenoid of copper with
air core and then connected to AC source. If 1
an iron rod is inserted in solenoid the lamp 72. X C 
2 fC
will become dim.
Reason (R): If iron rod is inserted in solenoid, for dc f  0 then X L  
the induction of solenoid increases. for ac f  0 then X C  finite
74. An inductor, capacitor and resistance
connected in series. The combination is 73. L  r
connecte across AC source. more voltage is present across inductor
Assertion (A): Peak current through each so less voltage across bulb
remains same 74. In series current is same, inductor and capacitor
Reason (R) : Average power delivered by does not consume power
source is equal to average power consumed 75. At resonance X L  X C and frequency
by resistance.
75. Assertion (A): when frequency is greater than 1 1
resonance frequency in a series LCR circuit, f0  If f  f0 then X L  X C , so it
it will be an inductive circuit. 2 LC
Reason (R): Resultant voltage will lead the will be an inductive circuit. AC current must lag
current AC voltage.
76. Assertion (A): Maximum power is dessipated 2
76. At resonance P  I max R and VL and VC are out
in a circuit (through R) in resonance
Reason (R) : At resonance in a series LCR of phase. I max is due to Z min  R which is due
circuit, the voltage across indcutor and to out of phase of VL and VC .
capacitor are out of phase.


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