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India Blackout-GRID - ENQ - REP - 16 - 8 - 12

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ON 30th July 2012



ON 31st JULY 2012

16th AUGUST 2012


The committee gratefully acknowledges the efforts put in by all assisting

members to the enquiry committee namely :
a. Shri R. N. Nayak, CMD, POWERGRID
b. Shri S. K. Soonee, CEO, POSOCO
c. Shri Balvinder Singh, IPS Retired.

The Committee places on record the efforts of Shri K. K. Agrawal, Member

(GO&D), CEA for overall coordination in the whole exercise of grid disturbance

The committee also gratefully acknowledges and places on record its

appreciation towards the following members of various sub-groups, for their efforts
of in-depth analysis and compilation of grid disturbance analysis:
(i) Shri Manjit Singh, Member (Thermal), CEA
(ii) Shri P.K. Pahwa, Member Secretary, NRPC,
(iii) Dr. Anil Kulkarni, IIT-B, Mumbai,
(iv) Shri Ajit Singh, Ex-Addl. Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat
(v) Shri R.K. Verma, Chief Engineer I/c (DP&D), CEA
(vi) Shri Dinesh Chandra, Chief Engineer (I/C), GM Div., CEA
(vii) Shri Ajay Talegaonkar, SE (Operation), NRPC
(viii) Shri S. Satyanarayan, SE (Operation), WRPC,
(ix) Shri D. K. Srivastava, Director, GM Div., CEA

The committee expresses its appreciation of the cooperation extended by

POWERGRID and POSOCO, for making the data available from various Sub-
Last but not the least Committee also acknowledges the efforts of all those
persons who gave their valuable support directly or indirectly.

Page No.

Executive Summary iv-ix

Chapter 1: Introduction 1-4

Chapter 2: Overview of the regional grids 5-7

Chapter 3: Analysis of the grid disturbance on 30th July 2012 8-20

Chapter 4: Analysis of grid disturbance on 31st July 2012 21-32

Chapter 5: Factors contributing to grid disturbances on 30th 33-39

and 31st July 2012

Chapter 6: Review of islanding schemes 40-44

Chapter7: Review of restoration of generation 45-58

Chapter 8: Cyber security related aspects 59-62

Chapter 9: Recommendations of the Committee 63-70

Supplementary Volume:
A separate volume containing the relevant DR outputs during the grid
disturbances on 30th and 31st July, 2012.


ABT: Availability Based Tariff

ATC: Available Transfer Capacity

AUFLS: Automatic Under Frequency Load Shedding

BLU: Boiler Light Up

BTPS: Badarpur Thermal Power Station

CB: Circuit Breaker

CEA: Central Electricity Authority

CERC: Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

CESC: Calcutta Electric Supply Company

CTU: Central Transmission Utility

D/C: Double Circuit

DMRC: Delhi Metro Rail Corporation

DR: Disturbance Recorder

df/dt: Rate of change of frequency with time

EL: Event Logger

ER: Eastern Region

FGMO: Free Governor Mode of Operation

FSC: Fixed Series Compensation

GPS: Gas Power Station

GT: Gas Turbine

HVDC: High Voltage Direct Current

MERC: Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission

NAPS: Narora Atomic Power Station

NER: North-Eastern Region

NR: Northern Region

PMU: Phasor Measurement Unit

PLCC: Power Line Carrier Communication

POSOCO: Power System Operation Corporation Ltd.

POWERGRID Powergrid Corporation of India Ltd

PPA: Power Purchase Agreement

PSS: Power System Stabilizer

RAPP: Rajasthan Atomic Power Plant

RPC: Regional Power Committee

RLDC: Regional Load Despatch Centre

SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System

SIL: Surge Impedance Loading

SR: Southern Region

STOA: Short Term Open Access

SVC: Static VAR Compensator

TTC: Total Transfer Capability

TCSC: Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation

UI: Unscheduled Interchange (under ABT)

VAR: Volt Ampere Reactive

WAFMS: Wide Area Frequency Measurement System

WR: Western Region


There was a major grid disturbance in Northern Region at 02.33 hrs on 30-07-
2012. Northern Regional Grid load was about 36,000 MW at the time of
disturbance. Subsequently, there was another grid disturbance at 13.00 hrs on 31-
07-2012 resulting in collapse of Northern, Eastern and North-Eastern regional
grids. The total load of about 48,000 MW was affected in this black out. On both
the days, few pockets survived from black out. Ministry of Power constituted an
Enquiry Committee, to analyse the causes of these disturbances and to suggest
measures to avoid recurrence of such disturbance in future.

The Committee analysed the output of Disturbance Recorders (DR), Event loggers
(EL), PMUs, WAFMS, SCADA data and reports submitted by various SLDCs ,
RLDCs /NLDC, POWERGRID and generation utilities to arrive at the sequence of
events leading to the blackouts on 30th July, 2012 and 31st July 2012. The
Committee also interacted with POWERGRID and POSOCO on various aspects of
these grid disturbances. Some teams also made field visits to sub-stations,
generating stations, NRLDC, NLDC, UPSLDC and Haryana SLDC.

The Committee is of the opinion that no single factor was responsible for grid
disturbances on 30th and 31st July 2012. After careful analysis of these grid
disturbances, the Committee has identified several factors, which led to the
collapse of the power systems on both the days, as given below:

Factors that led to the initiation of the Grid Disturbance on 30th July, 2012

a. Weak Inter-regional Corridors due to multiple outages: The system was

weakened by multiple outages of transmission lines in the WR-NR interface.
Effectively, 400 kV Bina-Gwalior-Agra (one circuit) was the only main AC
circuit available between WR-NR interface prior to the grid disturbance.

b. High Loading on 400 kV Bina-Gwalior-Agra link: The overdrawal by some of
the NR utilities, utilizing Unscheduled Interchange (UI), contributed to high
loading on this tie line.
c. Inadequate response by SLDCs to the instructions of RLDCs to reduce
overdrawal by the NR utilities and underdrawal/excess generation by the WR
d. Loss of 400 kV Bina-Gwalior link: Since the interregional interface was very
weak, tripping of 400 kV Bina-Gwalior line on zone-3 protection of distance
relay caused the NR system to separate from the WR. This happened due to
load encroachment (high loading of line resulting in high line current and low
bus voltage). However, there was no fault observed in the system.

Factors that led to the initiation of the Grid Disturbance on 31st July, 2012

(i) Weak Inter-regional Corridors due to multiple outages: The system was
weakened by multiple outages of transmission lines in the NR-WR interface
and the ER network near the ER-WR interface. On this day also, effectively
400 kV Bina-Gwalior-Agra (one circuit) was the only main circuit available
between WR-NR.
(ii) High Loading on 400 kV Bina-Gwalior-Agra link: The overdrwal by NR
utilities, utilizing Unscheduled Interchange (UI), contributed to high loading
on this tie line. Although real power flow in this line was relatively lower than
on 30th July, 2012, the reactive power flow in the line was higher, resulting in
lower voltage at Bina end.
(iii) Inadequate Response by SLDCs to RLDCs’ instructions on this day also to
reduce overdrawl by the NR utilities and underdrawal by the WR utilities.
(iv) Loss of 400 kV Bina-Gwalior link: Similar to the initiation of the disturbance
on 30th July, 2012, tripping of 400 kV Bina-Gwalior line on zone-3 protection
of distance relay, due to load encroachment, caused the NR system to
separate from the WR system. On this day also the DR records do not show
occurrence of any fault in the system.

Brief Sequence of Events leading to the Grid Collapse on 30th and 31st July

(i) On 30th July, 2012, after NR got separated from WR due to tripping of 400
kV Bina-Gwalior line, the NR loads were met through WR-ER-NR route,
which caused power swing in the system. Since the center of swing was in
the NR-ER interface, the corresponding tie lines tripped, isolating the NR
system from the rest of the NEW grid system. The NR grid system collapsed
due to under frequency and further power swing within the region.
(ii) On 31st July, 2012, after NR got separated from the WR due to tripping of
400 kV Bina-Gwalior line, the NR loads were met through WR-ER-NR route,
which caused power swing in the system. On this day the center of swing
was in the ER, near ER-WR interface, and, hence, after tripping of lines in
the ER itself, a small part of ER (Ranchi and Rourkela), along with WR, got
isolated from the rest of the NEW grid. This caused power swing in the NR-
ER interface and resulted in further separation of the NR from the ER+NER
system. Subsequently, all the three grids collapsed due to multiple tripping
attributed to the internal power swings, under frequency and overvoltage at
different places.
(iii) The WR system, however, survived due to tripping of few generators in this
region on high frequency on both the days.
(iv) The Southern Region (SR), which was getting power from ER and WR, also
survived on 31st July, 2012 with part loads remained fed from the WR and
the operation of few defense mechanism, such as AUFLS and HVDC power
(v) On both the days, no evidence of any cyber attack has been found by the

Measures that could have saved the system from collapse:

In an emergency system operating condition, such as on 30th and 31st July

2012, even some of the corrective measures out of the list given below might
have saved the system from the collapse.
(i) Better coordinated planning of outages of state and regional networks,
specifically under depleted condition of the inter-regional power transfer
(ii) Mandatory activation of primary frequency response of Governors i.e. the
generator’s automatic response to adjust its output with variation in the
(iii) Under-frequency and df/dt based load shedding relief in the utilities’
(iv) Dynamic security assessment and faster state estimation of the system at
load despatch centers for better visualization and planning of the
corrective actions.
(v) Adequate reactive power compensation, specifically Dynamic
(vi) Better regulation to limit overdrawal/underdrawl under UI mechanism,
specifically under insecure operation of the system.
(vii) Measures to avoid mal-operation of protective relays, such as the
operation of distance protection under the load encroachment on both the
(viii) Deployment of adequate synchrophasor based Wide Area Monitoring
System and System Protection Scheme.

Restoration of the system

The Committee observed that on both the days unduly long time was taken by
some of the generating units in starting the units after start up power was made

Recommendations of the Committee

Detailed recommendations of the committee are given in the main report, which
are summarized below.

i) An extensive review and audit of the Protection Systems should be carried

out to avoid their undesirable operation.
ii) Frequency Control through Generation reserves/Ancillary services should
be adopted, as presently employed UI mechanism is sometimes
endangering the grid security. The present UI mechanism needs a
review in view of its impact on recent disturbances.
iii) Primary response from generators and operation of defense mechanisms,
like Under Frequency & df/dt based load shedding and Special Protection
Schemes, should be ensured in accordance with provisions of the grid
code so that grid can be saved in case of contingencies.
iv) A review of Total Transfer Capability (TTC) procedure should be carried
out , so that it can also be revised under any significant change in system
conditions, such as forced outage. This will also allow congestion charges
to be applied to relieve the real time congestion.
v) Coordinated outage planning of transmission elements need to be carried
out so that depletion of transmission system due to simultaneous outages
of several transmission elements could be avoided.
vi) In order to avoid frequent outages/opening of lines under over voltages
and also providing voltage support under steady state and dynamic
conditions, installation of adequate static and dynamic reactive power
compensators should be planned.
vii) Penal provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003 need to be reviewed to ensure
better compliance of instructions of Load Desptach Centres and directions
of Central Commission.

viii) Available assets, providing system security support such as HVDC,
TCSC, SVC controls, should be optimally utilized, so that they provide
necessary support in case of contingencies.
ix) Synchrophasor based WAMS should be widely employed across the
network to improve the visibility, real time monitoring, protection and
control of the system.
x) Load Desptach Centres should be equipped with Dynamic Security
Assessment and faster State Estimation tools.
xi) There is need to plan islanding schemes to ensure supply to essential
services and faster recovery in case of grid disruptions.
xii) There is need to grant more autonomy to all the Load Despatch Centres so
that they can take and implement decisions relating to operation and
security of the grid
xiii) To avoid congestion in intra-State transmission system, planning and
investment at State level need to be improved.
xiv) Proper telemetry and communication should be ensured to Load Despatch
Centres from various transmission elements and generating stations. No
new transmission element/generation should be commissioned without the
requisite telemetry facilities.
xv) Start up time of generating stations need to be shortened to facilitate
faster recovery in case of grid disruptions.
xvi) There is a need to review transmission planning criteria in view of the
growing complexity of the system.
xvii) System study groups must be strengthened in various power sector
xviii) It was also felt that a separate task force may be formed, involving
experts from academics, power utilities and system operators, to carry out
a detailed analysis of the present grid conditions and anticipated scenarios
which might lead to any such disturbances in future. The committee may
identify medium and long term corrective measures as well as
technological solutions to improve the health of the grid.



1.1 There was a major grid disturbance at 02.33 hrs on 30-07-2012 in Northern
region and again at 13.00 hrs on 31-07-2012 resulting in collapse of Northern,
Eastern, North-Eastern regional grids barring a few pockets.

1.2 The first disturbance which led to the collapse of Northern Regional Electricity
grid occurred at 02.33 hrs on 30th July, 2012, in which all states of Northern
Region viz. Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana,
Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Delhi and Union Territory of
Chandigarh were affected. Northern Regional Grid’s load was about 36,000
MW at the time of disturbance. Small islands which comprised of three units
of BTPS with the load of approximately 250 MW in Delhi, NAPS on
houseload, Area around Bhinmal (Rajasthan) with approximate load of 100
MW connected with Western Region survived the blackout. Restoration was
completed by 16.00 hrs.

1.3 The second incident which was more severe than the previous one occurred
at 13.00 hours on 31.7.2012, leading to loss of power supply in three regions
of the country viz. Northern Region, Eastern Region and North Eastern
Region affecting all states of Northern Region and also West Bengal, Bihar,
Jharkhand, Odisha, Sikkim in Eastern region and Assam, Arunachal Pradesh,
Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura in North-Eastern
region. The total load of about 48,000 MW was affected in this black out.
Islands comprising of NAPS, Anta GPS, Dadri GPS and Faridabad in
Northern Region, Ib TPS / Sterite, Bokaro steel and CESC survived in
Eastern Region. It has been reported that major part of the system could be
restored in about 5 hrs, 8hrs and 2 hrs in Northern, Eastern and North-
Eastern regions respectively.

1.4 To look into the detailed causes of these disturbances and to suggest
remedial measures, Ministry of Power vide its OM No. 17/1/2012-OM Dt. 30-
07-2012 constituted an Enquiry Committee headed by Chairperson, CEA and
CEO, POSOCO and CMD POWERGRID as members. With the second major
grid disturbance on 31-07-2012 involving three regions the Ministry of Power
vide its OM No. 17/1/2012-OM Dt. 03-08-2012 modified the constitution of the
above enquiry committee with following members:

(i) Shri A.S. Bakshi, Chairperson, CEA Chairman

(ii) Shri A. Velayutham, Member (retd.), MERC Member
(iii) Dr. S. C. Srivastava, IIT Kanpur Member
(iv) Sh. K. K. Agrawal, Member (GO&D), CEA Member Secretary

1.5 In addition, following members assisted the Committee:

(i) Shri R. N. Nayak, CMD, POWERGRID

(ii) Shri S. K. Soonee, CEO, POSOCO
(iii) Shri Balvinder Singh, IPS Retired.

1.6 The Terms of Reference of the Committee are as under:

a) To analyse the causes and circumstances leading to the grid

disturbance affecting power supply in the affected region.
b) To suggest remedial measures to avoid recurrence of such
disturbance in future.
c) To review the restoration of system following the disturbances and
suggest measures for improvement in this regard, if any
d) Other relevant issues concerned with safe and secure operation of
the Grid.

1.7 The Committee has been asked to submit its report by 16th August, 2012. A
copy of MoP OM dated 3-8-2012 constituting the above Committee is given at

1.8 First meeting of the initially constituted Enquiry Committee was held on 01-
08-2012. Second meeting of the Enquiry Committee was held on 03-08-2012
which was attended by the members of the Committee and representatives of

1.9 The Committee constituted five sub-groups to facilitate detailed and quick
analysis of various aspects of grid disturbances viz.

(i) ‘Analysis of grid collapse on 30th& 31st July 2012 and simulation of the
event’ under Shri A. Velayutham, Ex. Member, MERC and Prof. S.C.
Srivastava, IIT, Kanpur assisted by Dr. Anil Kulkarni, IIT, Bombay, Shri
Ajay Talegaonkar, SE (Operation), NRPC & Shri S. Satyanarayan, SE
(Operation), WRPC,

(ii) ‘Islanding scheme for Railways & Delhi Metro’ under Shri K.K. Agrawal,
Member (GO&D), CEA,

(iii) ‘Analysis of restoration process of thermal plants’ under Shri Manjit

Singh, Member (Thermal), CEA,

(iv) ‘Islanding schemes in Northern Region’ under Shri P.K. Pahwa, Member
Secretary, NRPC,

(v) ‘Cyber Security aspects’ under Shri Ajit Singh, Ex-Addl. Secretary,
Cabinet Secretariat and Shri R.K. Verma, Chief Engineer I/c (DP&D),

1.10 In addition, a sub-group comprising Shri Dinesh Chandra, Chief Engineer I/c
and Shri D.K. Srivastava, Director, Grid Management Division was formed to
compile and prepare the report based on the progress made by the five sub-
groups on day-to-day basis.

1.11 For secure grid operation after two grid collapses, following steps were taken

a) NLDC reduced the TTC of the Inter-Regional lines and other critical lines
limiting to its SIL thereby necessary restrictions imposed on STOA.

b) CEA advised utilities that senior and experienced officials should be

available in RLDCs, SLDCs, Generating Stations and Sub-Stations for at
least one week.

c) CEA also advised to all generating stations to be responsive and

develop a mechanism for bringing Units at the earliest in case of

1.12 Enquiry Committee held its third meeting on 11-8-2012. On 12-8-2012,

detailed discussions were held with POSOCO and POWERGRID at NLDC,
New Delhi to have their view points on the causes of grid collapse. The
Committee finalized its findings in its meetings on 14th and 15th August,

1.13 The Committee analysed the output of Disturbance Recorders (DR), Event
loggers (EL), PMUs, WAFMS, SCADA data and reports submitted by various
SLDCs , RLDCs /NLDC, POWERGRID and generation utilities to arrive at the
sequence of events leading to the blackouts on 30th July, 2012 and 31st July
2012. The Committee also interacted with POWERGRID and POSOCO on
various aspects of these grid disturbances. Some teams also made field
visits to sub-stations, generating stations, NRLDC, NLDC, UPSLDC and
Haryana SLDC.

Annexure 1.1



2.1 Power system in the country is divided into five regional grids namely
Northern, Western, Southern, Eastern and North Eastern grids. Except for
Southern grid, remaining four regional grid operate in synchronism. Southern
grid is connected to Eastern and Western grids through asynchronous links.

2.2 Northern Regional Grid

2.2.1 Northern Region is the largest in geographical area amongst the five regions
in the country covering approximately 31% of the area and having largest
number of constituents. It has largest sized hydro unit (250 MW at Tehri/
Nathpa Jhakri) in the country. Northern Grid has an installed generating
capacity of about 56,058 MW as on 30.06.2012 comprising 34608 MW of
thermal and 19830 MW of Hydro generation The Thermal-Hydro (including
renewable) mix is of the order of 64:36. The installed capacity of nuclear
stations is 1620 MW.

2.2.2 Major generating stations including Super Thermal Power Stations of NTPC
at Rihand and Singrauli are located in the eastern part of the NR grid. Due to
such concentration of generation in the eastern part of the grid and major load
centers in the central and western part of the grid there is bulk power
transmission from eastern to western part over long distances. To handle this
bulk transmission of power, a point to point high voltage DC line viz. HVDC
Rihand-Dadri bipole with capacity of 1500 MW exists and operates in parallel
with 400 kV AC transmission network besides under lying 220 kV network.

2.2.3 During the month of July, 2012 the Peak demand of Northern Region was
41,659 MW against the Demand Met of 38,111 MW indicating a shortage of
3,548 MW (8.5%). The energy requirement of Northern Region was 29,580
MU against availability of 26,250 MU indicating shortage of 3,330 MU


The Western Grid has an installed capacity of 66757 MW (as on 30-06-2012)

consisting of 49402 MW thermal, 7448 MW hydro, 1,840 MW nuclear and
7909.95 MW from renewable energy sources.


The Eastern Grid has an installed capacity of 26838 MW (as on 30-06-2012)

consisting of 22545 MW thermal, 3882 MW hydro and 411 MW from

renewable energy sources. The Eastern Regional grid operates in
synchronism with Western, Northern and North-Eastern Regional grids.


2.5.1The North-Eastern Grid has an installed capacity of 2454.94 MW as on 31-

03-2012 consisting of 1026.94 MW thermal, 1200 MW hydro and 228.00 MW
from renewable energy sources. The North-Eastern Grid operated in
synchronism with Northern Grid, Eastern Grid and Western Grid. North
Eastern Regional Grid is connected directly only to the Eastern Regional Grid
and any export of power to the other Regions has to be wheeled through the
Eastern Regional Grid.

2.5.2The power transfer from North-Eastern Region to Eastern Region is taking

place over Bongaigaon – Malda 400 kV D/C lines and Birpara – Salakati 220
kV D/C lines.

2.6 Inter-regional interconnections

The interconnections between various regional grids is depicted in Exhibit 2.1

2.1.1 Map indicating the IR links between NR, WR, ER and NER

Analysis of Grid Disturbance on 30th July, 2012

3.1 Introduction

On 30th July, 2012 there was a grid disturbance in the NEW grid at 02:33:11 hrs
that led to the separation of the NR grid from the rest of the NEW grid and
eventually NR system collapsed. The pre-disturbance conditions, sequence of
events and analysis of the disturbance are described below.

3.2 Pre-Disturbance Conditions

The details of the generation-demand and power export/import scenario in the

four regions of the NEW grid on 30.07.2012 at 02:00 hrs are given below.

S.No. Region Generation Demand Import Remarks

1 NR 32636 MW 38322MW 5686MW
2 ER 12452 MW 12213MW (-)239MW Bhutan
import 1127
3 WR 33024 MW 28053MW (-)6229MW
4 NER 1367 MW 1314MW (-) 53MW
Total NEW Grid 79479 MW 79902MW

A number EHV lines were out prior to the disturbance and the same are listed
in the enclosed Annexure- 3.1. The grid frequency, just prior to the disturbance,
was 49.68 Hz.

3.3 Sequence of Events on 30th July, 2012

The committee studied the data provided by various SLDCs , RLDCs /NLDC ,
POWERGRID and generation utilities to analyse the sequence of events
leading to the blackouts in Northern grid on 30th July, 2012. The committee
experienced some difficulty in analysing the available information because of
the time synchronisation problems at various stations. The committee,
however, established the sequence of events based on correlation of the data
from various sources like Disturbance Recorders (DRs), Event Loggers (ELs),
few Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) in the NR and WR at different stations
and Wide Area Frequency Monitoring System (WAFMS) of IIT Bombay.

It may be noted that the NEW grid was operating in an insecure condition due
to a large number of line outages particularly near the WR-NR interface.
Though an exhaustive list of lines under outage is given at Annexure-3.1, it
may be noted that the following lines had tripped within an interval of a few
hours prior to the grid disturbance.

1. 220 kV Badod(WR)-Modak(NR)
2. 220 kV Badod (WR)-Kota (NR)
3. 220 kV Gwalior-Mahalgaon ckt 2 (in WR but near WR-NR interface)
4. 220 kV Gwalior(PG)-Gwalior(MP)(in WR but near WR-NR interface
causing only 220 kV Gwalior-Malanpur as only 220 kV NR-WR
interconnection, and 220 kV Bina-Gwalior was no longer in parallel with
400 kV Gwalior-Bina)

Following are the sequence of the events, which took place on 30th July, 2012,
leading to the Northern Grid blackout:

Sl.No. Date & Time Event

1. 30/07/2012 400kV Bina – Gwalior-1 Line Tripped, Zone 3 tripping,
02:33:11.907 Main-II
2. 30/07/2012 220 kV Gwalior-Malanpur 1. As per MP SLDC time is
02:34 02:34, but is manual timing. (This line has tripped
probably just prior to sl no 1 above causing Malanpur
and Mehgaon loads to be fed from NR system.)
3. 30/07/2012 220 kV Bhinmal-Sanchor line, Zone-1 Tripped on
02:33:13.438 Power Swing.++
With the above events, practically all the AC links from the WR to the NR
were lost.
4. 30/07/2012 400 kV Jamshedpur – Rourkela line-2 tripped on Zone-
02:33:13:927 3
5. 30/07/2012 400 kV Jamshedpur – Rourkela line-1 tripped on Zone-
02:33:13:996 3
6. 30/07/2012 400 kV Gorakhpur-Muzaffarpur-2 tripped on Power
02:33:15:400 Swing
7. 30/07/2012 400 kV Gorakhpur-Muzaffarpur-1 tripped on Power
02:33:15:425 Swing at Gorakhpur end. Line remained charged upto
AM 3.03 am at Muzaffarpur end.
8. 30/07/2012 400 kV Balia – Biharsharif-2 line tripped on power
02:33:15:491 swing.
9. 30/07/2012 400 kV Balia – Biharsharif-1 line tripped on Power
02:33:15:491 swing.

10. 30/07/2012 400 kV Patna – Balia (1 & 2) tripped on power
02:33:15:542 swing++.
With the above events, all the AC links from the ER to the NR were lost. NR
was islanded from the rest of the NEW grid and ultimately collapsed on
under frequency . ER-WR-NER survived as one system.

Some of the subsequent events of cascaded tripping are listed in Annexure-3.2,

which has led the NR system to practically total blackout except a few pockets,
such as Badarpur and NAPS (only household loads), which survived in islanded

++ Power Swings: The rotors of synchronous machines inter-connected by AC lines tend to run at
the same electrical speed in steady state due to the underlying physics of this system. When this
system experiences small disturbances, restorative torques bring back the machines to
synchronism (i.e., the same electrical speed). This response is characterized by an oscillatory
behaviour since the underlying equations which determine the transient behaviour are like those of
a spring-mass system. The oscillations are called “swings” and are seen in practically all
parameters including line power flows. The oscillations die down if damping is adequate.
For large disturbances (e.g faults, loss of critical transmission links), the behaviour is non-linear and
the electrical torques may be unable to bring all the generators to the same electrical speed. If this
happens the angular difference between the generators goes on increasing (Transient Instability
or Angular Separation). This causes large variations in voltage and power flow in lines.
Other equivalent terms are “Loss of Synchronism”, “Out of Step”, “Pole slipping”, although the latter
two terms are typically used if only one machine loses synchronism. In a multi-machine system
groups of machines may separate.

3.4 Analysis of the Disturbance on 30th July 2012

I. It is observed that even though the frequency of the NEW grid (49.68 Hz)
was near to its nominal value (50 Hz), a number of lines were not available
due to either forced outages, planned outages or kept out to control high
voltages. This resulted in a depleted transmission network, which, coupled
with high demand in the Northern Region, resulted in an insecure state of
the system operation.
II. From WR-NR interface, 400 kV Gwalior-Agra line was carrying about 1055
MW and 400 kV Zerda-Bhinmal was carrying about 369MW, while 400 kV
Gwalior-Bina was carrying about 1450 MW. The loading on 400 kV Gwalior-
Agra was high. The Surge Impedance Loading (SIL) of the 400 kV Gwalior-
Agra and also Gwalior-Bina lines, which are 765 kV lines charged at 400
kV, is about 691 MW (uncompensated), but its thermal loading limit is much
higher (for quad Bersimis conductor).
III. NR constituents were instructed by NRLDC to carry out load shedding to
relieve the Gwalior-Agra line loading. However, the quantum of load
shedding undertaken by the NR constituents seems to be insignificant.
WRLDC also issued similar instructions to its constituents for reduction in

IV. The 400 kV Agra-Gwalior line is fed from 400 kV Bina-Gwalior line in the
V. At 02:33:11:907 hrs, the 400 kV Bina-Gwalior line in WR tripped on Zone 3
protection, which is due to load encroachment (DR records do not show
any evidence of fault or swing). Prior to tripping the voltage was 374 kV at
Bina end and the line was carrying about 1450 MW approximately as per
DR report of POWERGRID for this line.
VI. With the tripping of the above line, the supply to NR from 400 kV Agra-
Gwalior was lost. 400 kV Zerda-Bhinmal-Bhinmal (220 kV)-Sanchore (220
kV) and Dhaurimanna (220 kV) was the only AC tie link left between WR-
NR. Subsequently 220 kV Bhinmal–Sanchore line tripped on power swing,
and as per SLDC Rajasthan 220 kV Bhinmal-Dhaurimanna tripped on Zone
1distance protection. This resulted in loss of the WR-NR tie links. A small
load at Bhinmal remained connected with WR system through the 400 kV
Zerda-Bhinmal line.
VII. In some cases the impedance measured by a distance relay at one end of
the line may reduce to a point where it is less than the tripping condition for
that relay for back-up protection (Zone 3). This may happen even if there is
no fault in the nearby transmission system, and may occur when the line
carries a very heavy load. This phenomenon of the mal-operation of the
distance relays is known as ‘Load Encroachment’. Generally, it is an
unintended tripping for distance relays since no fault has actually occurred.
It may be noted that at the time of disturbance, the 400 kV Bina-Gwalior line
experienced a lower voltage and higher load current (resulting in less
impedance, seen by the relay, which, possibly, was below the zone-3 reach
setting of the relay) caused the relay operation under load encroachment. It
was informed by POSOCO that this line had not tripped earlier due to zone-
3 operation under load encroachment, although few incidences of such
operation of distance relays in Western Region are observed in prior
VIII. The tripping of the 400 kV Bina-Gwalior line initiated a very large angular
deviation between NR system on one side and ER+WR+NER system on
the other side. The power from WR to NR was now routed via WR-ER-NR
interface, which is a very long path.
IX. An illustrative simulation to understand angular separation of the WR and
NR regions was carried out. The simulation confirms that the systems may
separate under such conditions. The simulation details are given at
X. Due to large power flows in the WR-ER-NR route, 400 kV Jamshedpur-
Rourkela double circuit (in ER) tripped on Zone 3 (Exhibit 3.1 shows the
angular separation).
XI. Though the NR system, at this stage, was still connected to the ER system
(which was connected to the WR), the machines in the NR system had

started to slow down as compared to those in rest of the NEW grid.
Therefore, angular separation between NR and the rest of the grid
continued to increase. This situation would eventually lead to angular
instability (loss of synchronism).
XII. It is well established that under such situations, the distance relays near the
electrical center of this separation are prone to pick up. Accordingly 400 kV
ties between ER and NR (BiharSharif-Balia, Muzzafarpur-Gorakhpur,
Patna-Balia, and Sasaram-Balia) tripped.
XIII. Since 220 kV Pasauli-Sahupuri (ER-NR) line was operated in radial mode,
Sahupuri loads remained fed from the ER system and survived.
XIV. The NR system was thereby isolated from the rest of the grid. In the NR
system, there was loss of about 5800 MW import and resulted in decline of
frequency. NR System has Automatic Under Frequency Load Shedding
Scheme (AUFLS), which can shed about 4000 MW of loads, and df/dt
relays scheme, which can shed about 6000MW of loads, to improve the
frequency and save the system under such emergency situations. However,
not adequate load relief from the AUFLS and df/dt relays was observed and
the NR system collapsed except for a few pockets at Badarpur and NAPS.
XV. With the separation of NR from the rest of the grid, the ER+WR+NER grid
had a surplus of about 5800 MW power exported to NR prior to the
separation. This system had more generation and the frequency rose to
50.92 Hz and stabilized at 50.6 Hz. There was tripping of Korba (E) 2*250
MW, APL Mundra 2*660 MW, Dhuvaran 80 MW, Parli 210 MW and Nasik
210 MW units in WR and Mejia-B 400MW, DSTPS 250 MW and MPL
450MW in ER took place. APL Mundra units tripped on Special Protection
Scheme. The reported loss of generation is of the order of 3340 MW.
XVI. The sudden rise in frequency, close to 51Hz in the WR, also indicates
inadequate primary response from generating stations. The primary
response if enabled in NR could also have helped in curtailing the initial
frequency dip in the Northern region.
XVII. During restoration, at 03:39 hours, several units and transmission lines at
NTPC Vindhyachal STPS tripped in Western Region which also affected the
start-up process.

After the grid was restored on 30.07.2012, another grid disturbance took place on
31.07.2012 , the details of which are given in the next chapter.

Annexure 3.1
List of EHV Lines Out on 30.07.2012 Prior to Disturbance
(400 kV and above and Inter-Region 220 kV and above)
(as furnished by NLDC)

Sl No Line Voltage Region Out Remarks

(kV) From
1 Fatehpur-Gaya 765 NR 27/07/12 Planned
2 Agra-Bassi-3 400 NR 28/07/12 Planned
3 Agra-Bassi-2 400 NR 28/07/12 Planned
4 Agra-Gwalior 2 400 WR-NR 28/07/12 Planned
5 Zerda-Kankroli 400 WR-NR 28/07/12 Planned
6 Agra-Fatehpur 765 NR 26/07/12 Constr Work
7 Bhiwadi-Neemrana 400 NR 23/07/12 HV Trip
8 Barh-Balia 400 ER-NR 29/07/12 HV Trip
9 Bhinmal-Kankroli 400 NR 29/07/12 Forced
10 Badod-Kota 220 WR-NR 29/07/12 Forced
11 Manesar- 400 NR 15/07/12 Control HV
12 Bhilwara-Chhabra 400 NR 20/07/12 Control HV
13 Neemrana-Sikar 400 NR 20/07/12 Control HV
14 Barh-Balia 2 400 ER-NR 28/07/12 Control HV
15 Akal-Barmer 1 400 NR 28/07/12 Control HV
16 Chhabbra-Hindaun 400 NR 30/07/12 Control HV
17 Jodhpur II – 400 NR 30/07/12 Control HV
RajWest 2
1 Bina-Gwalior 2 400 WR 27/07/12 Planned
2 Nagda-Shujalpur 1 400 WR 07/07/12 Forced
3 Parli-Parli 2 400 WR 19/07/12 Forced
4 Satna-Bina 2 400 WR 26/07/12 Control HV
5 Damoh-Birsingpur 400 WR 13/07/12 Control HV
6 NAgda-RAjgarh 1 400 WR 20/07/12 Control HV
7 Seoni-Bina 1 765 WR 03/07/12 Control HV
8 Seoni-Wardha 2 765 WR 23/07/12 Control HV
9 Bina – Indore 400 WR 21/07/12 Possibly
10 Korba-Birsingpur 400 WR 05.07.12 Control HV
11 Birsingpur-Balco 400 WR 22/06/12 Control HV
12 Raigarh-Raipur 1 400 WR 20/07/12 Control HV
13 Raigarh-Raipur 2 400 WR 21/07/12 Control HV

14 Jabalpur-Itarsi 2 400 WR 20/07/12 Control HV
15 Itarsi-Khandwa 2 400 WR 20/07/12 Control HV
16 Nagda-Dehgam 1 400 WR 28/07/12 Control HV
17 Wardha-Akola-1 400 WR 20/07/12 Control HV
18 Parl(PG)-Sholapur 400 WR 23/07/12 Control HV
19 Bhadrawati-Parli 1 400 WR 21/07/12 Control HV
20 Aurangabad- 400 WR 27/06/12 Control HV
21 Aurangabad- 400 WR 03/07/12 Control HV
22 Karad-Kolhapur 400 WR 28/07/12 Control HV
23 Birsingpur-Katni 400 WR 14/06/12 Control HV
24 SSP-Rajgarh 2 400 WR 25/07/12 Control HV
25 ISP-Nagda 400 WR 24/07/12 Control HV
26 Itarsi-Bhopal 400 WR 29/07/12 Control HV

1 Ranchi-MPL D/c 400 ER 27/07/12 Planned
2 Binaguri-Purnea 1 400 ER 18/07/12 Planned
3 Sagardighi- 400 ER 25/07/12 Forced
4 Maithon-Durgapur 400 ER 28/07/12 Forced
5 Baripada- 400 ER 14/07/12 Forced

Annexure 3.2

Subsequent tripping of lines in ER and NR systems after separation on

(only those given in the DRs are listed below)

11. 30/07/2012 Line1(RAPP-B to C tie line) and Line2 (to Kota) tripped
02:33:16:251 AM
12. 30/07/2012 Line6 (RAPS-B to Udaipur)tripped
02:33:16:261 AM
13. 30/07/2012 Line4(RAPS-B to Chittor-1) tripped
02:33:17:221 AM
14. 30/07/2012 Line5 (RAPS-B to Chittor-2) tripped
02:33:17:231 AM As a result ofthe events Sl. No.13-16, RAPS-B moved to
house loading.
15. 30/07/2012 Biharshariff – Sasaram-4 tripped
02:33:18:508 AM
16. 30/07/2012 Kahalgaon – Biharshariff (3 & 4) tripped
02:33:20:667 AM
17. 30/07/2012 Ballabgarh – Kanpur-II line tripped due to over voltage
02:33:19:830 AM protection and received direct trip from Kanpur.
30/07/2012 Ballabgarh – Kanpur-III line tripped due to over voltage
02:33:20:830 AM protection and received direct trip from Kanpur.
18. 30/07/2012 Biharshariff – Sasaram-3 tripped
02:33:20:714 AM
19. 30/07/2012 NAPS two units (150MW each) tripped by under
02:33:22 AM frequency operation.
1. Frequency dipped to 47.7 Hz
2. The two units got isolated from grid and started
operating in island mode supplying load to Simbholi
and Khurja SSs.
20. 30/07/2012 Tehri pooling – Meerut Line-1 tripped.
02:33:24:965 AM
21. 30/07/2012 Mandola – Bareilly Line-2 CB Operated
02:33:26:192 AM PSB operated at 30/07/2012 02:33:15:142 AM and reset
at 17.702
PSB operated at 30/07/2012 02:33:30:010 AM on Line-1.
22. 30/07/2012 Mandola-Bawana-I tripped at Mandola end due to over
02:33:28:172 AM voltage protection.
23. 30/07/2012 Mandola-Bawana-II tripped
02:33:28:175 AM
24. 30/07/2012 Dadri – Maharanibagh Fault initiated, Appears Breaker
02:33:29.116 AM was not opened.
With the available information, the Grid blackout started in some areas (as observed
through the PMU frequency data ) and the remaining events, listed below, are the
cascading events resulting into the complete blackout.

25. 30-07-2012 Roorkee – Rishikesh and Roorkee-Muzaffarnagar lines
02:33:30.123 AM tripped on SOTF
26. 30/07/2012 Dadri – Rihand HVDC Pole-1 blocked
02:33:30.129 AM Blocked from Rihand end
27. 30/07/2012 Dadri – Rihand HVDC Pole-2 blocked
02:33:30.134 AM Blocked from Rihand end
28. 30/07/2012 Bassi – Agra-I CB652 Opened
02:33:31.083 AM
29. 30/07/2012 Bassi – Heerapura=II CB1252 Opened
02:43:33.589 AM
30. 30/07/2012 Tehri pooling – Koteshwar TOV1 Trip
02:33:36.617 AM


An Illustrative Example to demonstrate angular separation of NR-WR System

In order to illustrate that the angular separation can occur with the loss of a
tie, a simplified two machine system was simulated, approximately representing
NR and WR systems. We can look upon this system as a simplified representation
of a two area system (NR and ER-WR-NER). We consider two tie lines, one short
and one long.

In the simplified system, “NR” part draws 800MW on short tie and 400 MW
on the longer tie. With the tripping of the shorter tie, Fig S-1 clearly shows that both
systems go out of phase (in about 2.3 sec for this simplified Illustrative example).
Fig S-2 shows severe power swings and oscillatory nature of voltage, MW and
MVAR flows under this condition.

This simulation illustrates that angular separation between two systems

followed by power swings is possible on loss of short tie. However as it is a
simplified system, for specific answers to the collapse of the grids on 30th and 31st
July 2012, a detailed load flow and transient stability simulation of the NR, ER,
NER and WR grids is required.

Fig S-1 : Loss of Short Tie Line

( Shows angles increasing continuously and later NR and WR are out of
phase )

Fig S-2 : Loss of Short Tie Line
( Shows power swings between the two systems)

Exhibit 3.1

Recording Showing Angular Separation between NR and Rest of NEW Grid

on 30/07/2012

Fig 1: (source: Wide Area Frequency Measurement system developed by IIT-

B, Mumbai.)

Exhibit 3.1 (contd..)

Fig 2: (source: PMU Data from WR and NR. ) Note: There was time mismatch in
WR PMUS and required to be logically aligned. Arrow indicates events.

Analysis of Grid Disturbance on 31stJuly, 2012

4.1 Introduction

While the grid recovered from the black out of 30th July 2011, another major
disturbance took place on 31st July 2012 in the NEW grid at 13:00:13 hrs that
led to the separation of the NR, NER and ER from the WR and eventually led to
the collapse of the NR, ER and NER grids. The pre-disturbance conditions,
sequence of events and analysis of the disturbance are described below.

4.2 Pre-Disturbance Conditions on 31st July 2012

The details of the generation-demand as well as import/export of power in each

of the four regions in the NEW grid on 31.07.2012 at 12:30 hrs are given below.

Sl. No Region Generation Demand Import Remarks

1 NR 29884MW 33945MW 4061MW
2 ER 13524MW 13179MW (-) 345MW Import from
1114 MW.
3 WR 32612MW 28053MW (-)4559MW
4 NER 1014MW 1226MW 212MW
Total NEW Grid 76934MW 76403MW

A number of EHV lines were out prior to the disturbance and the same are
listed in Annexure 4.1. It may be noted that even after grid disturbance on the
previous day, similar network operating conditions prevailed on this day as well.
The frequency, just prior to the disturbance, was 49.84 Hz.

4.3 Sequence of Events on 31st July, 2012

It may be noted that the NEW grid was operating in an insecure condition even
on 31st July 2012 due to a large number of line outages particularly near the
WR-NR and ER-WR interfaces. Though an exhaustive list of lines under outage
is given at Annexure 4.1, it may be mentioned that the following lines had
tripped within an interval of a few hours prior to the grid disturbance.

1. 400 kV Zerda-Bhinmal
2. 400 kV Zerda- Kankroli
3. 220 kV Badod-Modak- tripped a few minutes before the event
4. 220 kV Badod-Kota- tripped a few mintutes before the event

In addition Surat Garh unit-1 also tripped around this time

The following are the sequence of events, which took place on 31st July 2012
leading to the blackouts in the Northern, North-Eastern and Eastern regions.

Sl.No. Time Event

1. 31/07/2012 400kVBina – Gwalior-1 line tripped at Bina end on
13:00:13 Zone 3 Protection due to load encroachment, 400kV
Bina-Gwalior-2 was already out of service.
2. 31/07/2012 220kV Bina – Gwalior-1 line tripped at Bina end due to
13:00:13 R&B over current
220kV Bina – Gwalior-2 line tripped at Bina end due to
R&B over current
3. 31/07/2012 220kV Shivpuri-Sabalgarh-1 tripped
4. 31/07/2012 132kV Pichhore-Shivpuri tripped
5. 31/07/2012 132kV Pichhore-Chanderi tripped
13:00:13 Sequence of event nos 1-5 led to the isolation of
the Gwalior region of MP from WR and formed part
of the NR system.
6. * 31/07/2012 220 kV bus coupler tripped at Tarkera tripped (details
13:00:15:548 not available)
7. * 31/07/2012 400 kV Jamshedpur-Rourkela-1 tripped at Jamshedpur
13:00:13:600 on Main-1 (RAZFEE) protection, appears to be due to
load encroachment. The L-L voltage before trip was
about 362 kV and line current as 1.98 kA (appx. loading
1241 MVA)
8. * 31/07/2012 400 kV Ranchi- Maithon-1 tripped due to Power Swing.
9. 31/07/2012 400 kV Rourkela -Sterlite-2 tripped due to Over voltage
13:00:19.605 (timings need to be confirmed)
10. 31/07/2012 400 kV Rourkela-Talcher-2 tripped due to Power Swing
11. 31/07/2012 400 kV Rourkela – Talcher-1 tripped due to Power
13:00:19.897 Swing
12. 31/07/2012 400 kV Rourkela – Raigarh-3 tripped due to Power
13:00:19.908 Swing and Over voltage
13. 31/07/2012 400 kV Rourkela-Ranchi-1 tripped due to Power Swing,
13:00:19.925 D/T received
14. * 31/07/2012 400 kV Ranchi-Sipat-2 tripped on Power Swing
15. * 31/07/2012 400 kV Raigarh-Rourkela-3 tripped on Power Swing

16. * 31/07/2012 400 kV Ranchi-Rourkela-1 tripped on Power Swing
17. * 31/07/2012 400 kV Talchar-Rourkela-2 tripped on Power Swing
18. * 31/07/2012 400 kV Talchar-Rourkela-1 tripped on Power Swing
19. * 31/07/2012 400 kV Ranchi-Raghunathpur tripped on Power Swing
With the above events, practically all the AC links from the WR to the rest
of the grid were lost and WR got isolated along with Ranchi and Rourkela
*Events taken from the POSOCO & POWERGRID report submitted to CEA,
which are based on the DR and EL reports.
20. 31/07/2012 400 kV Rourkela-Raigarh-1 tripped on over voltage
21. 31/07/2012 400 kV Rourkela-Ranchi-2 tripped due to Power Swing
22. 31/07/2012 400 kV Ballabgarh-Kanpur ckt2, tripped due to
13:00:30.625 reactance relay operation.
23. 31/07/2012 400 kV Ballabgarh-Kanpur ckt3, tripped due to
13:00:32.444 reactance relay operation.
24. 31/07/2012 Suratgarh Unit-6 tripped due to Under frequency
13:00:35.558 problem
(timing to be confirmed)
25. 31/07/2012 Suratgarh Unit-2 tripped due to under frequency
13:01:14.788 problem
(timing to be confirmed)
26. 31/07/2012 Vindhyachal HVDC B/B block-1
13:01:23.793 AC bus north: abnormal frequency trip because of
Vidhyachal-Singrauli line tripping, EL or DR not
available for Vindhyachal-Singrauli line.
27. 31/07/2012 Suratgarh Unit-5 tripped due to Under frequency
13:01:25.078 problem
28. 31/07/2012 Vindhyachal HVDC B/B block-2
13:01:26.003 AC bus north: abnormal frequency trip because of
Vidhyachal-Singrauli line tripping
29. 31/07/2012 400 kV Kankroli-Jodhpur tripped
13:01:26.343 ICT differential relay pickup due to dip in voltage, SOTF
30. 31/07/2012 Nathta-Jhakri Powe Plant U1 tripped due to under
13:01:26.633 frequency.
31. 31/07/2012 Nathta-Jhakri Power Plant U3 tripped due to under
13:01:26.779 frequency.
32. 31/07/2012 Nathta-Jhakri Power Plant U2 tripped due to under
13:01:26.786 frequency
33. 31/07/2012 Nathta-Jhakri Power Plant U4 tripped due to under
13:01:26.823 frequency

34. 31/07/2012 Muzaffarpur-Gorakhpur-2, 3ph protection operated and
13:01:28.205 tripped the line
35. 31/07/2012 Bhiwadi-Bassi, 400kV line tripped , Z1, Three phase
13:01:27.226 tripping, Bhiwadi end operated
36. 31/07/2012 Bhiwadi-Rewari, 220kV tripped, 3Ph distance
13:01:27.228 protection, Z1 Operated
37. 31/07/2012 220kV Bassi-IG Nagar tripped, 3Ph fault
38. 31/07/2012 220kV Bassi-Bhagru tripped, Z1, three phase fault
39. 31/07/2012 220kV, Bassi-Dausa line tripped, Z1, three phase fault
40. 31/07/2012 Muzaffarpur-Gorakhpur-1 tripped, Z2 operated
41. 31/07/2012 400kV, Agra-Bhiwadi1 tripped, SOTF
42. 31/07/2012 400kV, Agra-Bhiwadi2 tripped, SOTF
43. 31/07/2012 Wagoora-Kishenpur (1&2) tripped, Power Swing
44. 31/07/2012 400kV, Meerat-Koteswar (1&2)tripped, Power swing
13:01:29.072 detected
45. 31/07/2012 Mandola-Dadri (1&2) tripped
46. 31/07/2012 Kaithal-Patiala line-1 tripped
47. 31/07/2012 Dadri-Malerkotla line tripped, Power Swing
48. 31/07/2012 Agra-Auraiya-II tripped, Z3, Three Phase
49. 31/07/2012 Malerkotla-Patiala tripped, Power swing
50. 31/07/2012 Malerkotla-Ludhiana Tripped, Power swing
51. 31/07/2012 Moga-Jalandhar (1&2) triped, Power swing
52. 31/07/2012 Moga-Kishenpur-1 tripped, Power swing
53. 31/07/2012 Agra-Auraiya-I tripped, Z3, 3Ph

54. 31/07/2012 400kV, Ballabgarh-Maharanibagh Tripped, Z1, 3Ph

13:01:30.120 tripping, SOTF
55. 31/07/2012 Kaithal-Kaithal-I tripped

56. 31/07/2012 Ballabhgarh-Gr Noida tripped, Z1, 3phase
57. 31/07/2012 Allahabad-Sasaram disturbance, PSB Operated.
13:01:30.320 Another report is also available with different time
stamping on the same event. Suspecting time
synchronization problem.
58. 31/07/2012 Kanpur-Panki-1 tripped, Under voltage
59. 31/07/2012 Agra-Bassi-I, SOTF
60. 31/07/2012 Kaithal-Kaithal-II tripped
61. 31/07/2012 HVDC Balia-Bhiwadi tripped, AC under voltage
13:01:30.702 protection
62. 31/07/2012 Balia-Biharshariff tripped, Power Swing
63. 31/07/2012 Meramundali-Jeypore tripped
64. ** 31/07/2012 400kV, Patna-Balia-2 tripped, 3-ph fault
65. 31/07/2012 Dadri-Rihand HVDC pole-2 blocked
66. 31/07/2012 Dadri-Rihand HVDC pole-1 blocked
67. 31/07/2012 Kankroli-Debari, 220kV tripped, Under voltage
13:03:18.363 protection

**After event 64, the NR got practically isolated from the ER+NER and
frequency started dropping (observed in the NR system) after a gap of about
1 minutes from the previous major event.
The subsequent events of cascaded tripping led the NR, NER and ER system
to practically total blackout.


I. It is interesting to note that on 31st July 2012 also, though the frequency of
the NEW grid (49.84 Hz) was near to its nominal value (50 Hz), a large
number of lines were not available due to either forced outages, planned
outages or kept out to control high voltages which, coupled with high
demand in the Northern Region, resulted in insecure state of the system

II. NR constituents were instructed by NRLDC to carry out load shedding to

reduce the over drawal. Similarly the WR constituents were also instructed
by WRLDC to reduce generation to bring down the over injection of power.

However, the quantum of load shedding/generation reduction undertaken
by the two constituents seems to be insignificant.

III. Just prior to the initiation of the major disturbance, NR-WR was connected
through AC tie links between 400 kV Agra-Gwalior (one circuit), 220 kV
Badod-Kota and 220 kV Badod-Modak lines.

IV. Badod-Modak line flow reached 288MW at about 12:58pm on 31st July,
2012 from

V. 103MW and got tripped due to overload. Similarly, 220 kV Badod-Kota line
also reached a flow of 298MW from its earlier flow of 113MW and tripped
due to overload. The rise in flow of these lines are possibly due to tripping
of the Suratgarh generating unit-1 of 250 MW at about 12:50 hours in

VI. At about 13:00:13 hrs, 400kV Bina-Gwalior-I line tripped on distance relay
zone-3 protection, which is also due to load encroachment (as DR records
do not show any evidence of fault or swing). As per DR report of PGCIL
the loading on this line 1254 MVA and voltage was 362 kV at Bina end
(Though the MW loading was less the previous tripping, due to lower
voltage the MVAR flow was larger than previous incident).

VII. The load on the 220kV Bina-Gwalior-I&II suddenly increased to 447MW

from 330MW and increased further. The power flow on 220kV
Gwalior(PG)-Gwalior (MP) line-II was 188MW at 12:58:58pm and got
reversed to -180MW. This resulted in the reverse flow of power from
Gwalior (MP) to Gwalior (PG) and pumped in to 400kV system.

VIII. The power drawl of Auraiya from Mehalgaon resulted in the tripping of
220kV Bina-Gwalior- I&II, 220kV Shivpuri-Sabalgarh-I, 132kV Pichhore-
Chanderi and 132kV Pichhore-Shivpuri. On 31.07.12 400kV Bina-Gwalior II
and 400kV Gwalior-Agra II lines of POWERGRID were under shut down
and 220kV Gwalior (PG)-Mahalgaon (GWL) -I, 220kV Gwalior-(PG) –
Malanpur-II of MP were also under shut down since 29.07.2012. This
situation led to the isolation of the Gwalior region of MP from WR and
formed part of the NR system.

IX. The NR system was isolated from the WR system and the demand, which
was earlier fed from the WR got routed through WR-ER-NR systems,

causing increase in the angular separation between the NR and WR
systems, similar to the disturbance on 30th July 2012.

X. However, unlike the pattern on 30th July 2012, the electrical center of the
angular separation appears to be slightly inside the ER system from the
WR-ER interface. This resulted in tripping of lines connecting unlike Ranchi
and Rourkela to the rest of the ER. These buses formed part of the WR,
which got separated from the rest of ER+NR+NER at about 13:00:20 hrs.

XI. The frequency plots are available from PMUs and the WAFMS from the NR
and WR only (see Exhibit 4.1). This shows that the frequency in the WR
rose to 51.4 Hz and that in the rest of the NEW grid stabilized close to
48.12 Hz. The sudden rise in frequency, close to 51.4 Hz in the WR, again
indicates absence of FGMO controls being activated in several generating
stations. In fact, the FGMO operation in the rest of the NEW grid could
have possibly recovered the frequency which stayed at 48.12 Hz for about
a minute and probably avoided the further catastrophic failure.

XII. The WR system survived with the tripping of Sipat 660MW, DSPM 2*250
MW ESSAR 125 MW and KLTPS 69 MW generating units. APL 660 MW
generating unit tripped on Special Protection Scheme, associated with
tripping of Adani-Manindragarh HVDC and frequency stabilized at around
51 Hz.

XIII. Further the loss of import from about 3000 MW import from WR resulted in
decline of frequency in the rest of the NEW grid, which has Automatic
Under Frequency Load Shedding Scheme (AUFLS), that can shed about
5600 MW of loads, and df/dt relays scheme, which can shed about
6020MW of loads, to improve the frequency and save the system under
such emergency situations. However, not adequate load relief from the
AUFLS and df/dt relays was observed on 31st July 2012 also.

XIV. Subsequently, possibly due to some generator trip in the NR+NER+ER

grid led large angular oscillations and drop in system frequency, which
resulted in a large number of trippings in the NR, ER and NR-ER links.
This cascaded tripping of lines was on overvoltage at few places, power
swing or zone-3 protection and tripping of generators on under frequency.
This initially separated NR from NER+ER. From PMU records NR systems
has collapsed on under frequency. There is no PMU installed so far in
ER+NER system. The system is also smaller in size with small Power
Number and ER+NER systems collapsed except for few islands, like

XV. It may be mentioned that with the collapse ER, the Southern Region lost
about 2000 MW in feed from Talchar-Kolar HVDC and frequency declined
from 50.06 Hz to 48.88 Hz as per SRLDC SCADA. The frequency
controller at HVDC Bhadrawati increased the flow of WR to SR from 880
MW to 1100 MW. System Protection scheme at Kolar did not operate. It
was informed by the SRPC that there was AUFLS relief of about 984MW in
the SR.

XVI. It may be noted that both on 30th and 31st July 2012, lot of tripping of
lines were observed due to over voltage and also substantial under
voltage at the tail end of the heavily loaded lines were observed, which
caused operation of distance protection. These extreme voltage situations
could have been avoided with the proper reactive power
absorption/support from reactors/capacitors, dynamic compensators as
well as synchronous generators.

Annexure 4.1
List of EHV Lines Out on 31.07.2012 Prior to Disturbance
(400 kV and above and Inter-Region 220 kV and above)
(as furnished by NLDC)

Sl No Line Voltage Region Out Remarks

(kV) From
1 Bassi-Jaipur 1 400 NR 28/07/12 Planned
2 Agra-Bassi-2 400 NR 28/07/12 Planned
3 Agra-Gwalior 2 400 WR-NR 28/07/12 Planned
4 Zerda-Kankroli 400 WR-NR 28/07/12 Planned
5 Agra-Fatehpur 765 NR 26/07/12 Constr Work
6 Bhiwadi-Neemrana 400 NR 23/07/12 HV Trip
7 Barh-Balia 400 ER-NR 29/07/12 HV Trip
8 Bhinmal-Kankroli 400 NR 29/07/12 Forced
9 Badod-Kota 220 WR-NR 29/07/12 Forced
10 Manesar- 400 NR 15/07/12 Control HV
11 Gorakhpur(PG)- 400 NR 30/07/12 Forced and
Lucknow 2 kept open
12 Kota-Merta 1 400 NR 30/07/12 Forced
13 Heerapura- 400 NR 30/07/12 Forced
Hindaun 2
14 Neemrana-Sikar 400 NR 20/07/12 Control HV
15 Barh-Balia 2 400 ER-NR 28/07/12 Control HV
16 Akal-Barmer 1 400 NR 28/07/12 Control HV
17 Chhabbra-Hindaun 400 NR 30/07/12 Control HV
18 Barmer-RajWest2 400 NR 30/07/12 Control HV
19 Jodhpur II – 400 NR 30/07/12 Control HV
RajWest 2
1 Bina-Gwalior 2 400 WR 27/07/12 Planned
2 Parli-Parli 2 400 WR 19/07/12 Forced
3 Damoh-Birsingpur 400 WR 13/07/12 Control HV
4 Nagda-Rajgarh 1 400 WR 20/07/12 Control HV
5 Seoni-Bina 1 765 WR 03/07/12 Control HV
6 Seoni-Wardha 2 765 WR 23/07/12 Control HV
7 Bina – Indore 400 WR 21/07/12 Possibly
8 Korba-Birsingpur 400 WR 05.07.12 Control HV
9 Birsingpur-Balco 400 WR 22/06/12 Control HV

10 Raigarh-Raipur 1 400 WR 20/07/12 Control HV
11 Itarsi-Khandwa 2 400 WR 20/07/12 Control HV
12 Bachau- 400 WR 30/07/12 Forced
13 Wardha-Akola-1 400 WR 20/07/12 Control HV
14 Parl(PG)-Sholapur 400 WR 23/07/12 Control HV
15 Bhadrawati-Parli 1 400 WR 21/07/12 Control HV
16 Aurangabad- 400 WR 27/06/12 Control HV
17 Aurangabad- 400 WR 03/07/12 Control HV
Deepnagar 2
18 Karad-Kolhapur 2 400 WR 28/07/12 Control HV
19 Kolhapur-Mapusa 400 WR 26/07/12 Control HV
20 SSP-Rajgarh 2 400 WR 25/07/12 Control HV
21 ISP-Nagda 400 WR 24/07/12 Control HV
22 Itarsi-Bhopal 400 WR 29/07/12 Control HV
23 Adani-Sami 1 400 WR 31/07/12 Control HV
24 Amreli-Jetpur 400 WR 31/07/12 Control HV
25 Asoj-Chorani 1 400 WR 31/07/12 Control HV
1 Ranchi-MPL D/c 400 ER 27/07/12 Planned
2 Binaguri-Purnea 1 400 ER 18/07/12 Planned
3 Sagardighi- 400 ER 25/07/12 Forced
4 Baripada- 400 ER 14/07/12 Forced

Recording Showing Angular Separation between NR and Rest of NEW Grid
on 31/07/2012

Fig 1: (source: Wide Area Frequency Measurement system developed by IIT-

B, Mumbai.)

Fig 2: (source: PMU Data from WR and NR. ) Note: There was time mismatch in
WR PMUS and required to be logically aligned. Arrow indicates events.

Chapter- 5


31ST JULY 2012

5.1 As is the case with most system failures, no single factor was responsible for
grid disturbances on 30th and 31st July 2012. After careful analysis of these
grid disturbances, the Committee has identified several factors, which initiated
collapse of power systems on these days. The Committee has also identified
factors which could have saved the grids from total collapse. These factors are
given below:

5.2 Factors that contributed to initiation of grid collapse

5.2.1 Depleted transmission network

It is observed that one circuit of 400 kV Bina-Gwalior-Agra section was taken

under planned outage by POWERGRID from 11.47 AM of 28.07.2012 for up
gradation to 765 kV level. A number of 400 kV lines were out prior to the
incidence on both these days. The outage of 400 kV Bina-Gwalior–Agra for
up-gradation work, non availability of 400 kV Zerda-Kankroli and 400 kV
Bhinmal-Kankroli due to insulator problems in particular weakened the NR-WR

The availability of 400 kV Zerda-Bhinmal-Kankroli corridor requires to be

improved by replacing porcelain insulators by polymer insulators at the

5.2.2 Overdrawals attributable to frequency control through commercial

signals One of the objectives of load despatch is to maintain power system

parameters within permissible limits. The frequency, being one of the
parameter has to be maintained at 50 Hz or close to 50 Hz. For historical
reasons, the Indian grid Systems experienced poor frequency profile. In
the 1990s, more loads were met with available generation at the cost of
frequency. System was subjected to operate in the range of 48-51.5 Hz.
Power quality and Grid security was compromised during this period. To
enforce Grid discipline and to improve frequency profile, a new tariff
mechanism was conceived in the early 1990s.The earlier PLF based tariff
was replaced by Availability Based Tariff (ABT). Apart from fixed and
variable charges, ABT had a third component, namely Unscheduled
Interchange (UI) charge. UI charge is payable if an utility is deviating from
schedule (Generation/drawal) depending on the frequency. ABT was first

implemented in the WR on 1st,July 2002. It was possible to implement it
with the regulatory support. There was positive improvement in the
frequency profile. Initially the frequency band stipulated was 49.0-50.5 Hz
and subsequently the range was tightened by Central Commission. The
present range is 49.5-50.2 Hz. Further tightening of the frequency band
by Central Commission has been challenged in the court. In the interest of
power quality and grid security, there is a definite need to operate the
system at and very close to 50 Hz. It is further observed that Utilities resort
to load shedding to earn revenue through UI to compensate their poor
financial management. If the frequency profile is close to 50 HZ, UI rate is
nominal and utilities tend to over draw/under draw thereby completely
deviating from the schedule. If more number of utility players resort to
such activity, it may even lead to load encroachment phenomena and grid
disturbance, as has been observed in recent grid disturbances. One has
to draw power only through long term , medium term or short term
contracts. UI mechanism, which helped the system initially, need to be
reviewed now. Electricity Act 2003 mandates that the operating frequency range defined
in Grid standard(section73(d)) and Grid Code(section 79(1)(h)) has to be
adopted by LDCs. Utilities rushing to court to define frequency range may
not be in the interest of secured grid operation and power quality. Just to give an example, it may be pointed out that the "Union for the Co-
ordination of Transmission of Electricity" (UCTE), an association of
transmission system operators in the Europe, operates at 50 Hz± 0.02 Hz
. Similarly, North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) ensures
each balancing area to plan operation at 60 Hz. Though unintentional
deviation take place, they are addressed without compromising the
stipulated frequency. Intentional deviation is not being done as schedules
are treated as binding contracts.

5.2.2. In the developed Systems, it is possible to operate at the stipulated

frequency as the participating systems takes care of their load–generation
balance at the stipulated frequency. In Indian Grid, Utilities have to adopt
such practice for healthy system operation.

5.2.3 Inability to control flow on 400 kV Bina-Gwalior-Agra line It is clear from the messages issued by NRLDC to various SLDCs and
recorded telephonic conversations that regional load dispatcher had
made desperate efforts for reduction of overdrawals by various States,
which in turn would have led to relieving of loading of 400 kV Bina-
Gwalior-Agra line. In spite of records of load shedding in log book of
SLDCs, it is evident that there was hardly any reduction in flow on this
line. It is observed that NLDC is revising TTC in case of planned outage

of transmission elements and not in case of forced outage. During
discussions, officials of NLDC had cited few reasons for not revising TTC
on the day of disturbance. Firstly, in the opinion of NLDC, declaration of
TTC is for the purpose of facilitating organized electricity trading contracts,
which are cleared on day ahead basis and, therefore, revision of TTC in
real time would not serve any purpose. Secondly, NLDC pointed out that
calculation of TTC requires elaborate studies, which is a specialized task
and cannot be performed by operators in real time. Thirdly, NLDC stated
that regulatory provisions restrains them from applying congestion
charges in case congestion is attributable to forced outage of transmission
line in the corridor. The very fact that provision to apply congestion charge forms part of the
regulations on the issue of "Measures to relieve congestion in real time"
indicates that security of the grid is main objective of such provision.
However, the Committee tend to agree that calculation of TTC is a
specialized task. However, ways and means can be found out to
overcome this problem. The Committee has gone through relevant
regulations of Central Commission. However, there is no provision which
restrains NLDC from applying congestion charges. Further, para 5.4 of the
"Detailed procedure for relieving congestion in real time operation"
prepared by NLDC and approved by Central Commission does restrain
NLDC from applying congestion charges in such situation but requires
curtailment of transactions followed by revision of TTC. Thus, the
procedure prepared under the provisions of a Regulation is not consistent
with the Regulation. This aspect needs to be reviewed. At present, there is no Automatic Generation Control (AGC)//tie line bias

control in the network, which can automatically restrict the tie-line flows to
the scheduled limit and also frequency at the nominal value.

5.2.4 Non-compliance of directions of LDCs and Regulatory Commissions

Non-compliance of instructions of RLDCs has been a problem since long.

However, of late a disturbing trend of non compliance of directions of the
Central Commission has been observed. The Committee is of the view
that maximum penalty that can be imposed by Regulatory Commissions in
accordance with the Electricity Act, 2003 is meager in comparison to
damage that such non-compliance can cause to the grid. It is reported that
in some cases, the penalty imposed by Central Commission has not been
paid. States overdrawing from the grid often do not pay UI Charges which
has contributed to infectiveness of ABT.

5.2.5 Protection System Issues It is noted that on both days, the grid disturbance was initiated by tripping
of 400 kV Bina-Gwalior line on zone-3 of Main-II protection, though there
were several other concurrent conditions, which ultimately led to collapse
of grid. There is no doubt that this tripping is attributable to load
encroachment i.e. the current and voltage conditions were such that the
protection system perceived it as fault (during fault, current becomes very
high and voltage goes down to very low levels). Thereafter, there were
several tripping on load encroachment and power swing. It is also noted
that on both days, only Main-II protections operated and Main-I protection
did not pick up. It may also be noted that during the disturbances on 30th and 31st July,
2012, the 400 kV Bina-Gwalior line was not thermally overloaded i.e., the
current rating (quad Bersimis conductor) of the line was not exceeded.
However, the system was “insecure”, i.e., the system was not stable for
the loss of this line. System security requires that the system should be
able to withstand credible contingencies.

5.3 Factors that could have saved the grid from collapse

5.3.1 Primary response from generators The provision for putting all generating units on governor action has been
part of Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC) for several years. However, this
was not getting implemented as generators pointed out few difficulties
including wide frequency fluctuations. However, in recent years, Central
Commission has made concerted efforts to reduce the operating frequency
band by periodically amending provisions in the IEGC and these regulatory
provisions have been successful to large extent. Another difficulty cited in
implementation of governor action was that the free governor action tries to
lower the generation when frequency rises from a frequency lower than 50
Hz. This difficulty has also been addressed in the new IEGC issued in April
2010 by providing for restricting the governor action in such zone. In spite
of the fact that impediments in implementation of governor action have
been removed, there is still no evidence of governor action in Grid
Disturbances on 30th and 31st July 2012. As mentioned elsewhere, had
governor action been put into action during these disturbances, chances of
survival of regional grid could have been more after isolation from NEW
grid. Another important aspect in relation to primary response is that it would be

absolutely essential for survival of islands. In the wake of recent grid
disturbances, the issue of formation of electrical islands as last resort to
maintain essential services and quick restoration has come to fore.
However, in case of imminent grid disturbance, if such electrical islands are

formed, their chances of survival would be abysmally low if generating
units included in these islands are not on governor action.

5.3.2 Optimum utilization of available assets A large number of high capacity 400 kV lines have been added to the intra-
regional and inter-regional systems in the recent past. However, a
significant number of lines are generally kept open to contain high
voltages. This makes system weak and such system may not be able to
cope contingency. The widespread prevalence of high voltages is pointer
of insufficient reactive compensation. Practically all generating units are equipped with Power System Stabilizers
(PSS), which can save the grid from several potential destabilizing
conditions. However, there is need to tune PSS periodically. Similarly,
various devices/equipment available in power system such as HVDC,
TCSC and SVC have stability features, which need to be enabled. There is
no evidence that these devices had any stabilizing influence during grid
disturbances on 30th and 31st July 2012. The system requires a large of
dynamic compensators, which need to be established through detailed
study. Presently, nine number of Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) have been
put in place in Northern Region and 3 PMUs have been installed in
Western Region. Even these limited number of PMUs have been helpful in
the past in understanding behavior of the system. Also, these PMUs have
been of immense help to this Committee in analysis of grid failures on 30th
and 31st July 2012. POWERGRID has plans to install PMUs in a big way,
as they are bedrock requirement for development of smart transmission
grids. However, it is matter of concern that on the days of disturbances,
data from PMUs at Agra in Northern Region and Vindhyachal in Western
Region is not available. It appears that the PMUs in Western Region are
not time synchronized.

5.3.3 Operation of defense mechanism

Defense mechanisms like load shedding based on under frequency relays

(UFRs) and Rate of change of frequency (df/dt) relays have been adopted
in all Regional Power Committees (RPCs) in accordance with provisions of
IEGC. Similarly, increasing number of Special Protection Schemes are
being employed to save system in case of contingencies. However, the
experience of the recent grid disturbances reveal that practically there was
no load relief from these schemes. The case in point is Northern Region,
where UFR based load shedding of 4000 MW (in 3 stages) and df/dt based
load shedding of about 6000 MW has been agreed. The Committee is of
the opinion that after loss of about 5000-6000 MW to Northern Region, had
these relays operated, the grid could have been saved. The Committee

has observed that so far violation of the various system security related
provisions of IEGC issued by Central Commission and Grid Connectivity &
Grid Standards issued by Authority has not been taken seriously and the
attention has solely been on overdrawals from the grid.

5.3.4 Autonomy to Load Despatch Centres The issue of lack of autonomy to Load Despatch Centres is on the horizon
of policy makers for quite some time. In November 2007, Ministry of Power
had constituted a Committee under Shri G.B. Pradhan, the then Additional
Secretary in Ministry of Power. The mandate of this Committee was to
examine issues relating to manpower, certification and incentives for the
personnel employed on System Operation at various levels and also for
ring-fencing the Load Despatch Centres to ensure their functional
autonomy. This Committee had submitted its report in August 2008. However, significant amount of efforts are required for implementation of

recommendations of Pradhan Committee. One of the recommendations of
the Pradhan Committee was to have qualified system operators. Towards
this end, a certification programme has been started. But there is a need to
provide incentives to those operators, who clear the certification
examination as also recommended by the Pradhan Committee.

5.3.5 Intra-State transmission Planning and its implementation

In recent grid disturbances, it has been observed that overloading and

consequent tripping of 220 kV system had pushed the system to the edge.
It also appears that though inter-State system is being strengthened
continuously, matching strengthening in intra-State transmission system
has not been carried out. This not only limits ability of the States to draw
power but also causes low voltage problems and unreliable supply to end

5.3.6 Dynamic security assessment and proper state estimation

At present the control centers do not have any tool to periodically assess
the security condition of the system. They utilize only static state estimation
results, which are being performed at 400 kV network at quite slow interval.
The state estimator results are not quite reliable, due to non availability of
data from a large number of RTUs. There is a need to arm the control
centers with more advanced application functions and possibly perform the
fast state estimation through synchrophasor measurements by deploying
significant number of PMUs

The operators, at present, cannot readily determine whether the line loading
will actually trip a relay. However, although they can, by doing an online
contingency analysis, determine whether the system is secure or not. If the
system is insecure (in an alert condition), the following preventive actions
can be taken:
a) Use any controllable elements, like HVDC and TCSC, to re-route
power flows. If continuous capability limits have been reached short
time overload capabilities may be used to buy some time for other
actions. The amount and effect of the rescheduling will have to be
checked using online load flow/stability analysis.
b) Generation rescheduling may be attempted. An available hydro-
generator may be called on to generate power.
c) Load tripping may be attempted to reduce line loading.

Chapter- 6


6.1 To avoid total blackout following a grid disturbance, a number of defense

mechanisms and System Protection Schemes mainly comprising of
generation backing down, contingency based load shedding, under
frequency load shedding, df/dt load shedding etc already exist. The success
of these schemes in avoiding grid disturbances to a large extent depends
upon the severity, area of disturbance and system conditions prior to the
disturbance. Also as a last resort some islanding schemes to save the
generating stations are also in existence. During the disturbance which took
place on 30th and 31st July 2012 some of the generators which survived in NR
due to islanding or on house load were NAPP, BTPS , Dadri Gas, Faridabad
Gas. The surviving generating units normally help in meeting essential loads
and extending supply to other units within the same generating station and
also to the nearby generators thereby helping in restoring the grid in reduced
timeframe. The Committee reviewed the existing schemes and explored
possibility of formulation of more islanding schemes in the NR.

6.2 A meeting in this regard was held on 7th August 2012 wherein members from
various state utilities participated. After deliberations it was agreed that
criteria for formation of islands should not be the geographical or electrical
size but reliability of load-generation balance in the islands. There was
agreement on the general philosophy on formation of islands, salient features
of which are given below:

6.3 Guidelines for formation of islands

a) For the success of the islanding scheme, the load and generation of
these islands should match and also it is necessary that generators
within the island are operated with Governor action.

b) All control areas should endeavor to operationalize under frequency

based load shedding scheme as first defense. Only if this defense
mechanism fails and frequency continues its fall to dangerously low
levels, formation of islands should be initiated as a last resort.

c) The probability of survival of islands will be realistic only when all the
generating units are on free governor or on restricted governor mode in
accordance with provisions of Indian Electricity Grid Code.

d) Islanding scheme could be a two-tier scheme. At frequency level of say
47.9 Hz, signal for formation of islands comprising of more than one
generating stations along with pre-identified load could be initiated.
However, if after the formation of island, frequency continues to fall
further to say 47.7 Hz, these islands could be further broken into smaller
islands comprising of single generating station with pre-identified loads.

e) For survival of the Islands, they should be created in such a manner that
the possibility of generation exceeding load is more.

f) In case of hydro generators with limited pondage, islands should be

created keeping peak generation in mind. This is because, in low hydro
season, generation will practically be negligible during off-peak hours
and hence creation of island may not serve any purpose.

g) Load-generation balance in pre-identified islands may change based on

season, there would be need to review the scheme on seasonal basis.
Such review should also capture network changes taking place in the
interim period.

h) As far as possible, major essential loads such as hospitals etc should be

incorporated in the islands. However, if this was not possible due to
some reasons, efforts would be made to extend supply from these
islands to essential loads on priority basis.

i) State load Dispatch Centers/ State Transmission Utilities along with the
generating stations in their area should explore the possibility of
formation of various islands.

6.4 Possibility of islanding of Delhi metro and Indian Railways

6.4.1 During the grid disturbances which occurred on 30th & 31st July 2012,
Railways and Delhi Metro services were also affected. During the
disturbance on 30th July 2012, Delhi Metro services were affected in the
morning to the extent that services were delayed as the disturbance had
occurred at 2:35 hours when metro services were off. This did not trouble
the passengers. However, during second disturbance at 13:00 hours, the
trains were in operation, and the passengers faced difficulties because of
sudden stoppage of services. This problem could have been avoided if the
metro network would have islanded with some generating station(s).
6.4.2 In view of the importance of Metro and other Rail network, the Committee
held discussions with DMRC and Indian Railways on how islanding
schemes could be developed for them.

6.5.3 Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) have 200 trains running on 185 Kms
metro rail network in Delhi fed from 13 nos. 220 kV substations, out of which
one each was fed from UP and Haryana side and rest from DTL’s 220 kV
network in Delhi. DMRC was using its own 33 kV network for feeding
stations and 25 kV network for meeting traction load. The distance between
two metro power stations was in the range of 15 to 17 Kms as higher
distance resulted in voltage drop and poor traction. The peak load of Delhi
Metro was 120 MW with 50 MW station load and 70 MW traction load. Load
per train was about 2 MW. DMRC had installed a DG set at each metro
station to meet the load of lighting, ventilation and fire-fighting during main
supply failures. They needed minimum 50 MW from at least 7 infeeds for
traction purpose to keep their skeletal services running only for half an hour
during contingencies like islanding of Delhi system from rest of the power
grid for pulling the trains to the nearest station. Though they could feed their
entire network from a single point, this would result into low voltage at
distant locations. It was also noted that at any point of time, 10 trains are
running inside the tunnels. If the power supply fails and the train stops
inside the tunnel, then battery-backup is used to keep lights & fans running
inside the compartments. In the event of power failure, it is not possible to
open the doors of the compartments too. Batteries could provide backup
supply for about half an hour only. Thereafter, fumes from the batteries start
making the environment inside the tunnel suffocating. In view of this, it is
essential to move the trains out of the tunnel and bring them to the nearest
station within 15 minutes of supply-failure. In case, it is not possible, then
passengers needed to be evacuated from the train under the guidance of
trained metro staff.
6.5.4 Indian Railways were having a supply point every 30 – 50 Km distance to
feed a section. In case of requirement of reduced load by the SLDCs /
RLDC due to any contingency, they could manage to keep the trains
running with availability of supply at each alternate section. They have
allocation of 100 MW from NTPC’s Dadri and Auraiya GPPs to meet the
load of Delhi – Mughal Sarai section and their own dedicated transmission
lines to draw power from the grid for the purpose. They also have supply
from 2 locations in Delhi viz. Dhaula Kuan and Narela. Railways felt that this
section could be considered for islanding during grid contingencies as this
was one of the most important sections of Railways. They do not have
allocation of power from any other central sector station to meet the load in
any other section of their network in the country. For other sections, they
have arrangement of supply from Distribution Companies of the concerned
states and had a very good communication system between their control
room and concerned SLDCs. During grid disturbances on 30th & 31st July
2012, Railways received full cooperation from SLDCs/RLDCs in restoration
of supply to their network on priority, except in the Eastern Region, where
supply was restored late reportedly due to non-availability of start-up power
to the power stations in that region. Railways requested to get this
examined and improve the arrangement of extending start-up supply in that

region. Railways would abide by the advice of the power station / SLDC /
RLDC in the matter of connecting load on restoration of supply after grid
disturbance. They also requested their services to be given priority at the
time of restoration of grid.
6.5.5 It was noted that subsequent to grid failure at 1300 hours on 31st July 2012,
two gas turbines (30 MW each) were started by Delhi and charged DMRC-I
& II feeders after charging other important feeders. However, within a few
minutes of charging of DMRC feeders, large fluctuations in the load were
observed and the GTs tripped due to fall of frequency to the level of 47.4
Hz. It was felt that this might have been caused due to sudden connection
of large quantum of traction load. If the load was connected by DMRC
gradually in close coordination with GT control room, the machines could
have continued to operate.
6.5.6 The Committee also examined the possibility of islanding of states including
Delhi in the Northern Region under a grid contingency and recommends
creation of four islands in Delhi. Delhi Metro’s emergency load and a part of
Indian Railways load could continue to remain connected with these islands
at its minimum four different sub-stations in case of grid contingencies.

6.5.7 In case of failure of formation of islands in Delhi, Delhi Metro while availing
supply from any source e.g. IP GTs, Dadri GPS, etc., should connect load in
small steps in close coordination with Delhi SLDC and the generating
station to avoid the possibility of tripping of the generating station. DMRC
should also make necessary changes in the technical and communication
arrangements in their system to ensure this. There should be reliable
communication arrangement between DMRC and GT station at IP
extension in Delhi. DMRC should re-distribute its load so as to make it
balanced in all three phases for stable operation of connected power
stations. Power could be supplied to Delhi Metro from Rithala GT station of
TPDDL (one of the Distribution Companies in Delhi) as well if this station
had black-start facility. There being some possibility of malfunctioning of
islanding of Delhi in case of grid disturbances and delayed extension of
supply thereafter, DMRC might consider installation of DG set(s) of
appropriate capacity to move the trains stuck in the tunnels so as to ensure
safety of passengers.

6.4.8 As regards Indian Railways, islanding scheme could be prepared for

Auraiya GPS along with Railways’ and other loads. This could feed about
half of Delhi-Mughal Sarai section. Remaining half could be fed from Dadri
GPS, which is envisaged to be islanded with a part of Delhi’s load. In case
of failure of formation of Auraiya island, Railways while availing supply from
Auraiya GPS after its black-start, should connect load in small steps in close
coordination with the power station to avoid the possibility of its collapse
again. Keeping in view the fluctuating nature of traction load, no unit should
be started with such load. However, the supply should be extended to

Railways / DMRC by the power station / SLDC on priority after starting the
unit(s) with other types of balanced and more or less constant loads.

6.5 As per the resolution adopted in meeting taken by Hon’ble Minister of Power
with Chief Ministers and Power Ministers of Northern State on 6th August
2012 the schemes prepared by States would be deliberated by them with
CEA, POWERGRID and NRPC. Indian Railway and DMRC may further firm
up the islanding schemes in consultation with CEA, POWERGRID and
RPCs. Other islanding schemes should also be prepared on similar lines.

Chapter- 7


7.1 Background

The black start procedure has already been prepared by RLDCs and is
available with all utilities. However, during the recent grid disturbances it has
been observed that substantially longer time has been taken by certain
generating stations to come on bars. In view of this, discussions were held
with the utilities to review the time taken in restoration of generation after the
recent grid disturbances. NRLDC, NLDC and UPSLDC also participated.
Major observations and recommendations are given below:

7.2 Observations

i. Some of the utilities expressed that to initiate start up process, certain

delays were encountered on account of commercial issues in obtaining
the start- up power supply from other outside agencies.

ii. Most of hydro stations were ready to provide the start-up power
immediately after the grid disturbance. However due to complete
collapse of the entire grid, the required quantum of load commensurate
with the generation build-up rate were not available despite close
coordination and intimation given to the concerned load dispatch centres
and personal contact with the counterpart distribution utilities. A pre-
defined arrangement for availability of loads under such emergency
conditions would have hastened the process of restoring the power
supply. This may require to be looked into by the concerned agencies.

iii. NRLDC suggested that the load dispatch centres should be authorized to
advise action to the concerned utilities for extending power supply
immediately to the black-starting units through exchange of special
emergency code between the concerned load dispatch centres. This
process would facilitate quicker restoration by cutting down time required
in taking administrative clearance which is otherwise obtained under
normal grid operation conditions.

iv. Existing Black start procedures should be frequently reviewed in line with
the fast changing grid scenario and addition of generation capacity. The
facilities available with existing and upcoming IPPs should also form part
of these procedures for the purpose of extending start up supply to black
starting units in the vicinity.

v. All utilities felt the need to strengthen and have a dedicated
communication network between SLDCs and all power plants in the
respective control areas, which does not adequately exist at present and
the agencies depend mainly on mobile phone facility, which is not
completely reliable for such purposes. Availability of reliable and efficient
communication facilities at all active installations connected to the grid is
essential to ensure faster restoration.

vi. Various load dispatch centres, substations and generating stations, which
are to implement the restoration operations in the real-time, upon
receiving instructions from the apex load dispatch centres are not
adequately managed in terms of experienced manpower and also
particularly during odd hours. Utilities therefore expressed that the
qualified operating personnel having undergone orientation courses
under certification programme should be posted there.

vii. While examining the restoration data received from various utilities, it was
observed that certain delays had occurred in lighting up the units, after
start up supply was made available. The observed time duration ranged
from 2 to 23 hours for Singrauli STPS and 2 hrs to 7 hrs for units at
Unchhar, Rihand, Dadri(coal), Tanda and 1 to 16 hours for various units
at Anpara, Obra, Paricha and Panki stations. At GGSSTP the time
ranged from 2 to 9 hours. The utilities intimated that in case of some
units LP diaphragms had burst during the occurrence, for which
additional time was taken to rectify/replace the diaphragms.

viii. It was observed that after lighting up of the units, some of the units had
taken longer time than others to synchronize with the grid. The observed
time duration ranged from 2 hours to 4 hours in case of various
generating units at Singrauli, Unchahar, Badarpur & Rihand TPSs and 2
hours to 9 hours for units at Anpara, Obra, Paricha and Panki stations.
In case of gas based stations the time duration ranged between 1 to 6
hrs at Auraiya, Dadri and Faridabad for GTs and 3 to 7 hours for STGs.

On 30.7.2012, in DTL system GTs 1,2,5 were restored during 0250 to

0430 hours ( generation of order of 80 MW) and later GT3 was
synchronised at 0640 hours (30 MW) with STGs 1,2,3 resuming
generation between 0810 to 0840 hours ( order 60 MW). On 31.7.2012,
in DTL system GTs 1,2,3,5,6 were restored during 1310-1445 hours (

order 141 MW) and STGs 1,2,3 resuming generation between 1615 to
1646 hours ( order 51 MW)

Badarpur TPS had earlier survived and had operated in Island mode
with units nos. 1,3 and 5 till 0658 hours on 30.7.2012 when the island
collapsed and power was later extended to the station at 0710 hours
from 220 kV DTL system at Sarita Vihar and unit no.3 was first
synchronized at 1025 hours.

Faridabad GPS which had tripped at 0233 hours on 30.7.2012 was

synchronized with grid at 0552 hours. It however tripped at 0658 hours
with the collapse of Badarpur island. Faridabad GPS was later
synchronized at 0844 hours with grid.

ix. While extending the power to Singrauli TPS, through HVDC Vindhyachal
by pass route there had been tripping at Vidhyachal resulting delay in
making start up power available to the station. The possibility of
extending power to Singrauli from Pipri Hydro on 30th July in closer
coordination between NRLDC, SLDC, UPJVUNL, UPRVUNL and NTPC
would have resulted time-saving in affecting quicker start-up power to
NTPC generating units. UPRVUNL suggested that Pipri-Hydel should be
synchronized with Western grid through Vindhyachal-Shaktinagar-
Anpara 400 kV line and 132 kV Anpara-Pipri line. This would ensure
stability of voltage of Pipri machines and more machines of Pipri-Hydel
could be started up.

x. In case of major hydro station, BBMB intimated that on 30th July 2012
the system was fully connected to grid by 0902 hours and on 31st July
2012 at 1553 hours. GGSSTP Ropar received start up power from
Bhakra source at 0841 hours on 30th July 2012 and unit #2 boiler lighted
up first at 1020 hours. The unit was synchronized at 1218 hours via
Bhakra (220KV)-Ganguwal (220/132KV)-132KV Ropar-GGSSTP route
and on 31st July 2012 unit # 2 boiler lighted up at 1640 hrs and
synchronised at 1740 hours via Nalagarh(PG)-220KV Mohali-GGSSTP

xi. In ER, Kahalgaon and Farakka STPS received start up power from WR
through Sipat-Ranchi and could not receive power earlier from hydro
due to tripping of Teesta HPS on 3rd harmonic, over-voltages and under
frequency and mismatch in generation with remote loads over long EHV
lines. Despite multi-attempts of black starts at Tala, Chukha and Teesta,

the startup power could not be extended to Farakka / Kahalgaon from
the hydro sources.

xii. It was also brought out that start-up power could be extended to number
of stations simultaneously so that stations could use them for
preparatory activities like CW pumps, compressors etc. and actual start-
up could be attempted after specific clearance from the source providing
start-up power. This could considerably expedite the start-up as
preparatory activities not needing much power could be taken up by
number of stations simultaneously thus considerably reducing the start-
up times.

7.3 Analysis of Restoration Process of Thermal Power Stations

Detailed analysis of start-up process for the grid disturbance of 30th July
2012 has been made so as to examine the restoration process and areas of
possible improvements. The salient observations are given in subsequent

7.3.1 Availability of start-up power

Salient abstracts of the receipt of start-up power in the region are as under:-

Table 7.1: Availability of start-up power in Northern Region 30th July


Time Elapsed Stations Cumulative

Before Start-up (Nos) number of
power Became Stations
Available after
<1 2 2
1 to 1.5 4 6
1.5 to 2.0 5 11
2.0 to 2.5 2 13
2.5 to 3.0 0 13
3.0 to 3.5 3 16
3.5 to 4.0 2 18
4.0 to 4.5 4 22
4.5 to 5.0 3 25
5.0 to 6.0 1 26

It may therefore be seen that more than 50 % of the affected stations in the
region received start-up power after 3hrs. Only 2 stations in the region could
receive start-up power within 1 hour. Also 8 stations received start up power
after 4 hours. Maximum time taken for any station to receive start-up power
was 6 hours for Ropar TPS.

The reasons for delay in receiving start-up power by most of the thermal
power stations may require to be looked into from grid system point of view.
A normative or bench mark time frame for extending start-up power to each
of the TPS may be evolved by the RPCs in consultation with the
constituents and RLDC so as to ensure that significant delays are not
encountered in extending start-up power. A fact that emerged during
discussions was that since the present grid failure occurred after almost a
decade, the preparedness and response was perhaps not upto the level
expected. More frequent need of having periodic mock exercises to ensure
preparedness of all stakeholders involved as actual grid disturbances needs

7.3.2 Restoration of Thermal Power Stations

Coal fired thermal power stations involve considerable amount of

preparatory actions before actual start-up like operationalizing major
auxiliary systems like circulating water (CW) system, compressed air
system. Also start-up power is required to be provided to each unit and
station auxiliary which involves charging up of number of transformers
within the station sequentially and in turn is time consuming. In the above
context, suggestions made at Para B above that start-up power should be
extended as soon as possible so that stations could initiate preparatory
activities and actual start-up process could be attempted immediately upon
receiving start-up power.

It was also brought out by the stations that sudden tripping of the unit at
high load lead to bursting of LP Turbine diaphragms in many of the units
requiring replacement before start-up could be taken up and involved about
4 hrs for replacement of diaphragms for each unit.

7.3.3 Start-Up And Restoration Times

With a view to analyze the restoration process of thermal stations, data

regarding time of availability of start-up power, time of taking up Boiler light
up (BLU), time till synchronization and time of achieving full load were
sought from the stations. The status of receipt of data from the stations is
furnished below in Table-7.2.

Table 7.2: Receipt of restoration data from stations

Station Utility Status of Remarks

Receipt of
I.P.CCPP IPGPCL √ Station Islanded

As may be seen, while data has been received from most of the stations,
the data from several other stations was not received and thus their

restoration pattern could not be analyzed. The analysis for stations for
which data for boiler light up was received have been made in respect of
time of synchronization after BLU.

7.3.4 Initiation of Boiler Light Up

As brought out above, initiation of start-up of a coal fired station takes

considerable time after receipt of start-up power due to preparatory
activities involved. As the time for BLU have not been received from number
of stations, the actual time taken for preparatory activities as also
maintenance like replacement of diaphragms etc. could not be ascertained.

Details of BLU undertaken are furnished in Table-7.3. From the data on

BLU available it is seen that there are considerable variations between the
time taken for BLU of the first unit after receipt of start-up power.

Table 7.3: Time elapsed (Hrs) before BLU was undertaken after receipt
of Start up power

Station 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

Anapara 03:12 04:52 05:01 06:08 16:20
Obra 01:00 01:58 05:55 07:23 15:25
Paricha 03:45 07:30
Panki 01:00 06:38
Kota N.A N.A N.A SD N.A N.A N.A
Suratgarh N.A N.A SD N.A N.A N.A N.A
Chabra SD N.A
Giral N.A SD
Barsingsar NA SD
Ropar 01:39 01:54 03:09 04:59 09:29 25.00
Rajghat SD 01:12
Singrauli 01:36 04:06 07:53 09:56 10:56 15:34 22:51
Rihand N.A N.A N.A N.A
Unchahar 02:35 04:52 05:08 06:00 06:29
Tanda N.A N.A N.A N.A
Dadri Coal N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A
Badarpur N.A N.A N.A N.A

Note:Timelines indicate total elapsed time before successive units were taken
for start up and DO NOT refer to unit numbers

From the table it may be seen that few Stations like Obra and Panki
undertook first BLU after 1 hour of receipt of start-up power. Ropar and
Singrauli attempted first BLU after 01:40 hrs after receiving start-up power.
Several Stations could undertake first BLU only after 2.5 to 3 hrs of
receiving start-up power.

Also large variations are seen in undertaking further unit start-ups after
taking BLU of first unit. The data of time elapsed before undertaking
subsequent BLUs have also been analysed and presented in the Table-7.4.
From the table it may be seen that while for some of the units the BLU was
taken up within very short interval of 10-20 minutes of BLU of previous unit,
in most of the cases the BLU for subsequent unit was taken up 2 to 3 hours
after the BLU of preceding unit and in many cases exceptionally large time
of 8 to 10 hours have been taken. The utilities were asked for the reasons
for delay in start up of the units; however no reasons for delay have been
furnished. Further discussions need to be undertaken in this regard.

Table 7.4: Time interval between successive BLUs

Station 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

Anapara 03:12 01:40 00:09 01:07 10:12
Obra 01:00 00:58 03:57 01:28 08:02
Paricha 03:45 03:45
Panki 01:00 05:38
Kota N.A N.A N.A SD N.A N.A N.A
Suratgarh N.A N.A SD N.A N.A N.A N.A
Chabra SD N.A
Giral N.A SD
Barsingsar NA SD
Ropar 01:39 00:15 01:15 01:50 04:30 14.31
Rajghat SD 01:12
Singrauli 01:36 02:30 03:47 02:03 01:00 04:38 07:17
Rihand N.A N.A N.A N.A
Unchahar 02:35 02:17 00:16 00:52 00:29
Tanda N.A N.A N.A N.A
Dadri Coal N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A
Badarpur N.A N.A N.A N.A

Note-Time for 1st unit indicates time taken after start-up power. Timelines
for other units indicate time taken after BLU of previous unit.

7.3.5 Unit Synchronization after Boiler Light Up

The details of time taken for synchronization after BLU are furnished in
Table- 7.5. Even from the limited number of Stations where data of both
BLU time and synchronization time is available, it is seen that the time taken
for synchronization after BLU varies considerably.

Table 7.5: Time taken for synchronization after BLU

Station 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

Anapara 02:41 04:36 06:29 08:07 09:10
Obra 01:43 03:55 04:07 04:52 05:30
Paricha 04:04 05:23
Panki 03:14 05:28
Kota N.A N.A N.A SD N.A N.A N.A
Suratgarh N.A N.A SD N.A N.A N.A N.A
Chabra SD N.A
Giral N.A SD
Barsingsar NA SD
Ropar 01:25 01:55 01:58 02:55 04:15 05:50
Rajghat SD 01:00
Singrauli 01:21 01:42 02:08 02:10 02:28 03:21 03:51
Rihand N.A N.A N.A N.A
Unchahar 01:46 01:57 02:04 03:03 03:51
Tanda N.A N.A N.A N.A
Dadri Coal N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A
Badarpur N.A N.A N.A N.A

As may be seen that the time for synchronization after BLU varies from a
low of 1.2 hrs to as high as 3 to 4 hrs and even exceptionally high at 8 to 10
hrs for some of the units. Many of the NTPC units took 3 to 4 hrs for
synchronization after BLU.

It may be mentioned that time taken from BLU to synchronization is

expected to be fairly comparable for the units of similar design with similar
start up regimes and thus such large differences in timelines are not
understood. Details of problems/constraints encountered during start-up
process and delays occurred may require to be looked into further in
respect of constraints bottlenecks faced in this context.

7.3.6 Time from start-up power to Unit Synchronization

Since timeline for undertaking BLU were not made available by most
Stations, an analysis of total time taken upto synchronization from receipt of
start-up power has been made to understand the trend that emerged. These
timelines however would be indicative of combined impact of
constraints/delays occurred in preparatory activities (before BLU) and
during the start-up process. The details of time taken for synchronization
after start-up power are furnished in Table-7.6

Table 7.6: Total Time S.U Power to Synchronization

Station 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

Anapara 05:53 10:44 11:30 12:59 25.30
Obra 03:41 06:30 09:50 11:30 20:17
Paricha 07:49 12:53
Panki 04:14 12:06
Kota 02:55 03:43 03:48 05:34 07:08 11:28 SD
Suratgarh 06:26 09:44 11:05 12:39 39 SD
Chabra SD 05:24
Giral 22:20 SD
RajWest 11:43 13:08 23:07 SD
Barsingsar 48.32 SD
Ropar 03:19 03:37 08:59 09:14 11:24 27.55
Rajghat SD 02:12
Singrauli 03:44 07:27 09:14 12:06 12:38 19:25 25.19
Rihand 04:40 06:38 11:54 SD
Unchahar 04:32 06:56 07:46 08:11 10:20
Tanda 02:10 02:45 04:09
Dadri Coal 04:02 06:00 07:24 08:13 08:30
Badarpur 03:15 03:47 04:19 08:00 10.50

Note: Timelines indicate order of synchronization of units and not unit


The variability seen here is similar to the variability seen in timelines from
start-up power to BLU and BLU to synchronization – rather the variability
seen here is much more prominent. Amongst the 210 MW units, Kota was
the first station to achieve synchronization within 2.55 hrs from start-up
power followed by Ropar achieving synchronization of one unit in 3.19 hrs.
Singrauli achieved synchronization of first unit in 3.44 hrs. Rest of the
Stations achieved first synchronization beyond 4 hrs and some Stations like
Paricha and Anapara could achieve their first synchronization in 6 to 8 hrs.
Badarpur could achieve synchronization of its 210 MW unit in 8 hrs.

Amongst the smaller size units, Tanda and Rajghat TPS achieved their first
synchronization in 2.10 hrs after start-up power whereas other Stations like
Badarpur and Panki took 3 to 4 hrs to achieve first synchronization. Obra
achieved synchronization of 50 MW unit in 6.30 hrs though it was the
second synchronization for the Station. The lignite fired Circulating Fluidized
Bed Combustion (CFBC) units had taken exceedingly long time to achieve
their first synchronization.

Further, analysis of time taken for subsequent synchronizations have also

been analysed and presented in the Table-7.7. Here again similar large
variability is seen. Ropar and Kota TPS achieved most rapid successive
synchronizations with second and fourth synchronization at Ropar in 18 and
15 minutes and second and third synchronization at Kota in 48 minutes and
05 minutes, however the subsequent synchronizations took longer.
Amongst the smaller size units, Tanda TPS achieved rapid second
synchronization in 35 minutes.

Table 7.7: Time taken for successive Synchronizations

Station 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

Anapara 05:53 04:51 00:46 01:29 12:31
Obra 03:41 02:49 03:20 01:40 08:47
Paricha 07:49 05:04
Panki 04:14 07:52
Kota 02:55 00:48 00:05 01:46 01:34 04:20 SD
Suratgarh 06.26 3.18 01.21 01.34 04.20 SD
Chabra SD 05:24
Giral 22:20 SD
RajWest 11:43 01:25 09:59 SD
Barsingsar 48.32 SD
Ropar 03:19 00:18 05:22 00:15 02:10 16.31
Rajghat SD 02:12
Singrauli 03:44 03:43 01:47 02:52 00:32 06:47 05:54
Rihand 04:40 01:58 05:16 SD
Unchahar 04:32 02:24 00:50 00:25 02:09
Tanda 02:10 00:35 01:24
Dadri Coal 04:02 01:58 01:24 00:49 00:17
Badarpur 03:15 00:32 00:32 03:41 02.50

Note-Time for 1st unit indicates time taken after start-up power. Timelines for
other units indicate time taken after synchronization of previous unit

The large variations in synchronization times and successive

synchronization times with many of the stations achieving timelines far

better to others is indicative of the potential improvements possible in most
of the stations with better/faster preparation.

7.3.7 Gas Based Stations

Gas fired stations are looked upon as rapid source of power after such grid
disturbances as preparatory activities required are far less and start ups of
Gas turbines (GTs) are fast. Details of time taken for synchronization of GT
Stations a re given in Table-7.8.

Table 7.8: Gas fired stations - Time taken from start-up power to

Station Unit#1 Unit#2 Unit#3 Unit#4 Unit#5 Unit#6

Dholpur 03:29 SD SD
Ramgarh 09:08 08:28 SD
Pragati CCPP 01:41 01:34 03:47
IP CCGT Islanded Islanded Islanded Islanded Islanded Islanded
Anta 02:37 00:46 01:36 05:00
Auraiya 02:14 00:53 03:32
Dadri Gas 03:03 03:41 06:15 03:51 SD 08:00
Faridabad 02:52 04:10 06:38
Note: Cells coloured yellow indicate Steam Turbine unit

It may thus be seen that even the Gas turbine units have taken unduly long
time for start-up. While the first Gas turbine units could come up at Anta and
Auraiya in about 50 minutes, the Gas turbine units at most other stations
and even the subsequent Gas turbine units at these stations took far longer
time of 2 to 4 hours. Such large start-up times for Gas turbine units need to
be looked into with a view to make Gas turbine units a dependable source
of rapid restoration power.

7.4 Conclusions and Suggestions

Based on the discussions brought out in the foregoing paragraphs, the

suggestions for faster restoration of thermal power stations are as under:-
1. A well coordinated and documented process for supply of start-up power
may be put in place under the overall coordination of NLDC clearly
bringing out the following:

a. Existing Black start procedures should be frequently reviewed in line

with the fast changing grid scenario and addition of generation
capacity. The facilities available with existing and upcoming IPPs

should also form part of these procedures for the purpose of
extending start up supply to black starting units in the vicinity.

b. Explicit instructions to all stake holders to supply start-up power

without any commercial considerations that could be settled later.

c. Micro level load management for lines and loads may be envisaged
for extending start-up power through pre-defined arrangement for
availability of loads under emergency conditions so as to avoid
frequent tripping while extending start-up supply.

d. Authorizing Load dispatch centres to advise action to the concerned

utilities for extending power supply immediately to the black-starting
units through exchange of special emergency code between the
concerned load dispatch centres.

e. A normative or bench mark time frame for extending start-up power

to each of the TPS. This may be evolved by the RPC in consultation
with the constituents and RLDC so as to ensure that significant
delays are not faced in extending start-up power.

2. There is a need to strengthen communication and have a dedicated

communication network between SLDCs and all power plants in the
respective control areas. The mobile phone facility presently used, is
not considered reliable for such communication. Reliable and efficient
communication facilities at all active installations connected to the grid is
essential to ensure faster restoration.

3. Key installations/sub-stations should be managed by experienced

manpower particularly during odd hours – like Qualified operating
personnel having undergone orientation courses under certification

4. A system to extend start-up power to number of stations simultaneously

for preparatory activities could be considered. The actual start-up could
be attempted after specific clearance from the source providing start-up
power. This could expedite start-ups as preparatory activities not
needing much power could be taken up by number of stations

5. Large variations are observed in time taken for initiation of unit start up
(Boiler light up) by the stations after availability of start-up power and
also for start ups/light up of subsequent units. Also, while subsequent
start-ups were very fast (10-20 minutes) in some of the units, in other
cases they took considerably longer – several hours.

Reasons for the delays in attempting first start-up and subsequent start-
ups may be examined by the utilities in consultation with CEA. A
standard procedure for preparatory activities and sequence of start up
may be put in place by the stations to restore units as early as possible.

6. Large variations have also been observed in time taken by the stations
for synchronization after Boiler light up which are normally not expected.
Detailed analysis of times taken especially from BLU to synchronization
may be made by the utilities in consultation with CEA so as to identify
constraints/bottlenecks faced during unit start-up for remedial action.

7. The large variations in synchronization times and successive

synchronization times achieved with many of the stations achieving
timelines far better to others is indicative of the potential improvements
possible in most of the stations with better/faster preparation. Further, in
most cases the start-up times appear to be considerably higher than the
manufacturers/OEM recommendations. Optimal start-up/ restoration
procedures by the stations in consultation with OEMs.

8. Long start-up times taken by most Gas turbine units need to be

investigated to develop Gas turbine units as reliable source of fast
restoration power.

Chapter- 8


8.1 With regard to cyber security, the Committee examined the apprehension
that grid disturbances on 30th and 31st July 2012 could have been initiated
by cyber attack. In addition the Committee also examined following aspects-

a) Status of IT intervention in the operation of Power Sector

b) Measures taken by various stakeholders to counter any possible
cyber attack in their system
c) Communication facilities available between various stake holders

8.2 Field Visit

8.2.1 To assess the situation, visit to NRLDC, 400 kV sub-station of

POWERGRID at Agra and Rihand Super Thermal Power Station was
undertaken to examine the present automation & communication
arrangements at the Power Sub stations & Thermal Power Plants.

8.2.2 During the visit to the 400 kV Grid Sub-station at Agra, it was observed that
the switching for operation is independent of computer networking. The
commands are issued locally to carry out switching operations at the sub
stations and there is no automated system of event recording on a
continuous basis. Similarly, in the case of generating plants, as observed
during the visit, each unit has its own control and is no way connected with
the outside network and the performance logging of the station data is
recorded & archived for each generating unit separately.

8.2.3 During the visit to NRLDC and 400 KV sub station, it has been observed
that there are no dedicated telecom facilities available between various
control centres, and generating stations. If NRDLC observes any
abnormality in the operation in the grid, they inform the same to the
concerned SLDC/ Station either through public telephone or on leased line
network. Since public telephone network may not be reliable in many cases
specially in remote/ rural areas and more so in case of grid disturbance and
total power failure like the present one, there is an urgent need to provide
dedicated network for this purpose. It has also been observed that there
may be errors/ loss of data received from remote (RTUs) at the data center
and there may be failure of data coming from a station in case of power
breakdown because of UPS not working properly or batteries being weak.

8.3 Discussion & findings

8.3.1 The matter was discussed with the representatives of POWERGRID, NTPC,
NHPC and POSCO. The issue of cyber security was examined in detail to
ensure that adequate mechanism is available with all the stakeholders to
prevent any attack on the systems.

8.3.2 It was pointed out during the discussion that the Cyber attacks can be
perpetrated from any side either by outsiders or by insiders and may have
far–reaching and detrimental effects on power systems controls, that could
lead to the destabilization of the supply capabilities of energy sector and
may have a cascading effect on the national security /economy. Cyber
security vulnerabilities in generation sector are localized and its impact can
shut down one unit or plant. The affect of vulnerabilities in centralized
systems e.g. SCADA etc used in transmission sector is wide and may have
potential impact on the synchronous operation of entire Power System
leading to Grid collapse. As far as distribution sector is concerned, where
bulk of automation are visible, the impact of cyber attack on centralized
SCADA /DMS can lead to disruption of services to critical customers like
hospitals, metro etc. which is critical for the units involved but at the same
time not global and widespread.

8.3.3 It was informed to all the stakeholders that CERT-In (Indian Computer
Emergency Response Teams), Department of Information Technology,
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Government of
India has prepared a Crisis Management Plan (CMP) for countering cyber
attacks and cyber terrorism for preventing the large scale disruption in the
functioning of critical information systems of Government, Public and
Private sector resources and services. Ministry of Power has also
constituted CERT-Thermal, CERT-Hydro and CERT-Transmission with
nodal agencies as NTPC, NHPC and POWERGRID respectively, to take
necessary action to prevent cyber attacks on the Utilities under their

8.3.4 The Committee in course of meeting with stakeholders, reviewed existence

of appropriate security policies and procedures as envisaged in the Crisis
Management Plan prepared and circulated by CERT- India. In course of
discussion, it emerged that no abnormal cyber event was observed by the
stakeholders prior to and during grid disturbances on both occasions. The
matter was also discussed with the officers of CERT-In to asses the present
arrangement and preparedness of the stack holders to avoid any cyber
attack on their system.

8.3.5 After going through the records, discussion & field visits, it is observed that
the operation of grid is primarily manual and operations are done locally
except in case of few 400 kV S/Ss which are controlled from remote
locations through dedicated networks. At present there is no wide area
network at grid control level and there is no communication with power
utilities using public domain. The Committee is of the opinion that that
Grid Disturbance could NOT have been caused by a cyber attack.

8.4 Suggestions

8.4.1 During the discussions and according to the feed back provided by the
stakeholders it emerged that Power Sector stack holders have taken
adequate steps to prevent the cyber attack on their system and also have
dedicated organisational polices in this regard.
8.4.2 The existing communication network should be maintained properly. RTUs
and communication equipments should have uninterrupted power supply
with proper battery back up so that in case of total power failure,
supervisory commands & control channels do not fail.
8.4.3 Regular cyber vulnerability test/mock drills/cyber audit/and other measures
as per the crisis management plan of CERT- In should be carried out
regularly by all the stakeholders.
8.4.4 A cyber audit specifically to detect malware targeting Industrial Control
Systems (ICS) should be conducted at critical plants and sub-stations after
any abnormal event.
8.4.5 A dedicated team of IT Personnel for cyber security in all the Power
Stations and Sub-stations should be developed and proper training for the
team members should also be conducted regularly by the respective
organizations to upgrade their skills.
8.4.6 Mitigation strategies for countering physical attacks have to be drawn by all
the power utilities.
8.4.7 Regulatory framework should be created for cyber security in the power
8.4.8 An Office/ Body of Cyber Security Auditors should be created within Power
8.4.9 Vendors for cyber security systems should be developed as per
International / National standards.

8.4.10 For smooth operation of grid systems, it is absolutely important that all the
power generating and distributing stations are connected on a very reliable
telecom network.
i) A proper network may be built up preferably using MPLS (Multi
Protocol Label Switching) which is simple, cost effective and reliable.
In remote place where connectivity is a problem, the stations can use
dedicated fibre cable from the nearest node
ii) Since POWERGRID has its own fibre optic cables, practically
covering all major nodes and power stations, a proper
communication/IT network may be built using dedicated fibres to
avoid any cyber attack on the power system.

Chapter- 9

9.1 Review of Protection Systems

9.1.1 There is a need to review protection schemes. This Committee concurs with
recommendation of previous enquiry committees that a thorough third party
protection audit need to be carried out in time bound manner. This exercise
should be repeated periodically and monitored by RPCs.

Action: RPCs, CTU, STUs

Time Frame: 1 year

9.1.2 Till protection audit is taken up, there is need to take immediate review of
zone-3 philosophy in particular. Techniques are available to modify
characteristics of the relay so that it can distinguish between load
encroachment and faults. These techniques and other alternatives should
be explored immediately.
Action: RPCs, CTU, STUs
Time Frame: Immediate

9.1.3 The application of synchrophasor measurements from PMUs should be

explored for protection systems. There is also an urgent need to deploy
Special Protection System (SPS) in critical transmission elements. Also
there is need to make already approved SPS operational.

Action: RPCs, CTU

Time Frame: 1 year

9.1.4 A complete independent audit of time synchronization of DRs, ELs and

PMUs should be carried out.
Action: Generators, CTU, STUs
Time Frame: 1 month

9.2 Frequency Control through Generation reserves/Ancillary services

9.2.1 Frequency band needs to be further tightened and brought close to 50 Hz.
POSOCO may file an urgency application in Supreme Court for early
resolution of the issue in view of the recent grid disturbances.

Action: POSOCO
Time Frame: 1 month

9.2.2 A review of UI mechanism should be carried out in view of its impact on
recent grid disturbances. Frequency control through UI may be phased out
in a time bound manner and Generation reserves/Ancillary services may be
used for frequency control. Appropriate regulatory mechanism needs to be
put in place for this purpose. POSOCO should take up the matter with

Action: POSOCO
Time Frame: 3 months

9.3 Ensuring proper functioning of defense mechanism

All STUs should immediately enable under frequency and df/dt based load
shedding schemes. Central Commission should explore ways and means
for implementation of various regulations issued under the Electricity Act,
2003. Any violation of these regulations can prove to be costly as has been
the case this time. RPCs need to take up the matter for compliance. In
case non-compliance persists, POSOCO should approach Central
Action: STUs, RPCs, POSOCO
Time Frame: Immediate

9.4 Ensuring primary frequency response from generators

All out efforts should be made to implement provisions of IEGC with regard
to governor action. Central Commission needs to look into ways and
means to hasten implementation of provisions of IEGC including that on
governor action. POSOCO need to take up the matter with Central

Action: POSOCO
Time Frame: 3 months

9.5 Revising Total Transfer Capability (TTC) based on change in system


9.5.1 POSOCO should take up with Central Commission the issue of inconsistency
between Congestion regulation and the detailed procedure framed there
under so that congestion due to forced outages and Unscheduled
Interchange (UI) can be handled effectively.

Action: POSOCO
Time Frame: 1 month

9.5.2 NLDC and each RLDC should have one real-time security desk in all the
shifts to be manned by engineer capable of carrying out TTC calculations.
To facilitate this, manpower at NLDC and RLDCs need to be enhanced with
regulatory support to take care of financial aspects. Till this arrangement
can be firmed up, various scenarios of outages could be built, which then
can be used by despatcher in real time. Faster algorithm for calculation of
TTC may be adopted by the load despatchers to update it in real time under
outage conditions.
Action: POSOCO
Time Frame: 6 months

9.6 Coordinated outage planning of transmission elements

Outage planning of inter-State and inter-regional transmission elements

should be carried out in a coordinated manner at RPC fora (say Operation
Co-ordination sub-committee of RPCs) in accordance with regulation 5 of
Central Electricity Authority (Grid Standards) Regulation, 2010 and Section
5.7.1 of Indian Electricity Grid Code. In case need for emergency
maintenance arises in between two meeting of Operation Co-ordination
sub-committee, NLDC and RLDCs should allow such maintenance after
carefully looking at prevailing system conditions under intimation to RPC
Action: RPCs
Time Frame: Immediate

9.7 Reactive power planning

In order to avoid frequent outages/opening of lines under over voltages and

also providing voltage support under steady state and dynamic conditions,
installation of adequate static and dynamic reactive power compensators
should be planned.
Action: CEA, CTU, STUs
Time Frame: 6 months

9.8 Review of penal provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003

The powers of Load Despatch Centres and Regulatory Commissions

related to non-compliance of statutory/regulatory provisions including that
for non-compliance of directions and non-payment of UI charges, need
review. Appropriate amendments need to be carried out in the Electricity
Act, 2003 after such review.

Action: Ministry of Power, Govt. of India

Time Frame: 6 months

9.9 Optimum utilization of available assets

9.9.1 The regulatory provisions regarding absorption of reactive power by

generating units needs to be implemented.

Action: POSOCO
Time Frame: Immediate

9.9.2 An audit of devices such as HVDC, TCSC, SVC and PSS should be done
immediately to ensure that their stability features are enabled. Further,
exercise of PSS tuning should be planned and implemented. Settings of
these dynamic stabilizing devices should be reviewed at appropriate
Action: CTU, STUs, Generators
Time Frame: 6 months

9.9.3 Functioning of existing PMUs and availability of their output to RLDCs and
accuracy of time synchronization should be monitored on daily basis and, if
required, corrective actions should be taken on priority basis.


Time Frame: Immediate

9.10 Deployments of WAMS

9.10.1 The synchrophasor based WAMS employing PMUs offer a wide

applications for real time monitoring and control of the system, specially
under the dynamic conditions. Adequate number of PMUs should be
installed to improve the visibility and real time monitoring of the system.
Further the applications related to the synchrophasor based wide area
monitoring, protection and control should be embedded in the system.

Action: CTU
Time Frame: 1 year

9.10.2 Possibility of voltage collapse prediction, sensing global power system

conditions derived from local measurements may be explored.

Action: RPCs
Time Frame: 1 year

9.11 Need of Dynamic Security Assessment and review of State Estimation

In order to assess the system security in real time and assess the
vulnerability condition of the system, dynamic security assessment need to
be periodically carried out at the control centers. A proper review and
upgradation of the state estimation procedure is required to improve the
visibility and situational awareness of the system.

Action: POSOCO
Time Frame: 6 months
9.12 Implementation of islanding schemes

Efforts should be made to design islanding scheme based on frequency

sensing relays so that in case of imminent grid failure, electrical islands can
be formed. These electrical islands can not only help in maintaining supply
to essential services but would also help in faster restoration of grid.

Action: CEA, RPCs, POWERGRID, STUs, SLDCs and Generators

Time Frame: 6 months

9.13 Autonomy to Load Despatch Centres

9.13.1 As National Grid is on the horizon, homogenization of system operation

philosophy is need of the hour. The present organizational set up of Load
Despatch Centres need to be reviewed. System operation needs to be
entrusted to Independent System Operator (ISO). In addition, SLDCs
should be reinforced and ring fenced for ensuring functional autonomy.

Action: Govt. of India, State Govts.

Time Frame: 1 year

9.13.2 Training and certification of system operators need to be given focused

attention. Sufficient financial incentives need to be given to certified system
operators so that system operation gets recognized as specialized activity.

Action: Govt. of India, State Govts.

Time Frame: 3 months

9.14 Development of Intra-State transmission system

Intra-State transmission system needs to be planned and strengthened in a

better way to avoid problems of frequent congestion.

Action: STUs
Time Frame: 2 years

9.15 Network visualization

9.15.1 Appropriate amendments should be carried out in Grid Connectivity

Standards to restrain connectivity of a generating station or a transmission
element without required communication and telemetry facilities.
Action: CEA,
Time Frame: 6 months

9.15.2 The Communication network should be strengthened by putting fibre optic

communication system. Further, the Communication network should be
maintained properly to ensure reliability of data at Load Despatch Cenres.
Action: CTU and STUs
Time Frame: One years

9.15.3 RTUs and communication equipments should have uninterrupted power

supply with proper battery backup so that in case of total power failure,
supervisory control and data acquisition channels do not fail.
Action: CTU and STUs
Time Frame: 3 months

9.15.4 In case of existing generating stations or transmission elements without

telemetry facility, the same should be put in place at the earliest. If
prolonged operation without telemetry continues, POSOCO should
approach Central Commission.

Action: RPCs, POSOCO

Time Frame: 6 months
9.16 Reduction in Start-up time for Generators:

Large variations are observed in time taken for initiation of unit start up
(Boiler light up) by the stations after availability of start-up power and also
for start ups/light up of subsequent units. While subsequent start-ups were
very fast (10-20 minutes) in some of the units, in other cases they took
considerably longer time – several hours. Reasons for the delays in
attempting first start-up and subsequent start-ups may be examined by the
utilities in consultation with CEA. A standard procedure for preparatory
activities and sequence of start up may be put in place by the stations to
restore units as early as possible particularly in contingencies.

Action: CEA, Generating Utilities and RLDCs

Time Frame: one year

9.17 Review of Transmission Planning Criteria

At inter-State level, the entire landscape has changed over past few years.
With de-licensing of generation and provision of open access in Electricity
Act, 2003 and development of organized electricity markets, lot of
generation is coming in the form of merchant generation. Four out of the five
regions have been integrated and formation of National Grid is on the
horizon. Under such scenario, there is need review the Transmission
Planning criteria.

Action: CEA
Time Frame: 3 months

9.18 Strengthening of system study groups in various power sector


There is need to reinforce system study groups in power sector

organisations to analyse the system behaviour under different network
status/ tripping of lines/outage of generators. Where these do not exist,
these should be created.

Action: CEA, CTU and STU

Time Span: one year

9.19 Formation of a task force to study the grid security issues:

It was felt that a separate task force may be formed, involving experts from
academics, power utilities and system operators, to carry out a detailed
analysis of the present grid conditions and anticipated scenarios which
might lead to any such disturbances in future. The committee may identify
medium and long term corrective measures as well as technological
solutions to improve the health of the grid.
Action: MOP, CEA
Time Frame: 1 month


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