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3d.experimental Physics (129 - 148)

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6. Determining specific heat capacity of an

unknown liquid using calorimeter:
MAIN POINTS Figure shows the Regnault’s apparatus to
1. Least count of a screw guage = determine the specific heat capacity of a unknown
liquid. A solid sphere of known specific heat
pitch of screw
capacity S1 having mass m1 and initial temperature
number of divisions on circular scale
2. Least count of Vernier calliper = 1 main scale 1 , is mixed with the unknown liquid filled in a
division - 1 vernier scale division calorimeter. Let masses of liquid and calorimeter
3. In both screw gauge and vernier calliper actual are m2 and m3 respectively, specific heat capacities
reading = observed reading - zero error
= observed reading + zero correction are S 2 and S3 and initially they were at room
4. Determining the value of ‘g’ using a simple temperature  2 . When the hot sphere is dropped
pendulum in it, the sphere looses heat and the liquid
L L calorimeter system takes heat. This process
Theoretically T=2  g  4 2 2 continues till the temperature of all the elements
g T
becomes same (say  ).
where L = length of the thread + radius of the bob
5. Determining Young’s Modulus of a given wire Heat lost by hot sphere = m1s1 1   
by “Searle’s Method”: Heat taken by liquid and calorimeter =
To determine Young’s Modulus, we can perform
an ordinary experiment. Lets hang a weight ‘m’ m2 s2    2   m3 s3    2 
from a wire from Hook’s law: If there were no external heat loss
mg x  l  Heat given by sphere = Heat taken by liquid -
 Y    x   02  mg
A  l0  r Y  Calorimeter system
m1s1 1     m2 s2    2   m3 s3    2 

m1s1 1    m3 s3
Get s 2  
m2    2  m2
By measuring the final (steady state) temperature
of the mixture, we can estimate s2 : specific heat
If we change the weight, the elongation of wire will capacity of the unknow liquid. To give initial
increase proportionally. If we plot elongation v/s temperature 1  to the sphere, we keep it in steam
mg, we will get a straight line chamber  "O" , hanged by thread. Within some
x time (say 15 min) it achieves a constant temperature
1 .

l0 Steam
tan  
r 2 Y Steam
mg ‘O’
 l0 
By measuring its slope and equating it to  ,
  r 2Y 
we can estimate Y . Disk D

8. Verification of Ohm’s law using voltmeter and

Water ammeter: Ohm’s law states that the electric current
I flowing through a conductor is directly
C proportional to the P.D. (V) across its ends
provided that the physical conditions of the
conductor (such as temperature, dimensions, etc.)
are kept constant. Mathematically.
V  I or V  IR
Now the calorimeter, filled with water (part C) is Here R is a constant known as resistance of the
taken below the steam chamber, the wooden conductor and depends on the nature and
removable disc D is removed, and the thread is dimensions of the conductor.
cut. The sphere drops in the water calorimeter
9. METER BRIDGE: Meter bridge is a simple
system and the mixing starts.
case of Wheatstone’s-Bridge and is used to find
If sp.heat capacity of liquid  s2  were known and the unknown resistance. The unknown resistance
is placed in place of R, and in place of S , a known
that of the solid ball  s1  is unknown then we can
resistance is used, using R.B. (Resistance Box).
 m 2 s 2  m 3 s 3    2  There is a 1m long resistance wire between A and
find s1  m 1  1    C. The jockey is moved along the wire. When
7. Determining speed of sound using resonance R 100  l   S  l  then the Bridge will be
tube:Resonance tube is a kind of closed organ balanced, and the galvanometer will gives zero
pipe. So its natural frequencies are deflection. " l " can be measured by the meter
V 3V 5V scale.
, , ......
4leq 4leq 4leq The unknown resistance is
If the air column resonates with a tuning fork of l
RS ............(1)
frequency f 0 then 100  l
If length of unknown wire is L and diameter of the
V V wire is d, then specific resistance of the wire
 2 n  1  f0  leq   2 n  1 
4 leq 4 f0
d2 
leq  l  e where l is length of the air column in R   d 2  l  
4  from eq.(1)    S
tube and e is end correction.   4 L  100  l 
V 3V
l1  e  , l2  e  V  2 f 0  l2  l1 
4 f0 4 f0 so Un known D
Max Permissible Error in speed of sound due
to error in f 0 , l1 , l2 :
for Resonance tube experiment G
V  2 f 0  l2  l1 
ln V  ln 2  ln f0  ln  l2  l1 
max. permissible error in speed of sound =
 dV  f l  l1
 V   0 2
  max f0  l2  l1 

Unknown RB Known resistance
resistance in resistance box
O Knitting Needle
x P

+ – (100–l)

End Corrections: In meter Bridge circuit, some

extra length (is found under metallic strips) at end A T TB
points A and C. So some additional length
 and   should be included at ends for accurate
results. Hence in place of l we use l   and in A y B
place of 100  l , we use 100  l   (where  Determination of index correction
and  are called end correction). To estimate 
and  , we use known resistance R1 and R2 at Index error = Observed distance - Actual distance
the place of R and S in meter Bridge. Suppose we (Just like zero error in screw gauge, it is the excess
get null point at l1 distance then reading).
R1 l1   To determine index error, mirror and object needle

R2 100  l1   ...................(i) and placed at arbitrary position. For measuring
acual distance, a knitting needle is just fitted between
Now we interchange the position of R1 and R2
the pole of mirror and object needle “O”. The
and get null point at l2 distance then length of knitting needle will give the actual object
distance while the seperation between indices A
R2 l2  
 and B at that instant is the observed distance.
R1 100  l2   .................(ii)
Solving equation (i) and (ii) get So index error is -

R2l1  R1l2 R l  R2l2 e = Observed distance - Actual distance

 and   1 1  100
R1  R2 R1  R2 =Seperation between indices A and B - Length of
knitting needle
These end corrections  and   are used to
modify the observations once we get e, in every observation, we get

INDEX ERROR: In u - v method, we require Actual distance = Observed distance (seperation

the distance between object or image from the pole between the indices) - Excess reading (e)
(vertex) of the mirror (actual distance). But
*There is an another term, Index corraction which
practically we measure the distance between the
is invert of index error.
indices A and B. (Observed distance), which need
not exactly coincides with object and pole, there Index correction = - index error
can be a slight mismatch called index error, which
will be constant for every observation.


0 10
5 70
1. The length of a rectengular plate is measured 60
by a meter scale and is found to be 10.0 cm.
Its width is measured by vermier callipers as
1.00 cm. The least count of the meter scale
and varmier callipers are 0.1cm and 0.01cm (A) 11mm (B) 11.65mm (C) 11.650mm (D) 11.6mm
respectively (Obviously). Maximum permissible 8. In a complete rotation, splindle of a screw
error in area measurement is 1
gauge advances by mm. There are 50
(A) 0.2 cm 2 (B) 0.1 cm 2 (C) 0.3 cm2 (D)Zero 2
divisions on circular scale. The main scale has
2. In the previous question, minmum possible er-
1  1 
ror in area measurement can be mm marks   is graduated to mm 
2  2 
(A) 0.02 cm 2 (B) 0.01 cm 2 If a wire is put between the jaws, 3 main scale
(C) 0.03 cm2 (D)Zero divisions ar e clear ly visible, and 20th division
of circular scale coincides with the reference
line. Find diameter of wire in correct S.F.
 2 L 
3. To estimate ‘g’  from g  4  , error in (A)1.7mm (B)1.70mm (C)3.40mm (D)3.20mm
 T2  9. Read the vernier
measurement of L is 2% and error in mea-
surement of T is 3% . The error in estimated 0 mm 10 20 30 40 50
‘g’ will be 0.1 mm
(A) 8% (B) 6% (C) 3% (D) 5%
4. The dimensions of a rectangular block mea-
sured with a vernier callipers having least 10 20 30 40 50
0 mm
count of 0.1 mm is 5 mm 10 mm  5 mm . The
0.1 mm
maximum percentage error in measurement
of volume of the block is
(A) 5 % (B)10 % (C)15 % (D) 20 %
(A) 15.6 mm (B) 15.60 mm
5. The mass of a ball is 1.76 kg. The mass of 25 (C) 14.6 mm (D) 14.4 mm
such balls is 10. Read the special type of vernier
(A) 0.44  103 kg (B) 44.0 kg
0 mm 10 20 30 40 50
(C) 44 kg (D) 44.00 kg
6. In ohm’s law experiment, potential drop across
a resistance was measured as v  5.0 volt and
current was measured as i  2.00 amp. Find
the maximum permissible error in resistance. 0 mm 10 20 30 40 50

(A) 1.5% (B) 2.5% (C) 1% (D) 5%

7. Read the normal screwgauge main scale has
only mm marks. Circular scale has 100
division. In complete rotation, the screw (A) 13.6 mm (B) 13.60 mm
advances by 1 mm. (C) 12.6 mm (D) 12.60 mm

11. Find the thickness of the object using the 14. For the third resonance, which option shows
defected vernier callipers correct mode shape for displcement variation
and pressure variation.

0 mm 10 20 30 40 50

1 0.1 mm

(A) (B)

0 mm 10 20 30 40 50 Displ. Pressure
Displ. Pressure
0.1 mm

(A) 14.0 mm (B) 14.6 mm

(C) (D)
(C) 15.2 mm (D) 15.20 mm
12. Pressure Displ.
Pressure Displ.
15. A cube has a side of length 1.2 10 2 m .
0 mm 10 20 30 40 50
Calculate is volume: [IIT 2003]
0.1 mm
(A) 1.7 106 m3 (B) 1.73 106 m3
(C) 1.70 106 m3 (D) 1.732 106 m3
16. A wire of length l  6  0.06 cm and radius
0 mm 10 20 30 40 50 r  0.5  0.005 cm and m  0.3  0.003 g .
Maximum percentage error in density is:
0.1 mm
[IIT 2004]
(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 68
17. A screw gauge having 100 equal divisions and
pitch of length 1mm is used to measure the
(A) 11.8 mm (B) 12.0 mm diameter of a wire of length 5.6 cm. The main
(C) 12.2 mm (D) 11.2 mm scale reading is 1mm and 47th circular division
coincides with the main scale. the surface area
13. The main scale of a vernier callipers reads 10
mm in 10 divisions. 10 divisions of Vernier of wire cm2 to appropriate significant figure
scale coincide with 9 divisions of the main is equal to (use   22 / 7 ):[IIT-2004]
scale. When the two jaws of the callipers touch (A) 2.1cm2 (B) 2.6cm2 (C) 5.2cm2 (D)1.3cm2
each other, the fifth division of the vernier 18. The number of circular division on the shown
coincides with 9 main scale divisions and the screw gauge is 50. It moves 0.5 mm on main
zero of the vernier is to the right of zero of scale for one complete rotation and main scale
main scale. When a cylinder is tightly placed has 1/2 mm marks. The diameter of the ball
beyween the two jaws, the zero vernier scale is: [JEE 2006]
lies slightly to the left of 3.2 cm and the fourth
vernier division coincides with a main scale 0 2 25

division. the diameter of the cylinder is:

(A)3.09 cm (B)3.14 cm
(A) 2.25 mm (B) 2.20 mm
(C)3.04 cm (D) none of these
(C) 1.20 mm (D) 1.25 mm

19. If nth division of main scale coincides with of AC would be:

(n+1)th divisions of vernier scale. Given one
main scale division is equal to ‘a’ units. The
least count of the vernier is equal to: (A) 2 X (B) X
[IIT 2003] G
a n 1 n
(A) (B) (C) (D) n X
n 1 a a (C) (D) 3X
A C B 2
20. The side of a the cube is measured by vernier X
callipers (10 divisions of a vernier scale 23. The pitch of a screw gaguage is 0.5 mm
coincide with 9 divisions of mainscale, where and there are 100 divisions on its circular
1 division of main scale is 1mm). The main scale. The instrument reads +2 divisions when
scale reads 10 mm and first division of vernier
nothing is put in-between its jaws. In measuring
scale coincides with the main scale. Mass sof
the cube is 2.736 g. The density of the cube in the diameter of a wire, there are 8divisions on
appropriate significant figures is equal to:[IIT the main scale and 83rd divison coincides withe
2005] the reference line. Then the diameter of the
(A) 1.33 gm / cm 3 (B) 0.66 gm / cm3 wire is
(A)4.05 mm (B)4.405 mm
(C) 2.66 gm / cm 3 (D) 4.88 gm / cm3
(C)3.5 mm (D)1.25 mm
21. Student I, II and III perform an experiment 24. The pitch of a screw gauge having 50 divisions
for measuring the acceleration due to gravity on its circular scale is 1 mm.When the two jaws
(g) using a simple pendulum. They use different of the screw gauge are in contact with each
lengths of the pendulum and/or record time for other, the zero of the circlar scale lies 6
different number of oscillations. The divisions below the line of graduation. When
observations are shown in the table. a wire is placed between the jaws, 3 linear scale
Least count for length = 0.1 cm divisions are clearly visible while 31st divisions
Least count for time = 0.1 s on the circular scale coincides with the
Student Length of the pendulum (cm) reference line. The diameter of the wire is:
I 64.0 (A) 3.62 mm (B) 3.50 mm
II 64.0 (C) 3.5 mm (D) 3.74 mm
III 20.1
25. The smallest division on the main scale of
Number of Total time for Time period vernier callipers is 1 mm, and 10 vernier
oscillations(n) oscillations(n) (s) divisions coincide with 9 main scale divisions.
8 128.0 16.0 While measuring the diameter of a sphere, the
4 64.0 16.0 zero mark of the vernier scale lies between 2.0
4 36.0 9.0 and 2.1 cm and the fifth division of the vernier
If EI , EII and EIII are the percentage errors scale coincides with a main scale division. Then
diameter of the sphere is
 g  (A) 2.05 cm (B) 3.05 cm
in g, i.e.,   100  for students, I, II and III,
 g 
(C) 2.50 cm (D)None of these
(A) EI  0 (B) EI is minimum
26. While findling specific heat capacity using
(C) EI  EII (D) EII is maximum calorimeter, error might occur due to :
22. In the given circuit, no current is passing A) Absence of water equivalent
through the galvanometer. If the cross- B) Absence of heat loss reducing covers.
sectional diameter of the wire AB is doubled, C) Presence of stirrer
then for null point of galvanometer, the value D) No loss comes

27. In Searle’s apparatus : the pole of mirror and object needle “O”. The
A) One wire is reference wire. length of knitting needle will give the actual object
B) Load cannot be increased beyond limit of distance while the seperation between indices A
elasticity and B at that instant is the observed distance.
C) Spirit level should be adjusted for each reading So index error is -
D) No Vernier scale is used e = Observed distance - Actual distance
28. A student uses a simple pendulum of exactly =Saperation between indices A and B - Length of
1m length to determine g , the acceleration knitting needle once we get e, in
due to gravity. He uses a stop watch with the every observation, we get
least count of 1 sec for this and records 40 Actual distance = Observed distance (seperation
seconds for 20 oscillations. For this between the indices) - Excess reading (e)
observation, whih of the following statement(s) There is an another term, Index corraction which
is (are) true ? [IIT-2010] is invert of index error.
(A) Error T in measuring T, the time period, is Index corraction = - index error
0.05 seconds 29. To find index error for u , when a knitting
(B) Error T in measuring T, the time period, is 1 needle of length 20.0 cm is adjusted between
second pole and object needle, the saperation between
(C) Percentage error in the determination of g is the indices of object needle and mirror was
5% observed to be20.2 cm. Index corraction for u
(D) Percentage error in the determination of g is is
2.5 % (A)-0.2 cm (B)0.2 cm (C)-0.1 cm (D)0.1 cm
PASSAGE TYPE QUESTIONS 30. To find index error for v, when the same
knitting needle is adjusted between the pole
and the image needle, the saperation between
In u - v method, we require the distance between the indices of image needle and mirror was
object or image from the pole (vertex) of the mirror found to be 19.9cm. Index error for v is
(actual distance). But practically we measure the (A) 0.1cm (B)-0.1 cm (C) 0.2 cm (D)-0.2cm
distance between the indices A and B. (Observed 31. In some observation, the observed object
distance), which need not exactly co-inside with distance (Saperation between indices of object
object and pole, there can be a slight mismatch needle and mirror) is 30.2 cm, and the observed
called index error, which will be constant for every image distance is 19.9 cm. Using index
observation. corraction from previous two equations,
estimate the foccus distance of the concave
O Knitting Needle (A) 36 cm (B) 20 cm (C) 12 cm (D) 8 cm
x P
Figure shows an electrical calorimeter to determine
specific heat capacity of an unknown liquid, First
of all, the mass of empty calorimeter ( a copper
container) is measured and suppose it is ‘ m1 ’.
A T TB Then the unknown liquid is poured in it. Now the
combined mass of calorimeter + liquid system is
A y B measured and let it be ‘ m2 ’. So the mass of liquid
Determination of index correction
Index error = Observed distance - Actual distance
is  m2  m1  . Initially both were at room
(Just like zero error in screw guage, it is the excess temperature  0  .
reading). Now a heater is immersed in it for time interval ‘t’.
To determine index error, mirror and object needle The voltage drop across the heater is ‘V’ and
and placed at arbitery possition. For measuring current passing through it is ‘ I ‘. Due to heat
acual distance, a knitting needle is just fitted between

supplied, the temperature of both the liquid and Mass of empty calorimeter was 1.0 kg and the
calorimeter will rise simultaneously. After t sec; combined mass of calorimeter
heater was switched off, and final temperature is +liquid is 3.0 kg. The specific heat capacity of
r . If there is no heat loss to surroundings. the calorimeter  3.0  10 3 J / kg 0 C .The
Heat supplied by the heater = Heat absorbed by falls in temperature 350 second after switching
the liquid + heat absorbed by the calorimeter
off the heater was 7.00 C .Find the specific heat
VI  t   m2  m1  Sl  f   0   m1SC  f   0 
capacity of the unknown liquid in proper
 VI  t  m S significant figures.
1 C
 f  0 (A) 3.5  103 J / kg 0 C (B) 3.50  103 J / kg 0C
The specific heat of the liquid Sl 
 m2  m1 
(C) 4.0  103 J / kg 0C (D) 3.500  103 J / kg 0C
A 33. If mass and specific heat capacity of
calorimeter is negligible, what would be
maximum permissible error in Sl . Use the data
mentioned below.
Stirrer m1  0, Sl  0, m2  1.00kg ,
Unknown liquid V  10.0V , I  10.0 A,
t  1.00 102 sec,  0  150 C ,
Calorimeter Corrected 1  650 C
Temperature  (A) 4% (B) 5% (C) 8% (D)12%
34. If the system were loosing heat according to
Newton’s cooling law, the temperature of the
mixture would change with time according to
 (while heater was on)
 
time (t)
Radiation correction: There can be heat loss to
(A) (B)
environment. To compensate this loss, a correction
is introduced. t t
Let the heater was on for t sec, and then it is
 
switched off. Now the temperature of the mixture
falls due to heat loss to environment. The
temperature of the mixture is measured t/2 sec. after
switching off. Let the fall in temperature during this (C) (D)
time is  t t
Now the corrected final temperature is taken as
32. In this experiment voltage across the heater 35. Column I
is 100.0 V and current is 10.0A, and heater A) Back - lash error B) Zero error
was switched on for t=700.0 sec. Initially all C) Vernier callipers D) Error in screw gauge
elements were at room temperature Column II
 o  10.00 C and final temperature was (P) Always subtracted
(Q) Least count = 1 MSD - 1 VSD
measure as  f  73.00 C .
(R) May be -ve or +ve
(S) Due to loose fittings
(A) Assertion is True, Reason is True; Reason 1. (A) ; A  l  b
is correct explanation for Assertion.
(B) Assertion is True, Reason is True; Reason dA dl db 0.1 0.01
is not correct explanation for Assertion.     
A l b 10.0 1.00
(C) Assertion is True, Reason is False.
(D) Assertion is False, Reason is True. for max error use positive sign.
36. Assertion (A): Least count of all screw based  dA 
instruments is same.  0.01  0.01 ;  A   0.02
Reason (R): Least count for all screw based   max
instruments are found using the ratio pitch per
division of circular scale.   dA max  0.02 10.0cm2  0.2cm 2
37. Assertion (A): Backlash error can be minimised
by turning the screw in one direction only when   dA  
fine adjustment is done. 2.    0   dA  min  0
 A  min
Reason (R): Backlash error is caused due to wear
and tear or loose-fittings in screws. for minimum error use absolute sign.
38. A screw gauge having 100 equal divisions and a 3.  2 Answer   8%
pitch of length 1mm is used to measure the g L T 
diameter of wire of length 5.6cm. The main scale  dv  0.1 0.1 0.1
reading is 1mm and 47th circular division coincides 4.  v   5  10  5  0.05
with the main scale. Find the curved surface area   max
of the wire in cm2 to appropriate significant figures.
 dv 
(Use   22 / 7 ) (IIT JEE -2004) So  v  100  5
39. In Searle’s experiment , the diameter of the wire   max
as measured by a screw gauge of least count 5. Answer should be in 3 significant figures. As 25 is
0.01 cm is 0.050cm. The length , measured by a exact number of balls.
scale of least count 0.1cm, is 110.0cm.When a
weight of 50N is suspended from the wire, the v  dR  v i
extension is measured to be 0.125cm by a 6. R  v  i 1     
micrometer of least count 0.01 cm. Find the i  R max v i
maximum error in the measurement of Young’s v  5.0 volt  v  0.1 volt
modulus of the material of the wire from these
data.. (IIT -JEE 2004) i  2.00 amp  i  0.01 amp
40. The side of a cube is measured by vernier callipers  dR   0.1 0.01 
(10 divisions of the vernier scale coincide with 9 %     100%  2.5%
divisions of the main scale , where 1 division of  R max  5.0 2.00 
main scale is 1mm) .The main scale reads 10mm value of R from the observation
and first division of vernier scale coincides with
the main scale. Mass of the cube is 2.736g. Find v 5.0
R   2.5
the density of the cube in appropriate significant i 2.00
So we can write R   2.5  2.5%  
 1 mm 
01) A 02) D 03) A 04) A 05) B 06) B 07) B 7. Object thickness=11 mm  65  100  = 11.65 mm
 
08) B 09) A 10) B 11) A 12) C 13) A 8. dia.of e is
14) B 15) A 16) A 17) B 18) C 19) A 20) C
 1   1/ 2mm 
21) B 22) B 23) B 24) B 25) A 26)A,B  3  mm    2.0   
 2   50 
27)A,B,C 28) A,C 29) B 30) B 31) C  1.5  0.20  1.70 mm
32) A 33) C 34) C 9. Thickness of the object = (main scale
35) A-S ; B-P,R; C-Q; D-R,S reading)+(vermier scale Reading) (least count)
36) D 37)A 38) 2.6 39) 4.89 40) 2.66 where least count = (Main scale division- vernier
Scale division)

= 1 mm-0.9 mm (from fig 1) = 0.1 mm m

So thickness of the object 20.  
=15 mm + (6) (0.1 mm) = 15.6 mm
21. More is number of oscillations less will be error in
10. Thickness of the object = (main scale
measurement of time.
reading)+(vermier scale Reading) (least count)
where least count = (Main scale division- vernier 0.5
23. L.C  mm  0.005mm
Scale division) 100
= 1 mm - 19/20 mm (from fig 1) =0.05 mm Zero error = 2  0.005 mm  0.01mm
So thickness of the object So zero correction is  0.01mm
=13 mm + (12) (0.05 mm) = 13.60 mm M.S.R = 4 mm
11. From first figure, Excess reading (zero error)=0.6
C.S.R = 83  L.C  0.415mm
mm. If an object is placed, vernier gives 14.6 mm
So diameter = 4mm 0.415 mm - 0.01 nm
in which there is 0.6 mm excess reading, which has
= 0.405 mm
to be subtracted. So actual thickness=14.6-
0.6=14.0 mm we can also di it using the formula 1
24. L.C  mm  0.02mm
Actual reading = observed-excess reading 50
reading (zero error) M.S.R = 3 mm
=14.6-0.6 =14.0 mm C.S.R = 31 0.02 mm  0.62mm
12. Zero error=main scale reading + (vernier scale Zero error correction = -0.12 mm
reading) (least count) So diameter = 3.50 mm
= -1 mm+ 6(0.1 mm) = -0.4 mm 25. L.C = 0.1 mm = 0.01 cm
observed reading = 11.8 mm M.S.R = 2.0 cm
So actual thickness=11.8-(-0.4)=12.2 mm V.S.R = 0.05 cm
13. Zero error=0.5 mm=0.5 m So diameter = 2.05 cm.
diseved reading of cylin 26. Water equivalent is important since the calorimeter
3der=3.1 cm +(4) (0.01cm) also will lose or gain heat. Heat loss has to
=3.14 cm reduced (by Radiation and / or Convection).
actual thickness of cylinder =(3.14)-(0.06) So, Choices (a) and (b) are correct.
=3.09 cm Use of stirrer, maintains uniform temperature So,
15. Number of significant figures should be two. choices (c) and (d) are wrong.
m d  dm dl dr 27. These are facts used in setting up and use teh
16.   2
   2 Searle’s apparatus.
l  r  m l r Choie (d) is wrong
17. s  l    d T t  g 2T
28.    T  0.05 s ;   0.05
22 T t g T
 5.6cm   0.147 cm
7 g
% error =  100  5%
2 2 g
 2.5872 cm  2.6 cm
29.. Index error (excess reading)=Observed reading-
0.5mm Actual reading
18. L.C   0.01mm
50 =20.2-20.0 =0.2 cm
Zero error = 5  L.C  0.05mm 30 e = 19.9 cm -20.0cm = -0.1 cm
31. u = 30.2-0.2 (excess reading)
MSR  2  0.5mm  1mm
=30.0 cm
CSR  25  0.01mm  0.25 mm v=19.9-(-0.1) (excess reading)
So diameter = MSR + CSR - Zero error =20.0 cm.
 1.20mm 1 1 1
   f  12.0 cm
n a f v u
19. L.C  1 MSR  1 VSR  a  a
n 1 n 1


100.0 10.0  700.0   22

1.0   3.0  10 3   Dl   1.47  56mm 2
32. S l  80.0  10.0 7
3.0  1.0
 2.58724cm 2  2.6cm 2
 3.5  103 J / kg 0C 39. Maximum percentage error in Y is given by
According to addn and multiplication of S.F
VIt y 2

33. If m1  0, Sl  0 ; Sl  D x
m2  f   0 
dSl V I t m2 r 0
      Y   D  x L
   2  
Sl V I t m2 r  o  Y max  D  x L

0.1 0.1 0.01 10 2 0.01 1  1  0.001   0.001   0.1 

      8%
 2     0.0489
 0.05   0.125   110 
10.0 10.0 1.00  102 1.00 50
34. As the temperature increases, heat loss to So maximum percentage error = 4.89%
surrounding increasses. After some time the rate at 40. Least count of vernier callipers =
which heat is lost becomes equal to rate at which 1 division of main scale
heat is supplied and an equilibrium or steady state
Number of divisions in vernier scale
is achieved. Hence temperature becomes constant
after some time. 1
  0.1mm
 C is correct 10
35: Back - lash error is caused by loose fittings, wear The side of cube = 10mm+1×0.1mm=1.01cm
and tear etc., in the screw mechanisms Nowdensity
So,  A   S  . 

2.736 g
 2.66 g cm 3
3 3
Zero error may be +ve or -ve but will always be Volume 1.01 cm
subtracted So,  B    P  and  R  . (to correct number of significant figures)
In vernier callipers, least count is the difference
between 1 MSD  1VSD  .
Error is screw gauge may be +ve or -ve and may 1. In resonance tube exp. we find
be due to loose fitting of the circular scale. l1  25.0cm and l2  75.0 cm . If there is no
So, D    R  and  S  error in frequency. What will be max
permissible error in speed of sound (take
36. Assertion is false since itdepends on the scale used.
Reason is true by concept f 0  325 Hz ).
37. Both are true reason explains assertion.Since (A) 0.2m/s (B) 0.65m/s (C) 1.3m/s (D) 2.6m/s
running over the defect reapeatedly will cause large 2. In Searle’s exp to find Young’s modulus, the
deviation. diameter of wire is measured as D=0.05 cm
1mm length of wire is L=125 cm , and when a
38: Least count   0.01mm
100 weight, m=20.0 kg is put, extension in wire
Diameter = MSR+CSR
was found to be 0.100 cm . Find maximum
= 1mm+47 (0.01)mm=1.47mm
Surface area permissible percentage error in young’s
modulus  Y  .
(A) 2.1% (B) 3.2% (C) 4.3% (D) 5.4%


3. To find the value of 'g' using simple temperature comes out to be 300 c , then total
pendulum. T=2.00 sec; l=1.00 m was heat loss to surrounding during the
measured. Estimate maximum permissible experiment, is (Use the specific heat capacity
of the liquid from previous question).
error in 'g' .  use  2  10  (A)20 kcal (B)15 kcal (C)10 kcal (D)8 kcal
(A) 0.1 m / s 2 (B) 0.2 m / s 2 8. If a tuning fork (340 Hz  1%) is used in the
resonance tube method, and the first and
(C) 0.3 m / s 2 (D) 0.4 m / s 2 second resonance lengths are 24.0 cm and
4. A student performs an experiment for 74.0 cm respectively. Find max. permissible
error in speed of sound.
 4 2l  (A) 5.03 m/s (B) 0.503 m/s
determination of g   2  , l  1m, and he
 T  (C) 2.51 m/s (D) 0.251 m/s
commits an error of l . For T he takes the 9. If emf of battery is 100 V ,then what was the
time of n oscillation with the stop watch of least resistance of Rheostat adjusted at reading
count t and he commits a human error of 0.1 ( i=2A,V=20V)
sec. For which of the follwing data, the
measurement of g will be most accurate?
 A L  0.5, t  0.1, n  20 4A
 B  L  0.5, t  0.1, n  50 3A
 C  L  0.5, t  0.01, n  20 1A

 D  L  0.1, t  0.05, n  50 V
0 10 20 30 40
5. In the experiment, the curve between
 X and W is shown as dotted line (1). If + –
we use an another wire of same material, but ()
with double length and double radius. Which
of the curve is expected.
x A Rh

3 V
+ –

w (A)10 (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) 40

(A)1 (B)2 (C) 3 (D)4 10. If three wires of same material but different
6. If we use very thin and long wire dimension were used in place of unknown
resistance, we get these I-V curve
 output X 
(A) Sensivity    of experiment is
 input W 
(B) Young’s modulus will remain unchange
(C) Wire may break or yield during loading.
(D) All of the above
7. If accidently the calorimeter remained open
to atmosphere was for some time during the
experiment, due to which the steady state state Match the column according to correct curve:
Wire dimension Corresponding curve 13. If by mistake, voltmeter is connected in series
(p) l  1m, radius  1mm (i) Curve(1) with the resistance then i-v curve expected is
(Here i = reading of ammter ,v=reading of
(q) l  1m, radius  2mm (ii)Curve(2)
1 1 
(r) l  m, radius  mm (iii)Curve(3) –
2 2 +

(A) ( p )  (ii );  q    iii  ;  r    i 

(B) ( p )  (iii );  q    ii  ;  r    i 
(C) ( p )  (i );  q    ii  ;  r    iii 
(D)None of these
11. i v/s V curve for a non-ohmic resistance is
shown. The dynamic resistance is maximum
at point
(A) (B)
v v

(C) (D)
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D)same for all v v
12. If by mistake Ammeter is connected parallel 14. In the experment of ohm’s law. When potential
to the resistance then i-v curve expected is difference 10.0 V is applied, current measured
(Here i = reading of ammeter, v=reading of is 100A. If length of wire of found to be 10.0
voltmeter) cm, and diameter of wire is 2.50 mm, then the
+ – maximum permissible
(A)1.8% (B)10.2% (C) 3.8% (D) 5.75%
Rh 15. From some instruments, current measured is
1=10.0Amp., potential different measured is
V  100.0 V, length of wire is 31.4 cm, and
diameter of wire is 2.00 mm (all in corract
significant figure). The resistivity of wire(in
correct significant figure) will be -
(use   3.14)
(A)1.00  104   m
(B)1.0  10 4   m
(A) (B) (C) 1 104   m

v v
(D)1.000  104   m
16. In the previous question. maximum
permissible error is resistivity and resistance
measurement will be (respecitvely)
(C) (D) (A) 2.14%, 1.5% (B)1.5%, 2.45%
(C) 2.41%, 1.1% (D)None of these
v v


Q.No.17,18,19. Consider the meter bridge circuit.


Rr R1
+ – (100–l)

17. If resistance S in RB  300 , then the
balanced length is found to be 25.0 cm from
end A.The diameter of unknown wire is 1mm G1
and length of the unknown wire is 31.4 cm. The
specific resistivity of the wire should be
(A) 2.5  104   m (B) 3.5  104   m G2
Rr R2
(C) 4.5  104   m (D)None of these
18. In the previus question. If R and S are
interchanged, ballanced point is shifted by
(A)30 cm (B)40 cm V
(C)50 cm (D)None of these
19. In a meter bridge, null point is at l  33.7cm , R1
when the resistance S is shunted by 12
resistance the null point is found to be shifted
by a distance of 18.2 cm. The value of Rr
unknown resistance R should be
(C) R2
(A) 13.5  (B) 68.8  (C) 3.42  (D) None
20. In u-v method to find focus distance of a V
concave mirror, if object distance was found
to be 10.0 cm and image distance was also R2
found to be 10.0 cm then find max
permissible error in f, due to error is u and v
measurement. G2
(A) 5  0.002 cm (B) 5  0.01 cm (D) R1
(C) 5  0.02 cm (D) 5  0.05 cm
21. To verify ohm’s law, a student is provided with V
a test resistor RT , a high resistance R1 , a small 22. A vernier calipers has 1mm mark on the main
resistance R2 , two identical galvanometers G1 scale. It has 20 equal divisions on the Vernier
scale which match with 16 main scale divisions.
and G2 , and a variable voltage source V. The For this Vernier calipers, the least count is
correct circuit to [IIT - 2010]
carry out the experiment is [IIT - 2010] (A) 0.02mm (B) 0.05 mm
(C) 0.1mm (D) 0.2 mm

23. A meter bridge is set up as shown in figure, to 26. A student is performing the experiment of
determine an unknown resistane ‘X’ using a resonance column. The diameter of the
standard 10 ohm resistor. The galvanometer column tube is 4 cm. The frequency of the
shows null point when tapping - key is at 52 tuning fork is 512 Hz. The air temperature is
cm mark. The end-corrections are 1 cm and 2 380 C in which the speed of sound 336 m/s.
cm respectively for the ends A and B. The The zero of the meter scale coincides with the
determined value of ‘X’ is [IIT - 2011] top end of the Resonance column tube. When
the first resonance occurs, the reading of the
water level in the column is [IIT - 2012]
X 10 (A) 14.0 cm (B) 15.2 cm
(C) 16.4 cm (D) 17.6 cm
27. If S and V are one main scale and one vernier
scale and n -1 divisions on the main scale
(A) 10.2 ohm (B) 10.6 ohm are equivalent to n divisions of the vernier ,
(C) 10.8 ohm (D) 11.1 ohm then
24. The density of a solid ball is to be determined A) Least count is S/n B) Vernier constant is S/n
in an experiment. The diameter of the ball is C) The same vernier constant can be used for
measured with a screw gause, whose pitch is circular verniers also
0.5 mm and there are 50 divisions on the D) The same vernier constant cannot be used for
circular scale. The reading on the main scale circular verniers.
is 2.5 mm and that on the circular scale is 20 28. In a resonance tube apparatus , the first and
divisions. If the measured mass of the ball second resonance lengths are l1 and
has a relative error of 2%, the relative
l2 respectively. If v is the velocity of wave.
percentage error in the density is [ IIT - 2011]
(A) 0.9% (B) 2.4 % (C) 3.1 % (D) 4.2 %
25. In the determination of Young’s modulus A) Frequency is , u  2  l  l 
2 1
 4MLg 
Y   by using Searle’s method, a wiree l 2  3l1
  ld 2  B) End correction, is e 
of length L = 2m and diameter d = 0.5 mm is
used. For a load M = 2.5 kg, an extension l2  3l1
C) End correction is, e 
l  0.25mm in the length of the wire is 2
observed. Quantities d and l are measured v
using a screw gauge and a micrometer, D) Frequency is , u  4  l  l 
2 1
respectively. They have the same pitch of 0.5
mm. The number of divisions on their circular 29. The pitch of a screw-gauge having 50
scale is 100. The contributions to the maximum divisions on its circular scale is 1 mm. When
probable error of the Y measurement [IIT-2012] the two jaws of the screw gauge are in contact
with each other, 47th division of circular scale
(A) due to the errors in the measurements of d and l
is on the refference line. When a wire is
are the same.
placed between the jaws. 3 linear scale
(B) due to the error in the measurement of d is twice divisions are clearly visible while 31st division
that due to the error in the measurement of l on the circular scale coincides with the
(C) due to the error in the measurement of l is twice refference line. Then
that due to the error in the measuremenet of d. (A) Zero error in the screw gause is -0.94
(D) due to the error in the measurement of d is four (B) Zero error in the screw gause is - 0.06 mm
times that due to the error in the measurement of l . (C) diameter of the wire is 3.68 mm
(D) diameter of the wire is 3.56 mm


Passage-I Rmeasured 
Consider the meter bridge circuit without neglecting i
and corrections  ,   V=voltage reading of voltmeter, i=currwnt Reading
of ammeter.
RB But unfortunatly the ammeters and voltmeter used
are not ideal, but having resistance
RA and RV respectively..
P Q 33. For arrangement (s), the measured resistance
A C is
– (100–l)
+ (A) R  RV (B) R  RA
30. If we used 100 and 200 resistance is place RRV RRV
(C) R  R (D) R  R  RA
of R and S, we get null deflection at V V

l1  33.0cm . If we intercharge the resistance, 34. For arrangement (b), the measured resistance
the null difflection was found to be at is
l2  67.0 cm .The end corraction  and  (A) R  RV (B) R  RA
should be:
(A)   1cm,   1cm B)   2cm,   1cm (C) R  R (D) R  R  RA
(C)   1cm,   2cm (D)None of these
31. Now we start taking obsevation. At the 35. You are given two resistor X and Y . Whose
possition of R, unknown resistance is used, resistance is to determined, using an ammeter
and at possition of S, 300 resistence is used. of RA  0.5 and a voltmeter of RV  20 K  .
If the ballanced length was found to be l=26cm, It is known that X is in range of a few ohm’s
estimate the unknow n resistance. and Y is in range of several keloohm’s. Which
(A)108 (B) 105.4 (C) 100 (D)110 of the circuit is preferable to measured X and
32. If the unknown Resistance calculated without Y-Resitor Circute
using the end corraction, is R1 and using the x (a) y (b)

end corrections is R2 then (A) x  (a ), y   b  (B) x  (b), y   a 

(A) R1  R2 when balanced point is in first half (C) x  (a), y   a  (D) x  (b), y   b 
(B) R1  R2 when balanced point is in first half MATRIX MATCHING QUESTIONS
(C) R1  R2 when balanced point is in second half 36. Column I
A) Velocity of a wave
(D) R1  R2 always
B) Least count
Passage-II C) For a sphere of radius R   2.1  0.5 cm
In the, Ohm’s law experiment to find resistance of
unknown resistor R, folloeing two arrangement(a) D) Circular vernier scale
and (b) are possible. Column II
(p) Pitch / Number of circular scale divisions
(q) Error in surface area is 26.4 cm2
V V (r)
(a) (b)
 m m
The resistance measured is given by (s) 1 MSD - 1 VSD

37. Column I Column II LEVEL-VI - HINTS
A) Vernier constant (P) 0.001 cm 1. V  2 f 0  l2  l1  ;  dv   2 f 0  dl2  dl1 
B) Micrometer screw (Q) 1 MSD - 1 VSD
 dv max  max of [2 f0  l2 l2 
C) Travelling (R) Pitch / Number of
microscope circular scale divisions  2 f 0  l2 l1 
D) Cathetometer (S) 0.01 cm l1  25.0 cm
ASSERSON REASON QUESTIONS  l1  0.1 cm  place value of last number 
(A) Assertion is True, Reason is True; Reason l1  75.0 cm
is correct explanation for Assertion.  l2  0.1 cm  place value of last number 
(B) Assertion is True, Reason is True; Reason So max permissible error i speed of sound
is not correct explanation for Assertion.
(C) Assertion is True, Reason is False.
 dv max  2  325Hz   0.1 cm  0.1 cm   1.3 m / s
(D) Assertion is False, Reason is True. V  2 f 0  l2  l1 
38. Assertion(A):Screw gauge with a pitch of 0.5mm  2  325 Hz   75.0 cm  25.0 cm   325m / s
is more accurate than 1mm for same number of
circular scale divisions. so V   325  1.3 m / s
Reason(R):Higher pitch can make the device more mg  x mgl
accurate. 2. 2
Y  Y 
d /4 l  / 4  d 2 x
39. Assertion(A):Time period of a hollow ball will be
more than that of a solid ball of same radius.  dY  m l d  x
Reason(R): Time period is independence of mass  Y   m  l 2 d  x
  max
or distribution but on l ,where l is the distance m  20.0 kg  m  0.1 kg
between the point of suspension and the centre of
l  125 m  l  1 cm
the bob.
x  0.100 cm   x  0.001 cm
40. In an experiment of simple pendulum, time period  dY   0.1kg 1cm 0.001cm 0.001cm 
 Y    20.0kg  125cm  0.05cm  0.100cm 100%  4.3%
measured was 50s for 25 vibrations  max  
when the length of the simple pendulum was taken
100cm. If the least count of stop watch is 0.1s l 4 2 l
3. T  2 g
and that of meter scale is 0.1cm, calculate the g T2
maximum possible percentage error in the
 dg  l T  0.01 0.01 
measurement of value of g.    2  2  100%  2%
 g max l T  1.00 2.00 
LEVEL-VI - KEY 4 2l 4 10  1.00
value of g  2
 2
 10.0 m / s 2
1) C 2) C 3) B 4) D 5) C 6) D 7) B T  2.00 
8) A 9) D 10) A 11) C 12) C 13) D 14) C
 dg  dg max
15) A 16) C 17) A 18) C 19) B 20) D 21) C    2 /100 so
22) D 23) B 24) C 25) A 26) B  g max 10.0
27)A,B,C 28)A,B 29) B,C  so  dg max  0.2  max error in ' g '
30) A 31) A 32) A 33) B 34) C 35) B
so ' g '  10.0  0.2  m / s 2
36) A  R, B  P,S, C  Q, D  P
37) A  P,Q,S, B  R, C  P,, D  P,Q total time t dt
4. Here T   so dT 
total oscillation n n
38)C 3S9)D40) 0.5


g L T Emf 100
 2 i 2  Rrh  40
g L T R  Rrh 10  Rrh
In option (D) error in L  L  is minimum and
number of repetition of measurement are maximum pl pl
R  2
so dT will be less. So in this case, the error in g is A r
minimum. (1)
for cases ( p) R  2
X lo 1
5. initially slope  
W   r0   y0 
for case(q) R 
(2) 2
In second case:
 2l0  1 l0
for case(r ) R 
1/ 2  so Rr  R p  Rq
( slope)1   2
 (2r0 ) y0 2  r02  y0 1/ 2 
so slope will be valued, Ans. will be (C) and alope of i-v curve
6. Maximum permissible error in ‘Y’ due to error in i 1
  so sloper  slope p  slopeq
measuring l2 , r , x (If there is no tolerance in mass): v R
 q  line  3 , p  line  2 r  line 1
Y mg
 r2x dv 1 1
11. Dynamic rasistance R  di  di / dv  slope
If there is no tolarence in mass max permissible
error in Y is at Pointt. c, slope is min , So R is max
12. As ammeter has very low resistance most of current
 y  l0 r  x
   2  will pass through the ammeter so reading of
 y max l0 r x ammeter (i) will be very large.Voltmeter has very
7. Heat given by the sphere high resistance so reading of voltmeter will be very
=(1000) (1/2) (80-30)=25,000 cal
13. Due to high resistance of voltmeter, reading of
Heat absorted by the water calorimeter system
ammeter will be very low
=(900) (1) (40-30) + (200) (1/2) (40-30)
 dp   0.01   0.1   0.1   0.01 
=10,000 cal 14.    2    
 p  max  2.50   10.0   10.0   1.00   3.8%
So heat loss to surrounding =15,000 cal
 D 2 V (3.14)(2.00 103 )2  100.0 
8. l1  20.0 cm l1  0.1 cm 15. p
 
I 4  0.314 
 
 10.0 
l2  74.0 cm l2  0.1 cm and answer should be in three S.F
 f0 1 so p  1.00 104   m
f 0   340 HZ  1%   1% 
f0 100  dR
 i v
16.     
 R max i v
 dv   f 0 l2 l1
    0.1 0.1  dR 
  max f0 l2  l1   1.1%    2.41%
10.0 100.0  R  max
1 1 1
9. from the curve slope    R 25
v R 10 17.   R  100;
300 75
; R  10 R d 2
p  2.5  104   m
for second reading 4L

18. If R and S wave interchanged, Choice (d) is wrong and choice (c) is correct,
l  75 100  l  25 since for all vernier scales similar approach can
be used.
Balance point will be shifited by 5-25=50 cm
 3
R 33.7 R  33.7 18.2 28. For end correction e, l1  e  and l2  e 
4 4
19. S  100 33.7 
125/12 5 100 33.718.2
 v  v
solving get R  68.8  l2  l1   ,
2 2v 2  l2  l1 
1 1 1 1 1 1
20. u  v  f    "  f  5 cm So, choice (a) is correct and choice (d) is wrong
 10   10  f
 u v  Put   4  l1  e  and l2  e 
 df max   2  2  f 2 4
u v 
Then l2  e  3  l1  e 
0.1 0.1
max   2  2   52  0.05 cm
 df
 10 10  l2  3l1
l2  3l1  2e , e 
so, f   5  0.05  cm 2
21. G1 should acts as a voltmeter and G2 should act So, choice (b) is correct and choice (c) is wrong
as an ameter. 29. As zero on the circular scale is above refference
line, zero error is negative. Therefore zero
22. L.C.  1 M.S.D  1 V.S.D correction is positive.
 16   4 Passage-1
 1   M.S.D  1   1mm   0.2mm
 20   5
2 1 1 2  200 33  100  67   1 cm
R l Rl
23. X  48  2   10  52  1 30   R  R 
1 2 100  200
530 
R1l1  R2l2
 100 
100    200  67   100  1cm
X  10.6 R1  R2 100  200
0.5 ml R R 26  1 27
24. diameter  2.5   20 31. 100  l   300   300   100  26   1  75
50 eq

0.5 300  27
25. L.C   0.005mm  R  108
100 75
3 RP 10  0.1 0.2 0.3 
Y l 2  d  l  0.005 10  1 RP
 
7  2


7 
  ; l 0.25 10 3 50
Y l d
  d  2  0.005  10 3 1  0.05  0.04  0.04
2   7
d 0.5  10 3 50 10 1.3 ,
  0.13   0.18  0.2
  7 7
26. L  e   L  e
4 4 RP  1.4  0.2  
 16.4  12  15.2cm 32. If ballance point is firsthalf say l  40
27. Least count = 1 MSD - 1VSD = S-V
If ballance point is secondhalf say l  70
 n 1  S maximum permissible error in p: the specific resis-
 S  S  , nV   n  1 S 
 n  n  tivity of wire, from meter bridge is
It is also called vernier constantSo choices (a)  D2 S l
and (b) are correct. p
4 L 100  l


Assume that know resistance in RB(S),and total 1

length of wire is presicely known, then lets find 36: Dimensionally
maximum permissible error in p due to error in p m m refer to velocity of wave
due to error in measurement of l (Ballance length) (E.M) ; So,  A    R  .
and D(diameter of wire). Least count is defined as in (P) and (S)
S 
In p  In    2 In D  In l  In 100  l  So,  B    P  and (S), and  D    P  .
 4L 
for a sphere of radius  2.1  0.5  cm,
dp dD dl d 100  l 
2   r = 2.1 and r  0.5
p D l 100  l 
dD dl
 
dl The error is surface area  S  2 ,
D l 100  l r
S= 26.4 cm2.
 dp   D l l 37. Vernier constant is the least count of devices with
  2  
 p  max D l 100  l vernier scale. So,  A   P  and  Q  and  S  .
 dp  l l l 100 Micro - meter screw is similar to screw gauge
  due to error in l only is   
 max l 100  l l 100  l  with perpendicular distance being moved for
 dp  rotation. So,  B    R  .
  will be least when l 100  l  For travelling microscopes, the least count is 0.001
 p  max cm. It can be found using LC= 1MSD - 1 VSd
if max imum , i.e. l  50 cm
So,  C    P  and  Q  .
Passage-2 Cathetometer used for the finding vertical height
Solution:Let total current is I 0 . Then in circuit  a  uses a ; So,  D    P  and  Q  .
I0 i 38. Least
count= No.of circular scale divisions
So, less the pitch more will be the accuracy.
V So,Assertion is true and reason is wrong.
39. Assertion is false,since effective length is not al-
i  I0 tered.
R  RA  R V
V Reason is true since T  2  g
So  R  RA  Rmeasured
I So,choice (d) is correct.
in circuit (B) 40: The time period of a simple pendulum is given by
I0 i 2
A l 2 4 l 42l
T  2 orT  or g  2
g g T
As 4 and  are constants, maximum permissible
V g l 2T
error in g is given by  
g l T
V  i ' RV   i ; So Rmeasured  Here, l  0.1cm,l  1m  100cm, T  0.1s,T  50 s
R  RV R  RV
g 0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1 
To measure x , circuit (b) shsould be used, as    2   
g 100  50  100  25 
Rmeasured   R as R  R g  0.1 0.1 
R  RA A or  100      100  0.1  0.4  0.5%
g  100 25 


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