Haramaya University Haramaya Institute of Technolgy School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Haramaya University Haramaya Institute of Technolgy School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Haramaya University Haramaya Institute of Technolgy School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
We want to assured that this report exactly belongs to us. We have done a project during the
internship program and is included as part of this report. We were fully engaged to write this
report and also to perform our project. Except we have taken from reference materials all the
descriptions, recommendations are our own. Finally, we are intended to tell you this document is
a good indicator of how much effort we made to go steps forward in the practical world by
integrating it with the theoretical knowledge.
First of all, we would like to thanks our GOD, the most beneficent and merciful. We are very
happy to avail this golden opportunity of getting training at national cement share company, and
we would like to grateful and thankful to the HARAMAYA INSITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,
especially school of electrical and computer engineering that provided me this golden chance to
explore my skills, qualities, abilities and potentials through internship program and also, thanks
for all managers and employers of National cement share company specially ENG.Gebrehiwet
who is production manager of NCSC, ENG. Deseye, ENG. Melaku, ENG. Abay, ENG.
Mohamed, ENG. Khalid for their admired patient and genuine intention to teach us under great
motivation. Our advisor, Mr. Gechanu.A for his visiting and advising us in doing of our report.
In general, this report is a result of hand work of not a single person but a many persons have
added their volunteer services and their kindness to improve this report.
This document consists of the internship report that we have performed in the internship program
from June beginning to August beginning, 2021 G.C. It includes the background and overall
organization of our internship hosting company. The report includes our overall internship
experience, benefits and the challenges that we have been faced and the measures we have taken
to overcome those challenges and recommendations. Generally, the internship has helped us to
develop good social and communicational skills. We develop knowledge on how to
communicate with different class of employees (with the engineers, technicians and workers
from other department). The main raw material of the company and the role of each device found
in the company, like the main motors, protection of motors, transformer, PLC and sensors. The
report has written according to the given guidelines, and has everything about our internship
Table of Contents
DECLARATION ................................................................................................................................................ i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..................................................................................................................................... ii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................. iii
List of Figure ................................................................................................................................................. vi
List of Table ................................................................................................................................................. vii
List of Acronyms ......................................................................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1. BACKGROUND OF THE NATIONAL CEMENT SHARE COMPANY ............................................................ 1
1.1 Brief History of the Hosting Company ................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 Mission ......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.2 Vision............................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1.3 Values ........................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Main Products of the Cement Company............................................................................................. 3
1.2.1 Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) ................................................................................................. 3
1.2.2 Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) ............................................................................................... 4
1.3 Main Customers of the Company ....................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Overall Organization and Work Flow .................................................................................................. 6
1.5 Work Flow of the Company’s Production ........................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................................ 15
2. OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE..................................................................................................... 15
2.1 Section of the Company .................................................................................................................... 15
2.2 Work Piece or Work Tasks ................................................................................................................ 16
2.3 Techniques of Controlling and Protection Mechanism .................................................................... 17
2.3.1 Instrumentation (control) section.............................................................................................. 18
2.3.2 Types of sensor in the factory .................................................................................................... 18
2.3.3 Control device ............................................................................................................................ 23
2.3.4 Plant operation control system.................................................................................................. 26
2.4 Electrical (Power) Section ................................................................................................................. 28
2.4.1 Motor starting and protection methods .................................................................................... 28
2.5 Safety Mechanisms in Motor Starting Method ................................................................................ 35
2.6 Motor Winding Section ..................................................................................................................... 36
2.7 Types of Winding ........................................................................................................................ 37
2.8 Substation ......................................................................................................................................... 37
List of Figure
Figure 1: National Cement Entry ............................................................................................................................ 2
Figure 2: Products of National Cement, OPC .......................................................................................................... 4
Figure 3: Products of National Cement, PPC ........................................................................................................... 5
Figure 4: Quarry, raw material blasting area ......................................................................................................... 7
Figure 5: Raw material crusher area ...................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 6: Pre-homogenization and blending area .................................................................................................. 8
Figure 7: Proportion silos ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 8: Vertical Roller Mill................................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 9: Bag house and Homogenization silo ...................................................................................................... 10
Figure 10: Pre heater ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 11: Rotary kiln ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 12: Clinker silo and Cement grinding mill .................................................................................................. 13
Figure 13: Cement silos ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 14: Rotary packer ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 15: Inductive sensor .................................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 16: Thermocouple ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 17: Level sensor ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 18: Load cell .............................................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 19: Gas Analyzer ....................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 20: Vacuum circuit breaker ....................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 21: Solid relay ........................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 22: Limit switch ......................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 23: Central control room ........................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 24: Direct online starting ........................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 25: Forward reversing starting method ..................................................................................................... 30
Figure 26: Star delta starting method .................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 27: Liquid resistor starter (LRS) ................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 28: Soft starter .......................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 29: Variable frequency drive .................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 30: Main substation ................................................................................................................................. 38
List of Table
List of Acronyms
NCSC National Cement Share Company
PLC Programmable logic controller
DOL Direct on-line
VRM Vertical raw mill
VCM Vertical coal mill
LV Low voltage
DC Direct current
AC Alternating current
LRS Liquid resistor starter
VFD Variable frequency drive
KM1 Star contactor
KM2 Delta contactor
KM3 Main contactor
K1T Timer
KT Timer coil
KT3 Time delay auxiliary contactor
NO Normally open
NC Normally close
OPC Ordinary Portland cement
PPC Portland Pozzolana cement
U1, V1, W1 Primary terminal of motor
U2, V2, W2 Secondary terminal of motor
PLC Programming logic control
GC Gregorian calendar
The new National Cement Share Company was established in November 2005 through a joint
venture of East African Mining Corporation, the Federal Government of Ethiopia’s Privatization
& Public Enterprises Supervising Agency and others. Over the next few years, government
shares were bought out by East African Mining Corporation. Now the company is privately
owned share company.
After building the new cement factory, the company has boosted the production from 150 tons
per day to 400 tons per day, then after successive expansions made by the company is currently
producing 3000 tons’ clinker, or 80,000 bags of cement, per day [7].
1.1.1 Mission
To produce & distribute cement products that exceedingly meets customer requirements, by
adopting modern technology, qualified manpower and by ensuring eco-friendly and socially
accountable operation and thereby creating sustainable value for our stakeholders. We are
committed to delivering value for our customers, safe and empowering environment for our
employees, and superior returns to our shareholders [7].
1.1.2 Vision
To become the leading cement manufacture in the country and become exemplary in boosting
derived privately owned businesses in the region and in the country at large. To be the preferred
supplier of building materials in the region [7].
1.1.3 Values
Leadership - encourage innovation and empowerment.
This type of cement is produced from 95% clinker (produced by basalt, limestone& clay
materials) and 5% Gypsum additive ingredient.
Retail shops
The blasted & fragmented raw materials then transported to the crushing area, using dump
trucks. The transported quarry raw material is then delivered through chutes to the crushers,
where its size is reduced by crushing or pounding to chunks approximately 10 to 20mm in size
(for limestone). There are different types of crashers to crush those different raw materials
(limestone crasher, coal crasher, gypsum crasher& pumice crusher).
3. Proportioning raw material. This process is done after the materials are put into a storage
in which each of the raw materials are transported separately to the proportion silos,
where the raw materials later will be added in specific amounts to the Vertical Roller Mill
according to the particular type of cement being produced.
4. Raw material mill. This process takes places using Vertical Roller Mill (VRM), in which
the proportioned material from the proportion silo will enter to the VRM, which grinds
the material through the pressure exerted by three conical rollers which roll over a turning
milling table. Then the grinded fine raw mixture is sucked by the use of suction fan.
The sucked fine raw material from the VRM will be trapped inside the Bag house, which then be
transported to Homogenization Silo by air slide and bucket elevator conveying system. Then raw
homogenization process takes place in silos equipped for obtaining a homogenous mix of the material.
but below its melting point, to bring about thermal decomposition. In the preheated
section the material is heated at high temperatures and it’s to then reach about 1000oC.
The heating process is not complete yet; the high temperature degree raw material then
enters to a Rotary Kiln. Inside the rotary kiln the raw material is transformed into clinker,
by heating it at 1400oC: clinker is small, dark gray nodules 3-4 centimeters in diameter.
The heating process is not complete yet; the high to raw material then enters to a Rotary Kilns.
Inside the rotary kiln the raw material is transformed into clinker, by heating it at 1400Oc.
6. Clinker leaves from the outlet end of the kiln (pre-cooling zone) at a temperature of 1200
C ̊ -1250 C ̊ entering to cooler. The hot clinker was dumped in the open storage yard for
cooling. The cooler using 3 fans to cooling. The purpose of cooling is not only to cool the
clinker, but also to recuperate heat and return into the kiln in the form of secondary to
keep the overall kiln fuel consumption to a minimum. The clinker leaving the cooler
should be cool enough to avoid damage to handling by deep bucket conveyor (DBC).
Cooled clinker can also be beneficial to cement mill efficiency by reducing the possibility
of overheating. They are different types of cooler, but NCSC uses great cooler type.
Great cooler is cross flow heat exchange through clinker bed with cold air. The clinker
cooler cools the hot granular mass of clinker by quenching air into it bringing the
temperature down to 100ºC. Conveyors (by chain conveyor) transport then the cooled
clinker to the clinker silo.
7. After the clinker is stored in big silos, it then transported to a cement grinding mill
(Figure. 12), which may be located in different place to the clinker plant. Gypsum
(calcium sulphates) and possibly additional cementations (such as blast furnace slag, coal
fly ash, natural Pozzolana, etc.) or inert materials (limestone) are added to the clinker. All
constituents are ground leading to a fine and homogenous powder. The cement is then
stored in silos before being dispatched either in bulk or bagged.
8. The grinded cement from the cement mill is then housed in storage silos. There are four
storage silos in our company which are used to store OPC and PPC in different silos.
From where it is hydraulically or mechanically extracted and transported to where it will
be packaged in sacks or supplied in bulk. In either case, it can be shipped by rail car,
freighter truck.
There is rotary packing mechanism in the packing there are two proximity sensors one for
starting the motor and feed the sacks and the other one to off the motor and left the sack to the
transport belt. And there is PLC controllers which have an input of load cell and weight range of
45-60kg feedback which sated at 50 kg.
And us, we had been exploring new machineries that we haven’t learnt before, and to have many
opportunities to be practically a bled student. During the internship, we are expected to improve
our practical, theoretical, interpersonal communications, team playing, entrepreneurship and
leader ship skills, understanding about work ethics related issues and responsibility, and also to
observe a certain problems and suggest recommendations and propose a project on it.
In our two months’ period of internship, we are working in different section depending up on
our theoretical knowledge and our experience we have before, in order to develop our
practical knowledge by guided by company supervisors. As we are electrical engineering we
are working in the engineering department within our related course. For those two months
we are working on inspection of each motors found in
Crusher area
Cement Mill and packing area
Kiln, VRM and VCM area
In this area there are crushers for grinding raw materials, which are limestone & basalt crusher,
coal crusher, and gypsum & rhyolite crusher. This area also contains machines for pre-
homogenization and blending processes, which are bridge declaimers and suspended boom
On those machineries there were different motors are used to running the process of crushing the
raw material such as rock, claim, and other materials.
Those three areas are the last areas of the cement production in the company. After finishing the
crusher area our company supervisor has assigned us to work around this area to check their
motor for different types of machines available at this area. Those machines are very huge
especially the rotary kiln which is used to heat and melt the grinded raw materials to high
3. Kiln, VRM (Vertical Roller Mill) and VCM (Vertical Coal Mill) area inspection
These two huge machineries are also known by the company’s workers as the two kidneys of the
company. They have given this name to them because the company will not run production of
cement if they are not operating in a healthy manner. So inspection of motors and maintenance
processes in those areas take serious attentions and high level of manpower especially skilled
workers or engineers. After kiln, cement mill and packing area we are working on this station for
checking of their motors. For our half of internship time we are working on inspection of the
motors for each area as we are describing above.
For the second round after finishing the inspection we are working and observing the overall
mechanisms of national company’s controlling, starting, protection, and rewinding process and
understand all process.
a. Inductive sensor: -is an electronic proximity sensor which detects metallic objects without
touching them. In NCSC there is in belt conveyor of non-drive end and bucket elevator.
b. Capacitive sensor: - is also an electronic proximity sensor which detects metallic object by
touching them. In NCSC there is in kill area cooler system for hydraulic system.
c. Temperature sensor: - an analog temperature sensor is pretty easy to explain it’s a chip
that tells you what the ambient temperature. There is k-type temperature sensor in NCSC.
current through them, they produce output voltage that increase linearly with
Bearing temperature
Winding temperature of big motors
Low temperature process parameter
In NCSC this level sensor is most often used in raw mill and cement silos. Up on the indication
of these sensors the diverters of the silos will change the way of the feed of the silos.
e. Speed sensor: - Speed sensor is widely used for measuring the output speed of a rotating
object. There are many types using different principle and most of them produce an
electrical output.
Tachometer: -There are two types, AC, and DC. The AC type generates a
sinusoidal output. The frequency of the voltage represents the speed of rotation.
The frequency must be counted and processed. The DC type generates a voltage
directly proportional to the speed. Both types must be coupled to the rotating
body. Very often the tachometer is built into electric motor to measure their
f. Pressure transmitter: - This is a device which senses the pressure and accordingly
transmit electrical signal in the form of current. Normally it is powered with 24v dc and
its current varies between 4 ~ 20 mA with respect to pressure. Pressure transmitters are
available in different ranges. Depending up on the range, it can be calibrated accordingly.
For example: If a pressure transmitter range is 0 ~ 10 bar Then at 0 bar it will give 4 mA
and at 10 bar it will transmit 20 mA.
g. Load cell: -Load cell is a sensor which is used for measurement of weight. It is
connected to weighing indicator for display of load. Depending upon capacity, load cells
are available in different weighing ranges.
amount of each gas. And the gasses are measured through the sample taking pipe. The
gasses inside the kiln are
NO (nitrogen monoxide): we measured NO to know the final temperature of
the kiln, whether it’s good or not. When the NO inside the kiln becomes
higher and higher, the temperature becomes good.
CO (carbon monoxide)
O2 (oxygen)
Here the sample taken through the pipe needs to be cooled, b/c it has a hot temperature. Some
parts of the system are;
Cooling system of the sample taking pipe:- The pipe has two tubes inside; the sample taking
tube and the oil tube so here the cooling system done by oil.
How it operates?
Its operation is a circulation type (which is rotation). The oil gets into the pipe and cools the hot
sample and gets back into the refrigerator (to make it cool) and it repeats this flow again and
Flow sensor: The flow of the oil is controlled by flow sensor which has an indicator
on it.
Level indicator: indicates the amount of oil we have in the tanker.
Thermocouple (temperature sensor): sense the temperature of the oil.
Fan: is used when temperature of the oil becomes higher. It does not work in all
times; it works only when the temperature gets higher.
When the contacts of the breakers are opened in vacuum, an arc is produced between the
contacts by the ionization of metal vapors of contacts. However, the arc is quickly extinguished
because the metallic vapors, electrons and ions produced during arc rapidly condense on the
surface of the circuit breaker contacts, resulting in quick recovery of dielectric strength.
The salient feature of vacuum as an arc quenching medium is that as soon as the arc is produced
in vacuum, it is quickly extinguished due to the fast rate of recovery of dielectric strength in
Push buttons: Are a switch activated by finger pressure. Two or more contacts open or close
when the button is depressed. Pushbuttons are usually spring loaded so as to return to their
normal position when pressure is removed.
Solid relay: The Solid State Relay provides a high degree of reliability, long life and
reduced electromagnetic interference (EMI), (no arcing contacts or magnetic fields),
together with a much faster almost instant response time, as compared to the conventional
electromechanical relay.
Also the input control power requirements of the solid state relay are generally low enough to
make them compatible with most IC logic families without the needfor additional buffers, drivers
or amplifiers. However, being a semiconductor device they must be mounted onto suitable heat
sinks to prevent the output switching semiconductor device from overheating.
Limit switch: Is a low- power snap-action device that opens or closes a contact,
depending up on the position of a mechanical part. Other limit switches are sensitive to
pressure, temperature, liquid level, direction of rotation, and so on.
Emergency switches
Pull rope switch: - Pull rope switches provide a system to isolate the power to conveyor
system and other process equipment in event of an emergency. Pull rope switches are actuated by
a plastic coated steel wire rope placed along-side the conveyor. Pulling on the rope at any point
Drift switch: - like pull rope switch it provide a system to isolate the power to conveyor system
and turning of the belt from the conveyor frame will trip and automatically lock the switches, de-
energizing the conveyor starts contactor.
For expansion of the network or to add new machine in plant used IM(interface module) also
expansion of input module output module used IM module.
Central processing unit (CPU) inter connected by communication processor (CP) module threw
rack or bus for inter connection of IM with CP used DP cable.
CP inter connected with industrial Ethernet switch connected by optical fiber cable then the data
transfer into server room from server room to server and slave computer transfer data by coaxial
In DCS there is one server computer in engineering station to modification and programming
also in central control room (CCR) 6 operation station computers for operation purpose or only
for run time control.
The kind of load driven is also important in the choice of starting system.
There are five different motor starting methods
Direct on-line start (DOL)
Forward reverse start
Start-delta start
Frequency converter
Soft starter
Liquid resistance starter(LRS)
1. Direct on-line starter (DOL)
This is the simplest mode for motor starting, and this mode has the following
Circuit breaker
Electromagnetic contactor
Overload relay
Push buttons
The power of the motor is low compared to that of the mains, which limits interference
from inrush current.
The machine to drive does not need to speed up gradually nor has a damping device to
limit the shock of starting.
The starting torque can be high without affecting machine operation
3. Star-delta starting
The objective of this starting method, which is used with three-phase induction motors, is to reduce
the starting current. In starting position, current supply to the stator winding is connected in star(Y)
for starting. In the running position, current supply is reconnected to the winding in delta one the
motor has gained speed normally low voltage motors over 3KW will be dimensioned to run at either
400V in delta connection or at 690V in star Y connection. The flexibility provided by this design can
also be used to start the motor with a lower voltage. Star delta connections give a low starting current
of only about one third of that found with direct-on-line starting. Star-delta starters are particularly
suited for high inertias, where the loads are initiated after full load speed.
5. Soft starter
A motor soft starter is a device used with AC electrical motors to temporarily reduce the load
and torque in the power train and electric current surge of the motor during start-up. A soft
starter continuously controls the three-phase motor’s voltage supply during the start-up phase.
This way, the motor is adjusted to the machine’s load behavior. Mechanical operating equipment
is accelerated smoothly. Service life, operating behavior and work flows are positively
influenced. Electrical soft starters can use solid state devices to control the current flow and
therefore the voltage applied to the motor. They can be connected in series with the line voltage
applied to the motor, or can be connected inside the delta (Δ) loop of a delta-connected motor,
controlling the voltage applied to each winding. Solid state soft starters can control one or more
phases of the voltage applied to the induction motor with the best results achieved by three-phase
control. Typically, the voltage is controlled by reverse-parallel-connected silicon-controlled
rectifiers (thyristors), but in some circumstances with three-phase control, the control elements
can be a reverse-parallel-connected SCR and diode.
Direct online control system In bag filter, oil station etc. It reduces cost simple
starting system used for
small motor
DC Converter starting system DC motor for kiln drive Used for conversion of ac
to dc and for motor drive
Convertor starting system Used for weight feeder and For variable speed starting
(VFD) AC variable speed motors control system
2.8 Substation
The substation of national cement is a station in the power transmission system at which electric
power is transformed to a conveniently used form. The station may consist of transformers,
switches, circuit breakers and other auxiliary equipment. Its main function is to receive energy
transmitted at high voltage from the generating station. For national cement S.C incomer power
are 132kv, 50 Hz and 31.5MW to main substation. The main transformer on substation step
down the incoming power from 132KV to 6.3 KV distribute to every room which have MV
panel & every electrical room have external transformer to step down 6.3KV to 400V which is
connect to switch gear (control panel) & to sub panel (LV panel). Every panel have voltage
transformer step down from 6.3KV to 100V used to measuring, monitoring and protection.
2.8.1 Isolator
A mechanical switching device, which opens or closes the electrical circuit under no-load
condition for safety, isolation and maintenance. An isolator is capable of opening and closing
a circuit when negligible current is broken or made.
It is also capable of carrying current under normal circuit condition.
Active power(P): -The actual amount of power being used or dissipated in a circuit.
Reactive Power(Q): - Reactive loads such as inductive and capacitors dissipate zero power, but
they drop voltage and draw current.
Apparent power(S): -the combination of reactive and active power and it is a product of
circuit’s voltage and current, without reference to phase angle.
S=P+ jQ
Capacitor Bank: -is merely a grouping of several capacitors of the same rating.
It is used for power factor correction.
It is used for the reduce of reactive power.
It is also used for store electrical energy
Power factor correction
In an electric power system, a load with a low power factor draws more current than a load with
a high power factor for the same amount of useful power transferred. The higher current
increases the energy lost in the distribution system, and requires larger wires and other
equipment. Because of cost larger equipment & wasted energy, electrical utilities usually charge
a higher lost to industrial or commercials customers if there is a low power factor or if it is less
than 0.95. Linear loads with low power factor (such as induction motors) can be connected with
passive network of capacitors or inductors. Non-linear loads such as rectifier, distort can current
drawn from the system. In such case active or passive power factor correction may be used to
counter act the distortion& raises the power factor.
Not only will power factor correction capacitors save your money they will also:
Reduce heat loss of transformers& distribution equipment.
Prolong the life of distribution equipment.
Stabilizes voltage level.
Increases your systems capacity.
Compressor stations: those stations are composed of high pressure air compressors.
While in operation they create high amount of sound which can threaten the hearing
system, hence on load inspection process is difficult to accomplish.
2. Lack of heavy duty lifting equipment is another issue. When performing a task involving huge
machineries lifting equipment should be available, for easy and fast process and saving energy.
But in this company lifting is done with bare hands and using chain blocks those places it is
available, those techniques are energy consuming and time taking and should be considered for
3. There is no preventive maintenance process available in the company. This means there is
only corrective or shut down maintenance processes have been followed by the company. This
process is not acceptable for huge industries like ours, since shutting down machines for a
specified period of time will cause some profit decrement and minimizes the company’s
production capacity for the downtime of machines.
4. The other challenge we have faced was, the lack of safety equipment provided especially for
internship students as they were not given by the company. The only safety equipment provided
were helmets, other safety equipment like safety shoes, eye glasses and hand gloves were not
provided by the company. This problem made us not to participate in some inspection of motors
due to safety issues.
For the environmental problems we recommend the company to provide some safety and
protective equipment for the workers that work in the places like Kiln area, Compressor
stations, and Crusher area. This equipment includes ear plugs, dust masks and safety
For the tool shortage problem, the mechanics should take every necessary tool for
operation. And if possible, they should take the machines to be maintained to the
workshop where every tool is available and comfortable place to work.
The lifting machine absence problem we have designed an easy one operator controlled
heavy lifting machine have been considered for design in the next section of this
internship report paper. The lifting machine will be able to handle heavy machines and
machine components which couldn’t be handled by manpower.
Preventive maintenance policy should be main priority for the company. This means
instead of maintaining machineries when they fail, the company should provide
continuous assessment and inspection programs for those machines. Since corrective
maintenance is costlier than preventive maintenance, it should be minimized and
preventive type maintenance should be considered as major priority for the company,
hence preventive maintenance will increase the life time of machineries. Therefore, we
recommend the company to follow this trend instead of the old ones.
Those machines were present in the company and we got a chance to see them and know about
their working principles. The information and working principles of those machines were
gathered from the company’s Design and Documentation Office. So this internship program has
helped us to upgrade our theoretical knowledge and made us to be familiar with new machineries
from the company.
In general team playing is an activity involving of leading a specified team for better
achievement and goal which make the company or that specific task to be profitable. In team
playing we performed in the company, we were able to do things in team by division of tasks for
easy and fast doing of some specified task. Since this skill involves in working with other
peoples, we should expect new ideas and comments to perform specified task, so listening and
accepting new ideas and corrections is a big deal while working in a team. Other criteria are
working peacefully and politely with other team members for a better collaboration.
In our internship period we were able to develop a lot of team playing skill since many work
tasks we involved in were done with other students and company workers. We were able to work
in a team, by developing this skill we were able to:
Listen to each other with team mates (high level of communication skill had been
Accepting new ideas and criticism.
Working with other workers with harmony and peacefully.
Developing high level of problem solving capacity.
All in all, general skills such as; good communication, concentration, fast decision making, self-
confidence and a wellbeing feeling are important for all team members to engage profitable
work. For instance, during our project work we notice that team playing skill is very crucial,
because in our company any work or problems are accomplished with the co-operation of each
other. This situation helps us to develop a team playing skill, since we were one of the members
of the company.
So in our internship experience we understood the leadership skills and some of them are:
Ordering workers in a polite manner
Making decision based on the facts and positive grounds
Accepting other’s ideas and positive criticism
Having a self confidence
Being open minded person
The ability to begin every work task with a plan
The ability to handle stress
Willingness to take responsibilities
Initiative to work
The ability to finish work in a given time
Having a good self-discipline
Personal ethics
These principles of personal ethics are values which are expected to be possessed by all
individual in their life, and contribute a lot for a smooth interaction among individual and
peaceful coexistence of a society. What we gained in the company concerning personal ethics
Compliant to the law
Concern for the well-being of the other
Refusing to take up unfair advantage
Doing good
Professional ethics
Professional ethics refers to the standards or a set of moral Principle for regulating behavior of a
certain defined profession. In order to consider that an activity to be a profession, it should be
carried out by one who has advanced education, knowledge, and skills. Thus for developing
health working environment and increase productivity, ethical work conduct is important
The following are some of the professional ethics what we gained during our internship period.
Punctuality -means keeping the companies work beginning and ending time and to complete a
given task within the given time.
Office discipline- in work place you do not have to disturb the working atmosphere for example
abstains from opening loud voice, loud music, songs and others which may disturb.
Reliability - the worker should be qualified for the task he /she is supposed to perform. He/she
must have appropriate skill and knowledge for the task assigned.
Honesty– regarding this value each worker regardless of its status should abstain from bad
behaviors such as cheating, bias, corruption etc.
Cooperation- each worker should be interacting and cooperate with each other while working.
That is because it is through such system problems could be easily solved.
Industrial psychology
In industries profitability paves the way for growth and keeps a business competitive. However,
profitability is often dependent on multiple factors:
1 A good product
2 Teams that communicate well
3 Employees who are motivated
4 Workers who are well trained and committed to the company goals.
A success is also tied to a business ‟ ability to identify and resolve workplace issues at both the
individual and organizational level.”
Generally, in our two-month experience we had a chance to highly upgrade our theoretical and
practical knowledge, not only that, we had also changed our behaviors around work areas and we
became ethically well-developed students. We improved our personal and professional ethics
while working with the company’s workers. So it has been a great place to learn the ability to be
fit for any industries and other huge workplaces.
ability has been grown from time to time since the beginning of the internship program, since we
were afraid to approach to the workers and ask them about the machines and some information
about the company.
Interpersonal communication helps workers to be able to work together and support each other
through many things in life; it also includes listening and accepting others thought and being
open minded. In the two-month period we have got a lot of knowledge apart from the practical
skill, for example we know how to communicate and contact with our supervisor and other
company’s officials.
Generally, we have gained a good practical knowledge the filled of industrial process control,
electrical maintenance and electrical power distribution and we have become more familiar with
different kinds of electrical equipment’s and tools that are used in the working process. And
somehow we have seen the working environment, so that we will prepare ourselves for future
mentally and emotionally.
On the other hand, it is the first time in our life to involve formally and deeply in the practical
areas and for a long time we were just learning something theoretically and it is somehow
difficult to visualize and time consuming to understand. But this internship program has helped
us well to understand those concepts more easily than the formal way of learning.
4.2 Recommendation
1. [1] automatic coil winding machine by sundar ganesh ccs*.
2. Austin Hughes “Electrical Motor and Drives: fundamentals”, type and application
3. V,B. Bhandari, “ Design of machine Elements” Motor”
4. From NCSC technicians
5. www.plc tutor.com
6. www.siemens.com
7. Basic electrical machine NCSC company manual