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Vivekanand College, Kolhapur (Autonomous) : Bridge Course Syllabus

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"Education for Knowledge, Science and Culture"

- Shikshanmaharshi Dr. BapujiSalunkhe

Shri Swami Vivekanand Shikshan Sanstha's



Bridge Course Syllabus

Sr. No. Subject Total Clock

1 Physics 15
2 Chemistry 15
3 Mathematics 15
4 Electronics 15
5 Statistics 15
6 Botany 15
7 Zoology 15
8 Micro biotech 15
9 Computer Science 15
Subject :- Physics [15 Hours]
Unit I Mechanics [7]
Scalar quantity and vector quantities, Units and dimensions, Surface tension: definition
and unit, Moment of inertia, Elasticity: Elastic constants, Newton’s laws of motion, Viscosity:
streamline flow, turbulent flow, rate of flow, Center of mass, Center of gravity, Oscillations:
Types of ac, Reflection of light, Refraction of light, Interference, diffraction and polarization of
light, Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s law, Coulomb’s law, Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, Self inductance,
Mutual inductance, Resonance of electric circuit, Stationary waves, Kinetic energy, Potential
energy, work done, conservation laws, Kepler’s laws, Newton’s law of gravitation,
Unit II Heat and thermodynamics [8]
Thermodynamic system, Thermodynamic state, Thermodynamic variables,
Thermodynamic equilibrium, 1st law of Thermodynamics, Assumptions of Kinetic theory of
gases, mean free path phenomenon, perfect gas equation, Vanderwaal’s equation of state,
Radioactive elements, law of radioactive decay, half life and average life of radioactive elements,
Properties of α, β and γ radiation, Definition of nucleolus, Periodic table, Postulates of Bohr’s
theory of H atom, Hydrogen spectrum, Semiconductor, p and n type semiconductor, p-n junction
diode, p-n-p and n-p-n transistor, rectifier, amplifier, photovoltaic effect, solar cell.

Subject :- Chemistry [15 Hours]

Physical Chemistry

Unit I State of Matter

1. The three states of matter 2. Intermolecular interaction 3.Hydrogen bonding 4. The gaseous
state 5.Boyle’s law, Charles law. 6. Gay Lussac’s law, Avogadro law 7. Kinetic theory -
molecular speeds 8. Liquid state 9. Vapour pressure 10. Surface tension 11.Viscosity.
Unit II Chemical Kinetics
1. Rate of reaction 2. Effect of concentration of reactant on rate of reaction. 3.Molecularity of
elementary reactions 4.Effect of Temperature on rate of reaction (Arrhenius equation) 5.Effect of
catalyst on rate of reaction.
Unit III Thermodynamics
1. Types of system, properties of system, state and state function, types of processes 2. Nature of
heat and work. 3.Internal Energy 4. 1st, 2nd and 3rd laws of thermodynamics 5. Enthalpy
6.Enthalpies of physical changes. 7.Thermochemistry 8.Spontaneous process.

Inorganic chemistry
Unit I Structure of Atom
Quantum number - i) Principal quantum number ii) Azimuthal quantum number iii) Magnetic
quantum number iv) Spin quantum number, Shape of orbitals - a) s – orbital b) p – orbital c) d
– orbital a) Aufbau principle b) Pauli’s exclusion principle c) Hund’s rule.
Unit II Periodic table
Periodic trends in properties of Elements - a) Atomic radius b) Ionization potential c)
Electronegativity d) Ionic radius e) Density.
Unit III Nature of chemical bonds
1) Ionic bond 2) Covalent bond 3) Co-ordinate bond 4) Hybridization – sp,sp2, sp3, sp3d2 5)
VSEPR Theory – Rules, e.g.- NH3, H2O, CF3

Organic Chemistry
Unit I Fundamentals of Organic Reaction Mechanism
1. Substrate, Reagents, Reactive intermediates –Formation and stability of Carbocation,
Carbanion, and Carbon free radical 2. Types of Reagents- Electrophiles and Nucleophiles
3.Curved arrow notations, cleavage of bond-homolytic and heterolytic cleavage 4. Resonance
effect, Inductive effect, Mesomeric effect and Steric effect 5.Types of reactions- Addition,
Elimination, Substitution,and Rearrangement.
Concept of Aromaticity- Huckel’s rule, classification of aromatic compounds, Heterocyclic
Reactivity and orientation, Electrophilic and Nucleophilic substitution reactions.
Unit II Hydrocarbons
1. Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes - Preparation methods and Chemical reactions. 2. Preparation
methods and Chemical properties of aldehydes, ketones, esters, ethers, halides, alcohols and
Unit III Stereochemistry of Organic compounds
1. Optical isomerism, Geometrical isomerism and conformational isomerism.
2. R and S nomenclature, E and Z nomenclature.
Unit IV Biomolecules
1. Amino acids, Proteins, and Carbohydrates - Classification structures and Functions.
2. Nucleic Acids- DNA, RNA- Types, Structure and Functions.
Unit V Name Reactions
Clemmenssen’s reduction, Aldol condensation, Wolf –Kishner reduction, Cannizzaro reaction,
Rosenmund reduction, Wurtz reaction, Kolbe’s reaction, Gabriel Phthalimide synthesis,
Hoffmann bromamide degradation, Gatterman-Koch reaction, Reimer-Tiemann reaction.

Subject :- Mathematics [15 Hours]

Unit I Tracing of Curves and Its Rectification [ 10 ]
Introduction, Definition of Terms: Tangents, Normals, Curvature, Asymptotes, Singular Points,
Procedure for tracing of curve given in Cartesian form, Comman Curves, Some well known
curves , Parametric representation of curves and tracing of parametric curves , Polar
representation of curves and tracing of polar curves , Rectification of the curves , Length of the
arc of a curve given by y=f(x) , Length of the arc of the curve given by r=f(θ)
Unit II Mean Value Theorem and Indeterminate Forms [05]
Rolle’s Theorem, Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem ( L.M.V.T. ) , Cauchy’s Mean Value
Theorem ( C.M.V.T. )

Subject :- Electronics [15 Hours]

Unit I Circuit Analysis and Two Port Network: [08]

Concept of two port network, Introduction to network parameters, Star and Delta networks, Star-
Delta conversion, Millimans Theorem.
Unit II Voltage Regulators and Filters: [07]
Three Pin IC regulators: Block diagram, fixed and variable voltage regulator ICs. Study of IC
LM358, Concept of SMPS, Active low pass and high filters.
Subject :- Statistics [15 Hours]

Unit I Statistical Methods: [2]

Definition and scope of Statistics, concepts of statistical population and sample. Data:
quantitative and qualitative, attributes, variables, scales of measurement- nominal, ordinal,
interval and ratio. Presentation: tabular and graphical, including histogram and ogives.
Unit II Descriptive Statistics: [2]
Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis,
Theory of Attributes.
Unit III Bivariate data: [2]
Definition, scatter diagram, simple, partial and multiple correlations (3 variables only), rank
correlation. Simple linear regression, principle of least squares.
Unit IV Probability: [3]
Introduction, random experiments, sample space, events and algebra of events. Definitions of
Probability – classical, statistical and axiomatic. Conditional Probability, laws of addition and
multiplication, independent events, theorem of total probability, Baye’s theorem and its
Unit V Random variables: [2]
Discrete random variables, p.m.f. and c.d.f., illustrations and properties of random variables,
Two dimensional random variables: discrete joint, marginal and conditional p.m.f and c.d.f.,
independence of variables.
Unit VI Mathematical Expectation and Generating Functions: [2]

Expectation of single and bivariate random variables and its properties. Moments, Conditional

Unit VII Some Standard probability distributions: [2]

Binomial, Hyper geometric, Poisson, Geometric, Negative binomial.
Subject :- Botany [15 Hours]

Unit I Biodiversity and its Conservation [2]

Plant biodiversity with respect to major groups of Plant kingdom, Plant taxonomy or Systematic
Botany. Importance and function of Taxonomy
Unit II Plant anatomy [2]
Study of tissues – a. Meristematic , b. Simple tissue- Parenchyma, Collenchyma and
Sclerenchyma, Complex Tissue – Xylem and Phloem
Unit III Cytology [2]
Types of cell and its Organization. (Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic), Mitosis and Meiosis
Unit IV Plant [4]
Mineral nutrition (a. Macronutrients b. Micronutrients), Photosynthesis and Respiration, (a)
Photosynthesis- Ultra structure of Chloroplast, Light and Dark reaction, ( b) Respiration – Types
- Aerobic and Anaerobic, Ultra structure of Mitochondria, Cellular, Respiration
Unit V: Plant Ecology [5]
Ecological factors – Abiotic and Biotic, Biogeochemical cycles –Nitrogen cycle and Water cycle

Subject :- Zoology [15 Hours]

Unit I General characters of following [4]
Kingdom Protista , Phylum Porifera, Phylum Cnidaria, Phylum Platyhelminthes, Phylum
Nemathelminthes, Phylum Annelida , Phylum Arthropoda , Phylum Mollusca, Phylum
Unit II General characters of following [3]
Pisces, Amphibia, Reptiles , Aves , Mammals

Unit III General Introduction of [4]

Integumentary system, Skeletal system, Digestive system, Respiratory system , Circulatory
system, Urinogenital system , Nervous system , Sense organs
Unit IV Brief account of Gamatogenesis, blocks to polyspermy [2]
Unit V Human placenta &function ,other types of placenta on the basis of histology [2]
Subject :- Microbiology [15 Hours]

Unit I [7]
Water Microbiology. Source of microorganism in water,Faecal pollution of water, Indicator of
Faecal pollution- E. coli, Routine bacteriological analysis of water,SPC ,Test for
Coliforms,Qualitative test Presumptive, Confirm, Completed test, Quantitative – MPN ,
Membrane filter techniques.
Unit II [8]
Milk microbiology, General composition of milk, Source of contamination of milk, Microbial
examination of milk – SPC and Dye reduction, Spoilage of milk – Change in color and flavor,
Subject :- Computer Science [ 15 Hours ]
Unit I Conditional Statements: if, if-else, nested if –else 5H
Looping: for, while, nested loops, else clause with while and for
Control statements: Terminating loops, skipping specific conditions( break,
continue, pass),Numeric Functions,String Manipulation
Lists: Creating a list, Displaying list(print()), Basic OperationIteration (for var in
list), Slicing, Updating(=) and deleting(del) element of a list. Compare (cmp()),
Maximum(max()) and minimum (min())), List Methods
Tuples (sequence of immutable objects) : Creating tuples(using () brackets)
and Deleting tuple(del), empty tuple, Displaying( print()), Basic Operation
Unit II Dictionaries – Concept of dictionary, Creating Dictionary ({Key:Value,…}), 5H
Values are mutable objects but keys are immutable object, Properties of
Dictionary keys, Basic Operation( Length (len()), Compare (cmp()) ), Dictionary
Functions: Defining Functions(def, name, arguments, : , function suite, return
statement), calling a function
Algorithm, Searching and Sorting – Searching(Linear, Binary) and sorting
techniques ( Bubble, Insertion, Merge ), Efficiency of algorithms
Python File Input-Output: Opening and closing file, Various types of file
modes, reading and writing to files
Unit III ER to The Relational Model ,Introduction to Functional Dependencies 5H
and Normalization –1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF
Relational Algebra: operations (selection, projection, set operations union,
intersection, difference, cross product, division, Joins –conditional, equi join and
natural joins),MySQL Joining Tables – inner join, outer join (left outer, right
outer, full outer),Database Protection: Security Issues, Threats to Databases,
Security Mechanisms, Role of DBA, Discretionary Access Control
MySQL – Stored functions, procedures, cursor, trigger, views (creating, altering
dropping, renaming and manipulating views)
Text books:
1) Charles Dierbach, Introduction to Computer Science using Python, Wiley, 2013
2) James Payne , Beginning Python: Using Python 2.6 and Python 3, Wiley India, 2010
P 3) Paul Gries , Jennifer Campbell, Jason Montojo, Practical Programming: An Introduction to
Computer Science Using Python 3, Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2/E 2014
Additional References:
1. Paul Gries , Jennifer Campbell, Jason Montojo, Practical Programming: An Introduction to
omputer Science Using Python 3, Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2/E 2014
2. Adesh Pandey, Programming Languages – Principles and Paradigms, Narosa, 2008
3. A. Lukaszewski, MySQL for Python: Database Access Made Easy, Pact Publisher, 2010

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