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Syllabus 2 SEM

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Communication Skills - ll

Unit I Communication as Process: Concept of Communication, Communication as a Process, Formal,

Informal and Intercultural communication, Barriers to Effective Communication and remedies,
Characteristics of Effective Communication [8Hrs]

Unit II Communication Efficiency: Concept of Non-verbal Communication, Elements of Non-verbal

Communication – Gestures, Postures, Facial-expressions, Gaze, Eye contact, and Space, Presentation
skills – Interviews, Group Discussion, Making presentations with Audio-visual aids, Electronic
Communication – Internet and Social media. [8Hrs]

Unit III Technical Documents: Definition, Types, Structure, Significant Features of: Resume Writing,
Report Writing, Proposal Writing, Dissertation, and Research Papers [8Hrs]

Unit IV Communication in Society and Workplace: Text 1 – Gender-inclusive Language Background,

Purpose, and Guidelines United Nations Gender-inclusive Language https://www.un.org/en/gender-

Text 2 – Cultural Diversity in India India: Unity in Cultural Diversity Introduction (P. xii – xviii)

Text 3 – The Matrix (1999) Genre: Movie (Science Fiction) Dir. The Wachowski Brothers

Engineering Chemistry – ll
Unit I Water treatment: Introduction, Hardness of water, Disadvantages of hard water, Water-softening-
Lime-Soda process, Ion exchanger polished water, Boiled-feed water, boiler problems-scale, sludge
priming and foaming, caustic embrittlement and corrosion. Fuels: Classification of fuels, Calorific values,
Comparison between solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, Bomb calorimeter, Calorific value of gaseous fuel,
Theoretical calculation of calorific value of a fuel, Wood, Coal, Analysis of coal, Natural Gas, Producer
gas, water gas, Non-Conventional sources of energy. [10Hrs]

Unit II Spectroscopic Techniques: Basic principles of spectroscopic methods. The use The use of various
spectroscopic techniques for the determination of structure of simple compounds. XRD, SEM and TEM.

Unit III Polymers: Basic concepts & Terminology, such as monomers, Polymers, functionality,
Thermoplastics, Thermosets, Linear, Branched, cross linked polymers etc. Different definitions of
molecular weight's viz. Mw, Mn, Mv and then determinations, Industrial applications of polymers.
General methods of synthesis of organics and their applications. [10Hrs]

Unit IV Nano Technology: Introduction, Properties, Synthesis and characterization of Nanomaterials,

Material self-assembly, Nanoscale materials and their applications. Biochemistry: Molecular basis of life,
study of macro molecules: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Nucleic acid. Metabolism, basic concepts and
design, Glycolysis citric acid cycle oxidative phosphorylation pentose phosphate pathway. [10Hrs]

Engineering Mathematics – II
Unit I Complex Analysis – I : Complex Numbers and Their Geometric Representation, Polar Form of
Complex Numbers. Powers and Roots, Derivative. Analytic Function, Cauchy–Riemann Equations.
Laplace’s Equation, Exponential Function, Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions. Euler’s Formula,
de’Moivre’s theorem (without proof), Logarithm. General Power. Principal Value.Singularities and Zeros.
Infinity, Line Integral in the Complex Plane, Cauchy’s Integral Theorem, Cauchy’s Integral Formula,
Derivatives of Analytic Functions, Taylor and Maclaurin Series. [10Hrs]

Unit II Complex Analysis – II: Laurent Series, Residue Integration Method. Residue Integration of Real
Integrals, Geometry of Analytic Functions: Conformal Mapping, Linear Fractional Transformations
(Möbius Transformations), Special Linear Fractional Transformations, Conformal Mapping by Other
Functions, Applications: Electrostatic Fields, Use of Conformal Mapping. Modeling, Heat Problems, Fluid
Flow. Poisson’s Integral Formula for Potentials [10Hrs]

Unit III Laplace Transforms: Definitions and existence (without proof), properties, First Shifting Theorem
(s-Shifting), Transforms of Derivatives and Integrals and ODEs, Unit Step Function (Heaviside
Function).Second Shifting Theorem (t-Shifting), Short Impulses. Dirac’s Delta Function. Partial Fractions,
Convolution. Integral Equations, Differentiation and Integration of Transforms. Solution of ODEs with
Variable Coefficients, Solution of Systems of ODEs. Inverse Laplace transform and its properties. Fourier
Analysis: Fourier Series, Arbitrary Period. Even and Odd Functions. Half-Range Expansions, Sturm–
Liouville Problems. Fourier Integral, Fourier Cosine and Sine Transforms, Fourier Transform. Usage of
fourier analysis for solution of ODEs. Inverse Fourier transform and its properties. [10Hrs]

Unit IV Partial Differential Equations (PDEs): Basic Concepts of PDEs. Modeling: Vibrating String, Wave
Equation. Solution by Separating Variables. Use of Fourier Series. D’Alembert’s Solution of the Wave
Equation. Characteristics. Modeling: Heat Flow from a Body in Space. Heat Equation:Solution by Fourier
Series.Steady Two-Dimensional Heat Problems. Dirichlet Problem. Heat Equation: Modeling Very Long
Bars.Solution by Fourier Integrals and Transforms. Modeling: Membrane, Two-Dimensional Wave
Equation. Rectangular Membrane. Laplacian in Polar Coordinates. Circular Membrane. Laplace’s
Equation in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. Potential. Solution of PDEs by Laplace Transforms.

Engineering Physics – ll
Unit I Quantum Mechanics: Introduction: Wave particle duality, de Broglie waves, the experiment of
Davisson and Germer, electron diffraction, physical interpretation of the wave function, properties, the
wave packet, group and phase velocity, the uncertainty principle . The Schrödinger wave equation (1D),
Eigen values and Eigen functions, expectation values, simple Eigen value problems – solutions of the
Schrödinger’s equations for the free particle, the infinite well, the finite well, tunneling effect, the
scanning electron microscope, the quantum simple harmonic oscillator (qualitative), zero point energy.

Unit II Quantum Statistics: The need for statistics , statistical distributions: Maxwell Boltzmann, Bose-
Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics, their comparisons, Fermions and Bosons, Applications of quantum
statistics: 1. Molecular speed and energies in an ideal gas; 2. The Black body spectrum, the failure of
classical statistics to give the correct explanations – Bose-Einstein statistics applied to the Black Body
radiation spectrum; Fermi-Dirac distribution, free electron theory, electronic specific heats, Fermi energy
and average energy; Dying stars.
Unit III Band Theory of Solids: Origin of energy bands in solids, motion of electrons in a periodic
potential – the Kronig–Penny model (Qualitative). Brillouin zones, effective mass, metals, semi-
conductors and insulators and their energy band structures. Extrinsic and Intrinsic semiconductors,
doping – Fermi energy for doped and undoped semiconductors, the p-n junction (energy band diagrams
with Fermi energy), the unbiased diode, forward and reverse biased diodes – tunnel diodes, zener diode,
photo diode its characteristics, LED

Unit IV The DNA double helix - molecules to life (qualitative)X – ray diffraction and crystallography as a
technique to determine structure: Basic principles and methodology.

Probability and Statistics for Engineers

Unit I Basics: Probability and Statistical models, Sample Spaces and Events, Counting Techniques,
Interpretations and Axioms of Probability, Unions of Events and Addition Rules, Conditional Probability,
Intersections of Events and Multiplicationand Total Probability Rules, Independence, Bayes’ Theorem,
Random Variables. Discrete and Continuous Random Variables andDistributions: Probability Distributions
and Probability Mass / density Functions, Cumulative Distribution Functions, Mean and Variance of a
RandomVariable, Discrete and continuous Uniform Distribution, Binomial Distribution, Geometric and
Negative BinomialDistributions, Hypergeometric Distribution, Poisson Distribution. Normal Distribution,
Normal Approximation to the Binomial, and Poisson Distributions; Exponential Distribution, Erlang and
Gamma Distributions, Weibull Distribution, Lognormal Distribution, Beta Distribution. [10Hrs]

Unit II

Joint Probability Distributions for Two RandomVariables, Conditional Probability Distributionsand

Independence, Joint Probability Distributions for Two Random Variables, Covariance and Correlation,
Common Joint Distributions, Linear Functions of RandomVariables, General Functions of Random
Variables, Moment-Generating Functions. Numerical Summaries of Data, Stem-and-Leaf Diagrams,
Frequency Distributions and Histograms, Box Plots, Time Sequence Plots, Scatter Diagrams, Probability
Plots. Point Estimation, Sampling Distributions and the Central LimitTheorem without proof, General
Concepts of Point Estimation, Methods of Point Estimation, Statistical Intervals for a SingleSample.

Unit III Hypotheses Testing for a SingleSample: Tests on the Mean of a Normal Distribution with
Variance Known / Unknown, Tests on the Variance and Standard Deviationof a Normal Distribution, Tests
on a Population Proportion, Testing for Goodness of Fit, Nonparametric tests (Signed, Wilcoxon),
Similarly Statistical Inference forTwo Samples. Regression and Correlation: Linear Regression, Least
Squares Estimators, Hypotheses testing for simple linear regression, Confidence Intervals, Adequacy of
model, Correlation, Transformed Variables, Logistic Regression. Similarly, for multiple linear regression
including aspects of MLR.

Unit IV ANOVA and Design of experiments: Designing Engineering Experiments, Completely Randomized
Single-Factor Experiment, The Random Effects Model, Randomized complete block design, Concept of
Factorial Experiments, Two Factor Factorial Experiments, General Factorial Experiments, 2k Factorial
Designs, Response Surface Methods and Designs. SQC: Quality improvement and Statistics, Control
Charts including 𝑋 and R or S charts, P and U charts, time weighted charts. [10Hrs]
Human Values and Ethics
Unit I Human Values: Morals, Values, Ethics, Integrity, Work ethics, Service learning, Virtues, Respect for
others, Living peacefully, Caring, Sharing, Honesty, Courage,Valuing time, Cooperation, Commitment,
Empathy, Self-confidence, Challenges in the work place, Spirituality [3Hrs]

Unit II Engineering Ethics: Senses of engineering ethics, Variety of moral issues, Types of inquiries, Moral
dilemma, Moral autonomy, Moral development (theories), Consensus and controversy, Profession,
Models of professional roles, Responsibility, Theories about right action (Ethical theories), Self-control,
Self-interest, Customs, Religion, Self-respect, Case study: Choice of the theory Engineering as
experimentation, Engineers as responsible experimenters, Codes of ethics, Industrial standards, A
balanced outlook on law, Case study: The challenger [3Hrs]

UnitIII Safety definition, Safety and risk, Risk analysis, Assessment of safety and risk, Safe exit, Risk-
benefit analysis Sefety lessons from ‘the challenger’, Case study: Power plants,Collegiality and loyalty,
Collective bargaining, Confidentiality, Conflict of interests, Occupational crime, Human rights, Employee
rights, Whistle blowing, Intellectual property rights. [4Hrs]

UnitIV Globalization, Multinational corporations, Environmental ethics, Computer ethics, Weapons

development, Engineers as managers, Consulting engineers, Engineers as expert witness, Engineers as
advisors in planning and policy making, Moral leadership, Codes of ethics, Engineering council of India,
Codes of ethics in Business Organizations [3Hrs]

Environmental Studies
Unit I Fundamentals:The Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies: Definition, components,
scope and importance, need for public awareness; Ecosystems: Concept, Structure and function of an
ecosystem, energy flow in ecosystems, food chain, food web, ecological pyramids, ecological succession;
Introduction to types, characteristics features, structure and function of different ecosystems including
forest, grassland, desert and aquatic ecosystem; Biodiversity: Introduction to biodiversity-definition,
genetics, species, ecosystem diversity, biogeographical classification of India, value of biodiversity-
consumptive uses, productive, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values, biodiversity at global, national
and local level, India as a mega diversity nation, endangered and endemic species of India, hot spots of
biodiversity, threats to biodiversity – habitat loss, poaching of wild life, man wildlife conflicts and
conservation of biodiversity- in-situ and ex-situ conservation. [16Hrs]

Unit II Renewable and Non-renewable Resources:Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable
and non-renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources-green fuel. Water Resources: Use
and over-u liza on of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams benefits
and problems Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, Timber extraction, mining,
dams and their effects on forest and tribal people, case studies Mineral resources: Use and exploitation,
environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources, case studies Food resources: World
food problems, changes caused by agriculture and over-grazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-
pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case studies Land resources: Land as a resource, land
degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification. Role of individual in conservation
of natural resources, Resource Management-Sustainable development. [8Hrs]
Unit III Environmental Pollution: (a) Air Pollution: Types of pollutants, source, effects, sink & control of
primary pollutants– CO, NOX, HC, SOx and particulates, effect of pollutants on man & environment:
photochemical smog, acid rain and global warming, CO2 Sequestration. (b) Water Pollution:
Classification of Pollutants, their sources, waste water treatment (domestic and industrial). (c) Soil
Pollution: Composition of soil, classification and effects of solid pollutants and their control. (d) Solid
Waste Management: Classification, waste treatment and disposal methods; compositing, sanitary land
filling, thermal processes, recycling and reuse methods. (e) Hazardous wastes - Classification,
radioactive, biomedical & chemical, treatment and disposal- Physical, chemical and biological processes.
(f) Marine Pollution: Causes, effects and control of marine pollution, coastal zone management (g)
Thermal pollution: Causes, effects and control of marine pollution, coastal zone management. Disaster
Management: Floods, earth quake, cyclone and landslides [8Hrs]

Unit IV Environmental Policies, Human Population and Environment Climate change, global warming,
acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents, case studies; Some important Environmental laws,
issues involved in enforcement of environment legislations, Green bench; carbon footprint, Montreal
and Kyoto Protocol, conservation of Biological Diversity, The Chemical Weapons Convention,
Environment Impact Assessment; population growth and variation among nations, Impacts on
environment and human health, human right, Tribal people and rights, Human and wildlife conflicts in
Indian context, Environmental ethics; Role of government and non government organizations in public
awareness and environment improvement. [13Hrs] Field work (equal to 5 hours) : visit to local areas to
document environmental assets, study of simple ecosystems, study and identification of common plants,
birds and insects.

Engineering Graphics-II
Unit I Section of Solids: Definition of Sectioning and its purpose, Procedure of Sectioning, Illustration
through examples, Types of sectional planes-application to few examples.

Unit II Isometric Projection: Classification of pictorial views, Basic Principle of Isometric projection,
Difference between isometric projection and drawing, Isometric projection of solids such as cube, prism,
pyramid and cylinder. Oblique Projection: Principle of oblique projection, difference between oblique
projection and isometric projection, receding lines and receding angles, oblique drawing of circle,
cylinder, prism and pyramid.

Unit III Perspective Projection: Principle of perspective projection, definitions of perspective elements,
visual ray method, vanishing point method. Conversion of 3D to 2D figures.

Unit IV Introduction to CADD: Interfacing and Introduction to CAD Software, Coordinate System, 2D
drafting: lines, circles, arc, polygon, etc., Dimensioning, 2-D Modelling, Use of CAD Software for
engineering drawing practices.

Programming in Python
Unit I Identifiers, keywords, statements & expressions, variables, operators, precedence & associativity,
data types, indention, comments, console I/O, type conversion. Control flow statements (if family; while
& for loops; continue & break statements), exception handling. Functions, command line arguments.
Unit II String management & usage, Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples & Sets. The operations on these data
structures. Filter, Map and Reduce Function,

Unit III Object Oriented Programming: Properties / attributes, methods, inheritance, class variables &
functions, static methods, delegation, abstract base classes, Generic function. File Handling.

Unit IV Numpy: Dtypes, Multidimensional Arrays, Slicing,Numpy Array & Memory, Array element-wise
operations, Numpy Data I/O, floating point numbers, Advanced Numpy dtypes. Pandas: Using series and
Dataframes, Indexing &Reindexing, Deleting and merging items, Common operations, Memory usage
and dtypes, Pipes, Displying dataframes, Rolling & Filling operations. Matplotlib: Setting defaults,
Legends, Subplots, Sharing Axes, 3D surfaces.

Introduction to Manufacturing Process

Unit I Definition of manufacturing, Importance of manufacturing towards technological and social
economic development, Classification of manufacturing processes, Properties of materials. Metal Casting
Processes: Sand casting, Sand moulds, Type of patterns, Pattern materials, Pattern allowances, Types of
Moulding sand and their Properties, Core making, Elements of gating system. Description and operation
of cupola. Working principle of Special casting processes - Shell casting, Pressure die casting, Centrifugal
casting. Casting defects. [10Hrs]

Unit II Joining Processes: Welding principles, classification of welding processes, Fusion welding, Gas
welding, Equipments used, Filler and Flux materials. Electric arc welding, Gas metal arc welding,
Submerged arc welding, Electro slag welding, TIG and MIG welding process, resistance welding, welding
defects. [10Hrs]

Unit III Deformation Processes: Hot working and cold working of metals, Forging processes, Open and
closed die forging process. Typical forging operations, Rolling of metals, Principle of rod and wire
drawing, Tube drawing. Principle of Extrusion, Types of Extrusion, Hot and Cold extrusion. Sheet metal
characteristics -Typical shearing operations, bending and drawing operations, Stretch forming
operations, Metal spinning. [10Hrs]

Unit IV Powder Metallurgy: Introduction of powder metallurgy process, powder production, blending,
compaction, sintering Manufacturing Of Plastic Components: Types of plastics, Characteristics of the
forming and shaping processes, Moulding of Thermoplastics, Injection moulding, Blow moulding,
Rotational moulding, Film blowing, Extrusion, Thermoforming. Moulding of thermosets- Compression
moulding, Transfer moulding, Bonding of Thermoplastics. [10Hrs]

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