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Lab 4

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University of Zakho

College of Engineering
Mechanical Department

Ex. Name:
Effect of forced convection

Name: Sarkaft Muhager Samad

Stage: 3rd Stage
Group: B
Date of Submitting: 27/10/2019
1. To determine the effect of forced convection on heat transfer from the surface
of a cylinder at varying air velocities and surface temperatures.
2. To demonstrate the relationship between air velocity and surface temperature
for a cylinder subjected to forced convection.

The HT14C Combined Convection and Radiation accessory consist of:
Electrical heater.
a. Electrical motor with centrifugal fan.
b. Axial Fan inside the cylinder.
c. Anemometer to measure air velocity and flow.
d. Thermocouples to measure temperatures.
e. Cylindrical envelope to contain the above.
f. Throttle plate.
g. HT10XC Heat Transfer Service Unit.

In free/natural convection the heat transfer rate from a surface is limited by the
small movements of air which are generated by changes in the density of the air as
the air is heated by the surface. In forced convection the air movement can be
greatly increased resulting in improved heat transfer rate from a surface. Therefore
a surface subjected to forced convection will have a lower surface temperature
than the same surface subjected to free convection, for the same power input.

If a surface, at a temperature above that of its surroundings, is located in moving

air at the same temperature as the surroundings then heat will be transferred from
the surface to the air and the surroundings. This transfer of heat will be a
combination of forced convection to the air (heat is transferred to the air passing
the surface) and radiation to the surroundings. A horizontal cylinder is used in this
exercise to provide a simple shape from which the heat transfer can be calculated.

Note: Heat loss due to conduction is minimized by the design of the equipment
and measurements mid-way along the heated section of the cylinder can be
assumed to be unaffected by conduction at the ends of the cylinder. Heat loss by
conduction would normally be included in the analysis of a real application.

The heat transfer coefficients Hfm due to forced convection and Hrm due to
radiation can be calculated using the following relationships:
(𝑇𝑠4 − 𝑇∞4 )
ℎ𝑟𝑚 = 𝜎𝜀𝐹 𝑊 ⁄𝑚2 . °𝐾
𝑇𝑠 − 𝑇∞
𝜎 = Stefan Boltzmann constant = 5.67 ×10-8 W/m2. °K4
𝜀 = Emissivity of surface
𝐹 = Shape factor = 1

ℎ𝑓𝑚 = 𝑁𝑢𝑚 𝑊 ⁄𝑚2. °𝐾
k = conductivity of the air (𝑊 ⁄𝑚. °𝐾 )
D = diameter of the cylinder (m)
Num = Average Nusselt number (Dimensionless)
An empirical formula can be used to calculate the value for Num as follows:

From SW Churchill and M Bernstein "A Correlating Equation for Forced

Convection from Gases and Liquids to a Circular cylinder in cross flow". Journal
of Heat Transfer, 99:300-306 (1977).
Re = Reynolds number = Uc D/v (dimensionless)
Pr = Prandtl number for air (dimensionless)
Uc = Corrected air velocity (m/s)
Corrected air velocity Uc = 1.22 Ua (m/s)
(The cylinder causes a blockage in the duct resulting in a local increase in the air
Values for k, 𝑣 and 𝑃𝑟 depend on the temperature of the air and can be found
using the table included in the HT14C teaching manual.
The actual power supplied to the heated cylinder Qin = V I (W)

1. In this experiment we used two devices (HT10XC, HT14C).
2. HT10XC is a computer controlled service unit, which can be used in
conjunction with a range of small-scale accessories for a wide range of
demonstrations into the modes of heat transfer.
3. In the Armfield HT14 (or HT14C) Combined Convection and Radiation
unit, the heated surface studied is a horizontal cylinder which can be
operated in free convection or forced convection when located in the
stream of moving air. The cylinder is uniformly heated, and measurement
of its surface temperature as well as the electrical power supplied to it
allows the combined effects of radiation and convection to be compared
with theoretical values. The dominance of convection at lower surface
temperatures and the dominance of radiation at higher surface
temperatures can be demonstrated, as can the increase in heat transfer
due to forced convection.
4. We used two thermocouples (T9, T10)
a. Thermocouple T9 is connect in below of anemometer, T9 will be able to
measure the air flow temperature, it known as T∞ .
b. Thermocouple T10 is connecting in the top of HT14 module, T10 will be able
to measure the surface temperature of the heated cylinder, is known as Ts .
5. We will switch on HT10XC service unit, this device contains two system
remote and manual, in manual system we work by hands meaning we
increase and decrease voltage and we change it to determine current and
resistance. And remote system we use computer and all work we done in
computer and determine all things in computer.



Experimental procedure:-
In this experiment we need the Service unit and HT14 module. HT14 module is
actually a hollow cylinder with a fan on the bottom, with anemometer in the
middle, and the thermocouple in the middle, and a heater for the heated
cylinder, and one more thermocouple on the top.
2. So first, we connect the HT14 module to the Service unit by cable, this cable for
the heater is going to able to change the temperature of the cylinder connect to
the service unit.
3. Then we need to connect the anemometer to service unit, connect to 𝑈𝑎 mean
the velocity of the air. The anemometer in the middle and is going to be used to
measure the air flow velocity.
4. We have two thermocouples( 𝑇9 , 𝑇10) that connected between service unit and
HT14 module:
a. Thermocouple 𝑇9 is connect in below of anemometer to the 𝑇9 in the
service unit, 𝑇9 will be able to measure the air flow temperature, is also
the 𝑇∞ in calculation, in the formula.
b. Thermocouple 𝑇10 is connect in the top of HT14 module to the 𝑇9 in the
service unit, 𝑇10 will be able to measure the surface temperature of the
heated cylinder, is also the 𝑇𝑠 in calculation, in the formula.
5. Also we need to connect the Fan to the service unit on the backside.
6. Using computer, connect computer by a cable (USB) from HT10XC to
computer, and the device should be Remote. All data will write in excel file.
7. The HT14 module has been connected to the HT10XC service unit, then power
the service unit on.
8. First step, we need to turn on the fan.
9. We will going to use the voltage input for groups and each group have different
current. This voltage and current we will give by computer:
a. For group number one voltage input is going to be 5 volts.
b. For group number two voltage input is going to be 6.2 volts.
c. For group number three voltage input is going to be 10.1 volts.
10. We give the velocity in computer, velocity one meter per second for all groups.
11. After that we turn the knob to (T10, Ua , T9), and should the temperature value
become stable then measure them.
12. Finally, all data will write in excel file or we write in paper, we will put the data
to the calculation equation to measure the value of total heat transfer.

Results and Calculations
For this exercise the raw data is tabulated under the following headings:

You should also estimate and record the experimental errors for these
For this exercise the following constants are applicable:
Diameter of cylinder d = 0.01 (m)
Length of cylinder L = 0.07 (m)
For each set of readings the derived results are tabulated under the following

Compare the theoretical value obtained for Q tot with the measured value for Q in
and explain any difference in the two values.
Compare the calculated heat transfer due to forced convection Q f and radiation Q r .
Plot a graph of surface temperature T10 against corrected air velocity Uc . Your
graph should be similar to the diagram below:
Observe that the surface temperature of the cylinder reduces as the air velocity
increases for a fixed heat input Q in .
Observe that the surface temperature re


V I 𝑈𝑎 𝑇9 𝑇10
5 0.8 1 34.3 63.8
6.2 1 1 36.1 81.8
10.1 17 1 36.3 154.5

 Find value of (𝒗, 𝒌, 𝑷𝒓) at table (Properties of air at 1 atm

pressure), at temperature:
63.8 + 34.4
𝑇= = 49.1℃

𝒗 = 𝟏. 𝟕𝟖𝟗𝟑𝟔 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟓 𝒎𝟐 ⁄𝒔 𝒌 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟐𝟕𝟐𝟖𝟓𝟐 𝑾⁄𝒎. °𝒌 𝑷𝒓 = 𝟎. 𝟕𝟐𝟑𝟎𝟑𝟒

 Finding value of 𝐇𝐫𝐦 for all groups:

Ts = 63.8℃ T∞ = 34.4℃ ε = 0.95 F=1
σ = 5.67 × 10 W⁄m2 . °k4

(𝑻𝒔 𝟒 − 𝑻∞ 𝟒 )
𝑯𝒓𝒎 = 𝝈𝜺𝑭
(𝑻𝒔 − 𝑻∞ )
((63.8 + 273)4 − (34.4 + 273)4 )
Hrm = (5.67 × 10−8)(0.95)(1)
(63.8 − 34.4)
𝐇𝐫𝐦 = 𝟕. 𝟐𝟏𝟓𝟏 𝐖⁄𝐦𝟐 . °𝐤 No. Hrm
(W⁄m2 . °k)
1 7.2151
2 7.9184
3 11.0499
 Find area of cylinder:
D = 0.01m L = 0.07m
𝑨 = 𝝅𝑫𝑳
A = π(0.01)(0.07)
𝐀 = 𝟐. 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟏 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟑 𝐦𝟐

 Finding the value (𝐐𝐫 ):
hrm = 7.2151 W⁄m2 . °k A = 2.1991 × 10−3m2 No. 𝑄𝑟 (W)

𝑸𝒓 = 𝒉𝒓𝒎 𝑨(𝑻𝒔 − 𝑻𝒂 ) 1 0.46648

2 0.79579
𝑄𝑟 = (7.2151)(2.1991 × 10−3)(63.8 − 34.4)
3 2.872
𝑸𝒓 = 𝟎. 𝟒𝟔𝟔𝟒𝟖 𝑾

 First we will find value of (𝐔𝐜 ):

Ua = 1 m⁄s
𝑼𝒄 = 𝟏. 𝟐𝟐𝑼𝒂
Uc = 1.22(1) 𝐔𝐜 = 𝟏. 𝟐𝟐 𝐦/𝐬

 Next, we will find value of (𝐑𝐞):

Uc = 1.22 m⁄s , D = 0.01m , v = 1.78936 × 10−5
𝑼𝒄 𝑫
𝑹𝒆 =
Re = 𝐑𝐞 = 𝟔𝟖𝟏. 𝟖𝟎𝟖 𝐦𝟑 ⁄𝐬
1.78936 × 10−5

 Now we will find value of (𝐍𝐮𝐦 ):

Re = 681.808 m3 ⁄s Pr = 0.723034
(𝟎. 𝟔𝟐𝐑𝐞𝟎.𝟓 𝐏𝐫 𝟎.𝟑𝟑 ) 𝐑𝐞
𝐍𝐮𝐦 = 𝟎. 𝟑 + (𝟏 + ( ) )
𝟎.𝟔𝟔 𝟎.𝟐𝟓 𝟐𝟖𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟎
𝟎. 𝟒
(𝟏 + ( ) )

(0.62(681.808)0.5(0.723034)0.33 ) 681.808 0.5

Num = 0.3 + 0.25 (1 + ( ) )
0.4 0.66 282000
(1 + ( ) )

𝐍𝐮𝐦 = 𝟏𝟑. 𝟕𝟏𝟏𝟕𝟓

 Find value of (𝒉𝒇𝒎 ):
𝐾 = 0.0272852 𝑊 ⁄𝑚. °𝑘 Num = 13.71175 𝐷 = 0.01𝑚
𝐡𝐟𝐦 = 𝐍
𝐃 𝐮𝐦
hfm = (13.71175)
𝐡𝐟𝐦 = 𝟑𝟕. 𝟒𝟏𝟐 𝐖⁄𝐦𝟐 . °𝐤

 Finding the value (𝑸𝒇 ):

hfm = 37.412 W⁄m2 . °k A = 2.1991 × 10−3m2

𝑸𝒇 = 𝒉𝒇𝒎 𝑨(𝑻𝒔 − 𝑻𝒂 ) 𝑄𝑓 (W)

𝑄𝑓 = (37.412)(2.1991 × 10−3)(63.8 − 34.4) 1 2.4188
2 3.7598
𝑸𝒇 = 2.4188 𝑊
3 9.7246
 Find the total heat transfer (𝑸𝒕𝒐𝒕):

Q tot = Q fm + Q rm
No. 𝑄𝑡𝑜𝑡 (W)
Q tot = 2.4188 + 0.46648
1 2.8852
Q tot = 2.8852 𝑊 2 4.555

3 12.596

 Finding value (𝐐𝐢𝐧 ):

𝑸𝒊𝒏 = 𝐕 × 𝑰 V I 𝑸𝒊𝒏
𝑸𝒊𝒏 = 5 × 0.8 5 0.8 4

𝑸𝒊𝒏 = 𝟒 𝑾 6.2 1 6.2

10.1 1.7 17.17

 Compare between (𝐐𝐢𝐧 ) and (𝐐𝐭𝐨𝐭 ) :
𝑄𝑖𝑛 − 𝑄𝑡𝑜𝑡
𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 = × 100% 𝐐𝐭𝐨𝐭 𝐐𝐢𝐧 𝐄𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫
4 − 2.8852 2.8852 4 27.868%
𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 = × 100%
4.555 6.2 26.532%
𝑬𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓 = 𝟐𝟕. 𝟖𝟔𝟖%
12.596 17.17 26.639%

 Plot a graph of surface temperature T10 against corrected air

velocity 𝐔𝐜 :
Temperature (T10) °K



0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Velocity of air (𝑈𝑎) m∕s

The curve shown it, the friction has effect in temperature when we
increase the velocity, temperature will decrease and also friction will
decrease and moving of atom atoms will decrease.
So the relation between temperature and velocity are inversely:
𝑼𝒄 &

In this experiment, we learned how working on devices HT14C, the devices
that we used in this experiment like (HT14C, HT10XC service unit, Fan in
HT14C), we learned how to increase and decrease velocity of Fan. How
determine the effect of forced convection on heat transfer .
Convection is called forced convection if the fluid is forced to flow over the
surface by external means such as a fan, pump, or compressor etc. In
contrast, convection is called natural (or free) convection if the fluid motion
is caused by buoyancy forces that are induced by density differences due to
the variation of temperature in the fluid.
In forced convection we consider the inertia effects while in free convection
we consider buoyancy effects.
In this experiment we used HT10XC service unit to measure and collect data
of the Voltage and current and temperature, and we can increase and
decrease voltage in HT10XC service unit.
We connected two thermocouples from HT14C to the HT10XC.One of this
thermocouple we connected to T9 to middle of HT14C below the
anemometer, it measure the air flow temperature. The second one we
connected from T10 to the top of HT14 module, it measure surface
temperature of the heated cylinder. The temperature should be stable.
We used computer in this experiment, we connected it to the HT10XC
service unit, and we give value of voltage by computer, and it was measured
value of all temperature and putted in excel file. And also we used HT10XC
without computer for measuring data.
We used table Properties of air at 1 atm pressure, we used equation
interpolation to find correct values of (thermal conductivity and kinematic
viscosity and prenatal number) at average temperature that we wrote.
We wrote all data, and we used law of (Area, Equation interpolation, Heat
transfer coefficient (radiation), Heat transfer coefficient (forced convection),
Heat transfer by (radiation and forced convection), Heat transfer (power to
inlet), Total heat transfer) error) and we calculated all data and got the
value of all data.

After that we gotten two value of Heat transfer, one is theoretical (Heat
transfer (power to inlet) and second one is practical (Total heat transfer), and
we found error between them, value of error between (UTheory) and (UPractic) at
5V is(𝐄𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 = 𝟐𝟕. 𝟖𝟔𝟖%).
The source of error maybe in the wrong wrote data and measure data on
devices, and maybe pipe and valves have trouble and they make error in our
data, and maybe Fan make error in our experiment.
After that we plot curve between surface temperature T10 and corrected air
velocity. We know that the relation between temperature and Corrected air
velocity is inversely. When we increase velocity in Fan, the velocity of air
will increase and it will increase corrected air velocity, and Temperature will
decrease. When velocity increasing the Friction will increase and have effect
and will decrease temperature.


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