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Ep 11-fs1

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Technology continues to be an ever-significant part of the learning

environment. This episode provides an opportunity for the students to examine a

Learning Resource Center or Multi-media Center and learn about its collection,
services, equipment and observe how a teacher utilizes technology for
instruction and explore resources in the virtual learning environment. You will
analyze and reflect on how technology, including artificial intelligence, supports
the teaching learning process.

At the end of this episode, you must be able to:

 List learning resource materials found in the learning resource

 Show skills in using ICT in facilitating teaching learning processes.
 Show skills in evaluating, selecting, developing, and using variety of
learning resources including ICT to achieve learning goals.
 Demonstrate motivation to utilize ICT for professional development
goals based on PPST.

Read the information below and be equipped with them as you do your
observation activities.
ICT Competency Framework for Teachers
The UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT) seeks to
help countries develop comprehensive national teacher ICT competency policies and
standards and integrate these in overarching ICT in education plans. It highlights the
role that technology can play in supporting six major education focus areas across
three phases of knowledge acquisition, as illustrated in the chart below:

This framework is a response to recent technological and pedagogical
developments in the field of ICT and Education. It incorporates in its structure
inclusive principles of non-discrimination, opens and equitable information
accessibility and gender equality in the delivery of education supported by
technology. It addresses the impacts of recent technological advances on education
and learning, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Mobile Technologies, the Internet of
Things and Open Educational Resources, to support the creation of inclusive
Knowledge Societies. The ICT CFT provides a comprehensive set of competencies
teachers need to integrate ICT into their professional practice to facilitate students’
achievement of curricular objectives. Strong political commitments and sustained
investment in teacher education, and concerted actions between pre- and in-service
teacher trainings form the foundation of the successful implementation of this
Framework as it is contextualized to national and institutional goals. For this reason,
this document underlines the importance of steadfast commitment to supporting
teachers’ continuous professional development including through ICT and includes
examples to illustrate how ICT CFT could be used to facilitate teachers’ development
in diverse contexts. We look forward to strengthening our collaboration with all
stakeholders everywhere to leverage ICT to develop the skills required to thrive
within the fast-changing inclusive Knowledge Societies.

10 Principles in the Integration of ICT in Classes

First principles: ICT in education

Principle 1: Use ICT to achieve education and development goals.

Principle 2: Use ICT to enhance student knowledge and skills.
Principle 3: Use ICT to support data-driven decision making.
Principle 4: Include all short- and longer-term costs in budget planning. Principle 5:
Explore technology alternatives to find appropriate solutions. Principle 6: Focus on
teacher development, training, and ongoing support. Principle 7: Explore and
coordinate involvement of many different stakeholders. Principle 8: Develop a
supportive policy environment.
Principle 9: Integrate monitoring and evaluation into project planning.
Principle 10: “It takes capacity to build capacity”—System strengthening precedes system

Also read any articles on Education 4.0
Also read any articles on Massive On-line Courses

Now, are you ready for your observation activity? I bet you are, so let’s begin.

Your Activity 11.1

Visiting the Learning Resource Center

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Elizabeth A. Basiawan Signature: __________________

Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 & 8 Date: November 10, 2022

To realize your learning objectives, you need to work on these:

1. Visit a school’s Learning Resource Center. Look around and see what
resources and facilities are available inside.
2. Ask the Learning Resource Center- In charge about how some equipment
or facilities are used.
3. Make an inventory of its available resources and classify them according
to their characteristics and functions.

As you visit and observe the LRC, use the observation guide below. Ask the
assistance of the Center staff politely.

An Observation Guide for a LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER

Read the following statements before you observe.

 Go around the Learning Resource Center.

 Find out what learning resources are present.
 Examine and describe how the materials are arranged and how they are
classified. Are they free from dust and moisture? Are they arranged for
easy process?
 Read the guidelines/procedures for borrowing of materials. Are these
guidelines/procedures posted are available for the users to refer to?
 Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and procedures. Take photos of
the LRC (if allowed).

After you are through with your observation, classify the resources available
that you believe are most useful. Use the activity form provided for you.

Name of LIRC Observed:

Date of Observation: November 10, 2022
Name of Observer: Jeny Rose I. Montilla
Course/Year/School: BTLED-4A


Available Learning Resources Characteristics and Teaching Approaches where

Unique the Resource is Most Useful
A. Print Resources
1. Textbooks  A great deal of  In teaching a TLE subject, the
2. Modules assistance and information’s from this
support to both resources are useful to allow
teachers and students to seek out
students because it information, explore subjects
help students in-depth and gain a deeper
understand the
understanding of the world
boundaries and
around them.
restrictions of the
material being taught
by the teacher.
 Keep the standards
consistent across
the school's
various divisions.
B. Audio Resources

1. Speaker  Suitable for a wide  Useful for the students who
2. Lapel audience. learn best by listening to
3. Microphone  Assist in grabbing music and sounds.
students' attention.  A great resources for class
discussion and
C. Non-electronic Resources
1. Pictures  Additional materials  Useful when students are having
2. Whiteboard for teachers and a performance tasks such as
3. Blackboard students. board work.
4. Chalk  Gives students access  Supplements to provide more
to a wider variety of clear class intervention.
5. Whiteboard Pens educational materials.
D. ICT Resources
1. Computer  Materials for  Useful when a teacher requires a
2. Projector PowerPoint wide variety of materials for the
3. Printer presentations or other students to effectively visualize
software-based their learning.
4. Laptop learning.  Beneficial for saving significant
5. Television  Generate instructional documents.
6. Internet (WiFi) copies for academic  Helpful for students who are
purposes. willing to broaden their search.
 Resources used to
teach students about
computers and to
gather data.
 The school has the resources to give its students access to educational resources. The
only issue is that some of the materials, especially some of them, are difficult to access.
The technology they have is equipped with some materials used for the students'
fundamental learning. There are some resources that cannot be borrowed outside of
designated areas by either students or teachers. A teacher can only borrow some of
these from their library if they need them to educate their students. The school had
internet access.

Name and Signature of Observer Jeny Rose I. Montilla

Name and Signature of LRC Staff Mr. Arnel Dologmanding

Answer the following questions.

1. Are the learning resources/materials arranged properly according to their
functions and characteristics?
 Yes, the person in charge keeps the learning resource center consistent
and maintains its value. The materials are arranged according to their
theme or subject.

2. Do the guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the materials by
the teachers? Why?
 Yes, these things are properly monitored in terms of how the resources
are used, particularly the microphones, speakers, and projectors. The
teachers who want to borrow the materials must sign up beforehand,
indicating the date they will return the materials, and this information
must be recorded before the materials are borrowed. This is particularly
crucial to avoid losing these educational resources.

3. What are the strengths of this Learning Resource Center?

 It motivates teachers to cooperate and share, setting an example for the
behavior we want from children. Additionally, it promotes staff members'
idea and best practice sharing. This enables teachers to select a wider
range of materials that will encourage the development of various skills
or that are associated with a particular theme.

4. What are its weaknesses?

 Technology, particularly the internet, is not used there. A rapid pace of
activity permeates the entire world. Being informed of current events
online gives you an advantage in a world where a lot can change in the
span of time. This can prevent students from having the proper access to
understand the outside world's reality if it is removed from their
educational system.

5. What suggestions can you make?

 It might only be available in the library, but I want to suggest installing
internet throughout the campus. Learning can be done outside in addition
to in books, in a classroom's four corners, or from the surroundings.
Students can learn using the Internet. I am aware that there are websites
that are inappropriate for children when doing this type of learning.
There are, however, other solutions available in this new era; imposing
some restrictions on the system is one example.

1. Which of the materials in the Learning Resource Center caught your 98

interest the most? Why?
 The learning resource center has a smart TV. The screen can be
2. Which gadgets/materials are you already confident to use/operate?
The gadgets/materials I already confident to use/operate are smartphone and laptop. If I
ever become a teacher, I would love to employ this technique more frequently to help
students understand the concepts I want to emphasize to them.

Your Activity 11.2

Observing Technology Integration in the Classroom

3. Which ones do you feel you need to learn more about?

I need to learn more how to make an interactive PowerPoint presentation. Student
participation in class discussions can be encouraged by making the learning
environment interactive. Students are drawn to it, which makes both teaching and
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Elizabeth A. Basiawan Signature: __________________
learning effective.
Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 & 8 Date: November 10, 2022

To realize your learning objectives, you are required to complete these

steps: Observe a class. Video tape, if allowed. Describe how technology was
integrated in the lessons and how the students were involved. Use the
Technology Integration Matrix to analyze the technology integration done by the
teacher. Reflect on what you have learned.

As you observe the class, use the observation sheets provided to document your

1. What is the lesson all about?

2. What visual aids/materials/learning resources the teacher is using?

3. Observe and take notes on how the teacher presents/uses the learning
4. Closely observe the learner’s response to the teacher’s use of learning
resources. Listen to their verbal responses. What do their responses
indicate? Do their response show attentiveness, eagerness, and
5. This time, focus on their non-verbal responses. Are they learning and are
they showing their interest in the lesson and in the materials? Are they
looking towards the direction of the teacher and the materials? Are they
looking towards the direction of the teacher and the materials? Do their
actions show attentiveness, eagerness, and understanding?


Date of Observation: November 10, 2022
School: Balagunan National High School
Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education
Topic: Animal Production
Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 & 8


Teaching Aids Appropriateness
Form (Enumerate in STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES of the Teaching
bullet form) Aids
 Textbooks  Provide organized  Does not take  Helps students in
units of work. students' attaining the
 Detailed sequence background school
of teaching knowledge into curriculum.
procedure. account.
 Questions tend to
be low level or
 Actual Objects  Very useful to  Students may  Used to improve
catch students’ become more students'
attention. interested in the understanding of
 Stimulate object than the other cultures and
students’ interest, lesson that is real life situations
curiosity, and being presented. in classroom
participation  Some objects instruction.
during the could be
teaching learning dangerous.
 Pictures  Fosters visual  Limited emphasis.  Give learners a
learning.  Inappropriate for a chance to reflect
 Easy to large class. on what they can
remember. see and it also
 Suits all learning offers an
styles. opportunity to
develop their
other senses by
considering what
they can smell,
touch, and hear.

Look for Technology Integration Matrix and use it to analyze what you observed.
In which level of technology integration do you think the teacher you observed
operated? Why?
 Based on my observation, my cooperating teacher is at the entry level. She

is still used to the traditional way in which she uses visual aids to support
her discussions. She is managing to use technological tools to deliver her
lessons to her students.

Based on the Technology Integration Matrix, what is the characteristics of the

learning environment in the class you observed? Point your observations that
justify your answer.
 The learning environment in the class is aligned to active learning. The
learners are starting to engage themselves with the technology that they
need for them to learn.

Over-all, were the learning resources used effectively? Why? Why not? Give your
 Yes, the learning resources were used effectively. However, I would
suggest that in order to provide students with challenging and engaging
learning programs, schools must make sure that their teaching and
learning materials can do well to students not to offend them.

Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what
would you do differently if you would teach the same lesson to the same group of
students? Why?

If I were to put myself in the place of the teacher, I would apply her way of
discussing the lesson wherein she really engages herself with her students,
establishing good communication skills as well as maintaining the connection
with her students. The thing that I would do differently is to employ more
interactive learning strategies.

Include here Visit www.technology.com or other

pictures/illustrations of teacher websites. Print useful
the materials used by instructional materials (worksheets,
the teacher. Put your
visual aids, flashcards, rubrics) and
include them here. Indicate how they
about what you
observed. might be useful considering your major of
area of specialization. 101

 Pictures/ illustrations of the materials used by the teacher.

Based on what I have observed, my cooperating teacher used modules

for her TLE 7 and 8 subject. Instead of using textbooks, modules are a
good alternative to provide the students the lesson that they are
intended to learn. Another material used is the visual aid. This is used by
my cooperating teacher to make her discussion more engaging.

  Useful instructional materials

In teaching a TLE subject, worksheets, visual aids, flashcards, and
 rubrics are useful materials that are essential to put value at the same
Today's edu
time makes the subject more informative. In doing different activities,
these resources can be used to help the teacher to manage her
teaching. Students’ level of learning are being measured through these
An engaging environment that encourages efficient teaching and learning is
created when communication technologies are used to share and receive
information. It can easily interact with their students and share knowledge
through digital media, various applications that support internet learning
have made instructors' work more accessible and superior than ever. By
implementing new technologies, educators will be able to engage students in
novel, inspiring, and equity-promoting ways.

 Effective Use Of Computer Learning In The Culture Of New Norms

Musa, Azlina & Hashim, Mohd & Chua, Nurul Ain & Musa, Rabiu. (2021). Effective
Use Of Computer Learning In The Culture Of New Norms. Journal of Physics:
Conference Series. 1874. 012086. 10.1088/1742-6596/1874/1/012086.
This article discuss the use of computers in home learning culture. The results of
the study are based on 300 respondents among students who follow classroom
learning at home. Accordingly, the management skills of computer operating
skills especially knowledge of Microsoft word, Microsoft excel and Powerpoint.
The results of the study show that the respondents have a high level of
knowledge in Microsoft word is 207 respondents, 69%. While Microsoft excel is

22 respondents, 7%. While Powerpoint is 71 respondents, 24%. Accordingly,
respondents have high efficiency skills in operating computer hardware using
Microsoft word is the most compared to Microsoft excel and powerpoint. This
is because Microsoft word processing is easy to learn for home classroom
learning. In addition, respondents were more efficient in handling tasks using
Microsoft word compared to the use of Microsoft Excel and Powerpoint.

Great Job! You are done with the observation activity for the Learning
Episode 11. To successfully end your Learning Episode 11, go to your LMS and
answer the Learning Episode 11 Quiz.


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