Lab 3
Lab 3
Lab 3
THEORY Automation Studio is a circuit design, simulation and project documentation software
for fluid power systems and electrical projects .It is used for CAD, maintenance, and
training purposes. Mainly used by engineers, trainers, and service and maintenance
personnel. Automation Studio can be applied in the design, training and troubleshooting
of hydraulics, pneumatics, HMI, and electrical control systems.
SAFETY a. Make sure the student follows the laboratory or workshop safety regulators.
PRECAUTIONS b. Experiment must be conduct by lecturers or experience lab assistance
c. Make sure there is no expose wire from electrical components such as electrical
d. Avoid to put hand on moving parts like electrical motor and hydraulic cylinder.
e. Do not exceed of working pressure of 5 bars while running the experiments.
f. Do not use the oil leakage components.
EXPERIMENT Upon completion this task, students should be able to construct and simulate a basic
OUTCOME hydraulic circuits.
PROCEDURES a. This exercise will show how to create a hydraulics circuit with a customized directional
valve that can be built with the other option of DCV arrangement.
b. With the components from the Hydraulic library, construct the illustrated circuit in Figure
c. In the Directional Valves category, select Others then component.
d. A dialog box appears which allows us to specify the required parameters of the valve.
e. Once the circuit is completed, go to the Simulation mode to verify that the circuit work
f. Explain your observation in the reports.
Figure 1
TITLE Hydraulics Practice II (Automation Studio-Electrohydraulic Circuit)
EXPERIMENT Upon completion this task, students should be able to create a diagram that can
OUTCOME demonstrate the inter-dependent relation between (US) Electrical diagram components and
Hydraulic components.
THEORY Electrical signal is one of the method to actuate the Directional control Valve. In this practice
the Automation studio is used to demonstrate the application of electrohydraulic system.
PROCEDURES a. With the components from the hydraulics library and Electrical Libraries, construct
the illustrated circuit in Figure 3.
b. Once completed simulate the circuit and verify that it works correctly.
c. Explain the observation in reports.
Figure 2
Explain the observation during the practical task.
Give comments, conclusion and recommendation from task result was done.
TITLE Hydraulics Practice III (Basic Hydraulics System)
PROCEDURES a. Construct the circuit like Figure 3. Ensure that all the piping are connected
b. Inform the lecturer/instructor before testing the circuit.
c. Explain your observation in the reports.
Figure 3
TITLE Hydraulics Practice IV (Control the actuator speed in the hydraulic system)
PROCEDURES a. Construct the circuit like Figure 4. Ensure that all the piping are connected
b. Inform the lecturer/instructor before testing the circuit.
c. Explain your observation in the reports.
Figure 4
DISCUSSION / Explain the observation during the practical task.
CONCLUSION Give comments, conclusion and recommendation from task result was done.