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A Review On "Performance Analysis of PMSG in Wind Energy Conversion System"

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ISSN: 2277-3754

ISO 9001:2008 Certified

International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 5, Issue 11, May 2016

A Review on
“Performance Analysis of PMSG in Wind
Energy Conversion System”
Dhirendra Deode1 Mr Nand Kishor Meena2
Student1, Asst Professor2
LNCT Bhopal Approved By AICTE & PCI, New Delhi &Affiliated to RGPV Bhopal

Abstract— The main object of this paper is to analyze A. Wind Turbine Configuration
performance and operation of PMSG connected with wind turbine In the wind turbine business there are basically two types
under varying wind speed in place of DFIG. In this system a
PMSG convert wind power into electrical power and transmit it to of turbines to choose from, vertical axis wind turbines and
an AC grid through an AC-DC-AC converter. We are going to use horizontal axis wind turbines. They both have their
a pitch angle control system to reduce output power variation in advantages and disadvantages and the purpose of this article
high rated wind speed areas. There are different types of is to help you choose the right system for your Application.
generators are present but the multiple pole PMSG is chosen as
its offers better performance since it does not have rotor current
and can be used without a gearbox which also implies a reduction
of weight of the nacelle and a reduction of the cost. Simulation of
the work is carried out in MATLAB/Simulink.

Index Terms— PMSG - Permanent magnet synchronous

generator, DFIG - Doubly fed induction generator, AC –
Alternating current, DC – Direct current.

Energy exists freely in nature some of them exist infinitely
never run out called Renewable Energy. With this in mind, it
is a lot easier to lay any type of energy source in its right
place. Let‟s look at this type of energy in the diagram below-
Fig. 2 Wind turbine configurations


Horizontal axis wind turbine dominate the majority of the
wind industry. Horizontal axis means the rotating axis of the
wind turbine is horizontal, or parallel with the ground. In big
Fig.-1 Type of Energy Sources wind application, horizontal axis wind turbines are almost all
you will ever see. However, in small wind and residential
We notice that water, wind, sun, and biomass are all wind applications, vertical axis turbines have their place. The
available naturally and were not formed. The others do not advantage of horizontal wind is that it is able to produce more
exist by themselves they were formed. Renewable energy electricity from a given amount of wind. So if you are trying
resources are always available to be tapped and will not run to produce as much wind as possible at all times, horizontal
out. This is why some people call it Green Energy. axis is likely the choice for you. The disadvantage of
Here we are use wind power for the production of horizontal axis however is that it is generally heavier and it
electrical energy because wind power is a very important does not produce well in turbulent winds.
renewable energy source. It is free and not pollutes unlike the
traditional fossil energy sources. It obtains clean energy from III. VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINES
the kinetic energy of the wind by means of the wind turbine. In comes the vertical axis wind turbine. With vertical axis
The wind turbine convert the kinetic wind energy into wind turbines the rotational axis of the turbine stands vertical
mechanical energy through the drive train and then into or perpendicular to the ground. As mentioned above, vertical
electrical energy by means of the permanent magnet axis turbines are primarily used in small wind projects and
synchronous generator (PMSG). residential applications. Vertical-Axis-Wind-Turbine this
niche comes from the OEM‟s claims of a vertical axis

DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/B3TAV Page 42
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 5, Issue 11, May 2016
turbines ability to produce well in tumultuous wind the turbine; consequently they are inherently larger than
conditions. Vertical axis turbines are powered by wind those in the doubly fed generator.
coming from all 360 degrees, and even some turbines are The direct drive has the advantage of eliminating the
powered when the wind blows from top to bottom. Because speed-multiplying gear box. However since the turbine speed
of this versatility, vertical axis wind turbines are thought to be of the order of 30 rpm or less. However, the permanent
ideal for installations where wind conditions are not magnet alternator does not require any brushes, & the rotor
consistent, or due to public ordinances the turbine cannot be losses are nil. For this reasons, this arrangement is sometimes
placed high enough to benefit from steady wind. preferred in turbines that generate power in the 2 MW to 5
MW range.
There are different type of generator used in wind energy V. WIND ENERGY CONVERSION
conversion system (WECS). Such as induction generator Wind is air in motion. Wind is mainly formed due to the
(IG), double feed induction generator (DFIG) and permanent Earth‟s rotation and the uneven heating of Earth‟s surface by
magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). The PMSG based sunrays. The sunrays cover a much greater area at the equator
on WECS can connect to the turbine without using gearbox. than at the poles. The hot air rises from the equator and
Wind turbine are classified with a view to the rotational expands toward the poles that cause wind. Air has a mass and
speed, the power regulation and the generator system, the mass in motion has a momentum. Momentum is a form of
turbines are classified into the geard and the direct drive energy that can be harvested.
types. The direct drive type is known with the advantages as ---------------(1)
it has a lower cast smaller size and consequently weight is Where-
used. Hear we consider two types generator with their basic - Power in wind (W/m2)
principles- Ρ – Air density (kg/m3)
 Turbine driving a DFIG S – Projected area (m2) (Wind turbine rotor area)
V – Average wind speed (m/s)
The power increase with cube of wind speed


A. Turbine Mathematical model
In the literature survey a number of studies have been
shows their view on wind turbines and wind power driven
Fig.-3 View of DFIG system. Wind energy to mechanical energy conversion is
Fig.-3 shows a large commercial wind turbine (1) that done by wind turbine. The mechanical power of turbine
drive a wound rotor induction generator (4), by way of a gear extracted from wind. Overall wind energy conversion system
box (3), the electric utility grid voltage is stepped down to a is totally depends upon the power coefficients of the turbine
lower voltage by means of a transformer (7). Converter (6) (Cp).this is the function of pitch angle (β) and tip speed ratio
transforms the line voltage to a content dc voltage. Power can (λ). Pitch angle is the angle of the turbine blade, where as tip
flow from the ac side to the dc side of this converter (5) speed is the ratio of rotational speed & wind speed. Cp is also
transforms the dc voltage into a voltage whose magnitude, known as the limit of Betz.
frequency, phase shift and phase sequence can be varied at A generic equation is used to model Cp (λ, β). This
will. The stator of the wound rotor induction generator is equation, based on the modeling turbine characteristics,
connected directly to the power line whose frequency f is 50 which is also called as power coefficient equation
Hz or 60 Hz.
 Turbine directly driving a PMSG

The coefficients to are: =0.5176, = 116, =

0.4, =5, =21 and = 0.0068. The -λ characteristics,
for different values of the pitch angle β, are illustrated below
Fig.-4 View of PMSA in figure 2. The maximum value of ( = 0.48) is
Fig.-4 shows how a wind turbine directly connected to a achieved for β = 0 degree and for λ = 8.1.This particular value
PMA. Converter (4) and (5) & transformer (6) play same role of λ is defined as the nominal value (λ_nom). The power
as in figure (3). The frequency f1 generated by converter (4) coefficient is given by
impose the optimal speed of rotation on the generator. Note
that converters have to carry the entire power developed by -----------------(3)

DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/B3TAV Page 43
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 5, Issue 11, May 2016
----------(4) a. Pitch Controlled Wind Turbines
On a pitch controlled wind turbine the turbine's electronic
Where, 𝑃𝑚 is the mechanical output power of the turbine,
𝐶𝑃 is the performance coefficient of the turbine, 𝜌 is the air controller checks the power output of the turbine several
density, S is the turbine swept area, 𝑉𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑑 is the wind speed, λ times per second. When the power output becomes too high,
is the tip speed ratio, β is the blade pitch angle. The tip speed it sends an order to the blade pitch mechanism which
ratio is defined as immediately pitches (turns) the rotor blades slightly out of the
wind. Conversely, the blades are turned back into the wind
whenever the wind drops again. The rotor blades thus have to
Where is the rotational speed (rad/sec), of the wind be able to turn around their longitudinal axis (to pitch) as
turbine, and R is the rotor radius (m), The mechanical torque shown in the picture. Note, that the picture is exaggerated:
is given by, During normal operation the blades will pitch a fraction of
a degree at a time - and the rotor will be turning at the same
--------------------(6) time.
Designing a pitch controlled wind turbine requires some
clever engineering to make sure that the rotor blades pitch
exactly the amount required. On a pitch controlled wind
turbine, the computer will generally pitch the blades a few
degrees every time the wind changes in order to keep the
rotor blades at the optimum angle in order to maximize
output for all wind speeds. The pitch mechanism is usually
operated using hydraulics.

b. Stall Controlled Wind Turbines

Passive stall controlled wind turbines have the rotor blades
bolted onto the hub at a fixed angle.
The geometry of the rotor blade profile however has been
aerodynamically designed to ensure that the moment the
Fig.-5 Shows Cp( ) characteristic for different values of the wind speed becomes too high, it creates turbulence on the
pitch angle side of the rotor blade which is not facing the wind as shown
in the picture on the previous page. This stall prevents the
B. Turbine Control
lifting force of the rotor blade from acting on the rotor.
Wind turbines are designed to produce electrical energy as If you have read the section on aerodynamics and
cheaply as possible. Wind turbines are therefore generally aerodynamics and stall, you will realize that as the actual
designed so that they yield maximum output at wind speeds wind speed in the area increases, the angle of attack of the
around 15 meters per second. (30knots or 33 mph). Its does rotor blade will increase, until at some point it starts to stall.
not pay to design turbines that maximize their output at If you look closely at a rotor blade for a stall controlled
stronger winds, because such strong winds are rare. wind turbine you will notice that the blade is twisted slightly
In case of stronger winds it is necessary to waste part of the as you move along its longitudinal axis. This is partly done in
excess energy of the wind in order to avoid damaging the order to ensure that the rotor blade stalls gradually rather than
wind turbine. All wind turbines are therefore designed with abruptly when the wind speed reaches its critical value.
some sort of power control. There are two different ways of (Other reasons for twisting the blade are mentioned in the
doing this safely on modern wind turbines. previous section on aerodynamics).
The basic advantage of stall control is that one avoids
moving parts in the rotor itself, and a complex control
system. On the other hand, stall control represents a very
complex aerodynamic design problem, and related design
challenges in the structural dynamics of the whole wind
turbine, e.g. to avoid stall-induced vibrations. Around two
thirds of the wind turbines currently being installed in the
world are stall controlled machines.

c. Active Stall Controlled Wind Turbines

An increasing number of larger wind turbines (1 MW and
up) are being developed with an active stall power control
mechanism. Technically the active stall machines resemble
pitch controlled machines, since they have patchable blades.
Fig.-6 shows different wind turbine control strategies In order to get a reasonably large torque (turning force) at low

DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/B3TAV Page 44
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 5, Issue 11, May 2016
wind speeds, the machines will usually be programmed to author presented a wind turbine is direct-drive with
pitch their blades much like a pitch controlled machine at low permanent magnet synchronous generator is discussed. In [6]
wind speeds. (Often they use only a few fixed steps author discuss about the one-mass model is used for dynamic
depending upon the wind speed). model of PMSG-WT based on power system. In [7] author
When the machine reaches its rated power, however, you focuses on the interaction between wind farms and AC grid.
will notice an important difference from the pitch controlled The drive train can be treated as one-lumped mass model for
machines: If the generator is about to be overloaded, the the sake of time efficiency and acceptable precision is
machine will pitch its blades in the opposite direction from discussed. In[9] author present„s a multi mass drive train is
what a pitch controlled machine does. In other words, it will considered for small-signal stability studies of WECS with
increase the angle of attack of the rotor blades in order to DFIG but in[9] it is sufficient to consider the two mass model
make the blades go into a deeper stall, thus wasting the excess (one for the turbine, the other for the generator) is discussed .
energy in the wind. One of the advantages of active stall is
A. Different type of drive train model
that one can control the power output more accurately than
with passive stall, so as to avoid overshooting the rated power a. One mass drive train
of the machine at the beginning of a gust of wind. Another In a one-mass drive train model all inertia components are
advantage is that the machine can be run almost exactly at lumped together, i.e. modeled as a single rotating mass. The
rated power at all high wind speeds. A normal passive stall equation for the one-mass model is based on the second law
controlled wind turbine will usually have a drop in the of Newton, deriving the state equation for the rotor angular
electrical power output for higher wind speeds, as the rotor speed at the wind turbine given by
blades go into deeper stall.
The pitch mechanism is usually operated using hydraulics -----------------------(7)
or electric stepper motors.
As with pitch control it is largely an economic question Where J is the moment of inertia for blades, hub and
whether it is worthwhile to pay for the added complexity of generator, 𝑇𝑡 is the mechanical torque, 𝑇𝑔 is electrical
the machine, when the blade pitch mechanism is added. torque.

d. Other Power Control Methods b. Two mass drive train

Some older wind turbines use ailerons (flaps) to control the The equation for the two-mass model are based on the
power of the rotor, just like aircraft use flaps to alter the torsional version of the second law of Newton, deriving the
geometry of the wings to provide extra lift at takeoff. state equation for the rotor angular speed at the wind turbine
Another theoretical possibility is to yaw the rotor partly out and for the rotor angular speed at the generator is given by
of the wind to decrease power. This technique of yaw control
is in practice used only for tiny wind turbines (1 kW or less), ----(8)
as it subjects the rotor to cyclically varying stress which may
ultimately damage the entire structure.
In power system studies drive trains are modeled as a Where 𝐽𝑡 the moment of inertia for blades and hub, is the
series of rigid disk„s connected via mass less shafts. For resistant torque in the wind turbine bearing, is the
small-signal analysis of permanent magnet synchronous resistant torque in the hub and blade due to the viscosity of
generator (PMSG) in conventional wind power plant„s. The the air flow, is the torque of torsional stiffness, is the
one mass or lumped-mass model is used because the drive rotor angular speed at the generator , 𝐽𝑔 is the generator
train behaves as single equivalent mass. Different models of moment of inertia, is the resistant torque in the generator
drive train for wind turbine have been reviewed in this paper bearing, is the resistant torque due to the viscosity of the
In[1]author presents the gearbox is coupled between wind airflow in the generator.
turbine and induction generator of 225 KW 50 Hz the gear
box ratio is 1:23.4 is discussed. In [2] author describe about c. Three mass drive train
the two mass drive train. The stiffness of the drive train is The equations for the three-mass model are also based on the
infinite and the friction factor and the inertia of the turbine torsional version of the second law of Newton and it is given
must be combined with those of the turbine, and obtained the by
mechanical output power generated by turbine, such as load ---------(10)
torque, turbine moment of inertia, and load power is
discussed. In[3] author presents for VSWT , the drive train --------(11)
modeling is not so influential due to the decoupling effect of
the power electronic converter„s between the generator and
the grid system therefore in [3] study on simple one mass ---------(12)
lumped model of WTGS is used is discussed. In [4][5][8]

DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/B3TAV Page 45
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 5, Issue 11, May 2016
 Static excitation
 Rotating exciter
 Inductor alternator
 Slipping devices
 AC-commutator machines
 Cage rotor
 Multiple rotor
 Wound rotor
 Slip energy dissipation
 Slip energy recovery

B. Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator

There are many designs for permanent magnet where
proposed such as, modular design, outer rotor design, the
coreless type, PMSG has large number of poles to operate at
Fig-7 Three mass drive train low speed as it works in a gearless drive train system. To
increase the efficiency and reduce the weight of the active
Where is the moment of inertia of the flexible blades parts, direct-drive generators are usually designed with a
section, is the resistant torque of the flexible blades, large diameter and a small pole pitch. The rotor excitation is
is the torsional flexible blades stiffness torque, is the rotor provided by PM which decreases the reactive power
angular speed at the rigid blades and the hub of the wind compensation arrangement used in electrically excited
turbine, is the moment of inertia of the hub and the rigid generators and removes the slip rings, minimizing size and
blades section, is the resistant torque of the rigid blades lowering cost of the system. Regarding electrically losses
and hub, is the torsional shaft stiffness torque, is the than PM excitation which increases with number of poles,
resistant torque of the generator. although PM also has low losses because of the circulation of
eddy current and, consequently, control of output voltage
VIII. GENERATOR independent of load current is the main advantage of the
The electrical generator system of the wind turbine wound rotor excitation system which is very important in
includes all components for converting mechanical energy in constant speed hydro and turbo generator. This advantage is
to electrical power. A brief review of the generator has been not important in variable speed wind driven systems since
illustrated here In [1] author present existing constant speed they are connected to grid via power electronic interface.
system and variable speed drive for wind turbine is discussed. Modular design of PMSG allows simplicity in manufacturing
In which existing constant speed system consist of a process by using high quality magnet (NdFeB) which ensures
induction generator which is mechanically coupled to the larger life time. The generator coil can be protected against
shaft of a turbine and electrical power generated is directly environment conditions to satisfy working in offshore farms.
feed in to grid Where as the variable speed system uses only a The damper windings are not existed in PMSG and the stator
six pole winding through out the operation. Therefore the direct flux is constant since the excitation is provided by the
speed variation in the case of the variable speed controller is magnets unlike that in the electrically excited generator. It is
smooth from minimum wind speed; as a result the power common in large-scale stability analysis to neglect the stator
generated in this range is always better than the original flux transients of synchronous generators.
system (which is constant speed system) is discussed. In
[2][3][4][5][6][7][8] author discussed about the permanent C. Mathematical Model of PMSG
magnet synchronous generator based on wind energy power Considering the equivalent circuit of PMSG based on
generation. In [9] author presented the DFIG (Double feed WECS in figure.5 below the model of PMSG is established in
the d-q synchronous reference frame, the three-phase
induction generator) is used as a generator is discussed.
sinusoidal mathematical equations are expressed in the rotor
A. Different type of Wind Generator reference frame (d-q frame). All quantities in the rotor
A classification of generating system. The principal reference frame are referred to the stator. And it is give as
division lies in the nature of the field patterns produced
independently by the stator and rotor. ------------(13)
 Electro Mechanical Generator
 Synchronous Devices
 De-generators
 AC-synchronous generator
 Permanent magnet excitation
 Brushless
 Field modulated generator

DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/B3TAV Page 46
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 5, Issue 11, May 2016

Where the phase angle is


The reference power to archive the maximum efficiency of a

wind turbine is given by
Fig-8 shows equivalent circuit of PMSG in d-q reference frame
The electromagnetic torque equation is given by
Where Tm is mechanical torque and Kturb is the turbine
---------(15) coefficient, which, according to (2), can be calculated as
Where & are q and d axis inductance, R is resistance of
the stator windings, & are q and d axis current, & ---------------(21)
are q and d axis voltage, is angular velocity of the rotor,
𝜆 is amplitude of flux induced by permanent magnets of rotor Where ρ is the air density [kg/m3], is the optimal
in the stator phase , Р is the number of pole pairs.
turbine efficiency, is the optimal tip speed ratio, r is the
The mechanical equation is given by turbine radius [m], Sbase is the base power of the generator
[MVA], and ωbase is the nominal rotor speed [rad=s].
--(16) Recognize that for a synchronous generator the stator
frequency is equal to the rotor speed in per unit values, the
control of the generator frequency can be performed as
-------------------------------(17) presented in Fig.-10

Where J is combined inertia of rotor & load, F is combined

viscos friction of rotor & load, is rotor angular position,
is shaft mechanical torque, is shaft static friction

IX. CONTROL METHODOLOGY Fig.-10 Control of generator frequency

The schematic representation of the system subject to The modulation ratio m1 of the generator side convertor is
control is depicted in figure. As it can be observed, the controlled as shown in fig.-11, where
generator is fully decoupled from the grid by means of the
power converter; thus, the power factor of the generator is
independent of the reactive power factor at the grid

Fig.-11 Control of modulation ratio m1

D. Control of grid side converter

The terminal voltage of the grid side converter is given by

Fig.-9 View of Control System ----------------(22)

A. Control of the Generator side converter
The terminal voltage of the generator in terms of modulation The phase angle α and the modulation ratio m2 can
ratio m1 and phase angle is defined as therefore be controlled independently (Fig.- 12 and 13)


DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/B3TAV Page 47
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 5, Issue 11, May 2016
B. Power Signal Feedback Control.
With this control the turbine maximum speed curves must
be known. With comparing the current speed and the stored
speed curves the controller and tracks the maximum power
Fig.-12 Control of the phase angle C. Hill Climbing Searching Control.
This control is used in small turbines and is very similar to
MPPT scheme used in photovoltaic system. When the wind
turbine speed increases, the output power should normally
increase as well otherwise the speed should be decreased.
D. Sensor less Control.
Fig.-13 Control of modulation ratio m2 In the machine-side converter, control of the speed is
required to extract maximum power during speed variation.
X. MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING SYSTEM Presence of sensors for rotor speed and position signals has
The function of MPPT (maximum power point tracking) is effects on cost, system size and reliability. Therefore, sensor
to automatically adjust the generator speed to converge to the less concept is utilized to estimate rotor position and speed
optimum one where the generated power is maximized. This signals. [3, 4]. In ref [5] a novel method to obtain the
may be obtained using PI control with the use of the electrical information is by monitoring the terminal waveform (output
power at the grid-side instead of the mechanical power of control signal) and rate of change. Recently, position and
wind turbine. With this option, the losses of both generators speed estimation is proposed in ref [6] by using an adaptive
and converters will also be taken into consideration and, the network based on fuzzy interference system for wide range of
overall energy conversion can then be optimized. speed operation. Such estimator indicates immunity against
For a given wind speed, the optimal rotational speed of the parameter variation [4]
wind turbine rotor can be simply estimated as follows
--------------------(23) This paper present a comprehensive review on study of
modeling and simulation of permanent magnet synchronous
Then the maximum mechanical output power of the turbine is generator based on WECS. Detail of the MPPT concept is
given as follows provided for variable speed operation. The PMSG is
introduced as construction and model with some information
about generators already available in market. Different types
of wind turbine generator is also discussed, the mathematical
equation of PMSG which is established in d-q reference
Then, the maximum power 𝑃𝑇𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑒_𝑚𝑎𝑥 can be achieved by frame is also provided in this paper, and concept about the
regulating the turbine speed in different wind speed under drive train, different types of drive train, configurations of the
rated power of the wind power system. Therefore, an possible power converters have been presented and discussed
optimum value of tip speed ratio 𝜆𝑜𝑝𝑡 can be maintained and as well the semiconductor power switches used in converters.
maximum wind power can be captured. The MPPT curve and Wind turbine controls have been considered as pitch control
the corresponding torque are defined as function of 𝜔𝑜𝑝𝑡, the and stall control. Various control methods and techniques for
speed referred to the generator side of the gear box generator side and grid side converters are presented in
details for the purpose of satisfaction of technical
MPPT=KP ωopt3---------------------(25)
requirements. Such requirement are control of active and
reactive power, high quality of power delivered to the grid,
From the optimum power the optimum torque can be
calculated capability of voltage ride-through during voltage dip, better
stability performance as well as possibility to simplify the
MPPT=KP ωopt2---------------------(26) wind turbine system by using sensor less control.

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