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Week 3

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GRADES 1 School Pulungmasle High School Grade Level 11

to 12
DAILY Teacher Wilhelmina L. Roman Learning Area Statistics and Probability
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Week 3 Quarter 3rd

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives,
necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may
be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment
strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find
significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides
1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
understanding of key understanding of key understanding of key understanding of key
concepts of normal concepts of normal concepts of normal concepts of normal
probability distribution. probability distribution. probability distribution. probability distribution.
2. Performance The learner is able to The learner is able to The learner is able to The learner is able to
Standards accurately formulate and accurately formulate and accurately formulate and accurately formulate and
solve real-life problems in solve real-life problems in solve real-life problems in solve real-life problems in
different disciplines. different disciplines. different disciplines. different disciplines.
3. Learning Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG,
Competencies / the content can be tackled in a week or two.
The learner illustrates a The learner identifies The learner converts a The learner computes
normal random variable and regions under the normal normal random variable to a probabilities and percentiles
its characteristics. curve corresponding to standard normal variable using the standard normal
(M11/12SP-IIIc-1) different standard normal and vice versa. (M11/12SP- table. ( M11/12SP-IIIc-d-1)
values. (M11/12SP-IIIc-3) IIIc-4)

a. Computes probabilities
a. Define and enumerate a. Determine the z score for a. Converts a normal and percentiles using the
the different properties of population data and sample random variable to a standard normal table.
normal probability data. standard normal variable
distribution. b. Identify the region under and vice versa.
b. Find the area between the normal curve
two z values of the normal corresponding to different
curve. standard normal values.
c. Construct a normal curve.
II. CONTENT Normal Probability Normal Probability Normal Probability Normal Probability
Distribution Distribution Distribution Distribution

III. LEARNING List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson
RESOURCES and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based
materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide

2. Learner’s Materials

3. Textbook pages Conceptual Math and Conceptual Math and Conceptual Math and Conceptual Math and
Beyond-Statistics and Beyond-Statistics and Beyond-Statistics and Beyond-Statistics and
Probability by Jose M. Probability by Jose M. Probability by Jose M. Probability by Jose M.
Ocampo & Wilmer G. Ocampo & Wilmer G. Ocampo & Wilmer G. Ocampo & Wilmer G.
Marquez page32-41 Marquez page 43-47 Marquez page 48-66 Marquez page 67-83

4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning

IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn
well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative
assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new
things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in
relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous In a form of a drill, the In a form of drill, the In a form of a drill, the The students are asked to
lesson or presenting students will complete the students will tell whether the students will find the z Modify = , to solve
the new lesson statement by supplying the given statement is true or values of the following z- for X; or
correct number. false. If false, they will scores:
1. The probability of getting modify the sentence to 1. z = - 0. 78 a. if = 50 , =6 z=2
a red ace in a well shuffled make it true. 2. z= -1.23 X = _______
deck of playing cards is 1. The area under the 3. z = 2.00
b. If X = 72 =5 z=
_____. normal curve is 1. 4. z = -2.74
2. In rolling two dice, the 2. There is a perfect 5. z = 3.01 1.5 = _______
probability of getting a sum symmetry about the central
of 13 is ___ value of the normal curve. c. If = 52 z = -1.2 X=
3. 0.04772 in percent 3. Under the curve, the area
46 = _______
is_____ to the right of the mean is
4. 64% in decimal is _____ 34.13%. d. If X = 74 = 80 =
5. 35% in fraction is _____ 4. The area under the curve
6 z = _______
is 10%
5. The proportion 0.6826 is
the same as 68.26%

B. Establishing a The teacher will show the The teacher will present “Show your Curve” The students are asked to
purpose for the following pictures: some symbols on the board Each group will be given a read, analyze the problem
lesson a. volcano and the students will give probability notation then and answer the guide
the name of the symbols. they illustrate this using a questions below:
normal curve. Problem: In the class of
1. X GAS section, Miss Diana
2. GROUP 1: P( z > a) told the students that they
should be in the top 10 % of
3. GROUP 2: P( z< a) the class to get an A in a
b. bell 4. s Probability and Statistics
5. GROUP 3: P( a< z < b) test. In the standardization
of the test, the mean was 70
GROUP 4: P(a>z>b) and the standard deviation
was 12. Assuming that the
Rubrics: grades would be normally
Accuracy of the distributed, what must be
c. roller coaster answer – 10 the minimum grade needed
Neatness of the to obtain A?
illustration – 10
Total 20 Guide Questions:
1. What are the given?
2. What are you going to
look for?
d. mountain 3. Does the normal curve
apply in the problem? Why?
4. Under the curve, where is
the top 10% located?
5. In the final run, what do
we need to find –a z or a
raw score?
Guide questions:

1. What have you noticed
with the pictures shown?
2. What are their
3. If you are going to locate
the middle part, what can
you say on the left or right
part of the figure?
4. Which of the given figure
best describe the
representation of normal
probability distribution?
C. Presenting examples/ The teacher will pose a The teacher will discuss the Using the problem given
instances of the problem. The students will following statements previously, the teacher will
lesson answer it by following the involving proportion of an discuss on how to solve
given steps. This will be area under the normal curve percentiles and probabilities
Looking on the illustration of done by group. and how to solve it:: using the standard normal
the normal curve, answer Problem: Joan’s score in table.
the following guide mathematics is 85. The 1. The proportion of the The following steps should
questions: mean of the test is 80 and area of z = 2.0 be followed to solve the
1. What can you say about the standard deviation is 6. 2. The proportion of the given problem:
the shape of a normal a. Find the z value that area greater than z = 1 1. Draw a normal curve
curve? corresponds to Joan’s showing the top 10%.
2. The midpoint of the score. To solve the above
normal curve is the mean of statement, the following
the given data. What can Steps in finding the z-scores steps will be used to
you say about the two sides . determine proportion of the 2. Convert 10% to a decimal
of the normal curve? 1. Use the computing area that corresponds to z and separate this from one-
3. What do you observe formula for finding z scores . score. half of the curve.
about the tail of the normal 2. Check the given values. 1. Sketch the normal 0.5000 – 0.1000 = 0.4000
curve? 3. Since we are finding for
4. What mathematical term 3. Substitute the given distribution and indicate the the minimum grade needed
represents the spread of the values in the computing mean. This mean coincides to obtain an A and it is
curve? formula. with z = 0. represented by X, we need
5. What is the area of the 4. Compute the value of z. 2. Identify the region under to find the z value
standard normal curve? the curve by drawing a associated with the area
vertical line through each z. entry on the z Table.
3. Shade the required The value closest to
region . 0.4000 is 0.3997
4. Determine the area of the 4. Find the s value
required region by looking associated with 0.3997
for the area that
corresponds to z score in
the z table.
5. Express the result, using
probability notation. 5. Express the z value
associated with 10% .
P(z > 1.28) = 0.10
6. Find the required score X
by using the formula
X = + z , then interpret the
X = 70 +
= 70 + 15.36
= 85.36 or 85
Thus, a minimum grade of
85 is needed to belong to
the top 10% and obtain a
grade A.
D. Discussing new Using the z Table, find the Find the proportion of the Use the five- step method to My Seatmate! My Partner!
concepts and area that corresponds to area that corresponds to z = determine each of the The students will solve the
practicing new skills each of the following. 1.5 following areas given problem by pair:
#1 1. z = 0. 76 To answer the problem, we Group 1 and Group 2. Mrs. Marcelino marked the
2. z = - 0. 64 must follow the given steps. above z = 1.75 performance of the students
3. z = 1. 59 Step 1: Sketch the normal Group 3 and 4. below z = - in terms of their relative
4. z = - 1. 81 distribution and indicate the 1.75 standing in class.
5. z = 2.67 mean. This mean coincides List of students :
6. z = -2. 24 with z =0. Juan - 93%
Step 2: Identify the region Pedro - 81%
under the curve by drawing Mateo - 96%
a vertical line through each Maria - 78%
z = 0 and z = 1.5
Step 3: Shade the required Interpret the scores of the
region between z = 0 and z students.
= 1.5
Step 4: Determine the area
of the required region
(shaded) by looking for the
area that corresponds to z =
1.5 in the z table.
Step 5: Express the result
using probability notation.
E. Discussing new For each of the following , Find the proportion of the Use the five- step method to Problem A: Find the
concepts and find the area between: area between z = -1.5 and z determine each of the probability that a certain of
practicing new skills z = 0 and z = 0.65 = 1. following areas data randomly selected from
#2 Construct the normal curve. 1. between z = 1 and z = -1 a normal population will
2. between z= 0.8 and z = have a standard (z) score
a. greater than -1.58
b. less than 2.86

Problem B. What z score

represents the percentile of
the distribution?

F. Developing mastery For each of the following I. Compute the z Problem: Find the Consider this situation.
(Leads to Formative find the area between: score .Sketch and level probability that a certain of Having obtained a score
Assessment 3) 1. z = 0 and z = 1.86 each curve. data randomly selected from of 85 in a unit test in
2. z = 0 and z = - 0.37 a normal population will Science, John wanted to
Sketch the normal curve. 1. X = 60, =8 = have a standard (z) score know how he fared in
a. greater than -1.58 comparison with his
42 b. less than 2.86 classmates. His teacher told
2. X = 78, s = 6 = him that he scored at the
85 90th percentile. Draw a
II. Find the area that normal curve to show
corresponds to z = -1.23 John’s relative standing.
G. Finding practical For each of the following , A. Answer the given “Apply the z” WORKING BY GROUP
applications of find the area between: problem Each group will work Each member of the
concepts and skills 1. z = 0 and z = -1.58 1. On the first periodical test collaboratively to answer the group will work
in daily living 2. z = 0 and z = -2.27 result in G-10 mathematics , given problem. collaboratively to answer the
sketch the normal curve. the mean is 24 and the The monthly income of given problem.
standard deviation is 5. Find 200 employees at The monthly income of 200
the z value that corresponds Waltermart Trece is employees at Waltermart
to a score of 28. distributed normally. Trece is distributed
B. Find the proportion of the Suppose the mean monthly normally. Suppose the
area that corresponds to z = income is 9000 pesos and mean monthly income is
2.25 the standard deviation is 9000 pesos and the
300 pesos. standard deviation is 300
a. What percentage of the pesos.
employees earns more than a. What percentage of the
15, 000 pesos per month? employees earn more than
15, 000 pesos per month?
b. What percentage of the
employees earn between b. What percentage of the
5,000 pesos to 15,000 employees earn between
pesos? 5,000 pesos to 15,000
H. Making 1. What do you mean by 1. What do you mean by z 1. How will you determine 1. How will you compute the
generalizations and Normal Probability score and how may it be the areas of regions under probabilities /proportion/
abstractions about Distribution? calculated? the normal curve? percentage using standard
the lesson 2. What are the properties 2. What are the steps in 2. How will you express the normal table?
of a normal probability finding the proportion of the proportion of the desired 2. How will you compute
distribution? area that corresponds to a area under the normal the z-score or the standard
3. How can you find the specific z score? curve? normal random variables
area of a specific region
using standard normal
under the curve?
I. Evaluating learning Test I. TRUE OR FALSE: I. Determine the z score of Use the z table to find the Solve the problem:
1. The standard normal the following and indicate area that corresponds to 1. A score is in the 60th
distribution is also called whether each score lies each of the following. percentile. What is this
normal curve. below or above the mean. Sketch and level each curve score under the normal
2. The area under a normal 1. X = 50 , s = 5, = 44 curve?
curve is 100. 2. X = 50 =8 = 1. above z = 1. 25 2. What percentile is
3. The mean of a standard depicted in the sketch of the
normal curve is 3. 62 2. between z = -2.6 and z = normal curve?
4. The curve of a normal 3. X = 38, s = 6 = 1.58
distribution extends 28
indefinitely at the tails.
5. The shape of the normal II. Find the area that
probability distribution is corresponds to z = 2.27.
symmetric about the mean.

Test II. Find the area
between two z values of a
normal curve and sketch the
drawing of a normal curve.
1. z = 0 and z = 0.85
2. z = 0 and z = 1.34
J. Additional activities Reflection: Assignment: Let the students complete Complete the sentence:
for application or I learned Problem: In a national the following sentences I learned that
remediation that___________________ achievement test, Joana 1. The new concepts I have ______________________
_ obtained a score of 90. In learned were ___________ I still need to clarify on
I still need to clarify on the standardization of the 2. I still need to clarify on _____________________
____________________. test, = 80 and = 9. What _____________
3. Based on the discussion I
can be deduced from realized that
Joana’s score in relation to ______________________
the national achievement ________________

VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What
works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors
can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
1. No.of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
2. No.of learners who
require additional
activities for
3. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.of
learners who have
caught up with the
4. No.of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

7. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:

Wilhelmina L. Roman Jaypee S. Lapira
Subject Teacher SHS Focal Person


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