Unified DLL - Q3 - W8
Unified DLL - Q3 - W8
Unified DLL - Q3 - W8
B. Other Learning Resources K-12 Statistics and Probability K-12 Statistics and Probability K-12 Statistics and Probability K-12 Statistics and Probability
for Senior High School for Senior High School for Senior High School for Senior High School
A. Reviewing previous lesson or From our last discussion who From the previous lesson what Let’s recall our discussion last 1. Find the area under the normal
presenting the new lesson among from the class wants to are the properties or time. curve given the
share about what he/she learned? characteristics of the Normal Who among from the class that following conditions.
Probability Distribution? can give what is Standard Normal a. To the left of z = 1
Yes! Distribution?
Yes! Any one from the class?
Learner. Learner
Sir, I learned about what is
Sampling Distribution and Central Sir.
Limit Theorem, Sampling The properties or characteristics Standard Normal Curve is a Answer: 0.8849
Distribution is a probability of normal curve are the following; normal probability distribution that
distribution of a statistic obtained has a mean μ=0 and a standard b. To the right of z = 1.75
from a larger number of samples 1. The distribution curve is bell- deviation σ=1.
drawn from a specific population. shaped.
And Central Limit Theorem states 2. The curve is symmetrical What formula that can we used
that the sampling distribution of for solving the Standard Normal
about its center.
the sample means taken with Distribution?
replacement from a population N 3. The mean, the median, and
with a population mean µ and a the mode coincide at the Answer: 0.0401
standard deviation 𝜎 will center.
approach normal distribution. 4. The width of the curve is c. Between z = 0.5 and z = 2.5
determined by the standard
Very well said class, and now let’s deviation of the distribution.
move on in our next discussion.
5. The tails of the curve flatten
out indefinitely along the
horizontal axis, always
approaching the axis but
never touching it. That is, the
curve is asymptotic to the Answer: 0.3023
base line.
d. Between z = -2.5 and z = -1.2
6. The area under the curve is
1. Thus, it represents the
probability or proportion or
the percentage associated
with specific sets of Let’s now move on to our next
measurement values. lesson.
C. Presenting examples The process of solving problems Who among from the class can Who among from the class that What are the step in constructing the
/instances of the new involving sampling distribution of illustrate the Areas Under the can illustrate a graph when our Sampling Distribution of the Means.
Lesson the sample mean is the same with Normal Curve? sample size is 30?
solving any word problems in Yes!
Math. The Central Limit Theorem
allows us to assume that the
sampling distribution of the mean Learner
is closely normally distributed,
Step 1; Determine the number of
that is when n≥30. possible samples that can be drawn
Therefore, we have two formula from the Population using the
for computing the sample formula:
X−μ Based in your classmate And how about is the sample size
z= can be used when illustration of Normal Curve, How is 60? Where N = size of the population
many regions do we have? n = size of the sample
computing for the (z-score for
population data). Step 2; List all the possible samples
x−x We have two region in
z= can be used when and compute the mean of each
s Normal curve. sample.
computing for the (z-score for
sample data). And what are does region? Step 3; Construct a frequency
Where; distribution of the sample means
And if the sample size is 120 what
X = given measurement Right Skewed obtained in Step 2.
will be the figure of our
μ = population mean Left Skewed illustration?
σ = population standard deviation
x = sample mean What the total area of each
s = sample standard deviation Skewed?
Class why do you think z-score is .4990 is the total area of each
important in determining your
What is the center of the Normal Very good. Now let’s move on, to
Yes class! It’s gives you an idea our next discussion about Central
of how far from the mean a data curve?
Limit theorem.
point is.
Mean, Median, Percentage of
the given data.
D. Discussing new concepts Let’s discuss what is raw score? Let’s discuss what are the What will be the formula in solving Guide the students in solving the
and practicing new skills A raw score may be composed of procedure in finding the area of the central limit theorem? word problem above.
large values, but large values Normal Curve? Below are the solutions to the
#1. problem.
cannot be accommodated at the x−μ
base line of the normal curve. The four-step process in finding
z= Problem :Fresh Cola uses a filling
σ machine to fill plastic
They transformed into scores for the areas under the Normal
convenience without sacrificing Curve.
√n bottles with soda. The contents of
Where; every bottle vary according to a
meanings associated with the raw normal distribution with µ = 253 ml
scores. Step 1. Express the given z-value x=the population ¿ ¿ and σ= 3 ml.
into a three-digit form. μ=themean (a) What is the probability that an
In our previous lesson the graph σ =the standard deviation individual bottle contains less than
of random variables locates the X Step 2. Using the z-table, find the 250 ml?
n=sample ¿ ¿
scores on the x-axis, in first two digits on the left column.
mathematics these locations are Reminder class.
called zeroes. This concept of the Step 3. Match the third digit with In Central Limit theorem, if
normal curve called the standard the appropriate column on the random variables of size n are
deviations z (for zero) scores. right. drawn from a large or infinite
population with a mean μ and a
Always remember class, in finding Step 4. Read the area (or variance σ 2, then the sampling
the z values we need to matched probability) at the intersection of
distribution of the sample mean x
with specific areas under the the row and the column.
is approximately normally
normal distribution table. The z-
distributed with a mean μ and a
value leads to the area under the
curve found in the normal curve Reminders class, the column
standard deviation .
table, which is a probability, and headings are; z, .00, .01, .02, .03, √N
that probability gives the desired and so on to .09. The columns
percentage for x. indicate the hundredth place of a The normal approximation in the
z-value. theorem will be good if n ≥ 30
The symmetry of the normal regardless of the shape of the
distribution, the area between population. If n<30 ,the
z = 0 and any point to the left is approximation is good only if the
equal to the area between z = 0 population is not too different from
and the point equidistant to the a normal population. If the
right. population is known to be normal,
the sampling distribution of the
mean will follow a normal
distribution exactly, no matter how
small the sample size is.
E. Discussing new concepts And now let’s try to solve some Let’s us solve this problem. What are the steps in solving Example 2.
and practicing new skills #2 problems in z - score. problems using Central Limit If 10 bottles are randomly selected,
Example 1. Theorem? what is the
Example 1. Reading Scores A certain group of Social A. Central Limit Theorem probability that the mean of the
Given the mean, μ = 50 and the samples will be less
Amelioration Program (SAP) Illustration.
than 250 mL?
standard deviation, σ = 4 of a beneficiaries received a cash Step 1. Identify the given in the
population of reading scores. Find grant amounting to PhP 5,000 problem.
the z-value that corresponds to a with a standard deviation of PhP
score x = 58. 1000. A random sample of
30 people is taken, what is the
Solution; probability that their mean benefit
Formula in computing the z-score. is greater than PhP 5,500?
x−μ Identify the problem.
z= The probability that mean benefit
of a certain SAP group is greater Step 2. Draw a graph.
than PhP 5,500.
Given; Enumerate or list down all the Step 3. Use the formula for finding
μ=50 ,σ =4 given facts.
the z-score.
¿ x=58
4 Write the formula to be Step 4. Look up for the area to the
8 right of the z-score you
z= calculated in step 3 in the z-
Step 5. Convert the area to
Therefore, the z-value that Substitute the given percent.
corresponds to the raw score 58 values to the formula.
is 2 in a population distribution. Then, compute.
Example 1. A certain group of 4P’s
recipients receives cash benefits
of P 1,100 per week with a
standard deviation of 200. If a
random sample of 25 people is
taken, what is the probability that
their mean benefit will be greater
Locate the area for z from the than P1,200 per week?
Areas Under the Standard Normal
Curve Table. Step 1; Given: μ=1,100
(A copy is provided in x=1,200
Annex 1 of this module.) n=25
σ =200
Step 5.
Locate the area for z = 1.Draw a normal curve
2.02 from the Areas Under 2.Locate the z-value
the Standard Normal 3.Draw a line through the z-value.
Curve Table. 4.Shade the required region.
(A copy is provided in
Annex 1 of this module.)
z = 1 corresponds to an area
of 0.3413.
That is,
P ( z> 1 )=0.5−0.3413
¿ 0.1587
G. Finding practical Group Activity. I divided the class Group Activity. I divided the class Group Activity. I divided the class Group Activity. I divided the class
applications of concepts into 3 group each group will into 5 group each group will into 3 group each group will into 3 group each group will
and skills in daily living selected their leader. selected their leader. selected their leader. selected their leader.
Group 1. Determine each of the following
Score in PE areas and show these graphically. Direction; Solve the problem in Direction; Solve the problem in
Locate the z-value that Use probability notation in your Central limit theorem, find the solving Sampling Distribution.
corresponds to a PE score of 39 final answer. given data in the problem. Show
given that μ=45and σ =6. your solution. Group 1. A bottling company uses
Group 1. a machine to fill the bottles with
Group 2. 1.above z = 1.46 Group 1. olive oil. The bottles are designed
Score in a science test 1.A large freight elevator can to contain 475 milliliters (ml). In
Given x=20 , x=26∧s=4. Group 2. transport a maximum of 9,800 fact, the contents vary according
Compute the corresponding z- 2. Below z = - 0.58 pounds. Suppose a load of cargo to anormal distribution with a
score. containing 49 boxes must be mean of 473 ml and standard
Group 3. transported via the elevator. deviation of 3 ml. what is the
Group 3. 3.Between z = - 0.78 and z = - Experience has shown that the mean, and standard error of the
Price of chicken. 1.95 weight of boxes of this type of sample mean of six randomly
Due to Covid -19 pandemic, it cargo follows a distribution with selected bottles?
was announced over the radio Group 4. mean μ=205 pounds and
that the average price of a 4.Between z = - 0.92 and z = 1.75 standard deviation σ =15 Group 2. One million students
kilogram of whole chicken pounds. Based on this take a standardized test. Their
increased to ₱170.00 with Group 5. information, what is the probability average score is 500. The
𝜎 = 9.5. A sample of 30 prices 5.Between z = 0.76 and z = 2.88 that all 49 boxes can be safety standard deviation of their scores
was randomly collected from 1. loaded into the freight elevator is 100. A statistician chooses 400
different markets. What is the and transported? students at random and computes
probability that the new price the mean X of their test scores.
average of whole chicken per Group 2. What is the expected value of X?
kilogram is between ₱175 and A variable is normally distributed What is the standard deviation of
₱165. with a mean of 120 and a X?
standard deviation of 5. Four
scores are randomly sampled. Group 3. The average annual
What is the probability that the income of 10 million people
mean of the four scores is above working in Manila is
127? ₱ 100,000.00 . The standard
deviation of their incomes is ₱
2,500. A statistician chooses 100
different workers in Manila at
Group 3. random and computes their
Supposed a certain manufacturer average income. What is the
produces steel shafts for which mean and the standard deviation?
the diameter has mean 0.3 inches
and standard deviation 0.05
inches. (a) Determine the mean
and standard deviation of the
average diameter of 30 shafts. (b)
Use the Central limit theorem to
determine the probability that the
average diameter of 30 shafts is
greater than 0.31.
H. Making generalizations and What had you learned in our What had you learned in our From our lesson who among from
abstractions about the lesson lesson for today class? Any lesson for today class? Any the class, that can share ideas of
volunteer, how wants to share of volunteer, how wants to share of what he/she learned?
what he/she learned from our what he/she learned from our
discussion in our lesson? discussion in our lesson? Yes!
I. Evaluating learning Directions: Complete the table Determine each of the following Direction; Solve the problem in Direction; Solve the following
below. areas and show these graphically. Central limit theorem, find the given problem.
Samples of size n were randomly Use probability notation in your data in the problem. Show your 1.How many different samples of size
selected from populations with final answer. solution. n =3 can be selected from a
1.Suppose that you have a sample of population with the following sizes?
means and variances given 1.at most z = -1.5
100 values from a population with 1. N = 4
below. In each case, find the 2. at least z = 1
mean μ=500 and with standard 2. N = 8
mean and standard deviation of 3. at least z = -2 3. N = 20
deviation σ =80.
the sampling distribution of the 4. N = 50
a. What is the probability that the
means. sample mean will be in the interval
(490,510)? 2. A population consists of the five
b. Give an interval that covers the numbers 2,3,6,8 and 11. Consider
middle 95% of the distribution of the samples of size 2 that can be drawn
sample mean. from this population.
2.There are 250 dogs at a dog show a. List all the possible samples and
weigh an average of 12 pounds, with the corresponding mean.
a standard deviation of 8 pounds. If 4 Sample Mean
dogs are chosen at random, what is
the probability they have an average
weight of greater than 8 pounds and
less than 25 pounds?
J. Additional activities for Directions: Complete the table Determine each of the following Direction; Solve the problem in Direction; Solve the following
application or remediation below. areas and show these graphically. Central limit theorem, find the given problem.
Samples of size n were randomly Use probability notation in your data in the problem. Show your 1.A group of students got the
selected from populations. The final answer. solution. following scores in a test:
1.A population of 29-year-old males 6,9,12,15,18, and 21. Consider
mean and the standard deviations 1.at most z = 2.5
has a mean salary of P29,321 with a samples of size 3 that can be drawn
of the sampling distribution of the 2. at least z = 1.4 standard deviation of P 2,120. If a from this population.
means are given below. In each 3. at least z = -1.57 sample of 100 men is taken, what is a. List all the possible samples and
case, find the mean and variance the probability that their mean the corresponding mean.
of the population where the salaries will be less than P 29,000? Sample Mean
sampling distribution was derived. 2. A variable is normally distributed
with a mean of 120 and a standard
deviation of 5. Four scores are
randomly sampled. What is the
probability that the mean of the four
scores is above 127?
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?