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A Detailed Lesson Plan

in Mathematics 7
Grade 7 – Emmanuella

At the end of a 30-minute lesson, the students are expected to:
a. distinguish the properties of the operations on integers;
b. rewrite the given expressions according to the given property; and
c. relate the given properties to real life situations.


Topic: Properties of the Operations on Integers
Reference: Mathematics – Grade 7 Learner’s Material
Materials: printed materials, multimedia presentation
Method: Inductive, Inquiry-based
Values integration: distinguishing, rewriting, relating

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Routine Activity
Good morning, class. : Good morning, ma’am.

First, let us all pray to be led by Angelica. : Amen.

Before taking your seats, pick up the

pieces of papers and candy wrappers on
your respective areas. : (The students will do so).

You may now take your seats.

B. Review/Motivation
Do you want to play a game, class? : Yes, ma’am.

Well then, let’s play the game “Think

Fast!” Before we start, let us know the
mechanics first. Will you read, Stephanie.
1. There shall be flashed expressions on the
screen and you need to execute the
2. If you know the result, raise your right hand
to be recognized.
3. The students who shall be called and answered
correctly shall have the privilege to unveil our
magic phrase for today.
4. Three-second time shall be given to the
student to answer and if he/she fails to do so,
another student shall be called to answer.
5. Also, he/she shall be given a prize afterwards.
Is the mechanics clear, class?
: Yes, ma’am.
1.) 29 + 57
2.) 12 x 14 : 86
3.) 7 – 2 x (-16) : 168
4.) 4 x 5 + 72 ÷ (-6) : 224
5.) 9 + 6 – (-3) x 12 ÷ (-9) :8
: 11

C. Presentation of the Lesson

: (The students shall reveal the magic phrase on the


What is our magic phrase, class?

: Properties of the Operations on Integers.

D. Development of the Lesson

(The teacher shall flash
expression/pictures on the screen).

29 + 57 = 86
12 x 14 = 168

What operations were used from the

equation, Jessa? : Addition and multiplication, ma’am.


What happened to both sides of the

: The right side of the equation has two numbers
equation, Angelica?
and the operation to be executed and the left side is
the result, ma’am.
Good remark!
From those answers, what property can be :Closure Property, ma’am
concluded, Angelito?


: Two integers that are added and multiplied remain

What is a closure property, Rosemarie? as integers. The set of integers is closed under
addition and multiplication. Denoted as a, b є I,
then a+b є I, a•b є I.

= +

If m represents the number of mangoes

and a represents the number of avocadoes.
What mathematical phrase can be deduced : m + a = a + m, ma’am.
from the picture, Roselle?


What operation is used in illustrating the : Addition, ma’am.

diagram, Fredrick?

That’s right!

: The terms were interchanged, ma’am.

What happened to the terms in both sides
of the equation, Nemuel?
: Commutative Property of Addition: For integers a,
Will you voice out the property illustrated,
b, a + b = b + a.
Al Jhon?

Thank you!
What if the operation is replaced by :2•3=3•2
multiplication, will the same property be 6=6
applicable? Give an example to prove
your answer. : Commutative Property of Multiplication: For
integers a, b, ab = ba.
Based from the example, what can we
conclude, Al Jhon?

: Commutative Property
Definitely! Changing the order of two numbers that are either
being added or multiplied does not change the
Will you define the property, Rowena? result.

: An example is preparing fruit juices - even if you
Will you give a real life situation in which put the powder first before the water or vice versa,
the commutative property can be applied, the product will still be the same. It’s still the same
Jonel? fruit juice.

Wonderful example!

Test the property on subtraction and : Commutative property is not applicable to

division operations by using simple subtraction and division as shown in the following
examples. What did you discover, examples:
Nhorielyn? 6–2=2–6 6÷2=2÷6
4 ≠ -4 3 ≠ 1/3

: Yes, ma’am.
That is for the Commutative Property. Did
you understand, class?
: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c), ma’am.

( + )+
: Addition, ma’am.

+( + )
: The groupings were changed, ma’am.
If a represents the number of cellphones, b
represents the ipods and c represents the
laptops, will you tell us the mathematical : Associative Property of Addition
statement, Kelly? For integers a, b and c, (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)

: (2 • 3) • 5 = 3 • (2 • 5)
What operation is used in illustrating the 6 • 5 = 3 • 10
diagram, Rio? 30 = 30

: Associative Property of Multiplication
What happened to the groupings of the For integers a, b and c, (a• b)c = a(b• c)
given sets that correspond to both sides of
the equation, Lorena?
: Associative Property
Changing the grouping of numbers that are either
From your answers, will you tell the being added or multiplied does not change its value.
property applied, Angelica?

What if the operation is replaced by : An example is preparing instant coffee – even if

multiplication, will the same property be you combine coffee and creamer then sugar or
applicable? Give an example to prove coffee and sugar then creamer the result will be the
your answer. same – 3-in-1coffee.

What can you conclude for multiplication

operation, Ray Alvin?
Based from the given, will you define the : Associative property is not applicable to
property, Mary Ann? subtraction and division as shown in the following
(6 – 2) – 1 = 6 – (2 – 1) (12 ÷ 2) ÷ 2 = 12 ÷ (2 ÷ 2)
4–1=6–1 6 ÷ 2 = 12 ÷ 1
3≠5 3 ≠ 12
How is associative property applied in the
real life events, Dishelle?

Test the property on subtraction and

division operations by using simple
examples. What did you discover,

: a (b + c) = ab + ac, ma’am.
And that is for Associative Property.

2x( + ) : Multiplication and addition, ma’am.


2x( )+2x( ) : The multiplier from the first expression was

distributed to both money inside the parenthesis,
If a represents the multiplier in front, b ma’am.
represents the set of five peso coin and c
represents the twenty peso bill, will you
show us the mathematical statement,
: Distributive Property
For any integers a, b, c, a(b + c) = ab + ac.
Unquestionably! For any integers a, b, c, a(b - c) = ab – ac.
What operations were used from the
example, Joezer? : Distributive Property
When two numbers have been added / subtracted
Correct! and then multiplied by a factor, the result will be
the same when each number is multiplied by the
From the example, what have you noticed factor and the products are then added / subtracted.
between the first expression and the
second expression, Fredrick?

: We can either add or subtract the numbers inside

Good observation!
the parentheses first and then multiply the result; or,
we can multiply with each term separately and then
Will you state the property executed, add/ subtract the two products together. The answer
Rosemarie? will still be the same.
-2(4 + 3) = (-2 • 4) + (-2 • 3)
-2(7) = (-8) + (-6)
-14 = -14
Will you define distributive property,
Jessa? : When I bought 3 boxes of chocolates with 10
pieces and 3 boxes of biscuits with 5 pieces inside.
I bought 30 pieces of chocolates and 15 pieces of
biscuits. Also, it showed that I have bought three
boxes of 15 pieces of chocolates and biscuits.

In the said property can we add/subtract

the numbers inside the parenthesis and
then multiply or perform multiplication
first and then addition/subtraction? Give
an example to prove your answer. Will
you do it, Nemuel? :a+0=a

: Identity Property, ma’am.

: The result is the non-zero number.

Splendid answer!

: Zero, “0” is the additive identity.

Give a real life situation wherein : Identity Property for Addition states that 0 is the
distributive property can be applied, additive identity, that is, the sum of any number and
Abigael. 0 is the given number.

Marvelous example!
: Yes, the number is 1.
Examples: 1•2=2 1•3=3 1•4=4
That concludes the distributive property.

: Identity Property for Multiplication says that 1 is

the Multiplicative Identity - the product of any
number and 1 is the given number, a•1= a.

If a represents the apple present on plate,

: One, “1” is the multiplicative identity.
what mathematical phrase can you
deduce, Sharon?

What property is illustrated, Dishelle?


What will be the result if you add

something represented by any number to
nothing represented by zero, Stephie?

What do you call zero “0” in this case,


Will you define the property, Stephanie? : Addition, ma’am.

Well said!

Is there a number multiplied to any : 5 + (-5) = 0.

number that will result to that same
number? Give examples.
What property is being illustrated with
multiplication, Karen? : The result is always zero, ma’am.

Nice thought!

What do you call one “1” in this case? : Inverse Property for Addition
a + (-a) = 0

That is for the Identity property.

: Additive Inverse. The additive inverse of the

number a is –a.

: Inverse Property for Addition

+ = - states that the sum of any number and its additive
inverse or its negative, is zero.

: The reciprocal is 1 divided by that number or the

What operation is used from the equation, fraction, where a represents the number.

: The reciprocal of a number is also known as its
multiplicative inverse.
Using integers, represent “put in 5
tomatoes” and “remove 5 tomatoes”?
What will be the result if you add these
representations, Nhorielyn? : 5(1/5) = 1
: Inverse Property for Multiplication
a(1/a) = 1
What will be the result if you add an
integer to its negative, Sharon?

Precisely! : Inverse Property for Multiplication - states that the

product of any number and its multiplicative
inverse or reciprocal, is 1.
Based from your answers, what property
For any number a, the multiplicative inverse is 1/a.
is executed, Alvin?

What do you call the opposite of a number : Mechanics

in terms of sign? What is the opposite of a 1. The class shall be divided into two. The first
number represented by a, Lorena? group shall compose of students sitting at the right
column and the second group shall be the students
Clearly! from the left column.
2. Seven members shall be needed from each group
Will you define the property then, Rio? and line on the aisle. The remaining members shall
oversee and coach for their group mates but do not
Absolutely! 3. Each member shall rewrite the given expressions
based on the given property on the board.
What do you mean by reciprocal of an 4. After he/she is done, make a high-five with the
integer, Al? person next in line so that he/she can answer. Do
this until the last member is done.
Well stated! 5. The first group to finish with the most correct
answers shall be the winner.
What is the other term used for it,
Nemuel? : a(bc + cd + d)
: (-7) + (-6)
: (2 x 3) x 7
What if you multiply a number say 5 by :0
its multiplicative inverse, what will be the : -3
result, Karen? : (-3)(4) + (-3)(9)
: 78
Of course!
What property is being illustrated, Jessa?

Will you now define the property,


E. Application : Our society is much like these equations -

Let’s have an activity entitled “Can you composed of different numbers and operations,
change me?” different people with varied personalities,
Kindly read the mechanics, Roselle. perspectives and experiences. We can choose to
look at the differences and forever highlight one's
advantage or superiority over the others. Or we can
focus on the commonality among people and
altogether, work for the common good.

: Closure, Commutative, Associative, Distributive,

Identity, and Inverse Properties, ma’am.

: a, b є I, then a+b є I, a•b є I

1. (abc + acd + ad) Distributive Property
2. (- 6) + (-7) Commutative Property
3. 2 x (3 x 7) Associative Property ab = ba
4. 10 + (-10) Additive Inverse Property
5. 0 + (-3) Additive Identity Property : (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
6. (-3)(4 + 9) Distributive Property (ab) c = a (bc)
7. 6(13) Closure Property
: a(b + c) = ab + ac

F. Valuing :a+0=a
From our lesson, it explains how a•1=a
expression can be arranged into an
: a + (-a) = 0
equation and no matter what process we
a•(1/a) = 1
do, we still can get the same answer.

(The teacher shall flash the word


Now, how is our society related to an

equation, Karen?
Truly! A peaceful society and harmonious
relationship starts with recognizing,
appreciating and fully maximizing the
positive traits that we, as a people, have in

G. Generalization
What are properties of the operations on
integers, Nemuel?

What is the notation and symbol for

closure property, Fredrick?

How about for commutative property,


May we know for associative property,


How about for distributive property,


What is the notation and symbol for

identity property, Stephie?

Lastly, for inverse property, Angelito?

Which property of real number justifies each statement?
1. 2(3 - 5) = 2(3) - 2(5)
2. 1 x (-9) = -9
3. 2(5) = 5(2)

Make 5 equations showing the different properties of the operations on integers.

Let’s call it a day, class. Goodbye!

A Detailed Lesson Plan

in Mathematics 7
Grade 7- Emmanuella
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Submitted by:

Student Teacher

Submitted to:

Supervising Instructor

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