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5th Topic – Apprehension, Ticketing Systyem, and LTO Affiliate

- Law enforcement – Enforces laws
o Or effectively enforcing laws yaknow
- 3 types of law enforcement
o Persuasive – Persuading drivers to follow the rules
o Preventive – Stop drivers from breaking the law
o Punitive – Punishment for law breakers
- Tickketing System
o Temporary Operator’s Permit
 When license is confiscated, acts as temporary license for
72 hours, has 5 days to contest and 15 days to settle,
otherwise suspended for 30 days
o Uniform Ordinance Violation Reciept
 If commit violation in Manila but not MMDA
o Traffic Citation Ticket
 Issued if violation in LGUs, there’s no need to confiscate
the license
- DOTr – Coordinates government activities regarding transportation
- LTFRB – Issues Certificate of Public Convenience, for franchising
- PNP Highway Patrol Group – Basically the bastards who arrests pipol
for violating laws
- DPWH – Responsible for the asphalt building and unbuilding

6th & 7th Topic – Traffic Signs

- 3 Categories of Signs in the PH
o Regulatory Signs – inform drivers of traffic laws and if ignored
will become an offense
 Prohibitive Sign
 Directional Sign
 Priority Sign
 Parking Sign
 RA8750 – Seatbelt Law
o Warning Signs – warns the motorists about obstacles and
hazardous conditions on the road, also usually triangular and
red, can be yellow
o Informative Signs – Usually rectangular and gives you a guide
or information on what to expect
 Advance Direction Signs – Shows you the direction you
need to go to go to a certain destination
 Intersection Direction Sign – Visible less than 1km before
an intersection
 Reassurance Direction Sign – Gives you the approximate
distance before an exit
 Fingerboard & Direction Signs – Provides directions to
towns, and places of interests in not as important
 Tourist Information, Distance, and Direction Signs
 Service Signs – Signs
 Route Markers – Identification of roads and highways that
have significance by using numbers
 Zero Kilometer Post – Usually near the provincial building
of a province
 Hazard Markers – Emphasize change in direction of the
road, basically the arrow signs on the road going up Liliw,
the shiny bois
 One way Hazard Marker – Direction needed to be
followed if marker appears on driving path
 Two way hazard marker – used when there is an
obstruction and need to avoid, looks like this
 Chevron Sign – guide drivers though change in
horizontal alignment of the road

8th & 9th Topic – Pavement Markings and Signals

- Edge Line – separates the road from the side walk
- Center Line – separates the two sides of the road
- Broken white line – separates the lanes
- Stop line – where vehicles are required to stop
- Solid white line - lane divider near pedestrian or intersection, not
allowed to change lanes
- Solid yellow lane – overtaking is no, but crossing is fine
- Half broken and Solid yellow lane – overtaking is permitted on the
side with the broken line
- Double solid line – overtaking and crossing is no
- Continuity Line – if at the left, means you must change lanes to
continue, but if right, means keep going
- When entering the express way, go the same speed as the other
- Transition Line – the triangle line with striped markings so you can
safely avoid central islands and stuff
- Give Way / Holding Line – two broken white lines, means you have
to yield or give way to oncoming traffic
- Round About holding Line – Makes it so that cars inside rotunda or
round about have right of way over new cars

- Pedestrian Lanes – for… you know…. Pedestrians
o Signalized
o Non-Signalized
- Turn Line – Tells you how to turn in intersection
- Loading and Unloading Bay Lane Line – Shows you where PUVs
can load and unload
- Parking Bay – For parking
- Approach Markings to Islands and Obstructions
- Rumble Strips – gives warning for oncoming hazards
- Curb Painting – used for parking (Yellow, No parking), and for
loading and unloading zones (Red No loading and unloading), etc
- Railroad Crossing Ahead – Railroad
- Pavement Arrows – used for lane control
- Speed limit – speed limit
- Bus and PUV Lane – Unbroken Yellow Line, separating buses and
puvs from the peasants
- Traffic Lights Signals
o Green – Go
o Flashing Green Signal – Permits the vehicle to go while the
opposing traffic is red
o Yellow Signal – Shows when almost red signal
o Flashing Yellow Signal – Means proceed with caution
o Red – Stop
o Flashing Red – Stop and go only when safe

10th Topic – Turn and Overtake

- Section 37 of Traffic Code – Every car or whatever must go right
when meeting vehicles coming towards, and left when overtaking
- When turning to the left in going from one highway to another, be on
the left side of your lane (right of the center of the intersection of the
- Don’t go back to the right side after overtaking until it is safe to do so
- Can overtake to the right if same lane anyway, or if they’re turning left
- Section 40 – Give way to overtaking vehicle
- Also don’t increase speed when being overtaken
- Restrictions on Overtaking
o Do not overtake if oncoming traffic
o Do not overtake if on a dangerous road, or curve, or if viewing
is obstructed within 500 feet ahead or 150 meters
o No overtaking on intersections, except if two lanes

10th Topic – Right of Way and Parking Notes

- Right of way tells you who has the right of way, Section 42 of Traffic
- Arriving at the same time – Right side has right car has right of way
- Turning at Intersection / Opposite side – Car turning right has right
of way
- Give right of way to pedestrians, avoid hitting them with your car
- Vehicle must stop before passing by a highway in an intersection, or
if there’s no danger, can slow down to 8kph instead of a full stop
- Cars coming from garage must give way
- Section 45 of traffic code shows rules about turning in intersections

- Do not park 6 meters from an intersection
- Do not park 4 meters from a drive way or a fire hydrant
- Hitching is not allowed
- Use red flags if load is longer by one meter than the body of the car, it
should be at least 30x30cm in length and width, and red flag lights
must be switched on half hour before sun set and sun rise, it should
also be visible 50 meters away
- All cars must have mufflers, they must not be cut off or disconnected
- Vehicles with metal tires not allowed on hiway
- Section 54 – do not drive being a knobhead (obstructing other
vehicles on the highway by unloading, being slow etc)
11th Topic – Expressway Guidelines
- Expressway – High speed road, or Highway with controlled entrance
and exit
- For 2 lane express way, right side is for all vehicles, and left is only
for passing
- For 3 lanes, left is for passing. 2 is for under 1.5 ton cargo, and 3 is
for over 1.5 ton cargo
- 4 lanes, same as 3 except 4 is for special vehicles and construction


- Place where people pay is called a toll plaza

12 – Motorcycle Guidelines and Parts??????



13 – Initial Operation of Motorcycles (Why do I have to learn about
14 – Motor Vehicle Rules and Parts
- Exterior Lights – One on each side with white or yellowish, must be
lit 30 mins before sunrise sunset, no red light facing forward
- Signal Lights
- Hazard Lamps
- Tail Lamp
- Brake Light
- Reverse Light
- Plate Lamp – needs to be white (haha racist)
- Left and right mirrors
- Windshield
- Front Wipers / Rear Wipers
- Doors
- Engine Hood
- Compartment or 5th Door
- Fuel Tank Cap
- Underchassis
o Engine and Transmission
o Linkages and Joints
o Rear Axle and Differential
o Muffler and Silencer
o Tire – better to replace with exact number

- Steering Wheel
- Headlight Switch – Usually on the left
- Wiper Switch – Usually on the right
- Ignition Switch
- Gear Selector Lever
- Clutch Pedal – Left
- Brake Pedal – Middle
- Gas Pedal – Right
- Hand parking brake lever / emergency brake
- Foot Parking brake lever
- Driver control console
- Hazard Switch
- Cabin Lights and Switches

- Aircon control panel
- Seat Belts
- Air Bags
- Window Lock
- Head Restraint
- Child Restraint and Child Lock
15 & 16 – Initial Operation of the Vehicle
- Walk around check for vehicle goodness
o Check for tire crack sidewall, if it’s flat or if the tread is wornout
o Check if tire is bulging or has a damaged rim
o Suspension
- Prestart routine
o Height and Angle Lever
o Horizontal Position lever
o Adjust the seat and stuff

- Turn on the car by turning clockwise
- Gear neutral on manual
- For Manual, fully press on clutch and brake pedals, then shift to first
gear, then release the parking break lever, slowly release the clutch
pedal while releasing brake, FEEL THE TRANSMISION, lookie at
path, brake and clutch if big fat person in way
- To shift gear on manual, step on clutch and get rid of the gas pedal
throw it out the window, shift to desired gear, release clutch and then
press gas
- Step on the brake before the clutch
- Steering
o 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock or 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock is most
o Tracking – keeps your vehicle at intended path of travel
o Hand over hand turning – Hands cross each other when turning
o Hand to Hand Steering – Hands do not cross eachother
o One hand streering – Recommended for reversing
- Think before making a turn haha
- Look at mirrors
- Signal your intent
- Look again
- Overtaking
o Make sure enough power and speed
o Avoid eye to eye contact
o Safely return to original lane
o Do not force
- Possible Problems
o Understeering
o Oversteering
- Steering wheel will go back to normal I wish same
- To Reverse
o Step on brake, shift to reverse
o Turn body to right and look backwards
o Left hand on top of wheel, 12 position
o Release pressure from brake while releasing clutch pedal
o Turn steering wheel
o Keep foot over break at all times
- Front wheels turn more when reversing
- Front will swing out father than back while reversing
- Backing up will reverse haha get it the steering
- To Stop
o Take off accelerator and put on brake
o Before car stops push clutch pedal
o Bring car to stop
o Put car to neutral or park
o Put hand brake on and shut down dudududu
- Parking
o Nose in parking, front to the wall
 If tight space

o Reverse Parking, parking in reverse
 Twink of an imaginary reference point
 Sloiwly park using side and rear view mirrors
o Parallel parking
 Pull up alongside the vehicle
 Rear Bumper to bumber to next car, make it reference
 Reverse
 Turn wheel sharply to the right and reverse
 Aim car to rear right corner of parking space
 When steering wheel is even with front car bumer
 Keep looking behind you so no hit hit
o If parked uphill or downhill, make sure steering wheel pointing
to the curb to not hit ppl or wait

o So if uphill with curb then point away but if no then point at
- Different Laws for driving
o RA4136 – Traffic Rules and Regulation
o RA10913 – Anti-Distracted Driving Law
o RA10586 – Anti Drunk Driving Law
o RA8750 – Seatbelt Act
o RA8749 – Philippine Clean Air Act
o RA11229 – Child Restraint Act

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