Peugeot Wiring Diagrams
Peugeot Wiring Diagrams
Peugeot Wiring Diagrams
EOBD P Codes This page has been developed to aid in the use of Peugeot wiring diagrams. The description will show how they use three sections to use when
explained looking at a circuit. This description applies to diagrams introduced during the early 1990's.
EOBD P Codes The 'Schematic' diagram is the diagram that is first used to identify and understand the operation of the circuit in question.
The following information is provided in the diagram:
PSA EOBD P Codes Supplies and earths, component numbers along with its internal operation and their direct connectors including pin numbers and connector
description. They also show the wire numbers and any additional equipment that may be attached to the circuit.
EOBD U & C Codes
The 'Wiring' diagram is the diagram that shows the whole circuit in its layout and includes any harness interconnectors and splices.
Code Descriptions The following information is provided in the diagram:
Supplies and earths, interconnection, splices, harnesses, components and wire numbers.
Subaru EOBD P
Codes The 'Installation' diagram is the diagram that shows the location of the harnesses and components and all splices and earths etc, in the vehicle.
Understanding 4 Identification of the components is done by a 4 digit code. The first 2 digits identify the 'Family' or 'group' the component belongs to, the last 2 digits
Gas Analysis identify the component specifically.
Warning or indicator lamps are specifically coded with a prefix of the letter 'V' followed by the 4 digit code.
Gas Analysis Diagnostic connectors are prefixed by the letter 'C' followed by the 4 digit code.
Connectors are coded slightly differently. The connector of a component will show the number of channels it contains followed by its colour. An
Air Conditioning interconnection will have a specific code which will start 'IC' and then carry 2 digits which identify its area of fitment, followed by the same
Charge Chart information as the component connector.
Earth points are identified by the letter 'M' followed by a 3 digit number which will increase as the position moves away from the front of the vehicle.
Air Conditioning Wire numbers like components carry 'family' or group information in a 4 character code. Below is a list of specific prefix characters for supply wires:
Charge Chart
Supply on wires before a fuse:
Common Peugeot
Cylinder Head BB - Battery supply
Torques and Valve AA - Accessory supply
Clearances LL - Alternator supply
FF - Battery supply (Engine running)
Current CC - Ignition supply
consumption VV - Sidelamp supply
examples KK - Ignition supply after starting
When a wire number has a letter at the start, the next 2 digits indicate the fuse number that it has come from. The last number is the specific
identifier for the wire. When the wire number has no letters the the first 2 digits identify the 'family' or group and the last 2 digits indentify the wire
BA - White
GR - Grey
MR - Brown
BE - Blue
RS - Pink
VE - Green
BG - Beige
JN - Yellow
RG - Red
OR - Orange
VI - Mauve
NR - Black
Please don't hold me responsible for miss-guided information and don't relate this information to earlier vehicle diagrams.