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Absenteeism - Research

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School Absenteeism:


Consequences, and

By: Grade 10 Azalea (SY 2022-2023)

Submitted to: Mrs. Ann Monte


This study, conducted by researchers at Lazi National Agricultural School, aims to educate

students practicing absenteeism about the negative impacts of their habit. Using a qualitative

research design, individual interviews were conducted with students who habitually missed

school. The majority of participants identified individual factors, such as disengagement and

lack of motivation, as primary causes of absenteeism. School-related factors, like difficulty

adjusting to the curriculum, were also mentioned. Short-term consequences included missed

learning opportunities and reduced academic performance, while long-term consequences

included increased dropout risk and limited future prospects. Effective interventions and

preventive measures identified included fostering a positive school climate, building

supportive relationships, early identification and intervention, individualized support,

involving parents and the community, implementing clear attendance policies, and utilizing

data monitoring. These findings contribute to understanding absenteeism and provide insights

for educators, administrators, and policymakers in addressing the issue.

Keywords: School absenteeism, causes, consequences, interventions and preventive

Chapter I


School absenteeism is a persistent and widespread issue that has significant

implications for both individual students and the overall educational system. When students

are frequently absent from school, they miss out on crucial learning opportunities, which can

hinder their academic progress and personal development. Moreover, absenteeism has

detrimental effects on schools, teachers, and fellow students, disrupting the learning

environment and impeding the achievement of educational goals. Recognizing the

importance of addressing this issue, this research paper aims to understand the causes,

consequences, and potential solutions to the problem of student absenteeism that affects

DepEd – Lazi National Agricultural School.

Background Information on Absenteeism

To comprehend the complexities of school absenteeism, it is essential to establish a

foundation by defining absenteeism and understanding its various forms. Absenteeism is the

practice or habit of an absentee (Library of Universal Knowledge). Derived from the word

“absence” which is the state of being awanting. Absence is from the Latin word “absentia”

which means absent or to be absent. It includes both excused and unexcused absences,

ranging from medical reasons to truancy or disengagement. By exploring the different types

of absenteeism, we can gain insight into the diverse reasons behind students' absence from

Importance of Studying Absenteeism

Understanding and addressing school absenteeism is crucial for several reasons. First,

it directly impacts students' academic achievement and overall educational outcomes. Regular

school attendance plays a fundamental role in acquiring knowledge, developing skills, and

fostering a sense of belonging and engagement within the educational community. High

levels of absenteeism have been linked to lower academic performance, increased dropout

rates, and reduced opportunities for future success.

Second, absenteeism also affects the broader educational ecosystem. Schools and

teachers face numerous challenges in managing absenteeism, including disrupted classroom

routines, increased workload, and compromised learning environments. Furthermore,

absenteeism has financial implications for educational institutions, as they may experience

decreased funding or penalties for low attendance rates. It is, therefore, imperative to explore

the consequences of absenteeism at both individual and institutional levels.

Objectives and Research Questions

This research paper aims to deepen our understanding of school absenteeism by

investigating its causes, consequences, and potential solutions. By examining the factors

contributing to absenteeism, we can identify the underlying triggers and risk factors

associated with student absence. Furthermore, exploring the consequences of absenteeism on

academic performance, social development, and long-term outcomes will provide valuable

insights into the magnitude of the issue and the urgency for intervention. Finally, by

exploring potential solutions and preventive measures, we can propose evidence-based

strategies to mitigate absenteeism and promote regular school attendance.

Research Questions:

1. What are the primary causes and risk factors contributing to school absenteeism?

2. What are the short-term and long-term consequences of school absenteeism for

students, schools, and the educational system?

3. What effective interventions and preventive measures can be implemented to address

school absenteeism and promote regular school attendance?

By addressing these research questions, we aim to contribute to the existing knowledge on

school absenteeism, provide practical recommendations for educators and policymakers, and

ultimately foster an environment conducive to student success and well-being.

Chapter II


This chapter aims to provide an overview of the related literature and related studies

that will validate the outcome of the study. This is based on our research from multiple

sources on the internet.

Causes and Factors Contributing to Absenteeism

A. Individual factors

1. Health-related issues: Chronic illnesses, disabilities, or mental health conditions can

contribute to frequent absences.

2. Disengagement and lack of motivation: Students who feel disconnected from school,

experience low academic self-efficacy, or face bullying may be more likely to be


3. Family circumstances: Socioeconomic factors, family instability, and caregiver

responsibilities can impact attendance.

4. Cultural and demographic factors: Language barriers, discrimination, or limited

access to resources may influence absenteeism rates among specific populations.

B. School-related factors

1. School climate and safety: Schools with poor safety measures, lack of supportive

relationships, or a negative school climate can contribute to absenteeism.

2. Academic factors: Difficulty adjusting to curriculum, lack of individualized support,

or inappropriate teaching strategies may lead to disengagement and subsequent

3. School policies and practices: Inconsistent enforcement of attendance policies,

punitive approaches, or inadequate support systems can affect absenteeism rates.

C. Community and societal factors

1. Socioeconomic conditions: High poverty rates, unemployment, or limited access to

healthcare can impact student attendance.

2. Neighborhood characteristics: High crime rates, lack of community resources, or

unsafe transportation can hinder regular school attendance.

3. Social norms and cultural beliefs: Societal attitudes towards education, prevailing

cultural norms, or beliefs about the value of school attendance can influence


Effects of Absenteeism on Individuals and Organizations

A. Academic Consequences

1. Negative impact on academic achievement: Frequent absences can lead to learning

gaps, lower grades, and reduced educational outcomes.

2. Increased dropout risk: Absenteeism has been linked to higher dropout rates and

decreased likelihood of completing high school or pursuing higher education.

B. Social and emotional consequences

1. Social isolation: Chronic absenteeism can result in limited social interactions, reduced

peer relationships, and feelings of exclusion.

2. Emotional well-being: Students who are frequently absent may experience increased

stress, anxiety, and decreased self-esteem.

C. Organizational Consequences

1. Disrupted classroom dynamics: Frequent absences can disrupt classroom routines,

impede lesson progression, and create challenges for teachers and peers.
2. Financial implications: Schools may face reduced funding or financial penalties for

low attendance rates.

Existing Theories and Models Related to Absenteeism

A. Ecological Systems Theory: This theoretical framework emphasizes the interplay of

individual, interpersonal, and environmental factors in shaping absenteeism.

B. Social Cognitive Theory: This theory explores how individual beliefs, self-efficacy, and

motivation influence attendance behavior.

C. Behavioral Theory: This perspective examines how rewards, punishments, and

reinforcement mechanisms can shape attendance patterns.

Chapter III


This chapter contains the research design, research environment, research

respondents, research instruments, and the research procedure of the conducted study.

Research Design

This study adopts a qualitative research design to gain an in-depth understanding of

absenteeism among classmates. Qualitative research is particularly suited to explore

individuals' experiences, perceptions, and subjective meanings related to absenteeism. By

conducting interviews, we aim to gather rich and detailed data that can provide insights into

the underlying factors contributing to absenteeism.

Research Environment

The research was conducted at Lazi National Agricultural School. The participants are

from Grade 10 Azalea.

Research Respondents

The study intended to survey 8 total student who has a habit of absenteeism within

Grade 10 Azalea through the use of purposive sampling. Confidential information that the

participants wish to keep in private was not further questioned by the researchers.

Research Instrument

A descriptive method design was used in the study. The researchers conducted

unstructured interviews to gather data from selected participants. It is made easier for the

respondents to answer because mother-tounge language was used in the interview.

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the findings, analysis, discussion, and interpretation of data

gathered wherein the objective is to know the reasons or cause of absenteeism among


Illustration of Results
Individual Factors School-related factors Community and social factors




Based on the results:

 5 out of 8 (62%) of the participants interviewed, claimed that Individual Factors

(e.g. Disengagement and lack of motivation) were the reason for their absenteeism.

 2 out of 8 (25%) of the participants interviewed, claimed that School-Related Factors

(e.g. Difficulty adjusting to curriculum) were the reason for their absenteeism.

 Only 1 out of 8 (13%) of the participants interviewed, claimed that Community and

Social Factors (e.g. High poverty rates) was the reason for his/her absenteeism.
Chapter V


Restatement of the Problems

This research paper aims to deepen our understanding of school absenteeism by investigating

its causes, consequences, and potential solutions.

Here, the study sought to answer the following specific questions:

1. What are the primary causes and risk factors contributing to school absenteeism?

2. What are the short-term and long-term consequences of school absenteeism for students,

schools, and the educational system?

3. What effective interventions and preventive measures can be implemented to address school

absenteeism and promote regular school attendance?

Summary of the Findings:

In view of the results of the study, the following are presented.

1. The primary cause of students’ contributing to school absenteeism

Based on the findings, the primary causes and risk factors contributing to school

absenteeism can be summarized as follows:

A. Individual Factors:

Disengagement and lack of motivation were identified as significant

contributors to absenteeism. When students feel disconnected from school,

have low academic self-efficacy, or face bullying, they may be more likely to

be absent.
B. School-Related Factors:

Difficulty adjusting to the curriculum was mentioned as a reason for

absenteeism by some participants. This suggests that academic challenges and

inadequate support systems may lead to disengagement and subsequent


C. Community and Social Factors:

While only one participant mentioned community and social factors, it is

important to consider their potential influence. High poverty rates and other

socio-economic challenges may indirectly contribute to absenteeism through

factors like limited access to resources or increased family responsibilities.

2. The short-term and long-term consequences of school absenteeism for students,

schools, and the educational system

 Short-term consequences: Missed learning opportunities, gaps in knowledge
and skills, reduced academic performance, and difficulty catching up with
 Long-term consequences: Increased dropout risk, limited educational and
career opportunities, lower educational attainment, and potential negative
impact on future success and well-being.
 Short-term consequences: Disrupted classroom dynamics, compromised
learning environment, and challenges in maintaining consistent instructional
 Long-term consequences: Decreased overall academic performance, lower
school ratings and rankings, financial implications, and potential penalties for
low attendance rates.
Educational system:
 Short-term consequences: Decreased funding or resources for schools with
low attendance rates, increased burden on teachers and staff to address
absenteeism, and compromised educational goals.
 Long-term consequences: Adverse effects on educational outcomes
and quality, reduced workforce preparedness.
3. Effective interventions and preventive measures that can be implemented to

address school absenteeism and promote regular school attendance

Effective interventions and preventive measures to address school absenteeism and

promote regular school attendance include fostering a positive school climate, building

supportive relationships, early identification and intervention, individualized support,

involving parents and the community, implementing clear attendance policies, and

utilizing data monitoring and analysis. These measures aim to create a supportive and

engaging environment, address barriers to attendance, and ensure that every student has

the opportunity to succeed.


International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 2022, 9(Special Issue), 978-997

Bazemore, G., Stinchcomb, J.B., Leip, L.A. (2004). Scared smart or bored straight? Testing

deterrence logic in an evaluation of police-led truancy intervention. Justice Quarterly, 21(2),






Library of Universal Knowledge: The Practical Self-Educator, copyright 1942.



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