DLL-WK 7-LC 12,13
DLL-WK 7-LC 12,13
DLL-WK 7-LC 12,13
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
pp. 90-93 pp. 90-93 pp. 97-106 pp. 97-106
2. Learner’s Materials
pp. 129-138 pp. 129-138 pp. 140-150 pp. 140-150
3. Textbook
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Grade 9 LCTG by Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd
Resources DepEd Cavite Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016,
Mathematics 2016, activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and
activity sheets, laptop monitor monitor monitor
and monitor
A. Reviewing previous lesson Sagot Mo! Show Mo! Sagot Mo! Show Mo! Complete the table of values Given the quadratic functions
or presenting the new for x and y. and
lesson Express each Express each perfect , transform
perfect square square trinomial as the them into the form
trinomial as the square of a binomial. x -3 -2 -1 0 1 .
square of a binomial. 1. y
1. 2.
Motive Question:
C. Presenting examples/ Express Express in the Analyze the graph of a Describe My Paths!
instances of the in the form form. quadratic function , Complete the table of
lesson form and determine the following: values of x and y of the two
from and give the Solution 2: By Applying the quadratic functions and
values of and . determine the domain,
formula, and
range, intercepts, axis of
symmetry, and the opening
Solution 1: By : of the parabola
Completing the In the equation
square ,
and x - 0 1 2 3
By substituting the solved 1
values of and in y
, we obtain
x 0 1 2 3 4
1. domain (possible
values of x)
2. range(possible
values of y)
3. Intercepts (points
where the graph
passes the x and y
4. equation of the axis of
5. vertex (turning point
of the graph)
6. highest / lowest point
obtained by the graph
7. direction of the
opening of the
D. Discussing new concepts . Deriving the The general form of a The graph of a quadratic Analyze the graphs of the
and practicing new skills #1 standard form from quadratic function is function quadratic functions
the general form of and the and
the quadratic function: standard form or vertex form
is , where
is the vertex.
If and ,
Minimum point
1.What have you observed
1. What have you about the opening of the
observed about the graphs? Do you have any
opening of the graph? idea where you can relate
Do you have any idea the opening of the curves?
where you can relate 2.Observe each graph. Can
the opening of the you draw a line that divides
curves? the graph in such a way that
2. What does the axis of one part is a reflection of the
symmetry do to the other part? If there is any,
graph of quadratic determine the equation of
function? the line?
3. Take a closer look at 3.Take a closer look at the
the minimum point or minimum point or the
the maximum point maximum point and try to
and try to relate it to relate it to the values of h
the values of and and k in the equation
in the equation
of the
How will you identify the
domain and range of the
E. Discussing new Step by Step! Step by Step! Draw and Describe Me! Draw and Describe Me!
concepts and practicing Express in Draw the graph of a
new skills Express the form by quadratic function
#2 in following the steps and identify the
the form vertex, domain, range, and
by opening of the graph. State
following the steps whether the vertex is a
G. Finding practical Find out the local Draw the graph of a 1.Draw the graph of a
Apply the formula
applications of concepts product of each quadratic function and quadratic function
and skills in daily living Municipality by determine the vertex,
and in and
matching the domain, range, and opening
quadratic function transforming a quadratic of the graph. State whether determine the following:
to its function from general form the vertex is a minimum or a a. vertex
equivalent standard into standard maximum point, and write b. domain
form the equation of its axis of c. range
on the right side. symmetry. d. opening of the
Show your solution. graph
Group 1. e. equation of its
Groups 1 and 2:
axis of
Groups 3 and 4: symmetry
2.State whether the vertex is
Group 2
Group 3. a minimum or a maximum
Groups 5 and 6:
Group 4.
H. Making generalizations and Steps in transforming Steps in transforming The graph of a quadratic The graph of a quadratic
abstractions about the general form general form function function
Group 5.
lesson to Is called parabola. The Is called parabola. The
parabola opens upward or parabola opens upward or
to standard or vertex standard or vertex form downward. It has a turning downward. It has a turning
form point called vertex which is point called vertex which is
(Solution 2: By either the lowest point or the either the lowest point or the
(Solution 1: By applying the formula highest point of the graph. If highest point of the graph. If
Completing the the value of a>0, it opens the value of a>0, it opens
square) upward and has a minimum upward and has a minimum
1.Group the terms point but if a<0, the point but if a<0, the parabola
containing x. ) parabola opens downward opens downward and has a
2.Factor out and has a maximum point. maximum point. There is a
3.Complete the 1.Determine the values of There is a line called the line called the axis of
expression in and axis of symmetry which symmetry which divides the
parenthesis to make it 2.Substitute the values of divides the graph into two graph into two parts such
a perfect square parts such that one-half of that one-half of the graph is
trinomial by adding and to the formula the graph is a reflection of a reflection of the other half.
the other half. If the If the quadratic function is
and subtracting 3Substitute the values of quadratic function is expressed in the form
and to the formula
expressed in the form , the vertex is
, the vertex is the point (h,k). The line x =
from the h is the axis of symmetry
the point (h,k). The line x =
constant term. 4.Substitute the values of h is the axis of symmetry and k is the minimum or
5.Simplify and and in the form and k is the minimum or maximum value of the
express the perfect maximum value of the function. The domain of a
square trinomial as 5Simply function. The domain of a quadratic function is the set
square of a binomial quadratic function is the set of all real numbers. The
6.Give the value of . of all real numbers. The range depends on whether
Give the value of . range depends on whether the parabola opens upward
the parabola opens upward or downward, If it opens
or downward, If it opens upward, the range is the set
upward, the range is the set {y:y≥k}; if it opens downward,
{y:y≥k}; if it opens then the range is the set
downward, then the range is {y:y≤k}
the set {y:y≤k}
I. Evaluating learning Apply the steps in Apply the steps in The graph of is
transforming the transforming the following drawn ,
following quadratic quadratic functions into the
functions into the form form
1. 1.
3. Jaime, a Grade 10 student is
a Sepak Takraw player in
the Cavite Provincial Meet.
In one of his games he
kicked the ball forming a
parabolic path with an 1.Identify the following:
equation of a. Vertex
Draw the graph and b. domain
determine the following: c. Range
1.domain d. opening of
2.range the graph
3.quation of the axis of e. equation of
symmetry the axis of
4.vertex symmetry
5.highest / lowest point
obtained by the graph 2.State whether the vertex
6.direction of the opening of is a minimum or a maximum
the parabola point
7.Opening of the graph
J. Additional activities for 1.Follow-up 1.Follow-up Follow-up Follow-up:
application or remediation Transform the Which has the lower
following quadratic Transform the Which has the lower vertex?
functions in general following quadratic functions vertex
form into standard in 1. 1.
form general form into standard 2.
2.Study b.
Think of
another way in 2.Study
transforming a
quadratic function Transform the quadratic
from the general form function
to standard form.
a. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
b. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
c. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
d. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
f. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
g. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by:
Teacher I
Checked by: