CH 09
CH 09
CH 09
G ( j )
0.2 j 1
or G ( j )
1 j 0.2
3 j 1
G ( j )
2( j ) 2 6 j 40
Substituting j2 = –1 we obtain
1 j 3
G ( j )
40 2 2 j 6
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 9
9.3 First, we determine the sinusoidal transfer function of the given I/O equation:
Y (s) 3 3
G ( s) the sinusoidal transfer function is G ( j )
U ( s) 2s 10 10 j 2
We know from Eq. (9-17) that the frequency response has the form
We use the sine function because the input is a sine function. Finally, we need the magnitude and
phase angle of the sinusoidal transfer function G(j) at input frequency = 4 rad/s
32 02 3
Magnitude: G( j 4) 0.2343
10 8
2 2
0 8
Phase angle: arg[ 3] arg[10 j8] tan 1 tan 1 –38.66 deg or –0.6747 rad
3 10
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 9
0.8s 2 2 j 0.8
G ( s) the sinusoidal transfer function is G ( j )
4 s s 30
30 4 2 j
We know from Eq. (9-18) that the frequency response has the form
We use the cosine function because the input is a cosine function. We need the magnitude and
phase angle of the sinusoidal transfer function G(j) at input frequency = 5 rad/s
22 42 20
Magnitude: G ( j 5) 0.0637
(70) 5
2 2
arg[ 2 j 4] 4 5
Phase angle: tan 1 tan 1 63.43 – 175.91 = –112.48 deg
arg[ 70 j 5] 2 70
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 9
2s 3 2 j 3 3 j 2
G(s) G ( j )
s 2 8s ( j ) 8 j 2 j8
32 42 25
Magnitude: G ( j 2) = 0.3032
(4) 16
2 2
arg[ 3 j 4] 4 16
Phase angle: tan 1 tan 1 53.13 – 104.04 = –50.91 deg
arg[ 4 j16] 3 4
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 9
We know from Eq. (9-17) that the frequency response has the form
We use the sine function because the input is a sine function. We need the magnitude and phase
angle of the sinusoidal transfer function G(j) at input frequency = 5 rad/s
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Chapter 9
2.4 2.4
G ( j ) or G ( j )
0.6( j ) 8 j 36
36 0.6 2 j8
We know from Eq. (9-18) that the frequency response has the form
We use the cosine function because the input is a cosine function. We need the magnitude and
phase angle of the sinusoidal transfer function G(j) at input frequency = 20 rad/s
2.42 02 2.4
Magnitude: G( j 20) 0.00926
(204) 2 1602 67,216
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 9
2 j 6 6 j 2
G ( j ) or G ( j )
( j )3 2 j 26 26 j (2 3 )
We know from Eq. (9-17) that the frequency response has the form
We use sine because the input is a sine function. We need the magnitude and phase angle:
62 62 72
Magnitude: G( j3) 0.2539
26 (21)
2 2
arg[ 6 j 6] 6 21
Phase angle: tan 1 tan 1 45 – – 38.93 = 83.93 deg
arg[ 26 j 21] 6 26
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 9
0.6 0.6
G ( j ) or G ( j )
0.25 j 1 1 j 0.25
Equation (B) is a straight line plotted on a log-log scale where the x-axis is log10(). Hence
the slope of the asymptote for is –20 dB/decade.
20 log 10 (0.6) 20 log 10 (2.4) 20 log 10 ( ) or 20 log 10 ( ) 20 log 10 (2.4) 20 log 10 (0.6)
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Chapter 9
1 1
G(s) (using L = 0.02 H and R = 1.5 )
Ls R 0.02 s 1.5
By definition the bandwidth is the frequency range 0 B where the magnitude remains
within 3 dB from its DC gain. To compute magnitude we need the sinusoidal transfer function
1 1
G ( j ) or G ( j ) (A)
0.02 j 1.5 1.5 j 0.02
The magnitude of the DC gain (in dB) is 20log10(1/1.5) = –3.5218 dB. Hence we want to find
the cutoff frequency B where the magnitude is –6.5218 dB. Therefore the absolute value of the
sinusoidal transfer function at the cutoff frequency is 106.5218/ 20 = 0.47196.
12 02 1
G( j ) (B)
1.52 (0.02 )2 2.25 0.0004 2
Setting Eq. (B) to 0.47196 and solving for yields the cutoff frequency B = 74.822 rad/s. The
cutoff frequency in Hz is determined by dividing rad/s by 2.
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Chapter 9
9.11 The mathematical model of the mechanical system is mx bx kx kxin (t )
X ( s) k
the transfer function is G ( s )
X in ( s ) ms bs k
Using m = 2 kg, b = 20 N-s/m and k = 500 N/m the sinusoidal transfer function becomes
G ( j )
500 2 2 j 20
We know from Eq. (9-17) that the frequency response has the form
We use sine because the input is a sine function. We need the magnitude and phase angle:
5002 02 500
Magnitude: G ( j 50) 0.1085
(4500) 1000
2 2
2.125(107 )
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Chapter 9
9.12 The DC gain of the transfer function in Problem 9.11 is k/k = 1, or 0 dB. At the cutoff
frequency (bandwidth) the magnitude is –3 dB or 10-3/20 = 0.708. The magnitude of the
sinusoidal transfer function in Problem 9.11 is set equal to 0.708
5002 02 500
G( jB ) 0.708
(500 2 ) (20B )
2 2
4 1600B2 250,000
The maximum transmissibility occurs at the resonant frequency; therefore we evaluate the
magnitude of the sinusoidal transfer function at = r = 14.1421 rad/s
G ( j r ) 1.6667 max TR = 1.6667
4 1600r2 250,000
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Chapter 9
X (s) 1 1
G (s) and G ( j )
Fa ( s ) 0.6 s 3.4 s 80
80 0.6 2 j 3.4
a) We know from Eq. (9-17) that the frequency response has the form
We use sine because the input is a sine function. We need the magnitude and phase angle:
12 02 1
Magnitude: G( j8) 0.0201
41.62 27.22 2470.4
b) The largest output amplitude will occur when = r (resonant frequency). The resonant
frequency is r n 1 2 2 .
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Chapter 9
9.14 The transfer function and sinusoidal transfer function from Problem 9.2 are
3s 1 1 j 3
G(s) and G ( j )
2 s 6 s 40
40 2 2 j 6
The MATLAB commands to compute the magnitude and phase angle with = 2 rad/s are
Executing the above commands yields magG = 0.1780 and phiG = 1.0469 rad
Executing the above commands yields mag = 0.1780 and phase = 59.982 deg ( = 1.0469 rad)
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Chapter 9
9.15 The following MATLAB commands create the Bode diagram for the transfer function
G(s) for Problem 9.11
Because the system input is xin (t ) 0.04 sin 50t (m) we estimate the magnitude and phase angle
using the Bode diagram for frequency = 50 rad/s: Magnitude = –20 dB, Phase = –165 deg (or,
–2.88 rad). The absolute-value magnitude is 10-20/20 = 0.1. The frequency response is
Bode Diagram
= 50 rad/s
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
A more accurate calculation of the frequency response can be obtained by using MATLAB’s
bode command with input = 50 rad/s:
The result is mag = 0.1085 and phase = –167.47 deg (–2.9229 rad). Hence a more accurate
frequency response is
xss (t ) 0.0043sin( 50t 2.9229) m
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Chapter 9
9.16 The bode diagram is computed using the MATLAB commands and system G(s)
We estimate the cutoff frequency where we observe the 3 dB drop from the DC gain (0 dB) to be
approximately B = 23 rad/s (bandwidth). The peak magnitude occurs at magnitude of roughly
4.5 dB at a frequency of 15 rad/s. Hence the resonant frequency is about r = 15 rad/s and the
peak transmissibility is about 104.5/20 = 1.68.
Bode Diagram
0 3 dB drop
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
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Chapter 9
The plot (below) shows the frequency response. The solid line is the input xin (t ) 0.04 sin 50t
(m) and the dashed line is the position of the mass x(t) (in m). We see that at steady state the
response x(t) has an amplitude of about 0.004 m and a period equal to the input (i.e., input
frequency = 50 rad/s). The “peaks” of the response x(t) are nearly aligned with the “valleys” of
the input xin(t) and hence the output is nearly (but not quite) 180 deg out-of-phase with the input
(the phase is about –165 deg). Therefore an estimate of the frequency-response equation is
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time, s
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 9
X ( s) 1 1
G ( s)
Fa ( s ) ms (b1 b2 ) s k 0.6 s 3.4 s 80
2 2
We can verify the frequency response results in Problem 9.13 using MATLAB’s bode command:
a) The input force is f a (t ) 2 sin 8t N. The magnitude and phase of the sinusoidal transfer
function at = 8 rad/s can be computed using the MATLAB commands below:
The result is mag = 0.0201 and phase = –33.1786 deg (or –0.5791 rad). The amplitude of the
output is (2 N)(0.0201) = 0.0402. The frequency response is
b) We can create the Bode diagram (below) using the MATLAB command bode(sysG)
Bode Diagram
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
0 1 2
10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
The peak magnitude occurs at a frequency in the range between 10-12 rad/s. We can use
MATLAB’s bode command as in part (a) to compute magnitudes at frequencies between 10-12
rad/s to determine the peak magnitude. The resonant frequency is approximately r = 10.8 rad/s
which verifies the computation in Problem 9.13b.
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Chapter 9
9.19 The transfer function (from Problem 9.13) relating displacement x to the input force fa is
X (s) 1 1
G1 ( s )
Fa ( s ) ms (b1 b2 ) s k 0.6 s 3.4 s 80
2 2
The following MATLAB command creates the first Bode diagram (below):
Bode Diagram
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
0 1 2
10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
fT b2 x kx
FT ( s )
The transfer function relating transmitted force fT to displacement x is b2 s k
X (s)
FT ( s ) FT ( s ) X ( s ) b2 s k 0.4 s 80
G2 ( s )
Fa ( s ) X ( s ) Fa ( s ) ms (b1 b2 ) s k 0.6 s 2 3.4 s 80
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Chapter 9
The following MATLAB command creates the second Bode diagram (below):
>> sysG2 = tf([0.4 80],[0.6 3.4 80]); % define transfer function G2(s)
>> bode(sysG2) % create the Bode diagram
Bode Diagram
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
0 1 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
From the two Bode (magnitude) diagrams we see that the resonant frequency is about 10.8 rad/s
for both systems G1(s) and G2(s). The MATLAB command can compute the bandwidth
For very low-frequency inputs, the Bode diagram for system G1(s) shows a magnitude of about
–38 dB (or, absolute value of 0.0126). Hence the steady-state displacement for a (low-frequency)
2-N sinusoidal force is (2 N)(0.0126) = 0.025 m, which is the static deflection for a 2-N step
input; i.e., fa / k = (2 N)/(80 N/m) = 0.025 m.
For very low-frequency inputs, the Bode diagram for system G2(s) shows a magnitude of 0 dB
(or, absolute value of 1). Hence the steady-state transmitted force for a (low-frequency) 2-N
sinusoidal force is also 2 N, which makes sense because at very low frequencies the mass is
nearly in static equilibrium (almost no motion) and the spring force kx balances the input force fa.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 9
9.20 The mathematical model of the mechanical system is mz bz (k1 k2 ) z f a (t )
a) Hence, the transfer function (substituting the numerical values for m, b, k1, and k2) is
Z (s) 1 3.3333
G (s) 2
Fa ( s ) 0.3s 1.5s 140 s 5s 466.6667
The following MATLAB command creates the Bode diagram using the transfer function
Bode Diagram
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
We can create the same Bode diagram using the state-space representation (SSR) for the system,
where the state variables are x1 = z and x2 z ; the input is u = fa(t), and the output is y = x1 = z.
The SSR is
0 1 0
State equation: x x u Output equation: y 1 0x
466.67 5 3.3333
The following MATLAB command creates the Bode diagram using the SSR
The Bode diagram is identical to the diagram above produced using the transfer function.
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Chapter 9
The magnitude Bode diagram shows that a peak occurs at a resonant frequency of about 21 rad/s.
Repeated trials of the MATLAB command [mag,phase] = bode(sysG,w) shows that the
resonant frequency is about r = 21.3 rad/s.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 9
9.21 a) The transfer function is G ( s ) ; therefore the sinusoidal transfer function is
2 s 32
1 1
G ( j )
2( j ) 32 32 2 2
For the input frequency = 10 rad/s, the magnitude and phase are
12 02 1
Magnitude: G ( j10) = 0.00595
(32 200) 2 02 168
arg[1 j 0] 0 0
Phase angle: tan 1 tan 1 180 deg
arg[ 168 j 0] 1 168
b) The Simulink model (below) simulates the response to the sinusoidal input u (t ) 3 sin 10t .
The output y(t) is plotted below.
Output, y
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time, s
c) The simulation response plot above does not match the frequency response Eq. (9-17)
because this system is undamped and therefore the transient response does not die out. Note that
the system’s undamped natural frequency is n 32 / 2 4 rad/s and hence the response y(t)
contains two sinusoidal functions with two frequencies: 4 rad/s (undamped natural frequency) and
10 rad/s (input frequency).
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 9
G (s)
16 s 38.4 s 576
The two magnitude Bode plots show the same peak value, high-frequency slope, and shape; only
the resonant frequency is different. We can compute the resonant frequency from knowledge of
the undamped natural frequency n and damping ratio . First, divide G(s) by 16:
G (s)
s 2.4 s 36
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 9
9.23 a) We can represent the complete system by using a state-space representation (SSR),
where we can select the states as x1 = z (position), x2 z (velocity), and x3 = I (current).
The input is u = ein(t) and the desired output is position y = x1 = z. The complete SSR is
0 1 0 0
x 51,667 91.667 76.667 x 0 u
y 1 0 0x
0 230 400 100
The following MATLAB commands compute the frequency response for = 150 rad/s
The MATLAB result is mag = 0.000486 and phase = –52.508 deg (–0.9164 rad). The
amplitude of the output is (8 V)(0.000486) = 0.00389 m (3.89 mm). Hence the frequency
response is
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 9
LCs 2 1 E ( s)
G ( s) O
LCs RCs 1 Ein ( s )
a) The following MATLAB commands create the Bode diagram (using values for L, C, and R)
Bode Diagram
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
0 1 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
Note that the magnitude plot has a DC gain of 0 dB at all frequencies except near = 100 rad/s.
The large negative-dB “notch” at = 100 rad/s means that there is essentially zero output when
the input frequency is near the “notch frequency” N 1 /( LC ) 10 = 100 rad/s.
b) When the output amplitude is reduced by one-half the corresponding change in decibels is
20 log 10 (0.5) 6 dB
Hence, we can use the magnitude Bode diagram to estimate the frequency where the magnitude
drops from 0 dB (low frequencies) to –6 dB. A “zoomed-in” view around the notch in the
magnitude plot is shown on the next page.
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Chapter 9
Bode Diagram
Magnitude (dB)
-6 Stop-band
Phase (deg)
0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
Hence the “stop band” frequency range where the magnitude is less than –6 dB is roughly
between 60 and 140 rad/s (i.e., symmetric about the notch frequency N = 100 rad/s).
c) Executing the previous MATLAB commands with R = 0.2 creates the Bode diagram shown
below. Note that the “notch” is sharper and has a narrower stop-band frequency range. The stop-
band frequency range (i.e., magnitude less than –6 dB) is between 90 and 110 rad/s.
Bode Diagram
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
1 2 3
10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 9
9.25 a) Since the input force is f in (t ) 2 sin 50t N, we simply read the Bode diagram at input
frequency = 50 rad/s: Magnitude of G(j50) = –16 dB and phase of G(j50) = –135 deg (or –
2.3562 rad). The absolute-value magnitude is 10–16/20 = 0.1585. Hence, the amplitude of the
frequency response is (2 N)(0.1585) = 0.317 N (amplitude of the transmitted force). The
complete frequency response of the transmitted force is
Hence, the magnitude Bode plot cannot exceed 4.86 dB so that TR < 1.75. We see from the Bode
diagram that the magnitude exceeds roughly 5 dB for the frequency range 10 < < 20 rad/s and
this is the frequency range that must be avoided in order to keep transmissibility less than 1.75.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 9
7.003(106 ) X ( s)
G( s)
s( s 28.3s 15890) U ( s)
a) The Simulink model has a sinusoidal valve input u (t ) 0.001 sin 50t m.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time, s
8-Hz input u(t) and system response x(t)
The response plot x(t) does not oscillate about zero and is therefore different from the “standard”
frequency-response equation (9-17):
The difference can be explained by observing the poles of the system transfer function. The
standard frequency-response equation (9-17) was derived by assuming that all poles of G(s) have
negative real parts; that is, the corresponding transient response eventually decays to zero. The
pneumatic servo transfer function G(s) has a pole at the origin (s = 0) and hence part of the
natural response is a constant that does not decay to zero. This constant is an “offset” that is
added to the sinusoidal frequency response, and hence the frequency response does not oscillate
about zero.
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Chapter 9
b) We can change the input frequency in the Simulink model to a 20-Hz input sinusoidal
function u (t ) 0.001 sin 126t . The corresponding system response is below:
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Time, s
20-Hz input u(t) and system response x(t)
The response plot shows that input u(t) and output x(t) are nearly 180 deg out of phase (i.e., the
input “peaks” are aligned with the output “valleys.”). The phase plot in the Bode diagram
(produced by MATLAB) verifies the –180 deg phase at input frequency = 126 rad/s. Note that
the undamped natural frequency of G(s) is n 15,890 126.06 rad/s which is equal to the
input frequency.
>> sysG = tf(7.003e6,[1 28.3 15890 0]) % define transfer function G(s)
>> bode(sysG) % create the Bode diagram
Bode Diagram
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
1 2 3
10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
c) The transfer function with velocity as the output can be obtained by multiplying the position-
output transfer function G(s) by s
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 9
7.003(106 )
G2 ( s) (velocity is the output)
s 2 28.3s 15890
The Simulink diagram with the velocity-output transfer function is shown below. Note that the
pneumatic servo transfer function is 2nd-order (no pole at s = 0). The velocity response is plotted
below. Note that velocity oscillates about zero.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time, s
The frequency response of the velocity can be computed from the corresponding Bode diagram of
transfer function G2(s), shown below:
Bode Diagram
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
1 2 3
10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
At input frequency = 50 rad/s (~8 Hz) the magnitude is 54 dB (or 520.1) and the phase is –6
deg (or –0.105 rad). Hence the velocity frequency response is
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Chapter 9
4500 4500
mx Fd ( z) kz or, mx x kx xin (t ) kxin (t )
z v
2 2
z 2 v 2
where z x xin (t ) is the relative velocity and v = 0.2 m/s. The Simulink model is below. Note
that a user-defined function computes the nonlinear damping force given relative velocity
z x xin (t ) .
The following M-file “loops” through a range of input frequencies 0.1 100 rad/s, executes
the Simulink model, stores the steady-state amplitude ratio (x/xin), and creates the magnitude
Bode diagram (in dB).
% input frequencies
Nw = 50;
w = logspace(0,2,Nw); % log-spaced frequencies from 0.1 to 100 rad/s
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Chapter 9
The Bode magnitude plot from running the M-file is shown below:
Magnitude, dB
-35 0 1 2
10 10 10
Frequency, , rad/s
Bode magnitude plot of 1-DOF system with nonlinear damper
We see that the magnitude exhibits a DC gain of 0 dB, or unity transmissibility at low
frequencies. The system has a small 1-dB resonant peak at about 5 rad/s and drops off at high
frequencies. Therefore this nonlinear suspension system has good damping and attenuates high-
frequency input.
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Chapter 9
9.28 The state equation of the ¼-car system (see Problem 2.30 and 6.23) is
0 1 0 0 0
k / m b / m k1 / m1 b / m1 0
x 1 1 1
x u
0 0 0 1 0
k1 / m2 b / m2 (k1 k2 ) / m2 b / m2 k2 / m2
The state variables are x1 z1 , x2 z1 , x3 z2 , and x4 z2 . The input is u = zin(t).
a) An impulsive input zin(t) (a road bump) will excite the natural frequencies of the system. The
natural frequencies are associated with the imaginary parts of the characteristic roots, or poles, or
eigenvalues. Because we have a SSR it is easiest to determine the eigenvalues of the 4 4 A
matrix using the MATLAB commands:
The four eigenvalues are complex: 1, 2 16.6503 j 74.0592 and 3, 4 1.6430 j 7.5193 .
Hence the vibration frequencies are the imaginary parts: 1 = 7.519 rad/s and 2 = 74.059 rad/s.
y 1 0 0 0x [0]u
The following added MATLAB commands produce the Bode diagram (using the SSR)
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 9
Bode Diagram
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
The magnitude plot of the Bode diagram shows two resonant peaks at approximately = 7.4
rad/s and = 70 rad/s, which are very close to the natural (damped) frequencies in part (a). The
magnitudes at these resonant frequencies are about 8 dB (at = 7.4 rad/s) and –18 dB (at = 70
rad/s). Hence the two transmissibility values are 108/20 = 2.512 and 10-18/20 = 0.126.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 9
X ( s) bs k
G ( s)
X b ( s ) ms bs k
Because we are given the amplitude of the frequency response we must compute the magnitude
of the sinusoidal transfer function:
bj k k jb
G ( j )
m bj k k 1.4 2 jb
where we have substituted mass m = 1.4 kg. The magnitude of the sinusoidal transfer function
for input frequency = 5 rad/s (first table entry) is
k 2 (5b) 2 0.5070
Magnitude: G ( j 5) = 1.0140
(k (1.4)( 25)) (5b)
2 2 0.5
k 2 25b 2 (1.0140) 2 k 2 70k 1225 25b 2 (A)
Similarly we can compute the magnitude with input frequency = 30 rad/s (second table entry)
k 2 (30b) 2 0.7008
Magnitude: G ( j 30) = 1.4016
(k (1.4)(900)) (30b)2 2 0.5
k 2 900b2 (1.4016)2 k 2 2520k 1,587,600 900b2 (B)
While Equations (A) and (B) provide two equations with two unknowns (k and b) the equations
are nonlinear. Perhaps a simpler method is to use matrix methods with a third equation using the
third table entry, = 60 rad/s:
k 2 (60b) 2 0.4975
Magnitude: G ( j 60) = 0.9950
(k (1.4)(3600)) 2 (60b) 2 0.5
k 2 3600b2 (0.9950)2 k 2 10,080k 25,401,600 3600b2 (C)
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Chapter 9
Equations (A)-(C) provide three equations with three unknowns k2, k, and b2. A matrix
formulation is
Multiplying the inverse of the 3 3 matrix by the right-hand side vector yields the solution:
k 2 6.2436(106 )
k 2500.3
b 2 3729.408
Hence the composite spring constant is k = 2500.3 N/m and the friction coefficient is b = 61.07
N-s/m. Note that there is some loss of numerical accuracy due to carrying finite digits for the
very large numbers. As a check, we can use the MATLAB command bode as follows:
The magnitude is mag = 1.0140 which matches the first entry in the table. We can use these
MATLAB commands to verify the other entries in the table for = 30, 60, and 100 rad/s.
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