Week 1,2,3
Week 1,2,3
Week 1,2,3
Sociologists believe that our social surroundings influence thought and action.
For example, the rise of the social sciences developed in response to social
The systematic study of Sociology started with Greeks. The need of society is
Plato in his republic and Aristotle in his ethics discussed society
Thomas more, Frances Bacon, Hobbes, Rousseau, and ibn Khaldun are the
authors of societal contributions.
Modern Sociology was coined by August Comte a French in 1836.
That’s why August Comte is known as the father of the modern sociology
He called it “Social Physics”.
The others who followed him are Durkheim, Spencer, Karl Marks etc.
Although Foundation was laid by Allama Ibne Khaldun (Tunis) named
The first European department of sociology was founded in 1895 at the
University of Bordeaux by Émile Durkheim, UK in 1904 and in Germany
What is Science
Simone de Beauvoir wrote that "the first time we see a woman take up
her pen in defense of her sex" was Christine de Pizan who wrote Epitre
au Dieu d'Amour (Epistle to the God of Love) in the 15th century.
Comparing Theoretical Perspectives
Perspective Point of View Focus of Analysis
Emile Durkheim
Sociological Imagination
C. Wright Mills
Sociological imagination
E.g. unemployment.
An individual facing unemployment might feel defeated,
depleted, and discouraged.
That person is likely to look in the mirror and say, "You didn't
work hard enough. You didn't try hard enough…" You, you,
According to Wright Mills "Not you. The world around you.“
He encouraged people to stop focusing on themselves alone
and to look at the wider landscape of society.
What is Society
This term has been derived from a Latin word 'socious' that
“association or companionship”.
Thus society means 'A larger group of individuals, who are
associative with each other'.
Definition of Society
Thousand of societies
Classification on some basis (Taxonomy)
Societies are categorized based On
1. Based on purpose of Society
2. Based on subsequent strategies/ technology/ evolution
(pre & postindustrial)
Hunting and Gathering