MSS SP-92-2012
MSS SP-92-2012
MSS SP-92-2012
Standard Practice
Developed and Approved by the
Manufacturers Standardization Society of the
Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc. ®
1 27 Park Street, NE
Vienna, Virginia 221 80-4602
Phone: (703) 281 -661 3
Fax: (703) 281 -6671
This MSS Standard Practice was developed under the consensus of the MSS Technical Committee 306 and the MSS
Coordinating Committee. The content of this Standard Practice is the resulting efforts of competent and experienced
volunteers to provide an effective, clear, and non-exclusive standard that will benefit the industry as a whole. This
MSS Standard Practice describes minimal requirements and is intended as a basis for common practice by the
manufacturer, the user, and the general public. The existence of an MSS Standard Practice does not in itself preclude
the manufacture, sale, or use of products not conforming to the Standard Practice. Mandatory conformance to this
Standard Practice is established only by reference in other documents such as a code, specification, sales contract, or
public law, as applicable. MSS has no power, nor does it undertake, to enforce or certify compliance with this
document. Any certification or other statement of compliance with the requirements of this Standard Practice shall
not be attributable to MSS and is solely the responsibility of the certifier or maker of the statement.
“Unless indicated otherwise within this MSS Standard Practice, other standards documents
referenced to herein are identified by the date of issue that was applicable to this Standard
Practice at the date of approval of this MSS Standard Practice (see Annex A). This Standard
Practice shall remain silent on the validity of those other standards of prior or subsequent dates of
issue even though applicable provisions may not have changed. ”
By publication of this Standard Practice, no position is taken with respect to the validity of any potential claim(s) or
of any patent rights in connection therewith. MSS shall not be held responsible for identifying any patent rights.
Users are expressly advised that determination of patent rights and the risk of infringement of such rights are entirely
their responsibility.
In this Standard Practice, all text, notes, annexes, tables, figures, and references are construed to be essential to the
understanding of the message of the standard, and are considered normative unless indicated as “supplemental”. All
appendices, if included, that appear in this document are construed as “supplemental”. Note that supplemental
information does not include mandatory requirements.
Substantive changes in this 201 2 edition are “flagged” by parallel bars as shown on
the margins of this paragraph. The specific detail of the change may be determined
by comparing the material flagged with that in the previous edition.
U.S. Customary units in this Standard Practice are the standard; (SI) metric units are for reference only.
Non-toleranced dimensions in this Standard Practice are nominal and, unless otherwise specified, shall be
considered “for reference only.”
Excerpts of this Standard Practice may be quoted with permission. Credit lines should read `Extracted from
MSS SP-92-2012 with permission of the publisher, Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valves and
Fittings Industry, Inc. '. Reproduction and/or electronic transmission or dissemination is prohibited under
copyright convention unless written permission is granted by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of
the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc. All rights reserved.
When a complex product is used for a variety of applications and in various operating environments, it is
reasonable to expect that the performance of such a product will reflect upon its suitability for the specific
service as well as its proper installation and maintenance. Recognizing that operating problems involving
industrial valves frequently involve the use of valves not properly selected for the intended service, or adversely
affected by improper handling, installation, operation, or maintenance, the Manufacturers Standardization
Society has prepared this Valve User Guide.
The Society or its members, jointly or severally, make no guarantee and assume no liability or
responsibility regarding the contents of this document. It has not been possible to include every
consideration related to the satisfactory use of valves, and, especially in abnormal or unusual
circumstances, the possible need for other considerations and precautions should be recognized.
1 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................. 1
2 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................ 1
3 SELECTION .................................................................................................................................... 1
4 SHIPPING AND STORAGE .......................................................................................................... 5
5 INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................ 6
6 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................... 1 0
A Referenced Standards and Applicable Dates ................................................................................. 1 7
X1 Reference Documents .................................................................................................................... 1 8
This Guide presents information which 3.1 .2 The valve industry offers a wide
should be helpful to users desiring to avoid variety of valve types and materials for use
the most obvious causes of problems with in industrial piping applications. There are
valves. The material is divided into five main usually several possible choices for a given
sections: “References”, “Selection”, “Shipping requirement. Any one valve may offer
and Storage”, “Installation”, and “Operation significant advantages and/or limitations
and Maintenance”. compared to another valve. It is good
practice to consult the manufacturer
2. REFERENCES regarding specific requirements.
The following standard references are The purchasing function includes the
normative to this Standard Practice (see responsibility for securing the required
Annex A): valves at the lowest cost, but must also
a) API 607 ensure that the valves purchased are in fact
satisfactory for the intended service. The
b) ASME B1 6.5 lowest total user (life cycle cost criteria
b) ISO 1 0497 should be used only in choosing between
The standards, specifications, and manuals alternatives that are known to satisfy the
listed in Appendix X1 of this Standard service requirement.
Practice are included as useful reference 3.2 Pressure-Temperature Rating
documents to help the user understand the
various valve types and their operational 3.2.1 The pressure-temperature rating of
limitations. Such an understanding is the valve must be properly selected for the
particularly important when selecting service requirement. If the service involves a
equipment for a specific temperature above 1 00 ºF (38 ºC), the valve
pressure/temperature/fluid application. This pressure rating at the service temperature
“informative” list is not all-inclusive. Note that must be verified as meeting the requirements
Piping Codes are not listed; however, the user is of the application.
cautioned that they may include requirements
for valves in certain applications. 3.2.2 If system testing will subject the
valve to a pressure in excess of its working
3. SELECTION pressure rating, then the intended testing
pressure and a statement explaining whether
3.1 General the test pressure is through the opened valve
3.1 .1 It is beyond the scope of this or a differential across the closed valve,
Standard Practice to make recommendations should be included in the purchase
for specific applications because specification.
misapplication of a valve type could result in 3.3 Bending Strength
operating problems which adversely affect
system safety and efficiency. However, 3.3.1 Piping systems are subject to
observance of the considerations, mechanical constraints at fixed support
recommendations and cautions offered points such as rigid nozzles, anchors, etc.
herein will provide increased assurance of Cold springing at assembly, system
satisfactory valve performance. temperature changes, together with gravity,
possible inertia loads, landslides, non-
uniform subsidence in buried lines, etc., all failure mode. Examples of such limitations
potentially affect the bending moment at are:
various points in the piping.
a) Destruction of elastomeric or
3.3.2 Valves are also subjected to the polymeric materials in the valve shall
bending moment occurring in the adjacent not result in gross valve pressure
pipe which is in addition to the normal boundary leakage.
pressure loadings. Bending loads can cause b) Destruction of elastomeric or
deformation in valve bodies that can be polymeric materials in the valve shall
detrimental to valve functional performance. not result in leakage greater than a
It is therefore a recommended design specified rate when the valve is closed.
practice to avoid locating valves at points of c) External heating of the valve shall not
large bending loads. cause uncontrolled buildup of pressure
3.3.3 In many cases, normal valve design in the body cavity of a double seated
practice results in a body strength greater valve.
than the strength of the adjoining pipe 3.4.2 Requirements related to after-fire
thereby providing inherent protection against operability and seat tightness are difficult to
valve damage. define other than by actual testing using
In other cases, piping conditions or systems standardized procedures. Valve post-fire
designs may actually increase the possibility operability simulation "Fire Testing" is
of harmful valve body deformation. covered by such standards as API 607 (e.g.,
soft-seated valves) and ISO 1 0497 (e.g.,
The following are examples of possible metal-seated valves). See Appendix X1 for
problems: other “Fire Test” related standards that may
be useful.
a) Basic "standard" valves that are made
into "venturi" type valves by providing 3.5 Pressure Surge
enlarged end connections on the 3.5.1 Closure of a valve in a flowing fluid
smaller standard basic valves. line causes the velocity of the fluid to be
b) Gray iron valves installed in steel reduced to zero. If the fluid is a relatively
piping. incompressible liquid, the inertia of an
c) Any "standard" valve installed in heavy upstream column produces a pressure surge
wall "overweight" piping where the at the valve whose magnitude is inversely
extra thickness may cause the pipe to proportional to the time required for closure.
be stiffer and stronger than the valve. The surge pressure is also proportional to the
length of the upstream fluid column and the
3.3.4 Valve designs having a high body fluid velocity prior to closure initiation. If the
bending strength should be used if there is application involves a long upstream line, a
reason for concern regarding possible high long downstream line, high velocity, and/or
bending loads. rapid closure, singly or in any combination,
the possibility of an unacceptable pressure
3.4 Fire Safety surge should be investigated.
3.4.1 The terms "Fire Safe" or "Fire 3.5.2 Also to be considered are
Tested" are not definitive and should not be condensation induced pressure surges which
used without an accompanying specification occur when a fluid velocity change is caused
of what is required. Such a specification may by rapid condensation or when a slug of water
be provided in the form of a requirement for is accelerated by contact with steam. An
a defined test or for limitations on the valve example would be when condensate collects
on one side of a closed valve that has steam on
the other side, then opening the valve will where internal rust or other solids may
cause collapsing steam voids, sharp pressure develop. It is recommended that check valves
surges and acceleration of condensate slugs. selected for use in this type service be
Condensation induced pressure waves can tolerant of a rust buildup in the valve.
result in pressure pulses that are significantly
higher than those produced by a sudden valve 3.6.4 Applications involving gas or steam
closure. In such events, non-shock rated gray flow may be complicated by an energy
iron valves installed in steel piping systems transfer phenomenon which can cause valve
are particularly vulnerable to catastrophic cycling even under steady flow conditions.
failure. Traps are required to prevent Such cycling may cause rapid wear and
condensate accumulation and "blow-off" premature valve failure or malfunction. Valve
valves located at the low point in the system closure element cycling may also be a
are needed to ensure condensate drainage. problem when the flow is cycling as it would
Operation and maintenance personnel must be be at the discharge of a reciprocating pump.
aware of the function of these devices in
relationship to the "shut-off" valve operation 3.6.5 The preferred sizing of a check valve
and the necessity for their being in proper is such that at normal sustained flow, the
working order. valve closure element will be held against its
stop in the full open position. Applications in
3.5.3 The flowing media should be gas or steam lines, or in liquid lines with low
considered as being "stopped" instantaneously or unsteady flow, should be described fully in
in the case of a check valve closure on a flow the purchase specification so that the
reversal. Consequently, the pressure surge manufacturer can evaluate the suitability of
may be very high depending on the velocity of the valve design as some check valves
the reverse flow at the instant of closure and require a minimum flow rate for stable
the length of the fluid column. Applications of operation.
check valves in liquid lines should always be
evaluated for possible pressure surge (water 3.6.6 Check valves should not be located
hammer) problems. close to upstream flow disturbances such as
control valves, elbows and tees. Turbulence
3.6 Check Valve Application in the flowing fluid entering the valve may
cause disc motion and excessive wear.
3.6.1 Check valves are actuated by the
flow or pressure of the line fluid. Problems It is recommended that check valves be
involving excessive wear of internal parts or located at least five pipe diameters
noisy operation can result from the use of downstream from elbows and ten diameters
check valves which are not fully opened by downstream from tees and control valves;
the normally sustained flow. even greater distance is recommended in the
case of control valves that operate with high
3.6.2 A check valve should not be used as pressure drop or severe cavitation.
a primary "shut-off" valve for any
application, including energy source 3.6.7 Check valves are normally seated by
isolation. Check valves should be applied as forces due to reversed pressure and may not
containment devices to prevent gross seal "through leakage" as tightly as some
backflow. For example, to restrict backflow other valve types. Also, some check valves
into equipment such as boilers and pumps may not seat and seal tightly with very low
operating off a common header. reversed pressures. Use of a stop check valve
instead of a simple check valve should be
3.6.3 Piston and ball check valves that are considered if sealing tightness is essential.
designed with close diametrical clearances The use of another type of valve (shut-off
between the moving parts are sensitive to a valve) in series with the check valve may be
"sticking operation" when used in a service considered.
3.7 Throttling Service 3.8.3 Practical problems can result from
failure to anticipate temperature effects. An
3.7.1 Valves used to control the rate of important example is a solid wedge gate
fluid flow may be subject to severe fluid valve in steam service that is normally open
turbulence which can have the effect of to flowing steam and then closed in the hot
creating a high energy conversion within the condition. The body-bonnet will contract
valve and piping system. This energy more in cooling down from the initial hot
conversion is usually indicated by high noise condition than the stem from its initial "partly
levels, either by cavitation of liquids or by cool" condition. The result is a relative
shock waves from gases (The noise in a shortening of the body-bonnet height and/or
water faucet is an example of a low level the relative lengthening of the stem-wedge
cavitation noise). height with a resulting "jamming" of the
wedge into the seats. The valve may then be
3.7.2 The possibility exists for mechanical found to be "stuck" in the closed position
damage to the valve and piping system when when an attempt is made to open the valve.
throttling of liquid flow results in severe and
continuous cavitation conditions. Likewise, 3.9 Trapped Pressure
with gas flow under severe throttling
conditions, shock waves can possibly result 3.9.1 When a closed double seated valve
in damage to the system. containing liquid is heated (e.g., from process
condition, radiation or solar heating) the
3.7.3 The valve manufacturer should be cavity pressure will increase due to
consulted on proper valve selection for volumetric expansion or vaporization of the
throttling applications. liquid. Conversely, cooling an un-drained
cavity below the freezing point may also
3.8 Temperature Changes
result in volumetric expansion of the media.
3.8.1 Valve structural materials expand These expansions can result in extremely
with rising temperatures and contract with high pressures occurring in the valve.
falling temperatures. Generally, increasing 3.9.2 In addition to the risk of pressure
temperature causes a decrease of mechanical boundary leakage or failure, high center cavity
strength which is regained on return to a pressure in some double seated valves may
lower temperature. A condition of non- cause very high opening force requirements
uniform temperature in a structure may (pressure locking). This should be considered
impose significant thermal stresses or if reliability of valve opening is essential.
distortion with possible adverse effect on
valve performance. 3.9.3 The purchaser should consider the
necessity of providing positive means for
3.8.2 The possibility of thermal stress prevention of such over pressurization where
fatigue should be considered in applications these conditions can be anticipated.
involving frequent temperature cycling. This
possibility is increased by any one or a 3.1 0 Material Compatibility
combination of the following: increasing
temperature range, increasing temperature 3.1 0.1 It is important that valve structural
level, increasing rate of temperature change, materials and lubricants be chemically
increasing thermal conductivity of the fluid, compatible with the other piping system
increasing thickness of metal sections or components, line fluids and the environment.
increasing the number of cycles. In some Guidance should be obtained from informed
cases, thermal cycling may also increase the sources such as the valve manufacturers or
tendency for stem seal leakage. the system engineers whenever there appears
to be reason for such concern.
3.1 1 Operating Effort 4.2 Preparation for Transport
3.1 1 .1 Manually operated valves are 4.2.1 Consideration should be given to the
usually designed to require a reasonable need for protection against mechanical
amount of physical effort applied to a damage and harmful exposure to dirt or other
handwheels or handle to open or close at deleterious material. In most cases, the
rated working pressure. However, typical critical points of exposure are the valve end
use of a valve may involve a lower working ports and exposed surfaces of the stem. The
pressure thereby substantially reducing the following checklist may be helpful in
differential pressure across a valve closure avoiding or minimizing problems:
element and a resulting reduced operating a) Is the valve dry or internally protected
effort. Lower operating effort can also be against rusting or galvanic corrosion?
achieved by opening a bypass valve in
some cases. b) Are the valve ends protected against
mechanical damage to either the threads,
3.1 1 .2 In all cases, the purchaser should flange faces, weld end preps, etc.?
determine that the manually operated valves c) Is the valve in the best set position for
selected will be capable of being operated handling?
under the anticipated operating conditions
by the personnel required to perform such Globe, diaphragm, and gate type valves are
operation. Oversize handwheels and gear usually shipped closed to prevent rattling.
operators will require specific operator Ball, plug and through conduit type valves
training to prevent applying damaging are usually open to minimize exposure of the
overloads (refer to Section 6.1 1 ). The valve functional surfaces. Butterfly valves are
manufacturer should be consulted for usually shipped closed or in a slightly open
specific instructions on operating torques. position. Check valves can be shipped in
either the "blocked open" or the "blocked
4. SHIPPING AND STORAGE closed" position.
4.1 Introduction 4.3 Handling
4.1 .1 Industrial valves, as manufactured, 4.3.1 Appropriate care in handling valves
tested, and readied for delivery to users, are should be complementary to the degree of
typically well designed products that are protection provided in preparation for
property fabricated and inspected and capable transport. A basic consideration in handling
of giving satisfactory service. Valves enjoy a valves should be to avoid damaging the
degree of inherent protection against protection provided for shipment. An obvious
degradation by impact, impingement or general rule is that valves should never be
invasion of harmful materials after thrown or dropped. Valves whose size
installation. However, the intervening period requires handling by crane or lift truck should
between the production test and the be "slung" or "rigged" carefully to avoid
installation in line may involve substantial damage to exposed valve parts. Handwheels
exposure to such degradation which can and stems, in particular, should not be used as
adversely affect the subsequent service lifting or rigging points for large valves.
performance of the valves.
4.4 Storage
4.1 .2 Observance of the recommendations
and cautions offered herein should provide 4.4.1 The problems to be considered in
increased assurance of satisfactory valve regard to storage are generally the same as
performance. those previously discussed relative to
preparation for transport.
The time element is important as conditions new valve, about to be installed in a piping
that would not be seriously harmful for a system, has been properly designed and
period of a few days could result in need for manufactured.
costly reconditioning if extended over weeks
or months. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that
in the transport, handling, and storage of a
4.4.2 Certain valve components may have valve, between the time of manufacture and
a recommended shelf life which should be the time of installation, there are numerous
stated by the manufacturer and the purchaser possibilities for accident or error which could
should take appropriate action. adversely affect valve performance.
4.4.3 Valve end protectors should not be 5.2.2 It is therefore important to determine
removed unless necessary for inspection and that the valve is in satisfactory condition
installation. before installation. The following points are
generally applicable and may be helpful in
4.4.4 Protection against weather should be avoiding subsequent valve problems:
provided. Ideally, valves should be kept
indoors with actual valve temperatures a) Carefully unpack the valve and check
always higher than the dew point. tags or identification plates, etc.,
against the bill of material,
4.4.5 Valves should be supported off the specifications, schematics, etc.
ground and/or pavement and protected by a
watertight cover if outdoor storage is b) Make a point of noting any special
unavoidable. warning tags or plates attached to or
accompanying the valve and take any
5. INSTALLATION appropriate action.
c) Check the valve for any marking
5.1 Introduction indicating flow direction. Make sure
that the valve is installed in the proper
5.1 .1 A most critical point in time in the flow orientation when a flow direction
life of an industrial valve is the moment of is indicated on the valve.
installation. The possibilities for degradation
of the valve are numerous. Conversely, the d) Inspect the valve interior to the extent
exercise of proper care in this process will practical through the end ports. Make
assure increased probability of trouble-free sure it is reasonably clean, free from
valve service. foreign matter and harmful corrosion.
Remove any special packing materials
5.1 .2 The valve industry has prepared this such as blocks used to prevent disc
Section in order to provide useful information, movement during shipping and
warnings and reminders, in a format that will handling.
be helpful to all concerned. A judicious e) If practical, actuate the valve through
selection of these pages, delivered to the an open-close-open or close-open-close
installation site with the valve itself, will cycle. Inspect any significant functional
provide the opportunity for the person having features such as guides or seat faces
the greatest need to know to be informed or that are made accessible by such
reminded of what is most important at the time actuation.
such information can be the most useful.
Caution: Avoid contact with the valve
5.2 Inspection closure element during cycling. It is
usually desirable to leave the valve
5.2.1 The testing and inspection required closure member in the position in
by applicable standards and specifications which it was shipped following such
make it generally reasonable to assume that a inspection.
f) Check the piping to which the valve is Caution: Because there is no clear
to be fastened for proper alignment, limit on the torque that may be
cleanliness, and freedom from foreign developed in a tapered thread joint, it is
materials, immediately prior to valve possible to damage the valves or piping
installation. by applying excessive twisting forces
through the body of the valve.
5.3 Threaded Valve - Pipe Assembly
f) Repeat the process at the second valve
5.3.1 Threaded pipe joints depend on a end. Again, apply the wrench at end of
good fit between the external and internal the valve to which the pipe is being
pipe threads for tight sealing. Usually, a assembled.
compatible soft or viscous material is used
between the assembled threads to assist in 5.4 Flanged Joint Assembly
ensuring a leak-free seal. The following 5.4.1 Flanged joints depend on
installation practices are recommended: compressive deformation of the gasket
a) Check the threads on both the valve material between the facing flange surfaces
and the mating pipe for correct thread for tight sealing. The mechanical force
form and cleanliness. Be alert for any necessary to maintain the compressive
indication of an impact that might have stresses on the gasket, as well as resist the
deformed the thread either out-of-round normal pressure forces tending to separate the
or by a local indentation. Be sure no joint, must be provided by the bolting.
chips or grit are present. It should be recognized that with "brute
b) Note the internal length of the threads force" alignment of misaligned flanges,
in the valve ends and the proximity of sufficient bolting force may not be
the valve internal seat to make sure the available to sustain the required gasket
pipe end will not hi the seat when loading and to resist the load caused by the
assembled. If there appears to be the pressure separating force, resulting in a
possibility of a problem, carefully joint leakage problem. The following
check the pipe end thread to make sure practices should be observed for
there is no extended straight portion satisfactory flange joint make-up:
beyond the standard tapered section.
c) Apply an appropriate thread tape or a) Check the mating flange facings. Do
thread compound to the external pipe not attempt to assemble the flanges if a
threads except when dry seal threading condition is found which might cause
is specified. Avoid getting the thread leakage (e.g., a deep radial groove cut
tape or thread compound into the by a retracting cutting tool or a dent
internal flow area. across the face caused by mishandling),
until the condition is corrected.
d) Use care to align the threads at the
point of assembly. Tapered pipe b) Check the bolting for proper size,
threads are inherently a loose fit at length, and material. A carbon steel
entry. Substantial wrenching force bolt on a high temperature flange joint
should not be applied until it is can result in early joint failure.
apparent that the threads are properly High strength material is always
engaged. required for flange bolting on steel
e) Assemble the joint wrench-tight. The flanges Class 400 or higher. Such
wrench on the valve should be on the bolting is usually stamped "B-7" on the
valve end into which the pipe is being end but other grades may be used in
threaded. some cases.
The proper matching of flanges, bolting ensure correct and uniform final
and gaskets is important. Specific tightening of the flange bolting.
requirements of ASME B1 6.5 shall be Parallel alignment of flanges is
satisfied. especially important when assembling
Low strength bolting may be used for a valve into an existing system.
lower pressure flanges, Classes 1 50 and
300 for operating temperatures not It should be recognized that if the
exceeding 400 ° F (204 ° C), when using flanges are not parallel, then it will be
approved gasket materials. See ASME necessary to bend something to make
B1 6.5 for gasket specification. the flange joint tight. Simply forcing
the flanges together with the bolting
c) Gray iron flanges are less "forgiving" may bend the pipe or it may bend the
of improper installation than flanges of valve. This is particularly true in large
ductile materials. The use of lower diameter piping. Such conditions
strength steel bolting is recommended should always be brought to the
for gray iron flanges to reduce the attention of someone capable of
possibility of overstressing the flanges evaluating the bending condition and
by excessive bolt preload. Full face the corrective measures that need to be
gaskets on flat flanges provide taken.
desirable protection against flange
breakage by over torqueing of the The assembly of certain “wafer type”
flange bolts. A flat face flange should or “short pattern” valves between
not be installed against a raised face mating flanges requires that the
flange. installation be checked for any
possibility of interference between the
Good preassembly alignment is moving parts of the valve and the
especially important in gray iron flange adjacent pipe, fitting, or valve.
joints to ensure that adequate gasket
compression can be achieved without g) Caution: Torque wrenches should
excessive bolting loads. always be used to assure proper
tightening of the flange bolting. If, in
d) Check the gasket materials. See ASME the tightening process, the torque on a
B1 6.5 for additional requirements for given bolt has been increasing with
flange joints using low strength bolting each part turn and then is observed to
(e.g., gray iron flanges or Class 1 50 remain unchanged or increase a much
steel flanges). Metal gaskets (flat, lesser amount with an additional part
grooved, jacketed, corrugated, or spiral turn that bolt is yielding. That bolt
wound), should not be used with these should be replaced and scrapped since
flanges. it is no longer capable of maintaining
e) Check the gaskets for freedom from the proper preload.
injurious defects or damage.
5.5 Weld Joint Assembly
f) Use care to provide good alignment of
the flanges being assembled. Use 5.5.1 Welded joints that are properly made
suitable lubricants on the bolt threads. provide a structural and metallurgical
Sequence the bolt tightening to make continuity between the pipe and the valve
the initial contact of the flanges and body. It is important that the joint should not
gaskets as flat and parallel as possible. constitute a “notch” or “weak link” in the
Tighten the bolts gradually and pipe-valve-pipe assembly. Therefore, the
uniformly to avoid the tendency to weld fillet for socket weld joints must always
twist one flange relative to the other. have more cross sectional area than the pipe.
Use of a torque wrench is helpful to
5.5.2 Butt weld joints require full c) Check materials marking on the pipe
penetration welds and a weld thickness at and valve to confirm that they are as
least equal to that of the pipe. Welding a pipe specified.
of a high strength alloy to a valve with body d) Inspect the welding end surfaces for
material of lower mechanical strength dimensions and cleanliness. Correct
requires that the weld taper to a any condition that might interfere with
compensating greater thickness at the valve assembly and satisfactory welding.
end. An alternative would be to have a
matching high strength “weld-on extension” e) Check all backing rings that may be
or “pup” welded to the valve prior to welding used to confirm that the ring material is
in the line. compatible with the pipe and valve
materials and that the individual rings
5.5.3 Sound welds are obviously fit and are clean.
important. f) Determine that all required welding
parameters, including preheating and
Caution: This guide is not a complete post-weld heat treating, are in
welding instruction. All welding should be in accordance with the approved welding
accordance with any Code or jurisdictional procedure.
regulations applicable to the construction of
the piping system. The welds must be made g) Inspect the “valve-to-pipe-end”
following approved welding procedures and alignment and adjust as required.
be inspected as required by all applicable h) Securely tack weld the mating parts
specifications. when required, if part of the approved
The following points are intended to be
helpful as point-of-use reminders of i) Complete the weld using the approved
important requirements for good welding welding procedure.
practice: j) Clean and inspect the finished weld.
k) Repair any defects using an approved
a) Consult the manufacturer for the weld repair procedure when necessary.
correct installation procedure of a metal
seated valve prior to preheating, 5.6 Testing and Adjustment
welding and post-weld heat treatment
of a butt weld or socket weld valve. To 5.6.1 It is reasonable to assume that a valve
avoid the possibility of arcing between that has been properly inspected and installed
the yoke bushing, stem, disc and/or will be in good condition and ready to
seats, always attach the ground directly operate. However, the actual operability of a
to the body. valve can only be proved by test.
b) Consult the manufacturer for the 5.6.2 A valve having adjustable stem
correct installation procedure before packing should be checked to determine that
welding a soft seated valve into a line. the packing has been properly installed and
As a minimum, a soft seated ball or the gland bolting has the correct initial
plug valve should be in the full open adjustment before testing the system. A first
position prior to welding so as to observation can be made by actuating the
prevent seat damage and/or weld valve through an open-close-open or close-
splatter from adhering to the ball or open-close cycle. Packing gland bolt
plug. A means for venting the ball tightness should be checked and bolts should
cavity is recommended to relieve any be retightened if necessary. If no obvious
fluid pressure that might develop due to problems are observed, an actual test at
thermal effects. pressure may then be made while the stem
packing tightness and operability of the valve
is checked. Gland bolts should be retightened 6.2.2 Valves in which the closure element
if packing leakage is observed. moves to and from the seat such as in globe,
angle, diaphragm and wedge gate valves,
5.6.3 It is common practice after the depend, to some degree, on the mechanical
installation of a piping system to clean the force of the stem holding the closure element
system by blowing through the system with a against the seat to make and maintain a tight
gas or steam or flushing with a liquid to shut-off.
remove debris and/or internal protective films
and coatings. It should be recognized that This is most important if the line pressure to
valve cavities may form a natural trap in a be shut off acts on the closure element in a
piping system and material not dissolved or direction so as to push it off the seat. When
carried out by the flushing fluid may settle in globe type valves are installed so that the line
such cavities and adversely affect valve pressure then acts in the same direction as the
operation. Also, abrasive material carried by stem force and also in wedge gate type
a high velocity fluid stream may cause valves, the line pressure then acts to increase
serious damage to seating surfaces. the seating load making valve stem loading
less critical. However, substantial stem force
6. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE will still be required at low line pressures.
The stem force may even be more important
6.1 Introduction
at low line pressures than at high line
6.1 .1 An industrial valve, reasonably pressures.
matched to a particular service application 6.2.3 Globe type valves (straight, angle or
and properly installed in a piping system, can Y-pattern) and stop check valves with
be expected to have a long service life with a pressure under the disc, require sufficient
minimum of attention. Unlike totally passive stem loading to balance the line pressure and
components such as pipe fittings, vessels, provide adequate net seat load. The higher
etc., valves are a special kind of “machinery” the line pressure, the higher the required stem
that has moving and wearing parts. The loading to achieve a leak tight seat. Follow
satisfactory performance of these working the manufacturer's recommendations on
parts depends on the long term preservation torque or handwheel rim force for seating of
of various highly finished surfaces. manually operated valves as well as
Therefore, it is important to give adequate impacting of impactor-type handles or
attention to the specific requirements for handwheels.
proper operation and reasonable maintenance
of all valves throughout their service life. Caution: The use of valve wrenches on
handwheels may lead to valve damage or
6.2 Operation. Manual Valves
injury to operators. See Section 6.3 for
6.2.1 Most valves are actuated manually by information relative to valves with power
causing some linear or rotational movement actuators.
of a handwheel, wrench, handle, etc. Care is 6.2.4 Most valves in which the internal
required to assure that such movement is in closure element slides across the seat as in
the correct direction, is not too fast or too ball, plug, non-wedging gates, butterfly etc.,
slow, and is applied through the proper do not rely on stem actuating force to provide
distance. The terminal positions, open and/or tight shut-off. However, the correct position
closed, have important functional of the closure element in these types of
significance. This is particularly true in the valves is very important. In some cases the
closed position where the internal closure effort required to move the closure element
element (disc, plug, sphere, etc.) must be may increase substantially during final
correctly positioned in relation to the seat to approach to the closed position, giving a false
assure a positive seal. impression of having reached the required
position. Failure to get to and stop at the full force in backseating. Impactors, gears, or
closed position can result in leakage and similar features provided to assist in
consequent damage to the sealing elements. mainseating valves should not be used for
6.2.5 Ball, plug, butterfly, and non-
wedging gate valves require correct 6.2.10 Caution: Some users consider that
positioning of the closure element to seal backseats are provided for the purpose of
properly. Closing travel should not stop until repacking valves which are under pressure.
a positive stop is reached or a position When the packing is removed in this
indicator reaches the “closed” position mark. situation, any leakage past the backseat
escapes directly to the atmosphere and
Caution: Some non-wedging gate valves constitutes a potential safety hazard to
require the closure element to be backed off personnel. The practice of repacking under
slightly from the positive stop position to pressure is not recommended. Further, if a
allow the closure element freedom to move. valve is operated in the backseated position
for any reason, exercise caution when
6.2.6 Thermal expansion and contraction moving the stem away from the backseat as
can cause solid wedge gate valves to “lock the packing may have deteriorated while
up” if closed while hot. As the relative cooler isolated from the line fluid and then leak
stem heats up to body temperature, and/or the when exposed to pressure.
body cools down toward the stem
temperature, the stem expansion and/or body 6.2.1 1 Purchase specifications requiring
contraction will cause stem thrust to increase. restrictive maximum forces to be applied on
If the thrust increases sufficiently, the wedge levers or handwheel rims may also lead to
may be “locked” between the tapered seats. damaging forces being applied to valves or
actuators in actual practice as larger forces
6.2.7 Certain valve stems are provided are sometimes applied in the field. Users
with a backseat arrangement, which is a should consider this fact in training of
shoulder on the stem or on another part of the operating personnel.
stem-disc assembly, which engages a
corresponding seat shoulder on the inner side 6.3 Operation, Power Actuated Valves
of the bonnet.
6.3.1 Functionally, closure performance
6.2.8 It has become generally recognized characteristics and backseating
that the use of the stem backseat for stem considerations are associated with all valve
sealing may mask an unsatisfactory condition types regardless of the means of operation.
of the stem packing. For this reason, the use Satisfactory valve performance with power
of the backseat for normal operational stem actuation requires appropriate programming
seating is not recommended. It is of the various requirements and constraints
recommended that the valve be opened into the actuator controls. Therefore, the
against the backseat as a means of actuator should be adjusted to deliver an
determining that the full open position has adequate opening, running and closing force
been reached and the stem should then be to suit the anticipated service conditions and
backed off slightly from the backseat. the valve type. For the position-sensitive
valve types, the close control should be
6.2.9 If circumstances necessitate use of position controlled by external stops or limit
the backseat for stem sealing to permit switches.
system operation until a shutdown will allow
replacement of the stem packing, it should be 6.3.2 Data required for selection and
recognized that backseats are usually much adjustment of power actuators should be
smaller than “mainseats” and care should be delineated clearly in purchase specifications
exercised to avoid applying excessive stem
for actuated valves. This data shall include valves requires a diligent coordination of the
but not necessarily be limited to: skills and efforts of the specified valve, the
valve manufacturer, and the actuator
a) Upstream pressure and differential manufacturer. Most applications are problem-
pressure conditions at which both free, but miscommunication can lead to
opening and closing shall be required. unreliable operation at one extreme and
Specify direction if applicable. possible valve or actuator damage at the other
Additionally, specify if valve operation extreme.
is required under high-flow
“blowdown” conditions. 6.4 Fluid Dynamics of Shut-off Valve
b) Speed of operation required or the Operation
maximum time for opening and/or 6.4.1 A flowing fluid in a piping system
closing. Also, specify a minimum time has mass and velocity. Anything that causes a
if required due to fluid dynamics (see moving mass to change its velocity will
Section 6.4). experience a reacting inertia force in
c) Electrical power supply available (AC proportion to the magnitude of the mass and
or DC voltage, phase, and frequency) the rate of the imposed velocity change.
for electrical power actuators or
controls. Operating conditions for 6.4.2 However, in the flow of gases the
reduced voltages should also be reacting inertia forces are inherently
considered. moderated by the compressibility of the fluid
d) Pneumatic pressure available for which permits the instantaneous velocity
pneumatic actuators (cylinders or change to be effectively limited to the mass
diaphragms). Also, specify fail-open, of fluid in the immediate vicinity. This, in
fail-closed, fail-as-is, or any special addition to the self-cushioning capacity of the
requirements. fluid column in the upstream pipe, effectively
precludes any significant problem of pressure
e) Requirements for position indication surge in rapidly closed valves in gaseous
signals. fluid piping.
6.3.3 Actuator selection and adjustments 6.4.3 In contrast, the inertia of the fluid
should normally be made by the valve column in a liquid pipeline is not so easily
manufacturer based on published literature overcome. Its relative incompressibility
and/or technical advice of actuator provides no such cushion or proximity-
manufacturer. The valve manufacturer should limiting mechanism. The entire upstream
be consulted when a manually operated valve fluid mass is required to be decelerated at
must be retrofitted with a power actuator. once by the closing valve and the resulting
6.3.4 Backseating valves should be pressure surge may be of sufficient
adjusted to stop slightly below the backseated magnitude to cause structural damage.
position. 6.4.4 An additional potential problem can
6.3.5 Caution: Some valve actuators, occur downstream from the closing valve.
when sized to provide specified loading, may This may be described as fluid column
have much higher output at maximum switch rupture and involves the inertia of the fluid
or control settings and therefore be capable of column carrying it away from the closed
damaging valves if misadjusted. Valve and valve with the proximate space being
actuator manufacturer’s instructions should occupied by a bubble of the fluid vapor or,
be followed closely to prevent overloading simply, a substantial vacuum. If there is
valve stems, backseats and other structural sufficient back pressure in the line, the fluid
parts. Successful operation of power operated column will reverse its velocity and close the
void created by the fluid column rupture and
cause another pressure surge when it reaches severe than that in the case of the shut-off
the valve. valve as the shut-off valve will usually
provide a throttling action, while the check
6.4.5 It should be recognized that pressure valve closure may be virtually instantaneous
surge intensity is roughly proportional to the with little preliminary throttling.
length and velocity of the fluid column
upstream of the closing valve and inversely 6.5.3 A check valve closure can also cause
proportional to the time taken to close the downstream fluid column rupture just as in
valve. Fluid column rupture and return surge the case of shut-off valves. Furthermore, on
intensity is proportional to the same condition fluid column reassembly, the pressure surge
on the other side of the valve in addition to may be of sufficient magnitude to reopen the
the back pressure in that section of piping. check valve, starting another sequence of
Therefore, a slow closing is helpful in closure, surge, etc. Under certain conditions a
limiting the magnitude of the pressure surge protracted succession of closure “hammers”
phenomena. may result.
6.4.6 In large long distance liquid pipelines 6.5.4 The kinetic energy in flowing fluids
it is critically important to evaluate pressure presents special problems regarding check
surge possibilities and to establish limits on valve performance. Quick closing is normally
the speed of closure of the flow shut-off desirable, but special features may be
valves. In operating such valves or setting the required for certain situations. Careful
speed of operation of power actuated valves, systems analysis may be required in complex
design limits on speed of closure should be applications.
conscientiously observed.
6.5.5 While a rapid closure of a check
6.4.7 Rapid closure of a valve in any valve is normally the best method of
flowing liquid pipeline can cause a minimizing pressure surges due to flow
substantial pressure surge which may reversal, some applications produce flow
manifest itself in a sharp “bang” or possibly a reversals that are too rapid to prevent
series of “bangs”. This is frequently referred excessive reverse velocity before the closure
to as water hammer. This phenomenon can of a standard check valve could occur. Such
occur in any flowing liquid line and is not applications may require consideration of
limited to water lines. Rapid closing of a special valve features such as:
shut-off valve in a flowing liquid line should
be avoided especially during the last part of a) A spring or method of other loading to
the stem travel. provide more rapid closing,
b) A dashpot or snubber to provide a
6.5 Check Valves slower more controlled closure to
6.5.1 Check valves are one-way valves that reduce reverse flow velocity by a
function to automatically stop a flow reversal throttling action as in a shut-off valve.
in a flowing line. Therefore, in most 6.6 Quarter Turn Valves
applications, the fastest possible closure is
desirable. The speed of closure is understood 6.6.1 A strong opening or closing torque
in terms of the shortest possible time to may be produced in some valves actuated by
achieve closure following the instant of flow rotation of a stem through a fraction of a turn
reversal. It follows then, that the shorter that due to the distribution of fluid pressure on the
time interval can be made, the lower the closure element. Such a valve may suddenly
velocity of the reverse flowing liquid will be. open or close itself if not forcefully
restrained. As previously noted, a rapid
6.5.2 The pressure surge resulting from a closure action can produce a high pressure
check valve closure is likely to be more
surge or “hammer” that is potentially capable 6.7.3 A full technical discussion of all of
of causing structural damage. the sound-generating mechanisms is beyond
the scope of this document. Nevertheless, it is
6.6.2 An additional point of concern is the recommended that an evaluation be made of
possible injury to personnel operating the any condition of remarkable noise in a piping
valve. The person may grasp an operating system at least to the point of understanding
handle and start to move it only to have it its cause.
suddenly slam to the open or closed position.
This can result in a personal injury depending If a valve is involved, a determination should
on how the person is positioned and how the be made as to whether the valve is the source
handle is grasped. Care should always be or just happens to be the location of the noise.
exercised in operating a quarter turn valve Usually, if the valve is the source, the noise
that is not equipped with self-locking gearing can be “tuned” by slightly “throttling” the
or other substantial stem restraints. Serious valve.
consideration should be given to the
possibility that the operating handle may 6.7.4 Mechanical or high intensity fluid
suddenly slam to the open or closed position. noise in the vicinity of a valve may be a
warning of potentially serious trouble. Expert
6.7 Noise assistance should be obtained from system
engineers or the valve manufacturer to
6.7.1 There are many different valve determine the cause and evaluate possible
operating conditions that can result in noise. need for action.
Such noise may be “normal” considering the
nature of the fluid and the pressure, 6.7.5 Noise emitted from a closed valve is
temperature and velocity of flow. There may a special case that may indicate seat leakage
be a “wind” noise in a flowing gas line. There requiring repair. A whistling sound may
may be clear or hoarse whistling sounds indicate sever erosion of seating surfaces
resulting from the shape of the flow passage, while “gurgling” or “popping” sounds may
including the flow path through a valve. signify less severe leakage.
Cavitating conditions in a liquid line can
cause a “white noise” that ranges from a 6.8 Maintenance
whisper to a sound like rocks and gravel, to a
deafening roar. There may also be 6.8.1 Valves are properly considered to be
mechanical noises as a result of movement of a hybrid structure, a combination of a
internal “things” acted on by the flowing pressure vessel and operating machinery.
fluid. Some of these noises may be relatively Maintenance procedures therefore, must
harmless insofar as system integrity and reflect the requirements of the occasional
performance are concerned. Mechanical opening or closing of the “machinery” and
damage in lines with compressible fluid is the predominant operating condition of the
generally limited to points of sonic or valve where pressure is continuously applied
supersonic velocity, or where a vortex and nothing is moving. The important
resonance with an internal component causes performance parameters are pressure
movement and wear or breakage. boundary integrity, actuating effort required
and internal leak tightness. Maintenance
6.7.2 Vortex resonance with an internal should logically address the importance of
component may also cause problems in liquid preserving these performance parameters.
service. In addition, noise may be evidence of
cavitation which has the potential for causing 6.8.2 Valves which remain in one position
mechanical, damage, including massive for long periods of time may be hard to
erosion of the metal walls of a valve or pipe operate and/or not function as well as when
walls and/or other internal components. originally installed. This reduction of
operability can result from either a loss of
effective lubricants in the stem threads, aging in the chamber by a gland and associated
of packing, surface corrosion of moving bolting.
parts, or an accumulation of deleterious
solids. In some applications it may be 6.8.6 Conventional compression packing
desirable to schedule periodic partial or full requires that the gland bolting provide
cycle exercising of such valves. sufficient load to eliminate any
communicating porosity in the packing
6.8.3 Check valves require special material and to compress it into intimate
consideration because they normally have no contact with the stem and bonnet. Clearances
external stems, actuators, or packing’s that between the associated parts must be close
might indicate a pending operational enough to contain the packing material and
problem. minimize extrusion.
Complete internal failure may occur due to Maintenance practices that increase
wear with no obvious advance warning. clearances (e.g. machining of glands and/or
Preventive maintenance is recommended bonnets to remove corrosion) may result in
particularly where sudden check valve failure packing extrusion and leakage or “blowout”.
may require expensive plant or system
shutdown. 6.8.7 Pressure boundary integrity requires
basically sound pressure containing parts, a
6.8.4 Noise or vibration emitted at or near pressure tight static seal at assembly joints
a closed check valve may be an indicator of and in most cases, an effective working seal
leakage (see Section 6.7). Distinctive noises between a moving stem and the valve bonnet.
may also be produced from internal motion Maintenance of pressure boundary parts and
of the parts of check valves that are not fully the static seal of assembly joints is not
open during forward flowing conditions. usually considered to be a problem. However,
“Thumping” or “tapping” may indicate that continuous monitoring is recommended to
the disc is impacting either on the seat or the confirm that problems do not occur. The need
full-open stop, or simply “rattling” in its for paint protection against corrosion of
guides. These types of conditions can lead to exposed piping should be obvious from
rapid wear and failure of the valve. Special normal observations of the system.
non-intrusive diagnostics systems can be
used to augment the evaluation of the noise. 6.8.8 Wear and loss of packing material
are normal expectations in frequently cycled
Periodic disassembly and internal inspection valves. However, current packing materials
of selected valves may be advisable, and systems will minimize this deterioration,
particularly where they are located close to particularly in new and well-maintained
upstream flow disturbances (see Section 3.6). valves. Packing gland adjustment may be
necessary from time to time but routine
6.8.5 Stem seals may be a source of “repacking” should not be required in most
problems, particularly in valves that are valves that are otherwise well maintained.
frequently cycled or must operate at high
pressures or temperatures. Packing replacement can usually be deferred
until a time when other valve maintenance is
The stem seal must prevent or minimize required as long as the packing gland shows
leakage of line fluid between a movable stem adequate room for further adjustment. See
and a stationary bonnet. While special Section 6.2.1 0 regarding the hazards to
mechanical arrangements, elastomers, or personnel involved in repacking a backseated
proprietary seals are used in some cases, the valve under pressure. This practice is not
normal arrangement includes a cylindrical recommended.
chamber in the bonnet surrounding the stem,
with compression packing material retained
6.8.9 Valve manufacturers and packing
manufacturers should be consulted regarding
the best design features and compression
packing materials available to solve chronic
packing problems. Ongoing developments in
valve design and packing technology may
offer improvements that can be implemented
by retrofitting a valve with improved designs,
materials and installation procedures. For
example, spacers may be used in deep
packing chambers common in old valves that
were designed for use with old style asbestos
packing’s so that new packing/material may
be effectively installed.
Referenced Standards and Applicable Dates
This Annex is an integral part of this Standard Practice and is placed after the main text for convenience.
Reference Documents
This Appendix is “supplementary” and does not include mandatory requirements.
APPENDIX X1 (Continued)
Reference Documents
This Appendix is “supplementary” and does not include mandatory requirements.
It is incumbent upon the user of this Standard Practice to utilize the applicable and/or
current revision of the documents contained in this “Informational Appendix”.
APPENDIX X1 (Continued)
Reference Documents
This Appendix is “supplementary” and does not include mandatory requirements.
Listing of MSS Standard Practices
SP-6-201 2 Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittings
SP-9-2008 Spot Facing for Bronze, Iron and Steel Flanges
SP-25-2008 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges, and Unions
SP-42-2009 Corrosion Resistant Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves with Flanged and Butt Weld Ends (Classes 150, 300 & 600)
SP-43-2008 Wrought and Fabricated Butt-Welding Fittings for Low Pressure, Corrosion Resistant Applications (Incl. 2010 Errata Sheet)
SP-44-2010 Steel Pipeline Flanges (incl. 2011 Errata Sheet)
SP-45-2003 (R 2008) Bypass and Drain Connections
SP-51 -2007 Class 1 50LW Corrosion Resistant Flanges and Cast Flanged Fittings
SP-53-1999 (R 2007) Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components – Magnetic Particle
Examination Method
SP-54-1 999 (R 2007) Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components – Radiographic Examination Method
SP-55-2011 Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Other Piping Components – Visual Method for Evaluation of
Surface Irregularities (ANSI-approved American National Standard)
SP-58-2009 Pipe Hangers and Supports – Materials, Design, Manufacture, Selection, Application, and Installation (incorporates content of SP-69, 77, 89, and 90)
(ANSI-approved American National Standard)
SP-60-2004 Connecting Flange Joint between Tapping Sleeves and Tapping Valves
SP-61 -2009 Pressure Testing of Valves
SP-65-2008 High Pressure Chemical Industry Flanges and Threaded Stubs for Use with Lens Gaskets
SP-67-2011 Butterfly Valves
SP-68-2011 High Pressure Butterfly Valves with Offset Design
SP-69-2003 Pipe Hangers and Supports – Selection and Application (ANSI-approved American National Standard)
SP-70-2011 Gray Iron Gate Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends
SP-71 -201 1 Gray Iron Swing Check Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends
SP-72-201 0 Ball Valves with Flanged or Butt-Welding Ends for General Service
SP-75-2008 Specification for High-Test, Wrought, Butt-Welding Fittings
SP-78-201 1 Gray Iron Plug Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends
SP-79-201 1 Socket Welding Reducer Inserts
SP-80-2008 Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle, and Check Valves
SP-81 -2006a Stainless Steel, Bonnetless, Flanged Knife Gate Valves
SP-83-2006 Class 3000 Steel Pipe Unions Socket Welding and Threaded
SP-85-2011 Gray Iron Globe & Angle Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends
SP-86-2009 Guidelines for Metric Data in Standards for Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Actuators (Incl. 201 1 Errata Sheet)
SP-87-1 991 (R 1996 – Reinstated 2011 ) Factory-Made Butt-Welding Fittings for Class I Nuclear Piping Applications
SP-88-2010 Diaphragm Valves
SP-91 -2009 Guidelines for Manual Operation of Valves
SP-92-201 2 MSS Valve User Guide
SP-93-2008 Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgings for Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Other Piping Components – Liquid Penetrant
Examination Method
SP-94-2008 Quality Standard for Ferritic and Martensitic Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Other Piping Components – Ultrasonic
Examination Method
SP-95-2006 Swage(d) Nipples and Bull Plugs
SP-96-2011 Guidelines on Terminology for Valves and Fittings
SP-97-2006 Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet Fittings – Socket Welding, Threaded, and Buttwelding Ends
SP-98-2012 Protective Coatings for the Interior of Valves, Hydrants, and Fittings
SP-99-201 0 Instrument Valves
SP-100-2009 Qualification Requirements for Elastomer Diaphragms for Nuclear Service Diaphragm Valves
SP-101-1989 (R 2001 ) Part-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment – Flange and Driving Component Dimensions and Performance Characteristics
SP-1 02-1 989 (R 2001 ) Multi-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment – Flange and Driving Component Dimensions and Performance Characteristics
SP-1 04-201 2 Wrought Copper Solder-Joint Pressure Fittings
SP-1 05-201 0 Instrument Valves for Code Applications
SP-1 06-201 2 Cast Copper Alloy Flanges and Flanged Fittings: Class 1 25, 150, and 300
SP-1 08-201 2 Resilient-Seated Cast Iron Eccentric Plug Valves
SP-109-1997 (R 2006) Welded Fabricated Copper Solder Joint Pressure Fittings
SP-11 0-201 0 Ball Valves Threaded, Socket-Welding, Solder Joint, Grooved and Flared Ends (incl. 2010 Errata Sheet)
SP-1 1 1 -2001 (R 2005) Gray-Iron and Ductile-Iron Tapping Sleeves
SP-11 2-201 0 Quality Standard for Evaluation of Cast Surface Finishes – Visual and Tactile Method. This SP must be used with a 1 0-surface, three dimensional Cast
Surface Comparator, which is a necessary part of the standard. Additional Comparators available separately.
SP-11 3-2001 (R 2007) Connecting Joint between Tapping Machines and Tapping Valves
SP-11 4-2007 Corrosion Resistant Pipe Fittings Threaded and Socket Welding Class 1 50 and 1 000 (ANSI-approved American National Standard)
SP-11 5-201 0 Excess Flow Valves, 1 ¼ NPS and Smaller, for Fuel Gas Service
SP-11 6-201 1 Service-Line Valves and Fittings for Drinking Water Systems
SP-11 7-201 1 Bellows Seals for Globe and Gate Valves
SP-11 8-2007 Compact Steel Globe & Check Valves – Flanged, Flangeless, Threaded & Welding Ends (Chemical & Petroleum Refinery Service)
SP-11 9-201 0 Factory-Made Wrought Belled End Pipe Fittings for Socket-Welding
SP-120-201 1 Flexible Graphite Packing System for Rising Stem Valves – Design Requirements
SP-1 21 -2006 Qualification Testing Methods for Stem Packing for Rising Stem Steel Valves
SP-1 22-2005 Plastic Industrial Ball Valves
SP-1 23-1 998 (R 2006) Non-Ferrous Threaded and Solder-Joint Unions for Use with Copper Water Tube
SP-1 24-2001 Fabricated Tapping Sleeves
SP-1 25-201 0 Gray Iron and Ductile Iron In-Line, Spring-Loaded, Center-Guided Check Valves
SP-1 26-2007 Steel In-Line Spring-Assisted Center Guided Check Valves
SP-1 27-2001 Bracing for Piping Systems Seismic-Wind-Dynamic Design, Selection, Application
SP-1 28-2006 Ductile Iron Gate Valves
SP-1 29-2003 (R 2007) Copper-Nickel Socket-Welding Fittings and Unions
SP-1 30-2003 Bellows Seals for Instrument Valves
SP-1 31 -201 0 Metallic Manually Operated Gas Distribution Valves
SP-132-201 0 Compression Packing Systems for Instrument Valves
SP-133-201 0 Excess Flow Valves for Low Pressure Fuel Gas Appliances
SP-134-201 0 Valves for Cryogenic Service Including Requirements for Body/Bonnet Extensions
SP-135-201 0 High Pressure Knife Gate Valves
SP-136-2007 Ductile Iron Swing Check Valves
SP-137-2007 Quality Standard for Positive Material Identification of Metal Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Other Piping Components
SP-138-2009 Quality Standard Practice for Oxygen Cleaning of Valves & Fittings
SP-139-201 0 Copper Alloy Gate, Globe, Angle, and Check Valves for Low Pressure/Low Temperature Plumbing Applications
SP-140-201 2 Quality Standard Practice for Preparation of Valves and Fittings for Silicone-Free Service
SP-141-201 2 Multi-Turn and Check Valve Modifications
SP-142-201 2 Excess Flow Valves for Fuel Gas Service, NPS 1 ½ through 12
SP-143-201 2 Live-Loaded Valve Stem Packing Systems
(R YEAR) Indicates year reaffirmed • Price List Available Upon Request • MSS is an ANSI-accredited American National Standards developer
Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
1 27 Park Street, NE, Vienna, VA 221 80-4620 • (703) 281 -661 3 • Fax # (703) 281 -6671
MSS -I H S SP-92-201 2