Online Activity 1 (Marks - 10%) - Topic 1 - 5 - Second
Online Activity 1 (Marks - 10%) - Topic 1 - 5 - Second
Online Activity 1 (Marks - 10%) - Topic 1 - 5 - Second
/ Dashboard / My courses / HPGD3203 / e-Lesson Week 5 (Online Activity 10%) / Online Activity 1 (Marks: 10%) : Topic 1 - 5
Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What is a MOOC?
A. A MOOC is a free learning course for delivering learning content to any university students
either online or at the event who wants to take the course with no limit on attendance.
B. A massive online course (MOOC) is a model for delivering learning content online to any
who wants to take the course online on the schools computer with no limit on attendance.
What is aggregation?
presenters' screen sharing images, voice and their PowerPoint slides, which are the focus
or subject matter for web communications and presentations.
B. An application that can help to organise and manage what the user wants and saves the user from
going to websites of interest for fresh content such as RSS and see the changes in an aggregator
C. Aggregation is a cloud-based application, which seamless sync, making it possible to be
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
A. The short term plan is to redesign the learning space while the midterm plan is too repeat the learning
to enhance understanding
B. The short-term plan focuses on introducing new technology while the mid-term plan is
The new learning and teaching models is very much influenced by connectivism.
What is connectivism learning refers to?
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Web 1.0 eventually gave way to Web 2.0, which has provided a new way of collaborating, creating, sharing and
editing user content online.
Which of the following is an example of WEB.20 tools?
As teachers, we are concerned with how we can use Creative Commons licences to use resources without any
worries about copyright issues.
What does the acronym CCO licence mean?
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
A. Free Lesson sharing; Lesson Plans; EDUTOPIA; TES; E-Guru videos; Amazon Inspire
B. Free Lesson sharing; Curriculum Plans; EDUTOPIA; UES; YouTube videos; Microsoft
C. Free Lesson sharing; Teacher; Wikipedia; AES; E-Guru videos; Google Search
MOOCs has great potential in helping the professional development of teachers. Which of the following MOOCs
are listed as offered in the course material?
B. IV, V, VI
Personal computers and notebooks that run on Windows or a Mac are popular among students.
Which of the following is the minimum hardware and software requirements for podcasting?
·Windows 10. For Mac
OS9 or X
·Random Access Memory
(RAM) ·Windows 10. For Mac •
·4 to 6 gigabytes (GB). OS9 or X. ·XP, Vista, Windows 10.
·Professionals use 16 to For Mac • OS9 or X.
·4 to 6 gigabytes (GB).
32 GB\ ·Random Access
·Hard disk space. You ·Professionals use 16 to
Memory (RAM)
need storage of 50 to 32 GB. Hard disk space.
·5 to 10 gigabytes (GB)
100GB ·Software Audacity for ·Professionals use 16 to
·Software Audacity for both PC 32 GB. Hard disk space
both PC and Mac
.Adobe Audible, with PC
·Adobe Audible, with PC
and Mac which have their
own built-in
A. A
B. B
C. C
A. Cooperation is students work as a group guided by their project leader while collaboration
is working in small groups adding their individual portion to the final project
B. Cooperation is students work on a particular parts of the project guided by group project
leader while collaboration is working in small groups and teams to add their contribution
to a specific project part,
C. Cooperation is students work on a particular project guided by their teacher/project leader
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