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CIA1 Question Bank 22IT301 CA

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1. Brief about the role of ALU.

2. Elucidate the functions of control unit.

3. Write an assembly language instruction which adds A and B and store the result in A.

4. What is memory Access time.

5. Elucidate why Main Memory is a Volatile Memory.
6. Brief about what is word length in Memory Access.
7. Outline the stored program concept.
8. Consider a hypothetical processor with an instruction MOV 100(R2), R1. This instruction
reads a 32-bit word from memory and stores it in a 32-bit register R1. Determine the
addressing mode which reflects the operation implemented by this instruction.
9. Perform Binary Addition for the following number

10. Distinguish between Computer Architecture and Computer Organization

11. Outline the stored program concept.
12. Describe how the basic operational concepts are useful in processing an instruction.
13. ADD R1, R5 : Describe this instruction execution sequence.
14. Write the sequence of Control steps to subtract the contents of register R4 to those of R5
and store the result in R6.
15. Identify two advantages of Von Neumann Machine organization.
16. Illustrate how Memory latency constitutes systems performance.
17. Describe the functions of a Bios.
18. How does the Bandwidth play an important role in data transfer.
19. What can be defined as a Word length in a RAM.
PART – B (16 Marks)
1.i) Explain in detail about Von Neumann Architecture with a Neat Sketch.
ii) List and explain the steps needed to execute each of the following machine instructions:
i) Add R4, R2, R3
ii) Store R4, LOC

2. Explain different types of Addressing modes with suitable examples and diagram.
3. i) Write a Assembly code which adds B,C and Multiply the result with D and store the final Result in
memory location 2050.
ii) A=010111 & B=101100
Consider this as an Unsigned Integer and Perform operation for A+B and A-B
4. Explain in detail about Instruction format with suitable examples.
5. i) Subtract numbers 10-7 using 1s complement.
ii) Explain in detail about memory Hierarchy with Neat Diagram.
6. Explain the different types of mapping functions in cache memory to determine how memory blocks are
placed in cache with neat diagram.
7. Explain in detail Main Memory,Cahe,Secondary storage and Virtual Memory.
8. Solve the expression Y = (A – B ) / ( C + ( D * E ) ) using three address, two address, one address and
zero address format.
9. i) Tabulate the differences between Volatile and Non-volatile memory.
ii) Explain Sequential access memory and Random access memory.
10. Perform binary subtraction using 1’s and 2’s complement:
a. (1010100) 2 – (1000011) 2
b. (1101) 2 – (-1001) 2
11.i) Define the term COMPUTER and how it is associated with data and software. Also explain its
ii) List out different types of computers based on its storage and performance.
12. i)Each Component (Functional blocks) inside the processor is responsible during an “Execution of an
Instruction” State the different components and its operational functions with diagram.
ii) Explain theoretically how an instruction is being executed with an example.
13.i) “A group of lines that serves as a connecting path for several devices” Explain the various
functionalities and Different types of the particular Hardware which is related to the above statement with
neat Diagram.
ii) List out some of the Input and Output devices you know and explain its functions.
14. i) Explain different types of Addressing modes with respect to number of operands present in the
Instructions with suitable examples.
ii) List out the steps involved in a basic instruction execution cycle. Explain the three steps with example
15. i) Tabulate the differences between Volatile and Non-volatile memory.
ii) Interpret about Static RAM and Dynamic RAM
16. i) Classify the types of ROMs with its characteristics.
ii) Describe how a Disk controller helps to access the disk drive.
17. i) Compare and contrast between Low level language, Middle level language and High level language.
ii) Describe how READ and WRITE process is carried out in an Optical Disk.
18. Perform binary subtraction using 1’s and 2’s complement:
a. (1010100) 2 – (1000011) 2
b. (1101) 2 – (-1001) 2
19. i) Explain in detail about memory Hierarchy with Neat Diagram
ii) Subtract numbers 10-7 using 1s complement.
20. i) What is meant by a register? List the two types of registers along with its functions.
ii) Describe how cache memory helps in faster execution of instructions in a processor.

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