A Gate Defined Quantum Dot On The Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Semiconductor Wse
A Gate Defined Quantum Dot On The Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Semiconductor Wse
A Gate Defined Quantum Dot On The Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Semiconductor Wse
Key Laboratory of Quantum Information, CAS, University of Science and Technology of China,
Hefei, Anhui 230026, China
Synergetic Innovation Center of Quantum Information & Quantum Physics, University of
Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China
Two-dimensional layered materials, such as transition metal dichalcogenides
(TMDCs), are promising materials for future electronics owing to their unique
electronic properties. With the presence of a band gap, atomically thin gate defined
quantum dots (QDs) can be achieved on TMDCs. Here, standard semiconductor
fabrication techniques are used to demonstrate quantum confined structures on WSe2
with tunnel barriers defined by electric fields, thereby eliminating the edge states
induced by etching steps, which commonly appear in gapless graphene QDs. Over 40
consecutive Coulomb diamonds with a charging energy of approximately 2 meV were
observed, showing the formation of a QD, which is consistent with the simulations.
The size of the QD could be tuned over a factor of 2 by changing the voltages applied
to the top gates. These results shed light on obtaining smaller quantum dots on
TMDCs with the same top gate geometry, compared to traditional GaAs/AlGaAs
heterostructure, for further researches.
dielectric constant of the back gate (plunger gate) and dBG(PG) is the distance between
the dot and the back gate (plunger gate). Using the αBG value obtained above, the
calculated αPG should be 0.094 eV/V, which is about 2 times larger than the αPG
measured here. This can be understood because the relative dielectric constant of
Al2O3 may be smaller, caused by the quality of the growth.
Here, we found some evidence of overlapped Coulomb diamonds which suggests
double dots may be formed, shown by the black arrows in Figure 4. Since the edge
states were absent in our devices, we believed that there are two possibilities that may
cause the formation of the double dots. One is the aggressive gate voltage applied to
the top gates, which changed the electron distribution. The other is disorders in the
crystals, which trap impurities, affecting the confinement potential. These disorders
may also contribute to another conductance channel, which results in the non-zero
Coulomb blockade current observed in Figure 2(d). However, different from the edge
states, this impurity problem could be solved in principle, when the crystal-growth
technique improves.
Next, the source and drain contacts in the devices will be discussed. Figure 5(a)
shows a schematic of two Coulomb diamonds. Using the constant interaction model,
the slope of the two sides can be calculated as |e|Cg/CS and −|e|Cg/(C−CS)
respectively39, as shown in Figure 5(a). Here, CS(D) is the capacitance between the
source (drain) and the dot, Cg is the capacitance between the gate and the dot, and C is
the total capacitance: C=CS+Cg+CD. In our experiments, the Coulomb diamonds were
always asymmetric. Moreover, when the top gates voltages were tuned to a different
region, the Coulomb diamonds exhibited different configurations, as shown in Figure
5(b) and (c). In Figure 5(b), the Coulomb diamonds have one side almost parallel to
the y-axis, indicating that CS was almost zero. However, in Figure 5(c), the side of the
Coulomb diamonds which parallels to the y-axis changed to the other side, suggesting
CS became larger as the domination of the total capacitance C in this configuration
(C=CS). The change in CS suggests that the location of the WSe2 dot varied under the
gate potential. However, due to the limitation of the accuracy of estimation from
diagram, it is hard to get quantitative estimation such as the exact location of the dot.
Note that CS is much larger than Cg in the situation in Figure 5(c), as C=CS. We can
estimate the source and drain contacts of our device were not purely Ohmic. Although
Schottky barriers existed on the device, the quantum confinement is still valid. In
order to achieve further manipulation of the electrons in the QDs on TMDCs, more
studies are needed to improve the contact between the TMDCs and metal electrodes.
Finally, we want to discuss the difference between our layered material gate
defined quantum dot and traditional GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure quantum dot.
Because of the existence of a layer of donors, the back gate voltage VBG is no longer
needed here to accumulate carriers. Using COMSOL, we can simulate the potential
profile at the interface of AlGaAs and GaAs, where 2DEG (2 dimensional electron
gas) is formed. As shown in Figure 6, the potential profile for GaAs/AlGaAs
heterostructure with the same top gate geometry and VTG is calculated. Compared
Figure 6 to Figure 1(d), the closed contours disappear, which indicates the quantum
dot is no longer formed in this case. Moreover, the potential in the area between
barriers (LB, RB) and plunger gate (PG) is in the same range as in the area
surrounded by the top gates. This result is different from Figure 1(d), where the
potential is pulled up in the area between barriers (LB, RB) and plunger gate (PG),
indicating that the electrons are depleted underneath the gates (LB, RB, PG). While in
the case for Figure 6, electrons still can tunnel through the channel between the gates
(LB, RB, PG). This means the distance between the top gates needs to be decreased in
order to confine a quantum dot when applying the same VTG for the GaAs/AlGaAs
heterostructure, which increases the difficulty in fabrication steps. Alternatively, for
the same top gate geometry and VTG, the smaller quantum dot with lager energy of
excited states could be formed in layered material structure, which is essential for
further studies. Moreover, changing the Al2O3 with another layered material h-BN, we
can decrease the thickness of insulator layer further to even one layer of atoms,
allowing a more aggressive influence of top gates. While for GaAs/AlGaAs
heterostructure, obtaining 2DEG forbids decreasing the vertical distance between the
top gates and electrons. This difference allows fabricating atomic-scale and even
flexible quantum dots to have a better control of electrons inside.
In summary, standard semiconductor fabrication techniques were used to obtain a
gate defined WSe2 QD with tunnel barriers defined by electric fields. Over 40
consecutive Coulomb diamonds with an EC of approximately 2 meV were observed,
showing the confinement potential that was predicted by our simulations. By tuning
the gate voltage applied to both of the top gates and the back gate, we observed the
statistic distribution of the EC varied, indicating that the size of the dots changed by
over a factor of 2. For the same top gate geometry and VTG, the smaller quantum dot
can be formed in layered material structure, compared to traditional GaAs/AlGaAs
heterostructure, where quantum dots may even vanish for our top gates design. These
gate defined QDs in two-dimensional TMDCs open an avenue to explore the
electronic properties of TMDCs. Also, tunable TMDC QDs, which are isolated from
the edge states, shed light on quantum nano-devices in TMDCs for further research
This work was supported by the National Fundamental Research Program (Grant
No. 2011CBA00200), the National Natural Science Foundation (Grand Nos.
11222438, 11174267, 61306150, 11304301 and 91121014) and the Chinese Academy
of Sciences.
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FIG. 1. (a) SEM image of the WSe2 QD studied in this work. The WSe2 flake is
highlighted by the white dotted line. The four top gates are labeled as MG, LB, PG
and RB. The white bar has a length of 5 μm. (b) Thickness profile of the WSe2 flake
(4.5-nm thick) measured with an AFM. (c) Schematic cross-section of the device. The
few-layer WSe2 was deposited on a heavily doped silicon substrate covered with
100-nm-thick SiO2. The WSe2 flake was separated from the four top gates (Ti/Au) by
40 nm of ALD-grown Al2O3. Two metal gates (Pd/Au) were connected to the flake
used as the source-drain contacts. (d) COMSOL simulations on the potential profile in
the WSe2 layer for the gate pattern of the device shown in (a). Here VMG=VLB=VPG
=VRB=−2 V and VBG=43 V. The closed contours indicate where the QD could exist.
FIG. 2. (a) Source-drain current flow through the WSe2 device as a function of back
gate voltage (VBG), showing the characteristic behavior of an n-doped semiconductor.
(b) Over 40 consecutive Coulomb diamonds were measured from VBG=41.5 V to 45.5
V. All of the top gates had an applied DC voltage of −2 V. (c) Zoom in of the region
highlighted by the red dotted lines in (b), showing that the EC was approximately 2
meV. (d) A series of Coulomb peaks measured along the red dashed line in (c).
FIG. 3. (a)–(f) Statistic distributions of the EC, measured from over 20 Coulomb
diamonds in the range from VBG=42 V to 45 V at different top gate voltages (VTGs). (g)
Average EC (black squares) and calculated quantum radii (blue circles) as a function
of VTG. (h)–(j) Potential profile of the area where the closed contours were in Figure
1(d) at different VTG values, showing the change in the dot size. Here VBG=43 V.
FIG. 4. Coulomb diamonds measured as a function of the gate voltage applied to the
plunger gate, from VPG=−2.2 V to −1.7 V. The EC changed with VPG. Here
VMG=VLB=VRB=−2 V and VBG=44.5 V. The black arrows indicate evidence that
double dots may have formed.
FIG. 5. (a) Schematic of two consecutive Coulomb diamonds. The slopes of the two
sides are |e|Cg/CS and −|e|Cg/(C−CS). (b) Coulomb diamonds obtained from
VPG=−1.75 V to −1.5 V. Here, VRB=−2 V, VMG=VLB=−1.5 V and VBG=42.5 V. (c)
Different configurations of the Coulomb diamonds obtained from VPG=−2.5 V to
−2.35 V. Here VRB=−2.15 V, VMG=VLB=−2.25 V and VBG=43 V.
FIG. 6. COMSOL simulations on the potential profile for GaAs/AlGaAs
heterostructure, with the same VTG and top gate geometry of the device shown in
Figure 1(d), is calculated. Here VMG=VLB=VPG =VRB=−2 V. The closed contours
shown in Figure 1(d) disappear, indicating the QD no longer exists in this case. In the
simulation, the distance between the top gates and 2DEG is about 95 nm, including a
10 nm of GaAs cap and an 85 nm of AlGaAs.