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Physical Design Questions

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Q 1: What are the goals of Synthesis

Q 2: What are the Tech inputs in PNR

Q 3: What are the Design inputs in PNR

Q 4: What are the types of cells in PNR

Q 5: What are the types of IO pads

Q 6: What is the purpose of IO pads

Q 7: What is the use of Bound pad

Q 8: How tool differentiate the stdcell, IOpad and Macro

Q 9: What is difference between soft and hard macro

Q 10: How tool calculate the rectilinear blocks area

Q 11: Can we rotated the Macro in 90 or 270 degrees

Q 12: Assume you have three types of block 7, 9, 12 Metal layers in 28

nm Technology which having more performance and why

13: Which inputs files having resistance and capacitance values

Q 14: We have different RC corners im i right, why we have different RC


Q 15: How multi cut via increase the performance and yeild.

Q 16: In which stage normal flop converted into scan flop

Q 17: what is difference between normal flop and scan flop

Q 18: what is scan chain where we are used it

Q 19: what is the formula for core, die and std cell utilization

Q 20:what is the formula for channel spacing

Q 21: How cell driving strength increase

Q 22: How Fabrication peoples created different types of Vt cells like
HVT, +LVT and SVT etc.

Q 23: what is clock gating why we are using clock gating what are the
types of clock gating

Q 24:What is difference between AND,OR and ICG based clock Gating

Q 25: What is pad limited and Core limited Design how to overcome it

Q 26: What is difference between IO PADS and IO PINS

Q 27: What is difference between IO PIN and terminal

Q 28:What are the ways to place IO pins in design

Q 29: What are the guidelines for pin placement

Q 30: Why we need MMMC file

Q 31: In which input file having high fanout information

Q32: In which file noise margin information content

Q 33: In which file cross talk information contains

Q 34: what are the Macro guidelines to place in floor plan

Q 35: what are the types of blockage we used and why

Q 36:what is keep out margin or halo

Q 37:what is difference between keep out margin and blockage

Q 38:After loading Design what are the sanity check we have to do and
what you observe from that

Q 39:why we are using Boundary or End cap cells. If we place this cells
after placement what happened

Q40:Why we used Well Tap and Tie cells if we are not use what
Q41:How you can estimate the power for your design

Q42:What are the goals of Power plan

Q43:what are the techniques used to reduce IR drop

Q 44:what is formula for dynamic and static power

Q 45:What is difference between flip chip and wire bound design

Q 46: Why we are using Decap cells and filler cells

Q47:What are the Floor plan sanity checks

Q 48:can we do macro placement after power plan

Q 49:can we do power plan after routing

Q 50:What is Spare cells Why we are using Spare cells

Q 51: In which stage we are define spare cells

Q 52:What is the different define Spare cells in floor plan and routing

Q 53:what are the ways to place std cells in the core region

Q54:what are the five stages of place_opt command and explain

Q 55:What is global routing why we are doing global routing

Q 56: what are the goals of placement

Q 57:what are the goals of floor plan

Q 58:What are the reason for congestion how to fix the congestion

Q 59: How you can control the std cell placement

Q 60:What are the types of bounds

Q 61: If timing is bad in your design after placement stage then what
kind of technique you use to overcome
Q 62:Can we do optimization in placement stage without cell swapping
upsizing and adding buffers

Q 63: Why we are checking setup only in placement stage why we are
not checking hold

Q 64: Why we are doing IO buffering if we are not do IO buffering what


Q 65: What is pipeline concept why we are using

Q 67: What are the sanity check you did in placement stage and why

Q68:why we have to do scan chain reorder in placement if not what


Q 69:You don't have any pin & cell density and macro placement
also good still your getting congestion what would be the reason

Q 70:What are the types of CTS

Q71:What is difference between CPPR and CRPR

Q 72: Why we are building CTS after placement only

Q 73: On which bases you will say your skew is good

Q 74:Consider you have two designs one have more skew and less
latency one have less skew and more latency which one you consider
and why

Q75:My skew is Zero is good or bad

76:what are the types of skews and tool is work on which skew

Q 77:Consider I have two design one have more latency one have less
latency which one you choose and why

Q 78:On which reference CTS will be build

Q 79:If I'm not define clock can my CTS build or not

Q 80:What is inter clock balancing

Q 81:What is useful skew how it is help for timing

Q 82:Flop having setup and hold value I'm I right are those values
constant or it can change🌐

Q 83:Are the flop setup and hold values negative

Q 84:What is difference between normal buffer and clock buffer

Q 85:For CTS building which one you choose clock buffer or clock

Q 86:What is CTS SPEC file what it contain🌟

Q 87: If skew is bad how you can overcome

Q 88: If latency is bad how you can overcome

Q 89:How Skew effect on setup and hold time

Q 90: Why we are using NDR in CTS

Q 91:You have nine metal layers in your design which metal layer you
preferred for CTS and why

Q 92: what are the default clock skew groups in design

Q 93:Explain clock_opt command

Q 94:If clock is not propagate what happened in CTS

Q 95:What are the sanity check you did after CTS

Q 96:What is clock mesh were we used it

Q 97: What is multi source CTS why we used it

Q98: What is antenna effect how to reduce

Q99: What are the fixes for antenna effect

Q100: What is antenna ratio where this information present

Q 101: what are the sanity checks you did in routing stage

Q 102: What are the types of routing

Q 103: How many phases routing will don

Q 104: What is detour how its effect timing

Q 105:What is area recovery and leakage recovery

Q 106:What are the types of functional ECO and why we are doing it

Q 107: What are the Inputs required for STA

Q108: What is the order of timing fixing

Q 109: How to fix Max cap

Q 110:How to fix Max Tran

Q 111:How to fix Max fanout

Q 112:How to fix Setup violation

Q 113:How to fix data to data check violation

Q 114: How to fix Recovery check violation

Q 115: How to fix Hold violation

Q 116: How to fix Removal violation

Q 117:How to fix Crosstalk and noise

Q 118:How to fix clock gating check

Q 119:How to fix antenna violation

Q 120: what is positive and negative cross talk

Q 121:What is LVS Check

Q 122:What is ERC check

Q 123:What is LEC check

Q 124:What is BEC check

Q 125:How to overcome shorts and opens in your design

Q 126:what is sequential merging
Q 127:What is combinational merging

Q 128:What is SVF file where we used SVF file

Q 129:If LVS clean means we can guarantee our design functionality

Q 130:How to fix IR drop

Q 131: How to fix EM

Q 132: How LEC work

Q 133:What are the ways to reduce the Dynamic power consumption

Q 134:What is isolation cells and what are the types of isolation cells

Q 135:Isolation cell information present in which file

Q 136:What is power switch why we used power switch what are the
types of power switches

Q 137:What is Level Shifter why we used it

Q 138: What is Enable Level Shifter

Q 139: What Information UPF/CPF file contains

Q 140:What is always ON buffer where we used it

Q 141:What is the Purpose of Double Patterning

Q 142:What is min Vt violation how to overcome it.

Q 143:How we can analyze clock tree and skew in placement stage only

Q 144:What we did in physical verification stage

Q 145:How we get full GDS

Q 146:What is power gating here we used it

Q 147:How to reduce static power in Design

Q 148: What is difference between DRC and DRV

Q 149:can you plz explain timing ECO flow

Q 150:What is empty module why we used it

Q 151:Why CMOS technology not allowed Floating inputs and Multi driven

Q152.How PERC works?

Q153.How to fix Signal integrity

Q154.What is ESD

Q155.How important coloring in lower technology nodes

Q156.What are the Null shorts

Q157.Why Endcap cells placing end of this block why not buffer or filler

Q158.If Antenna error coming higher layer of your design ,How you will
fix Without placing diode and not go for lower layers?

Q159.Why we are placing placing Tapcells at Floorplan stage.

Q160.Why we are doing power planning at Floorplan stage whynot after


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