ECD Labs 2 Modified 22TL ECD
ECD Labs 2 Modified 22TL ECD
ECD Labs 2 Modified 22TL ECD
Lab Manual
Telecommnication Engineering has carried out the necessary practical work for
Engr. khurram Shaikh
Introduction to Electronic Circuit Design involving Multisim Simulation tool
BJT Small Signal Common Emitter Amplifier
BJT Small Signal Common Collector Amplifier
BJT Small Signal Common Base Amplifier
Subject Ability to conduct
PERFORMANCE Observation/results Presentation/ Report Score
knowledge experiment
TOTAL 2 1 2 5
PC with Multisim installed.
A blank schematic Circuit 1 is automatically created. To create a new schematic click on File –
New – Schematic Capture. To save the schematic click on File /Save As. To open an existing file
click on File/ Open in the toolbar.
2. Place Components:
3. Rotate Components:
To connect resistors, click on Place/Wire drag and place the wire. Components can also be
connected by clicking the mouse over the terminal edge of one component and dragging to the
edge of another component. See Figure 6 for reference.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 1
6. Grounding:
All circuits must be grounded before the circuit can be simulated. Click on the Ground in the
toolbar to ground the circuit. If the circuit is not grounded Multisim will not run the simulation.
Figure 8: Grounding
7. Simulation:
To simulate the completed circuit, Click on Simulate/Run or F5. This feature can also be
accessed from the toolbar as shown in the Figure 9 below.
Figure 9: Simulation
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 1
Analyzing Components:
Multisim offers multiple ways to analyze the circuit using virtual instruments. Some of the basic
instruments needed for this lab are described below.
1) Voltmeter:
2) Ammeter:
3) Multimeter:
Build a circuit comprising of 3 resistors (of any value) in series and a 15 V battery
with multimeters across each resistor to calculate voltage across each.
Build another circuit, utilizing two resistors, one of 200Ω resistance & another of
1KΩ resistance, a SPST (Single Pole Single Throw) switch, Direct Current Power
Source, & a Ground connection. Afterwards, attach multimeter to measure the
voltage output near the 1 KΩ resistor.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 2
Name: __________________________ Roll No: _________________________
Amplifier is the conventional term used to portray a circuit which delivers and expanded
variant of its input signal. Be that as it may, not all amplifier circuits are equivalent to they
are grouped by their circuit arrangements and methods of activity.
In “Electronics”, small signal amplifiers are normally utilized tools as they can intensify a
generally little input signal, for instance from a Sensor such as a photo-device, into an a lot
bigger output signal to drive a relay, lamp or loudspeaker for instance.
The single stage common emitter amplifier circuit shown below uses what is commonly
called “Voltage Divider Biasing”. This sort of biasing arrangement utilizes two resistors as a
potential divider network across the supply with their center point supplying the required
Base bias voltage to the transistor. Voltage divider biasing is commonly used in the design of
bipolar transistor amplifier circuits.
This method of biasing the transistor greatly reduces the effects of varying Beta, ( β ) by
holding the Base bias at a constant steady voltage level allowing for best stability.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 2
Characteristics of a CE Amplifier:
A CE transistor amplifier has the following characteristics:
1. Utilizing the kit, make the connections according to Figure 2 using the Bypass circuit
that is capacitor C2 should be connected through emitter resistor RE.
2. Give an input to the amplifier so that the output is 1 Vpp at 1 kHz Measure the input
voltage (f=1 kHz).
3. Adjust the input signal through function generator until the output sine wave is no
longer clipped which is being displayed through oscilloscope.
4. Observe voltages and currents at different nodes.
5. Calculate the voltage gain of the amplifier by observing Vi and Vo.
6. Using Av, determine the Ai and Ap.
7. Now remove the Bypass circuit that is capacitor C2 should be unconnected, repeat the
same procedure and compare the results.
8. Replicate steps 1-7 using bread board.
CE configuration:
Review Questions:
Capacitors C1 and C2 are used as Coupling Capacitors, Why are they used?
Replicate the CE amplifier circuit in multisim by varying the values of R1, R2, RE, RC, CC1
one by one and explain the effect of changing the value of a given component respectively.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 2
Calculation Formulas:
d) Input Resistance:
Small signal input resistance is measured at the input of the transistor to the small signal
e) Output Resistance:
Small signal output impedance Zout can be measured by removing (short circuiting) the
input voltage source Vs and inserting a test voltage source between the output terminals
(parallel to RE ).
Zout Iout
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 3
Name: __________________________ Roll No: _________________________
Subject Ability to conduct
PERFORMANCE Observation/results Presentation/ Report Score
knowledge experiment
TOTAL 2 1 1 1 5
From numerous point of views the common collector configuration (CC) is the reverse of the
common emitter (CE) configuration as the connected load resistor is changed from the
collector terminal for RC to the emitter terminal for RE.
The common collector or grounded collector configuration is commonly used where a high
impedance input source needs to be connected to a low impedance output load requiring a
high current gain. The former conditions make CC an ideal buffer between a high impedance
source and a low impedance load. A buffer is any circuit that keeps the source from being
affected by a load.
Mode of Operation:
Fig.1 and 2 shows the circuit of a single-stage CC amplifier using an NPN transistor. The
input signal is injected into the base-collector circuit and output signal is taken out from the
emitter collector circuit. The E/B junction is forward-biased by VEE and C/B junction is
reverse-biased by VCC. The quiescent values of IB and IE are set by VCC and VEE together
with RB and RE.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 3
Characteristics of a CC Amplifier:
A CC amplifier has the following characteristics:
1. High input impedance (20-500 K),
2. Low output impedance (50-1000 Ω),
3. High current gain of (1 + β) i.e. 50 – 500,
4. Voltage gain of less than 1,
5. Power gain of 10 to 20 dB,
6. No phase reversal of the input signal.
1. Utilizing the kit, make the connections according to Figure 2 without using the
Bypass circuit that is capacitor C2 should remains unconnected.
2. Give an input to the amplifier so that the output is 1 Vpp at 1 kHz Measure the input
voltage (f=1 kHz).
3. Adjust the input signal through function generator until the output sine wave is no
longer clipped which is being displayed through oscilloscope.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 3
4. Observe voltages and currents at different nodes.
5. Then calculate the voltage gain of the amplifier.
CC configuration:
Review Questions:
Another name for the CC amplifier is the emitter follower. Based on the gain that you
have found, why do you think it is called that?
Why the output signal present at the emitter is in-phase with the applied input signal
at the base?
Which operating mode is used when the transistor is being utilized as an amplifier?
What is the condition or desired biasing of junctions for that operating mode? Does
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-203: Electronic Circuit Design
Lab Experiment No # 3
that condition changes, when the transistor is configured as CC? Briefly explain your
answer in terms of biasing.
Does the voltage gain vary, by varying input voltage? Also, give reasons.
Does varying input voltage effect the current gain? Also, give reasons.
Replicate the CC amplifier circuit in multisim by varying the values of R1, R2, RE, RC, CC1
one by one and explain the effect of changing the value of a given component respectively.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 4
Name: __________________________ Roll No: _________________________
Subject Ability to conduct
PERFORMANCE Observation/results Presentation/ Report Score
knowledge experiment
TOTAL 2 1 1 1 5
The Common Base Amplifier is another type of bipolar junction transistor, (BJT)
configuration where the base terminal of the transistor is a common terminal to both the input
and output signals, hence its name common base (CB). The common base configuration is
less common as an amplifier than compared to the more popular common emitter, (CE)
or common collector, (CC) configurations but is still used due to its unique input/output
The common-base amplifier can provide a reasonable level of voltage gain but suffers from
low input impedance and a current gain of less than one. However, this circuit is used in
high-frequency applications because its terminal characteristics at high frequencies are better
than those of a common-emitter configuration using the same transistor. The low input
impedance of the common base amplifier will limit its use to specialized RF applications.
Mode of Operation:
Fig. 1 shows the circuit of a single-stage CB amplifier using NPN transistor. As seen, input
ac signal is injected into the emitter-base circuit and output is taken from the collector-base
circuit. The E/B junction is forward-biased by VEE where as C/B junction is reverse-biased
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 4
by VCC. The Q-point or dc working conditions are determined by dc batteries along with
resistors RE and RC. In other words, values of IE, IB and VCB are decided by VCC, VEE,
RE and RC. The voltage VCB is given by the equation VCB= VCC – ICRC. When no signal
is applied to the input circuit, the output just sits at the Q-point so that there is no output
Characteristics of a CB Amplifier:
A CB amplifier has the following characteristics:
1. Very low input resistance (30 – 150 Ω).
2. Very high output resistance (up to 500 K).
3. A current gain α < 1.
4. Large voltage gain of about 1500.
5. Power gain of up to 30 dB.
6. No phase reversal between input and output voltages.
1. Utilizing the kit, make the connections according to Figure 2 without using the
Bypass circuit that is capacitor C2 should remains unconnected.
2. Give an input to the amplifier so that the output is 1 Vpp at 1 kHz Measure the input
voltage (f=1 kHz).
3. Adjust the input signal through function generator until the output sine wave is no
longer clipped which is being displayed through oscilloscope.
4. Observe voltages and currents at different nodes.
5. Then calculate the voltage gain of the amplifier.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 4
CB configuration:
Review Questions:
Since the current gain of CB amplifier is actually less than unity, what is the
usefulness of this amplifier?
Why two resistors are connected in parallel with base terminal, when emitter and
collector require only one resistor?
How a capacitor can be chosen from electrolytic and non electrolytic capacitor?
Replicate the CB amplifier circuit in multisim by varying the values of R1, R2, RE, RC, CC1
one by one and explain the effect of changing the value of a given component respectively.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 5
Name: __________________________ Roll No: _________________________
The Field Effect Transistor (FET) is another significant kind of transistor other than the
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT). FETs depend on an Electric Field to control the
conductivity of a Channel in a semiconductor material. There are two general classes of
FETs: the Metal-oxide-semiconductor FET (MOSFET) and the Junction FET (JFET).
The Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET) can be designed as an Amplifier in which it
works in linear amplification mode. Like the BJT, it can likewise be arranged as an
Electronic Switch, in which it works on the other hand in cutoff and triode mode.
However, in numerous circuits FET is given benefit over BJT because of its capacity to give
greater input impedance, voltage gain and more susceptible to temperature (which reduce
noise level). FET can be utilized in phase-shift oscillators to minimize the loading effect.
There are three basic configurations of JFET Amplifier: the Common-Source (CS) Amplifier,
the Common-Drain (CD) Amplifier and the Common-Gate (CG) Amplifier.
The CS Amplifier is the most versatile of the three basic JFET amplifier configurations due
to its high input impedance and good voltage amplification The common source mode of FET
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 5
connection is generally used audio frequency amplifiers and in high input impedance pre-
amps and stages.
Mode of Operation:
For a Common-Source (CS) Amplifier, which is shown in Figure 1, the Input Signal is at the
Gate, the Output Signal is at the Drain and the Source is at ground for AC signals due to the
Bypass Capacitor CS. C1 is the Coupling Capacitor for the Input signal. The CS Amplifier is
analogous to the BJT Common-Emitter Amplifier.
Characteristics of a CS Amplifier:
The CS Amplifier provides
Almost an infinite Current Gain
A moderate Voltage Gain (around -10).
An extremely high Input Resistance (around 100 MΩ)
A high Output Resistance (around 500 kΩ).
A Phase Shift of 180° from Input to Output.
1. Utilizing the kit, make the connections according to Figure 1.
2. Give an input to the amplifier so that the output is 1 Vpp at 1 kHz, measure the input
voltage (f=1 kHz).
3. Adjust the input signal through function generator until the output sine wave is no
longer clipped which is being displayed through oscilloscope.
4. Observe the input and output voltage.
5. Then calculate the voltage gain of the amplifier.
CS configuration:
Review Questions:
Briefly explain how FETs utilize the voltage that is applied to their input terminal,
called the Gate to control the current flowing through them resulting in the output
current being proportional to the input voltage?
What are the main constructional differences between a MOSFET and a BJT? What
effect do they have on the current conduction mechanism of a MOSFET?
A BJT is a current controlled device because its output characteristics are determined
by the input current. A FET is voltage controlled device because its output
characteristics are determined by the Field which depends on the Voltage applied.
Since, current and voltage are generated in unison so why BJT is still called current
controlled and FET is called voltage controlled?
Replicate the CS amplifier circuit in multisim by varying the values of RG1, RG2, RD, RS and
CC1 one by one and explain the effect of changing the value of a given component
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 6
Name: __________________________ Roll No: _________________________
Subject Ability to conduct
PERFORMANCE Observation/results Presentation/ Report Score
knowledge experiment
TOTAL 2 1 1 1 5
Frequency Response:
Electrical engineers need to understand the intimate relationship between frequency and time.
Circuits can be characterized both in time and frequency domain. It is important that an electrical
engineer be able to travel between these two worlds effortlessly. Sometimes, a circuit problem
that is difficult in one domain can be easily analyzed in the other domain. A good place to begin
the study of the time-frequency relationship is in the design and analysis of a transistor amplifier
circuit. An amplifier can be characterized by many properties. The most obvious one that comes
to mind is gain. One would certainly like to know how much their circuit amplifies. However,
gain is not constant with frequency. If it was, then one could use their stereo amplifier to amplify
any electrical signal regardless of frequency, obviously this would reduce the demand for
electronics engineers. Luckily, the relationship between gain and frequency can be quite
complicated and ensures the continued employment of electronics engineers. Generally an
amplifier has a lower limit and an upper limit to the frequencies that it can amplify. These limits
can have many names such as lower -3dB point, upper -3dB point, Fl, Fh, lower corner frequency,
upper corner frequency, etc. It is best to refer to these limits as the lower and upper -3dB
frequencies or corner frequencies.
AC & DC Analysis:
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 6
a) DC Analysis:
As we know the frequency in DC is equal zero because there is no oscillation in DC signal so,
the reactance of capacitor is equal infinity that mean the capacitors work as open circuit.
Figure 1: DC Analysis
b) AC Analysis:
In this analysis we will study the effect of capacitors in different level of frequencies that is at
low, middle and high frequency.
Before we start our analysis, first we need to know the names of capacitors and its locations, there
are two type of capacitor:
Practical capacitors: Cin, Cout, CE these capacitors are connected as shown and it’s
effective in low frequency.
Virtual capacitors: Cwi, Cwo, CBE, CBC, CCE these capacitors are appears and effectives
on the high frequency because its value in Nano-farad.
The frequency response begins with the lower frequency range designated between 0 Hz and
lower cutoff frequency. At lower cutoff frequency, fL , the gain is equal to 0.707 Amid. Amid is a
constant mid-band gain obtained from the mid-frequency range. The third, the higher frequency
range covers frequency between upper cutoff frequency and above. Similarly, at higher cutoff
frequency, fH, the gain is equal to 0.707 Amid. Beyond this the gain decreases with frequency
increases and dies off eventually.
Review Questions:
What is Bandwidth of an amplifier?
When modifying the given circuits, why one must only change the capacitance and not the
resistance of the circuit?
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 6
During the analysis of the CE amplifier’s response over a wide range of frequency, why
didn’t you consider the Bypass capacitor?
Explain using mathematical formula how capacitors behave as open circuit during DC
Explain figure 4 in terms of mathematical formula that how capacitors behave open and
short at low and high frequencies respectively?
Replicate the CC and CB amplifier circuit in multisim and explain the frequency response you
observe by comparing it to CE amplifier’s response over the range of the frequency you observed
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 7
Name: __________________________ Roll No: _________________________
Subject Ability to conduct
PERFORMANCE Observation/results Presentation/ Report Score
knowledge experiment
TOTAL 2 1 1 1 5
In general, BJT is much faster than the FET. This is the reason that BJT amplifiers can operate at
wide range frequencies as compare to the FET amplifiers.
In an ideal amplifier, the gain is independent of frequency and the amplitude of the input signal.
However from the practical point of view, the small signal amplifiers can provide a constant gain
(that is still independent of the amplitude of the input signal) for a particular range of frequencies.
The range at which they provide a constant gain is called pass-band. Below and after that range
the gain decreases to a considerable amount. To determine the midband frequency region of the
amplifier, the signals of same amplitude are applied at different frequencies. The experiments
proved that the FET amplifier couldn’t provide a constant gain at wide range of frequencies as the
BJT amplifier did. Figure below shows the frequency response of FET amplifier.
1. Utilizing the kit, make the connections as CS amplifier.
2. Set the amplitude of the input signal to by using the attenuation knob of the function
3. Connect the oscilloscope at the output of the amplifier and observe the output waveform.
4. Now keep the amplitude constant and change the frequency to 1Hz.
5. Similarly change the frequencies logarithmically starting from 10 Hz and up to 5 MHz and fill
the following table.
VS = __________V
Review Questions:
Why BJT is faster than the FET in current mode signal processing?
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 7
Why BJTs produce more gains comparative to FETs, when same amount of power has
been utilized at the input?
Briefly explain what is meant by transconductance and voltage amplifier? Also, consider
their characteristics.
Replicate the voltage divider biased common source
amplifier circuit in multisim shown in figure. Omit the
bypass capacitor and explain the frequency response
you observe by comparing it to Self biased CS
amplifier’s response over the range of the frequency
you observed practically.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 8
Name: __________________________ Roll No: _________________________
Subject Ability to conduct
PERFORMANCE Observation/results Presentation/ Report Score
knowledge experiment
TOTAL 1 1.5 1.5 1 5
The main disadvantage of using small signal amplifier is their efficiency, as the majority of the power
drawn from the supply is used by the amplifier itself, this goes against the primary purpose of a
power amplifier, which is to deliver power drawn from supply to load. The solution comes in form of
large signal amplifier.
Large Signal Amplifiers:
Large Signal Amplifiers are also known as Power Amplifiers.
Power Amplifiers can be sub-divided into different Classes, for example:
o Class A Amplifiers – where the output device conducts for all of the input cycle.
o Class B Amplifiers – where the output device conducts for only 50% of the input
o Class AB Amplifiers – where the output device conducts for more than 50% but less
than 100% of the input cycle.
An ideal Power Amplifier would deliver 100% of the available DC power to the load.
Class A amplifiers are the most common form of power amplifier but only have an efficiency
rating of less than 40%.
Class B amplifiers are more efficient than Class A amplifiers at around 70% but produce high
amounts of distortion.
Class B amplifiers consume very little power when there is no input signal present.
By using the “Push-pull” output stage configuration, distortion can be greatly reduced.
There are three classifications of Push-Pull Amplifier which are given below but generally
Class B Amplifier is considered as Push Pull Amplifier.
o Class A amplifier
o Class B amplifier
o Class AB amplifier
However, simple push-pull Class B Power amplifiers can produce high levels of Crossover
Distortion due to their cut-off point biasing.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 8
A common method to remove that crossover distortion in Class B amplifier is to bias both the
transistor at a point slightly above then the cut-off point of transistor. Then this circuit is
known as Class AB amplifier circuit
Push Pull Amplifier:
Push-pull amplifiers use two “complementary” or matching transistors, one being an NPN-type and
the other being a PNP-type with both power transistors receiving the same input signal together that
is equal in magnitude, but in opposite phase to each other. This results in one transistor only
amplifying one half or 180o of the input waveform cycle while the other transistor amplifies the other
half or remaining 180o of the input waveform cycle with the resulting “two-halves” being put back
together again at the output terminal. Then the conduction angle for this type of amplifier circuit is
only 180o or 50% of the input signal. This pushing and pulling effect of the alternating half cycles by
the transistors gives this type of circuit its amusing “push-pull” name.
The Class AB amplifier circuit is the combination of both Class A and Class B amplifier. By adding
the diode, transistors are biased in slightly conducting state even when no signal is present at base
terminal, thus removing the crossover distortion problem. A small collector current will flow when
there is no input signal but it is much less than that for the Class A amplifier configuration. This
means then that the transistor will be “ON” for more than half a cycle of the waveform but much less
than a full cycle giving a conduction angle of between 180o to 360o or 50% to 100% of the input
signal depending upon the amount of additional biasing used.
Without Signal
With Signal
Review Questions:
Calculate the Q-Points of Class B and AB Push-pull amplifier circuit shown in figure 1 and 2
Replicate the Class B and AB Push-pull amplifier circuit in multisim shown in figure 1 and 2
respectively. Replace the ordinary NPN/PNP transistors by power transistors BD329/BD330
respectively. Set the input voltage as 1.5Vp. Compare the output waveforms at different
frequencies to observe distortion in class B push pull amplifier while class AB has distortion
less output waveform. Also, use measurement probe across input and RL to observe ac and dc
values of current as well as voltage. Attach the screenshot of waveforms.
Imitate the Push-pull amplifier circuit utilizing the Darlington and feedback pair in multisim
as shown below in figure 3 and 4 respectively in order to observe their characteristics.
Subject Ability to conduct
PERFORMANCE Observation/results Presentation/ Report Score
knowledge experiment
TOTAL 1 1 2 1 5
The sorts of amplifiers that we have talked about so far can't work successfully at radio
frequencies, despite the fact that they are great at audio frequencies. Also, the gain of these
amplifiers is such that it will not vary according to the frequency of the signal, over a wide range.
This allows the amplification of the signal equally well over a range of frequencies and does not
permit the selection of particular desired frequency while rejecting the other frequencies. So, there
occurs a need for a circuit which can select as well as amplify. So, an amplifier circuit along with
a selection, such as a tuned circuit makes a Tuned amplifier.
Tuned Amplifier:
Tuned amplifiers are the amplifiers that are employed for the
purpose of tuning. Tuning means selecting. Among a set of
frequencies available, if there occurs a need to select a particular
frequency, while rejecting all other frequencies, such a process is
called Selection. This selection is done by using a circuit called as
Tuned circuit. The tuned amplifier circuit is just like BJT/FET
voltage-divider circuit with an exception that a TANK circuit
replaces the Rc/Rd. A TANK circuit is the parallel combination of
an inductor and a capacitor, as shown in figure 1.
Figure 1: L.C Tank
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 9
When an amplifier circuit has its load replaced by a tuned circuit, such an amplifier can be called
as a Tuned amplifier circuit. The basic tuned amplifier circuit looks as shown in figure 2.
Tuned amplifier provide high constant gain over a specified bandwidth centered at a specified
frequency f and as much rejection as possible outside this band practical gain and phase
characteristics are shown in Figure 3.
fo 1
i.e. Q Or Q (It is unit less measure of the quality of the coil).
BW 2foRC
Where BW = f2 − f1
Tuned circuit can be used as a load for class B and class C power amplifier operation. It
eliminates the harmonics, and then the output will be a pure sine wave although the collector
current is distorted. A single stage tuned amplifier is seldom used in practice. Generally, a double-
tuned type is preferred, due to using it in cascaded amplification.
Vi = ________V
L C Theoretical frequency Practical frequency Vo
fo (KHz) fo (KHz)
Review Questions:
While performing the practical at which values of L and C, you observed the resonant
frequency? How did you decide that it is the resonant frequency for the respective
Replicate the Single Tuned amplifier circuit in multisim. By taking 3 different values of L and C
Calculate fo, Q, BW and gain at resonant theoretically and compare your results with software
results obtained. Then, briefly explain your observations in terms of frequency response.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 10
Name: __________________________ Roll No: _________________________
Subject Ability to conduct
PERFORMANCE Observation/results Presentation/ Report Score
knowledge experiment
TOTAL 1 2 1 1 5
Multi-stage transistor amplifiers:
In practical applications, the output of a single state amplifier is usually insufficient, though it is a
voltage or power amplifier. Hence they are replaced by Multi-stage transistor amplifiers.
In Multi-stage amplifiers, the output of first stage is coupled to the input of next stage using a
coupling device. These coupling devices can usually be a capacitor or a transformer. This process
of joining two amplifier stages using a coupling device can be called as Cascading. The following
figure shows a two-stage amplifier connected in cascade.
Where AV = Overall gain, AV1 = Voltage gain of 1st stage, and AV2 = Voltage gain of 2nd stage.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 10
If there is n number of stages, the product of voltage gains of those n stages will be the overall
gain of that multistage amplifier circuit.
The following parameters should be maintained properly during the process of cascading:
Impedance Matching: When coupling amplifier stages together impedance matching is
important so that as much signal as possible is transferred from the output of one stage to
the input of the next, keeping inter stage losses to a minimum.
Correct Frequency Response: Ensuring that the correct bandwidth is maintained
throughout all stages of amplification.
DC Isolation: Whether it is required or not. It may be required that where the output of
one stage is at a different DC potential to the input of the next, the two stages are
electrically isolated from each other.
Resistance-capacitance (RC) coupling is most widely used to connect the output of first stage to
the input (base) of the second stage and so on. It is the most popular type of coupling because it is
cheap and provides a constant amplification over a wide range of frequencies. These R-C coupled
amplifier circuits are commonly used as voltage amplifiers in the audio systems. Figure 1 shows
the circuit diagram of the R-C coupled two-stage BJT amplifier.
Review Questions:
Briefly explain the difference between following Classifications of amplifiers on the basis
of coupling: Resistance-Capacitance, Impedance, Transformer and Direct Coupling?
What is the effect on the total bandwidth, if amplifiers are connected in cascaded form?
Replicate the two-stage CS JFET amplifier circuit in multisim shown in figure and explain the
gain you observe at both stages by comparing it to the two-stage CE BJT amplifier’s gain over the
range of the input signal you observed practically.
An oscillator is an electronic circuit that produces a periodic, oscillating electronic signal,
often a sine wave or a square wave. Oscillators convert direct current (DC) from a power
supply to an alternating current (AC) signal.
The main requirement of an oscillator is that the output should be uniform and may not
vary in frequency or amplitude.
A tank circuit is formed when a capacitor is connected in parallel with an inductor and
oscillates when an external voltage source is applied. The oscillations of a tank circuit are
dampened by the resistance of the circuit. For a tank circuit to maintain oscillation,
positive feedback is required.
An oscillator has three basic parts: a frequency- determining device, an amplifier, and a
feedback circuit.
There are two main types of electronic oscillator – the linear or harmonic oscillator and the
nonlinear or relaxation oscillator.
The harmonic, or linear, oscillator produces a sinusoidal output. There are two types:
Feedback oscillator and Negative-resistance oscillator.
Feedback oscillators are further classified as LC oscillators, crystal oscillators, and RC
oscillators. Typical LC oscillator circuits are the Hartley, Colpitts and Clapp circuits.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 11
Although Crystal oscillators provide more stability than LC oscillators while RC
oscillators use resistance-capacitance networks to determine the oscillator frequency.
A nonlinear or relaxation oscillator produces a non-sinusoidal output, such as a square,
saw tooth or triangle wave. A relaxation oscillator stores energy in a reactive component
during one part of the oscillation cycle. Examples of relaxation oscillators are blocking
oscillators and multi-vibrators.
Oscillators are widely used in many electronic devices ranging from simplest clock
generators to digital instruments (like calculators) and complex computers and peripherals
etc. Common examples of signals generated by oscillators include signals broadcast by
radio and television transmitters, clock signals that regulate computers and quartz clocks,
and the sounds produced by electronic beepers and video games.
Colpitts Oscillator:
The Colpitts circuit, like other LC oscillators, consists of a gain device (such as a bipolar
junction transistor, field-effect transistor, operational amplifier, or vacuum tube) with its
output connected to its input in a feedback loop containing a parallel LC circuit (tuned
circuit), which functions as a band pass filter to set the frequency of oscillation.
The emitter terminal of the transistor is effectively connected to the junction of the two
capacitors, C1 and C2 which are connected in series and act as a simple voltage divider.
When the power supply is firstly applied, capacitors C1 and C2 charge up and then
discharge through the coil L. The oscillations across the capacitors are applied to the base-
emitter junction and appear in the amplified at the collector output.
Resistors, R1 and R2 provide the usual stabilizing DC bias for the transistor in the normal
manner while the additional capacitors act as DC-blocking bypass capacitors.
The required external phase shift is obtained in a way that the configuration of the
transistor amplifier is of a Common Emitter Amplifier with the output signal 180º out of
phase with regards to the input signal. The additional 180º phase shift require for
oscillation is achieved by the fact that the two capacitors are connected together in series
but in parallel with the inductive coil resulting in overall phase shift of the circuit being
zero or 360º.
The amount of feedback is determined by the ratio of C1 and C2. These two capacitances
are generally “ganged” together to provide a constant amount of feedback so that as one is
adjusted the other automatically follows.
This oscillator is designed for the generation of high frequency sinusoidal oscillations with
the radio frequencies typically ranging from 10 KHz to 300MHz.
The frequency of oscillations for a Colpitts oscillator is determined by the resonant
frequency of the LC tank circuit and is given as:
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 11
1. Make a circuit as shown in figure 1. Select proper values of L1, C2 and C3.
2. Connect CRO at output terminals and observe the wave form.
3. Calculate practically the frequency of oscillations by using the expression.
𝑓 = 𝑇, where T= number of space × time/div
4. Repeat the above steps 2, 3 by varying one parameter at a time that is, L1, C2 and C3
respectively and note down the practical values of oscillations of Colpitts oscillator.
5. Compare the values of frequency of oscillations both theoretically and practically.
6. Also, calculate the gain ( A) .
Review Questions:
What is the general condition of oscillation?
Imitate the Colpitts Oscillator by using an op-amp in multisim as shown below in figure 2.
Observe its principal characteristics by adjusting the gain of the op-amp using the feedback
resistors Ri and Rf that is, Av Rf Ri
Subject Ability to conduct
PERFORMANCE Observation/results Presentation/ Report Score
knowledge experiment
TOTAL 2 1 1 1 5
Hartley oscillator is very popular and is commonly used as a local oscillator in radio receivers.
The Hartley oscillator is an LC electronic oscillator that derives its feedback from a tapped coil in
parallel with a capacitor (the tank circuit). The tank circuit is made up of L1, L2, and C1. The coil
L1 is inductively coupled to coil L2, the combination of two functions acts as auto transformer.
The resistances R1 and R2 provide the necessary biasing. The capacitance C2 and C3 blocks the
d.c component. The frequency of oscillations is determined by the values of L1, L2 and C1 and is
given by,
2 C1( L1 L2)
Positive feedback can be earned by the mutual inductance between L1 of transistor output circuit
and L2 of base emitter input circuit. In CE circuit, the phase inversion of 180˚ occurs always
between the collector and the base voltage. Also, with the inductor tab connected to the emitter
(common terminal of transistor) as the base (L1-L2 combination), another phase inversion of 180˚
occurs at the opposite terminals of the inductor. Therefore, if these two are combined, the
feedback condition of same phase is realized, and the closed circuit gain is earned by Q1.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 12
1. Make a circuit as shown in figure 1. Select proper values of C1, L1 and L2.
2. Connect CRO at output terminals and observe the wave form.
3. Calculate practically the frequency of oscillations by using the expression.
𝑓 = 𝑇 , where T= number of space × time/div
4. Repeat the above steps 2, 3 by varying one parameter at a time that is, C1, L1 and L1
respectively and note down the practical values of oscillations of Hartley oscillator.
5. Compare the values of frequency of oscillations both theoretically and practically.
6. Also, calculate the gain ( A) .
Imitate the Hartley Oscillator by using an op-amp in multisim as shown below in figure 2.
Observe its principal characteristics by adjusting the gain of the op-amp using the feedback
resistors Ri and Rf that is, Av Rf Ri
Subject Ability to conduct
PERFORMANCE Observation/results Presentation/ Report Score
knowledge experiment
TOTAL 2 1 1 1 5
As a single stage transistor amplifier can produce 180º of phase shift between its output and input
signals when connected in a class-A type configuration.
For an oscillator to sustain oscillations indefinitely, sufficient feedback of the correct phase, that
is “Positive Feedback” must be provided along with the transistor amplifier being used acting as
an inverting stage to achieve this.
In a Resistance-Capacitance Oscillator or simply an RC Oscillator circuit the input is
shifted 180º through the amplifier stage and 180º again through a second inverting stage
giving us “180º + 180º = 360º” of phase shift which is effectively the same as 0º thereby
giving us the required positive feedback. In other words, the phase shift of the feedback
loop should be “0”.
The basic RC Oscillator which is also known as a Phase-shift Oscillator, produces a sine
wave output signal using regenerative feedback obtained from the resistor-capacitor
combination. This regenerative feedback from the RC network is due to the ability of the
capacitor to store an electric charge, (similar to the LC tank circuit).
This resistor-capacitor feedback network can be connected to produce a leading phase
shift (phase advance network) or interchanged to produce a lagging phase shift (phase
retard network) as shown below, the outcome is still the same as the sine wave oscillations
only occur at the frequency at which the overall phase-shift is 360o.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 13
By varying one or more of the resistors or capacitors in the phase-shift network, the
frequency can be varied and generally this is done by keeping the resistors the same and
using a 3-ganged variable capacitor.
If all the resistors, R and the capacitors, C in the phase shift network are equal in value,
then the frequency of oscillations produced by the RC oscillator is given as:
ƒr is the Output Frequency in Hertz
R is the Resistance in Ohms
C is the Capacitance in Farads
N is the number of RC stages. (N = 3)
Since the resistor-capacitor combination in the RC Oscillator circuit also acts as an attenuator
producing a total attenuation of -1/29th ( Vo/Vi = β ) across the three stages, the voltage gain of
the amplifier must be sufficiently high enough to overcome these RC losses.
The loading effect of the amplifier on the feedback network has an effect on the frequency of
oscillations and can cause the oscillator frequency to be up to 25% higher than calculated. Then
the feedback network should be driven from a high impedance output source and fed into a low
impedance load such as a common emitter transistor amplifier but better still is to use
an Operational Amplifier as it satisfies these conditions perfectly.
Review Questions:
Why three stages of RC network have been used in a way that the output voltage leads the
input voltage by an angle of about 60º as an ideal single-pole RC circuit would produce a
phase shift of exactly 90º. So what happens if two single-poles used in an RC oscillator in
order to give required 180º phase shift?
Imitate the RC-Phase Shift Oscillator by using transistor in multisim as shown below in figure 1.
Observe its principal characteristics.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 14
Name: __________________________ Roll No: _________________________
Subject Ability to conduct
PERFORMANCE Observation/results Presentation/ Report Score
knowledge experiment
TOTAL 2 1 1 1 5
The Wien Bridge Oscillator uses a RC network in place of the conventional LC tuned tank
circuit to produce a sinusoidal output waveform and is so called because the circuit is
based on a frequency-selective form of the Wheatstone bridge circuit.
The Wien Bridge oscillator is a two-stage RC coupled amplifier circuit that has good
stability at its resonant frequency, low distortion and is very easy to tune making it a
popular circuit as an audio frequency oscillator but the phase shift of the output signal is
considerably different from the phase shift RC Oscillator.
The Wien Bridge Oscillator uses a feedback circuit consisting of a series RC circuit (High
Pass Filter) connected with a parallel RC (Low Pass Filter) of the same component values
giving a very selective second-order frequency dependant Band Pass Filter with a
high Q factor at that selected frequency, ƒr. At the resonant frequency ƒr the phase shift is
0º. Consider the circuit below.
At low frequencies the reactance of the series capacitor (C1) is very high so acts a bit like
an open circuit, blocking any input signal at Vin resulting in virtually no output
signal, Vout. Likewise, at high frequencies, the reactance of the parallel capacitor, (C 2)
becomes very low, so this parallel connected capacitor acts a bit like a short circuit across
the output, so again there is no output signal.
So there must be a frequency point between these two extremes of C1 being open-circuited
and C2 being short-circuited where the output voltage, VOUT reaches its maximum value.
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 14
The frequency value of the input waveform at which this happens is called the
oscillators Resonant Frequency, (ƒr).
It can be seen that at very low frequencies the phase angle between the input and output
signals is “Positive” (Phase Advanced), while at very high frequencies the phase angle
becomes “Negative” (Phase Delay). In the middle of these two points the circuit is at its
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Department of Electronic Engineering
ES-205: Amplifiers & Oscillators
Lab Experiment No # 14
resonant frequency, (ƒr) with the two signals being “in-phase” or 0o. Therefore this
resonant frequency point can be defined with the following expression.
ƒr is the Resonant Frequency in Hertz
R is the Resistance in Ohms
C is the Capacitance in Farads
If we now place this RC network across a non-inverting amplifier which has a gain
of 1+R1/R2 the following basic Wien bridge oscillator circuit is produced.
Imitate the Wien-Bridge Oscillator by using transistor in multisim as shown below in figure 1.
Observe its principal characteristics.