Complex Ex
Complex Ex
Complex Ex
1 Complex Numbers
No real number satisfies the equation x2 = −1, since the square of any real number has to be non-negative.
By introducing a new “imaginary number” i = −1, which is supposed to have the property i2 = −1,
the real number system can be extended to a large number system, namely, the complex number system.
• A complex number is an expression of the form x + iy, where x, y ∈ R are real numbers.
• x is called the real part of the complex number, and y the imaginary part, of the complex
number x + iy. The real part and imaginary part of a complex number are sometimes denoted
respectively by Re(z) = x and Im(z) = y.
• Two complex numbers are equal, a + ib = c + id, where a, b, c, d ∈ R are all real numbers, if and
only if a = c and b = d.
The usual algebraic operations +, −, · (or ×), ÷ on real numbers can then be extended to operations
on complex numbers in a natural way:
2 Conjugate, Modulus and Polar Representation of Complex
If z = x + iy, where x, y are real numbers, then its complex conjugate z̄ is defined as the complex
number z̄ = x − iy. It is easy to check that 21 (z + z̄) = x = Re(z) and 12 (z − z̄) = iy = iIm(z). Moreover,
z z̄ must be a nonnegative real number, since
z z̄ = (x + iy)(x − iy) = x2 + y 2
z1 |z1 |
Exercise Show that (a) |z1 z2 | = |z1 | · |z2 |, (b) = .
z2 |z2 |
√ √
2 −1 + 3 i −1 − 3 i
For example, z + z + 1 = 0 has two complex roots and , which are conjugate
2 2
to each other.
(x ,y)
x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ
z = r(cos θ + i sin θ)
where r = x2 + y 2 = |z| is the modulus, and θ is an argument of z. Since sin and cos have period 2π,
the argument of z is defined up to an integral multiple of 2π:
For example, (cos θ + i sin θ)2 = cos 2θ + i sin 2θ, and (cos θ + i sin θ)−2 = cos(−2θ) + i sin(−2θ) =
cos 2θ − i sin 2θ.
√ √
π π 2e3 2e3
Example 3.1 eiπ = cos π + i sin π = −1; e3+ 4 i = e3 e 4 i = e3 (cos π4 + i sin π4 ) = 2 + 2 i.
Example 3.2 It is not hard to show from the definition: ez1 ez2 = ez1 +z2 .
Example 3.3 The roots of the equation z n = a for any positive integer n can be found from the polar
representations z n = a = reiθ = rei(2kπ+θ) , k = 0, 1, 2, . . . as
1 2kπ+θ
z = rne n , k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1.
2πi 4πi
√ √
3 3
For example, the roots of z 3 = 1 = e2kπi are: 1, e 3 ,e 3 , i.e., 1, − 21 + 1
2 i, − 2 − 2 i.
e(a+ib)t = eat (cos bt + i sin bt) , e(a−ib)t = eat (cos bt − i sin bt).
Note that in particular,
1 (a+ib)t 1 (a−ib)t
eat cos bt = Re(e(a+ib)t ) = e + e
2 2
1 (a+ib)t 1
eat sin bt = Im(e(a+ib)t ) = e − e(a−ib)t
2i 2i
For example, e(2+3i)t is the function e2t cos 3t + ie2t sin 3t.
Similarly, e−t cos 2t and e−t sin 2t are the real and imaginary part of the complex-valued exponential
function e(−1+2i)t respectively.
= (a cos bt − b sin bt)eat + i(a sin bt + b cos bt)eat = (a + ib)e(a+ib)t
i.e., the ordinary derivative formula for eat extends to the complex case e(a+ib)t .
Example 4.1 = (3 − 2i)e(3−2i)t , and hence
1 3 + 2i 3t
(I) e(3−2i)t dt = e(3−2i)t + c = e (cos 2t − i sin 2t) + c,
3 − 2i 13
where c is an arbitrary complex integration constant. Now, since
(II) e dt = e cos(−2)tdt + i e sin(−2)tdt = e cos 2tdt − i e3t sin 2tdt,
3t 3t 3t
by a comparison of real and imaginary parts on the right sides of (I) and (II), one gets back the real
3 2 3 2
e3t cos 2tdt = e3t e3t sin 2tdt = e3t
cos 2t + sin 2t + C, sin 2t − cos 2t + C
13 13 13 13
2. Find find |z|, z̄ and as least one polar representation of z for the following complex numbers:
√ 1 + 3i
(a) z = 2 − 2i (b) z = 1 − 3i (c) z = √
1 − 3i
3. Find all the roots of the quadratic equation z 2 − 3z + 3 = 0.
5. Find and y(t)dt for the following functions:
(a) y(t) = e(3+2i)t (b) y(t) = eit (c) y(t) = e(−1+2i)t
6. Use a suitable complex exponential function to integrate e−2t cos 3tdt.