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Forces - Docx 2

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- Forces
- Waves
- Electromagnetism
- Space 🡪 triple science

Topic 5 🡪 Forces

Forces are measured in newtons, and it is known as the push or pulling motion on an object.
This allows an object to move.

Scalar Vector
- Is a quantity that has a size - These are quantities that have a size
(magnitude) only. and direction.
- Temp - Forces
- Energy - Velocity
- Time - Acceleration
- Speed - Displacement
- Mass - Momentum
- Distance

Distance is the total path that has been travelled 🡺 when the person goes from A – B – A the
distance travelled is 400m.

Displacement is a single straight line from the start point to the end point 🡺 if person goes
from A – B – A the total displacement = ZERO

Arrows can be used to represent vector quantities.

1) Length of the arrow corresponds to the size of the quantity.
2) The direction of the arrow represents the direction of the quantity.
Contact force Non-contact forces
The force which is exerted between objects The force exerted by objects that are
in physical contact. separated.
- Friction - Magnetism
- Air resistance - Electrostatic
- Normal forces - Gravitation


- Gravity is the force of attraction between any two objects that have a mass.
- Higher the mass, stronger the force of gravity.

Earth gravity = 9.8 N/Kg 🡺 10N/kg

Moon = 1.6 N/Kg (the moon is 6 times lighter).

Mass Weight
- Is the amount of matter an object - Is the force exerted by an object.
has. - Measured in Newtons
- Measured in Kg

Weight = mass x gravity

(N) (kg) (N/Kg)

Abid is 72kg, what is his weight?

Weight = mass x gravity

Weight = 72 x 10
Weight = 720N
Resultant Force 🡺 RF
- Is the single overall force acting on an object.
- An object can have multiple forces acting in different directions but there will always
be a single force that can be calculated which is known as the resultant force.

Forces acting in the same direction can be added together to find out the RF.

Forces acting in opposite directions can be subtracted.

When forces are perpendicular to each other you can add or subtract, to calculate the RF we
use Pythagoras.
Resultant force continued:
When forces act in angles that are not 90 degrees

Work out a scale:

- The length of the line corresponds to the size of the force.
- And work out a scale e.g (1N = 1cm)
- After the scale is obtained, draw a parallelogram.
- This parallelogram must be drawn to scale.
- Once the parallelogram is drawn connect both sides together and measure the line.
- The length of line will give the resultant force.

Work done:
- Is when energy is transferred.

Work Done = Force x distance

(joules) (newtons) (meters)
Forces and elasticity:

Deformation- is when a force is applied to an object which results in the objects shape
changing. Extension when the force applied on the object causes the shape to extend.
Compression when a force is applied which makes the object smaller.
1) Elastic deformation🡪 when the force is removed from the object, the object will
return to its original shape.
2) Plastic (inelastic) deformation🡪 when the force is removed from the object, the
object will remain deformed.

Force is directly proportional to the extension. When force increases on the object the
object will extend more.

F = K x e
Force (N) = spring constant (N/m) x Extension(m)

Force (N)

Extension (m)

E.p.e = ½ x k x e^2
Elastic potential energy = ½ x spring constant x extention^2
Joules N/m m
Explain the method required to work out the spring constant of a spring under investigation.
1) Set up the equipment as shown above, make sure the ruler is clamped onto the
stand, so the ruler stays in a fixed position therefore increasing the accuracy of
2) Record the original length of the spring by using a ruler before any masses are added.
3) Add a 0.5kg mass onto the spring, this will cause the spring to extend. Record the
extension of the spring. (measure the length of the spring when I stop bouncing).
4) Going up in intervals of 0.5kg increase the mass and record the new extension value.
5) Convert all the mass values into a force by using the formula W=M x g:
Force (N) Extension (m)
0kg🡪 0N 0m
0.5kg🡪5N 2m
1.0kg🡪10N 4m
1.5kg🡪15N 6m
2.0kg🡪20N 8m
6) Plot the values on a graph (force by extension).
Force (N)

Extension (m)

- Moments is the turning effect, it is the force that will cause an object to rotate.
- Object will turn from a central point which is known as the pivot.
- Clockwise and anti-clockwise are the two directions things can turn.

- The two factors that allow the turning effect to increase or decrease are:
1) Force
2) Distance from the pivot

Moments = Force x distance

M = F x d
(Nm) (N) (M)

Principle of moments:
“The total anticlockwise moments is equal to the total clockwise moments”
- The object will be balanced.
Distance= ?


4m 2m. 3m. 2m

- Pressure is the force per unit area

- Unit for pressure = pascals = Pa
- Pressure = force / area

Pressure in a liquid formula:

Pressure = height of a column x density of liquid x gravitational field strength

P = h x p x g


Speed Velocity
- Speed is a scalar quantity, only is - Velocity is a vector quantity, how
how fast the object is going. fast the object is going with a
- Has no direction - Has a direction
- Typical speed values: - If the object travels at the same
1) Walking = 1.5m/s speed but changes direction velocity
2) Running = 3m/s also changes.
3) Cycling = 6m/s
4) Sound = 330m/s
- Speed = distance / time

Distance time graph

- Gradient of a distance time graph = speed
Forces & motion


- Vector quantity: has both magnitude and direction.

- Is the rate of change in velocity:
Acceleration = change in velocity / time
- Unit for acceleration = M/s^2

2 components to acceleration:
1) Acceleration can either occur when something speeds up or slows down
2) When an object is traveling at a constant speed but changes direction, we say that it
is accelerating as the direction component has been altered.
Velocity time graphs
- When y axis = velocity
- X axis = time

Constant acceleration: getting faster at a constant rate

Non uniform Acceleration: the rate of speed increase is

increasing as the line becomes steeper.

Constant velocity: the speed does not change

Deceleration: negative gradient

Newtons laws of motion:

Newtons 1st law: “If an object is stationary or travelling at a constant speed it will continue
to do so unless a resultant force is applied”

If the resultant force acting on an object is zero and:

• the object is stationary, the object remains stationary
• the object is moving, the object continues to move at the same speed.

Newtons 2nd law: “force is directly proportional to the acceleration”

Force (N) = Mass (Kg) x Acceleration (m/s^2)

Newton 3rd law: “if object A applies a force in object B, object B will exert an equal but
opposite force on object A”

- Equal but opposite force!

Terminal velocity:
- The maximum velocity a free-falling object reaches.
- When the object has reached terminal velocity the resultant force of the object is
What is happening between steps:

O-P: the parachutist jumps off the plane and the weight are great than the ai resistance
therefore he accelerates.

P-Q: the weight remains constant however the air resistance increases subsequently causing
the weight and air resistance to cancel each other out and the resultant force becomes
ZEOR. Reaches a constant speed known as terminal velocity.

Q-R: the parachutists has activated the parachute causing air resistance to increase and
therefore decelerates (becomes slower)

R-S: the parachutist again will reach a terminal velocity however this terminal velocity is a lot
slower and thus will allow the person to land safely.

Stopping distance:
Thinking distance + Breaking distance = stopping distance

Thinking distance 🡺 reaction time, the Breaking distance 🡺 the distance that the
distance travelled once the hazard has been car moves after the breaks have been
seen and the car breaks are activated. applied.
Factors that affect these are: Factors that affect these are:
1) Alcohol 1) Car conditions
2) Drugs 2) Weather condition
3) Tiredness 3) Road conditions
4) Vision 4) Speed
5) Distraction 5) Break pads
6) Age 6) Mass
7) Health


- Momentum is the measure of how difficult it is to stop a moving object.

Two factors affecting momentum are:

1) Is an object is heavy like a bus it will be harder to stop than lighter objects such as a
2) If an object is traveling really fast it will be harder to stop.

Momentum = Mass x Velocity

Kgm/s Kg m/s

Conservation of momentum:

“The momentum before a collision = Momentum after a collision”

Work out the total velocity after the collision

Car A
Mass = 200N car b
Velocity = 45m/s Mass = 15kg
Velocity = 60m/s
Explain what safety precautions cars have to keep a passenger safe? (4marks)

3 safety features car have to keep the passenger safe are:

1) Seatbelts
2) Airbags
3) Crupple zone
All 3 of these increase the time of impact.

This subsequently means that the force experienced by the individual will decrease.
It will be less harmful and safer for the passengers.

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