Diversity in The Workforce
Diversity in The Workforce
Diversity in The Workforce
It refers to the diversity that organizations that recruit, accept and/or promote employees
with some type of disability or regardless of sexual orientation, religion or nationality, skin
color, socioeconomic level, among other characteristics, can count on.
In short, it is a company that does not tolerate the practice of discrimination, is egalitarian
in its employees and respects them regardless of the condition and characteristics they have.
Another definition found about the concept of workplace diversity is known as the set of
actions and principles that allow companies to hire and include people with different
conditions as collaborators.
Thus, diversity and labor inclusion as factors of success for a business or the sustainable
development of a country are giving rise to different approaches and proposals, from new
laws to good practices in the corporation.
Diverse ideas drive a richer generation of proposals, which leads to greater innovation and
It is of great importance that companies adopt inclusion in their workforces since each
person generates a set of knowledge that contributes to business growth.
The result obtained from this practice in an organization is a large number of diverse
capabilities and capture of opportunities, this being a driver of innovation.
It is in this way that the diversity of the workforce favors the exchange of ideas between
different people who at the same time nourish their own opinion, in the long term it turns
into people with greater efficiency and very broad criteria.
A diverse workforce has many immediate and tangible benefits for an individual and an
organization. To a final balance. Diversity in the workplace lends itself to many high-level
goals resulting in greater innovation and better results.
Finding balance for the organization with respect to diversity is of great importance and
vitality, giving positive results for the company if it is managed effectively and correctly,
among them we will highlight the following.