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Chapter 1

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1.1 What is Windows XP

Windows XP Professional is a user-friendly operating system

designed for popular use. The most important advantage of using Win-
dows is its GUI (pronounced as GOOYEE). It is said that the right side
brain is good in processing the pictures and is the seat of creative
thinking and intuitive ideas whereas the left side brain is good at logi-
cal thinking. It is belived , before the introduction of GUI, users of OS,
mainly used their left side brain, keeping their right side brain idle. It is
felt, Windows effectively uses the left and right side of the brain. Many
other operating systems (including MS-DOS) use Command Line In-
terface ( Interface lets any one connected with the machine. Actualy
interface is a ( virtual ) connection between two entities. For example ,
T.V remote is an interface which connects a user and a T.V ). In this
kind of interface, you have to remember cryptic commands and type
them without mistakes. To make things worse some operating sys-
tems are case-sensitive also (LS , Ls, lS or ls are not same). A simple
spelling mistake or missed space will result in an error. Windows dis-
plays all the information on the screen and all you have to do is to point
and select using the mouse, with its GUI. A picture is worth a thousand
of words, as they say.

Windows XP Professional combines all the positive aspects of

its Microsoft predecessors. This satisfies all the users who want to
prevent frequent crashing of software and want to use easy techniques

1.2 Evolution of the Windows Operating System

Windows XP is the latest version in the series of Windows prod-

ucts in the Operating System.The Apple introduced the concept of
Windows but Microsoft popularised the Windows concept. The first
version which become reasonably popular was Windows 3.0. For the
first time, Windows came with file management utilities and other sys-
tem tools. Soon, several applications that were meant to be used with
Windows appeared in the market. Within a few years, Windows started
being used in offices, homes and business establishments. Windows
3.0 was followed by Windows 3.1, which offered better features. Win-
dows 3.1 used a window called Program Manager to launch applica-
tions. Almost at the same time, Microsoft introduced Windows 3.11 for
workgroups. Now, Windows could be used on a LAN-based network-
ing environment. None of these products was an actual operating sys-
tem of its own. They were just programs that worked with MS-DOS.

The next major development came with the introduction of Win-

dows 95. Unlike earlier versions of Windows, Windows 95 was a com-
plete operating system. Now, Windows was no longer restricted by the
conventions of MS-DOS.

It was easier to start applications in Windows 95. The Program

Manager of Windows 3.1 was hidden from the user. This was replaced
by new ways of starting applications and opening documents. It also
gave the user better facilities to manage application windows, new
context-sensitive short-cut menus, improved networking features and
so on.

After Windows 95, came Windows 98 with a bang. Windows

98 offered many new utilities at that time, improved the performance
and support of the latest hardware technologies of that time. It also
provided several features and utilities that allowed easy access to the
In the meantime Microsoft produced Windows NT(New Tech-
nology) independent of 9x(95 or 98) versions. Windows NT family pro-
duced Windows NT versions 3.5,3.51,4 each of which came in a work-
station version and a server version. Some users thought Windows 9x
crashed often, that is they felt Windows 9x lacked stability. Some oth-
ers thought Windows NT lacked compatibility. That is they cannot run
some of their favourite programs in NT which could run successfully in
Windows 9x. The windows 9x line gave a new offspring Me (Millen-
nium edition) which provided some of the much needed stability. NT
line of development resulted in Windows 2000 professional. Windows
2000 professional increased the compatibility of its parent. The never
tiring Microsoft development team, at last brought the stability of NT
and the compatibility of 9x, under one roof, which resulted in Windows
XP Professional through Windows XP home. Windows XP professional
is designed to satisfy the insatiable demand of the business commu-
nity but its immediate predecessor, Windows XP home targetted home
users. At the time of writing this book, Microsoft is to introduce win-
dows 2003. The never ending race of ever increasing demand and the
quest for satisfying them may continue leading to the vocation of more
and more sophisticated with user-friendly products.

1.3 The Mouse

If you want to extract work from the computer, you have to input
data. The input can normally be provided by the keyboard and the
Mouse. You know the keyboard. If you want to move from one window
to another, unless you know the keyboard combinations, it will be very
difficult to move one window to another by using keyboard. But the
mouse intuitively provides the idea.

As you have learnt in the earlier section, Windows XP uses GUI.

That is, all information is displayed on the screen. You can use it by
simply pointing to it and selecting. To do this you use the mouse. The
mouse is an input device that you move on a flat surface (usually a
mouse pad.). When you move the mouse, a pointer moves on the
screen. This pointer, called the Mouse Pointer, is used to point to things
on the screen. The mouse has either two or three buttons on the top.
The left button is the most often used. Described below are mouse
actions that you need to know to use Windows XP effectively.

Note - Click on and Click are used interchangeably for example

you can write Click on the button or Click the button. Both forms are
used in this chapter.

i) Move: Moving the mouse is simply dragging the mouse on the
mouse pad so that the mouse pointer moves in the direction
you want, without touching the buttons. This action allows you to
point to things on the screen.
ii) Click: Clicking is used to select objects on the Windows screen.
To click, ensure that the mouse is pointing to what you want and
press the left button of the mouse once and release the button
iii) Double-click: Double-click is most often used to start appli-
cations. To double-click, point to what you want and press the
left button of the mouse twice in quick succession. You should
get used with Double-click; because new comers to the com-
puter field find it difficult to cope with Double-click in the begin-
iv) Click and drag: This mouse action is used to move an object
from one place to another. When you click and drag an object,
the object moves along with the mouse pointer. To click and
drag, hold the left button of the mouse down and move the mouse
to the place wherever you want.

1.3.1 Mouse after right click

The right click: Right Mouse button gains a lot of significance

now-a-days. If you right click on an item, you will be provided with a
context sensitive menu ( context sensitive menu changes its contents
depending on the situation ). This is also called short-cut menu You
can experiment with that menu. The context sensitive menu provides
almost all the facilities offered by menu as well as toolbars. You can
change left mouse button into right mouse button and vice versa. In
this case the left click becomes the right click and vice versa. This
action may be helpful to the left handed people.

1.3.2 Moving the mouse pointer via the Keyboard

Again you can create the effect of all the above operations by
keyboard operations. In the beginning, people are very much attracted
by the use of mouse, but when they have to write lengthy programs,
changing mouse and keyboard frequently is irksome . Therefore those
people who are experts in typewriting prefer to make use of keyboard
to bring the effect of mouse click.

The following keys can duplicate the mouse operations. If you want to
use your keyboard to do the work of the mouse, you have to follow
these steps:
(i) Click the Start button
(ii) Select the Control Panel in the menu and click it.
(iii) Choose the Accessibility Options icon and click on it.
(iv) It opens a screen , click on Accessibility Option under pick
a Control Panel icon.
(v) Open the Mouse tab.
(vi) Activate use MouseKeys check box if it is not already acti-

Windows XP allows you to move the mouse pointer by using the arrow
keys on numeric keypad of the keyboard.
Note 1: Make sure that you have Num Lock turned on.
Note 2: MouseKeys do not work with the separate arrow-key keypads
found on most modern keyboards.
Besides the basic arrow movements, you can also use the numeric
keypad keys outlined here. The following table gives you the equiva-
lent keys for mouse operations.

Key Equivalent Mouse Action

5 Click
+ Double-click
/ Select the left mouse button
* Select both mouse buttons
- Select the right mouse button
Insert Lock the selected button
Delete Release the selected button

These keys can be used as follows:

™ To double-click an object, use the arrow keys to move the pointer

over the object, press the slash key (/) to select the left mouse
button, and press the plus sign (+) to double-click.
™ To right-click an object, use the arrow keys to move the pointer
over the object, press the minus sign (-) to select the right mouse
button, and press 5.

™ To drag-and-drop an object, use the arrow keys to move the

pointer over the object, press the slash key (/) to select the left
mouse button, press Insert to lock the button, use the arrow keys
to move the object to its desired destination, and press Delete
to release the button and drop the object.

™ To click an object, use the arrow keys to move the pointer over
the object, press the slash key (/) to select the left mouse button
(if it isn’t selected already), and press 5 to click.

™ To right-drag-and-drop an object, use the arrow keys to move

the pointer over the object; press the minus sign (-) to select the
right mouse button; press Insert to lock button; use the arrow
keys to move the object to its destination; and then press De-
lete to release the button to drop the object, and display the
context menu.

Use MouseKeys when Num Lock is on. These options deter-

mine the relationship between MouseKeys and the Num Lock key. When
On is activated (this is the default), for example, Windows XP will use
MouseKeys whenever you have Num Lock is on. If you then turn off
Num Lock, you can use the regular arrow keys.

Show MouseKey status on screen: When this check box is

activated, Windows XP displays the MouseKeys icon in the system
tray. Double-clicking this icon opens the Accessibility Properties dia-
log box.
1.4 Logging In

If the computer is not already turned on, turn on the computer. If

you are the lone user you will be taken into the Windows XP desktop
directly. You can continue your work.

Suppose there are multi-users, you will be shown a welcome

screen similar to what is shown in figure 1.1 . The aim of logging in is to
take you to Windows XP desktop.

Fig 1.1 Logging screen

You can select your account by clicking the appropriate icon or

username. (Icon is a small picture / image representing an applica-
tion, Icon literally means a statue.) If you do not have a user account, do
not worry, there is guest account which you can make use of.

You all know PC means Personal Computer. A single person or

his family used a computer earlier which made them to store his / their
data secretly. When many different people start to work in the same
computer, secrecy cannot be maintained. We cannot afford to provide
each one with a computer. Such proposition is a costly affair. How about
making the people to believe that they are working in their own com-
puters even though they work in the same computer?
Note - Windows XP is used to refer Windows XP Professional

Suppose you do not have password you will be taken directly to

the Windows XP. Suppose you do have a password (otherwise it will
defeat the purpose of having User Account. User Accounts determine
who the actual users are. Others may enter in to the system as Guest
user ) an entry box appears, click the entry box and enter your pass-
word into it. Caution must be taken to enter your password because it
is case sensitive. Your ‘A’ is different from ‘a’. Your password is deter-
mined by the administrater. The administrater governs the computer.
Consult your teacher for further details.

This trick is achieved by a user account. If you have a user ac-

count in Windows XP Professional, you will be provided with a sepa-
rate My Computer, My Documents, and some other folders. The only
drawback is that your work can be watched by the administrator or
administrators, he / she / they has / have special powers to control the
activities related to that personal computer with Windows XP Profes-
If you have forgotten your password (which you cannot afford,
especially if you are the administrator, in this case nobody can help
you) and if you select the help icon for hint, the password hint appears
(if you have one).
If you commit mistake while you enter your password, you will
be prompted to enter your password again, with some help from the
computer. When you are in the welcome screen, Ctrl + Alt + Del key
combinations, provide you the dialog box for entering the username
and password. If you successfully enter your password, you will be taken
to Windows XP Desktop. If your computer is on a network, you may be
shown a dialogue window that requests your ID and Password. Pro-
vide them.
1.5 Logging Off and Shutting Down

Logging off is the process of closing the desktop and returning to the
Windows Log In screen.
Suppose you want to come out of your work, you can do either of the
following two. You can close your session or you can shut down the

Suppose you want to Log off without shutting down the com-
puter, follow the following steps :

(1) Save all your unsaved documents

(2) Click the Start button (or press Winkey or Ctrl + Esc;
Winkey pronounced as Win-key that lies between
Ctrl and Alt keys, the Start menu will be displayed.
(3) Click the Log off button (or press L or l key)
Log Off is at the bottom of the Start menu.
(4) You will be shown Log off Windows. Click Log off
button ( or press L or l key ). refer fig.1.2

Fig 1.2 Log Off Screen

Note: Do not try to use Switch User button. It may lead to dangerous
consequences. It may lead to fatal error; you should restart your com-
puter. You may lose unsaved data in this process.
Suppose you want to shut down the computer you have to follow these
steps,alert the other users at that time.
(1) Save all your unsaved documents
(2) Click the Start button.
(3) Click Turn Off Computer button ( or press U or u key).You will be
Shown Turn Off Computer Window with three options, along with
(4) If you have changed your mind not to shut down the computer click
Cancel, button at the bottom.
(5) If you want to shut down the computer click Turn Off button ( or
press U or u key ).

Some computers especially new ones will automatically shut

down the computers. Other computers will show you ‘ It is now Safe to
Turn off your computer’ message ( It is specific to the Configuration ).
You can switch off the computer. Alternatively you can press the power
key from the keyboard, if that key is available in your computer. You
can also Turn Off the computer by the key combinations of Alt+F4 and
then click Turn Off button. Another method for turning off is given in
customizing the Taskbar.

(6) Suppose you have dual operating system, if you want to switch
over to the other operating system then you can click Restart button.
This will be useful when you install new software also.

(7) There is yet another Choice Stand By. This may be very useful for
notebook computer. This action will save power. If you have Hibernate
facility, you can make use of it. Place the cursor on Stand By button
and press Shift key, Stand By will change into Hibernate. If you click
the Hibernate button (Shift + Click Stand By) and Switch off computer,
the computer can be started comparatively quickly, in the next time,
when you open the system.

1.6 Working with Windows XP

When you switch on your computer, Windows XP automatically
starts loading from the Hard disk, if it is your default operating system.
While loading, it performs a series of diagnostic tests to check the
memory and hardware components such as keyboard, disk drives etc.
Once the diagnostic tests are over, Windows XP starts loading files
and graphics necessary for the GUI interface. This takes a few
minutes, after which it displays a screen, similar to Fig 1.3.

Fig 1.3 The Desktop

The opening screen of Windows XP is called the Desktop.

The desktop of your computer may look different from what is seen in
Fig 1.3. This is because Windows XP allows you to change the
appearance of the desktop.
Your computer may or may not be connected to other comput-
ers. Computers that are not connected to any other computers are
called Stand-alone computers. Two or more computers can be con-
nected together to form a network. If your computer is in a Network,
you have to do some more actions to Start your computer.
1.7 The Desktop
In Windows XP, the basic working platform is the Desktop. Let
us understand the desktop with an example. When you study, you use
a table, don’t you? Usually, you keep all the books and note books that
you may need on the table in front of you. You may also keep your
pencil box, colour box, a dictionary and a few other things on the table.
When you want a particular notebook, you simply reach out to that note-
book and pick it up. Window’s desktop is very similar to the tabletop.
All the programs in your computer are available on the desktop. Here,
instead of your hand, you use the mouse pointer to point to things and
select them.
The desktop has several Icons.Each icon has a label telling you the
name of the application it represents. My Computer,My Documents,
My Recent Documents are some of the standard icons that you
can see on the Windows desktop. Each of these icons represents an
application that is frequently used. For example, My Computer allows
you to see the contents of your computer, install and use new software
and hardware. Apart from the standard icons provided by Windows,
you can also create icons for the applications that you use frequently
and place them on the desktop.

The desktop also contains the Taskbar as in Fig 1.4 The taskbar is
usually a narrow strip, present at the bottom of the screen. On the left,
it has the Start button. When you click on the Start button, the Start
menu appears on the left side of the screen. Using the Start menu,
you can start any application that you have currently installed. Next to
the Start button is the Quick Launch Toolbar. One advantage of us-
ing Windows XP is the easy access it provides to the Internet, through
the quick launch toolbar which contains icons that allow you to select
some commonly used Internet-related applications. On the extreme
right is the Systems Tray that contains the Clock and icons for other
utilities . The empty space between the Quick Launch Toolbar and the
Systems Tray is used to display buttons for the applications currently
being used.

Quick Launch Notification Area


Start Button
Fig 1.4 The Taskbar

1.8 The Start Menu

The Start menu acts as a launch pad for most of the things you
want to do with Windows XP. Using this menu, you can start applica-
tions, change the settings of your computer, find files, get help and do
much, much more. The Start menu appears when you click on the Start
button on the taskbar.
You can have two different Start menus, one is your usual Start
menu and another one is Classic Start menu, which is explained later.

Fig 1.5 The Start Menu

You can select an option from this menu by using the mouse. As
you move the mouse pointer over the options, they get highlighted.
Simply click the mouse when the option you want is highlighted.
All Programs on the Start menu has an arrow on the right. A
right arrow
, whether you are in Start menu or Classic Start menu indicates
the presence of one or more levels of submenu. A submenu is shown
in Fig 1.6
Fig 1.6 All Programs option on the Start menu leads to a submenu

Note - The particulars in the screen may differ from your screen but the
general features are the same.

To select an option on the submenu, slide the mouse pointer sideways.

One option on the submenu will get highlighted. Now, move the mouse
pointer up and down till the option that you want is highlighted and click.
Note that some of the options in the submenu also have an arrow. Se-
lecting these options will display another submenu as shown in Fig 1.7

Fig 1.7 Start, Programs, Accessories menus

1.9 Starting an Application

Windows XP allows you to start an application in many ways. The most

frequently used ones are:
i) Using icons on the desktop
ii) Using the Start menu

Using icons on the Desktop: The easiest way to start an applica-

tion is to use its icon on the desktop. When you want to start an appli-
cation, look for its icon on the desktop. If you find the icon, double-click
on it to start the application.
For example, to start the card game Solitaire, look for its Short-cut
on the desktop and double-click on it ( For creating Desktop shotcuts
refer 2.11.2 ). The game appears on the screen as shown in Fig 1.8

Fig 1.8 Application started using an icon on the desktop

Using the Start Menu: Though Windows XP gives you a few icons
on the desktop and allows you to create your own icons for other fre-
quently used applications; it is not possible to have icons for all appli-
cations on the desktop. To start applications, for which icons are not
available on the desktop; you can use the Start menu. Click on the
Start button on the taskbar and select the option that you want from any
one of the menus or submenus that appear.
For example, to start the card game Solitaire

(If you have not made a Shotcut), click on the Start button, and then
click on All Programs. Select Games from the submenu, which ap-
pears, then click on Solitaire. (Figure 1.9) .

You can also perform the above operation by keyboard operations


(1) Press Ctrl + Esc, or Window Key

(2) Press P , this will highlight All Programs ( Character P is
(3) Press the Enter key, submenu will be displayed.
(4) Press G
(5) In the final submenu press S and Enter key.

Now you are in the card game Solitaire. Suppose you want to select
an item of Microsoft in the submenu of programs, repeated use of M(or
m) key will take you to different items that start with letter m (M). After
the desired item is selected then follow these steps as given above.

Fig 1.9·Using the Start menu to start Solitaire

1.10 Windows

When you are using a table to study, you keep all the books you
need on the table. Each book occupies some space on the table.
Smaller books occupy less space and bigger books take up more
space. The books may even overlap each other partially or completely.
You can use these books by moving them around, closing some, open-
ing others and so on. By doing this, you can ensure that the book you
want is easily available to you.

Windows XP allows you to work with different applications in

the same way. When you start an application, it occupies a rectangular
area on the desktop. This rectangular area is called a window. You
can have several windows on your desktop at the same time. These
windows may be big (as big as the desktop) or small (as small as a
button on the taskbar), overlapping others or one beside the other. Fig
1.10 shows you the desktop with three windows.

Fig 1.10 Desktop with three windows

1.10.1 Parts of a Window

To work efficiently with windows, it is important to learn to man-

age them well. Windows XP allows you to move them around, change
their size, and hide them from your view and so on. Let us use the
application WordPad, to manage windows well.

WordPad is one of the applications that comes as part of Win-

dows XP. It is a simple word processor - you can enter and store text
using it. To start WordPad, click on Start All Programs Acces-
sories WordPad (figure1.11). The above command means first
click the Start button, then click All Programs in the menu , then click
Accessories from the ensuing submenu, and finally click Wordpad in
the last submenu that appears.

Fig 1.11 Starting WordPad

Fig 1.12 WordPad window

The Wordpad window opens. Windows XP is designed in such a way

that all windows are similar. The methods used for sizing, moving and
closing these windows are also the same.
At the top of each window is the Title Bar. As the name indicates, the
title bar tells you the name of the application. There is an execption to
this general rule. Even though Windows Explorer is an application, it
will not show its name in the title bar (You see Windows Explorer in Art
1.19). It also contains three of the following four Sizing buttons, at the
top of the right corner.

Minimize Button: The minimize button is used to reduce

the size of the window to a button on the taskbar. Remem
ber that minimizing a window does not close a window. It
simply hides it from you. Fig 1.13 shows the WordPad
window minimized.

Fig 1. 13 Minimized WordPad window

Maximize Button: Clicking on this button enlarges the

window to fill the entire desktop. Fig 1.14 shows the
WordPad window maximized.

Fig 1. 14 Maximized WordPad window

Restore Button: This button is used to restore the win

dow to its original size (that is, to the size before you
maximized it).

Fig 1. 15 Restored Wordpad window

Close Button: This button is used to close a window.

Re member that closing a window will remove its con
tents from memory and screen.

Below the title bar is the Menu Bar. This displays the different menus
available to you. When you click on a menu option, say Edit, all the
sub-options appear as a drop-down menu (Fig 1.16). You can select
any one of them by pointing to it with the mouse pointer and clicking it.

Fig 1. 16 Edit menu

One or more Toolbars appear below the menu bar. Toolbars consist
of icons representing shortcuts for the most frequently used commands.
For example, to save a file, you can click on the File menu and
select Save from the drop-down list. An easier method would be to
click on the Save icon on the toolbar. ( Ctrl + S (or Ctrl +s) combina-
tions also will save the file ). If you save for the first time, you will be
prompted to enter the name of the file.

1.10.2 Moving a Window

Often, while working with multiple windows, you need to move a

window to different area of the desktop to see one of the underlying
windows. You do so by clicking and dragging the title bar of the win-

Note : You cannot drag a Window when it is either maximized or mini-


1.10.3 Changing the size of a Window

Every window has a Border that can be used to change its

size. Point to the window border with the mouse. The mouse pointer
changes into a double-headed arrow. Click and drag this arrow to in-
crease or decrease the size of window.

To change the length and breadth of the windows simultaneously,

you have to move the mouse pointer to either of the bottom corners of
the window. Now, the mouse pointer changes into a double headed
arrow as said above. Click and drag the arrow to increase and de-
crease the length and breadth of the window simultaneously.

1.11 Windows Dialog Boxes

Windows XP is an inter-active operating system. Its GUI at-

tempts to display as much information on the screen as possible. It
uses dialog boxes to display the information and allows you to either
type in your response or select from a list of choices. Listed below are
some of the controls used in dialog boxes.
Text Boxes: Text boxes are used to allow the user to enter
some data. Every text box is accompanied by a prompt or label that
tells you what should be entered in that box. Fig 1.17 shows a window
with a text box.

Fig 1. 17 A window with a Text box

List Boxes: These boxes display a list of choices. You can select the
one you want by simply clicking on it.

Fig 1.18 A List Box

Drop-down List Boxes: These are list boxes which have a small
black inverted triangle at one end. When you click on this triangle, a list
of options drops down in front of you. You can select an item from this
list by clicking on it. This is used when there is limited space.

Fig 1. 19 A Drop-down List Box

Radio Buttons: Fig 1.20 displays a dialog box with 2 Radio buttons.
These buttons are used to display multiple options. You can select one
by clicking on the small white circle to the left of the option. A black dot
appears at the center of the circle to indicate a selected option. In ra-
dio button option, you can select only one of the buttons. If you select a
second radio button, the previously selected button is automatically
deselected. If you have to answer multiple choice questions with sev-
eral options in which you have only one correct answer then Radio
Buttons are the suitable candidates.

Check Boxes

Radio Buttons

Fig 1. 20 Radio Buttons and Check boxes

Check Boxes: These boxes are used to enable or disable options.

The options in these boxes have small white squares to their left. Click-
ing on a square enables the option and clicking on it again disables it.
A tick mark in this square indicates that the option is enabled and a
blank square indicates that the option is disabled. You can select any
number of check boxes in the given option.

Buttons: The OK and Cancel buttons are the most frequently used
buttons in Windows XP. When you click on a button, the related com-
mand is carried out. For example, if you click on the OK button in a
dialog box, Windows will accept your choices and close the dialog
box. Clicking on Cancel will make Windows ignore the changes and
close the dialog box. Some buttons are also used to display another
dialog box.
Tabs: Tabs are used to display different sets of options in dialog boxes.
Fig 1.21(a) and 1.21 (b) display a dialog box with five tabs. Clicking on
each, displays an entirely different set of options. Fig 1.21 (a) shows
the dialog box with the second tab Desktop selected. In Fig 1.21 (b),
the third tab, Screen Saver has been selected.

Fig 1.21 (a) Desktop Tab is Fig 1.21 (b) Screen Saver Tab is
Selected Selected
Sliders : Sliders are used to enter a value by physically moving a
marker over a slide. Fig 1.22 shows a dialog box with sliders to
increase or decrease volume levels.

Fig 1.22 Sliders

1.12 Help and Support Center

Even though this chapter tries to help you to make use of Win-
dows XP Professional, it is impossible to include all the facilities avail-
able in Windows XP Professional in a tiny chapter. How can you ac-
cess the remaining facilities offered by Windows XP Professional ?
As you know, self-help is the best help. The Microsoft provides lot of
help in its Help and Support Center in Windows XP.

Actually Windows “Me” introduced Help and Support System

by substantially improving the help methods available in earlier ver-
sions of Windows. Windows Me, by combining many more external
resources, introduced a Web-style interface to replace old-type Help-
file interface of the earlier versions of Windows. Windows XP improved
the help facilities of Windows Me remarkably. If you have an Internet
connection, you need not use Internet Explorer to access the Microsoft
knowledge Base. You can search it directly from Help and Support

Fig 1.23 Home page for Help and Support Center

Microsoft knowledge Base is an online database of questions
and answers Start Help and Support (or press F1 key when you
are in Windows XP) will provide with the help relevant to the program.
Always make use of Winkey + F1 key combinations in order to avoid

This will take you to the Help and Support Center of XP with-
out fail, wherever you are. The Home page may slightly be different
from what you see here because of customization (Customization is
the process of changing default setting to suit your needs and tastes).
Except in dialog boxes, each Help and Support Center window has
a title bar, which shows Help and Support Center as the title along
with the Minimize, Maximize and Close buttons.

There is no Menu bar. It has a Toolbar, taking you to go around

(navigate or travel) the Help topics. So it is called Navigating toolbar.
Below the Navigating toolbar appears the Search bar. Below this bar,
information is provided. If you are lucky enough, you can get the de-
sired help by clicking a topic from Pick a Help Topic which may solve
your problem.

If you pick a topic from the Ask for Assistance that will take
you either to Remote Assistance or to Support and Windows XP
news groups. Any one of these may solve your problem if you have a
Internet connection. But beginners may find it difficult to understand
the help provided by the above. So they should be content only with
what they have with internal assistance . You should make familiar with
Pick a Task and “Did you Know?” by yourself. If the item for which
you need help may not be available at the home page, then enter the
word or phrase into the search text box. Then press ENTER key or
click the Go button (à) situated to the right of Search text box. Sup-
pose you have entered “view pictures” in the Search text box, Help
and Support Center displays Search Results pane on the left side
and adds a toolbar containing Add to favorites, Change view, Print
and Locate in Contents buttons in the right pan. Search results are
shown below this Toolbar. This Help page is context sensitive.
Fig 1.24 Windows Basics Help

If you have not customized the search results pane, it is divided

into Suggested Topics, Full Text Search Matches and Microsoft
knowledge Base. If you do not want to make use of Microsoft Knowl-
edge Base or if you do not have Internet connection, you can hide
Microsoft Knowledge Base. You can see only the first two options, the
procedure for hiding Microsoft Knowledge Base will be given later.
Suggested Topics: Suggested Topics are keyword matches
(these topics contain the word / words that you have entered in the
Search text box as keyword / keywords). These topics are further clas-
sified into Pick a Task and Overviews, Articles and Tutorials.
Full-Text Search Matches: Full-text matches are topics that
contain the word / words you entered into the Search text box , into the
body of the text of the help topics. Here the word / words will not be
treated as keyword / keywords.
Microsoft Knowledge Base: The results found in this category
are from Microsoft Knowledge Base. Use it if you like. You should have
Internet connection; in order access this knowledge base.

If you want to display the help content, first click the category
and click a search result of interest, the result is displayed in the right
pane. Some help text pages will have highlighted and colored text.
You see their uses below.

Highlighted text: The matched word / pharse with what you had
entered is highlighted. The highlighting serves no other purpose. If you
click on those highlighted word / pharse nothing happens. If highlighted
words occur often in a text, it is an annoying experience. You can get
rid off those highlighting if do not like it. You will be shown the proce-
dure later.

Blue underline text: If you click the blue underline text, it will open the
item associated with the text.

Green underlined text: If you click on this term it will provide the
definition of the term.

Already you have seen that three or four activated useful buttons on the
right pane. Now you are going to see their usefulness.

Add to Favorites: If you see a help page and if you feel that will be
useful to you for future reference, just click Add to Favorites button,
that page is immediately copied and Windows XP Professional will
announce that your wish is fulfilled. If you want to see the contents, you
click Favorites in the navigation bar. In the left pane under the Favor-
ites heading, opens what you have stored so far. If you double click
any one of the topic, the contents will be displayed in the right pane (
you can also single click on any one of the topic and click Display but-
ton at the bottom ). You can use rename or remove buttons as
usual.Rename is used to change the default name. This topic is ex-
plained later.

Change View: In order to reclaim more space, you can hide the left
pane by clicking the Change View button. If you again click Change
View button, the left pane will appear once again. You can also per-
form the above action manually. You can drag the right pan to the left,
so that a right pan may occupy the entire screen.

Print : you can print the help pages with this button.

Locate in Contents: If you click the Locate in Contents, it will dis-

play a table of contents for help and support in the left pane. The head-
ing of the current help page is highlighted.

Help Index Button: Use if you know the first letter or first few letters
of an item to be searched. You may feel a list that starts with that letter
/ letters may be helpful. If it is the case you click Index button on the
toolbar. The left pane turns into an index.

Under this you can find Type in the keyword to find prompt, below
this, there is the text area. You enter a letter or few letters into the text
area, the index will automatically change to word / words that started
with the entered letters. You can click the appropriate entry from the
list and then click the Display button or double click the desired item. If
necessary use the vertical scroll bar available at the right end of the left

Fig 1.25 View Folders Help

Now concentrate on the navigation bar, refer Fig 1.25

Back: This is the first button in the navigation bar from left, after navi-
gating to another page in help, if you want to move to the previous help
page, clicking Back button will take you to the previous page. This
process can be repeated until the back button is disabled. This button
is disabled in the beginning.

Forward: This is the second button in the navigation bar from left.
After you click the back button the forward button is enabled. You move
forward by clicking the Forward button until it is disabled. This button
is disabled in the beginning.

Home: This is the third button from left in the navigation bar. If you
want to return to the home page, click on the Home button. Yo u
have already seen Index and Favorites buttons available in the navi-
gation bar.

History: This stores a list of help pages you have visited recently, in
the left pane. As usual double clicking any title will redisplay that help
page in the right pane.

Support: It provides the other forms of technical supports available

from Microsoft .

Options: This button is helpful in cutomizing the Help and Support

1. Click the Options button on the navigation bar. Help and Sup-
port Center displays the Options screen.
2. Click Set search options in the left pane. Help and Support
Center displays the set search options in the screen.
3. If you want to change the number of search results provided by
Help and Support Center , you change the number in Return
up to 15 results per provider by a number less than 100. The
default value is 15 .
4. If you want to get rid off search highlights then deselect it. You
make the other desired changes. If you do not want to access
Microsoft Knowledge Base again you deselect it.
5. Similarly by clicking change Help and Support Center options
in the left pane you can make the other changes.

Getting Help Online:

If you want to get help from Microsoft’s web site, first of all you need an
Internet connection and web browser. Microsoft website includes sup-
port for all the products, not just windows XP. Suppose you want to
have help for “ view folder “ you have to give the command as
XP+view+folder. The blank spaces should be replaced by +signs. XP
indicates, you want to get help from windows XP in order to get help
you have to undergo the following steps.

1.Make sure you are on line and use your web browser to go to
http://search. microsoft. com.

2. In the Search text box that appears, you type XP+view+folder in

Choose a Microsoft.com location, enter United State. Click the Go
button. After some time the results will be displayed.

1.13 Customizing Windows XP

One of the most attractive features of Windows XP is that it allows you

to customize the desktop. You can change the appearance of the desk-
top by changing the background, adding icons, moving icons, moving
and resizing the taskbar and so on.You can also add Screen Savers.

1.13 .1 Customizing the Taskbar

The Taskbar is usually at the bottom of the desktop. But you can move
it easily to any of the four sides of the desktop, unless it is locked. To do
so , point the mouse pointer to any empty area on the taskbar. If you
have opened many windows, then there will not be empty space on the
taskbar. In this case you can make use of the space occupied by the
clock. Click and drag the taskbar to wherever you want it to be. Fig
1.26 shows a broad taskbar at the Top.

You can also change the size of the taskbar. Point to the edge of the
taskbar. The mouse pointer will change into a double-headed arrow.
Click and drag the mouse to increase or decrease the size of the

Fig 1.26 A broad taskbar

Taskbar Settings - Right click on the empty area of the taskbar. If
there is no empty area right click on the clock. From short cut menu, by
selecting Toolbars, you can add or delete tools. If you click Address,
Address toolbar is created and increase its size by dragging with
mouse. Then you can enter any command, that will be executed either
directely or accessing the Internet. you can arrange the windows with
Cascade Windows, Tile Windows Horizontally and Tile Windows
Vertically. Show the Desktop is an substitute for Show Desktop
button. With clicking Task Manager Shutting down, you can perform
Turn off , Restart, Hybernate, Stand by and Switcher user the com-
puter. If you want to make the position of Task bar fixed, click Lock the
Taskbar, then a tick mark appears against it. Now the taskbar cannot
be moved. If you click on Properties, you will be shown Taskbar and
Start Menu Properties. It opens under the Taskbar tab, you custom-
ize it to suit your needs and tastes. If you open Taskbar and Start
Menu properties under Start Menu tab, and if you want to change
Start Menu into Classic Start menu, click Classic Start menu’s Radio
button, and click ok . A screen similar to the starting screen of Win-
dows 98 will be shown.

1.27 A Screen similar to the starting screen of Windows 98

1.13.2 Changing the Wallpaper

Wallpaper is the background display that appears on your desktop.

You can choose from several standard Wallpapers that are available
as part of Windows XP. You can also use a picture that you have drawn,
scanned or copied from somewhere. To do so, right-click anywhere in
the blank area of the desktop. The menu shown in Fig 1.28 pops up.

Fig 1.28 Choose Properties to change Wallpaper,

Screen Savers etc.
Click on Properties. The Display Properties dialog box appears.
Select Desktop tab ( second from left ) which will present a figure simi-
lar to the one shown below ( Fig 1.29 ).

Fig 1.29 Display Properties dialog box

Browse through the list of wallpapers and click on the one you want. A
preview in the top half of the window shows you how the wallpaper will
look. Click on Apply and then on OK.

Fig 1.30 Desktop with Setup wallpaper.

1.13.3 Using Screen Savers

In old monitors, if you left the images on the screen unchanged

for long, the characters would burn-in, leaving a permanent impression
on the screens. To avoid this screen savers were used. Constantly
moving technology has improved so much that screen savers are no
longer necessary. But, they are still popular mainly because they are
fun. To use a screen saver, click on Screen Saver tab in the Display
Properties dialog box. Click on the drop-down list box just below the
Screen Saver prompt. A list of available screen savers appears as in
Fig 1.31

Fig 1.31 List of screen saver available

Select one. A preview appears in the top half of the window

Fig 1.32 Preview of 3D Pipes Screen Saver

You can specify, in the Wait text box, the number of minutes the com-
puter should wait before displaying the screen saver. According to the
Fig 1.32, Windows will wait for 1 minute before displaying the screen
you can protect your PC by giving Password to the screen saver.
Now, whenever your computer is idle for some time, Windows will au-
tomatically activate your screen saver. To remove the screen saver,
just move the mouse or press any key on the keyboard.

1.14 The Control Panel

The Control Panel allows you to install and manage the different hard-
ware components attached to your computer. You can open the Con-
trol Panel window by clicking on the Start button, and then Control
Fig 1.33 Opening Control Panel

You can also access Control Panel from My Computer window. Double-
click on My Computer icon on the desktop and select Control Panel
from the icons displayed in the My Computer window.


Fig 1.34 My Computer window

The Control Panel window opens in front of you. Winows XP
Proffessional provides completely a new look to the Control Panel. It
provides two views to Control Panel. The default view is Category
View and the other one is Classic View. Classic View is similar to
the one available in Windows 98. Both views are shown in Fig 1.35
(a), Whatever be the view all the Control Panel applets work in the
same manner (applet is a small program). Many dialog boxes have
new names, new tabs and new functionality. If you are in Category
View you can click on Switch to Classic View. This will take you to
the Classic View. When you are in Classic View, you will be shown
Switch to Category View. If you click on Switch to Category View,
you will be taken to Category View. Category View Fig 1.35(a) and
Classic View Fig 1.35(b) of the Control Panel are shown below.

Fig 1.35(a) Category View Fig 1.35 (b) Classic View

As you can see, the Control Panel window displays several
icons. Using these icons, you can modify the system and hardware
settings of your computer. Listed below are a few of these icons and
their description.
This allows you to adjust your computer settings for vi
sion, hearing and mobility deficiency

This allows you to set the date, time and the time zone
for your computer

This allows you to change the appearance of your desk-

top, such as the background, screen saver, colour, font
size and screen resolution.

This allows you to add, change and manage fonts on

your computer.

This allows you to customise your keyboard settings such

as the blink rate and character repeat rate.

This allows you to customise settings such as the button

configuration, double click, speed, mouse pointer and
motion speed.

This allows you to install printer and fax Printer and helps
you add new ones.

This allows you to customize setting for the display of

languages, numbers times and dates.

This allows you to change user account setting and

password to people who share this computer

You are provided with more icons in the Control Panel. To know how
to utilize them, rest the mouse pointer for one or two seconds on the
Icons, you will be shown their usage by means of pop-up message.


™ Windows XP is an operating system.

™ The opening screen is called the Desktop. It contains icons and
Taskbar. Icons are small pictures representing applications. The
Taskbar has the Start button, the Quick Launch toolbar and the
Systems Tray.
™ The Start menu acts as a launch pad for most of the applica
tions in the computer.
™ You can start applications using the icons on the desktop or the
Start menu.
™ The rectangular area on the desktop that is used by an applica
tion is called a Window.
™ Every window has a title bar with sizing buttons, menu bar, tool
bar and borders.
™ A window can be moved, resized or closed.
™ Windows XP allows you to customize the desktop and taskbar.
™ The Control Panel allows you to install and manage different
hardware and software components in your computer.
™ It is always a good practice to shut down the computer properly
before switching the power off.

I. Fill in the blanks
1. Windows XP is an......................................
2. Windows XP uses a............................................................................
3. Clicking on the Start button opens the.....................................
4. The clock is displayed on the...........................................
5. The.......................................... also has buttons representing ap-
plications currently being used.
6. .................................................. is one of the options on the Start
7. ......................................................................... are constantly
moving images that appears when the computer has been idle
for some time.
8. You can move a window by clicking and dragging
9. The ........................................................dialog box is used to
change the wallpaper, screen savers, etc.
10. The...............................................icon on the Control Panel allows
you to view, add or remove fonts.

II. State whether the following are True or False

1. Windows 4.1 was a very popular version of Windows.

2. You can password protect your PC through screen saver.
3. The contents of memory are not saved when you shut down your

4. When you minimize a window, it automatically closes.
5. In Windows XP you have to type all the commands.
6. The Start button is always visible on the desktop,
7. Windows uses dialog boxes to display information.
8. Check boxes are used to enable and disable options.
9. You can access the Control Panel from My Computer.
10. A minimized window can be restored by clicking on it.

III. Answer the following

1. What is Windows XP?

2. Write a short note about the evolution of Windows operating
3. What are the advantages of using Windows XP?
4. What is a mouse? What are the different mouse actions that
you are familiar with?
5. What is desktop? What are the things you see on the desktop?
6. How can you customize the desktop?
7. What is the Control Panel? Describe briefly some of the icons
found on the Control Panel.
8. What is Shut down? Why should you shut down your computer
9 Describe the different parts of a Window.
10 Write a short note about the different kinds of dialog boxes that
you use in Windows.

1.15 Applications

All information in Windows is stored as files. These files are

broadly classified into two categories:

i) Application Files
ii) Document Files

Application Files: Application files (also called Program files) are

files with which you can do something. For example, files that allow you
to draw and paint, enter and save text, calculate and play games are
application files.

Document Files: Document files are files that are created by the user
using an application. In the last chapter, you learnt how to start an
application. You can start an application by clicking on its icon on the
desktop or by using the Start menu. When you do this, the application
appears on the screen in a window. At the same time, a button
representing the application also appears on the taskbar. This button
stays on the taskbar as long as the application is active and disappears
only when you close the application. In this chapter, you are going to
learn about some of the commonly used applications of Windows XP.
You will also learn how to start multiple applications, how to switch
between them and how to transfer data between them.

1.16 Using Applications in Windows

Several useful applications come as part of Windows. Using them,
you can perform a wide variety of tasks. Discussed below are some of
the commonly used ones
1.16.1 MS-DOS

Before the introduction of Windows, MS-DOS was one of the very

popular operating systems among PC users. Hundreds of DOS-based
applications were available in the market. To start such programs or to
use any DOS Command, the Command Prompt option of windows
can be used. Perform Start All Programs Accessories
Command Prompt.

Fig 1.36 Getting MS-DOS Window

A window as shown in Fig 1.37 appears on the screen.

Fig 1.37 MS-DOS window

The MS-DOS window is like any other window; you can move,
minimize, maximize or close it like any other window. Notice that after
the copyright message, the window displays the familiar C:\> prompt.
You can use any DOS command here.

Fig 1.38 DOS window with the dir command

Start the MS DOS application and try out the Dir command. Also try out
any other DOS commands that you are familiar with. Close the
application window after you finish.

1.16.2 Clock and Calendar

Windows has an in-built clock, which is usually displayed on the taskbar.

To change the date or the time, double-click on the clock on the taskbar.
The Date and Time Properties dialog box appears on the screen. To
change the date or time , you should have special privilege. Only
administrator can undertake these activities.

Fig 1.39 Date and Time Properties dialog box

On the left half of the dialog box, the current month’s calendar is
displayed. To view the calendar for some other month, click on the month
and drop down list box and year spinner box and select the month and
year you want.

To change the time, click on the digital clock seen on the right. Highlight
the hour, minute or second by dragging the pointer over it. Increase or
decrease the highlighted value by clicking on the up and down arrows
in the box. Note that the time in the analog clock also changes
correspondingly. Analog clock is the ordinary clock with hour hand
minutes hand and second hand.
Fig 1.40 Clock showing a different time
Click on OK after you finish.

1.16.3 Calculator

The Calculator is a useful application that comes with Windows. It can

be used to perform mathematical and scientific calculations. To start
the Calculator, execute the following action.
Start AllPrograms Accessories Calculator.

Fig 1.41 The Calculator

The Calculator can be used in one of the two modes - Standard mode
or Scientific mode. Fig 1.41 displays the Calculator in the Standard
mode. As you can see, this calculator is very similar to an ordinary
calculator. You can use the keyboard and the mouse to enter numbers
and operators. If you are using the mouse, click on the number and
operator buttons. The numbers that you have entered and the results
will be displayed in the display bar just below the menu bar. If you have
selected Digit grouping under View menu, the numbers are separated
by comma following the European convention. The numbers that appear
to the left of decimal places are separated by comma for every three
digits starting from the right . The leading comma (if any) is

To use the Calculator in the Scientific mode, click on the View menu
and select Scientific. Fig 1.42 shows the Calculator in the
Scientific mode, with statistics box.

Fig 1.42 The scientific calculator

To calculate sum, average and S.D of given numbers execute the
following steps

1) Enter the first number.

2) Click Sta button.
3) Click RET
4) Click Dat button.
5) Enter the next number.
6) Click Dat button.
7) Repeat step 5 and step 6 until you exhaust all the numbers.
8) Click the s button.
9) The Standard Deviation of the entered numbers is displayed.
10) Click Sum you will be shown sum of the numbers entered.
11) Click Ave you will be shown average of the numbers entered.

Note: If you click Sta button, you will see Statistics Box. The entered
numbers are in Statistics Box

If you click the LOAD button of Statistics Box, the highlighted number
in the display area of the Statistics Box will be loaded into the display
area of calculator display area.

If you click CD button of Statistics Box, the highlighted number in the

display area of Statistics Box will be deleted from the list of numbers.
If you click the CAD button of Statistics Box, all the entered numbers
are deleted.

1.16.4 Paint

Paint is an application that lets you draw and colour pictures. To start
Paint, click on Start All Programs Accessories Paint
(Fig 1.43).

Fig 1.43 Starting Paint

The paint window appears on the screen.

Menu Bar


Drawing area

Colour Box

Fig 1.44 Paint window

Just like any other window, the Paint window also has a title bar with
sizing buttons, a menu bar and a status bar. In addition, it has a Toolbar
and a Colour Box. The Toolbar has various tools that you can use to
draw and colour. Fig 1.45 shows the Toolbar with the different tools.

Free-form Select Selection

Eraser Fill with colour

Pick colour Magnifier

Pencil Brush

Airbrush Text

Line Curve

Rectangle Polygon
Ellipse Rectangle

Fig 1.45 The toolbar

To use any of the tools in the toolbar, first click on the tool to select it.
For example, click on the ellipse tool.

Fig 1.46 The circle tool is selected.

Then, move the mouse to the drawing area and click and drag to draw
the figure you want.

Fig 1.47 Click and drag the mouse to draw

The Colour Box contains the colours that you can use. Click on the
colour of your choice and use the Fill with colour tool, the Airbrush or
the Brush to colour your pictures.
You can close Paint by clicking on the Close button on the title bar or
clicking on the File menu and selecting Exit (or Alt+F4 keys).

Do-it-Now Exercises

1. Open the Paint application and draw a colourful bunch of

2. Draw a simple house and colour it.
3. Draw a colourful kite.
4. Draw a flower of your choice and colour it.

1.16.5 WordPad

WordPad is a simple word processor that comes along with Windows.

A Word processor is a program that allows you to type and store text.
To start WordPad, click on
Start All Programs Accessories WordPad.
The WordPad window appears on the screen.

Title bar with sizing buttons

Menu Bar

Work area

Window Border

Status bar

Fig 1.48 WordPad window

As you have already learnt, the WordPad window has a title bar, menu
bar, toolbar, work area and a status bar.

A small vertical blinking line appears at the top left corner of the work
area. This is the Cursor. It indicates your current position on the screen.
Some users refer the cursor as the insertion point because it shows,
on the screen, where the next text you type will be inserted. Use the
keyboard to type in the text. Note that as you type in the text, the cursor
moves. When you reach the end of a line, WordPad automatically
moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line. This feature is called
Word wrap. The Enter key on the keyboard is used to start a new
paragraph to enter short line or a blank line. Fig 1.49 shows the
WordPad window with some sample text.

You do not have to press the Enter keywhen you reach the right margin
Do not think that the appearance in the screen will be the appearance
of the output. If you want to set the margin that can be done with Page
Setup of the File menu. You can use the following key or key
combinations for editing the text.

Fig 1.49 WordPad window with some text

Some useful Editing keys are given below.
Keys for Moving the Cursor through Text

Key Where It Moves the Cursor

One character to the right

One character to the left

Up one line

Down one line

Home Beginning of the line

End End of line

Ctrl + Home Top of document

Ctrl + End End of document

Page Up (PgUp) Up a page (or screen)

Page Down (PgDn) Down a page (or screen)

Ctrl + One word to the left

Ctrl + One word to the right

Ctrl + Up one paragraph

Ctrl + Down one paragraph

Ctrl + Page Up (PgUp) To top of previous page

Ctrl + Page Down (PgDn) To top of next page

After you have finished typing in the text, you can correct it, add or
delete text. To do so, first move the cursor to the place where you want
to edit, using the arrow keys on the keyboard. You can also use the
mouse to move the cursor. To do so, place the mouse pointer at the
place and click.

Once you have moved the cursor, you can delete text using the
Backspace and Delete keys on the keyboard. Backspace key deletes
the character before the cursor and Delete key deletes the character
after the cursor. If you are in insert mode,you can insert new text by
simply typing it. If you are in overwrite mode the text you enter will
overwrite the existing text (if any).

Pressing Insert key will take you to either of the modes. If you are in
insert mode, pressing the Insert key will take you to the overwrite mode
and vice versa. Note that when you type in new text, the existing text
moves to the right, if you are in Insert mode.

To close WordPad, click on the Close button on the title bar or select
Exit from the File menu.

1.17 Working with Multiple Applications

When you are using multiple applications, it will be very time consuming
if you have to close one application before starting the next one.
Moreover, transferring information from another application is very
difficult if not impossible. For example, in MS-DOS, a file created using
a word processor cannot contain a graph created using a spreadsheet
program. Windows overcomes this problem by allowing the user to
work on multiple applications at the same time. In Windows, a WordPad
file can contain data or a graph created using Excel, a picture created
using Paint and so on.
1.17.1 Starting Multiple Applications

Starting multiple applications is very simple. First start one application.

The application appears on the screen in a window. At the same time,
a button with the name of the application appears on the taskbar. Now,
start the second application.

Several things happen –

™ the window of the second application appears on the screen

overlapping the first window,

™ the button of the second application appears on the taskbar,

™ the title bar of the first application and its button on the taskbar
become dim.

You can start more applications in the same way. Fig 1.50 (a), (b), and
(c) will help you understand this better.

Fig 1.50 (a) Desktop with Excel application.

Fig 1.50 (b) Desktop as it appears after Word is also started.
Note the dimmed title bar and button of the Excel application.

1.50 (c) Desktop with 3 application windows

1.17.2 Switching between Multiple Applications

The buttons on the taskbar are used to switch between the different
applications. Remember that every time you start an application, its
button appears on the taskbar. The button of the application you are
currently using is highlighted and its window is called the Active
Window. In Fig 1.50(c), Paint is the active window. To switch to another
application, click on any part of that application’s window that is visible.
If no part of the window is visible, click the button of the application on
the taskbar. The application window is moved in front of all the other
windows and its button is highlighted. Fig 1.51 shows WordPad as
the active window. Windows Explorer (Which you are going to learn
shortly) enables you to create only one button per application. If you
click on the button, it will show you a list, from which you can select any
one of them.

1.17.3 Transferring Information between Different Applcations

Windows allows you to transfer data between the different applications

you are running simultaneously. To do this, Windows uses a temporary
storage location called the Clipboard. You can use the clipboard to
store any kind of data. You can store text, pictures, numbers, group of
files and so on.

Fig 1.51 WordPad window is the Active Window

The information to be transferred is first copied from the source
application to the Clipboard and from there to the destination
application. Windows also gives the option of either copying or moving
data. The difference between copying and moving data is that moving
removes the data from the source location and places them in the
destination location. Copying leaves the source data untouched and
makes a new copy in the destination location.

Let us understand this better with an example. Suppose, you have

drawn a picture in Paint and want to include it in a document created
using WordPad. To do so, first start both the applications.

You may recall that windows allows multiple applications to be started

at the same time. However, you have to switch between the Applications
by activating the application of your choice.

Fig 1.52 Desktop with Paint and WordPad

Click on the Paint window to make it active. Use the Select tool to
mark the picture you want to move or copy.

Fig 1.53 Paint with the picture selected

Click on the Edit menu and select Copy or press(Ctrl+c). (If you want
to move the picture select Cut or press (Ctrl+x)

Fig 1.54 Select Edit, Copy

Click on the WordPad window to make it active. In the WordPad window,

click on the Edit menu and select Paste (Ctrl+v).

Note: Moving and copying will be dealt elaborately later.

Fig 1.55 Click on Edit; Paste in the WordPad

The desktop will look as shown in Fig 1.56. Note that the picture in the
Paint window remains untouched.

Fig 1.56 WordPad after pasting the picture.

In the same manner, you can transfer data between any two Windows-
based applications.

There is, however, one important point that you should remember while
using the clipboard. At any time, the Clipboard can hold only one set of
data. When you copy or move a file or folder to the Clipboard, it
overwrites whatever was stored there earlier.

In addition to clipboard, windows XP provides with ClipBook. Without

any effort on your part, now, you can store 24 different items in the
ClipBook and you can paste them one by one. For more information,
click Start and click Run on the Start menu, enter clipbrd.exe in the text
box and press enter. In the ensuing ClipBook Viewer, click Help and
then click contents. After going through the help you can do whatever
you like with ClipBook


™ Files can be of two types - Application and Document files.

Applications are used to create data files.
™ Command Promot option on the start menu allows you to use
DOS commands and run DOS-based programs.
™ The Clock on the taskbar is used to change the date and time.
™ The Calculator is like an ordinary calculator. WordPad is a
simple word processor that is used to enter and store text. Paint
is used to draw and colour pictures.
™ Windows allows you to use multiple applications at the same
™ You can switch between applications using the buttons on the
™ You can also transfer data between two applications.
™ The Clipboard is a temporary storage for data being copied or


I. Fill in the blanks

1. _________ are used to create data files.
2. The _________ option allows you to use DOS commands.
3. The _________ on the taskbar allow you to switch between
4. Windows uses the ________ to store data being moved or
5. Every time you start an application, a ________ appears on
the taskbar.
6. The two modes of Calculator are ________ and ________
7. You can colour your pictures using the _________ ______
in Paint.
8. In Paint the ______tool is used to mark the picture to be copied
or moved.
9. In WordPad, the_______ key is used to delete the character
after the cursor.
10. You can close the WordPad application by clicking on Exit in
the ________ menu.

II. State Whether the following are True or False

1. You cannot use DOS-based files in Windows.

2. The Calculator is used for performing arithmetical calculations.
3. You can draw using WordPad.
4. You can use WordPad and Paint at the same time.
5. You cannot move a picture painted in Paint to a WordPad
6. While working with multiple applications, the button of the active
application is highlighted.
7. When you are working with multiple applications, you can close
them only in the sequence in which you opened them.
8. The Date and Time Properties dialog box only shows the
calendar of the current month.
9. In Windows, you can start a maximum of 10 applications at any
III. Answer the following

1. Explain with an example how to start multiple applications ?

2. How do you switch between multiple applications ?
3. What is the Clipboard? How is it used ? Explain.
4. What are the two different types of files ?
5. How does the computer display the correct time? How can you
change time ?
6. What is Paint? Describe briefly the different parts of the Paint
7. Where is the MS-DOS Prompt available? How do you use it ?
8. Where is the Calculator available? How do you use it? Explain
9. What is WordPad? How do you start WordPad ?
10. Describe briefly how to edit text entered in WordPad .


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