RC Design U 2017 v12.9 كود مصري
RC Design U 2017 v12.9 كود مصري
RC Design U 2017 v12.9 كود مصري
Ver. 12.9
Mahmoud M. El-Kateb, Ph.D
Empirical Analysis of Solid Slabs
Design of Slabs
Empirical Design of Flat Slab
Check Punching for Flat Slab Columns "Approximate"
Check Punching for Flat Slab Columns "Exact"
Calculation of Punching RFT
Design of Simple Deep Beams
Design of Continuous Deep Beams
Design of Corbel
Deflection of Cantilever
Deflection of Simple R-Section
Deflection of Simple T-Section
Calculation of Crack Width
Design of Rectangular Columns
Design of Circular Columns
Design of Isolated Footing
Design of isolated Footing under Moment
Design of isolated Footing under Double Moment
Design of Fence Footing
Design of Combined Footing
Design of Strap Beam Footing
Design of Pile Cap
Design of Pile Cap under Moment
Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 1.2
* Project :
1200 mm
250 mm
700 mm
300 mm
* Project : ريب الزم تضرب في اس((البلوكات/ عشان تجيب-)2فالهولو ده اللي بتخش بيه لوهتصمم الكمر مانوال بدون بالطة (م
Web breadth Spacing Thick Slab th F.C L.L Block One way Two way
b (mm) e (mm) t (mm) ts (mm) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) Wt. (kN) Wu (kN/m2) Wu (kN/m2)
1 150 400 300 50 5 10.0 0.20 29.7 30.7
2 120 400 270 70 1.5 2.0 0.15 11.4 12.2
3 120 400 270 70 1.5 2.0 0.15 11.4 12.2
Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 9.6
* Project : ريب الزم تضرب في اس((البلوكات/ عشان تجيب-)2فالهولو ده اللي بتخش بيه لوهتصمم الكمر مانوال بدون بالطة (م
* Project :
min. Dim. = 250 mm
min. Cover = 40 mm
RFT ratio m 0.4 % < < 1 %
min. Dim. = 200 mm
min. Cover = 25 mm
Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 1.1
* Capacity of Sections
* Project :
* Capacity of Sections
* Project :
* Project :
Long span Short span min. Slab Slab thick F.C L.L Wsu Code of practice Moments (kN.m) Rft. /m Rft. /m
Span (m) contin. Span (m) contin. thick (mm) (mm) (kN/m 2
) (kN/m 2
) (kN/m 2
) a b Ma Mb short dir. long dir.
1 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
2 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
3 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
4 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
5 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
6 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
7 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
8 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
9 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
10 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
11 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
12 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
13 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
14 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
15 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
16 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
17 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 11.5
* Project :
Long span Short span min. Slab Slab thick F.C L.L Wsu Code of practice Moments (kN.m) Rft. /m Rft. /m
Span (m) contin. Span (m) contin. thick (mm) (mm) (kN/m 2
) (kN/m 2
) (kN/m 2
) a b Ma Mb short dir. long dir.
18 5 1 4 1 114 140 1.50 2.00 10.50 0.475 0.224 9.98 7.35 4 f 10 3 f 10
Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 11.3
* Design of Slabs
* Project :
* Design of Slabs
* Project :
* Project :
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 11.4
Design of sections:
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 11.4
* Project :
Internal columns:
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 11.4
Edge columns:
critical perimeter (bo)
Corner columns:
critical perimeter (bo)
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 1.0
* Check Punching for Flat Slab Columns using unbalanced moment effect
* Project :
unbalanced moment
b Mfb
Ult. Load Col. Dims. Slab Cover Critical bo Mft Mfb qcpu qb+qt qpu
Col. gqt gqb D/C
Qu (kN) b (mm) t (mm) Thick (mm) (mm) Perimeter (mm) kN.m kN.m (N/mm ) 2
(N/mm ) 2
(N/mm2) Cb
1 700 300 600 250 30 Auto 2680 30 40 0.46 0.35 1.41 0.21 1.40 0.99###
2 700 300 600 250 30 Auto 2680 30 40 0.46 0.35 1.41 0.21 1.40 0.99###
3 700 300 600 250 30 Auto 2680 30 40 0.46 0.35 1.41 0.21 1.40 0.99###
4 700 300 600 250 30 Auto 2680 30 40 0.46 0.35 1.41 0.21 1.40 0.99###
5 700 300 600 250 30 Auto 2680 30 40 0.46 0.35 1.41 0.21 1.40 0.99###
6 700 300 600 250 30 Auto 2680 30 40 0.46 0.35 1.41 0.21 1.40 0.99###
7 700 300 600 250 30 Auto 2680 30 40 0.46 0.35 1.41 0.21 1.40 0.99###
8 700 300 600 250 30 Auto 2680 30 40 0.46 0.35 1.41 0.21 1.40 0.99###
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 1.0
* Check Punching for Flat Slab Columns using unbalanced moment effect
9 700 300 600 250 30 Auto 2680 30 40 0.46 0.35 1.41 0.21 1.40 0.99###
unbalanced moment
unbalanced moment
D Mfx
Ult. Load Col. Dims. Slab Cover Critical bo Mfx Mfy qcpu qx+qy qpu
Col. gqx gqy D/C
Qu (kN) D (mm) Thick (mm) (mm) Perimeter (mm) kN.m kN.m (N/mm ) 2
(N/mm ) 2
(N/mm2) CABy
1 450 400 250 30 Auto 1948 30 30 0.40 0.40 1.41 0.21 1.26 0.89###
2 450 400 250 30 Auto 1948 30 30 0.40 0.40 1.41 0.21 1.26 0.89###
3 450 400 250 30 Auto 1948 30 30 0.40 0.40 1.41 0.21 1.26 0.89###
4 450 400 250 30 Auto 1948 30 30 0.40 0.40 1.41 0.21 1.26 0.89###
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 1.0
* Check Punching for Flat Slab Columns using unbalanced moment effect
unbalanced moment
Edge columns:
unbalanced moment
b Mfb
Ult. Load Col. Dims. Slab Cover Critical bo Mft Mfb qcpu qb+qt qpu
Col. gqt gqb D/C
Qu (kN) b (mm) t (mm) Thick (mm) (mm) Perimeter (mm) kN.m kN.m (N/mm ) 2
(N/mm ) 2
(N/mm2) Cb
1 300 300 600 250 30 Auto 1640 30 70 0.49 0.32 1.41 0.43 1.26 0.89###
2 300 300 600 250 30 Auto 1640 30 70 0.49 0.32 1.41 0.43 1.26 0.89###
3 300 300 600 250 30 Auto 1640 30 70 0.49 0.32 1.41 0.43 1.26 0.89###
4 300 300 600 250 30 Auto 1640 30 70 0.49 0.32 1.41 0.43 1.26 0.89###
5 300 300 600 250 30 Auto 1640 30 70 0.49 0.32 1.41 0.43 1.26 0.89###
6 300 300 600 250 30 Auto 1640 30 70 0.49 0.32 1.41 0.43 1.26 0.89###
7 300 300 600 250 30 Auto 1640 30 70 0.49 0.32 1.41 0.43 1.26 0.89###
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 1.0
* Check Punching for Flat Slab Columns using unbalanced moment effect
unbalanced moment
Corner columns: Mft
b unbalanced moment
critical perimeter (bo)
Ult. Load Col. Dims. Slab Cover Critical bo Mft Mfb qcpu qb+qt qpu
Col. gqt gqb D/C
Qu (kN) b (mm) t (mm) Thick (mm) (mm) Perimeter (mm) kN.m kN.m (N/mm ) 2
(N/mm ) 2
(N/mm2) Cb
1 180 300 600 250 30 Auto 1120 50 50 0.47 0.34 1.41 0.68 1.41 1.00###
2 180 300 600 250 30 Auto 1120 50 50 0.47 0.34 1.41 0.68 1.41 1.00###
3 180 300 600 250 30 Auto 1120 50 50 0.47 0.34 1.41 0.68 1.41 1.00###
4 180 300 600 250 30 Auto 1120 50 50 0.47 0.34 1.41 0.68 1.41 1.00###
5 180 300 600 250 30 Auto 1120 50 50 0.47 0.34 1.41 0.68 1.41 1.00###
6 180 300 600 250 30 Auto 1120 50 50 0.47 0.34 1.41 0.68 1.41 1.00###
7 180 300 600 250 30 Auto 1120 50 50 0.47 0.34 1.41 0.68 1.41 1.00###
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 11.4
* Project :
Internal columns:
no. of bra.
parallel to b
no. of bra.
parallel to t
Ult. Load Equiv. Col. Dims. Slab Req. no. of Branch Spcaing bb no. of bra. bt no. of bra. no. of RFT
Col. Notes
Qu (kN) b factor b (mm) t (mm) Thick (mm) branches Dia. (mm) S (mm) (mm) parallel to b (mm) parallel to t Rows qpu
1 950 1.17 300 600 250 11 12 100 250 2 250 4 3 Safe ###
2 950 1.17 300 600 250 11 12 100 250 2 250 4 3 Safe ###
3 950 1.17 300 600 250 11 12 100 250 2 250 4 3 Safe ###
4 950 1.17 300 600 250 11 12 100 250 2 250 4 3 Safe ###
5 950 1.17 300 600 250 11 12 100 250 2 250 4 3 Safe ###
6 950 1.17 300 600 250 11 12 100 250 2 250 4 3 Safe ###
7 950 1.17 300 600 250 11 12 100 250 2 250 4 3 Safe ###
8 950 1.17 300 600 250 11 12 100 250 2 250 4 3 Safe ###
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 11.4
Edge columns:
Ult. Load Equiv. Col. Dims. Slab Req. no. of Branch Spcaing bb no. of bra. bt no. of bra. no. of RFT
Col. Notes
Qu (kN) b factor b (mm) t (mm) Thick (mm) branches Dia. (mm) S (mm) (mm) parallel to b (mm) parallel to t Rows qpu
1 450 1.51 300 600 250 7 12 100 250 2 250 4 4 Safe ###
2 450 1.51 300 600 250 7 12 100 250 2 250 4 4 Safe ###
3 450 1.51 300 600 250 7 12 100 250 2 250 4 4 Safe ###
4 450 1.51 300 600 250 7 12 100 250 2 250 4 4 Safe ###
5 450 1.51 300 600 250 7 12 100 250 2 250 4 4 Safe ###
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 11.4
Corner columns:
Ult. Load Equiv. Col. Dims. Slab Req. no. of Branch Spcaing bb no. of bra. bt no. of bra. no. of RFT
Col. Notes
Qu (kN) b factor b (mm) t (mm) Thick (mm) branches Dia. (mm) S (mm) (mm) parallel to b (mm) parallel to t Rows qpu
1 220 1.84 300 600 250 4 12 100 250 2 250 4 3 Safe ###
2 220 1.84 300 600 250 4 12 100 250 2 250 4 3 Safe ###
3 220 1.84 300 600 250 4 12 100 250 2 250 4 3 Safe ###
4 220 1.84 300 600 250 4 12 100 250 2 250 4 3 Safe ###
5 220 1.84 300 600 250 4 12 100 250 2 250 4 3 Safe ###
6 220 1.84 300 600 250 4 12 100 250 2 250 4 3 Safe ###
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 11.3
* Design of Beams
* Project :
* Design of Beams
* Project :
* Project :
Ult. Moment Breadth Depth Thick Main Comp.
Sec. Main Rft. Comp. Rft. Notes
Mu (kN.m) b (mm) d (mm) t (mm) As As
1 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
2 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
3 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
4 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
5 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
6 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
7 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
8 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
9 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
10 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
11 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
12 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
13 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
14 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
15 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
16 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
17 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
18 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
19 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
20 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
21 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
22 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
23 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
24 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
25 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
26 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
27 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
28 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
29 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
30 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
31 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
32 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 11.3
* Project :
Ult. Moment Breadth Depth Thick Main Comp.
Sec. Main Rft. Comp. Rft. Notes
Mu (kN.m) b (mm) d (mm) t (mm) As As
33 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
34 400 250 650 700 2287 7 f 22 1413 13 f 12 Bad!
Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 11.4
* Project :
* Project :
* Project :
* Project :
* Project :
Ult. torsional moment Sec. dim. Ult. shear force ###
Sec. Mu (kN.m) b (mm) t (mm) Qu (kN)
1 6 300 1000 150
qtu Notes qsu Notes qumax
0.18 N/mm 2
use min 0.53 N/mm 2
use min Aoh
qtcu = 0.31 N/mm2 Ph
qcu = 1.24 N/mm2
qumax = 3.61 N/mm2
Calculation of Rft.
1 f 10 /m
2 f 10 /m
1.00 m 1.00 m
1f 8 /m
0.30 m 0.30 m
Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 11.3
* Project :
* Project :
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 11.3
* Project :
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 11.2
* Project :
* Project :
* Project :
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 12.5
Nw = 250 kN
Mw = 200 kN.m
0.50 m
0.30 m
2.55 m
2.35 m
2.95 m
7 f
7 f 12 /m
3.15 m
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 12.5
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 12.4
* Project :
Column working load Moment Moment Column dim. Extension
foot Nw (kN) Mwx (kN.m) Mwy (kN.m) b (mm) t (mm) of P.C (mm)
F1 400 150 300 300 500 300 ###
Dims. of P.C : B (mm) L (mm) t (mm) ###
1,700 3,400
Choose dim of P.C 3,000 3,200 300
3 1
4 2
ex = 0.28 m ey = 0.55 m
P1 Stress (kPa) = 146 Safe Secondary case
P2 Stress (kPa) = 84
P3 Stress (kPa) = 29
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 12.4
Using chart:
ex/B = 0.09 ey/L = 0.17 K= 2.67
2.40 m
3.00 m
8 f
7 f 12 /m
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 12.4
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 12.3
* Project :
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 12.3
Nw = 63 kN
Mw = 5 kN.m
0.40 m
0.20 m
1.10 m
1.10 m
1.50 m
6 f
6 f 12 /m
1.30 m
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 12.3
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 12.2
* Project :
Column working load Column dim. (mm) Extension
Col Nw (kN) trans. long. of P.C (mm)
Smaller 600 250 500 300
Larger 840 250 700 300
Distance c.g to
Dlong Dlong
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 12.2
Longitudinal direction:
Transverse direction:
4.40 m
8 f 12 /m
1.80 m
2.40 m
1.17 m
5 f 16 /m
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 12.2
5.00 m
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 12.2
* Project :
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 12.2
Transverse direction:
Bottom Rft. : Mu /m As /m no. f total no.
External footing 106 750 7 12 /m 15
Internal footing 94 750 7 12 /m 19
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 12.2
* Project :
* Project :
* Project :
Retained Soil
ko = 0.50 C = 0.0 N/mm2
0.50 R.C
0.00 P.C
Foundation soil C= 0.0 N/mm2 f= 30 o
Over-turning check:
Stabilizing moment from: kN.m Over-turning moment from: kN.m
Weight of concrete 60.16 Active earth pressure 35.94
Weight and pressure of soil 15.28 Active surcharge pressure 3.63
S= 75.44 S = 39.57
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 11.4
Calculation of Rft. :
Mu (kN.m) cover (mm) d (mm) As (mm2) As min
For Wall 40.1 50 200 606 375 6 f 12 /m
For Base 55.6 60 440 382 750 7 f 12 /m
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Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 2.1
* Project :
yct = 2.87 m
Ww = 200.0 kN/m
Mw = 400.0 kN.m
Qw = 280.0 kN
5 f 10 /m
5 f 10 /m
8 f 16
Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 2.1
* Project :
5 f 20
5 f 20
4.00 4.00
Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 1.2
* Design of Corbel
* Project :
Concrete Dims: L
Thickness at column = 700 mm
Cover = 50 mm
d= 650 mm
Breadth = 300 mm
Cantilever length L = 800 mm
Lateral load height D = 100 mm
Distance of VL load a = 600 mm
Connection between corbel and column:
Monolitic cast concrete
m= 1.2
Qu = 200 kN
Nu = 40 kN
As = 702 mm2
Asmin = 366 mm2
Used As = 702 mm2 4 f 16 Main RFT
* Deflection of Cantilever
* Project :
Working loads: PDL (kN) PLL (kN) WDL (kN/m) WLL (kN/m)
self weights 2.50 0.0 self weights 6.25 3.0
finish+walls 0.00 finish+walls 3.25
Ratio of sustained live load = 0.25
Ec = 24,100 MPa
Long term deflection = 8.8 mm after 5 years Unsafe, camber may be used
Allowable value = 5.6 mm L / 450
* Project :
Span/2 Span/2
Breadth Depth Thickness Span Ig
Sec. Properties of sec: b (mm) d (mm) t (mm) L (m) ###
1 300 650 700 8
Top Rft.: no. f area ###
4 16 804 mm2 z
Bottom Rft.: no. f area
6 22 2280 mm2 Ie tot
Ie d
Working loads: PDL (kN) PLL (kN) WDL (kN/m) WLL (kN/m)
self weights 40.0 50.0 self weights 15.0 10.0 m=
finish+walls 30.0 finish+walls 10.0 a=
Ratio of sustained live load = 0.25 a2=
Ec = 24,100 MPa egzai =
Long term deflection = 39.4 mm after 5 years Unsafe, camber may be used
Allowable value = 32.0 mm L / 250
* Project :
C As top ts
Span/2 Span/2
C As bottom
Breadth Depth Thickness Span
Sec. Properties of sec: B (mm) b (mm) ts (cm) h (mm) t (mm) L (m)
1 800 300 120 580 700 8
Top Rft.: Cov. (mm) no. f area ###
50 4 16 804 mm2
Bottom Rft.: Cov. (mm) no. f area ###
50 6 22 2280 mm2 m=
Working loads: PDL (kN) PLL (kN) WDL (kN/m) WLL (kN/m) ###
self weights 40.0 50.0 self weights 15.0 10.0 Ie tot
finish+walls 30.0 finish+walls 10.0 Ie d
Ratio of sustained live load = 0.25
Ec = 24,100 MPa
* Project :
* Project :
Comp. side
Tens. side
Breadth (B) = 1000 mm
Thickness (t) = 300 mm
Tension RFT. = 10 T 16 = 2011 mm2
Tension RFT. Cover = 50 mm, "to c.g of RFT bars"
Compression RFT. = 10 T 16 = 2011 mm2
Comp. RFT. Cover = 50 mm, "to c.g of RFT bars"
Bars type: Ribbed bars K1 = 0.8
b1 = 0.8
Duration of load: Permanent loads b2 = 0.5
Straining action: Bending moment K2 = 0.5
Mservice = 90 kN.m
Nservice = 30 kN Tension
Exposure category: Second, unprotected tension surfaces
Max. crack width (wkmax) = 0.20 mm
Modular ratio (n) = 8.3
Neutral Axis depth (Z) = 70 mm
Tens. Steel stress (fs) = 207 MPa
Cracking stress (fsr) = 110 MPa
Srm = 110.9 mm
esm = 918.5 me
Reinforced Concrete design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 11.7
* Project :