Cuf DLL Grade 1
Cuf DLL Grade 1
Cuf DLL Grade 1
SUGGESTED STRATEGIES FOR Grade: Grade 1 Theme: National and Global Awareness
GMRC, VALUES, PEACE, HEALTH, Subject Matter: Reading Comprehension - Theme: National and Global Awareness Sub-theme: Good Citizenship
AND NATIONAL READING Making Predictions Sub-theme: Good Citizenship Theme: Drug Education
PROGRAM Objectives: I. Subject Matter: Relating with friend living
- Students will be able to make predictions I. Subject Matter: Relating with Friend Living I. Subject Matter: Non-food products and abroad - Topic 1
about a story based on the title, cover, and Abroad - Topic 1 harmful effects when taken into the body -
prior knowledge. Topic 3 II. Objectives:
- Students will justify their predictions using II. Objectives: - To understand the significance of
evidence from the text. - To understand the concept of friendship II. Objectives: maintaining connections with friends who live
Materials: beyond geographical boundaries. By the end of the lesson, students should abroad.
- Storybook: "The Gingerbread Man" or any - To appreciate the importance of maintaining be able to: - To explore the cultural diversity and
appropriate story with clear prediction points connections with friends who live abroad. - Identify additional non-food products that perspectives of friends living in different
- Chart paper - To explore different ways of staying can be harmful when ingested or consumed. countries.
- Markers connected with friends living abroad. - Understand the potential dangers and - To foster respect and appreciation for the
Procedure: consequences of ingesting these substances. experiences and backgrounds of friends from
- Daily Routine: III. Materials: - Demonstrate the ability to make safe other cultures.
- Welcome students and conduct a brief - Pictures or stories depicting friendship and choices and seek help when encountering
review of the previous lesson. communication across distances. harmful substances. III. Materials:
- Engage in a quick phonics warm-up - Paper and art supplies for creating - Photos or symbols representing friends
activity to reinforce long vowel sounds. friendship cards or drawings. III. Materials: living abroad
- Pre-Reading Activities: - Technology devices for virtual interactions (if - Visual aids showing examples of non-food - Paper and writing/drawing materials
- Introduce the concept of making available). products (e.g., household chemicals, - Multimedia resources showcasing cultural
predictions to the class, explaining that it medications, plants) diversity and global friendships
involves using clues from the text and IV. Procedure: - Pictures or posters illustrating the harmful
illustrations to guess what might happen next effects of ingesting non-food products IV. Procedure:
in a story. a. Introduction (5 minutes): - Chart paper and markers a. Introduction (5 minutes):
- Show the cover of the storybook "The Begin by discussing with students the - Role-play scenarios cards Welcome, class! Today, we're going to
Gingerbread Man" and ask students to make concept of friendship and how friends can live - Handouts or worksheets on safety explore the importance of maintaining
predictions about the story based on the title in different parts of the world. Prompt a guidelines for avoiding harmful substances connections with friends who live in different
and illustration. discussion by asking students if they have countries. Let's learn about the diverse
- Encourage students to share their friends or family members who live abroad IV. Procedure: experiences and perspectives of friends from
predictions with a partner or small group. and how they stay in touch with them. a. Introduction (5 minutes): around the world.
- During Reading Activities: Welcome the students to the lesson on
- Read the beginning of "The Gingerbread b. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes): staying safe and avoiding harmful b. Brainstorming Activity (10 minutes):
Man" aloud to the class, stopping at a point Show pictures or tell stories about friends substances. Remind them of the importance Start with a brainstorming session where
where a prediction can be made (e.g., when who live in different countries but stay of making safe choices and being aware of students share their thoughts on the benefits
the gingerbread man comes to life). connected through various means (e.g., video potential dangers. Explain that today, they will of having friends who live abroad. Encourage
- Pause and ask students to predict what calls, letters, emails). Encourage students to learn about additional non-food products that them to discuss the cultural exchanges and
they think will happen next in the story and reflect on their own friendships and how they can be dangerous if ingested or consumed. learning opportunities that come with global
why they think so. can maintain strong connections with friends For example, "Good morning, class! Today, friendships.
- Write students' predictions on chart paper, who live far away. we're going to continue our discussion on
noting the evidence or clues they used to staying safe by learning more about things c. Storytelling or Multimedia Presentation (8
make their predictions. c. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): that can be harmful if we eat or drink them. minutes):
- Post-Reading Activities: Guide students in creating friendship cards or Are you ready to learn how to keep Share stories or videos of people forming
- Continue reading the story, pausing at drawings for their friends living abroad. yourselves safe?" friendships across borders and cultures.
additional prediction points (e.g., when the Encourage them to write messages of Highlight the shared experiences and unique
gingerbread man encounters various friendship, love, and support, emphasizing b. Friday Routine Exercise (5 minutes): perspectives that arise from these global
characters). the importance of staying connected despite Lead the students in a short physical connections. Discuss the importance of
- After each pause, discuss students' the distance. activity to get their bodies moving and ready respect and empathy in cross-cultural
predictions and compare them to what for learning. Choose fun movements like friendships.
actually happens in the story. d. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 stretching or dance breaks to engage them
- Reflect on the accuracy of predictions and minutes): and energize them. For example, "Let's start d. Group Discussion (10 minutes):
discuss how clues from the text and Allow students to share their friendship cards by doing some stretching exercises! Reach Divide students into small groups and provide
illustrations helped make predictions. or drawings with the class, explaining the up high and touch the sky, then touch your discussion prompts related to the challenges
Additional Activities: messages they have written and why they toes. Great job, everyone!" and benefits of maintaining friendships with
Activity 1: chose to express friendship in that way. people from different countries. Encourage
- Provide students with a different story and Facilitate a discussion about the feelings c. Current Health News Sharing (5 them to share their own experiences and
have them make predictions individually or in associated with receiving such gestures from minutes): insights.
small groups. Then, compare and discuss friends and the impact they have on Invite students to share any news or
their predictions as a class. relationships. experiences related to health or safety that e. Creative Activity (12 minutes):
Activity 2: they may have encountered recently. Foster a Ask students to write a letter or create a
- Have students write or draw their own V. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 supportive and inclusive environment where drawing for a friend who lives abroad.
endings to "The Gingerbread Man" based on minutes): all students feel comfortable sharing their Encourage them to express their appreciation
their predictions. Encourage creativity and Conclude the lesson by gathering feedback thoughts and experiences. For example, for their friendship and to share something
justification of their chosen endings. from the students. Reinforce the "Before we begin our lesson, does anyone about their own culture or experiences.
Evaluation: understanding of the importance of have any news or stories about staying safe
Assessment: maintaining connections with friends living that they'd like to share?" f. Sharing and Reflection (5 minutes):
- Observe students' participation in making abroad. Encourage students to continue Allow students to share their letters or
predictions and justifying their reasoning nurturing their friendships and to explore d. Health Sessions (30 minutes): drawings with the class, if they feel
using evidence from the text and illustrations. different ways of staying connected with - Display visual aids showing examples of comfortable. Afterward, facilitate a reflection
- Review students' written or drawn endings friends across distances. additional non-food products that can be on the importance of global friendships and
to assess their understanding of making harmful if ingested, such as household the value of cultural diversity in our lives.
predictions and their ability to apply it to a chemicals, medications, and plants.
story. - Discuss the potential dangers and V. Wrap Up (2 minutes):
consequences of ingesting these substances, Summarize the key learnings from the lesson
such as poisoning, allergic reactions, or other and emphasize the importance of maintaining
injuries. connections with friends from different
- Teach students about safety guidelines countries. Encourage students to continue
for avoiding harmful substances, such as fostering global friendships and embracing
never tasting or eating anything unless a the diversity of perspectives that come with
trusted adult says it is safe. them. Well done, everyone!
- Engage students in role-playing
scenarios where they practice seeking help
from a trusted adult when encountering a
potentially harmful substance.
SUGGESTED STRATEGIES FOR Grade: Grade 1 Theme: National and Global Awareness
GMRC, VALUES, PEACE, HEALTH, Subject Matter: Reading Comprehension - Theme: National and Global Awareness Sub-theme: Good Citizenship
AND NATIONAL READING Story Retelling Sub-theme: Good Citizenship Theme: Drug Education
PROGRAM Objectives: I. Subject Matter: Relating with friend living
- Students will be able to retell a story in I. Subject Matter: Relating with Friend Living I. Subject Matter: Safety practices in choosing abroad - Topic 2
sequential order. Abroad - Topic 2 items to be taken into the body - Topic 1
- Students will demonstrate comprehension of II. Objectives:
the main events and key details of the story. II. Objectives: II. Objectives: - To deepen understanding of the cultural
Materials: - To reinforce the understanding of the By the end of the lesson, students should exchange and mutual learning in friendships
- Storybook: "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" or importance of maintaining connections with be able to: with friends living abroad.
any appropriate story with clear events friends who live abroad. - Understand the importance of safety when - To explore the importance of communication
- Story sequencing cards (prepared in - To explore different ways of showing care choosing items to be taken into the body. and empathy in maintaining long-distance
advance) and support for friends living abroad. - Identify safe practices for selecting food, friendships.
- Chart paper - To practice empathy and understanding drinks, and medications. - To foster respect and appreciation for
- Markers towards friends' experiences. - Demonstrate the ability to make informed diverse perspectives and experiences.
Procedure: decisions about what they consume.
- Daily Routine: III. Materials: III. Materials:
- Welcome students and conduct a brief - Pictures or stories depicting acts of III. Materials: - Photos or symbols representing friends
review of the previous lesson. friendship and communication across - Visual aids showing examples of safe and living abroad
- Engage in a quick phonics warm-up distances. unsafe items for consumption (e.g., healthy - Paper and writing/drawing materials
activity to reinforce long vowel sounds. - Paper and art supplies for creating foods, clean water, labeled medications) - Multimedia resources showcasing stories of
- Pre-Reading Activities: friendship cards or drawings. - Pictures or posters illustrating safety cross-cultural friendships
- Introduce the storybook "The Three Billy - Technology devices for virtual interactions (if practices in choosing items for consumption
Goats Gruff" to the class. available). - Chart paper and markers IV. Procedure:
- Show the cover and discuss predictions - Role-play scenarios cards a. Introduction (5 minutes):
about the story based on the title and IV. Procedure: - Handouts or worksheets on safety Welcome, students! Today, we're going to
illustrations. guidelines for selecting items to be taken into continue our exploration of maintaining
- During Reading Activities: a. Introduction (5 minutes): the body connections with friends who live in different
- Read "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" aloud Begin by revisiting the previous lesson's key countries. Let's delve into the enriching
to the class, emphasizing key events and concepts about maintaining connections with IV. Procedure: experiences and mutual learning that come
characters. friends living abroad and the significance of a. Introduction (5 minutes): with cross-cultural friendships.
- Pause at various points in the story and empathy and communication in nurturing Welcome the students to the lesson on
ask students to summarize what has friendships. Prompt a brief discussion by safety practices in choosing items to be taken b. Brainstorming Activity (10 minutes):
happened so far. asking students to share any recent into the body. Explain that today, they will Start with a brainstorming session where
- Use story sequencing cards to review the experiences of communicating with friends learn about making safe choices when students share their experiences or thoughts
main events of the story in sequential order. who live far away. selecting food, drinks, and medications. on the benefits of having friends from different
- Post-Reading Activities: Emphasize the importance of being cautious countries. Encourage them to discuss the
- Distribute story sequencing cards to b. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes): and informed about what they consume. For cultural insights and perspectives they've
students and have them work in pairs or Show pictures or tell stories about different example, "Good morning, class! Today, we're gained from these friendships.
small groups to sequence the events from the ways friends show care and support for each going to talk about something very important
story. other, even when they are far apart. – staying safe by choosing the right things to c. Storytelling or Multimedia Presentation (8
- As a class, discuss the correct sequence Encourage students to reflect on these eat and drink. Are you ready to learn how to minutes):
of events and record them on chart paper. examples and consider how they can keep yourselves healthy and strong?" Share stories or videos of individuals forming
- Have students retell the story in their own demonstrate care and support for their own meaningful friendships across borders and
words, using the sequence of events on the friends living abroad. b. Friday Routine Exercise (5 minutes): cultures. Highlight the communication
chart paper as a guide. Lead the students in a short physical challenges they face and the ways in which
Additional Activities: c. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): activity to get their bodies moving and ready they overcome cultural differences to
Activity 1: Guide students in creating friendship cards or for learning. Choose fun movements like strengthen their bonds.
- Divide students into small groups and drawings for their friends abroad, expressing stretching or dance breaks to engage them
provide each group with a different picture messages of care, support, and friendship. and energize them. For example, "Let's start d. Group Discussion (10 minutes):
book. Ask them to identify the main events in Encourage them to be creative and thoughtful by doing some stretching exercises! Reach Divide students into small groups and provide
their book and create their own story in their designs, emphasizing the importance up high and touch the sky, then touch your discussion prompts related to the
sequencing cards. of showing appreciation for friends. toes. Great job, everyone!" communication and empathy needed in long-
Activity 2: distance friendships. Encourage them to
- Create a "Story Retelling Puppet Theater" d. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 c. Current Health News Sharing (5 share strategies for maintaining connections
where students use puppets or props to act minutes): minutes): and resolving misunderstandings.
out the events of "The Three Billy Goats Allow students to share their friendship cards Invite students to share any news or
Gruff" in sequence. or drawings with the class, explaining the experiences related to health or safety that e. Creative Activity (12 minutes):
Evaluation: messages they have written and why they they may have encountered recently. Foster a Ask students to write a letter or create a
Assessment: chose to express care and support in that supportive and inclusive environment where drawing that reflects their appreciation for a
- Observe students' participation during way. Facilitate a discussion about the feelings all students feel comfortable sharing their friend living abroad. Encourage them to share
discussions and their ability to sequence associated with receiving such gestures from thoughts and experiences. For example, personal anecdotes or cultural insights that
events accurately. friends and the impact they have on "Before we begin our lesson, does anyone they've gained from their friendship.
- Review students' retellings of the story to relationships. have any news or stories about staying safe
assess their comprehension of the main that they'd like to share?" f. Sharing and Reflection (5 minutes):
events and key details. V. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 Allow students to share their letters or
minutes): d. Health Sessions (30 minutes): drawings with the class, if they feel
Conclude the lesson by gathering feedback - Display visual aids showing examples of comfortable. Afterward, facilitate a reflection
from the students. Reinforce the safe and unsafe items for consumption, such on the importance of communication,
understanding of the importance of showing as healthy foods, clean water, and properly empathy, and respect in cross-cultural
care and support for friends living abroad. labeled medications. friendships.
Encourage students to continue nurturing - Discuss safety practices for selecting
connections with their friends and to items to be taken into the body, such as V. Wrap Up (2 minutes):
empathize with their experiences. checking expiration dates, reading labels, and Summarize the key learnings from the lesson
asking an adult if unsure. and emphasize the value of maintaining
- Teach students about the importance of connections with friends from different
avoiding unknown or suspicious items and countries. Encourage students to continue
seeking help if they encounter something embracing diversity and fostering meaningful
unfamiliar. relationships with people from around the
- Engage students in role-playing world. Great job today, everyone!
scenarios where they practice making safe
choices when selecting items to be taken into
the body.
SUGGESTED STRATEGIES FOR Grade: Grade 1 Theme: National and Global Awareness
GMRC, VALUES, PEACE, HEALTH, Subject Matter: Phonics - Blending Sounds Theme: National and Global Awareness Sub-theme: Good Citizenship
AND NATIONAL READING Objectives: Sub-theme: Good Citizenship Theme: Drug Education
PROGRAM - Students will be able to blend individual I. Subject Matter: Relating with friend living
sounds together to form words. I. Subject Matter: Relating with Friend Living I. Subject Matter: Safety practices in choosing abroad - Topic 3
- Students will practice blending consonant- Abroad - Topic 3 items to be taken into the body - Topic 2
vowel-consonant (CVC) words. II. Objectives:
Materials: II. Objectives: II. Objectives: - To recognize the importance of maintaining
- Word cards with CVC words (e.g., cat, dog, - To deepen students' understanding of the By the end of the lesson, students should friendships with friends residing in different
pig, hat, pot) importance of maintaining connections with be able to: countries.
- Whiteboard and markers friends who live abroad. - Understand additional safety practices for - To explore the cultural exchange and
- Phonics worksheets - To explore different ways of showing care selecting items to be taken into the body. understanding fostered by international
Procedure: and support for friends living abroad. - Identify safe practices for choosing food, friendships.
- Daily Routine: - To practice empathy and understanding drinks, medications, and other substances. - To foster respect and appreciation for
- Welcome students and conduct a brief towards friends' experiences. - Demonstrate the ability to make informed diverse perspectives and backgrounds.
review of the previous lesson. decisions about what they consume.
- Engage in a quick phonics warm-up III. Materials: III. Materials:
activity to reinforce long vowel sounds. - Pictures or stories depicting acts of III. Materials: - Photos or symbols representing friends
- Pre-Reading Activities: friendship and communication across - Visual aids showing examples of safe and living abroad
- Review the concept of consonants and distances. unsafe items for consumption (e.g., healthy - Paper and writing/drawing materials
vowels with the class. - Paper and art supplies for creating snacks, clean water, properly labeled - Multimedia resources showcasing the
- Explain that blending sounds means friendship cards or drawings. medications, household chemicals) benefits of cross-cultural friendships
putting individual sounds together to make - Technology devices for virtual interactions (if - Pictures or posters illustrating safety
words. available). practices in choosing items for consumption IV. Procedure:
- During Reading Activities: - Chart paper and markers a. Introduction (5 minutes):
- Display word cards with CVC words to the IV. Procedure: - Role-play scenarios cards Welcome back, class! Today, we're
class, one at a time. - Handouts or worksheets on safety continuing our exploration of friendships with
- Say each individual sound of the word a. Introduction (5 minutes): guidelines for selecting items to be taken into friends who live in different countries. Let's
(e.g., /c/ /a/ /t/) and then blend them together Begin by reminding students of the previous the body discover the enriching experiences and
to read the word (/cat/). lessons' key concepts about maintaining cultural exchanges that come with
- Have students practice blending the connections with friends living abroad and the IV. Procedure: international friendships.
sounds together to read each word. significance of empathy and communication a. Introduction (5 minutes):
- Post-Reading Activities: in nurturing friendships. Prompt a brief Welcome the students to the lesson on b. Brainstorming Activity (10 minutes):
- Write a few CVC words on the whiteboard discussion by asking students to share any safety practices in choosing items to be taken Initiate a brainstorming session where
and ask students to come up and blend the recent experiences of communicating with into the body. Recap the previous lesson students share their thoughts on the
sounds to read the words aloud. friends who live far away. briefly and explain that today, they will learn importance of having friends from different
- Distribute phonics worksheets with CVC about additional safety practices for selecting countries. Encourage them to discuss the
words for students to practice blending b. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes): food, drinks, medications, and other cultural insights and global perspectives
independently. Show pictures or tell stories about different substances. Emphasize the importance of they've gained from these friendships.
- Review the worksheets as a class, ways friends show care and support for each being cautious and making wise choices. For
discussing any challenging words or sounds. other, even when they are far apart. example, "Good morning, class! Last time, we c. Storytelling or Multimedia Presentation (8
Additional Activities: Encourage students to reflect on these talked about staying safe by choosing the minutes):
Activity 1: examples and consider how they can right things to eat and drink. Today, we're Share stories or videos highlighting the
- Play a blending sounds game where demonstrate care and support for their own going to learn even more about how to keep positive impact of international friendships.
students take turns drawing a word card, friends living abroad. ourselves healthy and strong by making safe Focus on the cultural exchange, mutual
blending the sounds together, and then acting choices. Are you ready to learn?" learning, and shared experiences that
out the word for the class to guess. c. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): strengthen bonds across borders.
Activity 2: Guide students in creating friendship cards or b. Friday Routine Exercise (5 minutes):
- Create a "Blending Sounds Bingo" game drawings for their friends abroad, expressing Lead the students in a short physical d. Group Discussion (10 minutes):
where students have bingo cards with CVC messages of care, support, and friendship. activity to get their bodies moving and ready Divide students into small groups and provide
words. The teacher calls out individual Encourage them to be creative and thoughtful for learning. Choose fun movements like discussion prompts related to the benefits
sounds, and students must blend them in their designs, emphasizing the importance stretching or dancing to engage them and and challenges of maintaining friendships
together to mark off the corresponding word of showing appreciation for friends. energize them. For example, "Let's start by with people from different countries.
on their card. doing some stretching exercises! Reach up Encourage them to share their experiences
Evaluation: d. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 high and touch the sky, then touch your toes. and insights.
Assessment: minutes): Great job, everyone!"
- Observe students' ability to blend sounds Allow students to share their friendship cards e. Creative Activity (12 minutes):
together to read CVC words during the or drawings with the class, explaining the c. Current Health News Sharing (5 Ask students to create a cultural exchange
activities. messages they have written and why they minutes): project to share with their friend living abroad.
- Review students' completed worksheets to chose to express care and support in that Invite students to share any news or This could include a collage, video message,
assess their understanding of blending way. Facilitate a discussion about the feelings experiences related to health or safety that or presentation showcasing aspects of their
sounds and reading CVC words associated with receiving such gestures from they may have encountered recently. Foster a culture, traditions, and daily life.
independently. friends and the impact they have on supportive environment where all students
relationships. feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and f. Sharing and Reflection (5 minutes):
experiences. For example, "Before we begin Allow students to share their cultural
V. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 our lesson, does anyone have any news or exchange projects with the class, if they feel
minutes): stories about staying safe that they'd like to comfortable. Facilitate a reflection on the
Conclude the lesson by gathering feedback share?" value of cross-cultural friendships and the
from the students. Reinforce the importance of respect and appreciation for
understanding of the importance of showing d. Health Sessions (30 minutes): diverse perspectives.
care and support for friends living abroad. - Display visual aids showing examples of
Encourage students to continue nurturing safe and unsafe items for consumption, such V. Wrap Up (2 minutes):
connections with their friends and to as healthy snacks, clean water, properly Summarize the key learnings from the lesson
empathize with their experiences. labeled medications, and household and emphasize the significance of
chemicals. maintaining connections with friends from
- Discuss additional safety practices for different countries. Encourage students to
selecting items to be taken into the body, continue embracing cultural diversity and
such as avoiding expired products, checking fostering meaningful relationships with people
for tampering, and storing items properly. from around the world. Well done, everyone!
- Teach students about the importance of
asking questions and seeking help if they are
unsure about something.
- Engage students in role-playing
scenarios where they practice making safe
choices when selecting items to be taken into
the body.
SUGGESTED STRATEGIES FOR Grade: Grade 1 Theme: National and Global Awareness
GMRC, VALUES, PEACE, HEALTH, Subject Matter: Reading Comprehension - Theme: National and Global Awareness Sub-theme: Good Citizenship
AND NATIONAL READING Making Connections Sub-theme: Good Citizenship Theme: Drug Education
PROGRAM Objectives: I. Subject Matter: Relating with friend living
- Students will be able to make connections I. Subject Matter: Relating with Friend Living I. Subject Matter: Safety practices in choosing abroad - Topic 4
between the text and their own experiences, Abroad - Topic 4 items to be taken into the body - Topic 3
other texts, and the world. II. Objectives:
- Students will deepen their understanding of II. Objectives: II. Objectives: - To reflect on the significance of maintaining
the text by making personal connections, - To reinforce the understanding of the By the end of the lesson, students should friendships with friends residing in different
text-to-text connections, and text-to-world importance of maintaining connections with be able to: countries.
connections. friends who live abroad. - Recap and reinforce safety practices for - To explore the challenges and rewards of
Materials: - To explore different ways of showing care selecting items to be taken into the body. cross-cultural communication and
- Storybook: "The Very Busy Spider" by Eric and support for friends living abroad. - Identify key safety guidelines for choosing understanding.
Carle - To practice empathy and understanding food, drinks, medications, and other - To foster respect and appreciation for the
- Chart paper towards friends' experiences. substances. diversity of perspectives and experiences in
- Markers - Demonstrate a strong understanding of global friendships.
Procedure: III. Materials: making informed decisions about what they
- Daily Routine: - Pictures or stories depicting acts of consume. III. Materials:
- Welcome students and conduct a brief friendship and communication across - Photos or symbols representing friends
review of the previous lesson. distances. III. Materials: living abroad
- Engage in a quick phonics warm-up - Paper and art supplies for creating - Visual aids showing examples of safe and - Paper and writing/drawing materials
activity to reinforce previously learned friendship cards or drawings. unsafe items for consumption (e.g., healthy - Multimedia resources showcasing cross-
concepts. - Technology devices for virtual interactions (if snacks, clean water, properly labeled cultural communication and understanding
- Pre-Reading Activities: available). medications, household chemicals)
- Introduce the storybook "The Very Busy - Pictures or posters illustrating safety IV. Procedure:
Spider" to the class. IV. Procedure: practices in choosing items for consumption a. Introduction (5 minutes):
- Show the cover and discuss predictions - Chart paper and markers Welcome back, students! Today, we're
about the story based on the title and a. Introduction (5 minutes): - Role-play scenarios cards wrapping up our discussion on maintaining
illustrations. Begin by revisiting the previous lessons' key - Handouts or worksheets on safety friendships with friends who live in different
- Ask students if they have ever seen a concepts about maintaining connections with guidelines for selecting items to be taken into countries. Let's reflect on the importance of
spider or a spider's web before, and friends living abroad and the significance of the body global connections and the value of
encourage them to share their experiences. empathy and communication in nurturing understanding diverse perspectives.
- During Reading Activities: friendships. Prompt a brief discussion by IV. Procedure:
- Read "The Very Busy Spider" aloud to the asking students to share any recent a. Introduction (5 minutes): b. Reflection Activity (10 minutes):
class, pausing at key points to discuss the experiences of communicating with friends Welcome the students to the final lesson Start with a reflective discussion where
events and characters. who live far away. on safety practices in choosing items to be students share their experiences and insights
- After reading, ask students to share any taken into the body. Remind them of the gained from maintaining friendships with
personal connections they made to the story b. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes): importance of making safe choices and being friends from different countries. Encourage
(e.g., experiences with spiders or farm Show pictures or tell stories about different cautious about what they consume. them to discuss the challenges they've faced
animals). ways friends show care and support for each Emphasize the skills they have learned and the rewards they've reaped from these
- Discuss any text-to-text connections other, even when they are far apart. throughout the previous lessons. For relationships.
students can make between "The Very Busy Encourage students to reflect on these example, "Good morning, class! Today, we're
Spider" and other books they have read by examples and consider how they can going to wrap up our discussion on staying c. Storytelling or Multimedia Presentation (8
the same author or on similar topics. demonstrate care and support for their own safe by choosing the right things to eat and minutes):
- Post-Reading Activities: friends living abroad. drink. We've learned a lot about keeping Share stories or videos that illustrate the
- Guide students in making text-to-world ourselves healthy and strong. Let's review challenges and rewards of cross-cultural
connections by discussing how the events in c. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): and make sure we remember everything friendships. Highlight the importance of open-
the story relate to real-life experiences or Guide students in creating friendship cards or we've learned!" mindedness, empathy, and respect in
events. drawings for their friends abroad, expressing fostering meaningful connections across
- Record students' connections on chart messages of care, support, and friendship. b. Friday Routine Exercise (5 minutes): borders.
paper, categorizing them into personal, text- Encourage them to be creative and thoughtful Lead the students in a short physical
to-text, and text-to-world connections. in their designs, emphasizing the importance activity to get their bodies moving and ready d. Group Discussion (10 minutes):
- Reflect on how making connections of showing appreciation for friends. for learning. Choose fun movements like Divide students into small groups and provide
enhances understanding and enjoyment of stretching or dancing to engage them and discussion prompts related to the challenges
the story. d. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 energize them. For example, "Let's start by and rewards of cross-cultural communication.
Additional Activities: minutes): doing some dancing! Move your bodies to the Encourage them to share strategies for
Activity 1: Allow students to share their friendship cards music and have fun!" overcoming communication barriers and
- Have students create a class "Connection or drawings with the class, explaining the building strong relationships.
Web" by writing or drawing their connections messages they have written and why they c. Current Health News Sharing (5
on sticky notes and placing them on a large chose to express care and support in that minutes): e. Creative Activity (12 minutes):
spider web drawn on chart paper. way. Facilitate a discussion about the feelings Invite students to share any news or Ask students to write a reflection letter to their
Activity 2: associated with receiving such gestures from experiences related to health or safety that friend living abroad, expressing their
- Encourage students to write or draw about a friends and the impact they have on they may have encountered recently. Foster a appreciation for the friendship and sharing
personal experience related to spiders or relationships. supportive environment where all students their reflections on the value of cross-cultural
farm animals in their journals or on a feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and connections. Encourage them to include
separate sheet of paper. V. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 experiences. For example, "Before we begin personal anecdotes and insights gained from
Evaluation: minutes): our lesson, does anyone have any news or the friendship.
Assessment: Conclude the lesson by gathering feedback stories about staying safe that they'd like to
- Observe students' participation during from the students. Reinforce the share?" f. Sharing and Reflection (5 minutes):
discussions and their ability to make understanding of the importance of showing Allow students to share excerpts from their
connections between the text and their own care and support for friends living abroad. d. Health Sessions (30 minutes): reflection letters with the class, if they feel
experiences, other texts, and the world. Encourage students to continue nurturing - Review the key safety practices for comfortable. Facilitate a reflection on the
- Review students' written or drawn connections with their friends and to selecting items to be taken into the body, importance of respect, empathy, and open-
responses to assess their understanding and empathize with their experiences. such as checking labels, avoiding expired mindedness in global friendships.
depth of connections made. products, and seeking help if unsure.
- Engage students in interactive activities, V. Wrap Up (2 minutes):
such as a sorting game where they Summarize the key learnings from the lesson
categorize items as safe or unsafe for and emphasize the significance of
consumption. maintaining connections with friends from
- Provide scenarios where students must different countries. Encourage students to
make decisions about whether or not to continue embracing diversity and fostering
consume certain items and discuss their meaningful relationships with people from
choices as a class. around the world. Well done, everyone!
- Encourage students to ask questions
and seek clarification on any safety guidelines
they may be unsure about.