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Eng8 WLP Week 5

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Rizal
District of Teresa


Quarter FIRST
Teaching Date August 27, 2024 August 28, 2024 August 29, 2024 August 30, 2024
Schedule 1:20-2:00 8 Mabini 1:20-2:00 8 Mabini 1:20-2:00 8 Mabini 1:20-2:00 8 Mabini
4:20-5:00 8 Escoda 4:20-5:00 8 Escoda 4:20-5:00 8 Escoda 4:20-5:00 8 Escoda
5:00-5:40 8 Del Pilar 5:00-5:40 8 Del Pilar 5:00-5:40 8 Del Pilar 5:00-5:40 8 Del Pilar
5:40-6:20 8 Bonifacio 5:40-6:20 8 Bonifacio 5:40-6:20 8 Bonifacio 5:40-6:20 8 Bonifacio
6:20-7:00 8 Silang 6:20-7:00 8 Silang 6:20-7:00 8 Silang 6:20-7:00 8 Silang

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: African literature as a means of exploring forces that human beings contend
with; various reading styles vis – à-vis purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as carriers of meaning; ways by
which information may be organized, related, and delivered orally; and parallel structures and cohesive devices in
presenting information
B. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive speech based on a specific topic of interest
keeping in mind the proper and effective use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and appropriate prosodic
features, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning . Use modal verbs MELC: Identify and MELC: Identify and MELC: Identify and
Competencies appropriately. use signals that use signals that use signals that
(write the code in every indicate coherence indicate coherence indicate coherence
competencies) (e.g. additive - also, (e.g. additive - also, (e.g. additive - also,
moreover; causative - moreover; causative - moreover; causative -
as a result, as a result, as a result,
consequently; consequently; consequently;
conditional/ conditional/ conditional/
concessional - concessional - concessional -
otherwise, in that otherwise, in that otherwise, in that
case, however; case, however; case, however;
sequential - to begin sequential - to begin sequential - to begin
with, in conclusion; with, in conclusion; with, in conclusion;
clarifying - for clarifying - for clarifying - for
instance, in fact, in instance, in fact, in instance, in fact, in
addition) addition) addition)
D. Specific Objectives -Use modal verbs in Classify each Classify each Classify each
sentences transitional signal to transitional signal to transitional signal to
its types. its types. its types.
identify the transition identify the transition identify the transition
signals used signals used signals used
II. CONTENT Modals Modals Cohesive Devices

A. References
1. Teachers Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook page
4. Additional
Materials from
B. Other Learning PIVOT Learning PIVOT Learning PIVOT Learning PIVOT Learning
Resources Materials Materials Materials Materials

1. Prayer Let the students pray silently.

2. Greetings Greet the students with positivity.
3. Checking of The checking of attendance will be done by the teacher for her to be familiar with the students.
4. Reminders
5. Review Directions: Identify the What are cohesive What is the difference
modal verb in each devices/ transition between additive and
sentence below. Write signals? adversative cohesive
the correct answer in Give additive device?
your activity notebook. cohesive devices.
1. We must finish the
report on time.
2. Due to the
Quarantine Policy, you
can’t go out during the
community quarantine.
3. May I borrow your
book, please?
4. She doesn’t have to
attend the funeral if
she is not feeling well.
5. Can you help me
with this?
6. Drill
7. Motivation Tell something about
the pictures below.
What is common
among the four

Connection/ Cohesive

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Activity Printed Shirt: Post the following 3 Look for the words in Look at the images
sentence strips up on the given puzzle below and match
Write the correct the board. below. These words them.
modals under each o Marty saw the may be formed in an
shirt. puppy. upward, downward,
o He recognized it. sideward, and
o He picked it up. diagonal position.

Give 3 student
volunteers three
cards with 3 transition
words on them (First,
Then, After that). Tell
students that the
transition words on
the cards will help Write a sentence for
them put the each matched
sentences in the picture.
correct order:
First, Marty saw the
puppy. Then he
recognized it. After
that, he picked it up.
2. Analysis Ask them how the Are you familiar with How did you combine
words change the the words you found the pictures into one
meaning of the in the puzzle? sentence?
sentences. Yesterday, we Do you think you
discussed additive made use of a
cohesive devices. Do cohesive device?
you think they are the Are they additive or
same? adversative? If not,
what type of cohesive
device did you use?
3. Abstraction Common Types and Common Types and Common Types and
Functions of Functions of Functions of
Transition Words: Transition Words: Transition Words:

Additive Adversative Causal

4. Application Directions: Write 5 sentences Complete the Answer the worksheet

You are a member of using additive following sentences about Indian
the school’s YES-O cohesive devices. using adversative elephants by
program. The cohesive devices. combining two
organization’s aim is to 1. Answer only if you sentences that shows
promote the love for are sure. _____ you cause and effect. Use
our environment. You will lose marks as causal cohesive
will create a slogan to there is negative devices.
promote the love for marks for wrong
our mother earth/ answers.
environment. You are
expected to use 2. People expected
modals that have been the stock market
discussed. Your work to crash due to
will be graded using a COVID. _____ it
rubric. went up.

3. We were planning
to visit Munnar.
_____ we were
unable to go due
C. Assessment Written Work #3 Identify the additive Underline the Encircle the causal
cohesive device in the adversative transition cohesive device in the
following sentence. signal used in the following sentence.
Jonas promised to sentences. 1. Since you're such a
1. I was anxious to
love, honor, and obey good student, you'll
leave. However, we had
his parents. to wait until Uncle Pete get into a good
Moreover, he will do arrived. college.
all the cooking and 2. Mother told us to 2. Therefore, you can
cleaning while he hurry onto the bus. get a job you like.
studies at home. Otherwise, we all would 3. As a result, you
Furthermore, he is have been caught in should be a happy
grateful that his the rain. person.
parents earn enough 3. I make peanut butter
money for his future. sandwich for me and
Jimin even though he is
allergic to peanuts.
D. Additional activities
for assignment and

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teacher Master Teacher I Principal II

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