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18-EE-14 PG Lab 2

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Lab#02 Manual

Submitted to: Sir Habib Ur Rehman

Submitted by: Muhammad Mohsin Shoaib
Section: B
Reg #: 18-EE-14

Department of Electrical Engineering (EED)

University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila
Experiment No. 02
To study design and operation of Francis Turbine on variable load.

Following are the main objectives of this LAB.

i. To understand how Francis Turbine is used for electric power generation.

ii. To study about the design and construction of Francis Turbine.
iii. To study the operation of Francis Turbine on variable load.
iv. To observe the relationship between turbine efficiency and turbine speed.
v. To observe the relationship between turbine efficiency and power generated.
vi. To calculate the efficiency of Francis Turbine on different loads.

Equipment Required:
The equipment used in this experiment are as follows:

i. Control Panel (Multi-Turbine test set, Model FM-46).

ii. Francis Turbine (Runner vein, Hub).
iii. Generator (for output).
iv. Resistive loads connected with generator (for calculating efficiency).
v. Centrifugal-Pump.
vi. Delivery pipe.
vii. Suction pipe
viii. Pressure transducers.
ix. Valve (delivery).
x. Foot valve (connected with suction pipe).
xi. Draft-Tube.
xii. Strainer (for filtration).
xiii. Motor (for centrifugal pump).
xiv. Artificially mode water reservoir.

 First, make sure every load is switched off. Now power on the control panel.
 When motor runs, then centrifugal pump sucks the water from water reservoir and
fill the water into casing. Now impeller rotates and create pressure then deliver it
into the delivery pipe.
 We set the flow rate at fixed value for better understanding of characteristics like
efficiency, power generation and speed etc.
 Set the RPM of centrifugal pump to round about 2500 rpm.
 Now one by one switch on the load and take the reading of pump (speed, power,
torque, rpm, flow rate and inlet and outlet pressures) and turbine (rpm, torque, inlet
and PT- 4 pressure) and generator (voltage and current) at the output side from
control panel.
 When we increase the load then our turbine speed decreases because in this case
flow rate is constant.
 Repeat the experiment for different loads and take at least ten readings.
 Calculate the power generated using the relation:
POUT = VOUT * IR (Watts)
 Calculate the input power using the relation:
PIN = PGUAGE * Q (Watts)
= (PT-3 – PT-4) * Q (Watts)
PT-3 = Turbine pressure at inlet (kilo pascal).
PT-4 = Turbine pressure at outlet (kilo pascal).
Q = Water flow rate (meter cube per second).
 Now, calculate the efficiency of the Francis Turbine.
 After this, plot the graph between turbine speed vs power generated and between
turbine speed vs efficiency.
 This is the overall procedure of this experiment.

Observations and Calculations:

 Blade angle = 30 degrees

 PIN = (PT3 – PT4) * Q
 Q = Water flow rate ‘litres per minute’ (should be kept constant).
 All pressures are in Bar.
 Speed is in rounds per minute (rpm).

Table of Observations:

Experiment Data Set No. 1 ELECTRICAL LOADS

Local Combinations L1 L2 L3 L1+L2 L4 L5 L1+L L1+L2+L

3 3
Pump Inlet PT-1 Bar- 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94
0.946 0.943
pressure abs 3 3 1 3 3 1

Pump Outlet PT-2 Bar-

1.65 1.65 1.64 1.65 1.64 1.62 1.64 1.65
pressure abs

Turbine PT-3 Bar- 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.57 1.56 1.55 1.54 1.56
Stage-1 abs

Turbine PT-4 Bar- 1.20 1.20 1.15 1.20 1.15 1.17 1.16 1.15
Stage-2 abs

Water flow F-T Litre 210. 214. 219. 209.8 210. 201. 213. 213.4
rate s/ 4 8 1 4 1 8

Pump Speed SP-1 rpm 170 170 170 1710 171 170 170 1710
8 8 8 0 8 9

Pump torque TQ-1 Nm 3.3 2.5 4.3 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.3 4.1

Pump power PWR- Watt 948 873 100 852 993 911 117 1098
1 s 8 2

Turbine SP-2 rpm


Turbine TQ-2 Nm 5.9 8.0 6.2 6.0 6.2 6.3 6.2 6.2

Turbine V Volts 54.2 51.4 18.2 49.2 20.4 3.2 17.1 16.3

Turbine I Amp 0.15 0.22 1.45 0.38 2.0 3.95 1.20 1.75
current s

Power POUT Watt

generated s

Turbine input PIN Watt 123. 136. 134. 132.9 150. 144. 125. 135.4
power s 3 1 6 8 4 4

Turbine n %

 By taking the flow rate constant, when load increases then turbine speed decreases.
 Our power generated should be max. at 250 rpm and when rpm decreases or
increases from this value our power generated will decrease. This can also be shown
by turbine speed vs power generated curve.
 Also, efficiency is max. at 250 rpm and when turbine speed increases or decrease
from this value, efficiency of turbine decrease. This can also be shown by torque
speed vs efficiency curve.

Review Questions:

1. What is Francis Turbine?

Francis Turbine is a combination of both impulse and reaction turbine, where the
blades rotate using both reaction and impulse force of water flowing through them
producing electricity more efficiently. Francis turbine is used to produce electricity in
hydro power stations. Majorly there are 2 turbines flow patterns on which they
work, namely radial and axial flow concepts. An American civil engineer by name,
James B. Francis in Lowell, Massachusetts comes up with an idea of combining
both impulse and reaction turbine where water enters the turbine radically and exits
axially. The main reason of higher efficiency of Francis turbine lies in the design of
blades, these blades rotate using both reaction and impulse force of water flowing
through them. Due the use of this type of turbines the main problem faced due to
the water head availability is eliminated as the turbine uses both the kinetic and
potential energy to produce power.

For this, it is also known as Mixed Flow turbine.

Fig. 1 Francis Turbine

2. What are the main components of Francis Turbine?
The main parts of Francis Turbine are:
i. Spiral Casing
Spiral casing is the inlet medium of water to the turbine. The water flowing from the
reservoir or dam is made to pass through this pipe with high pressure. The blades of
the turbines are circularly placed, which mean the water striking the turbines blades
should flow in the circular axis for efficient striking. So, the spiral casing is used, but
due to circular movement of the water, it loses its pressure.
To maintain the same pressure the diameter of the casing is gradually reduced, to
maintain the pressure uniform, thus uniform momentum or velocity striking the
runner blades.
ii. Stay Vanes
Stay vanes and guide vanes guides the water to the runner blades. Stay vanes remain
stationary at their position and reduces the swirling of water due to radial flow, as it
enters the runner blades. Thus, making turbine more efficient.

Fig 2 : Stay Vanes and Guide Vanes of Francis Turbine.

iii. Guide Vanes

Guide vanes are not stationary, they change their angle as per the requirement to
control the angle of striking of water to turbine blades to increase the efficiency.
They also regulate the flow rate of water into the runner blades thus controlling the
power output of a turbine according to the load on the turbine.
iv. Runner Blades
The performance and efficiency of the turbine is dependent on the design of the
runner blades. In a Francis turbine, runner blades are divided into 2 parts. The lower
half is made in the shape of small bucket so that it uses the impulse action of water
to rotate the turbine.
The upper part of the blades uses the reaction force of water flowing through it.
These two forces together make the runner to rotate.
Fig. 3 Runner blades of Francis Turbine

v. Draft Tube
The pressure at the exit of the runner of Reaction Turbine is generally less than
atmospheric pressure. The water at exit cannot be directly discharged to the tail
race. A tube or pipe of gradually increasing area is used for discharging water from
the exit of turbine to the tail race.
This tube of increasing area is called Draft Tube. One end of the tube is connected to
the outlet of runner while the other end is sub-merged below the level of water in
the tailrace.

Fig. 2 Main components of Francis Turbine

3. What is the working principle of Francis Turbine?
The water can enter the spiral casing of the turbine, which lead the water through
the stay vanes and guide vanes. The spiral case is kept in decreasing diameter to
maintain the flow pressure. The stay vanes being stationary at their place, removes
the swirls from the water, which are generated due to flow through spiral casing and
tries it to make the flow of water more linear to be deflected by adjustable guide
vanes. The angle of guide vanes decides the angle of attack of water at the runner
blades thus make sure the output of the turbine. The runner blades are stationary
and can-not pitch or change their angle so it’s all about the guide vanes which
controls the power output of a turbine. The performance and efficiency of the
turbine is dependent on the design of the runner blades. In a Francis turbine, runner
blades are divided into 2 parts. The lower half is made in the shape of small bucket
so that it uses the impulse action of water to rotate the turbine. The upper part of
the blades uses the reaction force of water flowing through it. Thus, runner blades
make use of both pressure energy and kinetic energy of water and rotates the
runner in most efficient way. The water coming out of runner blades would lack both
the kinetic energy and pressure energy, so we use the draft tube to recover the
pressure as it advances towards tail race, but still we cannot recover the pressure to
that extent that we can stop air to enter into the runner housing thus causing

Fig. 4 Working of Francis turbine

4. What are the applications of Francis Turbine?

Following are the main applications of Francis turbine:
i. Francis turbine is the most widely used turbine in hydro-power plants to generate
ii. Mixed flow turbine is also used in irrigation water pumping sets to pump water from
ground for irrigation.
iii. It is efficient over a wide range of water head and flow rate.
iv. It is most efficient hydro-turbine we have till date.
5. What are the disadvantages of Francis Turbine?
i. Its inspection is relatively difficult.
ii. Problem of cavitation.
iii. Water with dirt can create extreme problems to turbine.


Fig. 5 Francis Turbine coupled with generator

Lesson Learned
From this experiment, we learnt about the Francis turbine, its construction, working and
how the turbine is used for electrical power generation. We also learnt about the operation
of Francis turbine and its parameters on the variable load. Moreover, we learnt about the
behavior of power generated and efficiency of turbine on different load combinations.

Student Comments
In this lab we come to know about Francis turbine. It has a lot of knowledge about Francis
Turbine, its construction and its working. It gave us brief knowledge about different parts of
Francis turbine.`

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