18-EE-14 PG Lab 2
18-EE-14 PG Lab 2
18-EE-14 PG Lab 2
Lab#02 Manual
Following are the main objectives of this LAB.
Equipment Required:
The equipment used in this experiment are as follows:
First, make sure every load is switched off. Now power on the control panel.
When motor runs, then centrifugal pump sucks the water from water reservoir and
fill the water into casing. Now impeller rotates and create pressure then deliver it
into the delivery pipe.
We set the flow rate at fixed value for better understanding of characteristics like
efficiency, power generation and speed etc.
Set the RPM of centrifugal pump to round about 2500 rpm.
Now one by one switch on the load and take the reading of pump (speed, power,
torque, rpm, flow rate and inlet and outlet pressures) and turbine (rpm, torque, inlet
and PT- 4 pressure) and generator (voltage and current) at the output side from
control panel.
When we increase the load then our turbine speed decreases because in this case
flow rate is constant.
Repeat the experiment for different loads and take at least ten readings.
Calculate the power generated using the relation:
POUT = VOUT * IR (Watts)
Calculate the input power using the relation:
PIN = PGUAGE * Q (Watts)
= (PT-3 – PT-4) * Q (Watts)
PT-3 = Turbine pressure at inlet (kilo pascal).
PT-4 = Turbine pressure at outlet (kilo pascal).
Q = Water flow rate (meter cube per second).
Now, calculate the efficiency of the Francis Turbine.
After this, plot the graph between turbine speed vs power generated and between
turbine speed vs efficiency.
This is the overall procedure of this experiment.
Table of Observations:
Turbine PT-3 Bar- 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.57 1.56 1.55 1.54 1.56
Stage-1 abs
Turbine PT-4 Bar- 1.20 1.20 1.15 1.20 1.15 1.17 1.16 1.15
Stage-2 abs
Water flow F-T Litre 210. 214. 219. 209.8 210. 201. 213. 213.4
rate s/ 4 8 1 4 1 8
Pump Speed SP-1 rpm 170 170 170 1710 171 170 170 1710
8 8 8 0 8 9
Pump torque TQ-1 Nm 3.3 2.5 4.3 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.3 4.1
Pump power PWR- Watt 948 873 100 852 993 911 117 1098
1 s 8 2
Turbine TQ-2 Nm 5.9 8.0 6.2 6.0 6.2 6.3 6.2 6.2
Turbine V Volts 54.2 51.4 18.2 49.2 20.4 3.2 17.1 16.3
Turbine I Amp 0.15 0.22 1.45 0.38 2.0 3.95 1.20 1.75
current s
Turbine input PIN Watt 123. 136. 134. 132.9 150. 144. 125. 135.4
power s 3 1 6 8 4 4
Turbine n %
By taking the flow rate constant, when load increases then turbine speed decreases.
Our power generated should be max. at 250 rpm and when rpm decreases or
increases from this value our power generated will decrease. This can also be shown
by turbine speed vs power generated curve.
Also, efficiency is max. at 250 rpm and when turbine speed increases or decrease
from this value, efficiency of turbine decrease. This can also be shown by torque
speed vs efficiency curve.
Review Questions:
v. Draft Tube
The pressure at the exit of the runner of Reaction Turbine is generally less than
atmospheric pressure. The water at exit cannot be directly discharged to the tail
race. A tube or pipe of gradually increasing area is used for discharging water from
the exit of turbine to the tail race.
This tube of increasing area is called Draft Tube. One end of the tube is connected to
the outlet of runner while the other end is sub-merged below the level of water in
the tailrace.
Lesson Learned
From this experiment, we learnt about the Francis turbine, its construction, working and
how the turbine is used for electrical power generation. We also learnt about the operation
of Francis turbine and its parameters on the variable load. Moreover, we learnt about the
behavior of power generated and efficiency of turbine on different load combinations.
Student Comments
In this lab we come to know about Francis turbine. It has a lot of knowledge about Francis
Turbine, its construction and its working. It gave us brief knowledge about different parts of
Francis turbine.`