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ECE219, Signals, Systems and Controls a) h[n] = (0.8)n u[n + 2]

Academic Year 2015-16 b) h[n] = (5)n u[3 − n]
Problem Sheet #2 c) h(t) = exp(−2|t|)
d) h(t) = 2 exp(−t) − exp t−100

Due: 4:00 PM, February 8, 2016 100
5) Consider the signal x[n] = αn u[n]
Important instructions for doing the problem sheet a) Sketch the signal g[n] = x[n]−α x[n−1]
• Note that the problem sheet is to be done by
b) Use the result of part a) in conjunction
each student individually. with properties of convolution in order
• Be neat. Make sure your solution look nice and
to determine a sequence h[n] such that
organized. It is part of the impression of your  1 n
capabilities. Justify your answers. x[n] ∗ h[n] = {u[n + 2] − u[n − 2]}
6) Consider the R-L circuit shown in Fig. P7.
1) Determine and sketch the convolution y[n] = L

x[n] ∗ h[n] of the following pairs of signals. +

a) x[n] = αn u[n], n
 h[n] = β u[n]; α 6= β
1 n
b) x[n] = − 2 u[n−4], h[n] = 4n u[2−n] +

c) x[n] = u[n] − u[n − 5], h[n] = u[n − 2] − x(t) R y(t)

u[n − 8] + u[n − 11] − u[n − 17]

d) x[n] = δ[n] + δ[n − 1] + δ[n − 2] + δ[n − −

3] + δ[n − 4], h[n] = δ[n − 2] + δ[n − 3]

2) For each of the following pairs of waveforms, Fig. P7
use the convolution integral to find the re-
sponse y(t) of the LTI system with impulse a) Find the differential equation relating the
response h(t) to the input x(t). Sketch your output voltage y(t) across R and the
results. input voltage x(t).
b) Find the impulse response h(t) and the
a) x(t) = exp(−αt)u(t), h(t) =
step response s(t) of the circuit.
exp(−βt)u(t), Do this both when
c) Draw a block diagram representation of
α 6= β and when α = β.
the system.
b) x(t) = u(t)−2u(t−2)+u(t−5), h(t) =
exp(2t)u(1 − t) 7) a) If x(t) = 0, |t| > T1 , and h(t) = 0, |t| >
c) x(t) = rect 2at , h(t) = rect 2bt Do
 T2 , then x(t) ∗ h(t) = 0, |t| > T3 , for
this both when a 6= b and when a = b. some positive number T3 . Express T3 in
terms of T1 and T2
3) Let x(t) be the impulse train defined as
b) A discrete-time LTI system has input
X x[n], impulse response h[n], and output
x(t) = δ(t − kT ), y[n]. If h[n] is known to be zero every-
k=−∞ where outside the interval N0 ≤ n ≤ N1
and let h(t) be the triangular pulse defined as and x[n] is known to be zero everywhere
t outside the interval N2 ≤ n ≤ N3 ,
h(t) = ∆ then the output y[n] is constrained to
2 be zero everywhere, except on some
Determine and sketch y(t) = x(t) ∗ h(t) for interval N4 ≤ n ≤ N5 .
the following values of T : i) Determine N4 and N5 in terms of N0 ,
a) T = 4 N1 , N2 , and N3 .
b) T = 3/2 ii) If the interval N0 ≤ n ≤ N1 is of
4) The following are the impulse responses of the length Mh , N2 ≤ n ≤ N3 is of
continuous-time or discrete-time LTI systems. length Mx , and N4 ≤ n ≤ N5 is of
Determine whether each system is causal and length My , express My in terms of
or stable. Justify your answers. Mh and Mx .

The LNM-IIT, Jaipur, Rajasthan


8) Let x(t) and y(t) be two real signals, the a) x1 [n] = u[n − 1] − u[n − 4].
correlation function is defined as b) x2 [n] = δ[n+1]−δ[n]+δ[n−1]−δ[n−2].
10) Consider a causal discrete-time LTI system
Z ∞
Rxy (τ ) = x(t)y(t + τ )dt; whose input x[n] and output y[n] are related
−∞<τ <∞ by difference equation
The function Rxx (τ ) is usually referred to y[n] = y[n − 1] + x[n].
as the autocorrelation function of the signal
x(t), while Rxy (τ ) is often called a cross- a) Find the impulse response h[n] of this
correlation function. system.
b) Determine y[n] if x[n] = δ[n − 2].
a) Suppose that y(t) = x(t + T ). Express
c) Determine this system is causal and/or
Rxy (τ ) and Ryy (τ ) in terms of Rxx (τ ).
stable. Justify your answers.
b) Compute the autocorrelation function of
the following signals. d) Draw a block diagram representation of
this system.
i) x1 (t) = 12 t[u(t) − u(t − 2)].
ii) x2 (t) = u(t) − 2u(t − 3) + 2u(t − 11) Determine and sketch the response y(t) of the
5) − 2u(t − 6) + u(t − 7). LTI system with impulse response
h(t) = u(t) − u(t − 1) + δ(t − 2) to the input
c) Let x(t) be a given real signal and
x(t) = u(t − 1) − u(t − 3).
assume that x(t) is of finite duration-i.e.,
12) Consider a continuous-time LTI system with
that x(t) = 0 for t < 0 and t > T . Find
input x(t) and output y(t) related through the
the impulse response of an LTI system
so that Rxx (t − T ) is the output if x(t) Z t
is the input.
y(t) = e−(t−θ) x(θ − 2)dθ.
9) Let x[n] and y[n] be two real-valued discrete- −∞
time signals, the correlation function is de-
a) Determine the impulse response h(t) for
fined as
this system.

X b) Determine the step response s(t) for this
Rxy [m] = x[n]y[n + m];
c) Determine the response of the system
m = 0, ±1, ±2, . . . ± ∞ when the input x(t) = u(t+1)−u(t−2).
The Rxx [m] is usually referred to as the au-
tocorrelation sequence/function of the signal
None can destroy iron, but its own rust can!
x[n], while Rxy [m] is often called a cross-
Likewise, none can destroy a person, but his own
correlation sequence/function.
mindset can.
Compute the autocorrelation and cross-
- Ratan Tata
correlation sequences of the following signals.

The LNM-IIT, Jaipur, Rajasthan

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