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Level 3

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Teacher(s) Ahmed Eissa Subject group and discipline Language B (German )

Unit title Unit 1: MYP Level 3 Unit duration (hrs) 20-25 hrs
6 weeks
-Was man so macht?

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

1. Find out how to learn new language
2. Find out how can we help people who suffer from different crises.
3.talk about the effect of social medien on our society and our young people
Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Function Personal and Cultural

Communication Point of view expression

Statement of inquiry

 What is the effect of learning new language about our daily life?
Inquiry questions


-What are the different ways of learning new language?

-How can help the others through campains?

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

-which social medies can we use in our society?

-What are the applicaple methods to learn new langugae?

-How can German cultural effect our society?


-How can our students merge between all methods of learning?speaking,reading,talking and listening?

-According to you, How can we use our social media and what are the advantages and disadvantages of using

social media?

Objectives Summative assessment

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

Was man so macht Outline of summative Relationship between
Sich und andere Personen vorstellen . assessment task(s) including summative assessment task(s)
Einige Berufe und berufliche Tätigkeiten nennen assessment criteria: and statement of inquiry:
Alltagsaktivitäten beschreiben und darüber Criteria A: listening
Listen to a short dialog and answer questions Using and speaking the language correctly
Über Vorlieben, Fähigkeiten und Notwendigkeiten about the text. expresses our identity, how to express
sprechen. Berichte über Tätigkeiten verstehen. culture and tourist places and helps us
Criteria B: reading communicate with others understandably
Über Vergangenes berichten Informationen.
Read a text and understand it well, then
über Freizeitwünsche in Deutschland wiedergeben summarize the text and answer questions Goal :
Eine E-Mail schreiben. Nach Informationen fragen. related to it.
Themen und Wortschatz Sich kennenlernen. Berufe Your goal is to design a board and write on
und berufliche Tätigkeiten Alltagsaktivitäten .Freizeit Criteria C: speaking that board a famous tourist landmark for
und Freizeitwünsche Strukturen. Modalverben im any country.
Präsens.Verben im Perfekt Zeitformen von haben Create a conversation with your friend and
und sein. describe the house you would like to live in. Role :
Ausflugsziele Criteria D: writing You are the designer of board

Informationen und Berichte über Ausflugsziele write about the places you like to spend your Audience :
verstehen Landschaften und Bauwerke benennen vacation
Über Ausflugsziele sprechen Angebote vergleichen Your audience will be the persons who will
Richtungen und Orte angeben Einen Ausflug planen see your board , your teacher and your
und über einen Ausflug berichten Informationen am colleagues
Telefon erfragen Einige Tiere benennen und über
Tiere sprechen Ein Gedicht lesen Themen und
Situation :
Wortschatz Ausflugsziele: Orte, Landschaften, Make a design a board in german Product :
Bauwerke Informationen bei der
Touristeninformation Tiere Strukturen Adjektive im after everyone has written about their
Komparativ und Superlativ Vergleiche Genitiv der favorite tourist place , the students switch
Nomen Lokale Präpositionen: the boards and then have to guess where in
which country that tourist place is.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 3

Approaches to learning (ATL)

Skill category: Communication.

In order to know How can they communicate with others, Talk about favorite tourist places, jobs, and describe an apartment,
and use the language correctly.
Skill category: Thinking.
They should think deeply about the jobs they would like to have in the future.

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

-Von Sprachlernerfahrungen Learning experiences and Formative Differentiation

berichten. teaching strategies Assessment
Warming up with group activity then get Evaluation formative 1
-Über Freude ausdrücken. to know the students and know their
names and what their favorite hobby is. Asking some oral questions
-Über Fernsehgewohnheiten And ask many questions revolving to the students at the
sprechen. around the topic of the lesson. beginning and end of the
session and evaluating the
-Grammatik lektionen: Activity 1 : Reading many texts about students accordingly.
different subtopics.
For example:
-(konnektoren Activity 2 : Listening to several
weil,denn,als,wenn) Audios related to our topics. In which country would you
like to spend your vacation?
2-(Passiv im präsens) Activity 3 : Writing short texts about
the main topic. Evaluation formative 2
3-Verben mit zwei Objekten Dativ Activity 4 : speaking together inside This activity can be
und Akkusativ evaluated according to write
the class about our main topic and
a short letter about their
conduct conversations between
-Hören viele Audios über das dream job.
Fremdsparchenlernen, über Activity 5 : solving many grammar

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 4

Sozial medien. exercises.


Print:Menschen Kursbuch / support materials/ powerpoint /

worksheets /teachers resources
Digital:Educational and other web pages / Audios / Videos

Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

- The students will find this unit

interesting because they will be

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 5

able to express their favorite job,
about the places they like to visit,
and how the house they want to live
in looks like and arrangementin a
new language and learn to frame
simple conversation phrases in the
german language with their friends.
- They can talk about themselves
and their families and their jobs.
-They will teach new expressions and
new vocabulary that they can use
to express their favorite things and
places in a new and fun language.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 6

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