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SUNDAY MARTINS HYMNS - Tone - 5 - Plagal 1 - 4 Mar - 5 Triodion-1lent - Orthodoxy

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paranomounta, dia Nistias enikisan. Di aftis ke imas Sotir Axioson, tis Anastaseos tihin, outo voontas.

Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios Athanatos, Eleison imas!

Youths, descendents of Abraham, by Fasting overcame tyrant. the Law-breaking Through Fasting make us also Worthy, O Saviour, to arrive at Thy Resurrection, as thus we cry aloud: Holy God! Holy Mighty! Holy Immortal! Have Mercy on us!

Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa Archdiocese of Good Hope

Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton



and ever, and to the Ages of Ages.

S u n d a y M a tt ii n s H y m n s Sunday Ma ns Hymns 4 March 2012 4 March 2012

5th Sunday of Triodion 1st Sunday of Great Lent The Triumph of Orthodoxy
Also the Feast of St Gerasimos of the Jordan River St Gerasimos the first Wonderworker of Vologda St Joasaph of Snetogorsk, Pskov St Basil the Righteous Prince of Rostov St Daniel the Right Believing Prince of Moscow St Paul & St Juliana of Ptolemais St James the Faster of Phoenicia, Syria St Leontiev Vyacheslv the Hieromartyr - St Gregory of Constantios, Cyprus St Wenceslaus the Right Believing Prince of the Czech Lands, Translation of Holy Relics



The Congregation must stand for the Theotokion and the Great Doxology which is followed immediately by the Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom

Compiled, Adapted & Edited By Marguerite Paizis Archondissa & Teacher By Divine Grace Greek Orthodox Patriarchate Of Alexandria & All Africa Archdiocese Of Good Hope Holy Church Of The Dormition Of The Mother Of God Port Elizabeth Po Box 28348 Sunridge Park 6008 Republic Of South Africa Telephone/Fax: 041 360 3854 Email: writers@telkomsa.net Compilations Available On www.scribd.com/writers4574

T o n e ( 5 ) P lla g a ll 1 Tone (5) P aga 1


Resurrection Gospel 5 Luke 24 : 12 35

Our Risen Lord Jesus Appears Along the Road to Emmaus

Eothinon 5 Katavasia of Great Lent 1


Our Eternal Gratitude to Pater Seraphim Dedes & all the contributing translators of the St Gregory Palamas Monastery & elsewhere for the original Greek & English translation and for making our worship a little easier to understand, to participate and to appreciate.

Re-edited & re-published on 12 February 2012



Tone (5) Plagal 1 5 Triodion - 1st Lent Orthodoxy 4 March 2012

theoprepestato, ex idolon planis litrosameno ke safto, armosameno timio Aimati, Fedros apolamvanousa tin Ieran anastilosin, ton ikonon ke herousa, Se imni ke Doxazi Pistos.

Who by Thine Own Will, Most Divine, have Ransomed Her from the delusion of idols with Thy Precious Blood, and then, O Master, Betrothed Her to Thyself. And Joyously She takes pleasure in the Most August Reestablishment of the Icons, with Faith and Joy, giving Glory and Praising Thee.

Anastithi, Sarkos

Kyrie O Theos mou, ipsothito i Hir Sou, mi epilathi ton peniton Sou is telos.

Arise, We

O Lord, my God, lift up Thy Hand: do not forget Thy poor forever.

to ektipoma, anastilountes Sou Kyrie, shetikos aspazometha, to Mega Mystirion tis Ikonomias, tis Sis ekdountes, Ou gar dokisi, os fasin, i Theomahi Pedes tou Manentos, imin ofthis Filanthrope, all alithia ke fisi sarkos. Di aftou anagomeni, pros Son Pothon ke Erota.

now re-establish the Representation of Thee, O Lord, in the Flesh, and we reverence It relatively, and by It show forth the Great Mystery of Thy Dispensation. For Thou, O Lover of mankind, appeared in Truth and physical Nature to us, not merely in Appearance as the sons of Manis, Thine enemies, say. Through Thy Icon we are led to a Yearning and Love for Thee.

Exomologisome Imera

Si, Kyrie, en oli kardia mou, diigisome panta ta Thavmasia Sou.

will give Thee thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart: I will tell of all Thy Wonders has been manifested as a Day of Festivity, as a Day filled with Happiness. The Bright Light of Very True Dogmas shines like lightning. And Christs Church is glowing for She is now once again adorned by the replacement and installation of Holy Icons, and the Light they radiate. And with oneness of mind has God Bestowed the Faithful. Son, and to the Holy Spirit

harmosinos, ke evfrosinis anapleos, pefnerote simeron. Fedrotis dogmaton gar, ton alithestaton, astrapti ke lampi, i Ekklisia tou Hristou, kekosmimeni anastilosesin, Ikonon ton Agion nin, ektipomaton ke lampsesi. Ke omonia ginete, ton Piston Theovravevtos. Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati



Glory to the Father, and to the

Triodion Doxastihon Orthodoxy Sunday


Mosis to kero tis egkratias, Nomon Moses, after a time of Self-control,

edexato, ke laon epespasato. Ilias nistefsas, Ouranous apeklise. Tris de Pedes Avraamiei, tyrannon received the Law and won over the people. Elias, by Fasting, caused the closing of the Heavens; and the Three Holy

Tone (5) Plagal 1 5 Triodion - 1st Lent Orthodoxy 4 March 2012

Tone (5) Plagal 1 5 Triodion - 1st Lent Orthodoxy 4 March 2012



e Ginekes edromon epi to mnima, tou idin se ton Hriston, ton di imas pathonta: ke proselthouse, evron Angelon epi ton lithon kathimenon, to fovo kilisthenta, ke pros aftas evoise legon: Anesti O Kyrios! Ipate tis Mathistes, oti anesti ek nekron, O soson tas pishas imon. Afton en iho salpingos. Enite Afton en psaltirio ke kithara.


Lord, the Women ran to Thy Tomb to see Thee, the Christ Who had suffered for our sake, and approaching, they found an Angel seated upon the stone rolled back, with fear but he cried out to them and said: The Lord has Risen! Tell His Disciples that He has Risen: He Who Saves our souls. trumpet; praise Him with lute and harp.

Resurrection Apolytikion -



Praise Him with the sound of the O

Lord, as Thou came out of the sealed Tomb, so Thou came in to Thy Disciples when the doors were shut, and showed them Thy Bodys sufferings, which Thou had accepted, O Long Suffering Saviour; as sprung from Davids seed, Thou endured stripes; as Son of God Thou hast freed the world. Great is Thy Mercy, O Saviour, beyond understanding: have Mercy on us!

sinanarhon Logon Patri ke Pnevmati, ton ek Parthenou Tehthenta is Sotirian imon, animnisomen, Pisti, ke Proskinisomen. Oti iidokise sarki, anelthin en to Stavro ke Thanaton ipomine ke egire tous tethneotas en ti Evdoxo Anastasi Aftou.


Word, Who with the Father and the Spirit has no beginning, and Who, for our Salvation, was born of a Virgin, let us faithful believers hymn and adore. For it was His Good Pleasure to ascend the Cross in the Flesh, and to Suffer Death, and through His own Glorious Resurrection to raise the dead. Son, and to the Holy Spirit

Doxa Tin


osper exilthes esfragismenou tou tafou, outos isilthes, ke ton thiron keklismenon, pros tous Mathitas Sou, kiknion aftis ta tou somatos pathi, aper katedexo Sotir makrothimisas. Os ek spermatos David, molopas ipinegkas: Os Ios de tou Theou, kosmon ileftherosas. Mega Sou to Eleos, akatalipte Sotir! Eleison imas.

Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati

Glory to the Father, and to the We

venerate Thine Immaculate Icon, O Good Lord, and Entreat Thee to forgive our offences, O Christ our God. By Thine own Will Thou were pleased to ascend the Cross in the Flesh, to deliver us, whom Thou created, from slavery to the enemy. Therefore we cry to Thee with gratitude: Thou hast filled all things with Joy, O our Saviour, by coming to Save the world.

Festal Apolytikion

Orthodoxy Sunday

ahranton ikona Sou proskinoumen Agathe, etoumeni sighorisin ton ptesmaton imon, Hriste O Theos. Voulisi gar iidokisas sarki anelthin en to Stavro, ina risi ous eplasas ek tis doulias tou ehthrou. Othen evharistos voomen Si. Hara eplirosas ta panta O Sotir imon, paragenomenos is to sose ton kosmon.

Triodion Prosomia Orthodoxy Sunday

Enite En

afton en timpano ke horo. Enite afton en hordes ke organo. Si nin agallete i Ekklisia filanthrope, to Nymfio ke Ktisti aftis, to taftin thelimati theoprepestato, ex idolon planis litrosameno ke safto, armosameno timio Aimati, Fedros apolamvanousa tin Ieran anastilosin, ton ikonon ke herousa, Se imni ke Doxazi Pistos.

Praise The

Him with timbrel and dance, praise Him with strings and flute! Church is exultant now in Thee, O Lover of mankind, Her Bridegroom and Fashioner, Who by Thine Own Will, Most Divine, have Ransomed Her from the delusion of idols with Thy Precious Blood, and then, O Master, Betrothed Her to Thyself. And Joyously She takes pleasure in the Most August Reestablishment of the Icons, with Faith and Joy, giving Glory and Praising Thee.


nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon.


and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

Amin Panta
iper ennian, panta iperendoxa, ta Sa Theotoke Mystiria. Ti Agnia esfragismeni, ke Parthenia filattomeni, Mitir egnosthis apsevdis, Theon tekousa Alithinon. Afton iketeve sothine tas psihas imon. Small Litany



surpassng every thought, all surpassing Glorious, O Theotokos, art Thy Mysteries. For while bearing the Seal of Purity and preserved in Virginity, Thou were deemed a Mother in Truth, for to the True God Thou gave Birth. To Him pray fervently, Entreating that our souls be Saved.


afton en kimvalis evihis. Enite afton en kimvalis alalagmou. Pasa pnoi inesato ton Kyrion. Si nin agallete i Ekklisia filanthrope, to Nymfio ke Ktisti aftis, to taftin thelimati

Praise Him with tuneful cymbals,

praise Him with cymbals of jubilation! Let every breath praise the Lord!

First Resurrection Kathisma




Church is exultant now in Thee, O Lover of mankind, Her Bridegroom and Fashioner,

Stavron tou Kyriou egkomiasomen, tin Tafin tin Agian Imnis timisomen, ke tin Anastasin Aftou iperdoxasomen: oti sinigire nekrous, ek ton mnimaton os Theos, skilefsas kratos


us celebrate the Cross of the Lord! Let us honour in Hymns His Holy Burial and Highly Glorify His Resurrection, for with Himself He raised the dead from the graves, as God, having despoiled the might of


Tone (5) Plagal 1 5 Triodion - 1st Lent Orthodoxy 4 March 2012

Tone (5) Plagal 1 5 Triodion - 1st Lent Orthodoxy 4 March 2012

Thanatou, ke ishin diavolou, ke tis en Adi fos anetile.

Death, and the devils strength, and He made Light dawn for those in Hades.


Lauds: Resurrection - Praises to God


Doxa Kyrie

Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati

Glory to the Father, and to the

Son, and to the Holy Spirit


nekros prosigorevthis, O nekrosas ton Thanaton: en mnimati etethis, O kenosas ta Mnimata: ano Stratiote ton tafon efilatton, kato tous ap eonos nekrous exanestisas. Pantodiname ke akatelipte, Kyrie Doxa Si!

Lord Who put Death to death, Thou were called dead; Thou Who emptied the tombs were placed in a Tomb; above, Soldiers were guarding the Tomb, below, Thou raised the dead from every age. O Lord, All Powerful and beyond all understanding: Glory to Thee! ages.

pnoi enesato ton Kyrion. Enite ton Kyrion ek ton Ouranon. Enite Afton en tis ipsistis. Si prepi imnos to Theo. Afton, pantes i Angelli Aftou. Enite Afton, pase e Dinamis Aftou. Si prepi imnos to Theo.


everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the Heavens; praise Him in the Highest. To Thee praise is due, O God. Him, all His Powers. To Thee praise is due, O God.


Praise Him, all His Angels; praise


Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the ages of

piise en aftis Krima engrapton. Doxa afti este pasi tis Osiis Aftou. esfragismenou tou Tafou, ipo ton paranomon, proilthes ek tou Mnimatos, kathos etehthis ek tis Theotokou: ouk egnosan pos esarkothis, i asomati Sou Angeli: ouk isthonto pote Anestis, i filassontes Se stratiote: amfotera gar esfragiste tis erevnosi: pefanerote de ta Thavmata, tis proskinousin en Pisti to Mystirion: O animnousin, apodos imin Agalliasin, ke to Mega Eleos.


Amin Here
pili Kyriou i adiodevtos!. Here tihos ke skepi ton prostrehonton is se! Here ahimaste limin ke apirogame! I tekousa en sarki ton piiton sou ke Theon, presvevousa mi ellipis iper ton animnounton ke proskinounton ton tokon sou.

Resurrection TheotokionTONE (5) PLAGAL 1


execute upon them the Judgement that is decreed; such Glory will be for all His Holy Ones. Lord, although the Tomb was sealed by lawless men, Thou came from the Tomb as Thou had been born from the Theotokos; Thy Bodiless Angels did not know how Thou had become Incarnate, the soldiers guarding Thee did not know when Thou Arose, for both are sealed for those who enquire, but the Wonders have been revealed to those who with Faith worship the Mystery that we hymn: Grant us Joy and Great Mercy! God in His Saints; praise Him in the firmament of His Power. Lord, having smashed the Eternal Bars and burst bonds asunder, Thou Rose from the Tomb, leaving Thy grave clothes behind as evidence of Thy True Burial for three days; and Thou went ahead into Galilee, while being guarded in a cave. Great is Thy Mercy, O Saviour, beyond understanding: have Mercy on us! Him for His Mighty Acts; praise Him according to the greatness of His Majesty.

O Impassable Gate of the Lord! Hail, Wall and Shelter of those who flee to thee! Hail, Haven unvexed of storms and Unwedded One who brought forth in the Flesh Thy Maker and Thy God! Abate not Thine entreaties on behalf of those who sing Thy praises and do homage to Thy Birth-giving. S e c o n d R e s u r r e c t i o n K a t h i s m a - TONE (5) PLAGAL 1



meta tin Trimeron Sou Anastasin, ke tin ton Apostolon proskinisin, O Petro evoa Si: Ginekes apetoliisan, kago ediliasa: Listis etheologise, kago irnisamin Se; ara kalesis me tou lipou Mathitin? I palin dixis me aliea vithou? Alla metanoonta me dexe, O Theos ke Soson me.

O Lord, after Thy Resurrection on

the Third Day, and the worship of the Apostles, Peter cried out unto Thee: Women had courage, and I was a coward! A Thief confessed Thee as God, but I denied Thee! Will Thou call me Disciple in future, or will Thou declare me once again, a Fisher of the deep? But accept me repenting, O God, and Save me!


ton Theon en tis Agiis Afton. Enite Afton en stereomati tis Dinameos Aftou. tous mohlous tous eonious sintripsas, ke desma diarrixas, tou mnimatos anestis, katalipon Sou ta entafia, is martiron tis alithous triimerou tafis Sou: ke proiges en ti Galilea, O en spileo tiroumenos. Mega Sou to Eleos, akatalipte Sotir! Eleison imas.

Praise O


Doxa Kyrie,

Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati

Glory to the Father, and to the

Son, and to the Holy Spirit

en meso Se prosilosan. I paranomi ton katadikon, ke loghi tin Plevran Sou exekentisan, O Eleimon. Tafin de katedexo, O lisas Adou tas Pilas, ke Anestis trimeros;

Lord, the lawless nailed Thee between malefactors and pierced Thy Side with a lance, O Merciful. But Thou who destroyed the Gates of Hades, accepted burial and Arose on


Afton epi tes Dinasties Afton. Enite Afton kata to plithos tis Megalosinis Aftou


Tone (5) Plagal 1 5 Triodion - 1st Lent Orthodoxy 4 March 2012

Tone (5) Plagal 1 5 Triodion - 1st Lent Orthodoxy 4 March 2012


erastepedes kravgazontes. Evlogite, panta ta erga Kyriou, ton Kyrion.


themselves with Virtue, quenched the power of fire, crying: Bless the Lord, all you His Works!

edramon Ginekes idin Se, ke apingilan Apostolis tin egersin. Iperipsoumene Sotir, on imnousin Angeli, Evlogimene Kyrie, Doxa Si!

Triodion Katavasia -

9th Ode Orthodoxy


ahirotmitos orous, ex alaxeftou Sou Parthene, akrogonieos etmithi, Hristos sinapsas tas diestosas fisis. Dio epagallomeni, Se Theotoke Megalinomen.

the third day. Women rant to see Thee and they announced the Resurrection to the Apostles. O Saviour, Highly Exalted, Whom the Angels hymn: O Blessed Lord: Glory to Thee! ages.

Cornerstone was cut without hands from an unquarried Mountain, which prefigured Thee, O Holy Virgin. The Stone is Christ Who joined the disparate Natures. As we Rejoice because of this, O Theotokos, we magnify Thee.

Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the ages of

Amin Apirogame
Nimfi Theogennitria, tis Evas tin lipin haropiisasa, animnoumen i Pisti ke proskinoumen Se, oti anigages imas ek tis arheas aras. Ke nin disopi apafstos, panimnite Panagia, is to Sothine imas.

Resurrection Theotokion

O Unwed Bride, who nevertheless

Engendered God, changing Eves pain and sorrow into exultant Joy, we the Faithful now extol Thee and we worship Thee, for Thou hast lifted us up from the Primal Curse. And now Entreat importunely and unceasingly, O All Lauded and All Holy One, that we be Saved.

Fifth Resurrection Exaposteilarion

I Zoi ke Odos Hristos, ek nekron to Verily, Christ Who is the Way and
Kleopa, ke to Louka sinodefsen, is per ke epegnosthi is Emmaous, klon ton arton, on psihe ke kardthie, keomene etighanon, ote toutis elali, en ti odo, ke Grafis irmineven a ipesti. Meth on Igerthi kraxomen, ofthi te ke to Petro! the Life, after His Resurrection from the Dead, accompanied Luke and Cleopas, who had recognised Him in Emmaus, in the breaking of the bread, whose hearts and souls were inflamed as He spoke to them along the way, explaining to them from the Scriptures about all that He had suffered. Let us, therefore, shout with them, crying: Verily, the Lord has Risen and appeared to Peter!

Resurrection Evlogitaria, Trisagion Hymn, Theotokion & Small Litany

Resurrection Ipakoi (Sunday)


Triodion Exaposteilarion Orthodoxy Sunday


krotisate, met evfrosinis asate. Os Thavmasta Sou ke Xena, Hriste Voontes ta Erga! Ke tis ishisi exipin, Soter tas dinastias Sou, tou tin imon omonian, ke simfonian is mian, enosantos Ekklisian?

Exult, O peoples, and applaud, and

sing in praise with joyful heart. And cry to Christ, O how Wondrous art all Thy Works, and unusual! And who is able to declare the Mighty Deeds that Thou perform, O Saviour, for Thou Unified our single mind and consensus in One Holy Church Assembly.

orasi ton noun ekthamboumene, ke thiki egersi tin psihin fotizomene, e Mirofori tis Apostolis evingelizonto Anangilate en tis ethnesi, tin Anastasin tou Kyriou, sinergountos tis Thavmasi, ke parehontos imin to Mega Eleos.


Myrrhbearers, astounded in mind by the Vision of the Angel yet Enlightened in soul by the Divine Resurrection, announced the Good Tidings to the Apostles: Tell among the Nations the Lords Resurrection, Who works with us through Wonders, and grants us His Great Mercy.

Resurrection Anabathmi

En to thlivesthe me, Davitikos ado Si, Sotir mou. Rise mou tin psihin ek glossis dolias.


O my Lord, in my sorrow I sing unto Thee like David. Save my soul from deceitful tongues.
is the life of those in the desert. By Love Divine, they ascend upward.

Tis epimikis, zoi makaria esti, thiko Blessed

eroti pteroumenis.

T r i o d i o n T h e o t o k i o n O r t h o d o x y S u n d a y TONE


Romfee nin exelipon, tis dismenous The swords of hostile heresy

ereseos, ke to mnimosinon taftis, exfanisthi met ihouton gar Naon Sou, Panagne, panevprepos Theomeni, kekosmimenon Harisis, ton sevasmion ikonon, Haras pliroumetha pantes.

and even its memorial have ceased to be now completely and disappeared with a great sound. O All Pure Lady, as we behold Thy Temple once again adorned majestically with the Graces of the Venerable Icons, our souls are all filled with

Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon.

Glory to the Father, and to the

Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages.

Amin Agio

Pnevmati, perikratite panta ta orata te, sin tis aoratis. Aftokrates gar on, tis Triados en estin apsefstos.

Amen All things

visible and invisible are preserved by the Holy Spirit. He is the Sovereign Being and truly One of the


Tone (5) Plagal 1 5 Triodion - 1st Lent Orthodoxy 4 March 2012

Tone (5) Plagal 1 5 Triodion - 1st Lent Orthodoxy 4 March 2012


Triodion Katavasia of Sunday of Orthodoxy

The First Sunday Of Great Lent ODI 1 ODE 1



arthomen. voithia iki.

ta ori, psihi, Devro ekise, othen Hriste, pasis



O my soul, let us ascend the heights. From there comes thy help.


Sou Hir kame, iptameni, skeorias perifilaxato.

Let Thy right Hand also touch me,

Christ, that I may be preserved from all evil deceits.


Erithreon pelagos avrohis ihnesin O paleos pezefsas Israil, stavropis Moseos hersi tou Amalik tin dinamin en ti erimo etroposato.



Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon.


to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages.



Israel, having passed through the depth of the Red Sea on unmoistened feet, defeated the power of Amalek in the wilderness, by the hands of Moses stretched in the form of a cross.


Amin. Agio

Pnevmati Theologontes fomen. Si i Theos, Zoi, Eros, Fos, Nous, Si Hristotis, Si Vasilevis is tous Eonas.

Amen. Let us

speak by the Holy Spirit of Things Divine. Thou art God, Life, Love, Light and Mind. Thou art Goodness and Thou reigns to the Ages.

epi Si i Ekklisia Sou, Hriste, krazousa. Si mou ishis, Kyrie, ke Katafigi ke Stereoma.


Church, O Christ, rejoices in Thee, crying to Thee, Thou, Lord, art my Strength, my Stay, and my Refuge. the Church saw Thee elevated on the Cross, O Sun of Justice, She stood in Her array, shouting to Thee as is fitting: Glory to Thy Power, O Lord!





Epi tis erikosi mi, is tas ailas provomen Kyriou, haras pollis plisthis, evhas anapempo.


For those who have said to me: Let us go into the Courts of the Lord, I offer Prayers, being filled with great Joy.


Se idousa i Ekklisia epi Stavrou ton Ilion tis Dikeosinis, esti en ti taxi aftis, ikotos kravgazousa. Doxa ti Dinami Sou, Kyrie





ikon David, ta fovera telesiourgite. Pir gar eki flegon apanta eshron noun. Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon.


the House of David, awesome Wonders happen, for therein is a burning Fire that consumes every evil mind. to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. living thing is Animated by the Holy Spirit Who, with the Father and the Logos, is the Principle of Life.

Kyrie mou, Fos is ton Kosmon elilithas. Fos Agion epistrefon ek sofodous agnias tous pisti animnountas se.


my Lord, came as Light to the world, a Holy Light, turning those who praise Thee away from abysmal folly.





Thiso Si meta fonis eneseos, Kyrie, i The

Ekklisia voa Si, ek demonon lithrou kekatharmeni, to di ikton ek tis plevras Sou pefsanti emati.

Amin Agio Pnevmati Zoarhiki axia.

Ex ou pan Zoon empsihoute, os en Patri ama te ke Logo.

Amen Every

Church hailed Thee, O Lord, crying: I will sacrifice to Thee with the voice of praise, purified from the vileness of Satan by the Blood that dripped from Thy Side, because of Thy Compassion. Abrahamite youths in the furnace in the land of Persia burnt with the fervour of True Worship more than with the fire, crying: Blessed art Thou in the Temple of Thy Holiness, O Lord! Praise, we Bless and we Worship the Lord!



Resurrection Prokeimenon


Kyrie O Theos mou oti ou Vasilevis is tous eonas.


O Lord my God, for Thou reignest forever

ti kamino Avramiei pedes ti Persiki, potho efsevias mallon i ti flogi, pirpoloumeni ekravgazon. Evlogimenos i en to Nao tis Doxis Sou, Kyrie.


Exomologisome Si Kyrie, en oli kardia mou.

I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord with my whole heart




Kyrie O Theos mou oti ou Vasilevis is tous eonas Small Litany & Praises To God


O Lord my God, for Thou reignest forever


Evlogoumen Proskinoumen ton Kyrion.



ekpetasas Daniil, leonton hasmata en lakko efraxe. Piros de dinamin esvesan aretin perizosameni i efsevias


Daniel stretched his hands in the pit, he closed the mouths of the devouring lions; and the youths, lovers of True Worship, when they girded

Tone (5) Plagal 1 5 Triodion - 1st Lent Orthodoxy 4 March 2012

Tone (5) Plagal 1 5 Triodion - 1st Lent Orthodoxy 4 March 2012


Triodion Ikos Orthodoxy Sunday

Gospel 5: Luke 24:12 35

Our Risen Lord Jesus Appears Along The Road To Emmaus


to tis Ikonomias Mystirion, pale profite thiodos empnefsthentes, di imas tous is ta teli ton eonon katantisantas, prokatingilan, tis toutout tihontes ellampseos. Gnosin oun thian di aftou lavontes, ena Kyrion, ton Theon ginoskomen, en trisin ipostasesi doxazomenon, ke afto mono latevontes, mian Pistin, en Vaptsma ehontes, Hriston endedimetha. All Omologountes tin Sotirian, ERGO KE LOGO


Mystery of the Plan of Salvation this present Illumination the Prophets foretold of old, with Divine Inspiration, to us who have come to the termination of ages. Receiving Knowledge from Him, we know one Lord God, Glory given in three Hypostases. And in giving Him our sole adoration, being one in Faith and Rite of Immersion, we are Vested in Christ, and confessing our Salvation, WE


kero ekino, O de Petros anastas edramen epi to Mnimion, ke parakipsas vlepi ta othonia kimena mona, ke apilthe pros eavton, thavmazon to gegonos. idou dio ex afton isan porevomeni en afti ti imera is komin apehousan stadious exikonta apo Ierousalim, i Onoma Emmaous. afti omiloun pros allilous peri panton ton simvevikoton touton. egeneto en to omilin aftous ke sizitin ke aftos O Iisous engisas sineporeveto aftis.

At that time, Peter arose and ran

to the Tomb; and stooping down, he saw the linen cloths lying by themselves; and he departed, marvelling to himself at what had happened.



behold, two of them were travelling that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was seven miles from Jerusalem. they discussed together all these things that had happened.

Ke Ke

And So

Synaxarion - 4 March


tou aftou minos, Mnimi tou Osiou Patros imon Gerasimou tou en to Iordani.
afti imera, Mnimi ton Agion Martyron Pavlou ke Ioulianis tis aftou adelfis. afti imera, i anotero, Kodratos, Akakios ke Stratonikos i apo dimion, xifi teliounte.


the 4th day of this month we Commemorate our Righteous Father, St Gerasimos of the Jordan.

it was, while they conversed and reasoned, that Jesus Himself drew near and went with them. that they did not recognise Him. of conversation is this that you have with one another as you walk and are sad?


On this day we Commemorate the

Holy Martyrs, St Paul and St Juliana, his sister, of Ptolemais, Palestine.

I de ofthali afton ekratounto tou mi But their eyes were restrained, so

epignoni afton.

Ipe de pros aftous: Tines i logi outi And He said to them: What kind
ous antivallete pros allilous peripatountes ke este skithropi?



this day the Holy Martyrs St Quadratos, St Akakios, and St Stratonikos, executioners who believed in Christ through St Paul and St Juliana, were Perfected in Martyrdom by the sword. Constantia, Cyprus, reposed in Peace.


Ti Ti

afti imera, O Agios Grigoris Kiprou, en irini telioute. afti imera, Kyriaki proti ton Nistion, anamnisin pioumetha tis anastiloseos ton Agion ke Septon ikonon, genomenis para ton aimniston Aftokratoron Konstantinoupoleos Mihail ke tis Mitros aftou Theodroras epi tis Patrarhias tou Agiou ke Omologitou Mthodiou. aparallaktos Ikon tou Patros, presvies ton Agion Sou Omologiton, eleison imas.

On this day St Gregory, Bishop of On

this day, the first Sunday of Lent, we Commemorate the Restoration of the Holy and Venerable Icons enacted by the Ever Memorable Emperors of Constantinople, St Michael, and his mother, St Theodora, during the Patriarchate of St Methodios the Confessor.

de O is, O Onoma Kleopas, ipe pros Afton: Si monos Parikis en Irousalim ke ouk egnos ta genomena en afti en tes imeres taftes?


the one whose name was Cleopas answered and said to Him: Art Thou the only Stranger in Jerusalem, and does Thou not know the things that have happened there in these days?

Ke ipen aftis: Pia? I

de ipon Afton: Ta peri Isou tou Nazoreou, os egeneto anir Profitis Dinatos en Ergo ke Logo enantion tou Theou ke pantos tou laou, opos te paredokan Afton i arhiris ke i arhontes imon is krima thanatou ke estarosan Afton. ilpizomen oti Aftos estin O mellon Litrousthe ton Israil.

And So

He said to them: What things? they said to Him: The things concerning Jesus of Nazareth, Who was a Prophet Mighty in Deed and Word before God and all the people; and how the Chief Priests and our Rulers delivered Him to be condemned to death, and crucified Him.

Unaltered Image of the Father, by the Intercessions of Thy Holy Confessors, have mercy on us.

Imis de

But we were hoping that it was He Who was going to Redeem Israel.


Tone (5) Plagal 1 5 Triodion - 1st Lent Orthodoxy 4 March 2012 Tone (5) Plagal 1 5 Triodion - 1st Lent Orthodoxy 4 March 2012

Alla Alla

ge sin pasi toutis tritin taftin imeran agi simeron af ou tafta egeneto. ke Ginekes tines ex imon exestisan imas genomeneorthrie epi to Mnimion. legouse. Ke optasian Angelon eorakene, i legousin Afton zin!

Indeed, besides all this, today is the third day since these things happened. Yes, and certain Women of our company, who arrived at the Tomb early, astonished us. they told us that when they did not find His Body, they beheld a Vision of Angels who said He was alive!


anastantes afti ti ora ipestrepsan is Irousalim,ke evron sinithrismenous tous endeka ke tous sin aftis, legontas: Oti igerthi O Kyrios ontas ke ofthi Simoni!


Ke mi evrouse to Soma Aftou ilthon For

they arose that very hour and returned to Jerusalem, and found the Eleven and those who were with them gathered together, saying: The Lord is Risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon! they related all the things that had happened along the road, and how He was known to them by the breaking of bread.
Of Salvation & TONE (5) PLAGAL 1

Ke afti exigounto ta en ti odo ke os And

egnosthi Aftis en ti klasi tou artou.

Ke apilthon tines ton sin imin epi to

Mnimion, ke evron outo kathos ke e ginekes ipon, Afton de ouk idon.

And certain of those who were with us went to the Tomb and found it just as the women had said; but Him they did not see.

Resurrection Prayer... Psalm 50/51... Triodion H y m n s Salvation Prayers ...

Ke Aftos ipe pros aftous:

O anoiti ke vradis ti kardia tou pistevin epi pasin is elalisan i Profite. Ouhi tafta edi pathin ton Hriston ke iselthin is tin Doxan Aftou?

Then He said to them, O foolish

ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the Prophets have spoken! Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His Glory? the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the Things concerning Himself.

Kontakion of the Resurrection


Ke arxamenos apo Moiseos ke apo And beginning with Moses and all
panton ton Profiton diirmineven aftis en pasis tes Grafes ta peri Eaftou.

ton Adin Sotir mou sigkatavevikas, ke tas pilas sintripsas os Pantodinamos, tous thanentas os Ktistis sinexanestisas, ke thanatou to kentdron Hriste sinetripsas, ke Adam tis kataras erriso Filanthrope. Dio pantes Si krazomen: SOSON IMAS, KYRIE.


descended into Hades, Christ my Saviour, smashed its gates as All Powerful, raised the dead with Thyself as Creator, smashed the sting of Death and delivered Adam from the Curse: O Lover of Mankind: therefore, we all cry unto Thee: SAVE US, O LORD!

Ikos of the Resurrection

rimata, apevalonto ton thrinon, prosharis genomene, ke sintromi tin Anastasin evlepon: ke idou Hristos prosingisen aftes, legon to: Herete: tharsite, ego ton kosmon nenikika, ke tous desmious errisamin: spoudasate oun pros tous Mathita apangellouse aftis, oti proago imas en to Galilea tou kirise: dio pantes si krazomen:


ingisan is tin komin ou eporevonto, ke Aftos prosepiito porrotero porevesthe. Ke pareviasanto afton legontes: Minon meth imon, oti pros esperan esti ke kekliken i imera.

Then they drew near to the village

where they were going, and He indicated that He would have gone further. But they constrained Him, saying: Abide with us, for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent.

Akousase e Ginekes tou Angelou ta The Women, when they heard the

Ke isilthe tou mine sin aftis. And He went in to stay with them. Ke egeneto en to kataklithine Afton Now it came to pass, as He sat at
met Afton lavon ton arton Evlogise, ke klasas, epedidou aftis. epegnosan Afton. the table with them, that He took bread, Blessed it and broke it, and gave it to them. they recognised Him.

Angels words, cast away their lamentation and becoming Joyful, trembling saw the Resurrection. And behold: Christ drew near them and said: Rejoice! Take courage, I have overcome the wold and freed the prisoners! Hurry then to the Disciples; take them this message: I Am going before you to preach in the city of Galilee. Therefore, we all cry unto Thee: SAVE US, O LORD!

Triodion Kontakion Orthodoxy Sunday

Afton de diinihthisan i ofthalmi, ke Then their eyes were opened and Ke Aftos afantos egeneto ap afton. And He vanished from their sight. Ke ipon pros allilous: Ouhi i kardia And they said to one another:
imon keomeni in en imin, os elali imin en ti odo ke os diinigen imin tas Grafas? Did not our hearts burn within us while He spoke with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?

aperigraptos Logos tou Patros, ek Sou Theotoke periegrafi sarkoumenos, ke tin ripothisan ikona is to arheon anamorfosas, to Thio kalli sigkatemxen. All omologountes tin Sotirian, ERGO KE LOGO


Fathers Uncircumscribed Word was circumscribed in taking Flesh from Thee, O Theotokos. His Image had been soiled, so He Restored it to its primordial Form, and in so doing, combined it with Divine Beauty. And Confessing our Salvation, WE DEPICT IN WORD AND DEED.

Tone (5) Plagal 1 5 Triodion - 1st Lent Orthodoxy 4 March 2012

Tone (5) Plagal 1 5 Triodion - 1st Lent Orthodoxy 4 March 2012

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