Lesson Plan Math
Lesson Plan Math
Lesson Plan Math
Give the place value of each digit in a 6 or more digit number 2. Read and write numbers through billions in figures and in words correctly Psychomotor: Write numbers through billions in figures and in words Affective: Observe accuracy in reading and writing numbers through billions in figures and in words Learning Content Skill: Reading and writing numbers through billions in figures and in words Reference: BEC-PELC 1.A.1 Materials: Place value chart, number cards Value: Alertness, Accuracy Learning Experience A. Preparatory Activities 1. Drill Writing Numbers in Expanded Form to Standard Form Strategy 1 Think and Share (Working back) Materials: Expanded form of numbers written in whatever indigenous cardboard like boxes of powdered soap Mechanics: a. Distribute 2 copies of a number in expanded form to a boy and a girl. b. Let the two write the standard form of the number one on top of the other on the board. c. The purpose of the game is to easily compare the places and digits of the standard form of the number. d. Have volunteers read the first number, give the place value of each digit and the value of each digit. e. Then have them give the place value and the value of each digit in the second number. f. The game continues until all the five pairs of numbers are written on the board. Strategy 2 Forming Numbers (Game) Materials: Number cards with numbers 0-9 written on recycled materials like boxes of milk, powdered detergent, etc. Mechanics: a. One group of 10 boys and 1 group of 10 girls will be given number cards 0-9.
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b. As the teacher says a number the boys and girls groups will form the said number as fast as they could by standing in front of the class. c. The group that is able to form the correct number first gets the point. d. The game will go on until all the numbers prepared by the teachers have been dictated. e. The group with the highest points wins. 2. Review Reading smaller group of numbers written on recycled materials. B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation Strategy 1: Problem Opener The total student population in the Philippines according to the Philippine Yearbook 1999 is sixteen million, three hundred nine thousand, five hundred fifty-six. Ask the following questions: 1) How is this number written in numerals? 2) In writing a numeral consisting of many digits, how are the digits divided? 3) Where do we start grouping the number by 3s? 4) How are the three-digit number group separated from the other number groups? 5) Where do the values of each period as well as each digit in the periods depend? 6) What is the role of zero in a number? Strategy 2: Picking Flowers Relay (Game) Materials: Paper flowers clipped on a cartolina tree Mechanics: 1) Divide the class into 2 groups 10 boys and 10 girls. 2) Teacher post a tree on the board with flowers having numbers on them. 3) As the teacher says a number, the first set of participants rushes to the board to pick the flowers corresponding to the dictated number. 4) The participant who gets the right flower keep the flower and gets the points for his/her group. 5) The game goes on until all the flowers are picked. The group that has the most flowers wins. Ask: a. What guided you to get the right number? b. How many periods do you see in a billion? c. What should you remember in writing and reading numbers?
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Strategy 3: Posting a Place Value Chart (Concept Development) Teacher dictates numbers and let pupils put number cards on the place value chart to represent the dictated number. The activity is done until all the chart is filled with the dictated numbers. Let the pupils read the numbers on the place value chart. Ask: 1) How were you able to read the problems? 2) What is the largest period in a four-period numeral? 3) What do you place when one of the place values is not mentioned in a period? 4) What do you call zero then? 2. Generalization How many periods are there in billion? What are the periods in billion? Where do you start reading numbers? How is each period separated from each other? When writing numbers in words, what is placed after each period? C. Application 1. Write the following numbers in words: a. 2 750 00 _________________________________________________ b. 3 726 513 ________________________________________________ c. 43 000 210 _______________________________________________ d. 412 876 010 ______________________________________________ e. 234 126 143 ______________________________________________ f. 1 046 287 130 _____________________________________________ g. 961 428 157 380 ___________________________________________ h. 2 704 680 415 _____________________________________________ i. 3 456 839 701 _____________________________________________ j. 258 400 007 130 ___________________________________________ 2. Write the numerals of the following: a. Three million seven hundred twenty three thousand, one hundred twenty _________________ b. Five hundred thirty five million two hundred forty four ______________ c. Four thousand three ________________ d. Six hundred eighty thousand eight hundred two _______________ e. Eight hundred forty seven million three hundred fifty six thousand four hundred fifteen ________________ IV. Evaluation A. Write each number in standard form. 1) 75 billion, 84 million, 26 thousand __________
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2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
149 billion, 400 thousand, twelve __________ 4 billion, 180 thousand ___________ Thirty-five million, ten thousand ___________ Sixty billion ______________ Twenty billion, five million, five ___________
B. Write the value of the underlined digit in each number. 1) 3 100 423 000 __________ 2) 9 287 600 __________ 3) 412 876 010 051 _____________ 4) 17 386 001 000 ______________ 5) 234 126 143 ______________ V. Assignment A. Write the number words in numerals. 1) 436 510 210 2) 2 004 716 3) 14 287 000 4) 8 287 000 450 5) 3 012 428 000 B. In the numeral 927 814 760 537, write each digit in the proper place according to value. __________ a. thousands __________ g. hundred millions __________ b. ten millions __________ h. hundred billions __________ c. billions __________ i. hundred thousands __________ d. hundreds __________ j. ten billions __________ e. ones __________ k. millions __________ f. ten thousands __________ l. tens
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Using the Properties of Addition I. Learning Objectives Cognitive: 1. Identify the properties of addition used in an equation 2. Add numbers using the properties Psychomotor: Write the sum of a given set of numbers Affective: 1. Appreciate the use of properties of addition for quicker computation 2. Work quickly but accurately VI. Learning Content Skill: Using the Properties of Addition to Help Find the Sum Reference: BEC-PELC 1.A.2.a Materials: flashcards Value: 1. Appreciation for the use of the properties of addition 2. Work quickly but accurately Learning Experience A. Preparatory Activities Materials: set of flashcards with 3-6 digit addends that are compatible 1. Teacher prepares flashcards with numbers that are compatible where properties of addition are easy to use. 12 or + 7 Example: 11+5+19+1500 8 2. Teacher divides the class into 3 groups. Teacher shows the class a card and asks the pupils to solve mentally as fast as they can. Teacher may give time limit to answer (ie, 10-15 seconds depending on how difficult/easy the items are. No other means of computation is allowed except mental computations. 3. Team with the most points wins. B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation a) Teacher posts several cards on the board to be used as example b) Ask from students ways of finding the sum of a set of numbers quickly. Example 12+7+8 c) Teacher probes if such techniques are possible (ie, does changing the order of adding change the sum) verify by actual adding. 12+7+8, 19+8=27 d) Elicit reason why the strategies mentioned by students Commutative, Associative and Identity e) Define and illustrate each. Mention that zero is the identity in addition. f) Provide more examples.
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g) Cooperative Learning Activity: Rally Table 1) Group class into groups of 4. Provide each group with worksheet with 10 items. 2) Person 1 answers question 1 mentally 3) After time limit, teacher rings the bell and the paper is passed on person #2 of each group 4) Person #2 answers question 2 5) This pattern continues with person #1 answering question 5 6) Check answers. 7) Have group discuss incorrect items and how these could be answered correctly. 8) Value Infusion: Who was able to benefit from knowing the Properties? How did it help in computing for the sum? 2. Generalization What are the properties of addition? What is the commutative property of addition? Associative property? Identity property? C. Application Name the properties used. 1. (7 + 8) + 2 = 7 (8 + 2) _________ 2. 3 + 9 = 9 + 3 __________ 3. 14 + 0 = 14 __________ 4. 4 + (7 + 6) = 4 + (6 + 7) __________ 5. (5 + 3) + 7 = 5 + (3 + 7) __________ 6. (5 + 1) + 2 = 5 (2 + 1) __________ IV. Evaluation Find each missing addend. Name the properties you used. 1. (12 + 3) + = + (3 + 5) 4. 35 + 0 + = 35 + 9 + 0 2. 27 + = 27 5. (4 + ) + 16 = 4 + (16 + 12) 3. (32 + ) + 8 = 32 + (8 + 7) 6. (2 + 19) + = (2 + 9)+ 19 Assignment Use the properties to complete each sentence. 1. 24 + 12 + 6 = 6. 33 + 10 + 7 = 2. 65 + 20 + 115 = 7. 15 + 12 + 9 = 3. 0 + 574 = 8. 30 + 20 + 15 = 4. 0 + 45 + 7 = 9. 16 + 30 + 14 = 5. 479 + 0 = 10. 25 + 35 + 10 =
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Identifying and Showing the Properties of Multiplication I. Learning Objectives Cognitive: 1. Identify the properties of addition multiplication 2. Find the product using the properties of multiplication Psychomotor: Write the equation and the answer illustrating the properties of multiplication Affective: 1. Cooperate actively with the group 2. Be alert in every activity Learning Content Skill: Identifying and showing the properties of multiplication Reference: BEC-PELC 1.A.2.b Materials: Objects or bottle caps Value: Cooperation, active participation and alertness Learning Experience A. Preparatory Activities Name the properties used. 1. (5 + 7) + 4 = 5 (7 + 4) 2. 6 + 3 = 3 + 6 3. 12 + 0 = 12 4. 2 + (5 + 3) = 2 + (3 + 5) 5. (7 + 1) + 2 = 7 + (2 + 1) Strategy 1: Please Value Pingpong Game Materials: Flashcards Mechanics: a. Divide the class in groups of two or form dyads. b. Teacher flashes card like 426, 859, 206, 357 c. Each dyads or each partner has only one answer sheet. One player writes the answer in number one. d. The first player of each dyads passes the answer sheet to his/her partner who in turn answers number two. e. This game continues up to the 10th round. f. Each dyads exchange answers sheets for checking. g. The dyads or partners with the most number or correct answers are winners. There maybe more than one winner in this kind of game. B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation Strategy 1: Using concrete object Materials: Counter/bottle caps
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Mechanics: 1) Distribute 24 counters to each pair. 2) Partner 1 uses counters to show a 6 by 2 array. Partner 2 shows a 2 by 6 array. 3) Partners discuss similarities and differences in arrays. 4) They write multiplication sentence foe each array. (6 x 2 = 12, 2 x 6 = 12) 5) Pair repeat activity for these arrays: 3 by 4, 4 by 3; 2 by 4, 4 by 2 (5 10 min.) 6) Teacher asks what pupils say about the product. (The order of the factors does not change the product). 7) This is the Commutative Property of Multiplication. Strategy 2: Whole class activity Mechanics: 1) Divide the class into 6 groups. Two groups will be doing the same equations. 2) Teacher distributes equation to each group for them to solve. For Example: Group 1 & 2 32 x 1 = N 1 x 32 = N Group 3 & 4 29 x 0 = N 0 x 29 = N
6 x (4 x 5) = N 6 x (4 x 5) = (6 x 4) + (6 x 5) 6 x _____ = _____ + _____ _________= _________ 3) Every group works on the equation. 4) Each group reports. The groups should come up with these: 1 & 2 The product of any number and one is the same number (Identity Property) 3 & 4 The product of any number and zero (0) is zero (0). (Zero Property) 5 & 6 If the factor is a sum, multiplying before adding does not change the product. 5) Why do some groups finish their work earlier than others? How did you participate in the activities? Strategy 3: Show-Me Game Mechanics: 1) Each pupil has his/her own show-me card.
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Group 5 & 6
2) Teacher flashes equations like: 15 x 0 = 0 7 x (5 x 4) = (7 x 5) + (7 x 4), 8 x 6 = 6 x 8, 8 x (4 x 7) = (8 x 4) x 7, 29 x 1 = 19 3) Each pupil writes the property illustrated in his/her own card. 4) As the teacher shows the signal, pupils raise their show-me cards. 5) This continues up to the 10th round. 2. Generalization The properties of multiplication are: Commutative Property The order of the factors does not change the product. Associative Property The way the factors are grouped does not change the product or a change in the grouping of the factors does not affect the product. Identity Property The product of any number and one is that number Zero Property The product of any number and zero is 0. Distributive Property of Multiplication over Addition If one factor is a sum, multiplying before adding does not change the product. Evaluation A. Identify the property of multiplication illustrated. 1. 4, 761 x 0 = 0 4. 8 x (4 x 9) = 8 x (4 x 9) 2. 8 x 27 = 27 x 8 5. 4 x (3 + 6) = (4 x 3) + (4 x 6) 3. 956 x 1 = 956 B. Name the property of multiplication illustrated. 1. 9 x 14 = 14 x 9 4. 248 x 0 = 0 2. 25 x 1 = 25 5. 6 x (8 x 10) = (6 x 8) x 10 3. 6 x (7 + 3) = (6 x 7) + (6 x 3) C. Write true or false. If true, identify the property of multiplication illustrated. 1. 8 x 4 = 4 x 8 6. 5 x (2 x 6) = (5 x 2) x (6 x 5) 2. (3 x 4) + (4 x 5) = (3 x 4) x 5 7. 0 x 5 = 0 3. 7 x (4 + 2) = ( x 4) + 2 8. 7 x 82 = (7 x 80) + (7 x 2) 4. (8 + 2) x 3 = (8 x 3) + (2 x 3) 9. 457 x 0 = 0 5. 10 x 96 = 90 x 10 + 6 10. 9 x (6 + 4) = (9 x 6) + (9 x 4) D. Use the distributive property to find the product. 1. 8 x (40 + 3) = (__x__) + (__x__) = ______ + ______ = _________
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2. 7 x (8 + 3) = (__x__) + (__x__) = ______ + ______ = _________ 3. 4 x (20 + 6) = (__x__) + (__x__) = ______ + ______ = _________ 4. 6 x (2 + 3) = (6 x__) + (6 x__) = ______ + ______ = _________ 5. 5 x 43 = (5 x__) + (5 x__) = ______ + ______ = _________ E. Solve the product 1. 3 x (5 x 6) = (3 x 5) x 6 3 x _____ = _____ x _____ ______ = ______ 2. 6 x (30 + 5) = (__ x __) + (__ x __) = _____ + _____ = __________ 3. 9 x 8 = __ x 9 _____ = _____ 4. 8 x (7 x 5) = (8 x 7) x 5 __ x __ = __ x __ ______ = ______ 5. 4 x (9 + 7) = (_____) + (_____) = _____ + _____ =________ V. Assignment Solve for the product then identify the property of multiplication illustrated. 1. 9 x (6 + 5) = __________ . 2. 2657 x 1 = __________ . 3. 0 x 4784 = __________ 4. 4 x (10 x 8) = (4 x 10) x 8 __________ 5. 8 x (6 + 4) = __________
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Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Ten Thousands, Hundred Thousands I. Learning Objectives Cognitive: Round off numbers to the nearest indicated place value Psychomotor: Write numbers rounded to the indicated place value Affective: 1. Wait for ones turn in a game 2. Demonstrate consciousness of too much food wastage 3. Appreciate use of rounding off in real life situations Learning Content Skill: Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Ten Thousands etc. Reference: BEC-PELC 1.A.3 Materials: flashcards, cutouts, number line, number cards Value: 1. Appreciation for use of rounding off in real-life situation 2. Consciousness of too much food wastage Learning Experience A. Preparatory Activities 1. Drill Drill on Reading Numbers Through Billions Strategy 1: Game Catching Fish Materials: picture of an aquarium with cutouts of fishes, numbers through billions are written in cutouts of different kinds of fish Mechanics: a. Teacher divides class into two groups. b. Draw lots to decide who will be the first player c. The first player catches fish by getting one cutouts and reading the numeral correctly. Reading the numeral accurately means one point for the group. d. The second player comes from the group. e. The two groups take their turns. f. The game continues up to the 10 rounds. g. The group with the most number of points wins. Strategy 2: Group Game Materials: flashcards Mechanics: a. Teacher divides the class into 4 teams. b. Flash a number, fro example, 27,000,426,598 c. The first pupil from each team reads the numeral. Take turns. d. Team gets a point if the answer is correct.
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e. The game continues until a team gains 10 points. announced the winner.
This team is
2. Review Strategy 1: Show Me Game Materials: Show-me-cards Mechanics: a. Each pupil has his/her own Show Me Card. b. Teacher dictates a numeral through billions, for example: Fifty six billion, nine million, eight million c. Each pupil writes the number on Show Me Cards. d. When the teacher gives the signal, everybody raises his/her card. e. Every pupil makes a record of his score. (This develops honesty, a very important value.) f. This activity continues up to the 10th round. 3. Motivation Problem Opener The Cruz family is preparing food for their expected guests of 187 for tomorrows town fiesta. For how many people, to the nearest hundred, should they prepare for? What is given? What is being asked? How do we solve the problem? B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation Strategy
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