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By- Mahim Srivastava
INTEL 4004:-

1) Built in 1971
2) 4 Bit Micro-processor
3) Initial clock speed 108 Khz
4) No of transistors used 2300
5) Developed on P-MOS technology
INTEL 8008:-

1) Built in 1972
2) 8 bit Micro-processor
3) Initial clock speed of 500-800 KHz
4) No of transistors used were 3500
5) Also developed on PMOS technology
INTEL 8080:-

1) Built in 1974
2) 8 Bit Microprocessor
3) Initial clock speed 500-800 KHz
4) No of transistors used 4500
5) Developed using NMOS Technology
6) Drawbacks: It required 3 power supplies
INTEL 8085:-
1) Built in 1977
2) 5 in 8085 means +5 volt supply
3) Initial clock speed of about 3MHz
4) Approx. 6500 transistors were used
5) 8 Bit -Processor using NMOS technology

1) Extension to support new interrupts :-
Maskable (RST 7.5,RST 6.5,RST 5.5) Non-Maskable (TRAP) and
Externally serviced Interrupt (INTR).
2) 8085 can itself drive piezoelectric crystal directly connected to it.
3) Through 8 bit Microprocessor but it can also load 16 bit data
(Through pairs BC DE HL).
INTEL 8086 :-
1) Buit in 1979
2) 16 bit Microprocessor
3) It has 20 bit address bus and 1 MB addressing space
4) Initial clock speed of 5 MHz,8 MHz and 10 MHz
5) No of transistors used were 29,000

1) Memory divided into odd and even banks
2) Can read upto 16 bits of data in one cycle
INTEL 80286 INTEL 80386
Processor:- Processor:-
1) It is a 32 bit x86 processor
1) It is a 16 bit x86 processor 2) It has 32 bit address bus and 32
2) Provides Memory management bit data bus
& protection 3) Clock speeds between 12-40
3) Initial clock speed 8 MHz MHz
4) 24 bit address bus gives the 4) It can access upto 4GB of
capacity to access 16 MB physical memory
storage 5) About 275,000 transistors were
5) About 134,000 transistors were used
Intel Pentium Processor:-
1) Built in 1993
2) Clock speed 66 MHz
3) Approx. 31 Lakhs transistors were used
4) 112 milion commands per second could be executed per second.

Pentium Series Advancement:-

(Pentium 2 to Pentium 4 processor)

1) Clock speed was increased from 66 MHz to 1.7 GHz

2) No of transistors were also increased from 31 Lakhs to 5.5 Crore

1) Built in 2006 and 2007 respectively

2) Clock speed varies from 1.6 GHz to 2.6 Ghz
3) In built cache memory of 2MB to 6 MB
4) Both are 64 bit microprocessors
5) Both were mainly media centred and provided HD display quality
INTEL CORE SERIES (i3,i5,i7, i7 extreme)
1) Core are more powerful variants of the same
processors sold as Celeron and Pentium

2) They are made mainly for multitasking

3) These processors were made available to public
from January 2010
4) Clock speed varies from 1.7GHz (slowest) and
3.5GHz (fastest)
For any queries and doubts contact
your class teacher
Contact : mahim.ims@gmail.com


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