Vibrations and Waves
Vibrations and Waves
Vibrations and Waves
Think of this!
Ocean wave
If you have ever watched ocean waves moving toward shore (and before they break), you
may have wondered if the waves were carrying water from out at sea and into the beach.
This is, in fact, not the case! Water waves move with recognizable velocity. But each
particle of the water itself merely oscillates (vibrate) about an equilibrium point.
Thus disturbance propagates but not the water molecules itself, rather it only oscillates.
• Vibration
described by amplitude and frequency—how frequently
vibratory motion occurs
• Wave
described by frequency, speed, amplitude, and
characteristics of a Wave
• crests
– high points of the wave
• troughs
– low points of the wave
characteristics of a Wave
• amplitude
– distance from the midpoint to crest or trough
• wavelength
– distance from the top of one crest to the top of the next crest, or
distance between successive identical parts of the wave
Vibrations and Waves
A. frequency.
B. period.
C. wavelength.
D. amplitude.
Vibrations and Waves
A. frequency.
B. period.
C. wavelength.
D. amplitude.
Or between adjacent troughs or any adjacent identical parts of the
Vibration and Wave
number of to-and-fro vibrations in a given time
unit: 1 vibration per second = 1 Hertz
defined as the time it takes for a complete
unit: any unit of time, often the second
Vibration and Wave
Frequency = 1/period
Unit: Hertz (Hz)
Period = 1/frequency
Unit: second (s)
A. 1/ second.
B. 20 seconds.
C. more than 20 seconds.
D. none of the above.
Vibrations and Waves
A. 1/ second.
B. 20 seconds.
C. more than 20 seconds.
D. none of the above.
Note when = 20 Hz, T = 1/ = 1/(20 Hz) = 1/20 second.
Wave Motion
Wave speed
• how fast a disturbance moves through a medium
• related to the frequency and wavelength of a wave
a wave with wavelength 1 meter and frequency of
1 Hz has a speed of 1 m/s
Transverse and Longitudinal Waves
The vibrations in a longitudinal wave, in contrast, are along (or parallel
to) the direction of wave travel.
The Nature of Sound
travels in longitudinal waves — vibrating
compressions and rarefactions through air
Speed of Sound
Sound travels at 340 m/s in air at 20°C
The Nature of Sound
A situation to ponder…
A. Radio signal.
B. Nonbroadcast sound signal.
C. Both at the same time.
D. None of the above.
A situation to ponder…
A radio signal travels at the speed of light—3 108 m/s.
Time to travel 45 m at 340 m/s ≈ 0.13 s.
Time to travel 4 107 m (Earth’s circumference) at
3 108 m/s ≈ 0.13 s. So if you sit farther back at the concert, the radio
signal would reach you first!
Sound Waves
How sound is heard from a radio loudspeaker
• radio loudspeaker is a paper cone that vibrates
• air molecules next to the loudspeaker set into vibration
• produces compressions and rarefactions in air
• sound waves reach your ears, setting your eardrums into vibration
• sound is heard
Radio Speaker
• (a) paper cone vibrates in rhythm with an
electric signal.
• (b) vibrations are displayed on an oscilloscope
— a graph of pressure versus time.
The Nature of Sound
For each increase of 1°C above 0°C, speed of
sound increases by 0.6 m/s.