Superposition Theorem
Superposition Theorem
Superposition Theorem
Topics Covered
Superposition Theorem
Thevenin’s Theorem
Thevenizing a Circuit with Two Voltage Sources
Thevenizing a Bridge Circuit
10-5: Norton’s Theorem
Topics Covered
• Thevenin-Norton Conversions
• Conversion of Voltage and Current Sources
• Millman’s Theorem
• T or Y and π or Δ Conversions
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Superposition Theorem
– The superposition theorem extends the use of
Ohm’s Law to circuits with multiple sources.
Superposition Theorem
2. All the components must be bilateral, meaning that
the current is the same amount for opposite polarities
of the source voltage.
Superposition Theorem
– In a linear, bilateral network that has more than
one source, the current or voltage in any part of
the network can be found by adding algebraically
the effect of each source separately.
Superposition Theorem
Fig. 10-1: Superposition theorem applied to a voltage divider with two sources V1 and V2. (a)
Actual circuit with +13 V from point P to chassis ground. (b) V1 alone producing +16 V at P. (c)
V2 alone producing −3 V at P.
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Superposition Theorem
R1 R2
15 V 100 20 13 V
V1 10 R3 V2
R1 R2
15 V 100 20
V2 shorted
V1 10 R3
Superposition Theorem (Applied)
R1 R2
15 V 100 20 13 V
V1 10 R3 V2
R1 R2
100 20 13 V
V1 shorted V2
10 R3
R1 R2
15 V 100 20 13 V
V1 V2
0.094 A 0.406 A
With V2 shorted
REQ = 106.7 , IT = 0.141 A and IR = 0.094 A
With V1 shorted
REQ = 29.09 , IT = 0.447 A and IR = 0.406 A
15 V 100 20 13 V
V1 10 R3 V2
0.5 A
Fig. 10-3: Application of Thevenin’s theorem. (a) Actual circuit with terminals A and B across
RL. (b) Disconnect RL to find that VAB is 24V. (c) Short-circuit V to find that RAB is 2Ω.
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Thevenin’s Theorem
Fig. 10-3 (d) Thevenin equivalent circuit. (e) Reconnect RL at terminals A and B to find that VL is
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Thevenin’s Theorem
• Determining Thevenin Resistance and Voltage
– RTH is determined by shorting the voltage source
and calculating the circuit’s total resistance as
seen from open terminals A and B.
– VTH is determined by calculating the voltage
between open terminals A and B.
Thevenin’s Theorem
Fig. 10-4: Thevenizing the circuit of Fig. 10-3 but with a 4-Ω R3 in series with the A terminal. (a)
VAB is still 24V. (b) Now the RAB is 2 + 4 = 6 Ω. (c) Thevenin equivalent circuit.
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Thevenizing a Circuit
with Two Voltage Sources
• The circuit in Figure 10-5 can b solved by
Kirchhoff’s laws, but Thevenin’s theorem can
be used to find the current I3 through the
middle resistance R3.
– Mark the terminals A and B across R3.
– Disconnect R3.
– To calculate VTH, find VAB across the open terminals
Thevenizing a Circuit
with Two Voltage Sources
Fig. 10-5: Thevenizing a circuit with two voltage sources V1 and V2. (a) Original circuit with
terminals A and B across the middle resistor R3. (b) Disconnect R3 to find that VAB is −33.6V. (c)
Short-circuit V1 and V2 to find that RAB is 2.4 Ω. (d) Thevenin equivalent with RL reconnected to
terminals A and B.
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Thevenizing a Bridge Circuit
Fig. 10-6: Thevenizing a bridge circuit. (a) Original circuit with terminals A and B across middle
resistor RL.
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Thevenizing a Bridge Circuit
Fig. 10-6(b) Disconnect RL to find VAB of −8 V. (c) With source V short-circuited, RAB is 2 + 2.4 =
4.4 Ω.
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Thevenizing a Bridge Circuit
Norton’s Theorem
• Example of a Current Source
– The symbol for a current source is a circle
enclosing an arrow that indicates the direction of
current flow. The direction must be the same as
the current produced by the polarity of the
corresponding voltage source (which produces
electron flow from the negative terminal).
Norton’s Theorem
Fig. 10-7: General forms for a voltage source or current source connected to a load RL across
terminals A and B. (a) Voltage source V with series R. (b) Current source I with parallel R. (c)
Current source I with parallel conductance G.
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Norton’s Theorem
• Example of a Current Source
– In this example, the current I is provided constant
with its rating regardless of what may be
connected across output terminals A and B. As
resistances are added, the current divides
according to the rules for parallel branches
(inversely to branch resistances but directly with
– Note that unlike voltage sources, current sources
are killed by making them open.
Norton’s Theorem
• Determining Norton Current and Voltage
– IN is determined by calculating the current through
a short placed across terminals A and B.
Norton’s Theorem
• A Wheatstone Bridge Can Be Nortonized.
Fig. 10-9: Same circuit as in Fig. 10-3, but solved by Norton’s theorem. (a) Original circuit. (b)
Short circuit across terminals A and B.
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Norton’s Theorem
• The Norton Equivalent Circuit
– Replace R2 with a short and determine IN.
– Apply the current divider.
– Apply KCL.
– RN = RTH.
– The current source provides 12 A total flow,
regardless of what is connected across it. With no
load, all of the current will flow in RN. When shorted,
all of the current will flow in the short.
• Connect R2.
• Apply the current divider.
• Use Ohm’s Law.
Norton’s Theorem
Fig. 10-9(c) The short-circuit current IN is 36/3 = 12 A. (d) Open terminals A and B but short-
circuit V to find RAB is 2 Ω, the same as RTH.
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Norton’s Theorem
IL = IN x RN/RN + RL = 12 x 2/4 = 6 A
Fig. 10-9(e) Norton equivalent circuit. (f) RL reconnected to terminals A and B to find that IL is 6A.
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Thevenin-Norton Conversions
Thevenin Norton
Fig. 10-11: Thevenin equivalent circuit in (a) corresponds to the Norton equivalent in (b).
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Thevenin-Norton Conversions
Fig. 10-12: Example of Thevenin-Norton conversions. (a) Original circuit, the same as in Figs.
10-3a and 10-9a. (b) Thevenin equivalent. (c) Norton equivalent.
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Conversion of Voltage
and Current Sources
– Converting voltage and current sources can
simplify circuits, especially those with multiple
Conversion of Voltage
and Current Sources
• Norton conversion is a specific example of the general
principle that any voltage source with its series
resistance can be converted to an equivalent current
source with the same resistance in parallel.
• Conversion of voltage and current sources can often
simplify circuits, especially those with two or more
• Current sources are easier for parallel connections,
where currents can be added or divided.
• Voltage sources are easier for series connections,
where voltages can be added or divided.
Conversion of Voltage
and Current Sources
Fig. 10-15: Converting two current sources I1 and I2 in series to voltage sources V1 and V2 that
can be combined. (a) Original circuit. (b) I1 and I2 converted to series voltage sources V1 and V2.
(c) Equivalent circuit with one combined voltage source VT.
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Millman’s Theorem
– Millman’s theorem provides a shortcut for finding the
common voltage across any number of parallel
branches with different voltage sources.
– The theorem states that the common voltage across
parallel branches with different voltage sources can
be determined by:V1 V2 V3
R1 R2 R3
VXY etc
1 1 1
R1 R2 R3
– This formula converts the voltage sources to current
sources and combines the results.
Millman’s Theorem
Fig. 10-17: The same circuit as in Fig. 9-4 for Kirchhoff’s laws, but shown with parallel branches
to calculate VXY by Millman’s theorem.
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T or Y and π or Δ Conversions
T or Y and π or Δ Conversions
• Delta-to-Wye Conversion
– A delta (Δ) circuit can be converted to a wye (Y)
equivalent circuit by applying Kirchhoff’s laws:
R2 R2 R3
– This approach also converts a T to a π network.
T or Y and π or Δ Conversions
• Wye-to-delta Conversion
– A wye (Y) circuit can be converted to a delta (Δ)
equivalent circuit by applying Kirchhoff’s laws:
R R R 2R 3 R 1R 3 RA
RA 1 2
R R R 2R 3 R 1R 3 R2 R3
RB 1 2 RC RB
R2 R1
R 1R 2 R 2R 3 R 1R 3
T or Y and π or Δ Conversions
T or Y and π or Δ Conversions
• For the Δ-to-Y conversion, each arm of the wye is
found by taking the product of the two adjacent
sides in the delta and dividing by the sum of the
three sides of the delta.
• The product of the two adjacent resistors
excludes the opposite resistor.
• The denominator for the sum of the three sides
remains the same in the three formulas.
• Each arm is calculated by dividing the sum into
each cross product.
T or Y and π or Δ Conversions
A Wheatstone Bridge Can Be Simplified.
RT = R + R1 = 2.5 + 2 = 4.5 Ω
Fig. 10-22 (c) The Y substituted for the Δ network. The result is a series-parallel circuit with
the same RT as the original bridge circuit. (d) RT is 4.5Ω between points P3 and P4.
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