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Goals and Importance of PE

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• Endurance (Cardiovascular and Cardio-

This is your body’s ability to use and deliver oxygen to

your body.

• Stamina (Muscular Endurance):

This is your body’s ability to store, process, and use


• Strength:

This is the ability of your muscles or a muscular unit

to apply force.

• Flexibility:

The ability to maximize the range of motion of a joint.


The ability of your muscles to maximize their force in a

minimum amount of time.


The ability to minimize the amount of time it takes you to

accomplish a task or movement.


The ability to combine several diff erent movement patterns in

a single distinct movement.


The ability to control a movement in a given direction or


The ability to minimize the time going from one movement to



The ability to control the center of gravity of your body in

relation to your support base
 develops students’ competence and
confi dence

IMPORTANCE  enables all students to enjoy and

 develop a wide range of skills and
PHYSICAL the ability

 Discovering what they like to do

 PE helps students develop
personally and socially.
Our aims are to:

 e n c o u ra g e a h e a l t hy a n d a c t i ve l i f e s t y l e
t h r ou g h o u t t h e s c h o o l b od y

IMPORTANCE  nurture sportsmanship in all aspects of

OF  w i d e n e a c h s t u d e n t ’s s p o r t i n g e x p e r i e n c e
and enjoyment
PHYSICAL  c r e a t e a p a s s i o n f o r a c t i ve r e c r e a t i o n a n d

EDUCATION s p or t

 a s s i s t s t u d e n t s i n r e a c h i n g t h e i r p hy s i c a l
p o t e n t i a l i n a va r i e t y o f s p o r t i n g
e n v i r on m e n t s
Physical Development

It is not only free from diseases but includes

physical fi tness as well,

GENERAL Emotional Development

OBJECTIVES The informal nature of physical education

activities off ers opportunities for the
OF PE development of a high level of self esteem and
ability to cope with routine stresses of daily
Social Development

It is the development and maintenance of a

meaningful interpersonal relationship.
Mental Development
OBJECTIVES Through participation in physical education

OF PE activities, the individual develops his mental

capacities as he learns the principles, rules
and strategies of games and sports.
Legal Bases of Teaching Physical Education in
the Philippines Setting


Physical exercise was one of the subjects introduced in

the public schools and regular program of athletics was



Physical Education was made a required subject subjects in

the curriculum of all public schools.

Legal Bases of Teaching Physical Education in
the Philippines Setting


Physical Education was made curricular subject in

the secondary school curriculum.
Legal Bases of Teaching Physical Education in
the Philippines Setting


The School of Physical Education and Sports Development

Act of 1969. A program of activities included among others:

1. A program of health education and nutrition,

2. A program of physical fi tness for all pupils,

3. A program of competitive athletics,

4. A program of intramural and inter-unit athletic competition

within schools, districts, and provinces; and
Legal Bases of Teaching Physical Education in
the Philippines Setting

5. An annual athletic competitions within and among regions.


MAPE was introduced and the learning area involves

music, arts, and physical education.

(Foundation of Physical Education by Carmen Andin)

Functions of Physical Education

Physical Education performs three functions which are:

1. Biologic Function

- refers to the enhancement of the individuals’ growth and

development through body movement.

2. Integrative Function - refers to the personality integration

achieved through participation in properly selected physical

Functions of Physical Education

P hys ic al Educa tion per forms th ree fun ctions which are:

3 . Soci al Fu nc tion

- refers to th e tran smitting values an d stan dards that a re c on sisten t

w ith the n eeds and ideals of t he soc iet y.

Al l i n a l l, Phys ical E duca tion as educ ation "through " movement

i s best con ceived of a s bein g tha t componen t of th e edu ca tiona l

p rocess wh ic h a ims to improve an d complem ent th e individua l

c hi efl y throu gh professiona lly selected and direc ted physic al

a cti vi ti es.
New Directions for Physical Education

"All our educational eff orts must be directed

towards the development of our national
goals as a developing country." This focus,
contained in the Presidential Decree No. 6-A,
is entitled "Educational Development Decree
of 1972," the goals of which are:
New Directions for Physical Education

1.To achieve and maintain an accelerating rate of

economic development and social progress;

2.To assure the maximum participation of all the

people in the attainment and enjoyment of the
benefi ts of such growth;

New Directions for Physical Education

3. To strengthen national consciousness and

promote desirable cultural values in the changing
Purposes of Physical Education

The Physical Education specialists in our country have identifi ed

the following purposes of Physical Education:

To develop optimum physical fi tness and health of the individual

so that he is capable of living the "good life" and contributing his
maximum capacity to the attainment of the goals of the "New
Purposes of Physical Education

2. To produce individuals who can contribute to the

economic well-being through:

a. the improvement of proper work habits and work

attitudes such as punctuality, cooperation, reliability,
precision and accuracy, and open-mindedness; and

b. proper emphasis on problem-solving skills such that an

individual can identify a problem correctly and master the
skills necessary or useful in the business world;
Purposes of Physical Education

3. To train good leaders with moral integrity of the highest order,

and develop other desirable traits necessary for eff ective group
participation or group living essential to the New Society through;

a. an adequate system of values by equipping the individual to be

able to make moral choices or decisions needed in daily living;

b. off ering group participation in such experiences as intramural,

extramural, play days or sports fests;
Purposes of Physical Education

4.To develop creativity and innovativeness inspired

by an abiding faith in God and love of country and
fellowmen; and

5. To install a love of and pride for their

preservation, and develop an understanding of the
culture of other for a feeling of international
brotherhood and unity.

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