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Transforming Agri-food Systems
to Achieve Healthy Diets for All
Frank Rijsberman
CEO, CGIAR Consortium
• Challenges:
o Why Agri-Food Systems Need to Be Transformed
• Opportunities:
o What Science Can Offer to Address these Challenges
• The CGIAR partnership:
o Our Contribution to achieving the UN’s Sustainable
Development Targets
◦ Poor diets are now the #1 cause of ill health globally, overtaking smoking,
with 800 million hungry people, 2 billion malnourished people, 159 million
stunted children and 2 billion people overweight or obese, causing rapid
increases in diabetes in India and heart disease in China. Three quarters of
all overweight children live in Africa and Asia.
◦ Planetary ill health. The food system is the primary driver, and responsible
for soil degradation on 25% of cropped land, deforestation and loss of
biodiversity, water scarcity, pollution of lakes and seas, and circa 25% of all
greenhouse gas emissions
◦ Massive un(der)employment for young people in rural areas, with
employment in the agri-food system, on farms or in the food value chain, as
the only realistic option for 60% of African next generation youth, requiring
over 200 million jobs
What are the challenges going forward?
Simply put:
 The food we produce and eat is not healthy enough, and the
global food system is vulnerable
 The planet is not healthy as a result of the food we produce
 Agri-Food Systems need a radical overhaul to provide healthy
diets from sustainable food systems urgently
Traditional focus: Increased production calories from
staple foods to reduce hunger.
FAO: Produce 60% more food by 2050 to feed growing and
richer population
Transforming Agri-food Systems to Achieve Healthy Diets for All
There are 2 Billion people malnourished and
2 Billion people overweight and obese
Brazil, from 2006 to 2012:
Ultra processed products in household diets:
from 20% to 28% (32% in urban areas)
Cooking ingredients: from 37% to 32%.
Prevalence of obesity among adult
increased from 12% to 17%.
Source: Monteiro et al. 2011; Martins et al. 2013
There has been a shift towards obesity and non
communicable diseases
The urban population is rising
2050 projections:
Nourishing the world’s cities
Global food security will become primarily an urban challenge in the future.
However, the current international food security agenda is mostly rural-oriented
and still focuses more on food availability than on food access and nutrition.
 Food deserts
 Urban food security indicators
 Informal economy
 Rural-urban linkages
Meeting the needs of women farmers & generating
employment for youth
Youth and agriculture:
key challenges and
concrete solutions
Youth employment in
agriculture is especially
relevant in Africa, south of
the Sahara
Trends and Patterns in Food consumption
Convergence of global diets & a need for
diet diversity
Shifts and homogenisation of global diets
Production trends for ‘winner’ and ‘loser’ crops
Khoury et al. 2014
Source of production data 1961 to 2013: FAOSTAT
Time series (annual, 1961 to 2013)
Rice (paddy)
>> C
>> P
Groundnuts (withshell)
< C
<< F
<< C
<< F
Oil palm (fruit)
>> C
>> F
>> C
>> P
< F
>> C
> P
>> F
<< C
< P
<< C
<< P
< F
<< C
<< P
< F
>> C
> P
>> F
Production quantity Areaharvested Yield Baseline5 winners
5 losers
Maize: nearly X4
Sugar: more than X3
Soyabean: more than X8
Oilpalm fruit: more than X17
World, production
Other cereals
World, production
Rape and Mustardseed
Other Oilcrops
Oilpalm fruit
World, production sugar plants
and products
Source: Agrimonde-Terra
Evolution of agricultural production
Production systems for ‘winner’ and ‘loser’ crops
Khoury et al. 2014
5 Losers
Large decrease
5 Winners
Large increase
Decrease Little change
Relative importance as food (trend, 1961 to 2009)
V. high
Dominant production systems
Other production systems
 Winner crops are often grown in monoculture or close to monoculture systems
 The implications of their increased success as foods are serious for biodiversity when based on
area expansion and when grown in biodiversity rich areas (e.g., soybean, oil palm)
Transforming Agri-food Systems to Achieve Healthy Diets for All
(A) calories in national food supplies B) production quantity in national production systems.
Countries are highly interdependent in regard to the primary regions
of diversity of crops that are important in their food systems.
Global Arable Land and Population
Global homogenization of food and
interdependence-need for resilience
What if trade of agricultural products collapses
The last thirty years have been marked by increased
liberalisation and globalisation, yet a number of uncertainties
could profoundly stop or reverse this trend
• governance local/global
• international negotiations
• food quality and safety standards
• regulations
• climate change
• trade, value chains, food access
Extensive reviews of food system challenges
Food System Foresight challenges:
• Highlight the complexity of food systems
• Still strong focus on production and the main challenges for the
agricultural system
• Focus on defining key actions for sustainable intensification
• Everything is important – difficult to prioritize
• Shows need to increase focus on: (1) nutrition and health; (2)
food value chains; & (3) food loss and waste
The world risks exceeding planetary safe
Stephen et al. (2015) Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet. sciencemag.org/content/early/recent / 15
January 2015 / Page 1 / 10.1126/science.125985
“Two core boundaries —
climate change & biosphere
integrity— have been
identified, each of which has
the potential on its own to
drive the Earth System into a
new state should they be
substantially and persistently
4 2
Agriculture as driver of climate change
Agriculture-related activities are 19-29% of global greenhouse gas emissions (2010)
Agriculture is sensitive to climate change
Global wheat and maize yields: response to warming
In summary: Agri-Food System Challenges
1. Diets are not healthy – particularly for the urban poor
2. Total production is currently sufficient – but access / availability
is not – and up to a third of total food produced is lost / wasted
3. Global diets increasingly homogenized – and increasingly
4. Agri-food systems are globally interdependent and vulnerable to
shocks – food safety, climate change (floods / droughts), food
price volatility
5. Agri-food systems are primary driver of planetary ill health:
climate, water, soils, bio-geo-chemical cycles
Daunting challenges - impressive opportunities:
• The life science revolution is changing our understanding of the fundamental biology
of plants, animals and people. It has already transformed medicine and is just now
reaching agriculture.
• Big data approaches are critically transforming the retail end of food value chains
• Open access to agriculture and nutrition related publications and data will increase
access and accelerate agri-food system innovation, and the potential for impact
• Renewed policy focus on the central role of the Bio-economy in the broader sense
Building on Biodiversity:
genetic resources for the future of humanity
What’s So Special About New Seed Varieties?
They are like vaccines
• Innovation captured in a small seed/propagule
– Yield
– Land use efficiency
– Water use efficiency
– Nutrient use efficiency
– Resistance to pest and diseases
• Widest reach and impact of technologies:
Global Public Good at scale
• Represents long-term mission driven research
• Infrastructure & capability
• Delivers multiple benefits
• Products & knowledge
Cheap high-throughput sequencing is revolutionizing
biology – and only just hitting agri-food sciences
ABI 3730
• Roche 454
• Illumina
• SOLiD (Life
• Helicos
• Pacific
• Roche 454
• Illumina
• SOLiD (Life
• Helicos
• Pacific Biosciences
• Oxford Nanopore
• Ion Torrent
.01 Corn genome
equivalents per year
0.2 - 0.4 Corn genome
equivalents per day
2001-2007 2007-2014 2014-2020
.01 Corn genome
equivalents per
.01 Corn genome
equivalents per
.01 Corn genome
equivalents per year
0.2 - 0.4 Corn genome
equivalents per day.01 Corn genome
equivalents per
.01 Corn genome
equivalents per
Hundreds of
thousands of genes
per year
Thousands of
genes per year
Rate of novel gene & allele discovery
Genome per
Genome per
>100 genomes
per day
Genome per
Rate of genome sequence production
Millions of genes
per year
Tens of millions of
genes per year
Crop diversity in CGIAR collections
• 738,000 accessions
• 702,934 seed
• 31,681 tissue culture
• 27,763 whole plants
~ 2000 requests
~ 130,000 samples distributed
> 100 countries worldwide
Genome editing-game changer
GE is the process of
precise editing
Nucleotides can be
• added
• deleted
• replaced
It is now easy to edit the genomes of crops, animals and humans
Software for the Genome
Transforming Agri-food Systems to Achieve Healthy Diets for All
New tools allow us to look in new places for sources of
variation – including wildlife
“Traditional” linkage mapping requires crosses – so initial
discovery is limited to variants within a species
Comparative gene network and sequence
analysis allows to ask new kinds of
questions about genomes:
eg “what is different about this (group of)
species compared to all other mammals”
Simultaneous editing of three homoeoalleles in hexaploid
bread wheat confers heritable resistance to
powdery mildew
Transforming Agri-food Systems to Achieve Healthy Diets for All
Research agenda for nutrition sensitive
food systems
Private sector innovation focus
In summary: Agri-Food Science Opportunities
1. Life science revolution is changing the way ag research does
business – speeding up innovation cycle
2. The exciting new science is bringing a new generation of young
scientists to agri-food science
3. Science is increasingly transdisciplinary, systems / value chain
focused – linking ag – food – health - environment
4. Big Data and ICT revolution is changing precision agriculture and
ability to study systems – natural resources as well as food
5. Renewed “political” interest in bio-economy – with merging
agendas on agri-food, development, environment
CGIAR is the only worldwide research partnership addressing agricultural
research for development, whose work contributes to the global efforts to
tackle poverty, food and nutrition insecurity, and environmental degradation.
What is CGIAR?
A world free of poverty, hunger and environmental degradation.
Our Vision
To advance agri-food science and innovation to enable poor people,
especially poor women, to increase agricultural productivity and
resilience, share in economic growth, feed themselves and their families
better, and conserve natural resources in the face of climate change and
other threats.
Our Mission
o Annual turnover of US$1 billion in
public funding provided by broad
range of key development donors
o 15 non-profit research Centers with
some 10 thousand world class
scientists and support staff on the
ground in over 70 countries
o Unique in public sector to work from
discovery to translational research and
have a product development capacity;
reaching millions of farmers through
work with development partners
o CGIAR genebanks safeguard the world’s
largest germplasm collections for staple
food crops, that provide over 90% of all
recorded transfers under the
International Treaty on Plant Genetic
CGIAR key facts:
CGIAR Centers
Where do we work?
CGIAR has a dedicated staff of 10,000 people in 71 countries with a major presence in
20-odd countries beyond the HQ countries of centers
(Map courtesy of IFPRI)
The “second generation” CGIAR Strategy 2016–2030:
• Guides the development and implementation of an ambitious portfolio of
“second-generation” CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs)
• Focuses on selected grand challenges, and is articulated in 3 strategic goals,
or System Level Outcomes (SLOs), which by 2030 will contribute significantly
to the achievement of key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
• Highlights a return on investment evaluated at US$17 for every US$1 put into
CGIAR over its lifetime
System Level Outcome (SLO) 1:
Reduced Poverty
2030 Targets
• 350 million more farm households
have adopted improved varieties,
breeds or trees, and/or improved
management practices
• 100 million people, of which 50% are
women, assisted to exit poverty
This outcome contributes directly to the achievement of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Improved Food & Nutrition Security for Health
2030 Targets
• Increase the yield increase rate of major food
staples from current <2.0 to 2.5%/yr.
• 150 million more people, of which 50% are
women, meeting minimum dietary energy
• 500 million more people, of which 50% are
women, without deficiencies of one or more of
the following essential micronutrients
• 33% reduction in women of reproductive age
who are consuming less than the adequate
number of food groups
This outcome contributes directly to the achievement of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
System Level Outcome (SLO) 2
Improved Natural Resource Systems & Ecosystem Services
2030 Targets
• 20% increase in water and nutrient
(inorganic, biological) use efficiency in
agro-ecosystems, including through
recycling and reuse
• Reduce agriculturally-related greenhouse
gas emissions by 0.8 Gt CO2-e yr–1 (15%)
compared with a business as usual
scenario in 2030
• 190 million hectares (ha) degraded land
• 7.5 million ha of forest saved from
System Level Outcome (SLO) 3
This outcome contributes directly to the achievement of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Dryland Cereals and Legumes systems
3 Platforms
Genetic Gains Big data & ICTGenebanks
Fish agri-food systems
Forest and Agroforestry landscapes
Livestock agri-food systems
Maize agri-food systems
Rice agri-food systems
Roots, tubers and bananas agri-food systems
Wheat agri-food systems
Portfolio of 2nd generation CGIAR research programs
New CGIAR technologies already in the field:
• Scuba rice, which can survive under water for two weeks, is protecting the harvests, incomes,
and food security more than 5 million farmers in Asia.
• New high-yielding, and more nutritious – biofortified - varieties of foods such as maize, cassava,
beans, pearl millet, rice, beans and orange sweet potato are targeted to reach 50 million
consumers by 2018.
• AFLASAFE reduces aflatoxin contamination in African farmers fields by up to 90% - a product
that has 4 atoxigenic strains of the fungus developed by CGIAR with USDA.
• Index-based crop and livestock drought insurance and seasonal weather forecasts now benefit
millions of poor rural households in Africa and Asia.
• Wheat stem rust -Ug99- resistant varieties have been made available, preventing disaster at a
scale affecting many millions of people. Maize lethal necrosis resistant varieties have been
developed through rapid cycling (4 years).
• Agroforestry: unfertilized maize yields under Faidherbia trees average 4.1 tonnes per hectare,
compared to 1.3 tonnes; in Niger, more than 1.2 million households have regenerated 200
million fertilizer trees on their sorghum and millet fields across 5 million hectares.
• Brachhiaria forages with Biological Nitrification Inhibition capacity have reduced greenhouse gas
emissions and improved nitrogen efficiency on 500 thousand hectares.
CGIAR discovery research now in the lab:
 C4 Rice: targets introduction of more efficient photosynthesis in rice that would yield up to
50% more grain than current varieties, and double water-use efficiency, and increase
nitrogen-use efficiency by 30%
 Massive high-throughput sequencing of all 167 thousand accessions in CGIAR’s maize and
wheat genebanks targets breakthroughs in understanding genetic diversity at molecular level
for the whole collection, with over 60 thousand accessions already sequenced and in
genotyping analysis
 Discovery of naturally transgenic sweet potatoes that contain genes of Agrobacterium
Managing & Sustaining Crop Collections (eg ICRISAT, India)
Source: http://www.croptrust.org/content/managing-genebanks/
Platform for Managing & Sustaining Crop
Global Stewardship of Plant Genetic Resources
International Treaty
on Plant Genetic Resources for Food
and Agriculture
CGIAR have committed to PGRFA
being made available in the
multilateral system of access and
benefit sharing
and managed according to
FAO Genebank Standards
>75% 51 – 75% 26 – 50% 10-25%
Percentage wheat germplasm originating from
CGIAR genebanks
Provitamin A
DR Congo, Nigeria
Iron (Zinc)
DR Congo, Rwanda
Provitamin A
Pearl Millet
Iron (Zinc)
Discovery Development Delivery
2008 2013
Sweet Potato
Provitamin A
Nutrient dense food through “bio-fortification” – increasing
Micro-nutrient content of staple foods
Goal: delivery-at-scale to 50 million people by 2018
Transforming Agri-food Systems to Achieve Healthy Diets for All
Brachiaria-tropical grass species bred to reduce nitrogen
emissions from soil.
In March 2015, Stéphane Le
Foll announced the
establishment of an
international research
programme, the
“Quatre pour Mille", which
aims to develop agricultural
research to improve organic
matter stocks in soil by four
parts per 1000 (0.4%) per year
Climate Smart Agriculture, 4p1000:
A global research initiative led by France
Soil carbon sequestration:
scientific questions
• A steady yearly sequestration rate
only realistic in the first years
(probably below 0.4%)
• Mitigation effect limited in time
• More lasting impact is on resilience
and food security
• But gives a positive role for
agriculture in GHG reduction while
increasing adaptation and food
Sommer & Bossio, 2014
A sister development initiative on Climate-Smart
Agriculture led by CGIAR
• Design, test and implement
CSA solutions at scale
• Leading to enhanced soil
carbon sequestration
• 5-6 emerging and least
developed countries eligible
to GCF funding
• 200m$ in 5 years
Can Agri-Food Systems be Transformed to
Provide Healthy Diets for all?
1. Agri-food system perspective to address complex issues:
– Value chain approach from farm inputs to food safety
– Increased focus on food waste and loss
– Focus on role of women as well as employment for next generation
2. Break through silos of Agriculture, Health and Environment
3. Speeding up Genetic Gain: seize opportunities in Genomics revolution, linked
to genetic resources, modernized breeding programs, big data
4. Increase private sector collaboration and focus on comparative strength
5. Eco-system services approach to sustainability at landscape scale
6. Urgent food system transformation requires scaling up the pace of innovation
– which will need increased investments in research, the driver of innovation
Thank you

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Transforming Agri-food Systems to Achieve Healthy Diets for All

  • 1. Transforming Agri-food Systems to Achieve Healthy Diets for All Frank Rijsberman CEO, CGIAR Consortium
  • 2. Outline: • Challenges: o Why Agri-Food Systems Need to Be Transformed • Opportunities: o What Science Can Offer to Address these Challenges • The CGIAR partnership: o Our Contribution to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Targets
  • 3. ◦ Poor diets are now the #1 cause of ill health globally, overtaking smoking, with 800 million hungry people, 2 billion malnourished people, 159 million stunted children and 2 billion people overweight or obese, causing rapid increases in diabetes in India and heart disease in China. Three quarters of all overweight children live in Africa and Asia. ◦ Planetary ill health. The food system is the primary driver, and responsible for soil degradation on 25% of cropped land, deforestation and loss of biodiversity, water scarcity, pollution of lakes and seas, and circa 25% of all greenhouse gas emissions ◦ Massive un(der)employment for young people in rural areas, with employment in the agri-food system, on farms or in the food value chain, as the only realistic option for 60% of African next generation youth, requiring over 200 million jobs What are the challenges going forward?
  • 4. Simply put:  The food we produce and eat is not healthy enough, and the global food system is vulnerable  The planet is not healthy as a result of the food we produce  Agri-Food Systems need a radical overhaul to provide healthy diets from sustainable food systems urgently
  • 5. Traditional focus: Increased production calories from staple foods to reduce hunger. FAO: Produce 60% more food by 2050 to feed growing and richer population
  • 7. There are 2 Billion people malnourished and 2 Billion people overweight and obese
  • 8. Brazil, from 2006 to 2012: Ultra processed products in household diets: from 20% to 28% (32% in urban areas) Cooking ingredients: from 37% to 32%. Prevalence of obesity among adult increased from 12% to 17%. Source: Monteiro et al. 2011; Martins et al. 2013 There has been a shift towards obesity and non communicable diseases
  • 9. The urban population is rising 2050 projections:
  • 10. Nourishing the world’s cities Global food security will become primarily an urban challenge in the future. However, the current international food security agenda is mostly rural-oriented and still focuses more on food availability than on food access and nutrition.  Food deserts  Urban food security indicators  Informal economy  Rural-urban linkages
  • 11. Meeting the needs of women farmers & generating employment for youth Youth and agriculture: key challenges and concrete solutions Youth employment in agriculture is especially relevant in Africa, south of the Sahara
  • 12. Trends and Patterns in Food consumption
  • 13. Convergence of global diets & a need for diet diversity
  • 14. Shifts and homogenisation of global diets
  • 15. Production trends for ‘winner’ and ‘loser’ crops Khoury et al. 2014 Source of production data 1961 to 2013: FAOSTAT Time series (annual, 1961 to 2013) Relativevalue(to1961) 0 1 2 3 4 Rice (paddy) >> C >> P 0 1 2 3 4 Groundnuts (withshell) < C << F 0 1 2 3 Coconut << C << F 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Oil palm (fruit) >> C >> F 0 1 2 3 4 Wheat >> C >> P < F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Soybean >> C > P >> F 0 1 2 3 4 5 Cassava << C < P 0 1 2 Millet << C << P < F 0 1 2 Sorghum << C << P < F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sunflower(seed) >> C > P >> F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1961 1963 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Banana Production quantity Areaharvested Yield Baseline5 winners 5 losers
  • 16. Maize: nearly X4 Sugar: more than X3 Soyabean: more than X8 Oilpalm fruit: more than X17 0.00 100000000.00 200000000.00 300000000.00 400000000.00 500000000.00 600000000.00 700000000.00 800000000.00 900000000.00 tonnes World, production Wheat Maize Rice Other cereals 0.00 50000000.00 100000000.00 150000000.00 200000000.00 250000000.00 tonnes World, production Soyabeans Rape and Mustardseed Sunflowerseed Other Oilcrops Oilpalm fruit 0.00 500000000.00 1000000000.00 1500000000.00 2000000000.00 2500000000.00 tonnes World, production sugar plants and products Source: Agrimonde-Terra Evolution of agricultural production
  • 17. Production systems for ‘winner’ and ‘loser’ crops Khoury et al. 2014 Cassava Coconut Groundnuts(withshell) Millet Sorghum Banana Barley Beans(dry) Plantain Sweetpotato Coffee(green) Maize(ex.green) Maize(green) Potato Cocoa(beans) Oilpalm(fruit) Rice(paddy) Soybean Sunflower(seed) Wheat Productionsystemdiversity (intercropping) 5 Losers Large decrease 5 Winners Large increase Increase Decrease Little change Relative importance as food (trend, 1961 to 2009) V. high High Medium Low Cassava Coconut Groundnuts(withshell) Millet Sorghum Banana Barley Beans(dry) Plantain Sweetpotato Coffee(green) Maize(ex.green) Maize(green) Potato Cocoa(beans) Oilpalm(fruit) Rice(paddy) Soybean Sunflower(seed) Wheat Dominant production systems Other production systems  Winner crops are often grown in monoculture or close to monoculture systems  The implications of their increased success as foods are serious for biodiversity when based on area expansion and when grown in biodiversity rich areas (e.g., soybean, oil palm)
  • 19. (A) calories in national food supplies B) production quantity in national production systems. Countries are highly interdependent in regard to the primary regions of diversity of crops that are important in their food systems.
  • 20. Global Arable Land and Population
  • 21. Global homogenization of food and interdependence-need for resilience
  • 22. What if trade of agricultural products collapses The last thirty years have been marked by increased liberalisation and globalisation, yet a number of uncertainties could profoundly stop or reverse this trend • governance local/global • international negotiations • food quality and safety standards • regulations • climate change • trade, value chains, food access
  • 23. Extensive reviews of food system challenges
  • 24. Food System Foresight challenges: • Highlight the complexity of food systems • Still strong focus on production and the main challenges for the agricultural system • Focus on defining key actions for sustainable intensification • Everything is important – difficult to prioritize • Shows need to increase focus on: (1) nutrition and health; (2) food value chains; & (3) food loss and waste
  • 25. The world risks exceeding planetary safe boundaries Stephen et al. (2015) Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet. sciencemag.org/content/early/recent / 15 January 2015 / Page 1 / 10.1126/science.125985 “Two core boundaries — climate change & biosphere integrity— have been identified, each of which has the potential on its own to drive the Earth System into a new state should they be substantially and persistently transgressed.”
  • 26. Non-Ag Energy 11 4 2 Source: IPCC WGIII Agriculture as driver of climate change Agriculture-related activities are 19-29% of global greenhouse gas emissions (2010)
  • 27. Agriculture is sensitive to climate change Global wheat and maize yields: response to warming
  • 28. In summary: Agri-Food System Challenges 1. Diets are not healthy – particularly for the urban poor 2. Total production is currently sufficient – but access / availability is not – and up to a third of total food produced is lost / wasted 3. Global diets increasingly homogenized – and increasingly processed 4. Agri-food systems are globally interdependent and vulnerable to shocks – food safety, climate change (floods / droughts), food price volatility 5. Agri-food systems are primary driver of planetary ill health: climate, water, soils, bio-geo-chemical cycles
  • 29. Daunting challenges - impressive opportunities: • The life science revolution is changing our understanding of the fundamental biology of plants, animals and people. It has already transformed medicine and is just now reaching agriculture. • Big data approaches are critically transforming the retail end of food value chains • Open access to agriculture and nutrition related publications and data will increase access and accelerate agri-food system innovation, and the potential for impact • Renewed policy focus on the central role of the Bio-economy in the broader sense
  • 30. Building on Biodiversity: genetic resources for the future of humanity
  • 31. What’s So Special About New Seed Varieties? They are like vaccines • Innovation captured in a small seed/propagule package: – Yield – Land use efficiency – Water use efficiency – Nutrient use efficiency – Resistance to pest and diseases • Widest reach and impact of technologies: Global Public Good at scale • Represents long-term mission driven research • Infrastructure & capability • Delivers multiple benefits • Products & knowledge
  • 32. Cheap high-throughput sequencing is revolutionizing biology – and only just hitting agri-food sciences ABI 3730 • Roche 454 • Illumina • SOLiD (Life Technologies) • Helicos • Pacific Biosciences • Roche 454 • Illumina • SOLiD (Life Technologies) • Helicos • Pacific Biosciences • Oxford Nanopore (Illumina) • Ion Torrent .01 Corn genome equivalents per year 0.2 - 0.4 Corn genome equivalents per day 2001-2007 2007-2014 2014-2020 New Opportunities .01 Corn genome equivalents per year .01 Corn genome equivalents per year .01 Corn genome equivalents per year 0.2 - 0.4 Corn genome equivalents per day.01 Corn genome equivalents per year .01 Corn genome equivalents per year Hundreds of thousands of genes per year Thousands of genes per year Rate of novel gene & allele discovery Genome per decade Genome per year >100 genomes per day Genome per day Rate of genome sequence production Millions of genes per year Tens of millions of genes per year Knowledge
  • 33. Crop diversity in CGIAR collections • 738,000 accessions • 702,934 seed • 31,681 tissue culture • 27,763 whole plants RESPONDING TO USERS EVERY YEAR: ~ 2000 requests ~ 130,000 samples distributed > 100 countries worldwide 6% 94%
  • 34. Genome editing-game changer GE is the process of precise editing genome Nucleotides can be • added • deleted • replaced
  • 35. It is now easy to edit the genomes of crops, animals and humans Software for the Genome
  • 37. New tools allow us to look in new places for sources of variation – including wildlife “Traditional” linkage mapping requires crosses – so initial discovery is limited to variants within a species Cow NDama KFITRRPSLKTLQEKGLIKDQIFGSPLHTLCEREKSTVPRFVKQCIEAVEK Cow Boran KFITRRPSLKTLQEKGLIKDQIFGSHLHTLCEREKSTVPRFVKQCIEAVEK Human KFISRRPSLKTLQEKGLIKDQIFGSHLHTVCEREHSTVPWFVKQCIEAVEK Pig KFITRRPSLKTLQEKGLIKDQIFGSHLHTVCERENSTVPRFVKQCIEAVEK Chicken KFISRRPSLKTLQEKGLIKDQIFGSHLHLVCEHENSTVPQFVRQCIKAVER Salmon KFISRRPSMKTLQEKGIIKDRVFGCHLLALCEREGTTVPKFVRQCVEAVEK Comparative gene network and sequence analysis allows to ask new kinds of questions about genomes: eg “what is different about this (group of) species compared to all other mammals”
  • 38. Simultaneous editing of three homoeoalleles in hexaploid bread wheat confers heritable resistance to powdery mildew
  • 40. Research agenda for nutrition sensitive food systems
  • 42. In summary: Agri-Food Science Opportunities 1. Life science revolution is changing the way ag research does business – speeding up innovation cycle 2. The exciting new science is bringing a new generation of young scientists to agri-food science 3. Science is increasingly transdisciplinary, systems / value chain focused – linking ag – food – health - environment 4. Big Data and ICT revolution is changing precision agriculture and ability to study systems – natural resources as well as food systems 5. Renewed “political” interest in bio-economy – with merging agendas on agri-food, development, environment
  • 43. CGIAR is the only worldwide research partnership addressing agricultural research for development, whose work contributes to the global efforts to tackle poverty, food and nutrition insecurity, and environmental degradation. What is CGIAR?
  • 44. A world free of poverty, hunger and environmental degradation. Our Vision To advance agri-food science and innovation to enable poor people, especially poor women, to increase agricultural productivity and resilience, share in economic growth, feed themselves and their families better, and conserve natural resources in the face of climate change and other threats. Our Mission
  • 45. o Annual turnover of US$1 billion in public funding provided by broad range of key development donors o 15 non-profit research Centers with some 10 thousand world class scientists and support staff on the ground in over 70 countries o Unique in public sector to work from discovery to translational research and have a product development capacity; reaching millions of farmers through work with development partners o CGIAR genebanks safeguard the world’s largest germplasm collections for staple food crops, that provide over 90% of all recorded transfers under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources CGIAR key facts:
  • 47. Where do we work? CGIAR has a dedicated staff of 10,000 people in 71 countries with a major presence in 20-odd countries beyond the HQ countries of centers (Map courtesy of IFPRI)
  • 48. The “second generation” CGIAR Strategy 2016–2030: • Guides the development and implementation of an ambitious portfolio of “second-generation” CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs) • Focuses on selected grand challenges, and is articulated in 3 strategic goals, or System Level Outcomes (SLOs), which by 2030 will contribute significantly to the achievement of key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) • Highlights a return on investment evaluated at US$17 for every US$1 put into CGIAR over its lifetime
  • 49. System Level Outcome (SLO) 1: Reduced Poverty 2030 Targets • 350 million more farm households have adopted improved varieties, breeds or trees, and/or improved management practices • 100 million people, of which 50% are women, assisted to exit poverty This outcome contributes directly to the achievement of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
  • 50. Improved Food & Nutrition Security for Health 2030 Targets • Increase the yield increase rate of major food staples from current <2.0 to 2.5%/yr. • 150 million more people, of which 50% are women, meeting minimum dietary energy requirements • 500 million more people, of which 50% are women, without deficiencies of one or more of the following essential micronutrients • 33% reduction in women of reproductive age who are consuming less than the adequate number of food groups This outcome contributes directly to the achievement of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals System Level Outcome (SLO) 2
  • 51. Improved Natural Resource Systems & Ecosystem Services 2030 Targets • 20% increase in water and nutrient (inorganic, biological) use efficiency in agro-ecosystems, including through recycling and reuse • Reduce agriculturally-related greenhouse gas emissions by 0.8 Gt CO2-e yr–1 (15%) compared with a business as usual scenario in 2030 • 190 million hectares (ha) degraded land restored • 7.5 million ha of forest saved from deforestation System Level Outcome (SLO) 3 This outcome contributes directly to the achievement of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
  • 52. Dryland Cereals and Legumes systems 4GlobalIntegratingprograms 3 Platforms Genetic Gains Big data & ICTGenebanks Fish agri-food systems Forest and Agroforestry landscapes Livestock agri-food systems Maize agri-food systems Rice agri-food systems Roots, tubers and bananas agri-food systems Wheat agri-food systems N U T R I T I O N & H E A L T H P I M W L E C L I M A T E C H A N G E Portfolio of 2nd generation CGIAR research programs
  • 53. New CGIAR technologies already in the field: • Scuba rice, which can survive under water for two weeks, is protecting the harvests, incomes, and food security more than 5 million farmers in Asia. • New high-yielding, and more nutritious – biofortified - varieties of foods such as maize, cassava, beans, pearl millet, rice, beans and orange sweet potato are targeted to reach 50 million consumers by 2018. • AFLASAFE reduces aflatoxin contamination in African farmers fields by up to 90% - a product that has 4 atoxigenic strains of the fungus developed by CGIAR with USDA. • Index-based crop and livestock drought insurance and seasonal weather forecasts now benefit millions of poor rural households in Africa and Asia. • Wheat stem rust -Ug99- resistant varieties have been made available, preventing disaster at a scale affecting many millions of people. Maize lethal necrosis resistant varieties have been developed through rapid cycling (4 years). • Agroforestry: unfertilized maize yields under Faidherbia trees average 4.1 tonnes per hectare, compared to 1.3 tonnes; in Niger, more than 1.2 million households have regenerated 200 million fertilizer trees on their sorghum and millet fields across 5 million hectares. • Brachhiaria forages with Biological Nitrification Inhibition capacity have reduced greenhouse gas emissions and improved nitrogen efficiency on 500 thousand hectares.
  • 54. CGIAR discovery research now in the lab:  C4 Rice: targets introduction of more efficient photosynthesis in rice that would yield up to 50% more grain than current varieties, and double water-use efficiency, and increase nitrogen-use efficiency by 30%  Massive high-throughput sequencing of all 167 thousand accessions in CGIAR’s maize and wheat genebanks targets breakthroughs in understanding genetic diversity at molecular level for the whole collection, with over 60 thousand accessions already sequenced and in genotyping analysis  Discovery of naturally transgenic sweet potatoes that contain genes of Agrobacterium
  • 55. Managing & Sustaining Crop Collections (eg ICRISAT, India)
  • 57. Global Stewardship of Plant Genetic Resources International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture CGIAR have committed to PGRFA being made available in the multilateral system of access and benefit sharing and managed according to FAO Genebank Standards
  • 58. >75% 51 – 75% 26 – 50% 10-25% Percentage wheat germplasm originating from CGIAR genebanks
  • 59. 2011 Cassava Provitamin A DR Congo, Nigeria 2012 Beans Iron (Zinc) DR Congo, Rwanda 2012 Maize Provitamin A Zambia 2012 Pearl Millet Iron (Zinc) India 2013 Rice Zinc Bangladesh, India 2013 Wheat Zinc India, Pakistan 2003 Discovery Development Delivery 2008 2013 2007 Sweet Potato Provitamin A Uganda Mozambique Nutrient dense food through “bio-fortification” – increasing Micro-nutrient content of staple foods Goal: delivery-at-scale to 50 million people by 2018
  • 61. Brachiaria-tropical grass species bred to reduce nitrogen emissions from soil.
  • 62. In March 2015, Stéphane Le Foll announced the establishment of an international research programme, the “Quatre pour Mille", which aims to develop agricultural research to improve organic matter stocks in soil by four parts per 1000 (0.4%) per year Climate Smart Agriculture, 4p1000: A global research initiative led by France
  • 63. Soil carbon sequestration: scientific questions • A steady yearly sequestration rate only realistic in the first years (probably below 0.4%) • Mitigation effect limited in time • More lasting impact is on resilience and food security • But gives a positive role for agriculture in GHG reduction while increasing adaptation and food security Sommer & Bossio, 2014
  • 64. A sister development initiative on Climate-Smart Agriculture led by CGIAR • Design, test and implement CSA solutions at scale • Leading to enhanced soil carbon sequestration • 5-6 emerging and least developed countries eligible to GCF funding • 200m$ in 5 years
  • 65. Can Agri-Food Systems be Transformed to Provide Healthy Diets for all? 1. Agri-food system perspective to address complex issues: – Value chain approach from farm inputs to food safety – Increased focus on food waste and loss – Focus on role of women as well as employment for next generation 2. Break through silos of Agriculture, Health and Environment 3. Speeding up Genetic Gain: seize opportunities in Genomics revolution, linked to genetic resources, modernized breeding programs, big data 4. Increase private sector collaboration and focus on comparative strength 5. Eco-system services approach to sustainability at landscape scale 6. Urgent food system transformation requires scaling up the pace of innovation – which will need increased investments in research, the driver of innovation