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Mobile Media Summit San Francisco 2015
Getting C-Level Love
Now that everyone is convinced that mobile is an important part of the marketing mix, what do CMOs want and how
do you get their attention?
Steve Katelman – EVP, Omnicom Media Group, Angela Courtin – Chief Marketing Officer, Relativity Media, JP Aguirre –
SVP, Managing Director, UM; Moderator: Sky Holden – SVP National Brand Sales, Opera Mediaworks
• For the first time people are spending more time on mobile than TV
• People pick up their phones an average 150 times a day showing the way people react to their
phone is different than how they react to their desktop
• Think about the migration and a mobile first experience. You have 3-8 seconds to convert from a
• Marketing an app: first step is making sure people know your app is there, but it all boils down
to: is app adding value?
• There is an industry need to standardize creative units
• Mobile web vs. app, neither is going away
Mobile Touch-points Across Brand Marketing
Mobile is an important part of brand outreach and retention across multiple touch-points and at all stages in the
consideration funnel. An in-depth look at finding, engaging, and converting consumers with a mobile strategy.
Michael Lacorazza – EVP, Brand and Advertising, Wells Fargo, Shiv Singh – SVP Global Head of Digital and Marketing
Transformation, Visa; Moderator: Paran Johar – CEO and Founder, Mobile Media Summit
• Mobile has changed the develop a marketing plan to make it a customer centric view of the
journey. and how they intersect
• Rooted in data and observing customer behaviors, they're finding mobile is at the center of it
• Brands need to think about what's important to the consumer
• Drive customer experience as well as drive the business
• Focus on bringing in more experiential work to match the tactic to what your objective is.
• Prioritize in keeping consumers having a favorable opinion of the brand. Make it
Opening Doors With Mobile – Location and the Point of Sale
Location based services are a great way to reach consumers close to the point of purchase. What are the fresh
ways brands, retailers, and other marketers using location based campaigns to move the needle for foot traffic?
How will mainstreamed mobile payment options change location advertising and how mobile ads are delivered
and consumed?
Juli Johnson – Group Media Director, BSSP, Ben Gaddis – Chief Innovation Officer, T3, Greg Johnson – EVP of Digital,
Swirl; Moderator: Stephanie Sollers – Director of Sales, xAd
• Start push media real time, example—Snapchat
• Location based offers are coming from the media side and the challenge for the mobile
industry to think it all the way through
• Geolocation should be hitting across all markets
• Try to control the consumer experience from very beginning; you cant control the entire
experience, but need to look at metrics

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The document discusses how brands have lost control over their messaging as customers now have more ways to directly interact with and discuss brands through social media. It argues marketers must embrace this change and find ways to empower brand advocates and influence discussions in a positive way rather than trying to directly control conversations. Examples are given of companies like Ace Hardware and Procter & Gamble that have found success by allowing more customer input and responding transparently in real time on social media.

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The Future of Mobile Marketing: 20 Expert Predictions For 2015
The Future of Mobile Marketing: 20 Expert Predictions For 2015The Future of Mobile Marketing: 20 Expert Predictions For 2015
The Future of Mobile Marketing: 20 Expert Predictions For 2015

In this SlideShare, you'll find 20 predictions from business people with experience in various marketing disciplines - from search advertising and content marketing to product marketing and branding. As you flip through the pages, you'll find a common theme: today's customer journey is complex. We hope that these predictions help you get in the #mobilemindset for 2015.

mobile marketingdigital marketingcall intelligence
Apps vs. Mobile Web: The Great Debate
Apple launched the App Store in 2008, propelling native app dominance in mobile marketing. Armed with seven
years of insight, we re-open the App vs. Mobile Web debate with the following: 1. Apps are nothing but glorified
bookmarks. 2. The mobile web cannot match apps for personal connection to consumers 3. The emergence of
HTML5 makes apps irrelevant, anyway.
Greg Johns – SVP, Senior Director Digital Strategy, Initiative (Apps) vs. Kristine Segrist – Managing Director, Client Lead,
MEC (Mobile Web); Moderator: Diane Brady - Senior Editor, Bloomberg
• Browser is not dead, but dying.
• There is app exhaustion and app junkyards.
• App discoverability sucks!
• Brand recognition in shifts of tech usage—look at your own brand, focus on your own strategy.
• Look at your data on how consumers working on desktop and incorporate that into mobile.
• Apps are portals to mobile web.
• There are not black and white barriers, with search and social you're able drive deeper.
• Branding vs. ROI: both need to be accomplished.
• For apps, think about what you've done to deserve to belong in the consumer's phone.
Solving The Mobile Measurement Mystery
Accurate mobile data and mobile campaign attribution is the key effectively engaging consumer audiences. Mobile
can no longer be a separate channel — it must be integrated into marketers’ cohesive strategy, and mobile
measurement will provide the data needed to drive marketers adoption. The panelists provided insights on how
mobile data and platforms will enable you effectively measure your mobile campaign and achieve maximum ROI.
David Staas – President, NinthDecimal, Samantha Johnson – Media Director, TDA Boulder, Tim Villanueva – Director of
Media, Fetch, Kelly Burke – VP Group Media Director, Optimedia; Moderator: Greg Sterling – VP Strategy & Insights, Local
Search Association
• Will the click remain? Is the click dying?
• Standardization will be difficult because how consumers are growing and changing. You can't
measure everything by CTR!
• Look at offline behavior, attribution and engagement with mobile devices to see how much time
consumers are spending with the brand.
• Standardization changes on an annual basis because it's moving too quickly because of how
consumers are engaging with it.
• 30% drop in CTR and foot traffic are inversely correlated.
Swimming In Numbers: Delivering Data Dominance
Billions of daily ad impressions throw off terabytes of data and provide insights into consumers, if you know how to
use them. Given the fast pace of agency and brand marketing operations, how can marketers realistically capture
valuable, actionable insights for campaigns?
Scott Symonds – Managing Director, Media, AKQA, Mike Margolin – SVP Audience Strategy, RPA, Stuart Meyler –
Principal, Beeby Clark+Meyler, Greg Fischer - EVP Media Services, Swirl; Moderator: Omar Tawakol – General Manager,
Oracle Data Cloud
• Audience data blended with third party data can create advantageous ad buying environments.
• Need to create a universal identifier
• Linking first and third party data has been challenging especially with security issues.
• Create meaningful mobile assets—mobile specific creative and programmatic creative solutions.
• Set up an environment for right time marketing, scale over course of time.
• Scale is code for inefficiency.
• Reach is for when you don't know who your audience is.
Layering Location on Mobile Campaigns – Making Dollars Count
Location aware campaigns are singularly unique to mobile. Are mobile location campaigns really finding users,
and are advertisers getting a bang for their premium spend? What is needed for a great location aware
Arthur Chan – EVP, Digital Marketing, Palisades Mediagroup, Dave Marsey – EVP Managing Director, DigitasLBi,
Thierry Cornet – Partner Portfolio Management, Universal McCann, Kyle Acquistapace – Partner, Director of Media &
Data Strategy, Deutsch LA; Moderator: Loren Hillberg, President & GM, Thinknear
• Hire the best data people you can find! Put energy and resources for your analysts.
• Leverage a unique data set.
• Scalable targeting technology is GPS
• Scale, scale, scale—word of the summit.

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Mobile marketing is an important opportunity for digital marketers. Social media has become more important as many consumers start their purchase journey on search engines or social platforms rather than company websites. Effective social media requires regular engaging content and two-way interaction to build communities and drive higher brand metrics and purchase intent. Mobile is also a huge opportunity, as most internet access in South Africa is via mobile devices. Even basic SMS marketing can be highly effective at driving awareness, favorability, and purchase intent. Marketers should focus on creating optimized mobile websites and apps to meet consumer expectations.

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Ambedo Audio is a creative audio agency that helps brands strategically leverage professionally produced podcasts towards full digital campaigns to achieve their business and communications objectives. We're more than just a podcast production studio. We bring high production quality to our audio projects and help brands both large and small creatively package and share them through their channels - social media, email, website, and more - to achieve results. We believe that listening can change the world. Learn more about our work and how we can help you tell your brand's story and achieve your objectives.

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5 Digital Trends for 2013 - Dynamit
5 Digital Trends for 2013 - Dynamit 5 Digital Trends for 2013 - Dynamit
5 Digital Trends for 2013 - Dynamit

The document discusses 5 major digital trends for 2013: 1. The convergence of the CMO and CTO roles as marketing increasingly relies on technology and data. 2. The rise of mobility as smartphones, tablets, and mobile devices surpass traditional platforms and consumers expect information on the go across various screens. 3. The emphasis on self-quantification, sensors, and data as consumers track information about themselves and businesses look to leverage this data. 4. The fragmentation of social media into niche communities and internal social platforms changing how organizations work. 5. The importance of location-based targeting and integration as location becomes a new context for understanding customers and delivering personalized, local experiences.

locationmobilityquantified self
Monetize: Shake Your Mobile Moneymaker
Paid, fremium, in-app purchases, m-commerce, and advertising are all ways to monetize an app. What are the
appropriate strategies for different kinds of apps? Where can advertisers add value to the process?
Jeremy Lockhorn -VP, Emerging Media & U.S. Mobile Lead, Razorfish, Will Phung – Media Director, M&C Saatchi
Mobile, Jeremy Sigel – Director of Mobile, North America, Essence, Hynek Stehno – VP- Digital Director, SMG;
Moderator: Eyal Grundstein – Head of Mobile Marketing, GSN
• Mobile monetization methods: advertising: banner, video native and others, paid apps, subscriptions -
paid content, paywalls within apps, in-app purchases - including “coins”, freemiums, sponsorship -
including in-app purchases, incorporate games
• When partnering with applications, think what is relevant to the audience that you want and your
brand wants to be associated with an audience that is relevant
• New world with new apps, no more time for RFPs.
• Like the wild west with developers; brand and agencies are able to dictate the games
• Only do mobile media if it makes sense for your brand
• At the end of the day, platforms like Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram and Snapchat are story telling
How Brands are Increasingly Becoming Mobile First
Consumers have flipped the script. We are now using mobile devices more than other digital formats on our
social networking, search, shopping, and music and video consumption. We discuss how brands are making
the switch to this new mobile first world and what it means for marketers in 2015.
Yanyan Ji – Global Brand Director, Qualcomm, Julia Mee – Sr Director Global Advertising, Cisco; Moderator: Ina
Fried – Senior Editor, Re/Code
• For Qualcomm it's not about being mobile first or second, mobile is in their DNA
• Mobile should bring added value to traditional marketing
• Forbes study showed 50% US execs say mobile platform more important for them.
• Tell a better story
• Be true to your brand and your strategy
The Banner is not the Answer
In-app ads are changing for the better. New formats are replacing the basic banner; native, video and other
creative formats are increasing consumer interaction. Our panelists discussed what formats are working and what
will evolve in 2015.
Vaino Leskinen – Global Director Mobile, TBWACHIATDAY, Jim McArthur – Managing Director, Digitaria/BoM, Gabriel
Cheng – Mobile Strategy and Solutions, M&C Saatchi Mobile, Ben Kennedy – Group Director Mobile,Integer; Moderator:
Lauren Johnson - Digital Marketing Reporter, Adweek
• Banner is not the answer. Banners always lead you to CTR, which is always going to look bad; bots
don't help
• Banner ad isn't dying—it's evolving
• Think about what a click mean to you vs. an impression.
• Responsive design is not mobile advertising
Flip The Switch: When and How Much Programmatic
Programmatic is forecast to account for more than 75% of mobile ad buy by 2017 – this has changed everything
in mobile ad planning, creating new opportunities for innovation and efficiencies. What is the best way to
integrate mobile programmatic buying, and how do savvy marketers manage and optimize for great results.
Brandon Berger – Chief Digital Officer, Worldwide, Ogilvy & Mather, Alison Gensheimer – VP Digital Marketing, Wells
Fargo, David Smith – CEO and Founder, Mediasmith; Moderator: Karsten Weide - VP Digital Media & Entertainment,
• Not getting enough feedback or granularity and forced to buy mobile in a silo.
• We're a cookie based society.
• Unique user IDs from Apple and Facebook force us in a silo
• Mobile programmatic is actually starting to happen. Leverage on a max scale and need to
encourage transparency
• No idea where ads end up. It's no different than mobile than online and need a third party to
find out where they are.
• Programmatic challenge: the freshness of the data, some data is inaccurate.
• Brands should be able to determine what is valuable, right now the publishers have that
power but they don't always know.

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This document discusses the growth of mobile advertising and how businesses can leverage mobile marketing. It notes that mobile usage and smartphone adoption are growing rapidly as mobile devices take on more functions. The document advocates developing mobile-optimized websites and content to engage customers on the go. It also promotes the use of interactive ad formats and location-based marketing to create deeper brand engagement through mobile channels.

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Digital markets can adopt different personalities as they evolve. Understanding each one is the key to turning media fragmentation into precise communication opportunities.

by TNS
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Digital Marketing Strategy Seminar
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Digital Marketing Strategy Seminar

Executive summary of a seminar given by Tim Dolan of Kickframe to a group of Canadian marketers. The focus of the session was to provide a strategic foundation for planning digital marketing. The approach for this session was: 1. To go broad across the digital marketing toolbox, and not deep on a specific tool 2. To provide guiding principles that are lasting, and not more specific tactical advice 3 . To arm participants with relevant planning tools that they could take and put into action

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Mainstreaming Beacons: The Early Results and 2015 Expectations
The power of marketing thru low-frequency beacons and apps excites marketers, but consumers have yet to
be convinced. Panelist discussed effective beacon strategies and campaigns – what’s real, what’s hype, and
where are we going.
Paul Friedland – Director of Marketing, Levi Strauss, Kristin Scheve – VP Media Director, DigitasLBi, Marc Simons
– Co-Founder, Giant Spoon; Moderator: Anne Marie Stephen – Chapter President, The Location Based Marketing
• ROI is setting expectations.
• Use beacons as part of an integrated campaign, they aren't the only piece
• Look at beacons as part of the whole marketing mix
• ROI is challenging but getting there.
• One of the biggest challenges is an arms race. How do you get the app to scale to see
adoption? How do you get consumers to adopt your app?
The Mobile Natives: Reaching Young Consumers
Consumers under age 25, the “new mobile natives” have known mobile their entire adult lives, use their
smartphones the most and are early adapters and taste makers with new apps and services, but can be
difficult to reach. The panel discussed the best way to approach this demographic.
Shauna Axton – Head of Strategy, MRY, Michael Bruckstein – Group Planning Director, Neo@Ogilvy West,
Guillaume Lelait – General Manager, Fetch, Jason Fuentes – Head of Mobile, RadiumOne; Moderator: Brian
Anderson – Partner, Sheppard Mullin
• Their social platform-method of communication is different
• Young consumers are multi-tasking, over-sharing, not emailing or texting as much, but using more one
on one platforms like Snapchat
• They are experimenters when it comes to media and have no problem downloading an app, but also
move on quickly if it doesn't offer something of value to them
• Young consumers are willing to try things and share data. Because of that, it's easy to create rich
profiles are young demographic. They're willing to give data as long as you show value to them in them
• Brands are understanding millennials and understand the journey.
Want More Insight?
On March 4, Mobile Media Summit @ Mobile World Congress will focus on mobile media and
advertising global best practices from the top global brands and agencies. With superior keynotes,
panels and case studies, the agenda will combine world class speakers and insights to make MWC
productive and stimulating.
If you can’t make it abroad, be sure to check out the lineup for the rest of Mobile Media Summit
events in 2015!

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Mobile Media Summit San Francisco 2015

  • 2. Getting C-Level Love Now that everyone is convinced that mobile is an important part of the marketing mix, what do CMOs want and how do you get their attention? Steve Katelman – EVP, Omnicom Media Group, Angela Courtin – Chief Marketing Officer, Relativity Media, JP Aguirre – SVP, Managing Director, UM; Moderator: Sky Holden – SVP National Brand Sales, Opera Mediaworks • For the first time people are spending more time on mobile than TV • People pick up their phones an average 150 times a day showing the way people react to their phone is different than how they react to their desktop • Think about the migration and a mobile first experience. You have 3-8 seconds to convert from a video • Marketing an app: first step is making sure people know your app is there, but it all boils down to: is app adding value? • There is an industry need to standardize creative units • Mobile web vs. app, neither is going away
  • 3. Mobile Touch-points Across Brand Marketing Mobile is an important part of brand outreach and retention across multiple touch-points and at all stages in the consideration funnel. An in-depth look at finding, engaging, and converting consumers with a mobile strategy. Michael Lacorazza – EVP, Brand and Advertising, Wells Fargo, Shiv Singh – SVP Global Head of Digital and Marketing Transformation, Visa; Moderator: Paran Johar – CEO and Founder, Mobile Media Summit • Mobile has changed the develop a marketing plan to make it a customer centric view of the journey. and how they intersect • Rooted in data and observing customer behaviors, they're finding mobile is at the center of it • Brands need to think about what's important to the consumer • Drive customer experience as well as drive the business • Focus on bringing in more experiential work to match the tactic to what your objective is. • Prioritize in keeping consumers having a favorable opinion of the brand. Make it emotional/personal.
  • 4. Opening Doors With Mobile – Location and the Point of Sale Location based services are a great way to reach consumers close to the point of purchase. What are the fresh ways brands, retailers, and other marketers using location based campaigns to move the needle for foot traffic? How will mainstreamed mobile payment options change location advertising and how mobile ads are delivered and consumed? Juli Johnson – Group Media Director, BSSP, Ben Gaddis – Chief Innovation Officer, T3, Greg Johnson – EVP of Digital, Swirl; Moderator: Stephanie Sollers – Director of Sales, xAd • Start push media real time, example—Snapchat • Location based offers are coming from the media side and the challenge for the mobile industry to think it all the way through • Geolocation should be hitting across all markets • Try to control the consumer experience from very beginning; you cant control the entire experience, but need to look at metrics
  • 5. Apps vs. Mobile Web: The Great Debate Apple launched the App Store in 2008, propelling native app dominance in mobile marketing. Armed with seven years of insight, we re-open the App vs. Mobile Web debate with the following: 1. Apps are nothing but glorified bookmarks. 2. The mobile web cannot match apps for personal connection to consumers 3. The emergence of HTML5 makes apps irrelevant, anyway. Greg Johns – SVP, Senior Director Digital Strategy, Initiative (Apps) vs. Kristine Segrist – Managing Director, Client Lead, MEC (Mobile Web); Moderator: Diane Brady - Senior Editor, Bloomberg • Browser is not dead, but dying. • There is app exhaustion and app junkyards. • App discoverability sucks! • Brand recognition in shifts of tech usage—look at your own brand, focus on your own strategy. • Look at your data on how consumers working on desktop and incorporate that into mobile. • Apps are portals to mobile web. • There are not black and white barriers, with search and social you're able drive deeper. • Branding vs. ROI: both need to be accomplished. • For apps, think about what you've done to deserve to belong in the consumer's phone.
  • 6. Solving The Mobile Measurement Mystery Accurate mobile data and mobile campaign attribution is the key effectively engaging consumer audiences. Mobile can no longer be a separate channel — it must be integrated into marketers’ cohesive strategy, and mobile measurement will provide the data needed to drive marketers adoption. The panelists provided insights on how mobile data and platforms will enable you effectively measure your mobile campaign and achieve maximum ROI. David Staas – President, NinthDecimal, Samantha Johnson – Media Director, TDA Boulder, Tim Villanueva – Director of Media, Fetch, Kelly Burke – VP Group Media Director, Optimedia; Moderator: Greg Sterling – VP Strategy & Insights, Local Search Association • Will the click remain? Is the click dying? • Standardization will be difficult because how consumers are growing and changing. You can't measure everything by CTR! • Look at offline behavior, attribution and engagement with mobile devices to see how much time consumers are spending with the brand. • Standardization changes on an annual basis because it's moving too quickly because of how consumers are engaging with it. • 30% drop in CTR and foot traffic are inversely correlated.
  • 7. Swimming In Numbers: Delivering Data Dominance Billions of daily ad impressions throw off terabytes of data and provide insights into consumers, if you know how to use them. Given the fast pace of agency and brand marketing operations, how can marketers realistically capture valuable, actionable insights for campaigns? Scott Symonds – Managing Director, Media, AKQA, Mike Margolin – SVP Audience Strategy, RPA, Stuart Meyler – Principal, Beeby Clark+Meyler, Greg Fischer - EVP Media Services, Swirl; Moderator: Omar Tawakol – General Manager, Oracle Data Cloud • Audience data blended with third party data can create advantageous ad buying environments. • Need to create a universal identifier • Linking first and third party data has been challenging especially with security issues. • Create meaningful mobile assets—mobile specific creative and programmatic creative solutions. • Set up an environment for right time marketing, scale over course of time. • Scale is code for inefficiency. • Reach is for when you don't know who your audience is.
  • 8. Layering Location on Mobile Campaigns – Making Dollars Count Location aware campaigns are singularly unique to mobile. Are mobile location campaigns really finding users, and are advertisers getting a bang for their premium spend? What is needed for a great location aware campaign? Arthur Chan – EVP, Digital Marketing, Palisades Mediagroup, Dave Marsey – EVP Managing Director, DigitasLBi, Thierry Cornet – Partner Portfolio Management, Universal McCann, Kyle Acquistapace – Partner, Director of Media & Data Strategy, Deutsch LA; Moderator: Loren Hillberg, President & GM, Thinknear • Hire the best data people you can find! Put energy and resources for your analysts. • Leverage a unique data set. • Scalable targeting technology is GPS • Scale, scale, scale—word of the summit.
  • 9. Monetize: Shake Your Mobile Moneymaker Paid, fremium, in-app purchases, m-commerce, and advertising are all ways to monetize an app. What are the appropriate strategies for different kinds of apps? Where can advertisers add value to the process? Jeremy Lockhorn -VP, Emerging Media & U.S. Mobile Lead, Razorfish, Will Phung – Media Director, M&C Saatchi Mobile, Jeremy Sigel – Director of Mobile, North America, Essence, Hynek Stehno – VP- Digital Director, SMG; Moderator: Eyal Grundstein – Head of Mobile Marketing, GSN • Mobile monetization methods: advertising: banner, video native and others, paid apps, subscriptions - paid content, paywalls within apps, in-app purchases - including “coins”, freemiums, sponsorship - including in-app purchases, incorporate games • When partnering with applications, think what is relevant to the audience that you want and your brand wants to be associated with an audience that is relevant • New world with new apps, no more time for RFPs. • Like the wild west with developers; brand and agencies are able to dictate the games • Only do mobile media if it makes sense for your brand • At the end of the day, platforms like Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram and Snapchat are story telling platforms.
  • 10. How Brands are Increasingly Becoming Mobile First Consumers have flipped the script. We are now using mobile devices more than other digital formats on our social networking, search, shopping, and music and video consumption. We discuss how brands are making the switch to this new mobile first world and what it means for marketers in 2015. Yanyan Ji – Global Brand Director, Qualcomm, Julia Mee – Sr Director Global Advertising, Cisco; Moderator: Ina Fried – Senior Editor, Re/Code • For Qualcomm it's not about being mobile first or second, mobile is in their DNA • Mobile should bring added value to traditional marketing • Forbes study showed 50% US execs say mobile platform more important for them. • Tell a better story • Be true to your brand and your strategy
  • 11. The Banner is not the Answer In-app ads are changing for the better. New formats are replacing the basic banner; native, video and other creative formats are increasing consumer interaction. Our panelists discussed what formats are working and what will evolve in 2015. Vaino Leskinen – Global Director Mobile, TBWACHIATDAY, Jim McArthur – Managing Director, Digitaria/BoM, Gabriel Cheng – Mobile Strategy and Solutions, M&C Saatchi Mobile, Ben Kennedy – Group Director Mobile,Integer; Moderator: Lauren Johnson - Digital Marketing Reporter, Adweek • Banner is not the answer. Banners always lead you to CTR, which is always going to look bad; bots don't help • Banner ad isn't dying—it's evolving • Think about what a click mean to you vs. an impression. • Responsive design is not mobile advertising
  • 12. Flip The Switch: When and How Much Programmatic Programmatic is forecast to account for more than 75% of mobile ad buy by 2017 – this has changed everything in mobile ad planning, creating new opportunities for innovation and efficiencies. What is the best way to integrate mobile programmatic buying, and how do savvy marketers manage and optimize for great results. Brandon Berger – Chief Digital Officer, Worldwide, Ogilvy & Mather, Alison Gensheimer – VP Digital Marketing, Wells Fargo, David Smith – CEO and Founder, Mediasmith; Moderator: Karsten Weide - VP Digital Media & Entertainment, IDC • Not getting enough feedback or granularity and forced to buy mobile in a silo. • We're a cookie based society. • Unique user IDs from Apple and Facebook force us in a silo • Mobile programmatic is actually starting to happen. Leverage on a max scale and need to encourage transparency • No idea where ads end up. It's no different than mobile than online and need a third party to find out where they are. • Programmatic challenge: the freshness of the data, some data is inaccurate. • Brands should be able to determine what is valuable, right now the publishers have that power but they don't always know.
  • 13. Mainstreaming Beacons: The Early Results and 2015 Expectations The power of marketing thru low-frequency beacons and apps excites marketers, but consumers have yet to be convinced. Panelist discussed effective beacon strategies and campaigns – what’s real, what’s hype, and where are we going. Paul Friedland – Director of Marketing, Levi Strauss, Kristin Scheve – VP Media Director, DigitasLBi, Marc Simons – Co-Founder, Giant Spoon; Moderator: Anne Marie Stephen – Chapter President, The Location Based Marketing Association • ROI is setting expectations. • Use beacons as part of an integrated campaign, they aren't the only piece • Look at beacons as part of the whole marketing mix • ROI is challenging but getting there. • One of the biggest challenges is an arms race. How do you get the app to scale to see adoption? How do you get consumers to adopt your app?
  • 14. The Mobile Natives: Reaching Young Consumers Consumers under age 25, the “new mobile natives” have known mobile their entire adult lives, use their smartphones the most and are early adapters and taste makers with new apps and services, but can be difficult to reach. The panel discussed the best way to approach this demographic. Shauna Axton – Head of Strategy, MRY, Michael Bruckstein – Group Planning Director, Neo@Ogilvy West, Guillaume Lelait – General Manager, Fetch, Jason Fuentes – Head of Mobile, RadiumOne; Moderator: Brian Anderson – Partner, Sheppard Mullin • Their social platform-method of communication is different • Young consumers are multi-tasking, over-sharing, not emailing or texting as much, but using more one on one platforms like Snapchat • They are experimenters when it comes to media and have no problem downloading an app, but also move on quickly if it doesn't offer something of value to them • Young consumers are willing to try things and share data. Because of that, it's easy to create rich profiles are young demographic. They're willing to give data as long as you show value to them in them sharing. • Brands are understanding millennials and understand the journey.
  • 15. Want More Insight? On March 4, Mobile Media Summit @ Mobile World Congress will focus on mobile media and advertising global best practices from the top global brands and agencies. With superior keynotes, panels and case studies, the agenda will combine world class speakers and insights to make MWC productive and stimulating. If you can’t make it abroad, be sure to check out the lineup for the rest of Mobile Media Summit events in 2015!