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Intelligence Applied
How markets grow up
And what it means for brands’ connection strategies
Connected Life 2014
Special edition
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Connected Life
How markets grow up
Intelligence Applied | Special edition
There are at least four different
personalities that digital markets
can adopt as they develop; to
succeed, marketers need a precise
understanding of the specialist roles
that digital platforms can play for each.
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Connected Life
How markets grow up
Intelligence Applied | Special edition
The advance of internet access is often portrayed as a
simple progression with little room for variation – and
inevitable consequences for marketers. Digital leads
to fragmented audiences and diminishing returns;
building awareness and engagement becomes harder
work with less certain rewards. The media landscape
becomes a maelstrom of proliferating touchpoints
and uncertain consumer behaviour.
In reality, more touchpoints mean more choice, for
both consumer and marketer. Although markets grow
up in a number of different ways, the consumers
within those markets use their devices in a manner
that is largely predictable, provided you know which
devices they can access and what attitudes they have
towards those devices. As the availability of different
devices increases, consumer media consumption
becomes more specialised, with different roles for
different platforms at different times of the day.
Because this specialisation follows a logical pattern,
there is a real opportunity for marketers to follow
consumers precisely from platform to platform.
Understanding the role that a device or channel
plays within a given consumer’s day offers new
opportunity to engage within a specific context.
Media fragmentation may make mass targeting
more challenging, but it also offers robust,
precision targeting at scale – when specialised
digital routines provide a rich variety of platforms
and purposeful opportunities.
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Connected Life
How markets grow up
Intelligence Applied | Special edition
The alternative personalities of digital markets
Markets grow up in different ways as their
inhabitants settle on the uses of technology that
best fit their needs and their resources. The key to
understanding each market lies in an appreciation
both of the access that consumers have to different
digital technologies – and their attitudes towards
using them. Market forces and history combine to
dictate access: the availability of technology and the
price at which it is made available. Attitudes can
be both drivers and barriers to adoption; drivers for
the early adopters who actively seek out the latest
devices, barriers for those habitual users who are
already comfortable with what they have and are
less inclined to look elsewhere.
Whilst it is true that mobile is taking on a more
central role across all markets, this can happen
far quicker in those markets with no past history
of using other devices, and where low-cost
smartphones offer the most affordable route online.
This lack of pre-existing alternative forms of web
access distinguishes single-device, mobile-centric
markets like Kenya (where 98 per cent of time online
is spent on a mobile) from those such as Egypt,
where legacies of desktop use make internet users
slower to migrate to other devices, and 67 per cent
of time online continues to take place on a PC. Cost
of data can still provide a barrier to access in single-
device, mobile-centric markets, but it also provides
an opportunity for brands that are alive to access
and attitudes. Unilever has had considerable success
in India’s rural regions by offering free entertainment,
served with accompanying ads, on mobile platforms.
The proliferation of alternative digital technologies
helps to shift attitudes within a market, but is no
guarantee that they will shift quickly. In many such
markets, the PC remains central for the majority of
consumers. In Germany, it accounts for 69 per cent
of time online, and a willingness to wait for this
preferred digital experience (rather than going online
at any time through tablet or smartphone) helps to
explain why overall time online for Germany stands
at only 3.0 hours, whilst Kenya leapfrogs to 3.2
The key differentiator between a multiple-device,
PC-centric market such as Germany and a multiple-
device, mobile-centric market such as Hong Kong
isn’t in the access to technology; it’s all in the
attitudes and lifestyle. Developed markets where
early adoption has become a mainstream behaviour
don’t necessarily spend that much more time online
– but they have huge flexibility as to when and
where that time online takes place. The fact that 51
per cent of time online in Hong Kong is spent on a
mobile or tablet device doesn’t add up to that much
more time online overall (3.9 hours per day), but it
hugely expands the range of needs that digital can
meet. And it’s this broadening of the roles that digital
media can take on that has the most significant
implications for traditional media channels.
% = proportion of online time spent on device

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This document discusses how technology intersects with people and consumer behavior. It emphasizes understanding consumer needs and contexts over focusing on specific technologies. Key ideas include anticipating new demand patterns, embracing consumer behaviors, and enhancing experiences rather than trying to change behaviors. The goal is to use technology to create value for people through utility, relevance, immediacy and other factors.

LUMA's 2014 MMA Summit Keynote
LUMA's 2014 MMA Summit KeynoteLUMA's 2014 MMA Summit Keynote
LUMA's 2014 MMA Summit Keynote

The document discusses the evolving mobile advertising landscape. It notes that mobile is becoming a greater part of everyday life and the greatest advertising opportunity. While mobile ad spend and M&A deals are increasing, funding for mobile ad tech is decreasing. It also discusses the rise of native mobile ad formats and the importance of content in branding. Looking ahead, it outlines the large total addressable market opportunity across various mobile-related sectors such as marketing, advertising, and commerce.

E marketer key_digital_trends_for_2014
E marketer key_digital_trends_for_2014E marketer key_digital_trends_for_2014
E marketer key_digital_trends_for_2014

This document discusses 4 key digital trends for 2014: 1. Mobile devices have moved to the center of consumers' multiplatform experience and engagement. Mobile advertising spending will grow over 50% as it becomes a majority activity in the US. 2. Marketers will accelerate messaging to engage "always on" consumers across multiple screens through tactics like programmatic buying. 3. Constant connectivity is enabling "always on commerce" as shopping moves inside out to mobile devices. 4. Social media bridges consumers' cross-screen interactions and will continue to increase as a percentage of digital advertising.

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Connected Life
How markets grow up
Intelligence Applied | Special edition
More devices = more media
As the potential roles that digital media can play
increase, the use of traditional media itself becomes
more specialised. Many tend to assume that
traditional platforms are simply ousted from the daily
media routine once digital alternatives arrive on the
scene. The reality is far more nuanced. Attitudes,
as well as access, define how consumers choose to
consume media.
Morning media routines are dominated by a need
to catch up on news, and 15 per cent of German
internet users still turn to a traditional printed
newspaper to do so. Interestingly, this figure does
not dip significantly in Hong Kong, where 13 per
cent of internet users do the same. However, in a
mobile-centric market such as this, a faster and more
social alternative is clearly emerging. Almost half (47
per cent) of internet users in Hong Kong pick up a
mobile device before getting out of bed; 21 per cent
of those in Kenya do the same.
Traditional media consumption patterns are being
similarly disrupted during evening, when the TV once
reigned supreme. Amongst worldwide internet users,
only around 54 per cent of TV viewing during the
early evening now represents undivided attention.
For the rest of their time in front of the TV, viewers
are simultaneously carrying out other activities, on
other platforms. This division of attention peaks in
the markets that have the greatest range of digital
devices available.
Many tend to assume that
traditional platforms are simply
ousted from the daily media
routine once digital alternatives
arrive on the scene. The reality
is far more nuanced.
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Connected Life
How markets grow up
Intelligence Applied | Special edition
More devices = more media = more opportunity
At first glance, this seems like a damaging constraint
on the reach and effectiveness of TV advertising.
However, the data also shows that 25 per cent
of digital device usage taking place in front of
the TV involves social media and other forms
of communication. Fragmentation such as this
undoubtedly represents a challenge to marketers –
but for brands able to earn attention and generate
engagement, it also represents a significant
opportunity for amplification and advocacy.
Similarly, the minutes that those in Kenya and Hong
Kong spend in bed with a mobile device, prior to
getting up, represent a wholly relevant opportunity
for messaging from oral care or breakfast brands.
The key to success for marketers lies in identifying
the specific context for use of particular devices, and
leveraging this to their advantage.
It is through such precise understanding that brands
can transform the challenge of media fragmentation
into the opportunity of increased relevance and
engagement. Internet penetration levels alone do not
dictate the impact of digital on media consumption,
and pegging digital media spend to this metric alone
misses the point. Instead, marketers must seek to
understand the access and attitudes that consumers
have to different digital devices. Doing so at a
granular level holds the key to delivering tailored,
personalised, context-specific messages to different
groups – and to doing so at scale, on whichever
platform they happen to use.
It is through such precise
understanding that brands
can transform the challenge
of media fragmentation into
the opportunity of increased
relevance and engagement.
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Connected Life
How markets grow up
Intelligence Applied | Special edition
About Connected Life
Connected Life is a leading global study of the digital attitudes and behaviours of over 55,000 internet users
across 50 countries, exploring how technology is transforming the lives of consumers across the world. It offers
essential insight into the impact of the growing digital ecosystem on the media landscape.
Connected Life also uncovers new and exciting opportunities for marketers to connect with their consumers in
this increasingly complex environment; it is a powerful tool that helps brands make better digital decisions.
The fieldwork was undertaken in all markets between March and June 2014.
Please visit www.tnsglobal.com/connectedlife for further information.
About TNS
TNS advises clients on specific growth strategies around new market entry, innovation, brand switching
and stakeholder management, based on long-established expertise and market-leading solutions. With a
presence in over 80 countries, TNS has more conversations with the world’s consumers than anyone else and
understands individual human behaviours and attitudes across every cultural, economic and political region of
the world.
TNS is part of Kantar, the data investment management division of WPP and one of the world’s largest insight,
information and consultancy groups.
Get in touch
If you would like to talk to us about anything you have read in this report, please get in touch via
enquiries@tnsglobal.com or via Twitter @tns_global
About the author
Joe Webb, Head of Digital, TNS Asia
Pacific, has spent his career helping brands
get closer to their consumers through
digital research solutions. Since joining
TNS in 2007, his experiences have spanned
publishing work on how to measure brand interactions on
social media, designing and launching the award-winning
Digital Life study in 60 countries and delivering digital
insights at conferences in three different continents.
As Head of Digital, TNS Asia Pacific, Joe continues to help
brands get closer to their consumers, whether through the
delivery of digital understanding that ultimately leads to
improved marketing practices or the integration of digital
methodologies that delivers enhanced consumer research.
How digital markets grow up

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E marketer key_digital_trends_for_2014

This document provides a summary of key digital trends for 2014, with a focus on the rising central role of mobile devices. It discusses how: 1) Mobile devices, especially smartphones and tablets, have become the center of consumers' multi-platform lives as they spend more time on these than desktops. This will drive continued strong growth in mobile advertising spending. 2) The trend of "always on" consumers being constantly connected will increase pressure on marketers to accelerate their messaging through channels like real-time bidding to engage consumers amid competition. 3) Always being connected also means consumers are always shopping, increasing demands on retailers to enable faster, more convenient delivery options. 4) Social media continues to

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How digital markets grow up

  • 1. Share this 1 1 Intelligence Applied How markets grow up And what it means for brands’ connection strategies Connected Life 2014 Special edition
  • 2. Share this 2 Connected Life How markets grow up Intelligence Applied | Special edition There are at least four different personalities that digital markets can adopt as they develop; to succeed, marketers need a precise understanding of the specialist roles that digital platforms can play for each.
  • 3. Share this 3 Connected Life How markets grow up Intelligence Applied | Special edition The advance of internet access is often portrayed as a simple progression with little room for variation – and inevitable consequences for marketers. Digital leads to fragmented audiences and diminishing returns; building awareness and engagement becomes harder work with less certain rewards. The media landscape becomes a maelstrom of proliferating touchpoints and uncertain consumer behaviour. In reality, more touchpoints mean more choice, for both consumer and marketer. Although markets grow up in a number of different ways, the consumers within those markets use their devices in a manner that is largely predictable, provided you know which devices they can access and what attitudes they have towards those devices. As the availability of different devices increases, consumer media consumption becomes more specialised, with different roles for different platforms at different times of the day. Because this specialisation follows a logical pattern, there is a real opportunity for marketers to follow consumers precisely from platform to platform. Understanding the role that a device or channel plays within a given consumer’s day offers new opportunity to engage within a specific context. Media fragmentation may make mass targeting more challenging, but it also offers robust, precision targeting at scale – when specialised digital routines provide a rich variety of platforms and purposeful opportunities.
  • 4. Share this 4 Connected Life How markets grow up Intelligence Applied | Special edition The alternative personalities of digital markets Markets grow up in different ways as their inhabitants settle on the uses of technology that best fit their needs and their resources. The key to understanding each market lies in an appreciation both of the access that consumers have to different digital technologies – and their attitudes towards using them. Market forces and history combine to dictate access: the availability of technology and the price at which it is made available. Attitudes can be both drivers and barriers to adoption; drivers for the early adopters who actively seek out the latest devices, barriers for those habitual users who are already comfortable with what they have and are less inclined to look elsewhere. Whilst it is true that mobile is taking on a more central role across all markets, this can happen far quicker in those markets with no past history of using other devices, and where low-cost smartphones offer the most affordable route online. This lack of pre-existing alternative forms of web access distinguishes single-device, mobile-centric markets like Kenya (where 98 per cent of time online is spent on a mobile) from those such as Egypt, where legacies of desktop use make internet users slower to migrate to other devices, and 67 per cent of time online continues to take place on a PC. Cost of data can still provide a barrier to access in single- device, mobile-centric markets, but it also provides an opportunity for brands that are alive to access and attitudes. Unilever has had considerable success in India’s rural regions by offering free entertainment, served with accompanying ads, on mobile platforms. The proliferation of alternative digital technologies helps to shift attitudes within a market, but is no guarantee that they will shift quickly. In many such markets, the PC remains central for the majority of consumers. In Germany, it accounts for 69 per cent of time online, and a willingness to wait for this preferred digital experience (rather than going online at any time through tablet or smartphone) helps to explain why overall time online for Germany stands at only 3.0 hours, whilst Kenya leapfrogs to 3.2 The key differentiator between a multiple-device, PC-centric market such as Germany and a multiple- device, mobile-centric market such as Hong Kong isn’t in the access to technology; it’s all in the attitudes and lifestyle. Developed markets where early adoption has become a mainstream behaviour don’t necessarily spend that much more time online – but they have huge flexibility as to when and where that time online takes place. The fact that 51 per cent of time online in Hong Kong is spent on a mobile or tablet device doesn’t add up to that much more time online overall (3.9 hours per day), but it hugely expands the range of needs that digital can meet. And it’s this broadening of the roles that digital media can take on that has the most significant implications for traditional media channels. 69% Germany 98% Kenya 67% Egypt 51% Hong Kong % = proportion of online time spent on device
  • 5. Share this 5 Connected Life How markets grow up Intelligence Applied | Special edition More devices = more media As the potential roles that digital media can play increase, the use of traditional media itself becomes more specialised. Many tend to assume that traditional platforms are simply ousted from the daily media routine once digital alternatives arrive on the scene. The reality is far more nuanced. Attitudes, as well as access, define how consumers choose to consume media. Morning media routines are dominated by a need to catch up on news, and 15 per cent of German internet users still turn to a traditional printed newspaper to do so. Interestingly, this figure does not dip significantly in Hong Kong, where 13 per cent of internet users do the same. However, in a mobile-centric market such as this, a faster and more social alternative is clearly emerging. Almost half (47 per cent) of internet users in Hong Kong pick up a mobile device before getting out of bed; 21 per cent of those in Kenya do the same. Traditional media consumption patterns are being similarly disrupted during evening, when the TV once reigned supreme. Amongst worldwide internet users, only around 54 per cent of TV viewing during the early evening now represents undivided attention. For the rest of their time in front of the TV, viewers are simultaneously carrying out other activities, on other platforms. This division of attention peaks in the markets that have the greatest range of digital devices available. Many tend to assume that traditional platforms are simply ousted from the daily media routine once digital alternatives arrive on the scene. The reality is far more nuanced.
  • 6. Share this 6 Connected Life How markets grow up Intelligence Applied | Special edition More devices = more media = more opportunity At first glance, this seems like a damaging constraint on the reach and effectiveness of TV advertising. However, the data also shows that 25 per cent of digital device usage taking place in front of the TV involves social media and other forms of communication. Fragmentation such as this undoubtedly represents a challenge to marketers – but for brands able to earn attention and generate engagement, it also represents a significant opportunity for amplification and advocacy. Similarly, the minutes that those in Kenya and Hong Kong spend in bed with a mobile device, prior to getting up, represent a wholly relevant opportunity for messaging from oral care or breakfast brands. The key to success for marketers lies in identifying the specific context for use of particular devices, and leveraging this to their advantage. It is through such precise understanding that brands can transform the challenge of media fragmentation into the opportunity of increased relevance and engagement. Internet penetration levels alone do not dictate the impact of digital on media consumption, and pegging digital media spend to this metric alone misses the point. Instead, marketers must seek to understand the access and attitudes that consumers have to different digital devices. Doing so at a granular level holds the key to delivering tailored, personalised, context-specific messages to different groups – and to doing so at scale, on whichever platform they happen to use. It is through such precise understanding that brands can transform the challenge of media fragmentation into the opportunity of increased relevance and engagement.
  • 7. Share this 7 Connected Life How markets grow up Intelligence Applied | Special edition About Connected Life Connected Life is a leading global study of the digital attitudes and behaviours of over 55,000 internet users across 50 countries, exploring how technology is transforming the lives of consumers across the world. It offers essential insight into the impact of the growing digital ecosystem on the media landscape. Connected Life also uncovers new and exciting opportunities for marketers to connect with their consumers in this increasingly complex environment; it is a powerful tool that helps brands make better digital decisions. The fieldwork was undertaken in all markets between March and June 2014. Please visit www.tnsglobal.com/connectedlife for further information. About TNS TNS advises clients on specific growth strategies around new market entry, innovation, brand switching and stakeholder management, based on long-established expertise and market-leading solutions. With a presence in over 80 countries, TNS has more conversations with the world’s consumers than anyone else and understands individual human behaviours and attitudes across every cultural, economic and political region of the world. TNS is part of Kantar, the data investment management division of WPP and one of the world’s largest insight, information and consultancy groups. Get in touch If you would like to talk to us about anything you have read in this report, please get in touch via enquiries@tnsglobal.com or via Twitter @tns_global About the author Joe Webb, Head of Digital, TNS Asia Pacific, has spent his career helping brands get closer to their consumers through digital research solutions. Since joining TNS in 2007, his experiences have spanned publishing work on how to measure brand interactions on social media, designing and launching the award-winning Digital Life study in 60 countries and delivering digital insights at conferences in three different continents. As Head of Digital, TNS Asia Pacific, Joe continues to help brands get closer to their consumers, whether through the delivery of digital understanding that ultimately leads to improved marketing practices or the integration of digital methodologies that delivers enhanced consumer research.