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Major disasters and emergencies can occur whenever there is no
set time or date, and they inevitably inflict human suffering,
and nurses are expected to respond and provide services during
these catastrophic times. Lost within this expectation are the
experiences and concerns of the nurses who are called upon and
intend to respond to the disaster, and yet are themselves
affected by the disaster (Stangeland, 2010). It is in everyone's
best interest to be prepared and trained to face any dramatic
situation. The United States government and communities will
have in place disaster health policies and protocols that all
employees must be familiar with. Health policies are necessary
for the healthcare system, as it provides regulations that give
solutions to issues in the field. Policies must not only be in
place for those health care providers with the patients but also
critical care responders, material suppliers, receivers of
supplies and patients, and any community member volunteering.
Some examples of health policies are Affordable Care Act
(ACA) and Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (Mason
et al., 2016). Many times, policies will alter the scope of
practice and standards in order to give more access to care and
increase coverage. The policy also ensures delivery of safe and
cost-effective quality care to the patients which is essential
especially during a time of crisis that is occurring now and
many people are afraid of getting treatment because of the high
cost. Lastly, in times of an emergency, nurses need to know
protocol and have a general understanding on what to do in
order to save the patient's lives.
Health policy does influence the nursing practice, in a normal
situation they provide guidelines for nurse's inpatient care. In
abnormal situations, policies can be the guiding light at the end
of tunnel. During a disaster, hospital managers and decision-
makers must prepare nurses to be ready to respond in a rapid
and effective manner. Nurses must be training on protocols and
have a general understanding in case the situation occurs, and
actions may be taken. This knowledge will also help shape
nursing response, improve preparedness measures, such as
education, training and planning; nurses are one of the largest
groups of emergency responders during a disaster and are at risk
for psychosocial problems that may need interventions to help
them cope with exposure to disasters. It is highly recommended
that decision-makers and leaders ensure the availability of
educational activities that enhance nurses’ knowledge and skills
in this area; also, an improvement of the policies and
procedures related to disaster nursing to ensure that nurses have
no conflict or ethical issues (Al Harthi et al., 2020). There may
be some gray areas and blurred Iines when it comes to
emergency and disaster responses; however, nurses must feel
confident in their actions. Nurses, as well as other health care
providers, can give good insight and contribute to the formation
of health policies. Knowing what has happened and how things
can be better can help in instructing future emergent situations.
Health legislations are formulated and implemented in response
to a health need or problem. Most developed countries,
including the USA, have relatively well-established healthcare
policies implemented for various reasons. Some of the famous
health policies include the Affordable Care Act and All -Hazard
Preparedness Act. These policies can impact the nursing
practice in diverse ways. Some health care issues in the USA
include high costs of medical services and accessibility of
quality care. Most of the implemented health policies aim to
reduce healthcare disparities attributed to the challenges
mentioned above. I work as a registered nurse on a medical-
surgical floor, and I have observed some of the nursing
practice's health policy impacts. Health policies can impact
nursing practice by improving patient access to care, reducing
medical costs, and improving patient health outcomes.
Policies such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) increase the
accessibility to medical care. According to Mason et al. (2016),
implementing policies that change the scope and standards of
care can ensure access to care. The ACA allows individuals to
frequently access health care, which improves the treatment and
management of their conditions. Patients are not limited to
medical care as long as they are insured through Medicaid or
Medicare plans. These policies also allow nurses to attend to
patients adequately, translating to desirable health outcomes.
Health policies such as the Affordable Care Act reduce medical
costs significantly and allow more people to access medical care
than before. Maddox et al. (2019) state that ACA was developed
as a strategy to reduce medical costs for USA citizens. Health
care in our country is quite expensive, and the government
thought it wise to subsidize the health sector to enable more
people to access medical care. Medical costs for USA citizens
have tremendously reduced since the introduction of the policy.
Individuals can come freely to the facility to seek surgical
treatments. The number of patients coming to the surgical floor
for medical diagnosis and advice has significantly increased
over the last three years. Still, some extremel y low-income
families are unable to afford even the lowest medical expenses.
The government needs to consider this vulnerable population
and devise ways to improve their health for a healthy nation and
increase productivity.
Some health policies "guarantee " improved patient care and
outcomes for all people. For instance, the Affordable Care Act
provisions impose a 3% penalty on Medicare payments if they
record high readmission cases within one month (Birk, 2016).
The Act is based on the assumption that high readmissions are
indicators of inadequate health care. The legislation pushes
hospitals to offer the best medical care they can to avoid
detrimental fines that could deter their operations. My
workplace has mechanisms to ensure patients are appropriately
handled when they walk into the facility until they leave.
Minimum cases of readmissions have been witnessed for a long,
which suggests excellent medical care is delivered.
Overall, health policies have a significant impact on nursing
practice. Most policies are tailored to address the people's
problems or needs, and the Affordable Care Act initiated by
President Obama's administration has contributed significantly
to these efforts. Policies can improve access to care, reduce
medical costs and improve patient outcomes. Governments
should encourage the implementation of policies that protect the
interests of the population for a healthy nation.
The nursing process is a mutual goal setting, data collection,
diagnosis, planning, treatment, evaluation, and documentation.
The research process is the protection of human subjects,
literature review, problem, purpose, design, sample, setting,
research questions, hypotheses, instruments, procedures, data
analysis, results, limitations, discussion, and dissemination. The
evidence-based practice involves formulating the clinical
question, searching efficiently for the best available evidence,
critically analyzing the evidence for its validity and usefulness,
integrating the appraisal with personal clinical expertise and
client's preferences, evaluating one's performance or outcomes
of actions, and disseminating and communicating knowledge
(Stavor et al., 2017).
There are both similarities between the research process, the
evidence-based practice process, and the nursing process.

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The document discusses the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model and its potential benefits. It summarizes that the PCMH aims to provide patient-centered, coordinated care through a personal physician leading a team. Data from other countries shows primary care-focused systems have better outcomes and lower costs. The PCMH may benefit primary care physicians through payment reform recognizing care coordination work. It may benefit patients through improved access and chronic disease management support. Subspecialists may also benefit from opportunities to lead medical homes and fewer administrative hassles.

Basically, all processes aim to provide a solution to a problem
or an issue. The three processes are based on theoretical
frameworks and facts. In all processes education and practice
play an important role in identifying the actual solution for the
problem. The three processes are appliable in the health care
industry intending to improve the quality of services to the
patients. They are all based on empirical evidence and practice
(Pérez Rivas et al., 2016). They all follow a systema tic
procedure for achieving various goals and objectives.
The research process, the evidence-based practice process, and
the nursing process are all procedures that require action. As
mentioned above, they all have a set of sequential procedures
that must be completed for them to be considered as successful.
However, the procedures for each process are different and they
must be followed strictly in order to achieve the expected
outcomes. The three processes are carried out by professionals
in their respective fields (Stavor et al., 2017). This is because to
undertake the three processes, distinct skills and experience are
required. The three processes rely on each other. Effective
nursing processes require appropriate evidence-based practice
in research.
There are differences between the research process, the
evidence-based practice process, and the nursing process. Each
of these processes is entirely different from the other. The
nursing process is different from the other processes because it
is only applicable in the medical field. The research process can
be applied in all fields and evidence-based practice applies to
areas that require justification of study or practice. According
to Pérez Rivas et al. (2016), the core purpose of every
procedure differentiates the research process, the evidence-
based practice process, and the nursing process. While the
nursing process is entirely conducted to plan and provide unique
health care solutions to improve the outcomes of the patients,
the knowledge to be applied in both the evidence-based practice
process is obtained from the research process.
In terms of implementation, the differences in the three
processes are observed because the research process and
evidence-based practice process is rigorous than the nursing
process. The outcomes of the processes are different. The
findings and results of the research process are used to generate
new knowledge. The evidence-based practice process involves
converting the knowledge collected in the research process to
practice. On the other hand, the knowledge of the nursing
process is used to maintain patients, families, and the entire
health of the community.
The Nursing Research, Evidenced-Based Practice, and the
Nursing Process are critical aspects of the healthcare system.
The three tasks are implemented separately, despite many
interconnected facets and resources, notwithstanding their
unique arrangements for nursing practice. For instance, nursing
research improves wellness and health promotion information
over the entire lifespan, treatment for people with health
conditions and disabilities, and nursing actions to strengthen
individuals’ ability to respond effectively to real or possible
health problems. EBP refers to the use of an empirical basis, of
the best available evidence for decision making and the
provision of efficient and effective patient care. EBP is the
diligent, explicit, and judicious use of the existing best proof in
making decisions about the treatment of the individual patient.
The nursing process is a systematic methodology that uses
scientific reasoning, problem-solving, and critical thinking to
guide nurses to effectively care for patients.
It is important to translate scientific evidence into clinical
practice to ensure the safe, transparent, reliable, and efficient
provision of healthcare and to meet the needs of patients,
families, and the community. It is difficult to translate research
into clinical practice, despite its significance. Contrary, EBP is
not about discovering new knowledge or validating existing
knowledge. It is about transforming the evidence into the
clinical decision- making and applying it. The aim of EBP is to
make patient-care decisions using the best available data. On
the other hand, the Nursing process is a structured problem-
solving technique used to recognize, avoid and manage current
or future health conditions and encourage wellbeing. It was
initially an adapted type of problem-solving methodology based
on the philosophy used every day by nurses to help patients
improve their health and assist physicians to treat patients. Its
primary goal is to consider the health status of the clients and
the issues that might be real. h
The similarities between the three processes are that they all
have to follow different steps and resulted in an improvement of
positive patient outcomes. Researchers must use the scientific
method in orderly sequential steps for study findings to be
considered accurate and legitimate. The method starts with
burning questions. The nursing process is made up of a set of
five phases assessment, diagnosis, outcomes, implementation,
and evaluation used to accomplish the purpose of maintaining
wellbeing. It is a scientific approach for providing holistic and
consistent nursing care. Finally, in order to ensure efficacy,
EBP usually has seven important measures that have to be
considered. The phase includes the creation of an inquisitive
spirit, the detection of clinical problems, the compilation of
world-class data, the evaluation of evidence, the alignment of
consumer desires and values, the assessment of change, and the
dispersion of EBP performance. Systematic steps must be
implemented by nurses to efficiently exploit EBP and to provide
a systematic consistency and holistic approach.
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#include string.h#include stdlib.h#include systypes.h.docx#include string.h#include stdlib.h#include systypes.h.docx
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4 replies one for each claudiamajor disasters and eme

  • 1. 4 replies One for each Claudia Major disasters and emergencies can occur whenever there is no set time or date, and they inevitably inflict human suffering, and nurses are expected to respond and provide services during these catastrophic times. Lost within this expectation are the experiences and concerns of the nurses who are called upon and intend to respond to the disaster, and yet are themselves affected by the disaster (Stangeland, 2010). It is in everyone's best interest to be prepared and trained to face any dramatic situation. The United States government and communities will have in place disaster health policies and protocols that all employees must be familiar with. Health policies are necessary for the healthcare system, as it provides regulations that give solutions to issues in the field. Policies must not only be in place for those health care providers with the patients but also critical care responders, material suppliers, receivers of supplies and patients, and any community member volunteering. Some examples of health policies are Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (Mason et al., 2016). Many times, policies will alter the scope of practice and standards in order to give more access to care and increase coverage. The policy also ensures delivery of safe and cost-effective quality care to the patients which is essential especially during a time of crisis that is occurring now and many people are afraid of getting treatment because of the high cost. Lastly, in times of an emergency, nurses need to know protocol and have a general understanding on what to do in order to save the patient's lives.
  • 2. Health policy does influence the nursing practice, in a normal situation they provide guidelines for nurse's inpatient care. In abnormal situations, policies can be the guiding light at the end of tunnel. During a disaster, hospital managers and decision- makers must prepare nurses to be ready to respond in a rapid and effective manner. Nurses must be training on protocols and have a general understanding in case the situation occurs, and actions may be taken. This knowledge will also help shape nursing response, improve preparedness measures, such as education, training and planning; nurses are one of the largest groups of emergency responders during a disaster and are at risk for psychosocial problems that may need interventions to help them cope with exposure to disasters. It is highly recommended that decision-makers and leaders ensure the availability of educational activities that enhance nurses’ knowledge and skills in this area; also, an improvement of the policies and procedures related to disaster nursing to ensure that nurses have no conflict or ethical issues (Al Harthi et al., 2020). There may be some gray areas and blurred Iines when it comes to emergency and disaster responses; however, nurses must feel confident in their actions. Nurses, as well as other health care providers, can give good insight and contribute to the formation of health policies. Knowing what has happened and how things can be better can help in instructing future emergent situations. Aracelys Health legislations are formulated and implemented in response to a health need or problem. Most developed countries, including the USA, have relatively well-established healthcare policies implemented for various reasons. Some of the famous health policies include the Affordable Care Act and All -Hazard Preparedness Act. These policies can impact the nursing practice in diverse ways. Some health care issues in the USA include high costs of medical services and accessibility of quality care. Most of the implemented health policies aim to reduce healthcare disparities attributed to the challenges mentioned above. I work as a registered nurse on a medical-
  • 3. surgical floor, and I have observed some of the nursing practice's health policy impacts. Health policies can impact nursing practice by improving patient access to care, reducing medical costs, and improving patient health outcomes. Policies such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) increase the accessibility to medical care. According to Mason et al. (2016), implementing policies that change the scope and standards of care can ensure access to care. The ACA allows individuals to frequently access health care, which improves the treatment and management of their conditions. Patients are not limited to medical care as long as they are insured through Medicaid or Medicare plans. These policies also allow nurses to attend to patients adequately, translating to desirable health outcomes. Health policies such as the Affordable Care Act reduce medical costs significantly and allow more people to access medical care than before. Maddox et al. (2019) state that ACA was developed as a strategy to reduce medical costs for USA citizens. Health care in our country is quite expensive, and the government thought it wise to subsidize the health sector to enable more people to access medical care. Medical costs for USA citizens have tremendously reduced since the introduction of the policy. Individuals can come freely to the facility to seek surgical treatments. The number of patients coming to the surgical floor for medical diagnosis and advice has significantly increased over the last three years. Still, some extremel y low-income families are unable to afford even the lowest medical expenses. The government needs to consider this vulnerable population and devise ways to improve their health for a healthy nation and increase productivity. Some health policies "guarantee " improved patient care and outcomes for all people. For instance, the Affordable Care Act provisions impose a 3% penalty on Medicare payments if they record high readmission cases within one month (Birk, 2016). The Act is based on the assumption that high readmissions are indicators of inadequate health care. The legislation pushes hospitals to offer the best medical care they can to avoid
  • 4. detrimental fines that could deter their operations. My workplace has mechanisms to ensure patients are appropriately handled when they walk into the facility until they leave. Minimum cases of readmissions have been witnessed for a long, which suggests excellent medical care is delivered. Overall, health policies have a significant impact on nursing practice. Most policies are tailored to address the people's problems or needs, and the Affordable Care Act initiated by President Obama's administration has contributed significantly to these efforts. Policies can improve access to care, reduce medical costs and improve patient outcomes. Governments should encourage the implementation of policies that protect the interests of the population for a healthy nation. Denise The nursing process is a mutual goal setting, data collection, diagnosis, planning, treatment, evaluation, and documentation. The research process is the protection of human subjects, literature review, problem, purpose, design, sample, setting, research questions, hypotheses, instruments, procedures, data analysis, results, limitations, discussion, and dissemination. The evidence-based practice involves formulating the clinical question, searching efficiently for the best available evidence, critically analyzing the evidence for its validity and usefulness, integrating the appraisal with personal clinical expertise and client's preferences, evaluating one's performance or outcomes of actions, and disseminating and communicating knowledge (Stavor et al., 2017). There are both similarities between the research process, the evidence-based practice process, and the nursing process.
  • 5. Basically, all processes aim to provide a solution to a problem or an issue. The three processes are based on theoretical frameworks and facts. In all processes education and practice play an important role in identifying the actual solution for the problem. The three processes are appliable in the health care industry intending to improve the quality of services to the patients. They are all based on empirical evidence and practice (Pérez Rivas et al., 2016). They all follow a systema tic procedure for achieving various goals and objectives. The research process, the evidence-based practice process, and the nursing process are all procedures that require action. As mentioned above, they all have a set of sequential procedures that must be completed for them to be considered as successful. However, the procedures for each process are different and they must be followed strictly in order to achieve the expected outcomes. The three processes are carried out by professionals in their respective fields (Stavor et al., 2017). This is because to undertake the three processes, distinct skills and experience are required. The three processes rely on each other. Effective nursing processes require appropriate evidence-based practice in research. There are differences between the research process, the evidence-based practice process, and the nursing process. Each of these processes is entirely different from the other. The nursing process is different from the other processes because it is only applicable in the medical field. The research process can be applied in all fields and evidence-based practice applies to areas that require justification of study or practice. According to Pérez Rivas et al. (2016), the core purpose of every procedure differentiates the research process, the evidence- based practice process, and the nursing process. While the nursing process is entirely conducted to plan and provide unique health care solutions to improve the outcomes of the patients, the knowledge to be applied in both the evidence-based practice process is obtained from the research process. In terms of implementation, the differences in the three
  • 6. processes are observed because the research process and evidence-based practice process is rigorous than the nursing process. The outcomes of the processes are different. The findings and results of the research process are used to generate new knowledge. The evidence-based practice process involves converting the knowledge collected in the research process to practice. On the other hand, the knowledge of the nursing process is used to maintain patients, families, and the entire health of the community. Maudeline The Nursing Research, Evidenced-Based Practice, and the Nursing Process are critical aspects of the healthcare system. The three tasks are implemented separately, despite many interconnected facets and resources, notwithstanding their unique arrangements for nursing practice. For instance, nursing research improves wellness and health promotion information over the entire lifespan, treatment for people with health conditions and disabilities, and nursing actions to strengthen individuals’ ability to respond effectively to real or possible health problems. EBP refers to the use of an empirical basis, of the best available evidence for decision making and the provision of efficient and effective patient care. EBP is the diligent, explicit, and judicious use of the existing best proof in making decisions about the treatment of the individual patient. The nursing process is a systematic methodology that uses scientific reasoning, problem-solving, and critical thinking to guide nurses to effectively care for patients. Differences It is important to translate scientific evidence into clinical practice to ensure the safe, transparent, reliable, and efficient provision of healthcare and to meet the needs of patients, families, and the community. It is difficult to translate research
  • 7. into clinical practice, despite its significance. Contrary, EBP is not about discovering new knowledge or validating existing knowledge. It is about transforming the evidence into the clinical decision- making and applying it. The aim of EBP is to make patient-care decisions using the best available data. On the other hand, the Nursing process is a structured problem- solving technique used to recognize, avoid and manage current or future health conditions and encourage wellbeing. It was initially an adapted type of problem-solving methodology based on the philosophy used every day by nurses to help patients improve their health and assist physicians to treat patients. Its primary goal is to consider the health status of the clients and the issues that might be real. h Similarities The similarities between the three processes are that they all have to follow different steps and resulted in an improvement of positive patient outcomes. Researchers must use the scientific method in orderly sequential steps for study findings to be considered accurate and legitimate. The method starts with burning questions. The nursing process is made up of a set of five phases assessment, diagnosis, outcomes, implementation, and evaluation used to accomplish the purpose of maintaining wellbeing. It is a scientific approach for providing holistic and consistent nursing care. Finally, in order to ensure efficacy, EBP usually has seven important measures that have to be considered. The phase includes the creation of an inquisitive spirit, the detection of clinical problems, the compilation of world-class data, the evaluation of evidence, the alignment of consumer desires and values, the assessment of change, and the dispersion of EBP performance. Systematic steps must be implemented by nurses to efficiently exploit EBP and to provide a systematic consistency and holistic approach.